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1 Warm up
Read the definition then answer the questions.

well-being (n) - a person’s health and happiness

1. What do you do to look after your well-being?

2. What activities improve your well-being?
3. What do you think a company can do to look after the well-being of its employees?

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2 Skimming for gist

Match the titles to paragraphs A - C. There are more titles than paragraphs.

1. What are the costs of a well-being programme?

2. Improving health

3. What effect can a programme have on mental health?

4. Which large companies have a well-being programme?

5. What is a well-being programme?

6. Improving positive feelings

7. Improving diet

Introducing corporate wellbeing

What to do and why you should

Including a programme which focuses on the health of your employees can take a number of forms. Make sure
that there is easy access to healthy food. We’re all tempted to snack on biscuits and chocolate throughout the
work day, so offering alternatives such as fruit and nuts, as well as balanced meals at lunchtime is a good start
that will affect everyone. You can also check chairs, desks and computers for any signs that workers are sitting
and working in a way that will cause them physical problems. Subsidising yoga classes, gym memberships and
massages is another good idea. If you have the room, you can employ an instructor to come to the office and give
classes at lunchtime. Competitions to see who can lose the most weight, walk the most number of steps or run
the most number of miles each week is another good way to both encourage a healthy lifestyle and create a more
social environment.


There are a number of reasons for having a programme like this, both obvious and less obvious. Healthy employees
means that there will be fewer days taken as sick leave. As well as having greater amounts of energy, they will be
more likely to avoid mental health issues too, such as depression, which can negatively affect people for different
periods of time and cause problems with focusing on their job. If someone has poor physical or mental health, there
will be greater risks of long-term illnesses which can lead to people being off work for months. Of course, there
are also costs to a company when someone takes time off sick, particularly if the company pays for healthcare.


There’s also the positive effect well-being programmes can have on morale. A workplace which workers enjoy
coming to each day will make them happier, work harder and also reduce the number of employees who leave.
The costs and time involved in replacing people who leave can really add up, as well as creating problems for the
team they leave behind. Not only this, but it’s a good way to attract new talent to a company. Happy employees
will talk about their experience to family and friends and it won’t take long for your company to gain a reputation
as a great place to work. If you invest in your employees, you will also invest in the company. So if you’ve yet to
create a well-being programme in your company, talk to your employees about what they want to do. You will be
on your way to a happier, healthier workplace.

Sources: Business Magazine, Indeed

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3 Scanning for vocabulary

Find vocabulary in the article on page two which means the same as the following definitions.

1. containing similar amounts of different elements (adj., para. A)

2. give money to make something cheaper for people (v, para. A)

3. the action of rubbing and pressing on someone’s body to improve their health
and reduce pain (n, para. A)
4. a mental illness where someone feels deeply unhappy and not positive about
the future (n, para. B)
5. taking place over an extended period of time (adj., para. B)

6. medical service for people who are physically or mentally sick (n, para. B)

7. the positivity and confidence a person or group of people have in a particular

situation (n, para. C)
8. the idea that people have about a company or person based on their
behaviour in the past (n, para. C)

4 Reading comprehension
Complete the notes with one, two or three words from the article.

Provide healthy food so that employees are less to eat poorly during the work day.
Check that aren’t being created by computers and desks being at the wrong height.
Set up classes during so that employees can get fit or relax. Benefits from wellness
programmes include: reduced amount of that employees will take, as well as fewer
5 6 7
. In turn, this can lower to the company. When you
the amount of time and money spent on hiring new staff, it’s much better if employees stay longer.
When you look after your staff, you effectively the company meaning it’s positive for

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5 Focus on vocabulary

Part A: Complete the following vocabulary and definitions with the missing vowels (a,e,i,o,u).

1. _ nxi _ _ t _ (n) - a feeling of worry that something very bad is going to happen

2. _ tm _ sph _ r _ (n) - the feelings or mood between a group of people

3. c _ mm_tt _ _ (n) - a select group of people who make decisions for a larger group of people

4. v _ cc _ n _ (n) - a substance which protects people from diseases when added to the blood

5. m _ r _ th _ n (n) - a long race of 26 miles

6. b _ _ st (v) - to make something faster, bigger, or more successful

7. n _ tr _ t _ _ _ s (adj.) - containing healthy elements which are good for you and help you grow

8. _ xh _ _ st _ d (adj.) - feeling very tired

Part B: Now complete the following sentences with vocabulary from Part A. You may have to change
the form of the word.

