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How do you do how do you do

How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Hallo Hi

What’s up? Good, thanks , never been better

Nice too meet you and you! Nice to meet you too

Goodbye bye

Sentences = kalimat

1. Verbal = mengandung kata kerja

2. Nominal = tidak ada kata kerja

Setiap kalimat dalam bahasa inggris wajib ada kata kerja ( ver)

Jika kalimat tidak memiliki verb maka wajib ada kata bantu

Begitupun dg kalimat negative dan kalimat tanya

Kata bantu (auxiliary)

1. Be
2. Verb ( do, does, did, have,has, had)
3. Modal ( can ,could, will, would, shall,should, may, might, must, had to, ought to)

Tobe = kata bantu

Membantu kalimat yang tidak ada kata kerjanya

Auxiliary Be

Base form present past past participle present participle

Be is,am,are was, were been being

To be : present

SMA = Is, Am, Are

Subject = pelaku dalam kalimat

Ayu, dewi sht = I, you, they, we, she , he ,it

Subject Tobe

I am

You are

They are

We are

She is

He is

It is

Personal information
What’s your name I am Saidah az Zahra

Tell me about yourself My name is Saidah

How old are you? I am 19

Where are you from? I am Indonesian

I am from Indonesia

What are you interested in? I am interested in films

What’s your job? I am a student

What are you? I am business owner

What’s your marital status? I am single

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