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Nama : Syarif Hidayatullah

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Pemahaman Global Artikel
1. Judul Artikel The Using of Media in Learning Fiqh to the Islamic
Education Department of Education and Teacher Faculty of
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
2. Basis Penelitian This article is research based
3. Tujuan Penelitian The aims of this study is to reveal the use of media in
learning fiqh in the Department of Islamic Education,
Education and Teaching Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol
4. Teori yang Digunakan dalam A. Instructional Media
Penelitian According to Briggs (1977) instructional media is the
physical facilities to deliver content/learning materials
such as: books, films, videos, etc. Then, according to the
National Education Association (1969) revealed that the
learning media is a means of communication in the form
hearing, including hardware technology.
There are several types of media, including:
1. Visual media: graphs, diagrams, charts, charts, posters,
cartoons, comics;
2. Audio media : audio, tape recorders, language
3. Still projected media: slide; over head projector (OHP),
in focus;
4. Motion projected media: movie, television, video
(VCD, DVD, VTR), computers.
Some of the functions of instructional media are:
1. Can serve as the focus of students attention;
2. Arouse Students Emotions;
3. Arouse students learning motivation;
4. Construct more concrete learning;
5. Overcoming the limitedness of space, time, and power
6. Enabling the learning;
7. Reduce the possibility of teacher-centered learning;
8. Enabling student response.
B. Learning Procces
Definition of learning according to the expert as follows:
1. National law of Education System (UUSPN) article 1
NO. 20 2003.
"Learning as a process of learners interaction and
learning resources in an environment.”
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2. E. Mulyasa
"Learning is a process of interaction between the
learners and the environment, so the interaction
changes towards the better.”
3. Irpan Abdul Gafur and Muhammad Jamil
"Learning is an attempt to drive the student behavior
after the learning process toward the better.”
4. Syaiful Sagala
"Learning is a process of two-way communication; the
teaching is done by the teacher as an educator, while
the study carried out by students or pupils.”
C. Jurisprudence/Fiqh
The word fiqh comes from the Arabic language
, means: knowing something and
Wahab al-Zuhaili argues that, fiqh is:

“The Science that associated with the laws of charity and

it is obtained or generated from the detailed argument.”
The law of learning fiqh is divided into two categories:
1. the science of fiqh are required to be learned by all
Muslims, such as studying of prayer, fasting and
2. the science of fiqh is required to be learned by some
Muslim people,such as fasakh, ruju (devorcement), the
requirements to be a qadi, or judge and others.
Musthafa Ahmad Zarqa divided the explanation of fiqh
into seven parts:
1. The provisions which is relating to the worship, such as
prayer, fasting and hajj;
2. The provisions of the law relating to family life, such
as marriage, divorce, relative, this is referred to fiqh
ahwal al-syakhshyiyah;
3. Legal provisions relating to social relationships
between Muslims in the context of economic relations
and rights, such as the sale and purchase, lease and
lien. The field is then called fiqh muamalah;
4. The provisions of the law governing the relationship
problems of citizens with the government in relation to
rights and obligations. This discussion is called fiqh al-
5. Legal provisions relating to the actions against the
perpetrators of crimes or criminal acts, such as the
qisas (giving equitable punishment), diyat (fine), and
hudud (certain punishment). This field is called the fiqh

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6. The law that governing the Islamic state relations with
other countries;
7. The provisions governing the association between a
muslim with each other in the social life.
5. Metode Penelitian This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The
informants of this study is consisted of lecturers who teach
jurisprudence at the Department of Islamic Education, the
other jurisprudence lecturers, students and subsequently
increased in accordance with the purposes of the data
obtained. Data collected by using observation, interviews,
and documentation. To the validity of the data obtained, it is
conducted the triangulation during the research process.
6. Hasil Penelitian The research results revealed that the use of media in
learning fiqh of the Department of Islamic Education in
Teaching Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang by lecturers
already in used, such as using a doll to organize the corpse,
shroud, perfume, coffin corpse and occasional lecturer use
media electronics such as laptop. This was due to the limited
facilities and infrastructure that provide in Department of
Islamic Education, Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang, and the instability of electricity power, thus, the
most frequently media that is used by lecturer is a whiteboard
using the discussion method.

Pemahaman Kebahasaan:
Kosa Kata Baru

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kkt. 1 menyetel, mengatur. 2 membetulkan. 3 mengurus, menyelesaikan. -
1 adjust
kki. 1 menyesuaikan/membiasakan diri. 2 mengatur.
kkt. 1 mempengaruhi. 2 mengharukan. 3 pura-pura. 4 memakai,
2 affect
mempergunakan. 5 merusak.
kb. 1 tujuan, maksud. 2 bidikan. -kkt. 1 membidik. 2 mengarahkan. -kki. 1
3 aim
membidik. 2 berangan-angan 3 hendak, bermaksud.
ks. 1 tepat. 2 cocok, pantas, kena. -kkt. 1 menyediakan. 2 mengambil untuk
4 appropriate
diri sendiri.
kkt. 1 memperdebatkan, menentang, membantah. 2 mendesak,
menganjurkan (dengan kuat).3 membuktikan, memperlihatkan. --kki
5 argues
membantah. to a. against menentang, membantah. to a. for mengusulkan,
6 arouse kkt. 1 membangunkan. 2 menimbulkan. 3 menggetarkan. menggerakkan.
7 attempt kb. percobaan, usaha. -kkt. mencoba.
8 charity kb. (j. -ties) 1 amal, derma. 2 kemurahan hati.
9 coffin kb. peti mayat/jenazah, petimati.
10 conducted Menyelenggarakan
11 conscious ks. 1 sadar. 2 disengaja.

