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CARBON 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 3 –4 2 1

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Synthesis and explosive decomposition

of polynitro[60]fullerene
Franco Cataldo , Ornella Ursini c, Giancarlo Angelini c

Tor Vergata University, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Rome, Italy
Lupi Chemical Research srl, Via Casilina 1626A, 00133 Rome, Italy
Istituto di Metodologie Chimiche, CNR, Via Salaria Km 29,300, Monterotondo Stazione, 00016 Rome, Italy


Article history: Prolonged treatment of C60 in benzene with very high concentrations of N2O4 leads to a new
Received 22 February 2013 polynitro[60]fullerene whose composition was determined as C60(NO2)14 by thermogravi-
Accepted 12 June 2013 metric analysis. The compound is unstable and deflagrates above 170 C when heated
Available online 20 June 2013 under nitrogen or in air with the release of a considerable amount of heat as observed
by the differential thermal analysis and as measured by differential scanning calorimetry.
The decomposition steps of C60(NO2)14 were followed by the thermogravimetric analysis
coupled with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analytical technique. At the deflagra-
tion point C60(NO2)14 releases a mixture of nitrogen oxides: NO2 and NO with minor
amounts of N2O. The deflagration leaves a residue of oxidized carbon which by heating
releases CO2 and CO and at 700 C is reduced to a carbonaceous matter free from residual
oxygenated groups showing also the presence of small amounts (610%) of C60 fullerene.
 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction molecule for the synthesis of other fullerene derivatives tak-

ing advantage from the fact that NO2 moieties are very good
The chemistry of fullerenes has been widely expanded since leaving groups in nitrofullerene. Therefore, arylamino-deriva-
their discovery at the end of last century [1]. A series of books tives of C60 [14,15], fullerenols [16] and other more complex
and reviews [2–9] (cited without the presumption of being derivatives [17] were prepared using C60(NO2)6 as starting mol-
exhaustive) testify how deep is our knowledge on the chemi- ecule for further synthesis.
cal behavior of C60 and C70 and also about their potential The interest on nitrofullerenes does not regard only their
applications and impact in very different fields of science. potential use as precursors for the synthesis of more complex
In the current paper we wish to report about a novel fullerene fullerene derivatives but regards also the potential properties
derivative, the tetradecanitro[60]fullerene and about the evi- as explosives and propellants additives [18] and the relative
dences of its explosive properties. thermochemical aspects [19–23]. The interest in nitrated ful-
One of the first attempts to produce a nitrofullerene deriv- lerene is enforced also by the discovery that another nitrated
ative involved the use of nitric acid resulting in the formation cage compound: octanitrocubane (ONC) [23–25] which is char-
of a nitro-oxidized C60 [10]. Instead, the use of NO2 [11] or acterized by a series of unique properties as explosive in
N2O4 in CS2 [12] as nitrating agent was a successful approach terms of high density, favorable oxygen balance, very high
in the synthesis of polynitrofullerene. The synthesis of hexa- detonation velocity and very high detonation pressure which
nitrofullerene was achieved using NO2 in benzene solutions has permitted the classification of ONC as one of the most
of C60 [13–17]. The resulting C60(NO2)6 was used as starting powerful explosive [24] with a relative effective factor (RE

* Corresponding author at: Tor Vergata University, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39 0694368230.
E-mail address: (F. Cataldo).
0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
414 CARBON 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 3 –4 2 1

