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190 Hands On, Hearts On, Minds

On: Design Thinking within

an Education Context
Fatima Cassim


Today the changing nature of design practice Nonetheless, the main argument that emerges
and the role of design within a widening domain from the case study is that in order to advance
indicate that the survival of design as a profes- design research, focus must be placed on the
sion may depend less on traditional design design (problem solving) methodologies that
education and more on responding strategically are taught and subsequently employed by
to contemporary changes, influenced by ethical students as part of their design training.
and environmental issues as well as technologi-
cal advancements. As a result, one of the chal- Keywords
lenges facing contemporary design educators design thinking, design education, practice-
today is how to prepare and educate design based research, sustainability, social innovation
students in light of the expanding and shifting
definitions of the profession as well as changes
in social responsibilities. To this end, the article
explores the nature of the design process by
presenting a model of designing. Following
from this, the inherent characteristics of design
thinking are identified before discussing the
application of design thinking within an educa-
tion context. Reference is made to the lil’ green
box, a social innovation project by a final year
Information Design student from the University
of Pretoria. The scope of the article is limited and
therefore only a single case study is presented.

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Introduction domains, namely ‘organisational design, social 191
From a historical perspective, the basic tradition systems design, educational systems design, Fatima Cassim
of Western thinking has aligned itself predomi- work place design and healthcare design’
nantly with scientific thinking as opposed to (Nelson & Stolterman 2003, 2).
design thinking (Golsby-Smith 2008). Conse- The changing nature of design practice and
quently, education, organisations and business the role of design within a widening domain indi-
have all adopted and, in general, continue to cate that the survival of design as a profession
utilise science or analytic thinking as the domi- may depend less on traditional design educa-
nant mode of thought and problem solving. tion and more on responding strategically to
Today, however, leaders are faced with progres- contemporary changes, influenced by ethical
sively more complex problems which cannot be and environmental issues as well as technologi-
easily solved by utilising traditional problem cal advances. As a result, one of the challenges
solving processes or hegemonic systems of facing contemporary design educators today is
enquiry such as science. This belief is clearly how to prepare and educate design students in
echoed by Charles Owen (2005, 5) who, in a light of the expanding and shifting definitions of
keynote address given at the International the profession as well as changes in social
Conference on Design Research and Education responsibilities.
for the Future [1], stated that To this end, the aim of the article is to explore
the nature of design thinking and to explore the
More than ever before, scientific advice requires application of this mode of enquiry within an
serious consideration. And another kind of think- education context. Seminal authors Nigel Cross
ing deserves equal attention. Design thinking is (2006), Bryan Lawson (2006) and Nelson &
in many ways the obverse of scientific thinking. Stolterman (2003) are consulted to present an
Where the scientist sifts facts to discover overview of the design process and to arrive at
patterns and insights, the designer invents new the characteristics of design thinking. For the
patterns and concepts to address facts and purpose of the article, reference will be made to
possibilities. the lil’ green box, a social innovation project by a
final year Information Design student from the
In keeping with this, there is a growing focus on University of Pretoria, as a case study to high-
design thinking as an alternate mode of enquiry light the practical application of design thinking.
within a contemporary decision-making
context. From design to design thinking
The notion of design as a credible and valu- The work of designers is not fixed and, over
able way of thinking to deal with contemporary time, has always been influenced and moulded
problems is being pursued within a widening by developments in technology, as well as soci-
domain. Changes in design practice and the etal and cultural shifts. Nonetheless, the wide-
understanding of design as a strategic tool spread understanding of a designer’s role
have been important catalysts for a growing remained fairly constant during most of the
acceptance and appreciation of design. At twentieth century. The designer’s role was tradi-
present, design is increasingly viewed as an tionally bound to the creation and function of
activity or process which facilitates the crea- forms such as images, information, objects and
tion of preferred and/or appropriate condi- products (Brown 2008, 86). This understanding
tions, artefacts and environments for a specific of the role of the designer stems explicitly from
intent and purpose. This definition of design the word ‘design’, which is both a verb and a
traverses not only the traditional fields of noun (Lawson 2006) and can either refer to an
design such as graphic design, information activity (the process of design) or to the result or
design, industrial design and interior design, outcome of that activity (usually referred to as a
but can also be applied to new design product) (Borja de Mozota 2003).

