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● Traffic-flow theory/diagram seek to

describe in a precise mathematical
way the interactions among
vehicles, drivers, and the
● Is a mathematical relationship
between FLOW, DENSITY and
● The scientific study of traffic flow
begins in the 1930s with the
application of probability theory to
the description of road traffic.
● Pioneering studies conducted by
Bruce D. Greenshields

● Traffic flow diagram explain

the relationship between
flow, density and speed ( Us )
● Diagram no 1 – relationship
between speed and density
● Diagram no 2 – relationship
between speed and flow
● Diagram no 3 – relationship
between flow and density
The flow and density varies with time
and location.The characteristic of an
ideal flow density relationship:

If density = 0, then flow = 0. (no vehicle

on the road)

If number of vehicle increases, the flow

and density increase.

The density of traffic reaches

maximum if the traffic is jam, however
the flow would be zero. (no vehicle
Based On the flow-density curve:

● The point O refers to the case with zero

density and zero flow.
● The point B refers to the maximum flow
and the corresponding density is kmax.
● The point C refers to the maximum
density kjam and the corresponding flow
is zero.
● OA is the tangent which gives the mean
free flow speed. (speed where vehicle can
travel when there is no flow)
● 2 different densities can have same flow,
but the lower density can has higher
speed compared to higher density of
same flow.
● The area under the curve before kmax
represents uncongested traffic while after
kmax represents congested traffic.
μ = Space-Mean Speed (km/h)
μf = Free-Flow Speed (km/h)
k = Density (vehicle/km)
kj = Jam Density (vehicle/km)

● A single vehicle on a highway will have

a very low density thus speed will be at
● When number of vehicle increase, the
density will be higher thus making the
speed drop
● At maximum density, speed will stop
due to congestion
Important formula obtained from the equation derivation are :
Based on the speed-flow curve:
● Uncongested flow conditions,
speed decreases as the flow
increases up to a maximum point
● For congested flow conditions,
speed decreases with the flow
reductions because of the increase
of traffic density beyond maximum
● Important for freeway

● Use to determine the traffic state of a roadway

● Diagrams can show the travel time, delays,
and queue length of a road segment
● Engineer can built better design roadways,
estimate service levels, and advocate policy
● Example : Corridors which attract younger
travellers, travellers owning fewer vehicles,
and/or travellers with longer vehicles may
need to be designed more generously to
achieve desired service levels; and congestion
tolls can be more appropriately set for trucks
and other vehicle and driver types which
constrain flow.
Mathematical relationship of traffic flow based on
Greenshields Model
Equations (2) and (3) indicate that if a linear relationship in (1) is assumed for
speed and density, then parabolic relationship are obtained between flow
and density, and between flow and speed. Considering the equation ( 2),

Assuming that speed and density has a linear relationship. It

was noted that on a length of highway the free speed was
80km/h and the jam density was 70 veh/km.

a. What is the maximum flow which could expected on this

b. At what speed it would occur
Tutorial 1

1. A traffic study has been carried out at Jalan Tuaran within three years.
Based on the data collection, the free speed in steadily increasing 5%
annually. Given the free speed on 2018 was 65 km/h and jam density is
70 veh/km.

Calculate the qmax on 2022?

and at what speed it occurs?

Assume the jam density is maintain.

q1 is 1380 veh/h and u1 19.2 km/h
q2 is 1100 veh/h and u2 22.8 km/h

a. Determine the density for each

b. What is the q max
1. A study on traffic flow has been conducted at Lebuhraya
Semporna-Tawau. Based on the data collection, the free speed at this
highway was 105 km/h, meanwhile the jam density was ¾ compared to
the free speed. Please calculate the maximum flow and speed at the
maximum flow.

2. Given
q1 is 1120 veh/h and u1 18.3 km/h
q2 is 1500 veh/h and u2 30.0 km/h

a. Determine the density for each flow

b. What is the q max

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