factor) against trinitrotoluene (TNT) of 2.38, which means green. The red precipitate was collected by decantation and
that 2.38 kg of TNT have the equivalent effect of 1 kg of dried in vacuum to yield 104 mg. Other 50 mg of polynitro-
ONC [25,26]. fullerene were collected by distillation of the benzene/N2O4
under reduced pressure.
2. Experimental
3. Results and discussion
2.1. Materials and equipment
3.1. Aspects of the synthesis of polynitrofullerene
Fullerene C60 was a high purity grade (99.9%) from MTR Ltd.
Company, USA. Benzene, concentrated nitric acid (>65%) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and its dimer dinitrogen tetroxide
and copper turnings were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich, (N2O4) are well known nitrating agents either used alone or
USA. Thermogravimetric analysis was made on a Linseis dissolved in organic solvents [27–30]. NO2 is prevalent in the
apparatus model L81 + DTA at a heating rate of 10 C/min un- gas phase and it is used in gas phase nitration reactions
der N2 flow of 20 L/h or under a air flow of 40 L/h. Differential [27]. Instead the dimer N2O4 is prevalent in liquid phase and
scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed on a Mettler-Tole- in organic solvents where it is highly soluble and forms also
do DSC-1 Star System using heating rates of 10 C/min or charge-transfer complexes [26–30]. When N2O4 is dissolved
20 C/min (see Section 3) under a nitrogen or air flow of 5 L/ in CS2 and reacted with C60 yields on average a tetranitro
h. The DSC on polynitrofullerene samples were performed derivative [2].
under N2 flow using stainless steel hermetically sealed med- However, it is more convenient to use benzene as reaction
ium pressure crucibles on samples size of 5–9 mg instead, solvent in the nitration of C60 with N2O4 since the reaction
the DSC under air flow were made using opened stainless mixture of N2O4/CS2 may be dangerous to handle. Instead,
steel crucibles. The FT-IR spectra of polynitrofullerenes and benzene does not undergo nitration reaction with N2O4 at
their decomposition products were recorded on a Nicolet ambient and sub-ambient temperature while there is the for-
6700 spectrometer from Thermo-Scientific with samples mation of a charge-transfer complex between benzene and
embedded in KBr pellets. N2O4 where the former acts as a charge donor [28,29]. The
complex is described as an equimolar ratio of benzene/N2O4
2.2. Synthesis of polynitro[60]fullerene with a melting point at 7 C [28]. The dissociation constant
of the reaction N2O4 ! 2NO2 is reported to be 3.2 · 105 mol/
C60 fullerene (114 mg) was mixed with 110 ml of benzene and L in liquid N2O4 against 1.4 · 105 mol/L when N2O4 is dis-
sonicated for 3 h in a stoppered conical flask in an ultrasonic solved in benzene in a wide molar ratio range with solvent
bath. The resulting solution was transferred in a gas washing [29]. This implies that the nitration mechanism of the sub-
bottle and then an abundant stream of NO2 was passed into strate C60 is the same both in liquid N2O4 or in benzene solu-
the solution which was cooled externally at +10 C. Nitrogen tion and is due the free radical attack of the NO2 radicals to
dioxide was produced in a separate apparatus by dropping the fullerene double bonds.
concentrated nitric acid 64% over abundant copper turnings. Some authors [11,13–16] have studied the gradual nitration
NO2 was dried over anhydrous calcium chloride prior to bub- of C60 and shown that the nitration stops at the hexani-
bling into the benzene solution of C60 as suggested in Ref. tro[60]fullerene derivative after a very long contact time be-
[11,13]. Because of the large amount of NO2 employed and tween the benzene/N2O4 and the fullerene substrate.
the low temperature adopted, a brown mixture of benzene However, none of the mentioned authors have used very high
and N2O4 was obtained and left stoppered at 10 C for 24 h. concentration of N2O4 in benzene as we have done and none
Afterwards the benzene/N2O4 solution was found with a dark- of the authors reported the spontaneous precipitation of the
green color with an abundant red precipitate. The benzene/ polynitrofullerene from the benzene solution on standing,
N2O4 was decanted and the red precipitate was dried at room as we observed. Consequently, our synthetic approach has
temperature in vacuum. On drying it turned its color from red lead to the production of highly nitrated fullerene C60.
to orange-red. The yield of the collected precipitate was
122 mg. The distillation of the benzene/N2O4 yielded other 3.2. Determination of the composition of
58 mg of nitrofullerene. polynitrofullerene and discovery of its explosiveness

