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Looking at the current numerous telecommunications fraud cases, the characteristics

of the diversity of means are particularly prominent, and new intelligent and complex
fraud methods emerge in endlessly. Therefore, the government and relevant
departments must attach great importance to it and make full use of the technical
resources of big data. Do a good job of early prevention and early identification of
telecommunications fraud crimes, and try to kill them at the source. Similarly, as a
citizen, we must also pay attention to our thoughts and be vigilant in our actions.

from April 15 to the end of June 2004, the public security organs of Fujian Province
took the lead in deploying the "Special Action to Combat and Control Fraud Crimes
Using Mobile Phones and Internet False Information";on June 1, the Ministry of
Public Security held a national public security organ Video and teleconferences were
deployed to carry out a two-month "special action against false information fraud
crimes" nationwide; at the same time, as the hardest hit area for fraud crimes, the
Quanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province, together with the
city's Intermediate People's Court, The People's Procuratorate formulated the "Interim
Provisions on Strictly Combating False Information Fraudulent and Criminal
Activities in accordance with the Law"

Among them, the practices of Germany, the United States, Australia, Japan and other
countries are not only typical, but also can serve our country under the premise of my
country's national conditions.
In Australia, every year, many cyber-economic criminals use the methods of
"government tax rebates", false claims of "winning a lottery" or providing free travel
to call victims, especially immigrants, to engage in telecommunications fraud. For
example, some criminals pretended to be officials of the Australian immigration
department, called immigrants who only held temporary visas, and told the victims
that there were relatively serious problems with their visas, and that they needed to
pay additional funds, otherwise they would be expelled from the country. This is
where criminals take advantage of the victim's vulnerability and take advantage of the
victim's fear of deportation, with repeated success.

The United States has a relatively complete financial defense system in dealing with
telecom fraud crimes. When dealing with telecommunications fraud crimes, the
"Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act" and the "U.S.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines" have been passed and come into effect, which also
allows judges to decide on the severity of the sentencing and impose severe and
severe penalties.

The Japanese government will cooperate with the Japanese mainstream media to
conduct regular publicity on the prevention of telecommunications fraud, show the
commonly used and latest criminal methods of criminal suspects, and educate the
public to identify and prevent telecommunications fraud crimes through case studies.
Telecom companies in Japan have specially set up anti-telecom fraud sub-stations on
their websites to publicize measures to prevent telecom fraud crimes, and send safety
reminders to users through SMS and other channels to increase users' awareness of

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