Distribution Activity 5

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An Engineering Design Submitted to the Faculty of the

Department of Electrical Engineering,
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology
Palawan State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor

of Science in Electrical Engineering

Presented by:
Peter Carlo A. Dabalus

Presented to:
Engr. Alfred G. Vasquez

Substation Design
Substation Load Graphs


Time Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total
0000h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0100h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0200h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0300h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0400h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0500h 361.135 295.735 656.87
0600h 819.705 713.595 1533.30
0700h 485.15 439.04 924.19
0800h 65.165 63.665 128.83
0900h 65.165 63.665 128.83
1000h 61.805 60.305 122.11
1100h 61.805 60.305 122.11
1200h 351.015 298.695 649.71
1300h 78.185 71.645 149.83
1400h 78.185 71.645 149.83
1500h 126.825 120.285 247.11
1600h 80.825 74.285 155.11
1700h 546.38 492.09 1038.47
1800h 180.41 174.22 354.63
1900h 158.81 152.62 311.43
2000h 160.09 153.9 313.99
2100h 420.895 352.695 773.59
2200h 415.135 344.535 759.67
2300h 361.135 295.735 656.87
2400h 361.135 295.735 656.87
AVE 281.7852 242.9228 524.71
MIN 6.08 6.08 142.67
MAX 563.745 390.285 761.77









h h h h h h h h h h h h h IN
000 200 400 600 800 000 200 400 600 800 000 200 400 M
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total

Time Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total
0000h 4268 2423.5 6691.5
0100h 4268 2414.5 6682.5
0200h 4268 2414.5 6682.5
0300h 4268 2414.5 6682.5
0400h 4268 2414.5 6682.5
0500h 4368 2774.5 7142.5
0600h 4707.5 2850 7557.5
0700h 5133.5 3460 8593.5
0800h 5758.5 3799 9557.5
0900h 6187 4429 10616
1000h 6193 5343.5 11536.5
1100h 6249 5392 11641
1200h 6613 6126 12739
1300h 6614 6131 12745
1400h 6617 6141 12758
1500h 6617 6147 12764
1600h 6689 6162 12851
1700h 6847.5 6967 13814.5
1800h 7473 7287 14760
1900h 7571.5 7393.5 14965
2000h 7561.5 7293.5 14855
2100h 7555 5992 13547
2200h 6959.5 4592.5 11552
2300h 5716 2734.5 8450.5
2400h 4370 2600.5 6970.5
AVE 5885.62 4627.88 10513.5
MIN 4268 1894.5 5786.5
MAX 7573 7593.5 14824.2








h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h
000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total

Time Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total
0000h 1700 1800 3500
0100h 1700 1800 3500
0200h 1700 1800 3500
0300h 1700 1800 3500
0400h 1700 1800 3500
0500h 1700 1800 3500
0600h 1700 2000 3700
0700h 1700 2100 3800
0800h 2200 2500 4700
0900h 2350 2600 4950
1000h 3350 3200 6550
1100h 3350 3800 7150
1200h 4400 4000 8400
1300h 4400 5100 9500
1400h 4900 5100 10000
1500h 4900 5100 10000
1600h 4900 5100 10000
1700h 4900 5600 10500
1800h 5100 5800 10900
1900h 4600 5800 10400
2000h 4100 5800 9900
2100h 3200 5400 8600
2200h 2000 3400 5400
2300h 1700 3400 5100
2400h 1700 2600 4300
AVE 3026 3568 6594
MIN 1700 1800 2021
MAX 5100 5800 3764






h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h
000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Total

