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Failure : The backbone of success

“Failure is an inescapable part of life and a critically important part of any successful life”. Success and
failures are two aspect of life. Human desires to be successful each and every time but it is not always
the fruit to come as a success. Failures and success are the two sides of the same coin to taste the
flavour of of success one has to taste the bitterness of failure. The documentary of different successful
people gives us this inspiration to believe in oneself and work hard without expecting the fruit. Life is
like an investment in stock market with its graph up and down. It is also referred to as a stepping stone
towards success, it gives us two choices either to stay in or move out and this is the morality of failure.
The road towards success is a narrow path stretching its both ends towards perfection and not all being
are ready to take up the upcoming challenges and strive to be a successful person in life. one must take
challenges head-on to to achieve the desired result. A person who has never failed is said to have never
tried anything in life. when you step in a field of upcoming challenges you should strive for perfection
and not for the result each time one fails in his /her work is one step closer towards achieving success.
There is no crime in, making mistake the biggest mistake is practicing that mistake. it is not said that
every time you fail is leading you towards success but making no efforts in that failure and trying to
improve is making oneself a looser forever. The repeated try of a person and believing in his/her
capability is the real form of success that only a privileged type person can understand and feel it. the
story of KFC is often heard about. The story is about the constant failures and struggles of Colonel
Harland Sanders. But in the end his aim towards perfection along with constant determination provoked
to be a successful man. He failed more than a 1000 times and finally succeed at the age of 65, which is
considered retirement for many people he never felt disappointment when his recipes were rejected by
more than 1000 people, instead he believed in his own capability.

Faith and belief is the key to one’s success. It just goes to show how much determination, dedication
and ambition can one have to fulfil their dream to be successful person. Failure give another
opportunity to come back stronger and show the world who you are and what you can do to achieve
your dream it also gives you an opportunity to come bake with more vigour, energy and preparation.

Reasons of failure:
 Self-belief that one can achieve what they want
 Lack of perseverance and consistent efforts.
 Lack of humbleness.
 Unable to build strong and supportive relationship.
 Distractions.
 Lack of vision.
 Forgetting the past mistakes which is the strongest weapon in making the decisions of future
 Lack of discipline and self-confidence.

Failure is the greatest mentor of all time in everyone’s life. it helps you to unleash yourself to new
heights and reveal their potential for you. It builds character and makes you humble. it builds you and
mould you into a strong person.

Grow from your failure:

 Always be humble in every situation. Confession in your mistakes will make you relieve yourself.
 Acknowledging mistakes is upsetting and almost unbearable but try out to start with anew ray of
hope and light.
 Always believe in learning progress. we fail because of proper knowledge. up skilling yourself is
the biggest investment one can make.
 Alwys be pationate in doing things you love.
 Always work hard really hard for the things you really want to achive because good things take
time .
 Focusing on yourself is more important than focusing on what others are doing.
 aAlways try to push your limits.
 Always try and encourage others who are needed.
 Creat new ideas and don’t be afraid toi explore them because world has somay opportunities
and where sky is the only limit.

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