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Industrial attachments is aimed at exposing students of higher institution to acquire

industrial skills and practical work in their carriers, and also to prepare the student for
industrial work which they are likely to encounter after graduation. This report is based
on the experiences I gained during the period of my Idustrial training at ABU SAMARU
FM 101.1, Zaria, Kaduna state.

The industrial training have exposed me to the rules and regulations, program schedule,
report, interviewing, vox-pop among other various aspects in broadcasting.

This report describes my experience and the activities I carried out during the period of
the training. Also, it stated some recommendations for the improvement of the station.

I reported to my place of IT (Industrial training) on the 8th of November 2021, at ABU


On the first day, Mal. Musa Alhassan, who was my industry based-supervisor oriented
us on how our stay in the station is going to be. He assigned me to the News and
current affairs department.

As a novice journalist, I was tutored by different staff of the station on different aspects
of electronic journalism among which the essential is the imperativeness of meeting
deadlines as a reporter. And I was introduced to all the departments of the Radio station
and was also taught how they operate.

I learnt the basics of Radio Journalism and how to put them in practice. I saw most of
what we were been taught in class regarding how radio stations operate.

Among the in-house style of the station is that it serves the functions of informing,
educating and entertaining the University community and environs especially on the
latest news, scientific and technological discoveries as well as health tips among others.

It aires inaugural lectures, conferences, seminars, matriculations, convocations,

student's political debates, important guest to the compus, sporting and other social
events within the campus community.

The station also serves as resource centre for upcoming campus stations who come
for technical advice on both training and community breaking.

Undergraduate and post graduate students use educational resources available in the
station for their projects and theses.

I learnt that journalism is not a lazy man's job, as it is a profession that does not tolerate
laziness and sluggishness. It requires hardworking and dedication.

I saw how important it is to preserve the tenets of journalism practice which are
objectivity, balance, fairness, factuality and also the ability of a journalist to meet

The station mostly imitates the BBC standards, and I learnt how to write script using the
BBC house style.

I was sent to the field on several occasions to cover events, and I write, voice and edit
reports. I also learnt how to participate in Duty Continuety Announcing (DCA).

The General manager is very sensitive on all the operations of the study, he is really
good in managing the station. Both the General manager and the various staff of the
station are friendly and approachable. The Training was very exciting.

I had an unforgettable experience on how community Radio station operates. The IT

was really amazing and impactful even though it sometimes feels annoying.

On the other hand, I would like to recommend that the University management should
provide sophisticated equipment for the station to run smoothly, as the equipment in
the station are not enough and satisfying.

The station sometimes go off air as a result of power outage, which by now, every
station supposed to have pass that level. Also, there are some equipment that need
repairs and replacements. I will be very good if the management will address these
problems as soon as possible.

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