Speech de Ingles

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Ladies and gentlemen

Do you know anything about migration? Good morning my dear audience I am Giancarlo and
today, I'd like to talk about migration and the pros and cons of having people from other
countries living in our country.

Migration is a complex topic for many years. Some people believe that migrants bring a lot of
benefits to our society, while others think that they can be a burden.

Let's start with the pros of migration. One of these is that it brings diversity to our
communities. Different cultures and perspectives can enrich our society and help us learn more
about the world. Migrants also contribute to our economy by starting businesses, creating jobs,
and paying taxes.

However, there are also some cons of migration, since migrants may take jobs away from
native-born workers.

There are also cultural problems with migration. Some people worry that migrants may not
assimilate into the local culture, which can lead to tensions and conflicts

So, migration is a complicated issue with pros and cons. While migrants can bring diversity and
economic benefits, there are also problems with job displacement and cultural conflicts. As a
society, we need to consider these factors and find ways to address the challenges and have
more benefits of migration. My dear audience, thank you.

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