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Untitled 3 line poem

About: the conflict between Ireland and England, since Northern Ireland wanted to separate
from England as it was part of the British Empire.

It includes different metaphors and analogies to express the message of the Irish hate on
britain. For instance by saying ”my passport is green'' is referring to the honour he has to his
country, Ireland. The green refers to the flag. Moreover by saying to “toast the Queen”
referring to Britain, as it mentions the word Queen, for their characteristic that is a
monarchy. All this shows the author national pride.

There is punctuation.
Unhappy with the monarchy.
passport’s green: metaphor for irish

Rhyme Scheme:
Green - queen (from England, not Ireland)

- SImilarity of concepts
- Sth continues (feeling) - fixed rhythm
Conflict between Northern Ireland (part of the British empire) - England
They wanted to separate from England.

“I don't consider myself British, I consider myself IRish, since this is where he grew up.
They are unsatisfied

He responds as a protest, because he feels insulted. He feels Irish pride. Strong national

Biased pov: trained army vs civilians. Power.

About: This poem conveys the concept of representation, as it is about the invasion in the
North. It is about the continuing violence and conflict happening in the Northern of Ireland,
where the land is cursed.
Summer 1969
About: the author being in Spain, while in Ireland there was an attack from the British.
There was a civil right movement which fought for the independence of Ireland from the

Conflict: First seen by the invasion from the British to the Irish. Also seen by the use of
diction, then by the paintings.

The voice tells what happened where he was (Spain) and in his country that summer. He is
telling how he cant believe what was happening in ireland. The situation in Ireland in
described with terror. Also, the phrase “For honour sake, greaved in a bog, and sinking”
means how the voice thought it was a useless battle, because of the foolishness in their

In the third stanza the concept is transmitted through the use of paintings to make allusion
to what was happening in Ireland. These were three paintings of Goya that refer to the
conflict. Through the mention of “Shootings of the Third of May '', “Saturn devouring his
son”, and “fought with Cudgels”. These paintings are used to transmit the identity of the
voice and allude to his country Ireland.
Stanza 1:
Negative connotation in the description of the senses.
“Falls” Line 2: maned station Belfast where the conflict happened
The mob: negative connotation, implying they are a violenta and disorganized people
. They are fighting back. He represents them because in this poem, 1969, he was alive, so he
lived this.In requiem for the croppies they were farmers who didn't have the tools to fight,
they are represented as victims because it was 1798 and he was not born to live that.
Line 3: irony, while he was having the time of his life, the people of his country were
suffering and fighting. His only complaint was that it was too hot.
The things of Ireland remind him of other things.
Line 4: the pressure is building up in the violence of Ireland (casserole heat)
Line 5: sweated my way through: putting effort.
Reading books (l6, “the life of joyce”)
Line 2 and 3: feelings “i was suffering”
Line 6 and 7: smells
Line 10: old women in black shawls: viudas
Line 9: dark corners: negative connotation: uncertainty, death
Line 13; black leather jacket the police
Line 14: the voice is looking at the guardia civil and thinking about ireland.

Stanza 1: feeling nostalgic and homesick

Stanza 2:
Line 15: someone other than the voice talking, there is dialogue. Give the voice to the
reader. The voice does not want to get back, it is at a standstill, he can't decide. People were
telling him what to do.
Line 16: Lorca stood from his rights, the voice is comparing himself to Lorca. DO as Lorca.
Line 17: he is seeing all people dying
Line 19: “the real thing” what is happening in ireland is so surreal. He can't believe what he
is seeing.
Stanza 3:
Line 20: retreated: military diction.

3 paintings: allusion
- “Shootings of the Third of May” (21)
There is one man being shot. White represents surrender.
(the thrown up arms, rebel the helmeted- negative connotations)

- ”Saturn devouring his son” (27-28)

It is about Saturn devouring his own son, which evokes feelings like desperation and fear.
This situation according to the traditional interpretation, depicts the Greek myth of Saturn,
who feared about being overthrown by one of his children, ate each of them upon their
birth. This could suggest the voice is giving an allusion of “Saturn” being the English and the
“Children'' being the Irish, so that would mean that the English were afraid of the expansion
of the Irish, the fear of being overpowered by the Irish.

- “Two berserks “(31)

24-25 Comparison with the “knapsack military and of the fusillade”- shows an overly
prepared military men
Rake- sound (IMAGERY)

Line 28: jeweled- beauty that adorns. Adornment from his own children. He ate his children
to make sure he would never be overthrown by them.

