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Traveling Waves vs.

Standing Waves
A mechanical wave is a disturbance that is created by a vibrating object and subsequently travels
through a medium from one location to another, transporting energy as it moves. The mechanism
by which a mechanical wave propagates itself through a medium involves particle interaction;
one particle applies a push or pull on its adjacent neighbor, causing a
displacement of that neighbor from the equilibrium or rest position. As a
wave is observed traveling through a medium, a crest is seen moving
along from particle to particle. This crest is followed by a trough that is in
turn followed by the next crest. In fact, one would observe a distinct wave
pattern (in the form of a sine wave) traveling through the medium. This sine wave pattern
continues to move in uninterrupted fashion until it encounters another wave along the medium or
until it encounters a boundary with another medium. This type of wave pattern that is seen
traveling through a medium is sometimes referred to as a traveling wave.
Traveling waves are observed when a wave is not confined to a given space along the medium.
The most commonly observed traveling wave is an ocean wave. If a wave is introduced into an
elastic cord with its ends held 3 meters apart, it becomes confined in a small region. Such a wave
has only 3 meters along which to travel. The wave will quickly reach the end of the cord, reflect
and travel back in the opposite direction. Any reflected portion of the wave will
then interfere with the portion of the wave incident towards the fixed end. This interference
produces a new shape in the medium that seldom resembles the shape of a sine wave.
Subsequently, a traveling wave (a repeating pattern that is observed to move through a medium
in uninterrupted fashion) is not observed in the cord. Indeed there are traveling waves in the
cord; it is just that they are not easily detectable because of their interference with each other. In
such instances, rather than observing the pure shape of a sine wave pattern, a rather irregular and
non-repeating pattern is produced in the cord that tends to change appearance over time. This
irregular looking shape is the result of the interference of an incident sine wave pattern with a
reflected sine wave pattern in a rather non-sequenced and untimely manner. Both the incident
and reflected wave patterns continue their motion through the medium, meeting up with one
another at different locations in different ways. For example, the middle of the cord might
experience a crest meeting a half crest; then moments later, a crest meeting a quarter trough;
then moments later, a three-quarters crest meeting a one-fifth trough, etc. This interference leads
to a very irregular and non-repeating motion of the medium. The appearance of an actual wave
pattern is difficult to detect amidst the irregular motions of the individual particles.
What are Nodes and Antinodes?
One characteristic of every standing wave pattern is that there are points along the medium that
appear to be standing still. These points, sometimes described as points of no displacement, are
referred to as nodes. There are other points along the medium that undergo vibrations between a
large positive and large negative displacement. These are the points that undergo the maximum
displacement during each vibrational cycle of the standing wave. In a sense, these points are the
opposite of nodes, and so they are called antinodes. A standing wave pattern always consists of
an alternating pattern of nodes and antinodes. The animation shown below depicts a rope
vibrating with a standing wave pattern. The nodes and antinodes are labeled on the diagram.
When a standing wave pattern is established in a medium, the nodes and the antinodes are
always located at the same position along the medium; they are standing still. It is this
characteristic that has earned the pattern the name standing wave.
Mathematics of Standing Waves
Standing wave patterns are wave patterns produced in a medium when two waves of identical
frequencies interfere in such a manner to produce points along the medium that always appear to
be standing still. Such standing wave patterns are produced within the medium when it is
vibrated at certain frequencies. Each frequency is associated with a different standing wave
pattern. These frequencies and their associated wave patterns are referred to as harmonics. A
careful study of the standing wave patterns reveal a clear mathematical relationship between the
wavelength of the wave that produces the pattern and the length of the medium in which the
pattern is displayed. Furthermore, there is a predictability about this mathematical relationship
that allows one to generalize and deduce a statement concerning this relationship. To illustrate,
consider the first harmonic standing wave pattern for a vibrating rope as shown below.

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle of the rope. This
antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down from a maximum upward displacement
from rest to a maximum downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete wave in a pattern could be
described as starting at the rest position, rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back
down to a rest position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally returning
back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this familiar pattern. As shown in the
animation, one complete wave in a standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop
is equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its single loop to the diagram
of a complete wave, it is evident that there is only one-half of a wave stretching across the length
of the string. That is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put in the
form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are two loops within the
length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent to one-half a wavelength, the length of the
string is equal to two-halves of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string being vibrated with a
frequency that establishes the standing wave pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are three loops within the
length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent to one-half a wavelength, the length of the
string is equal to three-halves of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:
 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength relationships for the first
three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to
the harmonic number of that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it can be generalized that
the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an integer representing the harmonic number.
Furthermore, one notices that there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the
string. Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
# of
Harmo Length-Wavelength
Pattern Loo
nic Relationship

1st 1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2nd 2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3rd 3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4th 4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5th 5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6th 6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

L = n / 2 • λ
Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern
-- n The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.
Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern
The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ
5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.
The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ
6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops
1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern

The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ

2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ
Analyzing the First Harmonic Pattern
The pattern for the first harmonic reveals a single antinode in the middle
of the rope. This antinode position along the rope vibrates up and down
from a maximum upward displacement from rest to a maximum
downward displacement as shown. The vibration of the rope in this
manner creates the appearance of a loop within the string. A complete
wave in a pattern could be described as starting at the rest position,
rising upward to a peak displacement, returning back down to a rest
position, then descending to a peak downward displacement and finally
returning back to the rest position. The animation below depicts this
familiar pattern. As shown in the animation, one complete wave in a
standing wave pattern consists of two loops. Thus, one loop is
equivalent to one-half of a wavelength.
In comparing the standing wave pattern for the first harmonic with its
single loop to the diagram of a complete wave, it is evident that there is
only one-half of a wave stretching across the length of the string. That
is, the length of the string is equal to one-half the length of a wave. Put
in the form of an equation:

Analyzing the Second Harmonic Pattern

Now consider the string being vibrated with a frequency that establishes
the standing wave pattern for the second harmonic.

The second harmonic pattern consists of two anti-nodes. Thus, there are
two loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to two-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:
The same reasoning pattern can be applied to the case of the string
being vibrated with a frequency that establishes the standing wave
pattern for the third harmonic.

Analyzing the Third Harmonic Pattern

The third harmonic pattern consists of three anti-nodes. Thus, there are
three loops within the length of the string. Since each loop is equivalent
to one-half a wavelength, the length of the string is equal to three-halves
of a wavelength. Put in the form of an equation:

 When inspecting the standing wave patterns and the length-wavelength

relationships for the first three harmonics, a clear pattern emerges. The
number of antinodes in the pattern is equal to the harmonic number of
that pattern. The first harmonic has one antinode; the second harmonic
has two antinodes; and the third harmonic has three antinodes. Thus, it
can be generalized that the nth harmonic has n antinodes where n is an
integer representing the harmonic number. Furthermore, one notices that
there are n halves wavelengths present within the length of the string.
Put in the form of an equation:

Summarizing the Mathematical Relationships
This information is summarized in the table below.
Harmonic Pattern # of Loops

1 L = 1 / 2 • λ
2 L = 2 / 2 • λ

3 L = 3 / 2 • λ

4 L = 4 / 2 • λ

5 L = 5 / 2 • λ

6 L = 6 / 2 • λ

-- n L = n / 2 • λ

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