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Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Republic Act 1425 Rizal Law


importance of RA 1425 to students

Importance of R.A. 1425 (Rizal Bill) in the Philippine Education System: Put in the minds of every Filipino especially the
younger generation the true essence of nationalism. Set the life of Rizal as an inspiration or a role model to every

Effectiveness of Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among secondary school students

Rizal Law is an effective tool in instilling patriotism among secondary high school students. As we study and learn about
his life and his works/deeds, we are motivated by his acts.



• born June 19, 1861, Calamba, Philippines—died December 30, 1896,
• patriot, physician, and man of letters who was an inspiration to the
Philippine nationalist movement.
• The son of a prosperous landowner,
• Paciano- was known name of rizal by the filipinos meaning the “ Most
• Rizal was educated in Manila and at the University of Madrid.
• A brilliant medical student, he soon committed himself to the reform of
Spanish rule in his home country, though he never advocated Philippine independence. Most of his
writing was done in Europe, where he resided between 1882 and 1892.
Languages spoken

• It is typically claimed that he was conversant in as many as 22 languages, namely: Spanish, French, Latin, Greek,
German, Portuguese, Italian, English, Dutch, Japanese, Arabic, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew and
Sanskrit; and the local languages Malay, Chavacano, Visayan, Ilocano and Subanun

• had 11 siblings
• Jose Rizal was fondly called PEPE by his family and friends.
• The godfather of Jose Rizal. REV. PEDRO CASANAS
• The mother of Jose Rizal was imprisoned for how many years due to allegedly poisoning her cousin-in-law?
• The ninth child of Francisco and Teodora who was an epileptic and died a spinster was JOSEFA
• Rizal's dog name is UZMAN
• name of Dr. Jose Rizal's son was FRANCISCO (he name his son after his father Francisco Mercado)
• Rizal affectionately called Don Francisco Mercado “ a model of fathers”
• Donya Teodora’s family descended from Laka Dula, the last native king of Tondo
• Rizal family belong to THE PRINICPALIA at town aristocracy in Spanish Philippine
• During the twilight hours of summer rizal accompanied by his pet dog USMAN, used to meditate at the shore
laguna de bay an the sad condition of his oppressed people.
• From his father, Rizal inherited a profound sense of self respect the love for work and the habit of independent
• From his mother , rizal inherited his religious nature the spirit of self sacrifice and the passion for arts and
• Without the aid of Divine Providence Rizal cannot attain greatness in the annals of the nation

Rizal Studies
• . At the age of 2 Jose Rizal learned read and write.
• Jose Rizal's first teacher was TEODORA ALONZO REALONDA
• Rizal started his formal schooling in BINAN
• In 1868, Don Kiko brought Rizal to this pilgrimage PENAFRANCIA
• UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DE MADRID The school where Jose Rizal finish his medical course.
• Rizal discovered 3 species: DRACO RIZALI (Wandolleck), a specie of flying dragon,RACHPHOROUS
RIZALI(Boetger), a hitherto unknown specie of toad: APOGONIA RIZALI (Heller), a small beetle, which were later
named after him.
• PAULITA GOMEZ The famous Rizal monument in Luneta was not the work of a Filipino but a Swiss sculptor.
What was the sculptor's name RICHARD KISSLING
• JOSE was the first of his family adopt the surname “Rizal: he register under his name at ateneo because their
family name “Mercado” had come under suspicion of the Spanish authorities.
• Rizal was first boarded in house outside Intramuros on Caraballa street, then was owned by a spinster named
titay who owed the Rizal family the amount of 300 pesos.
• ATENEO was more advanced that the other colleges in that period, it trained the character of the student by
rigid discipline and religious instructions.
• Reasons of creating empire of education system of Ateneo : To motivate and stimulate students.
• The Ateneo students during rizals time wore a uniform which consisted of “Hemp Fabric Trousers” and striped
cotton coat”. The coat material was called RAYADILLO
• A religious picture is Rizal’s first prize for being the brightest pupil in the whole class . at the end of the month,
he became the emperor.
• THE COUNT MONTE CRISTO- by alexander Dumos was the first favorite novel of Rizal which made deep
impression on him.
• Rizal persuaded his father to buy him universal HISTORY BY CESAR CANTU set of historical work that was great
aid in his studies.
• DR. FEODOR JAGOR- was a German scientist traveler who visited the Philippine in 1859 to 1860 who wrote the
travels in the Philippines
• Rizals painting under famous Spanish painter AGUSTIN SAEZM and sculpture under RUMUALDO DE JESUS noted
Filipino sculptor.
• DR. GERMIANO DE OCAMPO- a distinguished Filipino ophthalmologist said “Rizal has all the qualities that would
make an idea ophthalmic surgeon, a keen and analytic intellect lightness and artistry of a painter , courage and
improbability a broad and deep knowledge medicine and ophthalmology and last but not the least he had been
properly and adequately by most optomologist.
• The first teacher of rizal was his mother, who was remarkable woman of good charcter and fine culture,
• Leon Monroy is a former classmate of rizal’s father became rizals tutor that instructed jose in Spanish and latin
• Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz is Rizals teacher in private school in Bihan.
• Juancho is an old painter who was the life father in law of the school teacher freely give rizal lessons in drawing
and painting.
• Arturo Camps is a Frenchman friend of rizal’s father who took care of him on board they road on the steamer
Ferdinand Johann Franz Blumentritt
• was an Austrian teacher, secondary school principal in Leitmeritz, lecturer, and author of articles and books in
the Philippines and its ethnography.
• He is well known in the Philippines for his close friendship with the writer and Propagandist José Rizal, and the
numerous correspondence between the two provide a vital reference for Rizal historians and scholars,[1]
including his last letter from prison before the execution. .
• He is the friend of Jose Rizal dedicate letter with this line: "I AM INNOCENT OF THE CRIME OF REBELLION. I AM

