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Name: Adell Anne Hizon Ong Schedule: MTW D511 9-10:30 am

Course and Year: BSAc 1 Date of Submission: June 26, 2023

Module 2
Part 1:

Date of May 31, 1889

Notable Social 1. Tenants were charged high interest rates for late rental payments, and when
Problems in the the fees could not be paid, the hacienda management confiscated their carabaos,
Philippines during tools, and residences.Tenants who had put in a lot of effort cleaning the land
that Era were evicted for fraudulent reasons.
2. People in the top class (principalia) and those in authority were granted so
many advantages over the lower class or locals.
3. Inability to provide for fundamental public works, education, peace, and order.
Moreover, the hacienda owner failed to donate a single centavo to the celebration
of the town festival, education of the youngsters, or agricultural progress.
Cited powers of the 1. The Head of the Household is always the one who has the final decision over
Head of Household everything that matters.
2. Has the authority to arrest and banish any Filipino who dares to oppose them.
Two primary 1. The Nationalists/Propagandists
groups that 2. The Filipino Clergy
challenged the
status quo of the
Reasons of the 1. They sought complete control of the area, which is why they don't allow
Friars in making people to receive education in order to prevent rebellion.
the Natives socially 2. Frirars consider the natives as the lowest members of the society.
ignorant and blind 3. They know that they got powers that is why they are primarily using it to
dominate and further abuse the low class, so that the natives will always agree
and follow their plans,
Fundamental 1. Rizal was well aware that agricultural prosperity in the country is crucial to its
solutions proposed social and economic progress. La Liga Filipina, the society he founded, desired
in the article the integration of the entire archipelago as one nation, advocated education for
all, and the observance of justice, but such aspirations. Furthermore, La Liga's
fourth goal was to promote agriculture and trade.
2. Jose Rizal produced an article in which he stressed the government's
involvement in agricultural growth. Instead of pressing the issues of landlessness
and unreasonable rent increases by large landowners, Rizal delved into an
equally pressing matter concerning the government's obligation to protect
beleaguered farmers from abuses committed by civil guards and bandits.

Part 2: Expound the following statement of Jose Rizal “To vilify a nation, there is nothing better than to
generalize the bad in it, just to ennoble it, one should strengthen it by good examples.”
Generally, if someone wishes to malign or offend someone or something, he/she will stress the bad and
generalize negative examples to make them appear to be universal truths. For example, saying, "All cops
are brutal", "All cops are brutal", etc. is one of the oldest propaganda devices in the world and prevents
the less-educated masses from understanding more complicated realities. In a comparable manner but in a
constructive manner, in order to acknowledge or salute any individual or thing, you supply advantageous
instances and make them seem like a universal truth.

Part 3: Tracing the Hacienda Calamba

1. What religious order originally owned the Hacienda Calamba?
The Hacienda de Calamba was handled by a Dominican lay brother administrator (hermano
administrador) appointed by the Dominican Order's Provincial Superior in the Philippines.

2. How did the Dominican friars claim ownership of the hacienda?

The Dominicans took over ownership of the Calamba hacienda after the Jesuits, who had
previously held it, had been driven out in 1768.

3. How many hectares of land in Calamba were leased by the family of Rizal? What was the main
commodity planted in the hacienda?
Rizal's family was one of Calamba's greatest leaseholders, having rented 66.2644 quiones (about
382 ha) of sugar land and 1.6952 quiones (about 9.8 ha) of rice land by 1890, based on the
official conversion of 5.76 ha per quion. The main commodity planted in the hacienda is sugar.

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