No Name Yet

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Chapter 1: an unanticipated guest

The year 2001, in a beautiful and quiet town in the

rural areas, filled with meadows and scenery,
alongside a nice, simple people. it was winter at the
time, when a boy named (Jack) or Jackie as they
sometimes used to call him. Who lived there his
whole life with his mother (Marley), father (George),
and his little brother (William). The Wilsons. He
was 14 years old when his world was about to
They lived in an old but neat green wooden house
passed down from parents to parents from the
father’s side.
Like any other day. at 8:00AM, Monday, late jack
woke up from his bed reluctantly as his brother was
infuriating him “get up, get up, get up! We’re late!”
pestering him to go to school. he was attending
queen’s high school as a freshman while his
brother was at Hilltown middle school, named after
the place they live in. As Jackie removed the
blanket, he immediately felt the worst feeling which
he hated so much, a breeze of cold air touching his
warm and cozy skin. When his brother saw him
getting up, he departed. “That little weasel” Jackie
whispered to himself then headed down stairs. his
mother was making him his favorite breakfast,
marmalade with cheese sandwich. the younger
brother had good old scrambled eggs. His father on
the other hand was away at work for long hours,
working in a cotton factory in the outskirts of the
town as his father did before him. he was working
hard to get the promotion he’d always wanted, an
Assistant Manager. Jackie went straight-ahead to
William then kicked him and said “don’t do that
again. I can wake up by myself”. “Yeah right!”
William replied in a derogatory expression. He went
on to have his breakfast. After they both finished,
“I’m gonna be late today Ma” Jack said to his
mother and then both said goodbye to her and
went to school accompanying each other. The
weather was sunny for the first time in a while, so
they’ve walked along the sunray the whole time, it
felt the best but not in summer that’s certainly
something They knew. Their schools weren’t that
far from home because the town isn’t really big in
the first place so they’ve been able to go on foot.
When they reached the crossroad, each went his
separate way to their school. Jackie barley got on
time to his classroom. “As usual.” said his fellow
Noah. “Why do I have to cut my sleep to get here
before time and do nothing while I can just spend
every minute sleeping ‘till the time of the class is
about to start. Use your time to the fullest my dear
Noah” replied jack. “Well, that’s the idea of getting
early, to not get late” said Noha. the first class was
history, the teacher came in she was slender, old
and has a pointy nose with dyed reddish hair. The
classroom had peeled walls but it did the job
nonetheless. As the teacher started to speak jack
put his hand on his cheek and into the void he
went. counting the minutes and seconds.
Sometimes he would start to look at the girls with
him in the class, specifically the ones in front of
him. He’d look into their occiput, their long hair.
Their shiny exposed legs. Their clothing oddities
and such. no one was able to really catch him in
his clandestine act except his buddy Noah who he
sat next to that always told him “If I had your face, I
would have the prettiest girls there is. What a
waste”. The thing is, he had no female friends
whatsoever, he barely had any male friends let
alone, GIRLS. He kept to himself most of the time.
After another boring day of school, he was ready to
go to his boxing gym. He loved boxing just like his
father but sometimes hated it for no particular
reason. with his buddy Noah which’s jack
persuaded to get him into it. They went there three
days a week. After they’ve reached there, a big
sign was on the building, (ANGEL BOXING) it was
called but for sure it wasn’t angelic, it was crummy,
greasy, nasty place but everyone in there got used
to it, so it is considered as an angelic place to
them, unburdening themselves form the world’s
problems. The two kids got in, and there were the
old and the young with the share of this passion
bonded them. Jack opened up his backpack and
held his old gloves that his father used to box with.
Jack then went on to his coach (Benjamin), a
middle-aged man that looked like a 60-year-old
with his grey beard. “Hey coach, what should I do
for today? Do I have a partner to spar with?” asked
jack. “here’s Jackie the flash! No, for now I want
you to warm up.” said his coach with an
enthusiastic tone. He called him the flash because
he was so “flashy” they said, no one can catch
clean with his lighting quick movement, although he
was bony… wait, I think we still haven’t mentioned
the poor kid’s looks! alright, like I was saying he
was bony but strong, his eyes were wide, his nose
was upturned and his hair was soft with dark-brown
So, his amateur boxing record was 4-1-0 (4 wins, 1
loss, 0 draw) his only loss was his first match
against a much older opponent, he was distraught
and not used to the situation, but even then, he
showed heart.
Jack went to the punching bag to warm up as his
coach told him. He started punching gently, five
minutes in, then he started to increase his
rapidness punch after punch after punch digging
deep into the bag as his coach heard the noise and
came “hey! Ease it up a bit, you’re gonna tear
you’re damn hand!” said his coach bewildered.
“Sorry coach. I don’t what’s gotten into me” giggling
awkwardly jack replied. After one to two hours, he
finished his training camp. It’s 2:30PM, He and
Noah packed their stuff up heading home. “I see
you’re getting the hang of this don’t you?” said Jack
to Noah. “Yeah, I guess so” Noah replied. Each
went their way, both exhausted from training. jack
tucked his chin down his chest and put his hands
into his blue jacket in an attempt to escape the cold
winter wind and walked back home looking at
trees, calmness of air and hearing the musical
sounds of birds but he just disliked any of it. As he
approached his home, he saw something he'd
never seen before in his little town an automobile, a
black 1998 BMW 5 series. of course, he didn’t
know what kind of car it was but he thought it was
very stylish and elegant and wondered “who’s car
is this?”. it was parked at their neighbors’ house.
Old peter’s house. just across the road from his
home. “Why something this beautiful is parked at
an old mans’ house” he thought. Immediately after
the sound of the door’s squeak. his mother
welcomed him with “you’re late in and out, you’re
always late! I was worried where you were,
someday you’re gonna kill me!”. “I told you I was
going to go to the boxing gym after school and I’m
gonna be late” jack replied.
then headed upstairs. “Whose car is that, across
the road?” jack asked his little brother William in
their little shared room.
“I don’t know. I saw some lady get out of it with
another older lady” Will replied
“Two ladies? And they went to peter’s house?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Who would’ve thought? Old petes had relatives.
I’ve always thought he was some kind of a
maverick World War two veteran.”.
It’s 7:45PM the father, George, comes in after a
long day of work. He was 40 something years old,
had wide eyes and black hair and NO diet. Marley
was preparing dinner for the whole family. She was
thin pretty woman with a dark-brown hair and an
upturned nose just like her both sons Jack and
William, also in her 40s. “how’s your work today,
honey?” Marley asked him. “it’s good.” He said,
albeit it was not actually the case. “dinner’s ready!”
Marley called for the kids. Willaim immediately ran
down stairs “I was waiting for you to say this.” he

