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Sleep is as essential for good health as oxygen, food and water. Most scientists agree that sleep is

important for restoring physical and mental health. It refreshes the mind and repairs the body. Lack of sleep, or

sleep deprivation, can cause fatigue, poor concentration and memory, mood disturbances, impaired judgement

and reaction time, and poor physical coordination. Today, sleep deprivation is common in developed nations,

with the average adult sleeping for only six or seven hours each night. The Sleep Health Foundation

recommends that adults should aim for 7 – 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep research suggests that a teenager

needs between eight and 10 hours of sleep every night. This is more than the amount a child or an adult need.

Yet, most adolescents only get about 6.5 – 7.5 hours sleep per night, and some get less.

Studies show that common distraction from sleep of adolescents is the use of social media. Research

supports the common observation that young people are always on their phones. Around 95% of adolescents

have access to smartphone and, not surprisingly, around 45% report being online “almost constantly”. Social

media is a double–edged sword for young people. On one hand, it allows adolescents to share their thoughts and

feelings and receive social support. On the other hand, an increasing amount of research suggests that excessive

time on social media puts adolescents at high risk for mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety.

There are several potential links between using social media and developing mental issues in young people, but

recent research points to the importance of social media’s effect on sleep patterns. This research found that the

more time adolescents spent on screen–based activities (like social media, web surfing, and gaming), the more

trouble they had falling asleep and less sleep they got during the night.

Social media has become a part of almost everyone’s daily routine, but how it’s used can differ based on

age, race, and ethnicity, household income and especially gender. A look at gender differences in social
networking engagement found that, across global regions, females age 15 and older spend more time social

networking than their male counterparts. In North America and Europe, women spent an average of nearly two

hours (30 percent) more than men on social networking sites in October. Latin America saw both females and

males average and makes average the most hours on social networking sites globally, with females averaging

8.2 hours social networking in October and males averaging 6.9 hours. This only shows that female spends

more time on social media than male.

In the last quarter century, communicating and playing games via the internet, along with mobile

phones, have caused the emergence of a problem that is defined as internet addiction or problematic internet

use, symptoms for which include: the desire to extend the time spent on the internet, dreaming about

networking, spending more time than planned online and the emergence of other physical, psychological or

social problems. The studies in literature report that internet addiction among teenagers and the intense use of

online communication tools adversely affect sleep quality. A domestic study showed that high school students

grades with the highest level of internet addiction went to bed at later times, required a greater time to fall

asleep, struggled with continuous sleep, woke up more often at night and felt more sleeplessness during the day

when compared to their counterparts. This study also confirmed the relationship between social media addiction

and poor sleep quality.

Despite several studies pointing out the relationship between social media addiction and sleep

deprivation among teenagers, scientific records are far from the desired levels. The research on the social media

addiction and poor sleep quality is limited. High school students form the largest risk group. This study aims to

investigate the effects of online communication tools and internet addiction among senior high school students

and their sleep quality. To this end, poor sleep quality prevalence among senior high school students and its

associated risk factors are investigated.

This research has a chief concern regarding the effect of social media addiction to sleep deprivation. To

obtain all the essential knowledge, data and information, the research sought to answer the questions as follows;

1. What is the most number of hours spend by the Grade 11 students on social media?

2. What is the difference between the number of hours spend by male and female Grade 11 student in using

social media?

3. What is the relationship of social media addiction to sleep deprivation among Grade 11 Senior High School


4. What is the effect of social media on sleep deprivation among Grade 11 Senior High School student?


This study on The Effect of Social Media Addiction to Sleep Deprivation Among Grade 11 Senior High

School Student seeks to attain the following objectives:

1. To determine the most number of hours spend by the Grade 11 students on social media.

2. To find out the gender difference between the hours spend in using social media and sleep quality.

3. To describe the relationship of social media addiction to sleep deprivation.

4. To know the effects of social media addiction to sleep deprivation.


This study will be undertaken to find out the relationship between social media addiction to sleep

deprivation among Grade 11 Senior High School student and to measure how much time does students spend on

social media and what are the effects of poor sleep quality.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students

The direct recipients of the output of this research are the Grade 11 Senior High School students. The

respondent of this will have the awareness and information regarding about the effects of social media

addiction. The study will help them know its negative effects and learn to limit themselves to avoid sleep


The Teachers

The given data would help teachers to know how many students spend more time on social media that

affects their sleep quality and to obtain information on how it affects the performance of students in school.

