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LE ROEX et al.


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Fig. 2. Selected major element variation diagrams for Kimberley kimberlites. Filled symbols are aphanitic kimberlite; open symbols are
macrocrystic kimberlite.

of the range. Al2O3 and TiO2 both show a broad scatter, although the most evolved aphanitic kimberlite
negative correlation with MgO and Mg number, and samples from Wesselton Floors sill complex have K2O
have similar abundance ranges ( 05 to 55 wt %; abundances that are significantly higher and clearly
Fig. 2b and c). CaO describes an excellent negative displaced from the rest of the samples (Fig. 2f ). P2O5
correlation with SiO2 (Fig. 2d), ranging from abundances show a very broad negative correlation
20 wt % in the most evolved aphanitic samples to with decreasing MgO, ranging from 04 to44 wt %.
5 wt % in the most macrocryst-rich. There is no CO2 contents are variable, ranging from 1 to
correlation between CaO and CO2, arguing against 12 wt %; H2O ‡ (loss on ignition at 950 C minus
control by calcite. FeO (total Fe as FeO) shows CO2) correlates positively with MgO within the apha-
little correlation with MgO in the macrocrystic sam- nitic varieties, and negatively within the macrocrystic
ples ( 7---9 wt %), but the two oxides correlate nega- varieties, with a maximum reached in kimberlites with
tively in the aphanitic varieties, with FeO reaching 27 wt % MgO (Table 1). There is no systematic
136 wt % in the most evolved Wesselton Floors difference in major element composition of the kimber-
sill samples (Fig. 2e). Alkali elements show a general lites from the different pipes, although the aphanitic


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Fig. 3. Variation of selected incompatible trace elements in Kimberley kimberlites. Symbols as in Fig. 2.

samples from the Wesselton Floors sill complex and lithophile elements, although high and variable in
Bultfontein tend to have the most evolved (lowest Mg abundance (Rb 66---158 ppm; Ba 300---3250 ppm; Sr
number) compositions. 360---2260 ppm; Pb 07---248 ppm), do not show strong
correlations either amongst themselves or with the
HFSE. It is clear from Fig. 3 that the macrocrystic
Trace elements kimberlite samples (and aphanitic samples rich in
Trace element concentrations are highly variable. small olivine phenocrysts) have lowest immobile
Ni and Co show a strong correlation with Mg number, incompatible element abundances and highest compa-
with Ni decreasing from 1500 to 350 ppm tible (Ni, Co) element abundances (Table 1). Whereas
and Co from 100 to 56 ppm, with decreasing some element pairs (e.g. Th---La, La---Ce, Zr---Hf ) show
MgO (Table 1). Cr abundances are high ( 600--- tightly constrained positive correlations [e.g. Zr/Nb ˆ
2800 ppm), and show considerable scatter. The high 203  03; Th/U ˆ 40  06; Ba/Nb ˆ 79  37; La/
field strength elements (HFSE) and light rare earth Th ˆ 89  08 (Fig. 3); Zr/Hf ˆ 49  4; Table 1],
elements (LREE) are likewise high in abundance (Zr other pairs (e.g. Zr---La, Nb---La, Hf---La) differentiate
160---910 ppm; Nb 75---400 ppm; Th 8---40 ppm; La the Wesselton Floors sills, aphanitic dykes from
64---335 ppm; Ta 33---356 ppm) and show good DuToitspan and Bultfontein, and two samples (K3/
mutual correlations (Fig. 3). In contrast, the large ion 158, K3/608) from the De Beers pipe, from the majority


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Fig. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE abundances in selected Kimberley kimberlites. (a) shows a selection of samples with diverging LREE
patterns, (b) shows a selection of samples with sub-parallel REE patterns. Shaded field shows the effect of 40% accumulation of garnet
lherzolite, or fractionation of 40% olivine. Normalizing values from Sun & McDonough (1989). Filled symbols aphanitic; open symbols

