Ingles Martin

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Student Name:

Martin Alberto Rozales Nieto

Varela Campa Esperanza


Date of delivery:


Industrial Engineer

The main reason why this mirror bequeathed is problem; It is because it is the impact that
has most affected the
Municipality, since people exploit the environment too much, it is damaged, and this is
seen in the affectation of water and the deforestation of trees, water is a vital liquid for all
human beings that we have not known how to take advantage of correctly , with
increasingly extreme droughts, that without water there is no life. This resource is essential
not only for the survival of the living beings that inhabit it, but also for socioeconomic
development, energy production or adaptation to climate change. However, at present,
we are facing an enormous challenge: the contamination of rivers, seas, oceans, canals,
lakes and reservoirs; lately the contamination of this has affected us too much, the main
problem in this area is the contamination of the irrigation water that is used for the crops of
the entire municipality, this causes problems when it comes to taking advantage of this
water since it damages the crops and contaminates the planted vegetables. The main
contaminants in water include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, drugs,
nitrates, phosphates, plastics, fecal waste, and even radioactive substances. These
elements do not always stain the water, making water pollution affect crops and people
eat food with contaminated water, as well as deforestation caused by man for the
construction of houses or the explanation for it. Deforestation leads to damage to
ecosystems, a loss of biodiversity and aridity in the terrain. In addition, the fixation of carbon
dioxide (CO2) is avoided, thus contributing to climate change. The Zumpahucán region
has become deforested and tends to soil erosion and, finally, becomes unproductive land.
What leads to no type of vegetation growing, not serving as a food and shelter area for
animals or for us to grow food.
One of the most urgent problems facing our planet is to reduce water pollution. In
addition, one of the biggest problems that humanity will face in the near future will
be the scarcity of drinking water due to climate change and the increase in periods
of drought. This, added to the high levels of contamination that water sources are
suffering, is causing us to have less safe water for consumption.

Human beings have been causing, through their activity, an environmental impact
for decades that, if we do not put an end to it as soon as possible, the damage to
ecosystems and the natural environment will be irreversible. For this reason, from
Fundación Aquae, we want to propose a series of recommendations with which
you can contribute to reducing water pollution:
* Use of nutrients and natural pesticides. Reducing water pollution starts with
understanding what is getting into it, directly or indirectly. Intensive agriculture uses
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, two of the most polluting products for water.
Nutrients or pesticides of natural origin allow a more ecological and sustainable
* Better wastewater treatment. Wastewater produces high water pollution when it is
dumped into rivers and seas without having received proper treatment. Efficient
water consumption, less use of chemical products and correct water purification
infrastructures are the best ways to simplify and improve wastewater treatment.
* End deforestation. Forests are one of the main water sinks, both at atmospheric
and subsoil level. The greater the forest mass, the more fresh water there will be in
their surroundings. In addition, trees serve as scrubbers for many pollutants that are
released into the environment and help prevent them from reaching the water.
Applying this measure could help reduce water pollution to a large extent due to
the large amount of forest mass that disappears every day.
* More sustainable agriculture and industries. Both are necessary activities for human
beings, so it is important to implement actions to increase efficiency in water
consumption and to avoid dumping products that pollute it.
* Implementation of sustainable transport. It is possible to reduce water pollution
through the terrestrial environment. The pollution that comes from cars and other
types of vehicles is not only atmospheric or acoustic. It also reaches the water, for
example, through acid rain that contaminates the aquifers and alters the quality of
the water.
* Reduced use of oils and batteries. All waste thrown into the environment and that
is not recycled can end up in the water. But oil and batteries deserve special
attention. Oil is a particularly aggressive water pollutant that causes serious damage
to aquatic biodiversity. For their part, batteries and batteries have a large number
of minerals in their composition that, when they come into contact with water,
dissolve and can be ingested by fish. It is essential to recycle these products to
prevent them from reaching the water and causing irreversible damage.
* Less consumption of plastics. To reduce water pollution, it is essential to reduce the
use of single-use plastic and always recycle this material in the appropriate
container. Plastic takes time to degrade and remains in the environment for many
years, decomposing in the form of microplastics that damage water and all the life
it contains.
Likewise, to end deforestation we must take into account that:

1. Reduce the pressure of agricultural expansion on natural forests, which implies:

to. Intensify the use of land already deforested and enabled, but without use.
b. Raise productivity per unit area. That requires:
Yo. Improve technical and financial assistance for farmers.
ii. Improve the quality of the existing road network.
iii. Install efficient social services (health, education, etc.).
c. Impose a moratorium on road construction in natural forests.
d. Improve navigability and ports in the Amazon rivers.
2. Stabilize and rationalize land use, through:
to. Complete titling of private properties in anthropized areas, including “forest”
lands and remaining woods, with priority for riverside populations.
Yo. Impose the “30-50% natural or restored vegetation rule” on properties?
b. Definitive titling and demarcation (cadastre and national property registry) of:
Yo. native communities
ii. Peasant communities
iii. Protected natural areas
iv. Production forests Protection forests
v. Protected forests by “the mere effect of the law”.
c. Territorial planning, ecological-economic zoning?

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