2.3. Synthesis of polynitro[60]fullerene with pre-saturated To assess the chemical composition of the polynitro[60]fuller-
benzene/N2O4 mixture ene prepared as detailed in Section 2 we have used the ther-
mogravimetric analysis both under nitrogen flow and under
About 90 ml of benzene recovered from the previous batch air flow. The TGA curves obtained are shown in Fig. 1. Both
were treated with NO2 until a brown solution was obtained. TGA curves show a sudden and explosive decomposition of
Then, C60 fullerene (104 mg) was added to the solution which the polynitro[60]fullerene suggested by the vertical lines par-
was sonicated for 30 min in an ultrasonic bath. The C60 disso- allel to the ordinate axis which show an extremely rapid and
lution was rapid and complete. The solution appeared red- complete weight loss which is not accompanied by further
dish. The reaction mixture kept at +10 C was saturated weight loss at higher temperatures. The sudden and rapid
with dry NO2 until it has assumed a dark-green color. After weight loss corresponds to a deflagration process of the poly-
24 h on standing at +10 C the mixture showed a red precipi- nitro[60]fullerene with the onset occurring at 171 C under N2
tate at the bottom while the benzene solution remained dark- and at 176 C under air (see Fig. 1). The sudden weight loss in
CARBON 6 2 (2 0 1 3) 4 1 3–42 1 415

Fig. 1 – Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of tetradecanitro[60]fullerene recorded at a heating rate of 10 C/min under
nitrogen flow and air flow. The decomposition onset of the former sample under N2 occurs at slightly lower temperature than
the sample tested in air flow. The total weight loss of 47.3% corresponds to the theoretical value of 47.2% which can be
calculated for C60(NO2)14.

the TGA corresponds to the strong exothermal peaks ob- Neither the explosive decomposition of polynitrofullerene
served in the differential thermal analysis (DTA) recorded nor a so high level of nitration of C60 has ever been reported in
simultaneously with TGA (Fig. 2). In the DTA the peaks of literature till now suggesting that our new synthetic approach
the deflagration process occur at 175 C under N2 and at has been fecund.
185 C in air flow.
The total weight loss after the deflagration of the polyni- 3.3. Infrared spectroscopy of polynitro[60]fullerene and of
tro[60]fullerene samples is 47.3% for the sample heated under the carbon residue collected after the deflagration
N2 and 46.2% for the sample heated under air flow. Both these
values are almost coincident to the theoretical value of 47.2% The FT-IR spectrum of the polynitro[60]fullerene prepared in
which can be calculated for C60(NO2)14, the tetradecani- the present work and having the elemental composition
tro[60]fullerene which is the composition of the polyni- C60(NO2)14 displays an infrared spectrum dominated by the
tro[60]fullerene prepared in the present work. asymmetric and symmetric NO2 vibrations at about 1570

Fig. 2 – Differential thermal analysis (DTA) signal recorded simultaneously with the TGA measurement of the previous figure
on tetradecanitro[60]fullerene samples under N2 flow and under air flow. In both cases two strong exothermal transitions
respectively at 175 C and 183 C were observed corresponding to the deflagration of the tetradecanitro[60]fullerene.
416 CARBON 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 3 –4 2 1

and 1330 cm1 respectively (see Fig. 3). These bands were also ketone band is now replaced by an aromatic band at
observed in other nitro[60]fullerenes with lower content of ni- 1575 cm1. At 700 C the ketone band is completely removed
tro groups [11–15]. In the C–N stretching region of the nitro- remaining only the aromatic band at 1586 cm1. These data
groups [31], the main infrared absorption band at about show very clearly that the decomposition of polynitrofulle-
805 cm1 is accompanied by a series of sub-bands. The NO2 rene produces an highly oxidized carbonaceous matter
deformation vibrations which include the scissoring, wagging resembling polymeric fullerene oxide, the heavy oxidized car-
and rocking of the NO2 group occurs in the spectrum at low bon obtained by prolonged ozonization of C60 [32–34]. The
wavenumbers [31] and in particular the peak at about assignments of the ketone band at 1775 cm1 observed up
685 cm1 in Fig. 3 can be assigned to the NO2 wagging mode to 500 C were discussed in previous works [33,34] and are
[31]. The weak peaks at 561 and 543 cm1 shown in Fig. 3 due to acid anhydride group (–CO–O–CO–), to lactones and
are attributable to the NO2 group rocking [31]. to four-membered cyclic ketone while the band at
When C60(NO2)14 is heated under nitrogen, it deflagrates at 1720 cm1 is due to regular ketone or aldehyde group [31].
175 C as shown by the TGA and DTA (Figs. 1 and 2 respec- Fig. 4 shows also two weak features at 551 and 525 cm1 in
tively). The decomposition leaves a residue of carbonaceous the sample prepared at 300 C. Such features become slightly
matter in the TGA crucible. In Fig. 4 are reported the infrared stronger in the samples obtained at higher temperature than
spectra of a series of carbonaceous samples obtained from 300 C and at 650–700 C the two bands are clearly located at
the thermal decomposition of C60(NO2)14 under nitrogen flow 576 and 528 cm1 and consequently must be attributed to
and heated till 210 C, 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 650 C and 700 C C60. This implies that C60(NO2)14 decomposes to amorphous
and then cooled down to room temperature under nitrogen and oxidized carbon resembling polymeric fullerene oxide
flow. The FTIR spectra of the carbonaceous matter obtained but also back to C60 fullerene especially at higher temperature
from C60(NO2)14 from 210 C to 400 C show a broad ketone (i.e. >650 C) when the oxygenated functional groups are re-
band with two peaks at 1775 and 1735 cm1 accompanied by moved. From the infrared spectrum of Fig. 4 recorded on the
the a,b-unsaturated ketone band stretching at 1617 cm1 hav- carbonaceous matter obtained at 700 C, the C60 fullerene
ing approximately the same intensity of the ketone band. At fraction can be estimated 610% of the total carbon.
500 C the broad ketone band shifted at 1774 and 1720 cm1 The carbonaceous matter obtained at 700 C shows also
and has the same intensity as the a,b-unsaturated ketone the aromatic out-of plane bending modes respectively at
band at 1617 cm1. At 650 C the ketone band appears much 878 cm1 due to isolated C–H in a polycyclic aromatic struc-
weaker and shifted at 1711 cm1 while the a,b-unsaturated ture, 823 cm1 due to two adjacent aromatic C–H groups