said. “Dad! You know what did today?” William
asked his father with a big smile on his face. “My
little champ! What kinda legendary stuff you did
now!?” he said. “I got B in science!”.
“Wow! that’s… that’s good!” said George with a
puzzled look on Marley. “that’s good but we want
you to aim for higher honey” said Marley “alright,
alright. I guess that is not high enough” William
replied with a dissipated smile on his face. Then
jack came slacking with his steps, scratching his
head and his back. “So, how did you today in your
match. You won right?” George said. “No, I didn’t
win because my match isn’t today. I don’t blame
you for not knowing.” said Jack. “Oh! I Thought it
was… today”. “Never mind” jack replied. Everyone
gathered around the table. Chicken and dumplings
with some bread and eggs, they ate.
Tuesday. 8:00AM. Late jack woke up. “Get up, get
up! We’re gonna be late.” Pestering him with a high
tone again to wake up. “Your voice. Your voice.
What’d I say to you last time? you little twerp.”
“I bet you’d still be sleeping after I come back from
school if don’t wake you up.” William replied. He
doesn’t want do it. That dreadful feeling as he
removed the blanket. “Did you wake him up?”
Marley asked her little boy. “Yes indeed” William
replied. Jack came sluggishly from his room. his
breakfast was ready (marmalade with cheese
sandwich). His brother had Pancakes with Maple
Syrup. Both finished having breakfast and headed
to school. There’s no yellow orb for today but the
vile wind and the color grey in the sky. As jack
came nearer to the school, he noticed one of the
girls he is used to look at during the classes. her
name was Charlotte. Golden hair, her skin was as white
as the snow, with a light pink lipstick on her lips. He
stiffened as thought he committed a crime and the
police are looking for him. She’s the police in that case.
He started to stare at the ground. As she passed
through him, he raised his head, polarized like a magnet
but repelled when she looks at him.

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