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29 WATER STORAGE Jug Drum Pail Not Storing TOTAL WITH COVER No. % 2 0 8 27.59% 9 31.03% 1 3.45% 20 68.96% WITHOUT COVER No. % 0 0 2 6.69% 7 24.1% 0 0 9 31.04% TOTAL No. 2 10 16 1 29 % 6.89% 34.49% 55.17% 3.45% 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 29 presents the storage of water for general household per house. The table shows that, 2 (6.89%) are using jug with cover as their water storage for general household, 8 (27.59%) are using drum with cover while 2 (6.69%) are using drum without cover as their water storage for general household. 9 (31.03%) are using pail with cover while 7 (24.1%) are using pail without cover as their water storage for general household. 1 (3.45%) is not using any types of water storage for general household. It is very important to know where and how families keep and store their water. Water is one of the greatest factors affecting the health of a family. There are also several types of diseases we can get in infected or dirty water, These are the Waterborne diseases, Water-washed diseases , Water-based diseases and Water-related diseases. Waterborne diseases are caused by the ingestion of water contaminated by human or animal feces or urine containing pathogenic bacteria or viruses; include cholera, typhoid, amoebic and bacillary dysentery and other diarrheal diseases. Water-washed diseases: caused by poor personal hygiene and skin or eye contact with contaminated water; include scabies, trachoma and flea, lice and tick-borne diseases. Waterbased diseases: caused by parasites found in intermediate organisms living in contaminated water; include dracunculiasis, schistosomiasis, and other helminths. Water-related diseases:

caused by insect vectors, especially mosquitoes, that breeds in water; include dengue, filariasis, malaria, onchocerciasis, trypanosomiasis and yellow fever. Like cholera, typhoid is a bacterial disease. It is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, which is present in water contaminated with the feces or urine of infected people. Guinea worm disease, also known as dracunculiasis, is contracted when drinking water containing the Dracunculus larvae, a young Guinea worm. Water for general household is very important for the community people because it involves the entire house. It is really important to cover the water storage for cleaning. Even though it is just for cleaning, it can affect the individual living inside the house due to the fact that when there is contamination, a lot of living microorganisms will be in the house which could bring several diseases to the families.

FOOD HANDLING (PER FAMILY) Table No. 30 FOOD HANDLING Cooking TOTAL sentation, Analysis, Interpretation Table No.14 presents that all of the 30 surveyed families used cooking as the method of food handling in Relocation 5. Food, according to the Websters third new international dictionary, is a material consisting of Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins and supplementary substances (as minerals & vitamins) that is taken or absorbed into the body of an animal in order to sustain growth, repair, and all vital processes and to furnish energy for all activities of the organism (Webster, 1993) Food is one of the basic necessities of life second to breathing. Our health primarily depends on No. 30 30 % 100 100


the food we eat. Therefore, food handling should be done with necessary measures. One of the most common methods of food handling is cooking. Cooking is the process of preparing food by use of heat. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions. Preparing food with heat or fire is an activity unique to humans, and some scientists believe the advent of cooking played an important role in human evolution. Preparing food with heat or fire is an activity unique to humans, and some scientists believe the advent of cooking played an important role in human evolution. (Wikipedia: 2011). According to the statistics, everyone in Relocation 5 cooks their own food. This is due to the fact that cooking food is much cheaper than buying food for every meal and this may imply that people, especially those who are handling food in the community must observe proper food handling techniques.

METHODS OF FOOD STORAGE (PER FAMILY) Table No. 31 METHODS Cupboard Hanging in basket Covered on table Sealed container Not storing TOTAL No. 7 1 16 4 2 30 % 23.33 3.33 53.33 13.34 6.67 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation Table No. 31 presents the methods of food storage. 16 (53.33%) are covering their food on table, seven (23.33%) store their food in the cupboard, four (13.34%) store their food in a

sealed container, two (6.67%) are not storing, and one (3.33%) store their food by hanging in a basket. Food was basically from living organisms, therefore it has a decomposing property and cannot be stored for a long period of time except for certain reasons like if the main content of food is either very sweet, salty, and etc. thus making the decomposing bacterias incapable of decomposing the food. Due to the different advances in technology, food nowadays, unlike the old times can now be stored for a longer period of time. There are several methods of food storage, one of which is covering it on the table. This method does not really preserve or prolong the freshness of the food, but rather minimizes the possibility of bacteria invasion through different kinds of agents, one of which are flies, dusts, mosquitoes, rats, etc. Other places such as cupboards can also be a good type of storage of food. Cupboards has the same benefits as the method of covering on the table, but one should take extra measures especially on the presence of pests such as cockroaches, rats, ants, etc. Other method of food handling includes sealing food in a container and hanging in baskets.( People in Relocation 5 dont use refrigerators, therefore limiting the opportunity to store meat, fish, and other foods that are easily perishable. Proper storage of food in Relocation 5 should be given big importance especially because of the presence of pests such as rats and cockroaches. Most of the people in Relocation 5 store their food covered in tables or cupboards, it appears therefore that extra measures must be practiced for proper storage and handling of their food.