27-28: comparison of Britain as Saturn, and fear of being overpowered by the IRish. The
interpretation we get from heaney.
31-32 different perspectives of the conflict.
Berserk: out of control and dont think. Foolishness in their behavior. There is chaos.
Bog: Irish description of mud.
The two idiots are hitting each other without noticing that they are both sinking. Questions
the purpose of the fight (“for honor sake”). Is there a point in fighting for honor?

33-34: high level of anger (he painted with his fist, not with his hand). The way he is painting
shows anger and aggressiveness.
History is repeating; it's charging, which means it's moving forward.

Requiem for the croppies

About: An engagement during the Irish Rebellion of 1798. The conflict between the English
soldiers and the Irish Civilians. How the British invade Ireland with no warning, provoking
the Irish to question them where they could go. (they had no time to plan anything they
grabbed what they could)

There is diction of farming and warfare elements that represent the violence between these
two countries. All of these can be seen as unfair, and the disadvantage of the war. Farmers
against tainted men; there is a contrast between invaders and the ones who were invaded.

Also the pronouns like “own '' evoke anger. In line 3 that says “we move quick and sudden in
our own country” it is showing how the people from Ireland were mad and angry because
the English were taking them out.

In the poem we can see how in live or die situations there is no distinction between the
social classes. All people were under attack. (ex. priest and the tramp)

After that attack lots of people died and there was a lot of embarrassment from the Irish for
being invaded, but there is a use of irony (“And in August… the barely grew up out of our
grave.”) meaning how even though they were attacked, two month later they grew up
1-5 imagery
1. They grabbing barley
2. They running suggesting that they can't stay anywhere for long
3. They moving quickly and with no previous warning
4. The priest protecting himself in the ditch
5. Regular people were hardly marching
Line 3: mood (the words quick and sudden suggest that they are escaping, and angry for
being chased in their own country)
Line 12: personification (Hillside blushed - were ashamed of what was happening.) It means
that the hill was covered in the blood of the civilians, who died.
Line 12 hyperbole: soaked in tour broken wave: the exaggeration here is that they were
soaked with the blood of the civilians (hillside blushed).
Line 14 metaphor: representing the fight will continue.
Line 14: irony. The irony is that the barley they used to feed themselves, now grew from
their graves, since they were shown no respect and buried along them.
Disoranzies: they are farmers not soldiers

Servant boy
About: The poem is about an Irish boy, who is a servant, suffering from the work the British
were forcing him to do. As it was hereditary, there is no way he could get out of it. The
identity of the boy is also shown by the voice telling different labors he had.

In the poem of servant boy, there is a representation of the reality, because it is describing
the situation the Irish were living in after the war. How the British forced them to do labor
-He had repetitive meaningless work.
-He had an uncertain future, as he was always moving (for the fact he was a jobber)

The word “boy” in the title shows the innocence and the simplicity of the character.

Feelings such as loneliness, sadness, madness, constantness, uncertainty are shown.

L1: wintering out: poetry collection by Seamus Heaney. to spend the winter in a particular
L4: outhouse: an outbuilding containing a toilet, typically with no plumbing.
L5: jobber: a wholesale merchant
L8: bidder: someone who offers to pay a particular amount of money for something
L13: haggard: looking ill or tired, often with dark skin under the eyes
L14: straggle: to move or spread untidily and in small numbers or amounts. Fodder: food
that is given to cows, horses, and other farm animals
L18: barons: a low-ranking male member of the nobility (= group of people from a high
social class)
L19: impenitent: not sorry or ashamed about something bad you have done


Two Lorries
This poem is about the death of a mothers child, who died due to a bomb of the IRA in
1990s. It is a representation of the terrible situation happening with the IRA, which
consisted of an Irish republican paramilitary organization , whose aim was to end British rule
in Northern Ireland and achieve Irish reunification.

Thus, the context of the Ireland conflict is represented throughout the poem because it was
the reality at the time; the aftermath of the explosion and bombing of Magharfelt. This is
achieved through the use of colors and diction of violence, which can be seen by “Our coal
came from was silk black, so the ashes /will be the silkiest white”. This is referring to
darkness and death, which foreshadows what the poem is about.

This poem shows all the emotions the explosion left in the people who were still alive, in this
case the child. Feelings like sadness, darkness and loneliness are evoked in the poem.