The Parents

The results of this study will help them know the actions of their children, if their children are spending

too much time on social media that affect their sleep quality. The given data would help them formulate some

preventive measures to help their children from social media addiction.

School Organization

This research will enable them to create programs to every student with the advocacy of limiting the use

of social media to avoid sleep deprivation. Their advocacy will help the students to engage more on school

activities rather than spending too much time on social media.

Future Researcher

This is a big help to future researchers because it serves as their guide in making their first research. The

data of this study will be their future reference if they plan to make related research study.

School Administration

As the school administration regulates the Senior High School Program, the study plays a role to make

students aware on the time they spend on social media and its possible effect on their performance at school.

This study was based on hypothesized relationship between a set of variables as diagrammatically

explained in Figure 1.




Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1 shows the social media addiction as an independent variable because it is the cause of the dependent

variable which is the sleep deprivation. The excessive use of social media can affect the sleeping quality of the

student. The intervening variables shows the relationship between the independent variable and dependent

variable. The number of hours engaging on social media like Facebook, Mobile Games, Twitter, Instagram,

Tiktok, Youtube, and Messenger used to explain causal links between other variables.


Research Design

This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. As a result of the cause–and–effect

relationships, this research design does not permit manipulation of the variables. Therefore, the independent

variables were studied after they had already exerted their effect on the dependent variable.

Research Respondents

The researchers selected the Grade 11 Senior High School students of Alcantara National High School to

be the respondents of the study. The researchers had come up with minimum of 30 students as respondents

having 5 representatives each selected sections from Grade 11.

Research Instrument

Convenience or Purposive sampling was utilized in the study. The researcher selects the sample based

on the availability of the respondent. The type of questions used in the questionnaire included an open ended

questions answered by the respondent through survey checklist to measure how much time they spend on using

social media that affect sleep deprivation.

Operational Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the research study, the following words or phrases are defined.

No. of Hours – the number of hours spent by the student in using social media

Sleep Deprivation – when a person is not able to get enough sleep because of excessive use of social media.

Social Media – websites or application student’s spending too much time that develop into addiction.

Addiction – overuse of social media

Facebook – social media that is widely used by students. This can negatively affect their bedtime.

Mobile Games – student are spending most of their time on this social media and it affect their sleeping quality.

Twitter – one of the social media use by students that reduce sleeping quality.

Instagram – students spends more time using this social media

Tiktok – this social media allows people to post videos and they’re spending too much time on this that result to

poor sleep quality.

Youtube – This social media is popular for videos and is used by students and spends time

Messenger – a popular text messaging app that every student used for communication and students spend more

time using this application.

Conceptual Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding, these are the conceptual definition of the word or phrases.

No. of Hours – the number of hours every individual spent in doing something.

Sleep Deprivation – a state caused by inadequate quantity or quality of sleep.

Social Media – interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information

Addiction – defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be

harmful to you

Facebook – is a website which allows users to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don’t know

online. It allows user to share pictures, music, videos, as well as their own thoughts and opinion.

Mobile Games – are games designed for mobile devices like 3D and augmented reality games

Twitter – is a free networking site where users broadcast short posts known as tweets. These tweets can contain

text, videos, photos, or links.

Instagram – is a free photo and video sharing app available on Iphone and Android. People can upload photos

or videos and share with their followers.

Tiktok – is a social media app dedicated to short-form videos created for and consumed by users.

Youtube – is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos.

Messenger – a social media application use to deliver a message

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