TYPES OF REFUSE CONTAINER (PER FAMILY) Table No. 32 REFUSE CONTAINER Garbage can Plastic Sack Pail Others (specify) Not using TOTAL WITH COVER No. % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3.33 3.33 WITHOUT COVER No. % 2 6.67 15 50 11 36.77 0 0 1 3.33 1 3.33 29 96.67 TOTAL No. 2 15 11 0 1 2 30

% 6.67 50 36.77 0 3.33 6.66 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation This table presents the type of refuse container used per family in Relocation 5. Out of the 30 families surveyed, 15 (50%) are using plastic, 11(36.77%) are using sack, two (6.67) are using garbage can, one (3.33%) is throwing their refuse directly to the pit and one (3.33%) is not using a refuse container for their waste. A refuse container is a container for temporarily storing waste, and is usually made out of metal or plastic. Refuse containers are one of the necessary things needed in a household. It can be one of the greatest factors influencing the hygiene and health of those living in the area for refuse container is the thing where you dump or throw away any unnecessary and specifically dirty materials and therefore should be one of the favorite reservoirs of various kinds of diseases. Inappropriate handling of refuse containers may cause different kinds of sickness and diseases which may definitely alter the health status not only of the family but the whole community. There are several kinds of refuse containers, one of which are plastics which is according to statistics is the container most used by households in Philippines specifically those belonging in the poverty line. A Plastic is a material made from petroleum capable of being molded, extruded or cast into various shapes. Plastic bags have been known to cause a lot of environmental

damage. A single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years, to decay completely. This makes the bags stay in environments longer, in turn leading to great build-up on the natural landscape (much more than degradable materials like paper). In other words, the more plastic bags you use, the greater the chances of environmental damage. Due to increasing number of people and communities belonging in the poverty line, the prevalence of using plastic bags as a waste container can be difficult to stop. Another refuse container most commonly used by people in the community is sacks. Plastic sacks have the same disadvantages as plastic bags, only the size differs. The best refuse containers are garbage cans, which are specifically made for trash. These are plastic containers, constructed specifically for the storage of waste materials. ( All of the families in the community use different kinds of waste container specifically plastic bags, sacks, and garbage cans that do not have any cover. This implies that refuse containers in Relocation 5 has bigger chances to be accumulated by pests, flies, rats and different kinds of bacteria and viruses therefore increasing the risks of different kinds of infections and diseases.

METHODS OF REFUSE DISPOSAL Table No. 33 METHODS Burning No. 12 % 37.93

Dumping Collected TOTAL

1 17 30

3.45 58.62 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation Table No. 33 shows the method of refuse disposal of families in Relocation 5. Of the 30 families surveyed, 17 (58.62%) are collected, 12 (37.93%) used burning and one (3.45%) used dumping as their means of disposal.
Refuse disposal is the discarding or destroying of garbage, sewage, or other waste matter

or its transformation into something useful or innocuous. The method of refuse disposal is one of the greatest factors influencing the health of the people in a community. Refuses, containing different kinds of garbage, rubbish, and all sorts of waste are the best place where bacteria, viruses, and all sorts of disease-containing agents thrive on. Therefore, it is really important to educate the people in the community the right way of waste management. Waste management is
the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is also carried out to recover resources from it. The method of refuse disposal is one of the contributing factors in the health condition of a community. Almost everyones garbage in Relocation 5 is collected by the Citys truck; this implies that they have a good way of disposing their garbage and thus limiting the number of possible garbage-related diseases and infection.

METHODS OF HUMAN WASTE DISPOSAL (PER HOUSE) Table No. 34 METHODS Septic Pit privy Water-sealed TOTAL No. 17 3 9 29 % 58.62 10.35 31.03 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation Table No.34 presents the methods of human waste disposal per house in Relocation 5. Of the 30 surveyed families, 17 (58.62%) uses septic tank, 9 (31.03%) uses water-sealed and three (10.35%) uses Pit Privy as their method of human waste disposal. Human waste, which basically contains millions of bacteria, should therefore be disposed in appropriate areas. There are different methods of human waste disposal, one of which is the most common of all is the septic tank. Septic tanks are tanks built underground with properly cemented walls, floors and ceilings specifically connected to the toilet bowls of the household. Septic Tanks, though cemented all over must be at least 10 meters away from any water sources or pumps for avoidance of contamination of millions of bacteria, which may cause several kinds of infections and diseases. Another type is water sealed tanks and pit privy. Water sealed are the same as septic tanks, the only difference is that the floor of this tank is not cemented. Pit privy is a hole dug in the land, and then covered again after using. Most of the households in Relocation 5 are using septic tanks as their method of human waste disposal, thus implying that they have a good system of human waste disposal. Not all have been using septic tanks, therefore people must be encouraged more of the use of septic tanks for proper human waste disposal.

NUMBER OF FAMILIES SHARING A TOILET Table No. 35 RATIO OF TOILET: FAMILY 1:1 1:2 1:3 and above (specify) TOTAL TOILET No. 20 4 6 30 % 66.67 13.33 20 100 No. 20 6 21 47 FAMILY % 42.55 2.77 44.67 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation Table No. 35 lists the number of families sharing a toilet in the community. Of the 30 families surveyed, 20 (66.67%) families have their own personal toilet, 6 (2.77%) families shares toilet with 3 or more families. Sharing of toilet is one of the common practices in poor barrios and barangay in the Philippines, due to the increasing number of people in the poverty line. Sharing of toilets may increase the possibility of worm contaminations and several kinds of infections. Potential problems with communal and public toilets According to the Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor FEB 2011, the following are the most significant characteristics of a communal or public toilets which are often shared by two or more families: Communal and public toilets are often dirty and unhygienic because of poor design, poor construction and/or poor maintenance (e.g. infrequent emptying, no repairs). In addition, they are often not kept clean by users and operators, with insufficient funds available for cleaners and cleaning materials. Communal and public toilets are often clean and hygienic when they are first built, but in very poor condition after a couple of years. Communal/public toilets may be unsafe, particularly at night and particularly for

women/children, because they are often in dark places with poor or no lighting. Independently of safety issues, the distance to a communal/public toilet will often be dissuasive: again, communal toilets serving small groups of households will typically be preferred by users over public toilets located further away. Communal/public toilets lack privacy and may be embarrassing for some users: in some cases doors may be broken or missing, so that even basic privacy is lost. It should have facilities for hand-washing with soap, for sanitary towel disposal by menstruating women and girls: but often these facilities are lacking. Likewise, facilities suitable for use by children or disabled people may be lacking. These Factors could have a great impact on the health of community people. Some of the people in Relocation 5 are sharing toilets with other families therefore implying that they should practice several extra measures in regards to cleanliness to avoid infections and diseases. By promoting appropriate hygiene and sanitation, further complications of several kinds of diseases would be greatly decreased.