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192 The traditional understanding of design focused what design is. Golsby-Smith (1996) also adopts
Fatima Cassim primarily on the end products of design and a similar viewpoint when he states that each of
within this context, design was often treated as the orders do not replace each other but rather
a late-stage add-on or final step in the innovation build upon each other.
or development process, where the designer The changing conception of designed prod-
was usually called on to ‘put a beautiful wrapper ucts points the way to new opportunities open-
around the idea’ (Brown 2008, 86). Today, ing up for designers to traverse traditional
however, the practice and awareness of design design disciplines and to enlarge their range of
is changing and there is a growing focus on activity. It is therefore essential for designers to
design as a process. Rather than the designer keep their profession relevant and to develop
merely playing a tactical role in making an idea and articulate new areas of design in order to
look more attractive to the target audience, the deal effectively with change and complexity in
designer is increasingly being consulted in a the twenty-first century. As mentioned in the
strategic capacity at the front-end of innovation introduction, one such area or discipline which
(Brown 2008). is receiving increasing recognition is design
This widening domain in which design is thinking. Within the widening domain of design,
currently practised stems mainly from the design thinking has surfaced as an important
changing nature of the design product. To design tool or skill for innovation in general and
understand the changing nature of the product more specifically, social innovation. The work of
and the designer’s role since the twentieth influential, global innovation companies such as
century, Buchanan (1992) has suggested that Frog, Cooper and IDEO bears testimony to a
there are four orders of design. The four orders focus on social innovation in professional
are essentially four broad areas of design or, design practice. According to IDEO (Social Inno-
more specifically, areas of design thinking which vation 2011), their ‘social innovation seeks to
have emerged as a result of the designer’s create transformational change in under-
encounter with new problems (Buchanan 1998). served, underrepresented, and disadvantaged
At present, instead of focusing primarily on the communities worldwide’ and hence they ‘use
creation of symbols and material objects and design thinking to address issues such as
strategic planning (first to third order), designers poverty, nutrition, health, water and sanitation,
are now moving towards a fourth order or area economic empowerment, access to financial
of design which is characterised by the creation services, and gender equity’. Within a local
of complex systems and environments. Accord- context, there is also a growing focus on social
ing to Buchanan (1992, 7), ‘this area is more and innovation. For example, the South African-
more concerned with exploring the role of based Praekelt Foundation focuses specifically
design in sustaining, developing and integrating on using mobile technology for social and
human beings into broader ecological and economic development on the African conti-
cultural environments shaping these environ- nent. A noteworthy project of theirs, Young
ments when desirable and possible or adapting Africa Live, is an innovative mobile health (more
them when necessary’. In light of this, it is clear commonly referred to as mHealth) initiative
that the focus in design has shifted from mate- which focuses on educating the youth about
rial systems to human systems (Buchanan HIV/AIDS and also encourages sharing of infor-
2001), where the products of design began to mation and dialogue amongst users of the
take on a new meaning and often become activ- mobile platform (Praekelt Foundation 2001).
ities or services with an increasing socially Such focus on social issues, with an inherent
responsible stance. Nonetheless, this shift human-centred underpinning, indicates new
towards a fourth order of design does not disre- directions of professional practice for design-
gard the first two orders of design communica- ers. Furthermore, new directions of profes-
tion and construction as they form the basis of sional practice also impact on education and

