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among the best school of Houston. u'ith first--sraders piacing at the 82"d percentile level in reacling test which
is 50 points higher than the expected ler-el for similar at-risk schools.
What has made Wesley' so successful? The answer is classical education in the form of Direct
Instruction curriculum design by Siegfried Engelmana, an example of the much ridicuted ..Sage-on-the-
stag" approach. The Direct Instruction system boosts reading, writing, and math scores by 30 to 40
percentile points in at-risk schools. Sadly, Engelmann like others who successful challenge popular fads in
educational reform, has been rejected by much of educational establishment. His success is in
embarrassment to them.

s6) (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t36)

Which of the following best reflects the author's opinion about schools?
A. Schools must be able to change the attitude of the students
B. Teaching social skills is more important than academic skills
C. Teaching academic skills is somehow contemporary
D. Teaching academic skills is more important than social skills
E. Teaching social skills should use conventional methods
s7) (sNllrPTN 2010/ 346t 37)
The second paragraph is related to the hrst paragraph in which the second paragraphpresents
A. an elaboration ofpurposes ofan effective school
B. a discussion on the requirements for the good school
C. a real example rather than an opinion of good schooling
D. an illustration to support the opinions on school subjects
E. evidence in favor ofthe value ofsocial objectives

s8) (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t38)

From the second paragraph, it can be inferred that .........
A. the students at Wesley are mostly colored
B. the sfudents at Wesley are from the haves
C. the colored student usually perform better
D. Wesley is a successful prestigious school
E. Wesley curriculum is adopted by other school
se) (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t39)
In writing the text, the writer's tone could be best described as
A. conservative D. descriptive
B. informative E. evaluative
C. persuasive

60) (SNMPTN 2010t 346t 40)

n Given that the baseline score in reading is 23 percentile points, which of the following most likely
€ reflects the maximum impact of Direct Instruction on the students learning achievement in Wesley
€ Elementary School?
A. 45 D. 85
l: B. 53 E. 95
c c. 63
iJ It is common knowledge that as women get older, pregnancy becomes a riskier enterprise. Advanced
:latemal ages is linked to a number of developmental disorders in children, such as Down's Syndrome.
\orv, a study has confirmed that older mothers are more likely to give birth to child with autism, too. The
-:uthors of the epidemiological study, published February 8 in Autiim Research, examined the parental age
,-'lmore than 12.000 children with autism and nearly five million "control" children between 1990
and 1999,

17 |
higher risk ofhaving a
child with autism than mother 25 to 29, arrd a77 percent higher risk than mothers under 25'
Autism-a developmental disorder characteized by impaired social interaction and
communication-appears to be on the rise. The U.S. -centers for Disease Control and Prevention
in autistic spectrum disorders-.a group of
estimates that as many as one in 110 children the U.S. has an
disorder' The
developmental disorders including autism, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental
prevalence of autistic spectrum dilorders in Cirtifomia ln 200[ was 12 times that from 1987, representing
ur".ug" annual growti of 13 percent, according to a report from the Califomla Department of
Devei"opmental SJrvices. Only a iraction of these &ffu can be explained by changes to diagnostic
criteria and earlier diagnoses.
increase in
Matemal age ii also increasing in the U.S.A. Califomia-based study reported a three-fold
to woman ug", Z0 to 44 between 1982 and 2004. But this trend toward delayed child
the number of births
bearing accounted for less than 5 percent of the total increase in autism diagnose
in Califomia over the
a doctoral student in University of
decadJ According to the study-a finding that surprised Janie Shelton,
Califomia Davis's Departrnent of Public Health Sciences and the study's lead author. "I would have
are having kids later, "she
expected to see more of a contribution, because age is a risk factor and woman
that both maternal and patemal ages are independen-tly associated with
says. Earlier work had suggested
cuneniitudy found that paternal ages is only a risk factor when the mother is under 30'
autism risk. But the

61) (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t 4t)

In the text above the writer deals with a topic on . " " " "
A. Prevalence of autism among children
B. Possible biological causesof autism
C. Research findings on mental disorders
D. Maternal age and autism in children
E. Negative effects of delayed pregnancy
62) (SNMPTN 2010t 346t 42)
Which of the following according to the text is implied about autism in children?
A. It is genetically transmitted
B. It makes children antisocial
C, It is getting more infectious
D. It was among Califomian children
E. It was not detected until recently
63) (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t 43)
It can be conclude from the text that
A. A big age difference of parents of 40 years or beyond may result in autism.
B. Several mental disorders can be prevented by having kids earlier
C. Woman today show a general trend in delaying pregnancy
D. The patemal age only partly explains the case of mental disorders among children
E. The iase of autism among children remains a mystery among scientists

- (SNMPTN 2010/
64) 3461 44)
Vfni"f, of the following best describes the author's purposes in this study?
A. To reveal that the case of autism among children is prevalent
B. To analyse how delayed pregnancy brings about autism
C. To make the readers aware of the consequence of delayed pregnancy
D. To refute a common misconception about the cause of autism
E. To demonstrate that autism is associated with delayed pregnancy

6s)' (SNMPTN 2010/ 346t 4s)

iro* the information in the first and second paragraphs, it can be inferred that ..... '...
A. Developmental disorders in children are close to delayed pregnancy
B. Modified diagnosis criteria can detect many cases of autism
?dafan%tml faa*adfutful I 18
C. Many of the children in the US obviously suffer from autism
D. Asdperger's syndrome is not related in any,way to autism
E. Studies on autism have not successfullv revealed its causes.