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12 corpse kb. mayat, jenazah.
13 dengan selalu berhubungan
ks. 1 (dengan) sengaja, yang disengaja. 2 tenang dan berhati-hati, tidak
14 deliberate
tergesa-gesa. -kki. Berunding
kb. 1 permintaan. 2 tuntutan. -kkt. meminta. 2 menuntut. 3 memerlukan. -
15 demand kki. menuntut, menagih. -demanding ks. 1 banyak permintaannya. 2
banyak persyaratannya.
kb. 1 hasrat. 2 keinginan. 3 berahi. -kkt. 1 menginginkan, meminta. 2
16 desire
mengingini. 3 berahi terhadap.
17 devorcement Kesetiaan
kb. 1 intisari. 2 perpendekan, persingkatan. -kkt. 1 mencernakan. 2
18 digest
menyelami isi. -kki. dicernakan.
kb. 1 perceraian, talak. minta cerai/talak. 2 pemisahan. -kkt. menceraikan,
19 divorce
bercerai, talak. surat cerai/lepas/talak.
20 duty kb. (j. -ties) 1 kewajiban. 2 tugas. -ks. merasa wajib/berkewajiban.
21 effort kb. 1 usaha, upaya. 2 karya.
ks. 1 salah satu dari dua. 2 tiap. 1 salah satu. 2 salah seorang. -kk. pun
22 either
tidak. -ks. salah satu dari dua
23 enhancement kb. penaikan, peninggian, perbaikan peningkatan.
24 equitable ks. pantas, patut, wajar, adil.
kb. kepenatan, kelelahan, keletihan. -kkt. menghabiskan tenaga,
25 fatigue
melelahkan. ks. melelahkan.
26 fine kb. law : denda
kb.1 keuntungan.2 tambahan.3 perolehan.-kkt.1 memperoleh.2
27 gain menambah.3 mendapat, dapat 4 mencapai. -kki. memperoleh keuntungan,
28 hence kk. sebab itu, karena itu, karenanya.
29 increased Meningkat
30 instructional ks. bersifat pelajaran. i. materials bahan-bahan pelajaran.
31 jurisprudence kb. ilmu hukum, yurisprudensi. medical j. hukum kedokteran.
kb. 1 sewa, kontrak, pak, kontrak sewa, sewa-menyewa. 2 kesempatan. -
32 lease
kkt. 1 menyewa. 2 menyewakan.
33 lien kb. hak gadai.
34 obligation kb. kewajiban.
35 obscurity kb. 1 ketidak-jelasan. 2 keadaan tidak dikenal.
36 obtained memperoleh
37 occasional ks. 1 sekali-sekali, kadang-kadang. 2 berkala.
38 opportunities peluang
39 overcoming menanggulangi
40 pace kb. langkah. -kkt. melangkah bolak-balik. -kki. melangkah bolak-balik.
41 perpetrator kb. pelaku, pelaksana (kejahatan).
42 properly dengan baik
kkt. 1 menyediakan. 2 memberikan. 3 mengadakan. 4 menetapkan. -kki.
43 provide
44 provisions ketentuan/perbekalan
kb. 1 jangkauan. 2 daerah. -kkt. 1 mencapai. 2 sampai pada. 3 sampai di. 4
45 reach
menghubung. 5 menyentuh. 6 mendekati. 7 memberi. -kki. membentang.

No Vocabulary Translate
46 referred menunjuk
47 relative kb. sanak, pamili. -ks. 1 nisbi. 2 relatip. -kk. secara relatip.
48 required ks. wajib.
kkt. 1 menyatakan. 2 menampakkan. 3 membuka. 4 mengungkapkan. ks. 1
49 reveal
yang membuka pikiran. 2 yang menampakkan bagian badan yang terlarang
50 role peran
kb. salinan. -ks. 1 terpisah. 2 tersendiri. -kkt. 1 memisahkan. 2
51 separate
menjarakkan. -kki. 1 berpisah. 2 putus. -kk. terpisah.
kb. (kain) kapan. -kkt. 1 mengapani, membungkus. 2 menyelubungi. 3
52 shroud
kb. 1 lebarnya. 2 penyebaran. 3 penjalaran. 4 perbedaan. 5 makan besar. 6
53 spread
olesan, lumuran, pulasan.
54 subsequently sesudah itu
55 sufficient ks. cukup. kk. dengan cukup, secukupnya.

Note: kb - kata benda (noun)

kkt - kata kerja transitip (kata kerja yang diikuti oleh objek dan dapat
diubah ke bentuk pasif)
kki - kata kerja intransitip (kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek
sebagai pelengkap kalimat dan tidak dapat diubah ke bentuk pasif)
kk - kata keterangan (adverb)
ks - kata sifat (adjectives)

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