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hence there is also an increasing academic (1983) concept of design as a reflective conver- 193
interest in the possibilities of design thinking. sation where both the design problem and solu- Fatima Cassim
tion are bound by a complex relationship. This
The design process implies that for a designer, the application of
In order to actively pursue design thinking as a design thinking on an operational level is there-
promising alternative approach to science fore inextricably linked to the activities that
thinking within an academic and professional collectively constitute the design process. To
context, it is essential for designers to be able to facilitate a wider consideration of the nature of
understand the nature of the design process. design thinking in this article, it is therefore
Owing to the complex nature of contemporary necessary to first explore the design processes
problems, design is not normal problem solving and ways of thinking adopted by designers. This
where the problem and solution are seen as is done by presenting a model of designing. This
separate entities that are bridged by a linear article does not present an existing model of
process. The complex nature of contemporary design thinking as proposed by an innovation
problems is in keeping with Horst Rittel’s company such as IDEO, for example. This is not
concept of wicked problems; Buchanan (1992) to say that such model(s) are not acknowledged
acknowledges that the concept was introduced or accepted but a reference to the selected
by Horst Rittel during the 1960s when design authors – Nelson & Stolterman (2003), Cross
methodology emerged as a key area of research (2006) and Lawson (2006) – is a conscious deci-
in design. Furthermore, Buchanan (1992) indi- sion by the author to consider, collate and
cates that the point of departure for the concept present information more rigorously from
of wicked problems was the search for an alter- researchers who have been seminal in contrib-
native to the dominant linear model of design uting to contemporar y design thinking
that was adopted by design theorists and prac- discourse. Owing to the education context of
titioners at the time. Rittel’s argument was that this article, this decision also allows for a wider
‘the linear model of design thinking is based on consideration of the design process that
determinate problems which have definite students should consider.
conditions’ (Buchanan 1992, 15) and, in Furthermore, the stance adopted here is that
contrast, he believed that the concept of wicked the activity of design involves specific mental
problems accepts the indeterminacy of design processes or distinct ways of knowing and
problems. Consequently, wicked problems doing, and this standpoint is substantiated by
were defined as ‘a class of social system prob- consulting Nelson & Stolterman (2003), Cross
lems which are ill-formulated, where the infor- (2006) and Lawson (2006). The authors
mation is confusing, where there are many consulted do not provide one clear-cut theory
clients and decision makers with conflicting of designerly ways of thinking and doing.
values and where the ramifications in the whole However, they provide several different expla-
system are thoroughly confusing’ (Buchanan nations with a common thread binding their
1992, 14). This definition hints effectively at the work, in that each of them argue that there is
complex and unpredictable situations with something that can be labelled a designerly
which designers are faced. approach, and that design is a unique activity
Consequently, as design problems have deserving significant attention as an area of
become increasingly complex, design has study. The selected authors also agree that
become more of a problem processing task such a design approach differs from the scien-
than a problem solving process (Julier 2000). tific approach and is based on design practice
Lawson (2006) also views design as being more (Stolterman 2008). For the purposes of this arti-
than just problem solving. Additionally, Lawson cle, Lawson’s (2006) five overarching design
also adopts the idea of design as a conversation thinking skills (formulating, representing,
and in so doing his sentiments echo Schön’s moving, evaluating and reflecting) are adopted

