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I have a lot of music activities in my life.

I have jazz band so occasionally I end school

days at 5:00 p.m. On Mondays I also have another percussion group from 5-7 on Mondays so

that is eventually going to become rough.

I don’t have any grudges towards any subjects at the moment. Math doesn’t concern me

at all which I feel is the biggest concern if anyone was to have a concern with any subjects.

English is not much of a problem, Latin very minor concerns but nothing too big, and Chemistry

seems like it won’t be too bad.

I had trouble focusing this last year online. It was largely due to YouTube which I hope

not to do this year as much. And also I just got distracted by this problem while writing this. I

truly need to work on staying focused to be able to sleep at all this year.

I have a few more distractions at home. I have some music lessons that happen mainly on

Tuesdays and Thursdays. It won’t be much of a distraction but it does shave off 30-60 minutes

off of certain days.

I enjoy reading so I’m sure that aspect of the class will be okay. I’m not quite sure about

my essay writing skills being as good as I’d like them to be but I’m not overly stressed about it. I

can always refer back to English 9’s essay format in times when I need it.

As a musician, I also need to practice. This will also take up a bit more time as well but

not too much I believe. I will try not to get behind on any of my work this year because it’s

difficult to get out of that hole.

I don’t have any emotional problems really. I occasionally have a ‘smart aleck’ moment

and sometimes make a snarky comment but that’s really it. I don’t have any problems with anger

or ADHD at all.
I’m decent at listening for extended amounts of time. I don’t easily get super bored so I’ll

generally pay attention for the most part which is a blessing.

I generally don’t sleep very well. I get the recommended amount of sleep which is about

7-9 hours but I easily could get more but get distracted by YouTube again. I really wake up tired

but I seem to have an energetic personality anyways. So it seems it'll be fine.

I currently have no mental health issues. I am a pretty happy person and have been so my

whole life. I hope for that not to change anytime soon. Although I have heard that coffee

becomes your best friend in Junior year…

I’d just like to thank you for doing this informal paper. I think this is a great idea and I

wish more teachers did something like this at the beginning of the school year. Hope to have a

great year with you!

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