Time Residential Commercial Industrial Total
0000h 656.87 6691.5 3500 10848.37
0100h 656.87 6682.5 3500 10839.37
0200h 656.87 6682.5 3500 10839.37
0300h 656.87 6682.5 3500 10839.37
0400h 656.87 6682.5 3500 10839.37
0500h 656.87 7142.5 3500 11299.37
0600h 1533.3 7557.5 3700 12790.8
0700h 924.19 8593.5 3800 13317.69
0800h 128.83 9557.5 4700 14386.33
0900h 128.83 10616 4950 15694.83
1000h 122.11 11536.5 6550 18208.61
1100h 122.11 11641 7150 18913.11
1200h 649.71 12739 8400 21788.71
1300h 149.83 12745 9500 22394.83
1400h 149.83 12758 10000 22907.83
1500h 247.11 12764 10000 23011.11
1600h 155.11 12851 10000 23006.11
1700h 1038.47 13814.5 10500 25352.97
1800h 354.63 14760 10900 26014.63
1900h 311.43 14965 10400 25676.43
2000h 313.99 14855 9900 25068.99
2100h 773.59 13547 8600 22920.59
2200h 759.67 11552 5400 17711.67
2300h 656.87 8450.5 5100 14207.37
2400h 656.87 6970.5 4300 11927.37
AVE 524.708 10513.5 6594 17632.208
MIN 142.67 5786.5 2021 8461.28
MAX 761.77 14824.2 3764 19207.08







h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h
000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 000 100 200 300 400
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

Residential Commercial Industrial Total

Substation Load Factors

Solving for the total connected load on each feeder,

Total Connected Load on Feeder 1 = Residential + Commercial + Industrial

Total Connected Load on Feeder 1 = 931.805 + 8231 + 5300

Total Connected Load on Feeder 1 = 14,462.805 kVA

Total Connected Load on Feeder 2 = Residential + Commercial + Industrial

Total Connected Load on Feeder 2 = 824.955 + 8105 + 6200

Total Connected Load on Feeder 2 = 15,129.955 kVA

Solving for the total connected load,

Total Connected Load = Feeder 1 + Feeder 2

= 14,462.805 + 15,129.955
Total Connected Load = 29,592.76 kVA

Maximum Demand of the Whole System = 26,014.63 kVA (6pm)

Sum of the Individual Maximum Demand = Feeder 1 + Feeder 2

Sum of the Individual Maximum Demand = 12753.41 + 13346.12
Sum of the Individual Maximum Demand = 26,099.53 kVA

Max. Demand of the Whole System

Demand Factor =
Total Connected Load
Demand Factor = = 0.879
Sum of Individual Max. Demand
Diversity Factor =
Max. Demand of the Whole System
Diversity Factor= = 1.00326
Average Load
Load Factor =
Max. Demand of the Whole System
Load Factor= = 0.678

Size of Power Transformer

A substation is considered fully loaded if the loading of the transformers exceeds

70% of the maximum rated capacity. It is suggested that we must also provide
reserve capacity margin for outage contingency.

Maximum Demand
Power Transformer Capacity =
Capacity Factor
Power Transformer Capacity =
Power Transformer Capacity = 37,163.77 kVA
Use: 40 MVA Power Transformer, 69/13.8 kV, 60 HZ
Power Transformer Specification

The selection of power transformer is a vital part in the design of a substation. This

part will summarize the specification of the power transformer.

A. Rating

Three Phase 20/26/33 MVA with OA/FA1/FA2 type suitable for outdoor

B. Frequency

60 Hz is used as this is the standard frequency in the Philippines.

C. Impedance

8.12 %

D. Primary Voltage / Secondary Voltage

67 kV/13.8 kV

E. Basic Insulation Level (BIL) Primary/Secondary

350 kV/110 kV

F. Primary Connection


G. Secondary Connection

WYE with Neutral brought to a bushing and connected to a copper conductor

equivalent to 4/0 AWG Cu for grounding

H. Polarity /Vector Group

Dyn1 (30 Deg. Angular displacement)

I. Insulating Fluid

Mineral Oil. The oil will have the properties specified in CNS 3070 and CNS

1326 or IEC 296 or JIS C2320 No. 2.

J. Sound Level

70 dB @ 33MVA full load capacity.

K. Winding Temperature Rise


L. Oil Temperature Rise


M. Tap-changer

On-Load Tap Changer - Maschinefabrik Reinhausen (MR)

The transformer technical requirements are also specified to assure that the power

transformer will meet the international standard for its quality and performance.