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194 to provide a basic skeleton for the following problem. For example, Edward De Bono’s
Fatima Cassim model of designing. (2000) Six Thinking Hats is one way of framing
a problem and looking at it from different
Formulating perspectives. Cross (2006, 91) substantiates
Although the design process is non-linear and the presence of such a skill in the design
rather fluid, it nonetheless comprises a succes- process by stating that ‘successful, experi-
sion of activities. As a result, there must be a enced and especially outstanding designers
trigger for change in order for the respective are repeatedly found in various studies to be
design activities to commence. Since design is proactive in problem framing, actively impos-
distinguished as a service activity (Nelson & ing their view of the problem and directing the
Stolterman 2003), receiving a brief from a client search for solution conjectures’.
generally initiates the design process. However,
owing to the wicked nature of design problems, Representing
the design problem is often only loosely defined Designers are solution focused and work by
by the client. Consequently, neither the design generating ideas about potential solutions
problem nor the design solution is clear at the based on the client’s intention and aspirations. A
onset of the design process. In light of this, the solution-focused nature of design behaviour is a
skill of formulating required by designers has to fitting way for designers to respond to wicked or
do with finding and understanding design prob- ill-defined problems. Ill-defined problems
lems. More specifically, the skills inherent to cannot be converted into well-defined prob-
formulating are, firstly, assessing the client’s lems; hence designers adopt a more realistic
aspirations/desires in order to identify the prob- strategy of ‘satisficing’ (finding a satisfactory
lem and, secondly, to frame the problem at hand. solution) rather than focusing their energies on
Since the designer is considered as a change- creating an optimum solution (Cross 2006).
agent who enters into a service relationship with Naturally, the designer’s ideas need to be exter-
the client to try to address their aspirations, the nalised in order for the design process to
client’s aspirations are regarded as the design advance, and therefore during the ‘generative
intentions (Nelson & Stolterman 2003). It can phase’ (Cross 2006, 16) of the design process
therefore be said that the trigger for design representing becomes an essential skill for
action is not needs, but rather desires or aspira- designers to employ as a means of giving form
tions. This emphasis on desire highlights the to their solution ideas. It is important to state
fact that change can be initiated. It also points here that owing to the co-evolution nature of the
once again to the role of the designer in facilitat- design process, representation is essentially a
ing the creation of design outcomes for a developmental process and is not restricted to
specific intent and purpose. this point in the design process. Representa-
Once the design intention has been tions or sketches are made and communicated
acknowledged and the design problem identi- throughout the design process and through
fied, it becomes necessary for the designer to feedback and reflection they are adapted and
frame the problem. The term ‘framing’ was refined into more concrete versions during the
initially introduced by Schön (1983) and in this design process (Nelson & Stolterman 2003).
context refers to contextualising the design Similar to the design process, representation,
problem or situation. Framing is a way for the too, is not linear but rather, as Nelson & Stolter-
designer selectively to focus the problem in man (2003, 176) state, ‘sequentially emergent’.
order to be able to handle the complexity of A number of ways of imagining or represent-
the problem. Framing also helps to provide ing have been identified by authors such as
structure and direction to the design process. Cross (2006) and Lawson (2006). For example,
According to Lawson (2006, 292–3), there are drawing, writing, modelling and making are
different ways of framing and formulating the some of the tools which designers use to think