of macrocrystic samples which have higher Nb, Zr various pipes. All samples are strongly LREE enriched
and Hf for a given La content (Fig. 3). The aphanitic (La/Smn ˆ 52  04; La/Ybn ˆ 126  27), with La
samples from Bultfontein pipe (K8/10, K8/17) and abundances in the range 300---1400 times chondrite,
four of the aphanitic Wesselton Floors sill complex and Lu at 3---10 times chondrite. The aphanitic kim-
samples (K1119/2, K5/1, K5/86, K5/94) are consider- berlite samples (e.g. K8/17) are clearly more strongly
ably more enriched in incompatible elements than the enriched in total REE abundances, but retain REE
rest of the sample suite, and show more scatter in their patterns that are sub-parallel to the macrocrystic kim-
incompatible element abundance ratios (Fig. 3). berlites (Fig. 4b). There is no systematic difference in
Although compatible elements such as Ni are low in the REE patterns between the kimberlite pipes, but it
this group of rocks (5800 ppm), Cr abundances are is clear that, amongst the analysed samples, two sets of
both higher (2800 ppm) and lower (51200 ppm) than REE pattern can be recognized, each including apha-
in the majority of macrocrystic samples ( 1500 ppm nitic and macrocrystic varieties: one group comprises
Cr; Table 1). samples with largely sub-parallel patterns (Fig. 4b),
Figure 4 shows chondrite-normalized rare earth ele- differing only in absolute concentration by the same
ment (REE) patterns for selected samples from the relative amount across all REE (La/Ybn ˆ 102  26),


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Fig. 5. Primitive mantle normalized trace element patterns in Kimberley kimberlites interpreted to be free of crustal contamination (see text
for discussion). Symbols as in Fig. 2: open symbols are macrocrystic samples; filled symbols are aphanitic samples. Normalizing values from
Sun & McDonough (1989).

and the other comprises samples having very similar enrichment, whereas the more evolved aphanitic vari-
heavy REE (HREE) abundances, but with a range in eties from Wesselton Floors sills show strongest enrich-
LREE abundances (Fig. 4a; La/Ybn ˆ 163  47). ment, with some being displaced by a substantial
When normalized to primitive mantle abundances, amount from the majority of samples (factor of four;
the kimberlite samples all show strong, and largely sub- Fig. 5). Otherwise, kimberlite samples from the five
parallel, trace element enrichment patterns, with max- pipes show no significant, systematic, difference in
imum values being reached in the region of Ta to La their primitive mantle normalized patterns.
(Fig. 5). Superimposed on the smooth, sub-parallel
enrichment patterns are a number of negative
anomalies, the most important being Ti, Sr, K and PETROGENESIS
Rb. A subset of samples also have strong positive Pb Lying at one compositional extreme of the broad spec-
anomaliesÐthese are attributed to crustal contamina- trum of mafic---ultramafic mantle-derived magmas,
tion and are not shown in Fig. 5, but are discussed kimberlites are furthest removed from the familiar pet-
further in a later section. The magnitude of these rogenetic processes of basalt generation. Additionally,
anomalies (expressed as X/X for element X, where the hybrid nature of kimberlite magmas has compli-
X is the interpolated primitive mantle normalized cated the detailed understanding of their petrogenesis.
value assuming a smooth variation between the nor- One of the most significant obstacles is considered
malized values of the two adjacent elements) is vari- to be the difficulty in identifying what constitutes a
able, with Sr/Sr ˆ 062  022, K/K ˆ 025  016 true `primary' kimberlite magma (Mitchell, 1986).
and Ti/Ti ˆ 046  017, but is less variable for Sr Furthermore, it is possible that `primary' kimberlite
and Ti than for K and Rb. In terms of their overall magma is itself generated by complex petrogenetic
primitive mantle normalized patterns, macrocrystic processes.
kimberlite samples and olivine phenocryst-rich The roles of late-stage deuteric alteration, fluid
aphanitic kimberlite samples show least absolute migration, and crustal and mantle assimilation are all


important complications that need to be carefully eval- informative given their high absolute concentrations
uated before the mantle source region characteristics relative to their degree of variability, need to be used
and the primary petrogenetic processes giving rise to with caution in evaluating the petrogenetic history of
the parental kimberlite magma can be investigated in kimberlite magmas.
detail. Through a systematic approach to removing, as
best as possible, the effects of identifiable later stage
processes, we show below that a number of important Crustal contamination
constraints can be placed on the petrogenesis of the A characteristic feature of most kimberlite magmas is
Group I kimberlites from Kimberley. the abundance of xenolithic fragments, and particu-
larly crustal fragments, dislodged from the wall rock
en route to the surface. The Kimberley kimberlites are
Low-temperature alteration no exception, and crustal fragments are ubiquitously