Cultural Ideas Of Jose Rizal

The advancement of individual liberty, social progress, tolerance, scientific knowledge,
constitutional government, and separation of church and state: these were the main ideas of the
Enlightenment. Together, they tended to undermine the authority of both monarchy and Church.

NOLI ME TANGERE (Touch me Not)

• This work brings to the attention of Filipinos the atrocities done by priests during the Spanish era, as well as the
abuses that occurred in society when we were still under Spanish rule.
• Most of the story in Noli Me Tangere happened here. While San Diego does not really exist, Rizal modeled the
town after his province, Laguna. Laguna has been historically active in the past. And in contemporary times, it
continues to pay homage to its rich culture with sites that are preserved and protected.
• Jose Rizal's true love who personified Maria Clara in his novel Noli Me Tangere to LEONOR RIVERA
• The novel, Noli Me Tangere is dedicated to MARIA CLARA
• Noli Me Tangere was inspired by UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
• FRAY JOSE RODRIGUEZ the first spanish friar to attack " Noli" and " Fili" FR. JOSE RODRIGUEZ Rodriguez warned
the people that in reading the book they "commit mortal sin," considering that it was full of heresy.
• Vicente García y Teodoro was a Filipino priest, hero and a defender of Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
• Some of the important events and character of Noli Me tanggere

o The main character of Noli Me Tangere is CRISOSTOMO IBARRA

o The novel, Noli Me Tangere is about RELIGION, LOVE, SOCIETY
o Simoun is a wealthy jeweller who came back to the Philippines after 13 years/
o Crisostomo Ibarra was a student abroad who had his homecoming was 7 years
o Pilosopo Tasyo is a character in Noli Me Tangere personified by whom in reality PACIANO
o The heaven-sent financer of Noli Me Tangere. MAXIMO VIOLA
o The novel, El Filibusterismo came off the press with the financial assistance of VALENTIN
o The girlfriend of Isaganiwho dumped him for another man, believing that she has no future if
she marries him.


• also known by its alternative English title The Reign of Greed

• The title "El Filibusterismo" means SUBVERSIVE
• The novel, El Filibusterismo is about POLITICS & REVOLUTION
• is the second novel written by Philippine national hero José Rizal.
• It is the sequel to Noli Me Tángere and, like the first book, was written in Spanish.
• It was first published in 1891 in Ghent. Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo
• dedication to the three martyred priests Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, expressing
conviction that their treatment and deaths at the hands of the Spanish authorities was unjust.
• The main character of El Filibusterismo is ISAGANI

• Left an impression to Rizal about the sacrifice on one's life
• Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora They are the leaders of the secular movemmnet to the
filipinized parishes and their supporters (Jose Ma. Ass, attorneys Joaquin Pardo de Tevera and Antonio Ma
Regidor , etc. ) were executed at the sunrise of February 17, 1872 by order of governor general Izquierdo.