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about design problems and solutions and ulti- problem is situated, as well as the skills level of 195
mately to externalise their ideas. Although the designer. Fatima Cassim
designers use a combination of verbal and visual
modes of representation, it is the visual or non- Evaluating
verbal modes, such as sketching, which are Not only do designers generate multiple repre-
generally dominant in the design process. Both sentations and alternatives for design solutions,
verbal and non-verbal representations help to but they also need to limit their choices in order
facilitate a dialogue between the designer and to propose a possible solution. In a complex situ-
his representations and also between the ation such as this where designers need to
designer and the respective client and/or other make moves and take action, they need to rely
stakeholders. Therefore, representations need on evaluating (Lawson 2006) and judgement
to be comprehensive and meaningful (Nelson & (Nelson & Stolterman 2003) skills. It should be
Stolterman 2003). noted that although the skills of moving and
evaluating are presented under separate head-
Moving ings in this model, they are, in practice, interde-
As mentioned above, once representations pendent. In the design process the two sets of
have been generated, designers begin to skills are inextricably linked and therefore evalu-
engage in dialogue with the representations. ating skills are exercised in conjunction with
What results from this dialogue is a process of moving skills.
solution generation: the designer starts moving In order to make moves, the designer needs
closer towards the creation of the design to make design decisions – which ideas to aban-
outcome by means of making design proposi- don and which to pursue – and therefore judge-
tions. Lawson (2006) believes that the set of ment is regarded as a form of decision making.
skills employed by designers to propose solu- Unlike traditional decision making which relies
tions essentially have to do with making moves, on a divergent process, to make true judge-
and consequently he refers to them as ‘moving’. ments, design judgement is dependent on a
This activity of moving in the design process has convergent process and comprises adequate
also been explored by Cross (2006), however he and critical judgements within the context of
refers to it as a creative leap that takes place in satisficing. Design judgement goes beyond
design. According to Cross (2006, 57), the crea- mere intuition and instead has practical and
tive leap should be viewed as ‘the throwing of a pragmatic value since it initiates intentional
bridge across the chasm between problem and change in the real world. Within a design
solution’. In essence, the creative leap is a move context, Nelson & Stolterman (2003) believe that
towards recognising a satisfactory concept or judgement is at the root of innovation and is
solution to the problem at hand. therefore an essential skill.
Under the general heading of making moves, In addition, this type of decision making
there are different types of moves that a ‘takes place within the constraints of a reasona-
designer can initiate. Since one of the aims of ble time frame based on a time line of realistic
design is to initiates novel forms, the designer expectations and limitations’ (Nelson & Stolter-
can make a new move which has not been seen man 2003, 188). The designer needs to continu-
previously. Alternatively, the designer may alter ously consider the design criteria and require-
or further develop an existing solution (Lawson ments set by the client in the brief. The designer
2006). Essentially, these different types of also has to consider self-imposed criteria such
design moves are dependent on two main as aesthetics as well as technical and legal
factors: firstly, the intention of the client and issues (Cross 2006). Nelson & Stolterman (2003)
secondly, the level of the designer’s skills and also adopt this viewpoint in their proposal of
abilities. In turn, these skills and abilities are different types of judgement which include
specific to the design discipline within which the intellectual judgement, practical judgement and

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196 ethical judgement to name a few. These types their actions. What results from this is the
Fatima Cassim of judgement should not be seen as separate continuous moving back and forth between
skills, but overlap with one another and are often formulating, representing, moving and evaluat-
used simultaneously during evaluation to ing. Such a way of reflecting can be said to focus
ensure relative objectivity. Furthermore, these on and monitor the design decisions taken
judgements do not impose uniformity and are during the process rather than the final state of
applied in the context of the individual design the designed outcome. In contrast, reflection on
problem. Hence, design judgements can be action, as the second interpretation of reflecting
applicable to all design disciplines, irrespective in design, takes place once the design outcome
of the final design outcome. has been produced. The design process does
The above-mentioned types of judgement not end with the production of the final design,
are used primarily by designers, but it must be but continues even after the design makes its
acknowledged that evaluating and judgement appearance in the real world or the domain of
are skills which are not exclusive to designers. the client. Reflection in this instance therefore
Clients also engage in a process of making encompasses the act of monitoring the final
judgements. Furthermore, the increasing design outcome against the client’s intention as
emphasis on human and user-centred design well as the intention of the designer. In addition,
today means that it is not unusual to have the the designer questions whether the ‘processes
end-user present during the design process. involved in representing, formulating and
When this is the case, the end-user’s judgement moving have all been brought to bear on the
is also taken into consideration for the solution case’ (Lawson 2006, 299).
selection process. There are a number of reasons why the skill
of reflecting is important for designers. Firstly,
Reflecting the act of reflecting allows the designer to focus
One of the key skills employed by designers is on the entire design process instead of merely
that of reflecting. Lawson (2006) acknowledges focusing on the result of the process (the final
that since the introduction of Donald Schön’s product). Secondly, reflecting allows the design-
concept of the reflective practitioner during the ers to explore important avenues during the
1980s there has been growing recognition and design process and also encourages them to
acceptance of the idea of reflecting upon action. take responsibility for their actions. Thirdly, it
Specifically within a design context, designers enables the designer to measure the success of
are constantly looking and thinking about their the design process as well as the final result of
designs and as a result, designers can be that process.
regarded as reflective practitioners. The contin-
uous monitoring and learning skills which Characteristics of design thinking
designers use are grouped collectively as The model of designing presented above shows
reflecting skills in this model of design thinking. that the design process consists of distinct yet
In line with Schön’s overarching concept of interacting mental acts in which designers
reflection, Lawson (2006) highlights that the establish relationships with the real world with a
idea of reflection is open to two interpretations view to creating design outcomes. Although the
in design, namely reflection in action and reflec- model of designing has been presented sequen-
tion on action. tially, the five different sets of skills are not prac-
As the name suggests, reflection in action is tised in a prescribed way but overlap and are
an activity which takes place while designers contingent to the unique circumstances or prob-
are in action and busy exercising their design lems with which the designer is faced. The
skills with the aim of creating the design dynamic nature of the design process and the
outcome. During this phase of the process, uniqueness of every process reaffirm that the
designers constantly stand back and reflect on design process is non-linear in nature. However,

