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Person 1: Hello! Long time no see. How have you been?

Person 2: Hello! Yes, it's been a long time. I've been pretty busy with work, but generally good.
And you?

Person 1: I understand. I too have been busy with my projects, but everything is going well. By
the way, have you heard about that new Italian restaurant that opened downtown?

Person 2: Yeah, I've heard of him. I've been told the food is delicious. Do you want to go try it

Person 1: Sure! It would be great. How about Friday night? We can reserve a table and enjoy a
good dinner.

Person 2: Sounds perfect to me. What time do we meet there?

Person 1: Let's say at 8:00 p.m. This will give us enough time to enjoy the food and catch up.

Person 2: Sounds good. I look forward to dinner and catching up with you. It's been a long time
since we last went out together.

Person 1: Yeah, we definitely have a lot to talk about. Remember when we used to go to those
concerts in the park? I miss those moments.

Person 2: Hell yeah! Those concerts were amazing. I would love to relive those experiences.
Maybe we can organize something similar in the future.

Person 1: That would be great! We can look for other outdoor events or concerts in the city. It's
always fun to enjoy live music.

Person 2: Totally agree. There are so many interesting things that we can do together. I'm glad
we planned this dinner. It will be the beginning of more fun moments.

Person 1: I'm excited about it. In addition, we must keep in touch and not let so much time
pass between our meetings. Friendship is important.
Person 2: Surely we should keep our friendship alive. I am committed to doing it. See you
Friday then. It will be a great evening!

Person 1: See you on Friday. I'm sure it will be a wonderful night. Until then, take care and see
you soon.

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