Week 7 - Pre-Task

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A: Hi Alex. What are you doing now?

P: I am visiting somewhere around here.

A: perfect me too
A: Tell me, is there a supermarket next to the university?
P:Yes I do but masuayha is 5 blocks from the university
A: Ohhh... I see. Is there a bank on avenue grau?
P:In fact, if there is it is the interbak bank it is located on AlfredoMendiola avenue
P:Want to buy something from Alonso supermarket
A: Yes, I do
A: I want to buy some bread and cheese
A: And, are there any hospitals on arenales avenue?
P:I don t know arenales Alonso avenue but they told me that there is a hospital there
A: yes, there aren't
P:hoo ok ..alonso where you live there are parks?
A: Yes, There are some parks in front of the church.
A: Remember the bus stop is on second avenue.
P:If I remember that avenue
A: Don't worry.
A: okay, bye

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