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irrespective of the sequence of activities in the Design Achievers national award scheme. The 197
design process that is adopted, there are a annual awards scheme is an initiative of the Fatima Cassim
number of cognitive abilities or ways of thinking SABS Design Institute and aims to encourage
which are almost implicit in the nature of the South African design students to propose stra-
design process. According to Cross (2006), tegic design solutions to address a social, envi-
these ways of knowing are embedded in both ronmental, or industrial problem currently expe-
the processes and products of designing. From rienced in South Africa. Every year, the brief calls
the model of designing, the following character- for design concepts that could make ‘a profound
istics of design thinking can be identified: contribution to the betterment of life and the
environment’ (Design Institute 2011). The
• Designers tackle and resolve ill-defined prob- humanist underpinning of the scheme is clearly
lems. evidenced by the guiding principles of the
• Designers are solution focused rather than awards scheme, namely Hands-on, Hearts-on,
problem focused. Minds-on.
• Designers frame their problems in a way that The student’s project stemmed from the
is unique to the problem at hand. environmental damage South African society
• Designers focus on synthesis. produces by the incorrect disposal of regular
• Designers use non-verbal, visual language as household batteries (i.e. in regular household
a tool. waste). The complexity of the identified prob-
• Designers employ abductive or forward think- lem required that the student carry out exten-
ing. sive research within the three-week timeframe
• Designers engage in continuous evaluation of the project. Research, conducted by Reeves
and reflection. (2010) during the problem identification phase,
• Designers take a broad systems approach to indicated that South African society lacked an
the problem. awareness of such environmental issues and
• Designers take a human-centred approach. that an information system that allowed willing
• Designers adopt an integrative and collabora- members of society to take action was required.
tive team-based approach. As a response to this, the student proposed a
household battery disposal system created for
Design thinking in action: hands on, hearts the safe and correct disposal of hazardous
on, minds on batteries. The initiative consists essentially of
The stance of considering design thinking as a two parts: part 1 is aimed at school children and
skill is clearly echoed in the writings of authors part 2 at the general public. Both parts have
such as Lawson (2006) and De Bono (2000), similar aims and objectives, namely to create
who state that design thinking need not be an awareness through educating and informing
ability that a person is born with, but it is a trait people about the negative environmental
which can effectively be nurtured and honed. impact of batteries, as well as encouraging
Bearing this in mind, it is fitting to position correct and safe disposal of batteries. For the
design thinking within a context of teaching and purposes of this article however, only part 1 will
learning. A brief discussion of an Information be discussed.
Design student project now follows to illustrate The lil’ green box is predominantly aimed at
the application of design thinking as a problem primary school children between the ages of 7
processing methodology within an academic and 11. Reeves’s intention for the project was for
context. it to be a fun, yet educational system which
encourages children and, in turn, their families
The lil’ green box to collect and dispose of their batteries correctly
The lil’ green box is a project completed by final- and safely. Many schools have introduced recy-
year student Micaela Reeves (2010) for the cling into their curriculum, and so the lil’ green