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The high volatile contents of kimberlite magmas and present and evident both in hand specimen and in thin
their concentration into any residual fluids upon par- section. Although every care was taken to avoid such
tial solidification results in several effects that may fragments when crushing the samples, it was impossible
influence the whole-rock chemistry of kimberlite. Petro- to be sure that none were inadvertently crushed. More-
graphic studies of the matrix of kimberlites reveal the over, given the low melting temperature of much of the
widespread presence of a late crystallizing assemblage local crustal material (shales, siltstone), it is more than
dominated by cryptocrystalline serpentine (`serpo- likely that some xenolithic fragments were fully or
phite') and calcite. Amoeboid pools of this residual partially assimilated by the kimberlite magma prior
fraction exist in various degrees of segregation from to solidification.
the predominantly silicate-oxide groundmass (Skinner The influence of crustal assimilation on the geochem-
& Clement, 1979; Clement & Reid, 1989). In extreme istry of the Kimberley kimberlites is well illustrated
cases this segregation may lead to distinct carbonatitic by a plot of SiO2 vs MgO (Fig. 2a). All known upper-
bodies, such as those observed in the Benfontein crustal rocks in the Kimberley stratigraphic section
(Dawson & Hawthorne, 1973) and Wesselton sills have higher SiO2 and much lower MgO than kimber-
(Mitchell, 1984) or the Premier Mine (Robinson, lite, and it is clear that a subset of samples are displaced
1975). The water-rich character of these high- from the main trends towards low MgO and elevated
temperature fluids results in pervasive deuteric altera- SiO2. Another characteristic feature of crustally con-
tion effects, particularly the extensive serpentinization taminated mafic magmas is a positive Pb anomaly (Pb/
of olivine macrocrysts and phenocrysts. Pb  1) on a primitive mantle normalized diagram
This late-stage, high-temperature, fluid movement (e.g. le Roex et al., 2001). Figure 6a shows the primitive
has the potential to perturb the initial concentrations mantle normalized trace element patterns of a subset
of fluid mobile elements such as the alkaline and alka- (for clarity) of the same suite of samples with elevated
line earth elements (Rb, K, Ba, Sr, etc.), U and Pb. SiO2 shown in Fig. 2a, and highlighted in the insert to
That such a process has occurred in the Kimberley Fig. 6b, and it is clear that all have substantial positive
kimberlite intrusions is well illustrated by contrasting Pb anomalies. On a plot of Ce/Pb vs SiO2 there is a
the behaviour of immobile incompatible elements such broad negative correlation, with this same group of
as Zr, Nb, La, Hf and Th, all of which display coherent sample plotting at the high-SiO2, low-Ce/Pb end of
correlations (Fig. 3), with that of the mobile elements, the correlation. As crustal rocks generally have higher
which tend to display more scatter when plotted Pb contents than mafic magmas, positive Pb anomalies
against an immobile element such as La (e.g. K2O, can be generated through crustal contamination, but,
Fig. 2f; Rb and Ba, Fig. 3e and f ). Since in the absence equally, the known mobility of Pb in the weathering
of phlogopite crystallization, the bulk partition coeffi- environment can also lead to such anomalies. As kim-
cients for K, Rb and La during crystallization should berlite magmas have Pb concentrations of a similar
all be significantly less than one in kimberlite magma, order to those in crustal rocks (10---20 ppm, Rudnick
positive correlations would be expected between & Fountain, 1995), the cause of this positive anomaly is
these elements (even in the presence of minor perovs- ambiguous. The presence of a significant positive Pb
kite, where the La partition coefficient of 41 would anomaly (Pb/Pb 4125) in all rocks displaced from
result only in a change of slope). Although not the general trend in Fig. 6b (insert) to elevated SiO2
shown, Sr and Pb show similar variations to K and (but low MgO), argues for a relationship to crustal
Rb, whereas U, also known to be fluid mobile, contamination. However, some samples have minor
describes a very good correlation with La, indicating positive Pb anomalies without obvious disturbance of
that its concentration has remained robust. The abun- their SiO2 content, suggesting also a role for late-stage
dance variations of these elements, although still fluid mobility. The variable abundances of K, Rb and Ba


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Fig. 6. (a) Primitive mantle normalized trace element patterns for selected crustally contaminated and uncontaminated kimberlite samples.
Positive Pb anomaly and raised HREE abundances in crustally contaminated samples should be notedÐthe latter inferred from the raised
SiO2 content [shown as filled symbols in insert to (b)]. Only one pattern of an uncontaminated sample is shown for clarityÐfurther examples
of the patterns of uncontaminated kimberlite are shown in Fig. 5. (b) Gd/Lu vs SiO2, illustrating depressed Gd/Lu ratio in crustally
contaminated samples (shown as filled symbols in insert). Normalizing values from Sun & McDonough (1989).