A. Core

The core of the transformer will be constructed of the highest quality, non-aging
high permeability, cold-rolled gain-oriented silicon steel sheet especially suitable
for the purpose. Every care will be taken during slitting and cutting process to
avoid burrs. Both sides of each sheet will be special glass film insulated on to
minimize eddy current losses. The cores will be carefully assembled and rigidly
clamped to ensure adequate mechanical strength to support the windings and also
reduced vibration to minimum under operating conditions.

B. Winding Characteristics

The winding for the transformer shall be made of high tensile strength electrolytic
copper of high conductivity (Class A, in accordance with ANSI) and insulation,
material of high quality shall be free from burrs. The insulation material of windings
and connections shall not shrink, soften or collapse during service. Thermally
upgraded paper shall be used for conductor insulation. The design, construction
and treatment of windings shall give proper consideration to all service factors,
such as high dielectric and mechanical strength of insulation, coil characteristics,
uniform electrostatic flux distribution, prevention of corona formation, and
minimum restriction to oil flow. Adequate barriers shall be provided between
windings and core as well as between high voltage and low voltage windings. All
leads or bars from the windings to the terminal boxes and bushings shall be rigidly
C. Short Circuit Withstand Capability

The transformer shall withstand the combined effects of thermal, mechanical and
electromagnetic stresses arising under short-circuit conditions based on the
maximum durations of fault:

High Voltage Winding: 2 seconds

Low Voltage Winding: 2 seconds

D. System Fault Current Consideration

67 kV: IF= 40 kA

13.8 kV: IF = 25 kA

The transformer shall be capable of withstanding the resulting successive

shortcircuits, without cooling to normal operating temperature between successive
occurrence of the short circuit. Provided the accumulated duration of short-circuit
does not exceed the maximum duration permitted for single short-circuit defined

E. Overload Capability

The short-time overload rating and operation of the transformer shall be in

accordance with ANSI C57.92 or IEC 354. All other auxiliary equipment (bushings,
CT's, etc) affected shall be rated to match the transformer overload rating.

F. Transformer Tanks

The tank should have sufficient strength to withstand full vacuum and internal
pressure of 1.0 kg/cm2, with cooling equipment & conservator connected. The
tank cover will be clamped with bolts and nuts and will be provided with handhole
or manholes of suitable size. All seams and joints will be oil tight. Guides within the
tank will be furnished to facilitate tanking and untanking, and to prevent movement
of the core and coil assembly during transit. The casing will be provided with
suitable lugs for lifting the completely assembled transformer filled with oil. All
gaskets will be synthetic rubber bonded cork.
G. Bushing Assembly

High Voltage Side – ABB model: GOB 325/800LF123027-K72.5 kV, 800 Amps,
350kV BIL, Creepage Distance: 1980mm, Condenser type with 1 unit bushing for

Test tap should be provided for each unit.

Low Voltage Side - 2000 Amps, 15.5 kV, 110 kV BIL with 1 unit bushing for spare,

Creepage Distance: 400mm. Test tap should be provided for each unit.

H. Cooling Systems

The transformer will be provided with sets of radiators for self-cooled (OA)
operation with equal sets on both side of the tank. The radiator will be installed on
the tank via radiator valves, so that each radiator can be detached from the tank
independently of the oil in the main tank. The radiator valves will have the open
and close positions clearly marked. Radiators will be equipped with provisions for
draining. Radiators shall be made of galvanized steel. For future forced-air-cooled
operation, transformer must have cooling-fans mounting provision on the radiators
and its control box.

I. Forced-air-cooling system

For forced-air-cooled (FA) operation, the transformer will be provided with

automatically controlled three phase motor-fans actuated from winding
temperature. The cooling-fans will be mounted on the radiators and the control
box will be mounted on the wall of the tank. Motor voltage should be 230 VAC, 3
phase, 60 Hz. Every cooling fan should have a separate circuit breaker.

J. Gaskets

The gaskets shall be compatible for the insulating fluid in the transformer tank.
Metal surfaces to which gaskets are applied shall be smooth and shall have
sufficient rigidity to assure proper compression of the gaskets.