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Fatima Cassim

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Fatima Cassim

box initiative was proposed as an extension of week to school, each class should be provided
this theme to be incorporated as a class project with a battery disposal chart (Figure 4). ‘In order
(Reeves 2010). Firstly, the project constitutes to provide a more tangible incentive and under-
the distribution of flat pack green boxes at standing of the cumulative effect of correct Opposite page:

primary schools, making them accessible to battery disposal’, Reeves (2010) indicated that Figure 1
The lil’ green box for
teachers and children. The flat pack boxes are a the purpose of the chart is to allow the class to
pupils, with
tool for teachers to educate children about the keep count of the batteries so that at the end of information provided
negative environmental impact and dangers of each month the teacher can work out how on the inside (Reeves
batteries. To this end, all the environmental much water and land the class has saved as a
information is provided on the inner side of the whole: one battery correctly disposed of saves Figure 2
Decorated and
boxes (Figure 1). Ideally, once the teacher has 500 litres of water and 1 square metre of land. assembled lil’ green
gone through all the information, the children For reasons of sustainability, the poster itself box (Reeves 2010)
are encouraged to turn the box around and inter- would be laminated so that at the end of each Figure 3
act with the box by personalising it through month the poster can be wiped clean and the Assembled lil’ green
boxes to be taken
drawing and writing (Figure 2). In addition to the count can start again. The intention is that
home by the pupils
class activities, it is proposed that students monthly results are recorded by the teacher and (Reeves 2010)
should be given some homework. This would at the end of the year the class can work out This page:
require the children to assemble the boxes and their yearly score. Thirdly, in order to make the
Figure 4
take the boxes home where they can be the concept viable, it is imperative that bins are Battery disposal
‘battery educators’ of their homes and encour- made available for the correct disposal of the chart (Reeves 2010)
age sustainable behaviour amongst their used batteries. All the batteries collected by the Figure 5
parents (Figure 3). children would therefore be disposed of in lil’ The lil’ green bins
made available at
Secondly, since the class would be required green bins (Figure 5) that would potentially be schools (Reeves
to bring their collection of used batteries once a made available at the schools by a company 2010)

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200 such as Uniross. This project required students The limited timeframe of the project, however,
Fatima Cassim to think about the practical roll-out of the was an obvious limitation for the project and
projects, and relevant organisations or compa- resulted in minimal end-user involvement
nies that needed to be contacted if necessary. through the process. Nonetheless, the limited
Consequently, Reeves (2010) identified Uniross interaction proved to be extremely beneficial to
as a potential stakeholder. Reeves and gave her a good opportunity to
The brief description of the three above- reflect. The following is a sample of her reflec-
mentioned products fall within the domain of tion-on-action:
fourth-order design thinking because collec-
tively, they can be characterised by the creation • ‘Children were only introduced into the design
of a system. With regard to the design process process after the design was finalised, which
to devise the system, the student consulted missed the opportunity for a user-centered
regularly with the appointed lecturers at the design approach. Intuition results in superfi-
university and in this way, she was guided with cial solutions, where if the children were
her design decisions as she moved towards a involved from the beginning, a broader and a
problem solution. The characteristics of design more comprehensive understanding of how
thinking noted previously are evident, in varying children interact with the design could have
degrees, in the process employed by the been achieved and potentially prevented
student to finalise her solution to the problem. future obstacles’ (Reeves 2010).
The final design of the battery disposal • Reeves (2010) realised that ‘without in-depth
system was facilitated by the research knowledge of the user, the design could result
conducted throughout the process. Once the as being superficial’. This realisation emerged
preliminary research was completed and the from the pupils’ reaction to the layout and
system considered, the student took to design of the boxes; they were expecting lines
designing the individual items comprising the to write on instead of the blank spaces.
system. Consequently, in order to test this • The student acknowledged the advantage of a
system as well and the appropriateness of the multi-disciplinary and collaborative design
information design of the products, the effort when she stated that in addition to work-
student created prototypes of the boxes and ing sooner with the pupils, ‘it would have been
visited a local primary school that was willing beneficial to work together with educators,
to participate. Here, Reeves spoke to teachers parents, learners as well as psychologists’
and also interacted with grade three students (Reeves 2010).
in their classroom.
The prototypes were useful within the class- Conclusion
room setting when the children were allowed to The student’s reflection points towards an
interact with and draw on the boxes. This activ- understanding of the design process as an inclu-
ity was mutually beneficial: the students learnt sive approach to managing social innovation
about safe and correct battery disposal and for and it also highlights the impact the application
Reeves it was a form of participatory action of design thinking may have on a student’s
research and reflection. According to Reeves personal growth as a designer. Firstly, the first-
(2010), the learners engaged positively with the hand experience with a real-world problem
project and through their actions, displayed an offered an action-based method of advancing
‘understanding of the current status of the envi- the student’s knowledge. Secondly, the short-
ronment as well as their affinity towards the comings of the project were self-critically
natural world’. For example, one pupil wrote on constructive for the student. This skill of noting
his box: ‘I was born on earth and the world shortcomings and collecting future reference is
makes me alive ... we care about the world inherent to the reflection process and, accord-
because if we don’t we will die’. ing to Lawson (2006), this practice highlights the

