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DAY – DATE: Saturday, May 13th, 2023 at 08.00

EXAM TYPE: Offline-Mid Examination
PROGRAM: S1/Management
CODE - COURSE NAME: FEMNKB1566 – Komunikasi Bisnis
LECTURER: Amir Iskandar, S.E.,MM

Saturday, May 13th, 2023 at 08.00 am


1. For Economics Faculty of Management Program students, you are allowed to write in correct and proper
Bahasa (except for the other programs, it should be in correct and proper English).
2. Students are responsible for preparing all their needs for the exam, for example: Internet connection,
laptop, etc.
3. You MUST STAND BY 5 minutes before the exam starts by signing in the system.
4. Students must submit and upload their answers through the system within the exam time.
5. A student may complete and submit the answers of the exam into the portal before – but not after – the
exam time ends.
6. No additional exam time will be given for tardy students.
7. A student will be considered cheating if he or she is suspected of doing plagiarism as already defined in
the student guidelines. Plagiarism is committed through, but not limited to, the following acts:
- Copying the work of another student
- Directly copying any part of another person’s work
- Summarizing the work of another person
- Using or developing an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work
- Using experimental results obtained by another person
- Incitement by a student of another to plagiarize
- Copy pasting from a book / textbook / internet.
8. Any student who is caught doing the above action (s), will be listed by name and the Ethics Committee
will decide whether or not the action is considered as cheating.
9. Should the Ethics Committee consider and verify your actions as cheating, you will immediately face
expulsion from Universitas Balikpapan
10. If a student finds difficulty to upload the answers, they have to contact the staff within the exam time
with evidence to further process.

Silahkan Jawab 10 Pertanyaan di bawah ini :

1. Efektivitas komunikasi merupakan kunci bagi kinerja dan kemajuan organisasi. Sebutkan
manfaat dan tujuan dari komunikasi?
2. Jelaskan apa yang di maksud dengan komunikasi ekspersif, komunikasi ritual dan
komunikasi instrumental, berikan contohnya?’
3. Dance menemukan 3 dimensi konseptual penting yang mendasari definisi-definisi
komunikasi, sebutkan dan jelaskan?
4. Sebutkan rintangan-rintangan dalam komunikasi?
5. Jika anda menjadi pimpinan diperusahaan sedangkan karyawan anda usianya diattas usia
anda, sebagai pemimpin bagaimana cara anda untuk mengkomunikasikan dan
6. Bagaimana budaya mempengaruhi komunikasi?
7. Apa yang di maksud budaya perusahaan?
8. Sebutkan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan komunikasi efektif menurut Scoot. M dan Allen
H. Center?
9. Bagaimana teknologi di era informasi mempengaruhi gaya komunikasi?
10. Sebutkan dan jelaskan empat gaya komunikasi?

“Jika Anda tidak menyerah, Anda masih memiliki kesempatan. Menyerah adalah kegagalan
(Jack Ma)


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1 FEMNKB1566– Komunikasi Bisnis
Universitas Balikpapan

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