are similarly evident in otherwise very similar trace Fig. 6, and the associated decreased Gd/Lu ratio in
element patterns (Figs 2f and 3e, f ), and these varia- these samples (Fig. 6b). In subsequent discussions and
tions are likewise interpreted to reflect a combination figures, and particularly in evaluating petrogenetic
of their known fluid mobile behaviour (deuteric altera- models, all samples showing one or more of the above-
tion) and crustal contamination. mentioned features have been excluded as having had
Kimberlite magmas have particularly steep REE their compositions compromised by such open-system
patterns, with low HREE abundances, only slightly processes. A total of 19 out of the original 54 samples
higher than chondritic. In contrast, crustal rocks tend were excluded on this basis.
to have rather flat HREE patterns with absolute abun-
dances ( 10  chondrite) greater than kimberlite
(Rudnick & Fountain, 1995), and contamination by Aphanitic kimberlites
such material will therefore have a greater relative Although the constancy of inter-element ratios breaks
impact on the HREE. This crustal influence is evident down in the most evolved aphanitic kimberlites, the
in the disturbance (shallowing) of the HREE slopes of otherwise similar trace element ratios shown by the
the SiO2- and Pb-enriched samples highlighted in Kimberley kimberlites (e.g. U/Th, Zr/Nb, La/Sm,


Fe-free groundmass phase) control. Furthermore,

whereas some HFSE (Ti, Nb, Ta) describe coherent
changes with Mg number and MgO across the range of
kimberlite compositions, supportive of simple olivine
control, this does not hold for Zr, La or Th, for which
the correlation breaks down in the most evolved apha-
nitic Wesselton Floors sills kimberlite samples. This
decoupling requires processes more complex than sim-
ple olivine control in the origin of at least some of the
highly evolved aphanitic Kimberley kimberlites. Given
that this breakdown in correlation occurs only in the
most evolved samples from sills, or cross-cutting late-

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stage dykes, we suggest that it might result from com-
plex crystallization processes within a stagnant magma
body, where the final residual melt, in equilibrium
with late-stage minor accessory phases such as apatite,
monazite, zircon and phlogopite (e.g. Mitchell, 1995),
in addition to abundant olivine and calcite, is expelled
from the host crystalline matrix.
Primitive mantle normalized plots show that the
highly aphanitic kimberlites have overall trace element
patterns uniformly displaced to higher concentrations,
relative to those shown by the macrocrystic kimber-
lites, by a factor of up to four across the range from La
to Yb (Fig. 5). Such sub-parallel enrichment is more
readily achieved by fractionation processes en route to
solidification than by partial melting. Given that for a
Fig. 7. (a) Ni vs Mg number and (b) FeO vs MgO in Kimberley garnet lherzolite residue, the bulk D values for these
kimberlites. Olivine fractionation curves were calculated assuming elements are of a similar order of magnitude to the
equilibrium crystallization, KDFe ---Mg for olivine ˆ 036 (Herzberg & likely degree of melting (F 52%, e.g. Dalton &
O'Hara, 2002) and DNi ˆ 124/MgO --- 09 (Hart & Davis, 1978).
Grey circle shows composition of inferred primary magma composi- Presnall, 1998), the absolute concentrations are not
tion (see text for further discussion). Symbols as in Fig. 2. particularly sensitive to degree of melting. For exam-
ple, a change in degree of melting by a factor of four
(e.g. from 2% to 05%), will cause only a two-fold
Zr/Hf ) suggest derivation from a common, broadly increase in highly incompatible element abundances
homogeneous, mantle source region. The role for (e.g. La), but more importantly, in the presence of
crystal---liquid fractionation in the evolution of the residual garnet, less incompatible elements such as Yb
Kimberley kimberlite magmas is illustrated by a plot will remain largely constant or even decrease in abun-
of Ni vs Mg number (Fig. 7a), as is the relationship of dance (this is illustrated in detail in a later section;
the aphanitic kimberlites to the macrocrystic variety. see Fig. 9). To generate a uniform three- to four-fold
The observed continuum of compositions across the enrichment across the full spectrum of incompatible
range of aphanitic kimberlite samples, extending from elements (including HREE) through partial melting
the least MgO-rich macrocrystic samples, is qualita- processes in the garnet stability field is thus unlikely,
tively consistent with dominant control by olivine in a and is more readily achieved through crystal fractiona-
continually evolving magma, rather than through par- tion processes in the absence of garnet. However, to
tial melting, which would lead to broadly constant Ni achieve even a 25-fold enrichment in incompatible
and Mg number (e.g. Hanson & Langmuir, 1978). elements, starting from a Mg number of 086 and
It is clear from a plot of FeO vs MgO (Fig. 7b) that, assuming completely incompatible element behaviour
whereas the macrocrystic kimberlite samples have rela- (bulk D 50001), requires at least 60% fractional
tively constant FeO content, there is a distinct change crystallization. To avoid Ni being completely depleted
in slope shown by the less MgO-rich aphanitic if olivine is the dominant component of the fractionat-
Bultfontein and Wesselton Floors sill samples. The ing assemblage (Fig. 7a), phases other than olivine
rapid increase in FeO with decreasing MgO is clearly (with lower DNi ) to decrease the bulk D (e.g. calcite)
not consistent with olivine-only control (Fig. 7b), but is must also be involved in the process. The geochemical
broadly consistent with olivine plus calcite (abundant evidence is broadly consistent with the aphanitic