GROWTH MONITORING CHART OF 0-5 YEARS OLD (PER FAMILY) Table No. 36 GROWTH CHART With Without TOTAL No. 11 10 21 % 52.38 47.62 100

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation This table shows the list of children who have growth monitoring chart of 0-5 years old (per family) in Relocation 5. Out of the 21 children surveyed, 11 (52.38%) has growth monitoring chart while 10 (47.62%) has none. Growth monitoring is the regular recording of the childs weight, coupled with some specified remedial actions if the weight is abnormal in some way. Although the causes of growth faltering and the responses to it may be region specific, the process is the same, and we consider here growth monitoring in both the deprived and richer populations of the world. These are charts necessary for the monitoring of childrens growth, nutrition and adaptation. This can also serve as the basis for health care providers for proper initiation of appropriate care and vaccinations. This chart is very necessary to monitor any kinds of growth anomaly or dysfunctions relating to the childs growth. (Growth & Development By Dilip K. Mukherjee, M. K. C. Nair; Jaypee Brothers Publishers, 2008) Almost half of the children in Relocation 5 do not have the growth monitoring chart, which implies that the growth and nutrition of children there is not being monitored which may therefore cause hindrances in preventing different kinds of growth anomaly or disease.

BCG Table No. 37 IMMUNIZATION DOSE With Without TOTAL No. 4 3 7 % 57.14 42.86 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 37 presents the BCG immunization. The table shows that 4 (57.14%) has an immunization dose of BCG while 3 (42.86%) does not have an immunization dose of BCG. The present recommendation is to administer BCG at birth, preferably within 4 weeks of life. It is given intradermally, 0.1 ml at the insertion of deltoid muscle on the left side. One expects a local reaction at the site of vaccination over a period of 4 to 8 weeks leaving a puckered scar and also a mild enlargement of anterior axillary lymph nodes on the same side. A positive tuberculin test 6-8 weeks after vaccination signifies a successful vaccination. BCG vaccination can safely be given at any age after a prior negative tuberculin test (2011). The Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) vaccine has existed for 80 years and is one of the most widely used of all current vaccines, reading >80%of neonates and infants in countries where it is part of the national childhood immunization program. BCG vaccine has a documented protective effect against meningitis and disseminated TB in children (WHO). BCG vaccine is usually injected in the top layer of the skin of the upper left arm with a dose of 0.05ml. Health workers use the same place on every child for BCG injections so that everyone knows where to look for the scar.

Half of the families in Relocation 5 gave immunization to their baby which is a good thing because if given the immunization at an earlier age, it will really prevent their children from getting TB. Unfortunately, TB continues to be a major health problem around the world and according to WHO estimates the incidence continues to increase. Some of the reasons may be inadequate access to health care and migration.

MEASLES (9-12 MONTHS) Table No. 38 IMMUNIZATION DOSE With Without TOTAL No. 2 3 5 % 40 60 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 38 presents the Measles immunization. The table shows that 2 (40%) has an immunization dose of measles while 3 (60%) does not have an immunization dose of measles. Measles is the most deadly of all childhood rash/fever illnesses. The disease spreads very easily, so it is important to protect against infection. To prevent measles, children (and some adults) should be vaccinated with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Two doses of this vaccine are needed for complete protection. Children should be given the first dose of MMR vaccine at 12 to 15 months of age. The second dose can be given 4 weeks later, but is usually given before the start of kindergarten at 4 to 6 years of age (CDC 2011). Measles is highly contagious 90% of people who haven't been vaccinated for measles will get it if they live in the same household as an infected person. Measles is spread when someone comes in direct contact with infected droplets or when someone with measles sneezes or coughs and

spreads virus droplets through the air. A person with measles is contagious from 1 to 2 days before symptoms start until about 4 days after the rash appears. Unvaccinated young children are at highest risk of measles and its complications, including death. Any non-immune person (who has not been vaccinated or previously recovered from the disease) can become infected. Measles is still common in many developing countries particularly in parts of Africa and Asia. More than 20 million people are affected by measles each year. The overwhelming majority (more than 95%) of measles deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and weak health infrastructures. Measles outbreaks can be particularly deadly in countries experiencing or recovering from a natural disaster or conflict. Damage to health infrastructure and health services interrupts routine immunization, and overcrowding in residential camps greatly increases the risk of infection (WHO). The parents should really have their babies immunized by measles because measles is highly contagious 90% of people who haven't been vaccinated for measles will get it. Since it is contagious, children who are not immunized will suffer from the disease when exposed. As said by the Chief of the Measles Program at UNICEF, Edward Hoekstra, Immunizations can protect millions of children against this deadly disease, which is true that is why doctors or nurses requires this babies to be vaccinated as early as possible so that they can be protected from this deadly diseases. So if the families really want their child to be protected, they should be vaccinated according to the schedule prescribed by your doctor.