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fact that designers use episodic knowledge Acknowledgements 201
more than procedural knowledge. This case The author’s mini-dissertation, completed for a Fatima Cassim
study therefore aligns itself with the design Masters degree in Information Design at the
theory covered at the beginning of the article Department of Visual Arts, University of Preto-
and substantiates that through practice, and the ria, in 2009, acted as a springboard for the ongo-
opportunity to explore real-world problems, ing research on this topic. An earlier version of
students are able to nurture and hone their ways the paper was also presented at the Design,
of thinking and to advance their practice. Development and Research conference, held at
Following from this, more attention needs to the Cape Peninsula University of Technology,
be given to the nurturing of design thinking skills Cape Town, South Africa, in 2011. The author is
within an educational context and strategies for grateful to the project lecturers at the University
education need to be considered and devised. of Pretoria, Nicole Cunningham and Anneli
Since design knowledge and research are inex- Bowie, and is indebted to Micaela Reeves who
tricably linked to design practice, design granted permission for her student project to be
research aimed at improving design education used as a case study in this paper.
and design practice may need to be grounded in
a deep understanding of the nature of design Note
methodologies. 1. The keynote address Design Thinking. What It
Within a South African context, design think- Is. Why It Is Different. Where It Has New Value
ing as a methodology is of relevance as it can was given by Charles Owen on 21 October
play a strategic role in framing and answering 2005 in South Korea, at the International
many of the social, economic and environmen- Conference on Design Research and Educa-
tal problems with which the country is faced. tion for the Future, conducted in conjunction
For example, design can have an impact in with the Gwangju Design Biennale.
South African society through services and
systems such as housing, planning, health, Fatima Cassim holds a Master’s degree in Infor-
transport and recycling. In particular, owing to mation Design and currently heads the Informa-
South Africa’s multi-cultural population, the tion Design division at the Department of Visual
human-centred nature of design thinking makes Arts at the University of Pretoria, in South Africa.
it relevant. She also serves as an adjudicator on a number
Ultimately, the goal of design education is to of national and international student design
foster and nurture in students competitions and awards schemes. Fatima’s
research focuses on the culture of design in the
a people-oriented attitude as well as a deep current creative economy and the strategic role
rooted understanding and mastery of a set of of design within this changing environment. In
discrete skills in design thinking and making. This particular, she is interested in the nature and
attitude and understanding, if applied in service application of design thinking and the possible
of human beings and from the perspective of impact it may have on design education. When
being human may ultimately contribute towards she is not being an academic, she tries to exer-
generating a culture of designers that pursue the cise creative muscle by running around the
‘global good’ in all their endeavours. (Informa- globe. Contact address: PO Box 915, Pretoria
tion Design 400 Studyguide 2011) 0001, South Africa. Email: cassim.fatima@

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