K. Grounding Provisions

All non-energized metallic components of the transformer shall be grounded. Tank

grounding provisions shall consist of two ground pads, welded to the base or to
the tank wall near the base on diagonal corners. The ground pads shall be copper-
faced or stainless steel with two holes spaced horizontally at 1.75-inch centers
and tapped for 0.5 inch 13-UNC tread.
L. Wiring

All devices mounted on the transformer, including current transformer secondary

circuits, shall be wired to the control cabinet. All control wiring shall be a minimum
of #14 AWG SIS and #12 AWG for current transformers. Wiring between gauges
and the control box can be #14 AWG SO cable.

Wiring shall be terminated with a ring-type insulated compression lug. Current

transformer terminal blocks shall be the shorting type. Each wire shall be identified
with a wire marker.

M. Painting

The standard finish will consist of one rust resisting primary coat and two finish
coats of paint. The paint will be applied after the steel surface had been thoroughly
cleaned by shot blasting and treated with rust inhibitor. The color of the final coat
for transformer will be ANSI 70 light gray.

N. Bushing Current transformers

1. High Voltage Side

400/300/250/200/100:5 A, Class 0.3B-2.0 (1unit)

400/300/250/200/100:5 A, Relaying Class C-400 (1unit)

2. Low Voltage Side

2000/1500/1000/500:5 A, Relaying Class C-400 (1unit)

2000/1500/1000/500:5 A, Class 0.3B-2.0 (1unit)

3. Neutral

2000/1500/1000/500:5 A, Relaying Class C-400 (2 units)

O. Nameplates

Transformer shall be furnished with a non-corrosive diagrammatic nameplate,

permanently attached with noncorrosive hardware. The diagrammatic nameplate
shall include the name of the manufacturer of the equipment as well as the
location where the transformer was manufactured and tested. The nameplate shall
contain all connection and rating information in accordance with ANSI C57.12.00
nameplate type C, plus the approximate weight of parts to be lifted for un-tanking,
type and quantity of oil, and the date of manufacture.
P. Accessories

1. Dial type oil level indicator with contacts for alarm

2. Oil temperature indicator and relay type AKM OTI series 34, with alarm & trip
contacts; AKM OTI remote mount thermometers remote output: current loops: 4
to 20mA; Resistive Pt 100

3. Two (2) winding temperature indicators and relays for HV and LV windings, with
three (3) contacts each for alarm, tripping & fan control, AKM type WTI series
35; AKM WTI remote mount thermometers

4. Pressure Relief Device with Trip contact (Qualitrol, self-resealing type)

5. Buchholz relay with alarm and trip contacts

6. Drain valve with sampling cock and dehydrating breather

7. Upper filter press valve

8. Diaphragm type conservator and conservator connection valve

9. Hand-hole, lifting eye for the tank cover and lifting lug for the completely
assembled unit filled with oil.

10. Steel ladder, jacking pad, anchor bolts and skid base with pulling eye.

The last part of the specifications contains the necessary tests that will be conducted

to the power transformer at the factory before it will be shipped. A Factory


Test (FAT) will be conducted by a representative of DLPC to witness that the unit
passed all the test required. This should be strictly complied in order to avoid
opportunity loss if the power transformer delivered will be found defective at site. If
this scenario happens, it will affect the reliability of the system thus causing
discomfort to the customers. Lastly, it will entail profit loss for the company because
of the unscheduled downtime.

The following routine tests based on ANSI C57.12.00 and ANSI C57.12.90 must be
performed to the power transformer:

A. Resistance measurements of the winding

B. Ratio test

C. Polarity and phase relation test on rated voltage

D. Measurement of no-load loss and excitation current at 90%, 100% & 110% of
rated voltage and frequency.

E. Load loss, efficiency, regulation and impedance test at rated voltage

F. Insulation oil dielectric test

G. Applied potential test

H. Induced potential test

I. Temperature rise test

J. Insulation power factor test on winding

K. Partial discharge test (Noise should be less than 300 pC)

L. Leak test

M. Vacuum tests on transformer tank, conservator and radiators; pressure tests

on tank and oil filled compartments

N. Tests on auxiliary equipment and accessories (functional tests only)

O. Voltage regulation

P. Sound level test

Q. SFRA – Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

R. Short circuit withstand capability type test certification from third party

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