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Women are treated very differently today than they were 50 years ago, when women stayed
at home to raise their children and men went to work. Now in American society, women and
men have equal rights, women can hold the same jobs as men. Women have been able to
vote in the United States since 1920. Women can serve as elected officials and can own
property. The United States of America continues to develop and enact various laws and
policies to empower women.

There is still a shortage of women in leadership positions, only 19% of Congress and 21% of
legislators are women, which can be detrimental to women's rights. In general, it is mostly
men who make decisions that affect women's health and personal choices.

Actions included economic opportunities, educational opportunities, eliminating violence

against women, strengthening entrepreneurship and innovation, health and wellness, and
civic commitments to leadership and visibility.

Los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas son derechos humanos. Abarcan todos los
aspectos de la vida: la salud, la educación, la participación política, el bienestar económico,
el no ser objeto de violencia, así como muchos más.


Gender inequality has been the subject of several major laws since the 1920s. In 2021, the
World Economic Forum ranked the United States 30th in gender equality out of 149
countries. Inequality in the US has been declining throughout its history and significant
progress has been made towards equality, but women remain under-represented in high-
level positions and over-represented in low-paying jobs. Women of colour and transgender
people experience particularly high levels of poverty, unemployment and other economic


How can international organizations, operating in many countries and employing people from
different cultures and backgrounds, promote gender equality from within?


En 2017 los Estados Unidos ocuparon el puesto 49 de 142 países (el 1 es el mejor) en
igualdad de género, según el Global Gender Gap Report del Foro Económico Mundial.

WHY does the world need women to participate in all aspects of the political process?
Women's political participation translates into benefits for democracy, such as greater
responsiveness to citizens' needs, greater cooperation between parties and ethnic groups,
and more sustainable peace.

Women's participation has a positive impact on decision-making; they are dynamic leaders
and change-makers who inspire women and men to participate, claim their rights, strengthen
communities and protect the planet. Their participation is fundamental to democratic

How does women's political participation promote gender equality?

Women's political participation is a fundamental prerequisite for gender equality and genuine
democracy. It facilitates women's direct engagement in public decision-making and is a
means of ensuring better accountability to women.


The US proposes solutions such as setting gender equality goals for political action
committees, collecting systematic data on gender equality and women's experiences to
identify barriers to women's advancement in Congress, state legislatures and executive
branches. As well as creating public awareness campaigns to let people know that women
can be as effective as men. Begin to foster an inclusive culture that women are capable of
making concrete decisions within any government and also create contracts with a
commitment to equal treatment in political decision-making.


Education is considered an important milestone of women's empowerment because it helps

women to confront challenges, to confront their traditional role and to change their lives.
Women's education is the most powerful tool to change their position in society.

Women's education increases women's income and raises GDP. Other effects are related to
social development. Girls' education brings a range of social benefits, including many related
to women's empowerment.

Establish company-wide goals and targets for gender equality and women's empowerment
and measure progress through clear performance indicators.

The 'Leadership for Gender Equality' is a new British Council programme focused on
progressing gender equality and addressing the gender gaps in leadership by providing
dialogue and capacity-building opportunities to civil society and higher education leaders.

UN Women has conducted dialogue between national women leaders and women
representatives in the suco councils in 13 districts, an opportunity for women in the districts
to interact and raise their concerns with national women leaders representing government
ministries, NGOs and women parliamentarians. The dialogue led the participants to agree on
the strategies to improve linkages and support systems between national and local women

Why is gender equality important in an organization?

Workplace gender equality is associated with: Improved national productivity and economic
growth. Increased organizational performance. Enhanced ability of companies to attract
talent and retain employees.


Women's empowerment can be defined as promoting women's sense of self-worth, their

ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for
themselves and others.

Women's empowerment has components like women's sense of self-worth; their right to
have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources;
their right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home.


Schools can play a key role in challenging these gender norms, the impact of which can
have serious consequences for children's education and women's economic empowerment.
But it can also reinforce and reproduce them, if education policies and systems are not
based on the principles of gender equality.

Gender-equitable education systems empower girls and boys and promote the development
of life skills – like self-management, communication, negotiation and critical thinking – that
young people need to succeed.

Violence and discrimination against women goes back a long way, and today there are
countries where women are highly discriminated against and generally and positively not
allowed to participate in politics. Despite the fact that in different countries they have
developed effectively, women's participation in politics is even scarce, as many say: "Do you
want to be a politician? Ironic, isn't it? But it is the reality. As I once heard: "the world will not
be fully democratic until the keys to politics and equality are handed over to women".


In 1975 women represented 10.9% of parliamentarians worldwide; years later, ten years
later, that percentage had only noticed one percentage point, up to 11.9%.
Currently, 18.6% of the seats in parliaments held are held by women, which is an increase of
60% since 1995. However, in a quarter of parliaments the participation of women is still
lower than 10%. Women face barriers in the campaigns to access political positions and that
the United States ranks 72nd in the world ranking of female parliamentary representation.


Sexual harassment, hostile work environments and subtle biases remain obstacles. Women
of colour face even greater obstacles to advancement and, as a result, are even less likely to
hold leadership positions. Reconciling work and family can be a challenge that limits
women's pursuit of leadership positions.

Putting in place mechanisms to eradicate gender inequalities and barriers to women's

participation and representation is no easy task.

In both the private and public spheres, women face occupational segregation and multiple
barriers such as lack of access to land, capital, financial resources and technology, as well
as gender-based violence due to cultural mindsets and stereotypes.


How to define harassment and political violence? According to the draft law, political
harassment refers to the act or set of acts of pressure, persecution, harassment or threats
committed by one or more persons directly or through third parties against women
candidates, elected, appointed or in the exercise of public political functions, or against their
families with the purpose of preventing, inducing or forcing them to fail to perform their
functions and to desist from the legitimate exercise of their political rights.

That is why we are allocating additional resources to address violence against women and
Studies have found that about 20% of American women have been victims of rape. In
addition, according to a 2013 study, many incidents of rape go unreported.

Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world.
International studies demonstrate that when the economy and political organization of a
society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to new realities and

What is the importance of women development?

Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families,
communities and countries. When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they
can reach their full potential. contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise happier
and healthier children.

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