Cuestionario Inglés

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Question 1: I have a meeting ___ 9 a.m. tomorrow.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 2: The book is ___ the table.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 3: My birthday is ___ May.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 4: The train will arrive ___ 6 p.m.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 5: We will meet ___ the park.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 6: The party is ___ Saturday night.

a) in

b) on

c) at
Question 7: She lives ___ the city center.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 8: The concert will start ___ 7:30 p.m.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 9: We will have dinner ___ the restaurant.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 10: I will see you ___ two hours.

a) in

b) on

c) at

Question 1: Please ___ your bed before leaving the room.

a) make

b) do

c) making

d) doing

Question 2: I ___ my best to finish the project on time.

a) make

b) do

c) making

d) doing

Question 3: She ___ a lot of progress in her language studies.

a) makes

b) does

c) making

d) doing

Question 4: They ___ a decision about the vacation plans.

a) make

b) do

c) making

d) doing

Question 5: We ___ some repairs around the house last weekend.

a) made

b) did

c) making

d) doing

Question 6: He ___ his homework diligently every evening.

a) makes

b) does

c) making

d) doing
Question 7: The chef ___ an exquisite dish for the special occasion.

a) made

b) did

c) making

d) doing

Question 8: They ___ a lot of progress in their fitness journey.

a) make

b) do

c) making

d) doing

Question 9: I ___ my best to support you in your endeavors.

a) make

b) do

c) making

d) doing

Question 10: She ___ a great job organizing the event.

a) made

b) did

c) making

d) doing

Question 1: Last night, while I ___ (watched/was watching/watch) a movie, the power went out.

a) watched

b) was watching

c) watch
Question 2: When I arrived at the party, everyone ___ (danced/was dancing/did dance).

a) danced

b) was dancing

c) did dance

Question 3: She ___ (had/had been having/has) her breakfast when the phone rang.

a) had

b) had been having

c) has

Question 4: They ___ (were studying/had studied/studied) English for many years before they
moved to an English-speaking country.

a) were studying

b) had studied

c) studied

Question 5: We ___ (walked/have walked/were walking) along the beach when we found a
message in a bottle.

a) walked

b) have walked

c) were walking

Question 6: By the time he got home, his friends ___ (left/had left/leave) the party.

a) left

b) had left

c) leave

Question 7: She ___ (bought/was buying/had bought) a new car before she got her driver's license.

a) bought
b) was buying

c) had bought

Question 8: They ___ (were waiting/waited/had been waiting) for hours when the bus finally

a) were waiting

b) waited

c) had been waiting

Question 9: He ___ (didn't eat/hadn't eaten/hasn't eaten) sushi until he visited Japan.

a) didn't eat

b) hadn't eaten

c) hasn't eaten

Question 10: While I ___ (was walking/walked/have walked) in the park, I saw a shooting star.

a) was walking

b) walked

c) have walked

Question 1: I enjoy playing soccer; ___, I also like basketball.

a) therefore

b) however

c) furthermore

Question 2: She studied hard for the test; ___, she earned a high grade.

a) consequently

b) nevertheless

c) thus
Question 3: I have two options for the weekend: ___ go to the beach or visit a museum.

a) either

b) moreover

c) on the other hand

Question 4: The weather was beautiful; ___, we decided to have a picnic.

a) in addition

b) consequently

c) nonetheless

Question 5: He loves reading books; ___, he spends most of his free time at the library.

a) therefore

b) nevertheless

c) furthermore

Question 6: I finished my work early; ___, I could relax and watch a movie.

a) on the other hand

b) hence

c) thus

Question 7: They went to the store; ___, they bought some groceries.

a) consequently

b) in addition

c) moreover

Question 8: She loves ice cream; ___, she tries a new flavor every week.

a) on the contrary

b) moreover

c) however
Question 9: The team practiced hard; ___, they won the championship.

a) nevertheless

b) as a result

c) furthermore

Question 10: I need to buy some vegetables; ___, I'll go to the supermarket.

a) in conclusion

b) therefore

c) consequently

Question 1: The movie was entertaining; ___, it had a predictable ending.

a) nevertheless

b) in contrast

c) furthermore

Question 2: We went to the park; ___, we played soccer with our friends.