In the poem there is always a change in the tense, as it is told from the memory.
About: it represents the reality in Ireland, how there was a curfew and people could not go
out, and how his friend refused to stay at home and was killed due to a bomb and the
terrible situation that was happening.
-Three part poem

About: A man telling how his friend died.

Poem: Elogy. A poem of serious reflection. A lament for the dead.

Stanza 1
He describes his friend. How he was an alcoholic, and was always “calling another rum”.
He was maintained by the government.

Stanza 2
The narrator did not understand his friend's passion for poetry.
He managed to change to sth different to talk to him.

Stanza 3
Explains the reason for his death.
There was a curfew at the moment, but Heaney's friend, as he had drinking problems,
decided to disobey the curfew, when he was supposed to be at home.

Stanza 1
-Gives a setting on how it was the day of his funeral. (cold day, raw silence, wind-blown)
-Uses religious diction.

Stanza 2
-Tells how he went out on a curfew, how he refused to stay at his home and nobody could
prevent it from happening.
-After that, the voice imagines the man before being killed.

Stanza 3
-He was in a bar.
-Voice questions if it really was his friend's fault what happens and starts imagining the man
asking if it was his fault he had been killed.

1 Stanza
-The voice missed the funeral.
-Remembers when they went fishing (memory)
-References to water cycle (as a way of saying how life comes to an end out of its cycle)
-Thinks of life after death.

2 Stanza
-Process of acceptance whose fault it is.

Detective and science fiction genres.
Beautiful woman death
4 wives
Love, death and women

Romantic movement. Brought back Horror and romance of gothic literature. Psychological
exploration of Death and mathness

Death, darkness, decay, confinement, madness

Gory and macabre stories

Failed suicide attempt

Died at 40- alcohol abuse, but unknown reason for his death

Birth parents died, so he was adopted. Taught Latin and french. Grew up in a wealthy
environment and had good education.

He married his 13 year old cousin, and he was 27 years old. Wanted to keep her pure

- An extension of the romantic period
- Urban, not in nature, happens withtihn the cities.
- Psychological terror on his characters and how they break into madness

The tale-tale heart:

The main themes in "The Tell-Tale Heart" are madness and sanity, the pressure of guilt, and
the passage of time. Madness and sanity: the narrator's attempt to prove his sanity as he
explains his meticulous plans for killing the old man only prove his madness.

VOICE: 1st person - biased unreliable narrator

Talking directly to the reader
Trying to establish a connection between the reader and the voice. Trying to convince the
reader that he is not mad. Sensation of craziness.

He killed an old man because of his eye. He wants to get rid of his eye. FLASHBACK -
It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my
brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.
Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the
old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me
insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye!
yes, it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a
vulture—a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell
upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees—very
gradually—I made up my mind to take the life of the old
man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever.
The vulture eye is waiting for the decay, waiting for it to die.

Evil Eye- PERSONIFICATION (capitalization)

Why is it evil (disability)

With th eye he is a venture, without it he is human

Decay- at the begginign and at the end(keeps the body under the floor of his own house)
Black cat:
Love and hate are two key themes in the story. The narrator at first loves his pets and his
wife, but as madness takes hold of him, he comes to loathe or dismiss everything that
should be of the utmost importance to him.

Wife has no voice, reported speech.

At the beginning

First person - unreliable narrator. Told from a flashback, but unlike the tell tale heart, there
is an introduction and starts saying you might not believe him, and the other one is
convincing the readers to believe him.

Both address the reader at the beginning

Language of an educated person.

No remorse whatsoever, and says that anyone in his position would have done the same

Pluto: God of the underworld in Greek mythology. Its hell, where the sinners go.
Black Cat: foreshadowing of something bad happening
Dark, powerful within the story.
Build up of tension and the supernatural; something negative ,mysterious. Movement of the
dark forces at play.

“Offer violence”: he doesn't really accept that he is in the wrong here.

Fiend intemperance: alcoholism. Personifying this; trying to remove the blame.
Convinced that it is not his fault. Is the influence of alcohol that made him.
Domestic violence

The pluto is above the wife, it's his favorite.

Not in control,
Remove the blame for things that are the alcohol's fault.
Told as a flashback, remembering what he has already seen. This situation made him feel
ashamed of doing that to the cat, however he didn't have this reaction with the murder of
his wife. He feels guilty for the cat but not the wife. He even cried.

It was not him, but the spirit of perverseness. He is constantly trying to remove the blame
for what he did.
Cat similar to pluto, in the shape of the gallows on his chest. And Pluto was hanged from a
tree. Instead of hating the cta, he is afraid of it.
Trying to give himself more importance, but yet, he is terrified of the cat.