1.4 364-37 Nitro[60]fullerene



1266 1115 561
0.2 1036 851
1566 736 543
-0.0 524
403-37 Nitro[60]fullerene


0.5 1332


0.3 802
1118 788
2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

Fig. 3 – FT-IR spectra of tetradecanitro[60]fullerene having the elemental composition of C60(NO2)14 as determined by the TGA.
The infrared spectrum of the sample prepared as detailed in Section 2.2 (spectrum at the top of the figure) is practically
identical to that prepared as reported in Section 2.3 (spectrum at the bottom of the figure).
CARBON 6 2 (2 0 1 3) 4 1 3–42 1 417

1.0 382-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 210°C N2 1735

1776 1617 1345


1.0 *403-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 300°C N2
1735 1619

0.5 1386 1223

928 751 697 551

1.0 411-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 400°C N2

1777 1614 1384 1230

0.5 1853
925 765 547
2337 2226 528
1.0 *410-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 500°C N2 1774 1240

1720 1614 764 545


0.5 911 709 528

2336 2225

1.0 *364-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 650°C N2 1575 1439

1221 576

1711 768
0.5 883

1.0 *364-37 Nitro[60]fullerene heated 700°C N2

1586 1429

823 576
878 757

2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Wavenumbers (cm-1)

Fig. 4 – FT-IR spectra of C60(NO2)14 decomposed by deflagration under nitrogen at the following temperatures (from top to
bottom): 210 C, 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 650 C and 700 C.