a) on the contrary

b) as a result

c) moreover

Question 3: She didn't study for the exam; ___, she failed to pass it.

a) therefore

b) nonetheless

c) however

Question 4: I want to become a doctor; ___, I need to study hard in science subjects.

a) on the other hand

b) thus

c) consequently
Question 5: They decided to go on a road trip; ___, they packed their bags and hit the road.

a) as a result

b) nevertheless

c) furthermore

Question 6: I love watching movies; ___, I enjoy going to the theater.

a) moreover

b) nonetheless

c) in addition

Question 7: He's not very tall; ___, he's an excellent basketball player.

a) thus

b) on the contrary

c) consequently

Question 8: We were tired; ___, we kept hiking until we reached the summit.

a) however

b) therefore

c) nonetheless

Question 9: The concert was canceled; ___, they offered refunds to the ticket holders.

a) on the other hand

b) in contrast

c) as a result

Question 10: I need to study for the exam; ___, I will skip the party tonight.

a) thus

b) in conclusion
c) hence

Question 1: Ethos refers to the use of:

a) Emotional appeals

b) Logic and reasoning

c) Credibility and trustworthiness

Question 2: Pathos appeals to the audience's:

a) Emotions

b) Sense of logic

c) Credibility and expertise

Question 3: Logos relies on:

a) Emotional anecdotes

b) Logical reasoning and evidence

c) Credible sources

Question 4: Which appeals to logic and reason?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 5: The use of expert testimonials is an example of:

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 6: Appeals to the audience's emotions are primarily associated with:

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 7: Providing statistical data and facts is an example of:

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 8: Which appeal focuses on establishing credibility and authority?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 9: An argument that uses personal stories and anecdotes is primarily employing:

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 10: The use of logical reasoning and logical fallacies falls under:

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 1: "As a renowned expert in the field, I can assure you that this treatment option is the
most effective." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos
Question 2: "Imagine a world where every child has access to quality education. Your donation can
make that dream a reality." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 3: "According to the latest scientific research, the global temperature has increased by
1.5 degrees Celsius over the past century." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 4: "As a cancer survivor, I understand the challenges and fears you are facing. Together,
we can overcome them." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 5: "Based on statistical data, it is evident that crime rates have decreased by 20% since
the implementation of community policing." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 6: "Imagine the joy on a child's face when they receive a gift during the holiday season.
Your donation can bring that happiness to life." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos
Question 7: "According to the leading financial analysts, investing in renewable energy can yield
significant long-term profits." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 8: "Our company has been serving satisfied customers for over 20 years. Trust us to
deliver high-quality products and exceptional service." Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 9: "Picture yourself relaxing on a pristine beach, feeling the warm sun on your skin. Book
your dream vacation now!" Which persuasive appeal is being used?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 10: "Based on logical reasoning, it is clear that increasing access to healthcare will lead to
improved overall well-being and reduced healthcare costs." Which persuasive appeal is being

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

Question 1: "She walked to the park." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence
Question 2: "John played basketball, and Mary went swimming." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 3: "Because it was raining, we decided to stay indoors." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 4: "He studied hard for the test but still got a low grade." This sentence is an example of

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 5: "The sun rose, and the birds started singing." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 6: "After finishing his dinner, he watched a movie." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 7: "She danced gracefully, and the audience applauded." This sentence is an example of

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence
c) Complex sentence

Question 8: "I enjoy reading books." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 9: "Although it was cold outside, they went for a walk." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 10: "The dog barked, and the cat ran away." This sentence is an example of a:

a) Simple sentence

b) Compound sentence

c) Complex sentence

Question 1: ________ dog is very friendly.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 2: I hope ________ coming to the party.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There
d) Your

e) You're

Question 3: ________ are going to the park this afternoon.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 4: ________ shoes are under the bed.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 5: ________ going to have a great time on vacation.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 6: ________ book is on the table.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your
e) You're

Question 7: ________ going to be late for the meeting.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 8: ________ cat is very playful.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 9: ________ going to love the surprise.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

Question 10: ________ keys are on the kitchen counter.

a) Their

b) They're

c) There

d) Your

e) You're

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