“Most patient of all sufferers”:His wife was a patient sufferer of his behaviour.

Overpowered him with rage, high level of violence. He weeped for his cat, but yet he says
“she felt upon the spot” about the wife. Odd choice of words here, to show he doesnt feel
“Concealing the body”; instead of wife, he says body. Removing himself from the deed but
also from the relationship.
“Accomplished”; he sees it as an issue resolved, positive.
Dehumanization; removent of the relationship. No guilt.
Gets caught by his cocky attitude; that's when the cat cried. He wouldn't have been caught if
he hadn't been so cocky (arrogante).
“Seduce into murder”: supernatural force that made him kill his wife, it was not his fault.
Typical themes of gothic literature.
Relation between the two texts:
- No problem in killing someone they have a relationship
- They are crazy
- First person

Cask of Amontillado:
Amontillado: sherry, expensive wine. odd to find
Fortunato: italian (FORTUNE)
1000 injuries: hyperbole (exaggeration)

Carnival: feast of excesses(alcohol, foods, orgies)
40 days of lent: spiritual preparation
Purpose: get rid of the need of sth, and prep for 40 days of lent

Voice: 1st person narrative, unreliable narrator.

“You”: the audience (letter). must not hurt you, but beat you.

Carnival season in Italy.

- freedom (trapped into religion): confinement
- underground catacombs: skeletons, bones

Fortunato: weak point: his pride, the voice is rich. expert in wines.

dusk: almost night

dresses as a court jester:
- entertain
- make someone laugh
- fool
- drunk, will be taken advantage of

Luchresi challenges him by telling him he wont find someone else that can do it.
Manipulates his pride.

Voice: rich
- has servants
- house: palazzo

NO CONTROL: the other two storie are different from this one. Premeditated: the killin had
a process of thinking. its worse because its was inc old blood.

flambeaux: antorhcas
vaults: bodega where he kept the cask of amontillado

voice: montressor (surname)

Catacombs: cold and damp

He is manipulating him by saying “Im no longer rich, happy ot respected”

wants to keep him drunk with wine.

he is still wearing his jesters hat: means he is a fool here.

montressors: were a great and numerous family

coat of arms: insignia
motto of the family: No impunity goes unpunished. Foreshadows what the story is about. he
carries the family legacy, so he is getting revenge on who is messing with him.

MASONS: secret society with power. Women couldnt be masons. Fortunato is a mason.

Trowel: pala, para la pared de fortunato. FROESHADOWS.

“wall had been lined with human remains”: gory, flesh. blood. sensation of decay.
He tied his friend up (fortunato), but he is still drunk so he is not sure of what's happening.
He is not allowed to speak, his voice was taken away.
Montresor burries him alive.

Fortunato is starting to sober up and tries to free himself (cold blood at his best)

Montresor, finishing the layers, sees inside to check on Fortunato, and he screams. He was
shocked and thought someone heard, but he realized he was in the catacomb.

“My heart grew sick”: when he put the last brick, could he felt a moment of remorse? but
then he says it was dye to the dampness of the ctacoumn.

“For the half of a century no mortal has distubed them”: he got away with the murder.
flashback he wrtoe his ocnfession; unlike the othwer two stories.

- enjoyed his suffering
- to prove he knows wine
- be carful with who you insult
- Montressor: psychological trapped for his familys legacy of revenge

The masque of the red death:

Voice third person
Red death (disease)
You die alone, as it is really contagious
You die in 30 minutes
Prince Prospero- prosperity
Half of his people had died.
He search for 1000 friends and hide in the castle
There was no way of getting in or out.
they were 6 month partying (too much)
Time: they have been locked up for so long they don’t know what day is. (confusion,
separated from reality)
Outside everything was out of control, everyone was dying.
7 rooms (show the love of the bizarre) irregularly disposed.
Each room had walls and stained glass windows.
All rooms represented colors.
The black room was so black that there was no light that could turn it on, so everyone was
scared of it.
giant clock
black room represents death
everything was quiet
every hours the clock strunk and then came a long pause
gay: happy in old english
5-6 months here: irony, they lost track of time.
time: important significance
the later it was in the evening the more it chimed
death can gets us anytime, they never realized time, except when it chimed
clock striking: reminder of reality.
trying to cheat at death but when it chimes it bringd them back and they realize death can
get to them. time never stops.
time never stops, every second counts, its still going on, and it doesnt stand still.
7 rooms, and the black room (not much light, death) wasnt very populated
at 12: longest moment they can reflect that theur life can end.
new presence in this place
prince had no limits
Heroded Herod: the one that killed all the children
this presence was scary and gruesome
his presence represent death
Theme: death, confinement (not knowing the reality of the outside), social injustice
(death is the equalizer)
need of social injustice
The red death is being personified.
Diferentes rooms.

