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D&J LATINOS  OnlyJupiter 

   ?  Change server Ample

Navigation  Command settings

 Home
Global settings New channel override

 Core 
Command Prefix ...dust...
Note: Changing the prefix does not change the flag
 Core usage in commands. They will still begin with -

 Control panel logs Example command usage: ##rolemenu create <name>

 Command settings

 Custom commands ##

 Notifications & Feeds 

Save Prefix

 Tools & Utilities 

 Fun  Require one of these roles Ignore users with one of these roles
Note: Users without one of these roles won't be able Note: Users with an ignored role won't be able to use
to use commands. commands, even if they have a required role.

10 selected None selected

? Documentation

Autodelete trigger after (seconds)

All commands enabled?


Autodelete response after (seconds)

Save channel override

New command override

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