and 757 cm1 due to four adjacent aromatic C–H groups [31]. cated to the thermal decomposition of nitro-polyisoprene [35]
This fact suggests that the removal of oxygenated groups and reported also in other reference works [36].
from the carbonaceous matter obtained from C60(NO2)14 leads Fig. 6 shows the temporal evolution of the nitrogen oxides
to polycyclic aromatic moieties necessarily formed from the NO2 and NO as function of the temperature of the C60(NO2)14
fullerene cage breakdown although a small fraction of and the values in the ordinate of the graph are reported as
C60(NO2)14 is transformed back to C60. Ln[(Abs)t/(Abs)0] where (Abs)t is the area measured below
the peak at 1626 cm1 for NO2 and below the peak at
3.4. TGA-FTIR of the gases released by 1903 cm1 for NO at any temperature t while (Abs)0 is the area
polynitro[60]fullerene thermal decomposition below the mentioned peak at the temperature when the evo-
lution of a given gas starts. Of course, being each TGA-FTIR
The aspect of the decomposition of hexanitrofullerene yield- experiment conducted at a heating rate of 10 C/min, the tem-
ing oxidized carbon was examined by other authors [32] who perature scale in abscissa can be converted into a time scale.
have proposed also a mechanism explaining the formation of Fig. 6 shows that the production of NO2 and NO starts already
oxidized carbon residue. In this section using the TGA-FTIR at 60 C and the amount of the evolved gases grows with tem-
analytical tool (under nitrogen flow) we have analyzed the perature. At 100 C NO2 reaches a first maximum and then
gaseous products released by C60(NO2)14 during the thermal peaks again at the deflagration temperature of C60(NO2)14 be-
decomposition. In Fig. 5 is reported the infrared spectrum of tween 170 C and 180 C. Instead NO shows a plateau between
the gaseous products released by C60(NO2)14 at 170 C, a tem- 100 C and 140 C and then it the largest amount is released
perature corresponding to the onset of the deflagration. Three again at the deflagration temperature between 170 C and
gaseuos products were identified: nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen 180 C. The trend of N2O is not shown in Fig. 6 because it is
dioxide (NO2) and even dinitrogen monoxide (N2O). These produced exclusively between 170 C and 180 C, during the
gases are firmly identified through the Omnic library of our deflagration and in considerably smaller amounts than the
spectrometer and in Fig. 5 are shown also the reference spec- other nitrogen oxides. Particularly interesting is the produc-
tra of these three gases. The decomposition of nitrocom- tion of NO from the decomposition of C60(NO2)14. It has been
pounds normally produces a mixture of nitrogen oxides. suggested [32] that the nitrogroup of a generic nitrofullerene
This has been found in a previous work with TGA-FTIR dedi- once is released by thermal treatment as NO2 it reacts with
418 CARBON 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 3 –4 2 1

410-37 Nitro[60]fullerene 170°C

Abs 0.04
0.02 2209
1.0 Nitrogen dioxide NO2
1628 1600


1.0 Nitric oxide NO

1906 1875

0.5 1842

1.0 Dinitrogen monoxide N2O

2237 2213


2200 2000 1800 1600 1400

Wavenumbers (cm-1)

Fig. 5 – FTIR spectrum of the gaseous products released by C60(NO2)14 at the decomposition temperature of 170–180 C
(spectrum at the top of the figure). The 2nd, 3rd and 4th spectra from top are reference spectra taken from the Omnic library.

Fig. 6 – Amount of gases NO2 and NO produced from the thermal decomposition of C60(NO2)14 as measured through the TGA-
FTIR analysis. The area below the peak at 1626 cm1 for NO2 and below the peak at 1903 cm1 for NO was measured with the
Ominc software of the infrared spectrometer and reported as Ln[(Abs)t/(Abs)0] in the ordinate of the graph.

the surface of the fullerene cage forming a labile nitrito-ad- these two gases were revealed by the TGA-FTIR analytical
duct which, on further heating decomposes to NO leaving technique and identified through the Ominc library of our
an oxygen atom in the oxidized carbon network: spectrometer. Fig. 6 shows that the emission of CO2 reaches
C  NO2 ! C þ NO2 ! C  ONO ! C  O þ NO ð1Þ its maximum immediately after the deflagration of the sam-
ple, when the carbonaceous residue is brought at about
After the deflagration of C60(NO2)14 the release of nitrogen 200 C. Afterwards the CO2 release drops to a certain level
oxides drops to zero but continuous heating of the residual and from 250 C stabilizes and remains constant. On the other
carbonaceous matter reveals the release of CO2 and CO. Also hand, the release of CO starts as well after the deflagration,
CARBON 6 2 (2 0 1 3) 4 1 3–42 1 419

