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UPM-CALC/ SEM2/2022-23/CEL2107/THT/WEEK 2

Name: …………………………………………………. Group: …………


This is an individual activity for you to carry out. This activity should be completed before the
next class in Week 3.

1. Read on opening and closing lines/language expressions in business letters and

emails and focus on these aspects:
▪ Its importance
- To give reader basic information regarding sender
- To greet the recipient
- To show respect and appreciation for the recipient
- To indicate farewell

▪ The examples of opening and closing lines in both writings

- to the kind attention of
- the aim of this letter
- we wish to inform you that
- in reply to your letter
- following your instructions
- awaiting your reply
- best regards
- our kindest regards
- to look forward to / looking forward to an early reply
- we look forward to your kind reply
- looking forward to hearing from you
- we remain
- we thank you in advance
- we would appreciate it if you could answer
- we would appreciate your reply

2. Look up for common words or expressions that are used in business writing and
provide some examples.
- We should apologize for making the customer wait. (sorry)
- Please ensure you follow my instructions carefully. (make sure)

UPM-CALC/ SEM2/2022-23/CEL2107/THT/WEEK 2

Name: …………………………………………………. Group: …………

- I’m sorry but I can’t attend this week’s meeting. (come)

- I’d like to reserve the conference room for next Thursday at 2 p.m. Is it
available? (book)
- I would like to receive the report as soon as possible.
- We apologize for the delay in claiming process.
- Hereby, I have attached the documents needed for the approval.

3. Read on the 5 C’s in Business Writing and focus on these aspects:

▪ The reasons to be clear in writing

- You as the writer express your ideas as simple as necessary so the reader
understand the text after the first reading. Avoid unfamiliar business jargon
or vocabulary which could confuse the reader. Make sure your purpose
and intent is clear to the reader
▪ The importance of conciseness in writing
- Keep your communication short and to the point. Check for any
wordiness. Include only information related to your topic.
▪ The characteristics of courteous writing
- Address the reader politely.
▪ The ways to ensure correctness in writing
- Edit and proofread your letter so that it has no grammar, spelling and
punctuation errors.
▪ The purposes of completeness in writing
- Consider the 5W-H formulation: who, what, when, where, why, and how.:
Include all the information the reader needs to have.

4. Share the answers with your classmates in Week 3.

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