Kimberley kimberlites being the result of extensive

crystal---liquid fractionation, via complex congelation
crystallization in stagnant magma bodies, of a parental
kimberlite magma more MgO-rich than the least
evolved aphanitic sample analysed.

Mantle entrainment and macrocrystic

Olivine macrocrysts, ubiquitous to most kimberlite
magmas, are commonly believed to represent disaggre-
gated mantle-derived xenoliths in view of their anhe-
dral habit similar to that observed in peridotite

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nodules, and the common deformation features (e.g.
Clement, 1982; Shee, 1985) that are not expected to be
sustained in a liquid. This qualitative view is supported
by the occasional presence of peridotitic garnet, phlo-
gopite and Cr-diopside xenocrysts. The rarity of ortho-
pyroxene has been argued to be a consequence of
reaction with, and complete resorption by, the highly
silica-undersaturated host kimberlite magma (Shee,
1985). The origin of olivine macrocrysts is central to
determining the composition of the primary Kimberley
kimberlite magma(s) and is investigated further by
considering the geochemical impact of mantle entrain-
ment and partial assimilation.
Figure 8 shows the variation of Ni and Sc with
respect to SiO2 in the Kimberley kimberlites, with
macrocrystic and aphanitic kimberlites being distin-
guished. Also shown are representative compositions Fig. 8. Ni and Sc vs SiO2 in Kimberley kimberlites. Aphanitic
kimberlites with 525 wt % SiO2 are not shown. Representative
for olivine, orthopyroxene, garnet and Cr-diopside compositions of olivine, orthopyroxene, garnet and clinopyroxene
from mantle xenoliths from the Kimberley region are from Bultfontein garnet lherzolite (Gregoire et al., 2003). The
(Gregoire et al., 2003). It is clear that the macrocrystic position and composition of the marked garnet lherzolite was deter-
kimberlite samples define a trend that is at an angle to mined by use of the lever rule. Symbols as in Fig. 2.
that defined by the aphanitic kimberlite samples and
does not extend directly towards olivine (as would be
Kimberley kimberlites, and at the high-SiO2 and
expected if the olivine macrocrysts represented accu-
-MgO end of the aphanitic kimberlites, corresponding
mulated olivine) but requires a component poorer in
to the break in slope between the macrocrystic and
Ni. In the Sc---SiO2 diagram the need for a phase other
aphanitic kimberlite varieties on many variation
than olivine, and specifically one containing Sc, is
diagrams (e.g. SiO2---MgO, Fig. 2a; FeO---MgO,
equally evident. The trend defined by the macrocrystic
Fig. 7b). This composition has 26---27 wt % SiO2,
kimberlite samples is best accounted for by entrain-
26---27 wt % MgO, Mg number 086, 22 wt %
ment of garnet lherzolite with an average composition
Al2O3, 22 wt % TiO2, 1---2 wt % K2O, 12 wt %
of 57% olivine, 25% orthopyroxene, 12% clinopyrox-
CaO, 7 wt % CO2 and 8 wt % FeO as read from
ene and 6% garnet. By application of the lever rule, up
variation diagrams (samples most similar to this
to 35% entrainment of garnet lherzolite is required to
compositional point include K119/2, K6/55 and K8/
account for the spectrum of macrocrystic kimberlite
115). It is noteworthy that the SiO2, MgO and
compositions, which is in good agreement with the
Al2O3 composition of this inferred primary kimberlite
observed abundances of olivine macrocrysts.
magma corresponds closely to that predicted for
06---07% melting by interpolation of the experi-
Primary magma composition mental data of Dalton & Presnall (1998). The CaO
Accepting the above arguments implies that the pri- content of the inferred primary magma ( 12 wt %)
mary kimberlite magma composition, prior to lherzo- is, however, significantly lower than that of the
lite entrainment and partial assimilation, would lie at experimental kimberlite melt ( 18 wt %, Dalton &
the low-SiO2 and -MgO end of the macrocrystic Presnall, 1998).


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