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Level Enomoto has reached a level beyond understanding with his control of his mangekyou
description sharringan, allowing him to use his eyes in a way even Madara Uchiha could not
achieve with the ordinary Sharingan.Enomoto gains god like control of his susanoo
and it’s properties as well as being able to see things with his sharingan no one else
could. We Shall dub this the Eno Sharingan.

Ability Susanoo: Thanks to his extended use of his full body susanoo, Enomoto is able to
Description perfectly assimilate the susanoo arround his body while still maintaining his agility and
size. This allows him further maneuverability – amounts of which he would previously
not be able to achieve.

Sharingan: Enomoto (through pushing his eyes to their max) has been able to
achieve visual prowess unlike anyone before him with the sharingan, surpassing that
of even Madara Uchiha. Enomoto can now simply look at a person with his eyes to
determine the biological makeup of his opponent, allowing him to determine their
weaknesses. Further more Enomoto is able to combine his flesh warper abilities with
his sharingan to temporarily allow his allies to use the abilities of his sharingan.

Susanoo This state lasts for 5 minutes

Your Dexterity and Strength are set to 26 if not already higher. -

Your AC, if not already higher, is replaced with a new calculation, equal to
12+Proficiency+Class Mod Level+ Charisma Mod

You gain 200 Susanoo Hit Points - You have resistance to Bludgeoning, Slashing and
Piercing damage. If you already have resistance to these damages, lower them further
by your proficiency modifier. - It is a free action to recharge your Sharingan. -

Once per round, you may use any sharingan feature, of any level, regardless of
pre-requisites. This is not an extra action, though it halves the chakra cost (if any) and
does not consume a use of your sharingan. -

You summon a smaller version of your Sussanoo weaponry. You gain Multi-Attack 3
this weapon, and it deals damage accordingly: *

Melee (Taijutsu or Ninjutsu attack bonus): 8d8+Strength or Dexterity+Intelligence or

wisdom *

Ranged (Taijutsu or Ninjutsu attack bonus): 8d6+Dexterity+Intelligence or wisdom


Eno Sharingan **Passive upon activation** Enomoto gains expertise in Perception as well as
Medcine and Insight, and is able to use Charisma instead of Wisdom for those same
Enomoto automatically passes rolls to determine the physical state of creature. He can
determine what condition is currently affecting them by merely looking.

Enomoto is also able to as a bonus action or a free action if he spends 5 chakra to

make a medicine skill check at advantage to determine the Immunities, resistances or
weaknesses of a creature.

Enomoto is also able to have further concentration on his jutsu allowing him to now
concentrate on an additional 2 jutsu as long as their not upcasted from their
original level.

Enomoto also learns the Last Waltz jutsu which he can cast for free.

Acquisition Enomoto has to push his sharingan to their limits to achieve this. In order to gain this
level he must sacrifice one of his eyes to achieve these abilities. The eye will not be
lost until after the form has concluded .

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