IMMUNIZATION DOSE 1st Dose 2nd Dose 3rd Dose TOTAL

WITH No. 0 1 3 4 % 0 20 60 80

WITHOUT No. % 1 20 0 0 0 0 1 20

TOTAL No. 1 1 3 5 % 20 20 60 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 39 presents immunization of Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus. The table shows that 1 (20%) was not immunized by the first dose of DPT. 1 (20%) was immunized by the second dose of DPT. 3 (60%) was immunized by the third dose of DPT. Diphtheria (Greek (diphthera) - "pair of leather scrolls"), is an upper respiratory tract illness characterized by sore throat, low fever, and an adherent membrane (a pseudomembrane) on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity. A milder form of diphtheria can be restricted to the skin. It is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium. Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease spread by direct physical contact or breathing the aerosolized secretions of infected individuals. Once quite common, diphtheria has largely been eradicated in developed nations through wide-spread vaccination. Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis; it derived its name from a characteristic severe hacking cough followed by intake of breath that sounds like 'whoop'; a similar, milder disease is caused by B. parapertussis. Although many medical sources describe the whoop as "high-pitched," this is generally the case with infected babies and children only, not adults.Tetanus is a medical condition that is characterized by a prolonged contraction of skeletal muscle fibers. The primary symptoms are caused by tetanospasmin, a neurotoxin produced by the Gram-positive, obligate anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani. Infections generally occur through wound contamination, and often involve a

cut or deep puncture wound. As the infection progresses, muscle spasms in the jaw develop hence the common name, lockjaw. This is followed by difficulty swallowing and general muscle stiffness and spasms in other parts of the body. Infection can be prevented by proper immunization and by post-exposure prophylaxis (Squidoo, 2011). Again, immunization is the best way to fight these and many other diseases. These three injections (DPT) provide lifelong immunity. Having an immunization of DPT is a good immunized since once you get these three kinds of injection, you will have full protection especially that will protect you from breathing problems, coughing and locking of jaw joints. We can see now how important immunization is necessary because if it is completed. In Relocation 5, most parents did not complete the immunization so therefore their child is not fully protected. Therefore, complete vaccinations must be encouraged to prevent further complications.

ORAL POLIO VACCINE Table No. 40 IMMUNIZATION DOSE 1st Dose 2nd Dose 3rd Dose TOTAL WITH No. 1 1 3 5 % 20 20 60 100 WITHOUT No. % 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL No. 1 1 3 5 % 20 20 60 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 40 presents the immunization for oral polio vaccine. The table shows that 1 (20%) was immunized by the first dose of oral polio vaccine, 1 (20%) was immunized by the second dose and 3 (60%) was immunized by the third dose of oral polio vaccine. Polio is caused by intestinal viruses that spread from person to person in stool and saliva. Most people infected with polio (approximately 95%) show no symptoms. Minor symptoms can include sore throat, low-grade fever, nausea, and vomiting. Some infected persons (1 to 2%) will have stiffness in the neck, back, or legs without paralysis. Less than 1% of polio infections (about 1 of every 1,000 cases) cause paralysis. In some cases, the poliovirus will paralyze the muscles used to breathe, leaving the victim unable to breathe on his or her own. Many paralyzed persons recover completely. Those who do recover from paralytic polio may be affected 30 to 40 years later, with muscle pain and progressive weakness. The IPV vaccine is 90% effective after two doses and 99% effective after three doses. Duration of immunity is unknown at this time, though it is probably quite long. (NNii, 2010) The families in Relocation 5 are alert for the vaccination of oral polio vaccine. Having vaccinations is a really important medicine in our life especially with Oral polio vaccine which can prevent diseases from spreading to other people. Without vaccination in our bodies, people will suffer from diseases and sickness every year and families in Mercado has low income so if families do not get vaccinated, money will be wasted because of the medicines they are buying so if families want to save money, from birth, they should give their child or babies vaccination.


IMMUNIZATION DOSE 1st Dose 3rd Dose Total

WITH No. 1 4 5 % 6.66 66.67 83.33

WITHOUT No. % 1 6.66 0 0 1 16.66

TOTAL No. % 2 33.33 4 66.67 6 100

Presentation, analysis and interpretation Table no.41 shows that out of 6 infants who are about to take Hepatitis B vaccination, 1 (6.66%) of them had taken only one dose. On the other hand, 4 (66.67%) of them had a complete dose of Hepatitis B vaccination and 1(6.66%) of them has no vaccination at all. According to World Health Organization, Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person - not through casual contact. It is very important for an infant to have an immunization against this illness because Hepatitis B a serious disease and it can threaten the life of a person. Most of the families of the infant have a sufficient knowledge about the Hepatitis B immunization. It is because the local health center in that area, offers a free vaccination program and most of the families are very cooperative. The only problem exist is that, one of the families surveyed, has an infant who doesnt have even a single dose of Hepatitis B immunization at all. The parent, who does not have a sufficient knowledge, refuses the vaccination for the child. According to Groliers Encyclopedia of Knowledge, Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person - not through casual contact. It is very important for an infant to have an immunization against this illness because it is a serious disease and it can threaten the life of a person. Thus, the Hepatitis B vaccination plays a role in preventing the susceptibility of a person in this kind of disease.

Measles vaccination in Relocation 5 is conducted as a regular routine. Unfortunately, some parents are not conforming to complete their childrens vaccine and so the health center is the one checking and going house to house to check and vaccinate their children. Regarding that, the local health centers officials can conduct a health teaching to the parents who does not have a sufficient knowledge about hepatitis B. They can emphasize the benefits of hepatitis B vaccine to the immunity of an individuals body. They can also elaborate to them the probable risk of not having this immunization.

NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF O-5 YEARS OLD Table No. 42 AGE IN YEARS 0-1 2-3 4-5 TOTAL NORMAL No. 8 2 5 17 % 47.76 11.77 29.47 100 UNDERWEIGHT No. % 0 0 2 50 2 50 4 100

Presentation, analysis and interpretation Table No. 42 shows the nutritional status of children ages 0-5 years old. There are 8 (47.76%) 0-1year old children, 2 (11.77%) 2-3 years old children and 5(29.47%) 4-5 years old children that are normal, all in all there are 17 normal children. On the other hand, there are four

underweight children whom are composed of two (50%) 2-3 years old children and two (50%).There is no overweight child in that area. In order for us to have a healthy body, we must have a proper nutrition. In order for us to have a proper nutrition, we should meet our body requirements which are the intake of nutritious food, enough water, adequate sleep and regular exercise (Wilkins 2010). Proper nutrition can be detected by weight. If a childs weight is normal, there is a big possibility that he child was provided a proper nutrition. However, there are some instances that an even normal weighing kid doesnt have sufficient nutrition (Duque III 2008). The survey's information shows that there are minor cases of malnutrition in Relocation 5 and it is quite alarming. Poverty and lack of sufficient knowledge about proper nutrition are one of the causes why there is malnutrition. The parents have an insufficient income to provide healthy and nutritious foods for the family. Providing a proper nutrition to the family can be very difficult especially if there is lack of financial means. Nevertheless the health officials can still make them aware of their situations. In that case, they can also inform them about the alternatives such as planting of vegetables in the yard. It can help them provide the availability of nutritious foods in everyday meal and it can also be a good source of income.

ILLNESS IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS Table No.43 COMMON ILLNESSES Asthma Chicken Pox Others(measles) Total CONFINED NO. % 1 5.26 1 5.26 0 0 2 10.52 NOT CONFINED No. % 2 10.53 0 0 15 78.95 17 89.48 TOTAL No. % 3 15.79 1 5.26 15 78.95 19 100

Presentation, analysis and interpretation Table no. 43 shows the illness experienced by the people in the barangay in the past 6 months. There are 3 (15.79%) cases of asthma. 1 (5.28%) is confined and 2(10.53%) are not confined. There is only one (5.26%) case of chicken pox which is confined. There are also 15 (78.95) cases of measles in the barangay.

The survey shows that there are 3 cases of asthma in the community. Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease in which the airways become sensitive to allergens (Hudson, 2009). Impairments in the airways can lead to suffocation which can threaten the life of a person. Proper management is very much needed to prevent this. There is also a single case of chicken pox. Chicken pox is a contagious disease that is characterized by blistery rash and often occurs in children ages 5-8 years of age (Madriaga, 2008). Being confined by the patient can be a good help because it can prevent contact of the person infected and control of the incubation period wherein the virus worsen and multiply. On the other hand, there are also 15 cases of measles in the community. According to Groliers Encyclopedia of Knowledge, measles is a contagious disease that affects the skin, the eyes and the respiratory system. This is a very dangerous childhood disease which can cause life-threatening complications. The climate in relocation 5 is mostly hot and the environment is mostly dry. Generally the illnesses mentioned were not related to each other. Thus, if you noticed, these illnesses were seasonal. It occurs mostly during summer. It clearly indicates that the climate is one of the main elements of that can cause disease. Ideally, the solutions to these problems were very difficult. Since these illnesses were triggered by the climate, it will be very hard to avoid. On the other hand we can still encourage the people to take nutritious foods and drink a plenty of water to boost their immunity and prevent the susceptibility to these diseases.

CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE PAST 5 YEARS Table No. 44 Death Cause No. % Stroke 1 100 1 100 TOTAL

Presentation analysis and interpretation Table no. 44 shows the cause of death in the past 5 years. There is only 1(100%) case of death and it is caused by stroke. There is a low mortality rate in this barangay. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Stroke is caused by the blockage of blood vessels due to clotting (Cartney, 2001). It is an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain. A stroke is sometimes called a "brain attack." A stroke happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted because a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts open.If blood flow is stopped for longer than a few seconds, the brain cannot get blood and oxygen. Brain cells can die, causing permanent damage. The symptoms of stroke depend on what part of the brain is damaged. In some cases, a person may not even be aware that he or she has had a stroke. Symptoms usually develop suddenly and without warning, or they may occur on and off for the first day or two. Symptoms are usually most severe when the stroke first happens, but they may slowly get worse. A stroke is a medical emergency. Immediate treatment can save lives and reduce disability. It is very important for people who are having stroke symptoms to get to a hospital as quickly as possible. If the stroke is caused by a blood clot, a clot-busting drug may be given to dissolve the clot. Most of the time, patients must reach a hospital within 3 hours after symptoms begin. Some people may be able to receive these drugs for up to 4 - 5 hours after symptoms begin. Treatment depends on the severity and cause of the

stroke. A hospital stay is required for most strokes. (Stroke: the comprehensive and medically accurate manual about stroke, By Anthony Rudd, Penny Irwin; Class Publishing Ltd, 2005 ) Even though there is low mortality rate in Relocation 5, diseases like stroke should be appropriately checked and managed. Prevention is also very vital, and that encouraging the people to control their high blood pressure by avoiding the consumption of high cholesterol foods, caffeine, cigarette, carbohydrates and alcohol can lower down or totally eliminate the incidence of stroke.

FAMILY UTILIZATION OF HEALTH CENTER Table No.45 No. 24 6 30 % 79.31 20.69 100

Using Not using TOTAL

Presentation, analysis and interpretation Table no. 45 shows the family utilization of health center out of 30 families, 24 (79.31 %) of them are using health center. In each barangay, there is a Local Health Center/ Clinic. It is made mostly for those who can't afford to pay a high bill for check up in a hospital. These programs are funded by the government. The funds came from the tax paid by the local citizens (Duque III 2008). Thats why in order for the poor people to maximize the services of the health centers, they need to have sufficient knowledge about the program. And as a health care provider, we should inform them.