3.5. DSC of polynitro[60]fullerene and determination of

the heat of decomposition

To measure the amount of heat of decomposition released by

C60(NO2)14 a differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) measure-
ment was recorded as shown in Fig. 8. The DSC trace shows
three main exothermal transitions: first of all a minor exo-
thermal peak at 98 C can be observed followed by the defla-
gration peak at 190 C with the onset at 160 C, thus in a
temperature range completely in line with that measured in
the DTA of Fig. 2. After the deflagration peak there is another
broad exothermal transition with a peak at 247 C. From the
TGA-FTIR we know that above the 210 C C60(NO2)14 is com-
pletely decomposed into an oxidized carbon which releases
Fig. 7 – Amount of gases CO2 (circles) and CO (squares) only CO2 and CO. Consequently, the real decomposition en-
produced from the thermal decomposition of C60(NO2)14 as thalpy of C60(NO2)14 should be calculated using only the first
measured through the TGA-FTIR analysis. The area below two transitions at 98 C and 190 C. The integration of these
the peaks at 2363 and 2335 cm1 for CO2 and 2172 and two peaks corresponds to a total released heat of 434 J/g
2115 cm1 for CO was measured with the Ominc software of which, multiplied by the molecular weight of C60(NO2)14
the infrared spectrometer and reported as Ln[(Abs)t/(Abs)0] (1364.74 Da) corresponds to a decomposition enthalpy DHr =
in the ordinate of the graph. 592.3 kJ/mol. Assuming that the decomposition reaction of
C60(NO2)14 is essentially of the following type:
C60 ðNO2 Þ14 ! 60Camorphous þ 14NO2 ð2Þ

Then, it is possible to calculate the free enthalpy of forma-

reaches a plateau from 250 C to 340 C and then grows
tion as follows:
again at higher temperatures. Of course the production of
CO2 and CO should be considered in the frame of the dis- DHr ¼ 14DHNO2  DHnitro½60fullerene ð3Þ
cussion of the previous Section 3.3 where it was shown that
the oxidized carbon produced from the deflagration gradu- 592:3 ¼ 14ð33:2Þ  DHnitro½60fullerene ð4Þ
ally loses its oxygenated groups with the increase of the
DHnitro½60fullerene ¼ þ1057 kJ=mol ð5Þ
temperature becoming completely free from oxygenated
groups at 700 C (see Fig. 4). Therefore, the release of CO2 This value of free enthalpy of formation of C60(NO2)14 is
and CO as reported in Fig. 7 is a consequence of the car- considerably lower than the value predicted by Richard and
bonization process. Ball who expected theoretically DHnitro[60]fullerene = +4617 kJ/

Fig. 8 – DSC trace of C60(NO2)14 recorded at a heating rate of 10 C/min under N2 flow in a sealed stainless steel crucible. The
integral heat of decomposition is 2017 J/g.
420 CARBON 6 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 3 –4 2 1

Table 1 – Thermodynamic parameters of tetradeca[60]fullerene and octanitrocubane.

Decomposition Decomposition Free energy of
enthalpy (J/g) enthalpy (kJ/mol) formation (kJ/mol)

Tetradeca[60]fullerene up to 200 C 434 592 1051

Tetradeca[60]fullerene DSC integration 2017 2752 3217
Octanitrocubane Ref. [24,37] 7489 3475 594

mol [22]. The complete integration of all the exothermal tran- NO and smaller amounts of N2O. After the deflagration, when
sitions of the DSC trace including also those occurring at tem- the release of nitrogen oxide mixture is stopped, only CO2 and
peratures higher than 210 C leads to total decomposition CO are released. The former in higher amounts at lower tem-
enthalpy of 2017 J/g. In this value we are integrating all the perature while the latter becomes more abundant at higher
phenomena that from C60(NO2)14 lead to amorphous carbon temperatures. The DSC analysis of C60(NO2)14 in sealed cruci-
and multiplying by the molecular weight of C60(NO2)14 we bles has permitted us to measure the decomposition enthalpy
get a decomposition enthalpy (DHr) of 2752.7 kJ/mol. Substi- of this compound. The decomposition enthalpy including the
tuting this value in Eqs. (3) and (4) it leads to a free enthalpy of deflagration point (up to 210 C) corresponds to 434 J/g or
formation of C60(NO2)14: DHr = 592.3 kJ/mol. If instead the entire DSC exotherm is
DHnitro½60fullerene ¼ þ3217:5 kJ=mol ð6Þ integrated as shown in Fig. 8, then the decomposition exo-
therm involves the release of 2017 J/g which corresponds to
a value considerably closer to the theoretical value predicted decomposition enthalpy DHr = 2752.7 kJ/mol.
by Richard and Ball [22] (DHnitro[60]fullerene = +4617 kJ/mol) [22] The decomposition enthalpy of tetradeca[60]fullerene is by
and more reasonable than the former value of +1057 kJ/mol. far lower than that of octanitrocubane.
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measured by the DSC up to 200 C or integrated on the entire ical value.
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