The most common causes of tsunamis are underwater earthquakes. To understand underwater
earthquakes, you must first understand plate tectonics. The teory of plate tectonics suggests that the
lithosphere, or top layer of the earth, is made up of a series of huge plates. Tese plates make up the
continents and seafloor. They rest on an underlying viscous called the asthenosphere.
Think of a pie cut into eight slices. The pie crust would be the lithosphere and the hot, sticky pir
filling underneath would be the asthenosphere. On the eafth, these plates are constantly in motion, moving
along each other at a speed of I to 2 inches (2.5-5 cm) per year. The movement occurs most dramatically
along fault lines (where the pie is cut). These motions are capable of producing earthquakes and volcanism.
which when they occur at the bottom of the ocean, are two possible sources of tsunamis.
When two plates come into contact at a region known as a plate boundary, heavier plate can slip
under a lighter one. This is called subduction. Underwater subduction often leaves enonnous "handprints" in
the form of deep ocean trenches along the seafloor. In some cases of subduction, part of the seafloor
connected to the lighter plate may "snap up" suddenly due to pressure from the sinking plate. This result in
an earthquake. The focus of the earthquake is the point within the Earth where the rupture first occurs, rocks
break and the first seismic waves are generated. The epicenter is the point on the seafloor directly above the
When this piece of the plate snaps up and sends tons of rock shooting upward with tremendous force,
the energy of that force is transferred to the water. The energy pushes the water upward above normal sea
level. This is the birth of a tsunami. The earthquake that generated the December 26,2004 tsunami in the
Indian ocean was a 9.0 on the Richter scale - one of the biggest in recorded history.

66) (SNMPTN 2011/ 31)

Which of the following best states the topic of this teks?
A. The birth of a tsunami
B. The magnitude of tsunami
C. Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
D. Series of huge plates on earth
E. Lithosphere and asthenosphere

67) (SNMPTN 2011/ 32)

The main idea of this text is that
A. a deep ocean trench is a result ofan earthquake .
B. The energy ofsubduction can lead to earthquakes.
C. Plate tectonics lead to an earthquakes and volcanism.
D. Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean are the biggest in the history.
E. Strong movement of undersea fault lines cause tsunamis.
68) (SNMPTN 2011/ 33)
Implied in the text is that the earthquake will never occur when...
A. The subduction is evidenced.
B. Seismic waves are generated.
C. No fault line of plate tectonics happens.
D. Heavier plates and lighter ones break up.
E. Ocean trenches lie along the seashore.

69) (SNMPTN 2011/ 34)

Which of the following natural disasters happening in Indonesia is related to the fault movement of
plate tectonics?
A. Volcanic eruptions
19 |
B. Soil erosion
C. Forest fires
D. Landslide -1 |

E. Floods

70) (SNMPTN 2011/ 3s)

The following is mentioned in the text about tsunami, EXCEPT that they are....
A. Predictable following any incidence of earthquakes.
B. Close to the rise of sea levels from the sinking plate.
C. Connected to deep ocean trenches along sea floors.
D. Related to strong movement of plate tectonics.
E. Highly linked to underwater earthquakes. -{

ldentifying ingredients in old paintings can help curators decide how best to maintain, display and
restore them. The l7th --century Dutch artist, Rembrandt, was found to use wheat, according to a new
advanced analysis of two of his works. It is the first study to identify wheat starch in any of Rembrandt's
work, even though scientists have performed numerous analyses on more than 150 of his.
In Rembrandt's time artist mixed their own pains which they then spread onto canvas in layers.
Often, individual layers of the same piece of art contained different binding agents, pigments, vamishes and
other ingredients. Besides color, each layer was mixed to just the right level of thickness, glossiness, texture,
evenness on the surface drying time and more.
Homever, paint layers are tough to analyze because they are spread so incredibly thin. The thinnest ones rise
just a thousandth of a millimeter above the layer below them. Using a variety of chemical and physical
analyical methods, along with old written records, scientists have been able to identify pigments and other
inorganic materials in many ancient paintings.
For the new study, the scientists used some of the most high-tech equipment around to look at the
"Portrait of Nicolaes van Barnbeeck" which Rembrandt van Rijn painted in 1641. First they took a crilss-
section from a miniscule section of the painting. Then they used a variety of methods to probe the layers,
including a technique called Time of Fly - Secondary Ion Mass spectrometry QoF-SIMS). This technique
involves sending a focused, high-energy beam of ions at the layered sample, then observing the ions that
bounce back. By analyzing the energy and chemical nature ofthe ejected ions, scientist can deduce detailed
information about the types of elements and chemical bonds held within.
For the second graysh layer of paint on the "Portrait of Nicolaes van Bambeeck" the scan showed,
Rembrandt mixed oil and a small amount of lead with wheat flour. It's not clear yet whether Rembrandt used
wheat earlier or continued to use the ingredient after painting the '?ortrait of Nicolaes van Bambeeck," who
rvas a rich wool merchant. But the researchers also found wheat the "Portrait of Agatha Bas," the merchant's

71) (SNMPTN 2011/ 36)

What would the paragraph following the passage be likely to discuss?
B. Painting of other I 7th century artist
C. Written evidence of the use of wheat flour
D. The painting "Portrait of Agathe Bas"
E. Other techniques used in the research
72) (SNMPTN 2011/ 37)
What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. There are some advantages of using paint layers
B. Scientist have found the thinnest layer of painting
C. There are inorganic materials in ancient painting
D. There are some methods to crack layer painting mystery
gdafdtTtatml 6ho*ad7itful I 20

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