The Oval portrait:

Story within a story
Gothic setting at the beginning
Moral: take advantage of what youve got, when you got it. He removed the life of his wife as
he did the painting.
He painted it so well that it sucked the life out of the woman.
Theme: death, confinemnt (of life, and the room)
Supernatural things.

END: ‘This is indeed Life itself!’ turned suddenly to regard his beloved:- She was dead! - -
What happened to the wounded man who is reading, and to the painter.confused at the
beginning, and conceded on what happened to her, and what happened at the end.
old abandoned and small hotel: Chateau in the Apennines
used to be fantastic but its so gloomy
old and not well kept antique. emphasis: abandoned and confinement

something bad is going to happen. everything bad happenes at midnight

also the theme. emphasis on the darkness within
foreshadow:midnight darkness, you are thinking one thing and then poes directs you
towards sth else
Hyperbole of the darkness; darkest place of the room, that's where they see. Exaggeration,
overcompensation of stating how dark the place where the oval painting was
immortal beauty. description of the painting. the choice of words of immortal; beauty of the
painting. the painting killed the woman.
foreshadowing> a warning of whats to come
absence of light; she sat in the dark, the only part of light that came in was on the canvas.
she had spirit and has been removed. She is not doing anything to stop that either
the colors of the painting were going, and also at the same time she was getting paler.
Mentioning of eyes;
Her spirit is flickering
she dies when he finally finishes ; he needed to finish the mouth and the tint of the eye. she
died when she finished the eye. the eye is th window to the soul. eyes have an extreme
improtance because without them you cant see, and live in a sense of darkness.
capitalization of life; a symbol that she killed his wife. giving that human importance;
personofying the painitng
If you look back, the voice of the story reading textually what he reads.
We dont know what happens to the voice, the painter.
DId they dies too?
We dont have a clear end to the story.
It doesnt ened. Told from the perspective of the wounded man, so woud that mean that he
died as well
something interrupted

The Imp of the perverse



Imp:Mischerious devil
Moralist: Educated person

First person narrative: sense of education, diction, more formal.

-Controlling impulses.
Phrenology: Study of mental faculties.
Kabbala: Jewish

-Man has been created for intelect.

-Diety, Jenovah- religion

-Within us we want to do the wrong thing, because we were created this way, by our

-We are naturally prone to do the wrong thing, as part of our instinct (justification of
somebody's actions, foreshadowing). We can't control it.

Language: Educated, complex and formal.

-Everything we do is because we want to.

-There is nothing crazier than the moment you are going to do something wrong.

Perverse (as a personification, it is with capital). It is used as a justification for being what he

Aspects of the essay: Religion, ethics, psychology, biolog, phrenology

Cell: prison, confinement.

Man- Died of a poisoned candle. (the voice got away with it for many years.)

The voice was happy for a lot of time.

Nobody has ever suspected him, the only way he could get caught is by confessing.

-He starts to feel a sense of perverseness.

-He has no regret of the murder, but of confesing yes.

In the street he told it to the wrong person.

Why need to confess?
-You need to know about the perfect crime


-No remorse about the murder, but about confessing.

It can be explored how Heaney creates a powerful representation of death and grief
throughout his poems, and how it is connected with their historical and religious context.
There is plenty of evidence to support this, which is made evident through ``Casualty”,
''Limbo `` and ''Two Lorries”. On the other hand, Seamus Heaney was an Irish poet,
playwright and translator born in the United Kingdom in 1939. Regarding his literary works,
it can be seen his prominent Irish pride and how the connections with the historical
background are depicted in his pieces.

al prinicipio poner it can be explored how la pregunta is seen on this pieces of writing. -

- Seamus Heaney is an Irish poet, playwright and translator born in the United
Kingdom in 1939. Regarding his literary works, it can be seen his prominent Irish
pride and how the connections with the historical background are depicted in his
- Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer of Gothic Literature, poet, and editor born in
Boston, Massachusetts in 1809, during the Romantic movement.
- después poner there is plenty of evidence to support this.

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