From the graph interpreted above, almost 80% of the families in Relocation 5 are utilizing the Health programs of the barangay Health Center. It is a good indication that there are more families benefiting from the programs of the government thus implying that there would be good preventive measures in the prevalence of infections and diseases. The other 20% families should be introduced and be shown of the benefits of utilizing the health programs of the barangay health centers.

HEALTH PROGRAMS KNOWN TO THE USERS Table No.46 Programs Immunization Prenatal Family planning Tb DOTS programs Dental Health Health Education TOTAL No. 20 6 12 1 7 12 58 % 34.48 10.35 20.69 1.72 12.07 20.69 100%

Presentation, analysis and interpretation Table No. 46 shows how many health programs are known by each family in Pulong Sta.Cruz. It presents that 20 (34.48%) families knows immunization, 12 (20.69%) knows family planning, 12(20.69%) family knows about health education, seven (12.07%) knows about the Dental Health program, six (10.35%) knows about the prenatal health program and one (1.72%) family knows TB DOTS programs.

According to the Department of Health, the following are the major programs offered by Barangay Health Centers: Expanded Program on Immunization: Children need not die young if they receive complete and timely immunization. Children who are not fully immunized are more susceptible to common childhood diseases. The Expanded Program on Immunization is one of the DOH Programs that has already been institutionalized and adopted by all LGUs in the region. Its objective is to reduce infant mortality and morbidity through decreasing the prevalence of six (6) immunizable diseases (TB, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and measles). Family Planning: A national mandated priority public health program to attain the country's national health development: a health intervention program and an important tool for the improvement of the health and welfare of mothers, children and other members of the family. It also provides information and services for the couples of reproductive age to plan their family according to their beliefs and circumstances through legally and medically acceptable family planning methods. Health Education Programs: consists of several kinds of teaching programs such as Child health, Healthy lifestyle, smoking cessations and a lot more. Comprehensive Dental Health Program: aims to improve the quality of life of the people through the attainment of the highest possible oral health. Its objective is to prevent and control dental diseases and conditions like dental caries and periodontal diseases thus reducing their prevalence. Prenatal Programs: This includes maternal check-ups and health teachings on Breastfeeding, Proper nutrition and etc. TBDOTS: D.O.T.S stands for Directly-Observed Treatment Short0course. It is a comprehensive strategy endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUATLD) to detect and cure TB patients.

Families in Relocation 5 are knowledgeable of these health programs in the Barangay Health Center and most of the families are utilizing some of these programs. Some families are utilizing only some of the most common programs and that they are not completely utilizing all the available programs. This implies that Families should be encouraged more in utilizing such services by informing them of the Purpose and benefits of the said programs.

REASONS FOR NOT UTILIZING THE HEALTH CENTER Table No. 47 REASONS No one left at home Time restraint Private clinic Others (insufficient knowledge) TOTAL No. 1 2 1 2 6 % 16.67 33.33 16.67 33.33 100%

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table No. 47 shows that out of 6 families, two (33.33%) are not able to utilize the health center because of time constraint. one (16.67%) is unable because no one will be left at home, one (16.67%) is unable because they use private clinics and two (33.33%) are unable to use health center because they are not knowledgeable of it. One with the highest percentage is that they dont have sufficient knowledge about the health care. Probable reasons are that they dont know how and why they should consult the health care. Mainly they would only consult the health care for complications and not for their check-ups as well.

Second is it is not known to the family. Probable reasons are that they are not used or it is not a habit for them to consult the health care. But, they only provide themselves with their own use of medications and house treatment. Lastly 16.67 stated that they have their own private clinic for their consultation while the other 16.67 stated that no one is usually at home to keep watch of their property and household which restricts them on utilizing the health care. Families have often have constraints for not utilizing the health care is due to insufficient time and that they lack the knowledge on why they should consult the health care and what is its importance. Family Constraints such as lack of time should have a relative or someone that is trusted by the family to temporarily keep watch of their house for them to consult for their vital checkups. Families should also be oriented of the significance of utilizing the health care for a better lifestyle and in order for them to live a healthy life. In Relocation 5, only six families are not utilizing the Health Center programs. This implies that some of the families there are deprived of the benefits of the programs offered. Proper Encouragement of the families by enumerating the benefits and advantages

USE OF CONTRACEPTIVES (15-49 YEARS OLD) Table No.48 No. 14 17 31 % 45.16 54.84 100%


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

Table No. 48 shows that there are 14 (45.16%) in the community who were using contraceptives and 17 (54.84%) were not. The use of contraceptives in the community can be very helpful to them. Contraceptives are also used for family planning for those couples who are not yet ready to have children or may want to have children in the near future. Contraceptives reduce the risk for unwanted pregnancies and at the same time can be very beneficial to the couple. Without the use of contraceptives unwanted pregnancy may result; thus, it will result to a lot of children, which then leads to insufficient income that strains the family for their further expenses. It would also be really hard to support a big family especially if the income really is not enough to support the family. Also monitoring a lot of kids can be very stressful to a parent. This can lead to further problems and illnesses, which later leads to consulting a health care that would make them spend for the medications. (Contraception and reproduction: health consequences for women and children, By National Research Council (U.S. National Academies Press, 1989) More than half of the people in Relocation 5 ages 15-49 are not using contraceptives. This therefore implies that there is a high risk for unwanted or unplanned pregnancies in fertile groups in the community. Without the use of contraceptives, there would be increased possibility of pregnancies that are unplanned.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