1. Next week, nurses will be coming to reception to give a flu to anyone who wants
it to protect you this winter.

2. It’s been really stressful this week so I’m leaving early today as I’m absolutely .

3. The new cafe across the street looks fantastic. They have loads of delicious looking cakes as well
as coffee and salads.

4. The is currently deciding when to have the summer party and where it should be.
I think it will be just as good as last year’s.

5. My husband is raising money for cancer by running three in three days in three
different countries!

6. When the company introduced the wellness programme, it really morale amongst
the staff and it is a much better place to work now.

7. When they bought our company, it created a lot of for the employees as they
were really concerned about their jobs.

8. The yoga class was great fun and the instructor was really funny and created a really positive
. I can’t wait for next week.

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6 Listening for details

Listen to the interview with a manager about a well-being programme. Match the numbers to their

15 160 3000 59 73 96

a. → The percentage increase in sick days over two years before the wellness
b. → The percentage increase in mental health issues among staff before the
wellness programme.
c. → The percentage of food that was nutritious before the wellness
d. → The percentage of staff who wanted to get a vaccine at work.

e. → The amount of money raised for a charity in British pounds.

f. → The percentage reduction in the number of sick days taken after the
wellness programme was introduced.

7 Listening comprehension

Complete the notes with one, two or three words from the interview.

1. There used to be a lot of problems with people being off sick due to normal illnesses, but also
serious issues, such as .

2. The staff used to generally look extremely tired and .

3. There was mostly fast food, chocolate, biscuits and available in the cafe before.

4. A committee was created to get from employees about the changes they wanted
to see.

5. The company made a flu vaccine available to all employees, and set up a that was
so popular they needed two.

6. There is now available in the vending machine.

7. Sick days have massively decreased, with only one employees taking more than three days off.

8. Now only people leave each year, whereas it used to be 12 to fifteen.

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8 Talking point

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1. Is stress a problem in your company? Why/why not?

2. Does your company have any programmes for increasing wellness? What does it do?/why not?
3. What could your company do that it isn’t doing to improve wellness for employees?
4. How would you describe the atmosphere in your company?

9 Extended activity/Homework

Part A: Focus on grammar - First conditional. Find these sentences in the article on page two and fill
in the gaps.

1. If you in your employees, you also invest in the company.

2. If someone has poor physical or mental health, there greater risks of long-term

3. greater amounts of energy, they will be more likely to avoid mental health issues

4. you have the room, you employ an instructor to come to the

office and give classes at lunchtime.

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Part B: Complete the following rules about the first conditional by underlining the correct option.
There are two clauses: the ‘If’ clause and the main clause.

1. The tense in the ‘If’ clause needs to be a present/past/future tense.

2. The tense in the main clause needs to be the future/past/present simple.

3. It is/isn’t possible to change the modal verb ‘will’ for other modal verbs, such as may, can, should
and might.

4. It is/isn’t possible to change ‘If’ for other phrases such as when, as soon as, as well as.

5. It is/isn’t possible to use ‘will’ in the ‘If’ clause.

6. If you start the ‘if’ clause with As well as, the verb after it should be in the base form/-ing form.

7. The ‘If’ clause and the main clause can/can’t swap places.

Part C: Now complete the following sentences using the words in the box.

isn’t / will go / increasing / do / when / might

1. As well as the amount of healthy food available, we will also offer yoga classes at

2. they introduce a wellness programme, the number of sick days will reduce.

3. Can you start a wellness programme if there one available?

4. We go to the gym at lunchtime if there is enough time.

5. As soon as we finish work today, we and eat together at a local restaurant.

6. If you yoga or a sport at lunchtime, you will feel better in the afternoon.

Now write the first conditional sentences with your own ideas.

1. As soon as my manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. When my company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. As well as. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Our team might. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. We can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. I will be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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