UN RECUERDO A MI PUEBLO (in memory of my town)

• is a poem about rizals belove town written b rizal in 1826 when he was 15 years ild and was student in the
ateneo de manila.
“SA AKING MGA KABATA” (“To My Fellow Children”)
• is known as the first poem of Jose Rizal. It was written in 1869,
• when Rizal was only eight years old. Unlike most of Rizal's poems which were originally written in Spanish, this
one was originally written in Tagalog.

MI ULTIMO ADIOS (ang huling paalam)

• Mi último adiós" is a poem written by Filipino propagandist and writer Dr. José Rizal before his execution by
firing squad on December 30, 1896.
• The piece was one of the last notes he wrote before his death.

• is a farewell poem written by our very own national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. It
was believed to be his last will as it was written the night before his execution.
• It was laterreceived by his family, hidden inside a small alcohol stove.
• Originally, the poem is having no
title, written in Spanish containing 14 five-line stanzas and lauded for its nationalism. It was his
friend, Mariano Ponce who gave title to the poem “Mi Ultimo Adios”, “My Last Farewell” in
English which was taken from the first line of the poem.

" A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA" (to the filipino youth)

• famous poem of Dr. Jose Rizal to THE LIBERAL MINDED STUDENTS of THE UST
• The Poem address the Filipino youth as the one who can bring about change and progress to the nation.
• It encourages them that they have the potential to achieve great things, "Come now, thou [Youth] genius
grand, And bring down inspiration."

Laong Laan

• The pen name of Dr. Jose Rizal when he was a contributor of poems and articles for the Spanish
newspaper “La Solidaridad” was Laong Laan which was the name of a railway station in Manila.
• Jose Rizal, who was known for his strong criticisms against the Spaniards, could not have
written all his essays and poems if he used his real name.
• To hide his identity, he used the pen names Laong Laan and Dimasalang in many of his
• is a socio-political essay published in La solidaridad in Madrid in 1890.
• It was written by José Rizal as a response to the accusation of Indio or Malay indolence.
• He admits the existence of indolence among the Filipinos, but it could be attributed to a number of


• The paper sought to put political pressure on the Spanish government, and, though not initially revolutionary,
• it helped spawn a united front for Filipino independence.
• The date of founding of the fortnightly newpaper was on FEB 15, 1889
• date of last issue of La Solidaridad was on NOV. 15, 1895

• was a secret society.
• It was founded by José Rizal in the house of Doroteo Ongjunco at Ilaya Street, Tondo, Manila on July 3, 1892.
• The organization derived from La Solidaridad and the Propaganda movement
• Dr. Rizal conceived the idea of establishing Liga Filipina, a civic association composed of filipinos in the place of
• JOSE MARIA BASA helped Rizal in preparing the constitution of La liga Filipina

• rizal was exiled to Dapitan on JULY 14, 1892
• On December 26, 1896, the military court tried Jose Rizal and later found him guilty of rebellion,
sedition, and conspiracy.
• The Spanish authorities believed that Rizal’s writings “fatally and necessarily” incited the rebellion
which, by 1896, had already become a revolution.
• On December 29 at 6 a.m., Capt. Rafael Dominguez read before Rizal his death sentence. His execution
was scheduled the following day.
• At 7 a.m. on December 30, 1896 at Luneta, Manila, the 35-year-old patriot was shot in the back by a
firing squad. He hesitated, turned halfway around to face his executioners, and fell on his back to face
the Philippine sun.


• arrived in Manila as new governor-general and successor of Ramon Blanco.
• He was the chosen messiah of the Friars whose only care was to secure their position where he worked
hand in hand with them.
• On the 29th of deember, 1896 when rizal notified of the repost sentence by the council of war. He
refurse to sign it strating that he was innocent of the charges against him and that he was not Chinese
mestizo as stated in the report but an india.
• It was the firing squad composed on eight native filipinos soldiers who shot rizal at Bagumbayan field.
• Rizal was buried at PACO cemetery without a coffin.
• Polavieja oversaw the court martial and death of José Rizal on December 30, 1896.
• Twenty four more people were executed with Rizal. As of August 1896, there are 500 soldiers in Manila
and 700 in the rest of the archipelago. Native mercenaries numbered around 6,000.


• The priest who baptized Rizal

• Philippine president who made December 30 as Day of National Mourning in Rizal honor

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