Table No. 49 reveals that out of 15 surveyed people, 15 (100%) individuals which belongs to ages 15-49, are using pills as family planning method. Birth control pills (also called oral contraceptive pills and known as "the Pill") are a type of female hormonal birth control method and are very effective at preventing pregnancy. Some come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. The first 21 pills have a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone hormones that work to prevent fertilization. The last seven pills of a 28-day pack are hormone-free pills called spacers. The hormones stop ovulation (the process of the ovaries releasing eggs), as well as thicken cervical mucus to make it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The Pill is 92 to 99.7% effective as birth control, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV/AIDS (

control/thepill.htm). Pills are given to couples through the help of the clinics and are often given by health centers for those couple who are not ready to have children yet or may want to in the future. Also for those couples who have a very active sexual life. Despite being at risk for unintended pregnancy, fewer than half of women were using contraceptive methods with high effectiveness rates, which are modern contraceptive methods. The most commonly used methods were the pill and female sterilization, accounting for more than two-thirds of all contraceptive use in the Philippines. Modern natural family planning (NFP) methods and vasectomy were the least-used methods( All of the couple ages 15-49 that are using contraceptive methods in Relocation 5 uses birth Pills as their means of Contraception. This implies that the community needs further teaching about other means of contraception besides the birth pill, their benefits or advantages

and mthods of application. Further explanation of other methods could increase the knowledge of couples in their means of contraception.

ANTEPARTAL IN THE FAMILY Table No. 50 AGE OF GESTATION 3rd Trimester TOTAL NO. 1 1 % 100 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no. 50 reveals that there are 1 (100%) of antepartal in the third trimester. Antepartum is relating to the period before parturition: before childbirth. (Merriam Webster, 2010). It is from conception to onset of labor. The third trimester begins at the 28th week of pregnancy and lasts until birth. During the third trimester, couples usually begin nest building activities such as planning the infants sleep arrangements, buying clothes, choosing a name for the infant and preparing to be a parent. But they also grow impatient with pregnancy as they ready themselves for birth. The major physiologic changes during this trimester include increased colostrum (preparation for breastfeeding) and increased urinary frequency due to the pressure on the bladder from an enlarged fetus, blood pressure returns to prepregnancy levels (Pilitteri, 2010) Third trimester is becoming evident for maternal changes. Health teaching about pregnancy is important to prepare the mother on what to expect and do during the delivery of the baby and for the father to support his wife during labor. If pregnancy was planned, it is a joy to

the couple to have the baby. The couples will give their tender love and care to the expected baby.

NUMBER OF SMOKERS IN THE COMMUNITY Table no. 51 No. 21 134 155 % 13.55 86.45 100


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no. 51 presents that there are 21(13.55 %) smoker in the community and are 134(86.45) are non-smoker. Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes and cigars (, 2011). Nicotine is the addictive component of tobacco. It is absorbed into the blood and affects the brain within 10 seconds. It causes smokers to feel good. It also causes a surge of heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline (which also feels good). Tar itself contains many poisonous substances to the body. It is a thick, sticky substance, and when inhaled it sticks to the tiny hairs on the lungs, the cilia.

These normally protect the lungs from dirt and infection, but when covered in tar they can't do their job. Tar also coats the walls of the whole respiration system, narrowing the tubes that transport air (the bronchioles) and reducing elasticity of the lungs. Carbon monoxide is the poisonous chemical found in car exhaust fumes. It decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which deprives all the organs of oxygen too. Because there's less oxygen in the blood, it gets thicker and puts a strain on the heart to pump. Other toxic components of cigarettes which is harmful in the body includes benzene, ammonia, hydrogen, cyanide, cadmium, acetone and arsenic (, 2010). Passive smoking is the inhalation of smoke, called secondhand smoke (SHS)

or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), from tobacco products used by others. Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability, and death. Research using more exact measures of secondhand smoke exposure suggests that risks to nonsmokers may be even greater than this estimate. A British study reported that exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease among non-smokers by as much as 60%, similar to light smoking. Evidence also shows that inhaled sidestream smoke is the main component of secondhand smoke and is about four times more toxic than mainstream smoke. (, 2011) Children are especially sensitive to secondhand smoke. Asthma, lung infections, and ear infections are more common in children who are around smokers. Some of these problems can be serious and even life-threatening. Others may seem like small problems, but they add up quickly (., 2010)

Every 6.5 seconds, someone dies due to smoking. The adverse effects of smoking to smokers includes, hair loss, cataracts, hearing loss, skin cancer, emphysema, tooth decay, osteoporosis, heart disease, stomach ulcers, discolored fingers, uterine cancer and miscarriage, deformed sperm, Buergers Disease, cancer includes: lungs, nose, tongue, mouth, salivary gland, pharynx, throat, esophagus, larynx, stomach, kidney, bladder, penis, pancreas, colon, rectus and anus(, 2010). The smokers in the community are 21(13.55%) individuals and this implies that there are people in the community who are suffering or at risk for having smoking related disease such as emphysema and heart disease. They are also affecting those non-smokers who inhale the smoke that comes from them.

SMOKING DURATION Table no. 52 DURATION 0-3 weeks (YEARS) 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16 years and above (specify TOTAL No. 3 3 2 1 4 13 % 23.08 23.08 15.38 7.69 30.77 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no. 52 presents that the highest smoking duration is the 16 years and above which has 4 (30.77%) individuals. Smoking brings numerous long term effects on a smoker. Studies show that even those under 40 are 5 times more likely to have a heart attack if they are a smoker. A large increase in

the chances of developing lung cancer, which has a 40-60% survival rate if caught at the first stage, depending on the cancer type and increase in the chances of developing emphysema and chronic bronchitis. A smoker may find themselves more and more often short of breath. There is an increase in the incidences of coughs and respiratory infections in a smoker. There is also an increase in the chances of developing cancer of the larynx, a higher chance of getting stomach ulcer, bad breath Increases in the chances of cancer of the mouth, esophagus and pancreas ,stained teeth, stained fingers and nails, wrinkling of the skin, so it appears aged prematurely, unhealthy in appearance, sallow complexion. There is also a decrease in fertility for men and women, an increase in the chances of miscarriages for women, complications at birth and complications in the babys development in the womb and a large increase in the chances of developing cervical cancer (, 2011). The table implies that majority of the smokers are smoking for 16 years and above. These smokers are at risk of having the long term effects of smoking. Cessation though it is hard, is necessary to help them quit smoking. Health teachings about the ways on how to quit smoking can be of great help to convince them to stop smoking.

CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION (PER DAY) Table No. 53 CONSUMPTION 1-4 sticks per day 5-9 sticks per day 10-14 sticks per day 1-2 packs and more TOTAL No. 5 2 3 7 17 % 29.41 11.76 17.65 41.18 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no. 53 shows that the highest result of cigarette consumption is 7(41.18%) individuals who uses two packs and above of cigarette. Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal. Because of the nature of addiction, when the effects of nicotine on the brain and body wear off, the smoker feels worse than before. This reinforces the craving for another cigarette

(, 2011) According to the result, majority of the smokers consume 1-2 packs and more as well as those who are expose to the smoke. For this reason, barangay health center should conduct a program that promotes the quitting of smoking. Health teachings about the harmful effects of smoking and how to quit smoking is important for the community people to be aware and informed.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no. 54 shows that there are 44 (15.48%) drinker in the community and 131 (84.62%) are non-drinker.

An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcohol drinking increases risk of gouty arthritis, cancer in the liver, pancreas rectum breast mouth pharynx, larynx and esophagus, For pregnant woman, it causes physical and behavioral abnormalities in the fetus( Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). It raises blood pressure and the risk of stroke and heart disease in heavy drinkers, raises blood glucose (hyperglycemia) and lowers blood glucose with people who have diabetes. It enlarges the kidneys and increase risk of kidney failure and kidney diseases. It causes fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. It also increases the risk of protein-energy malnutrition. It causes dementia and impairs balance and memory. It increases energy intake and causes depression anxiety and insomnia. Alcohol consumption is also strongly associated with intentional injuries caused by aggressive behavior leading to violent crime. Drinking frequently precedes violent incidents and the severity of the violence is related to the amount of drinking beforehand. Different effects of alcohol contribute to increased likelihood of aggressive behavior. Effects of alcohol on the brain can reduce the anxiety about the consequences of ones actions. They also impair thinking and problem solving ability in situations of conflict and result in overly emotional responses (, 2011). It appears therefore that 44 drinkers in community of Relocation 5 are at risk to accidents, violence, alcohol related diseases. They also affect the people living in the community. The drinkers may need to seek health care provider and hospitals for restoration.

FREQUENCY OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Table No. 55 FREQUENCY Daily Weekly Occasional (specify) TOTAL No. 1 10 13 24 % 4.14 41.67 54.16 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation In this table there are 13(54.16%) individuals in the community who are drinking alcohol occasional only. Alcohol is actually a depressant. It means that it is a drug that slows down or depresses the brain. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person's ability to think, speak, and see things as they really are. A person might lose his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. The person might feel relaxed and happy and later start crying or get in an argument ( Alcohol consumption of more than eight glasses in one sitting can be affected, have an adverse effect on coronary heart disease and are linked to sudden deaths from heart attack. This is thought to be related to the tendency for high amounts of alcohol to increase blood clotting and to impair the beating of the muscles of the heart that pumps the blood around the body. Irregular heavy drinking also increase the amount of non-beneficial, low-density lipoproteins in the blood

and increase the likelihood of adverse changes to the heart muscle and the nerves supplying the heart muscles (, 2011). In the community 13 (54.16%) drinkers are consuming alcohol occasionally only. This implies that there are no heavy drinkers in the community. But still health teachings and program that emphasizes the numerous and dangerous effects of alcohol drinking must also be conducted to convince them to quit alcohol drinking.

ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION PER SESSION Table No. 56 FREQUENCY 2-3 glasses 1 bottles 2-3 bottles 4-5 bottles 6 bottles TOTAL No. 5 10 7 2 0 24 % 26.33 41.67 29.17 8.33 0 100

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Table no.56 presents that the highest frequent consumption is 1 bottle only with 10(41.67%) individuals. Alcohol abuse is well known for its devastating effects on physical and emotional health. More men drink than women and men are five times more likely to drink heavily. Higher number of male drinkers contributes to males higher mortality related to chronic disease, cirrhosis of the liver, accidents and homicide. Male drivers have substantially higher risk of fatal motor and car vehicle accidents because they are more likely to have high blood alcohol levels. Alcohol consumption is related to risky behavior which results to transmission of STDs

including HIV. A number of studies have suggested that people who drink more heavily are more likely to have multiple partners (Nies &McEwen, 2007). Each year approximately 3000 people die as a result of excessive alcohol consumption and around 101 000 people are hospitalized. Long-term excessive alcohol consumption is associated with: heart damage, high blood pressure and stroke, liver damage, cancers of the digestive system and digestive system disorders, sexual impotence and reduced fertility, increasing risk of breast cancer, sleeping difficulties, brain damage with mood and personality changes, concentration and memory problems. Alcohol also impacts on relationships, finances, work, and may result in legal problems. (, 2011). The Dietary Guidelines define moderate drinking as no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men. It point out that drinking more than one drink per day for women can increase the risk for motor vehicle crashes, other injuries, high blood pressure, stroke, violence, suicide, and certain types of

cancer.(, 2011) In the community, 10 of the community people drink one bottle only, seven individuals drink two to three bottles, five individuals drinks 2-3 glasses and 2 individuals drinks four to five bottles. Even consuming small amount of alcohol has can already affect our body. Health

teaching can be of great help to educate the community drinkers about the possible effects of drinking alcohol.

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