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Matriculation Number:

Points: Grade:

Faculty of Computer Science

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Course of Artificial Intelligence and Data 90 Min.
Exam Duration
Study: Science
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer Exam Date:
Open book Time:
Number of
Exam Type: Take-Home-Exam 23

Before you start:

• Check, if exercise sheet is complete

• Include your matriculation number on each page
• Go through all questions and get an overview about their scope
relative to the achievable points
• Do not write beyond the limit lines
• Handwriting must be readable

Good Luck!

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 1 (8 Points):

We want to apply a Naive Bayes Classifier. Consider this training set:

Outlook Wind Decision

Snow weak yes

Sunny strong no

Sunny weak yes

Given the following data, which decision should we make?

X’ = (Outlook = Snow; Wind = weak)

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 2 (5 Points):

If we use a SVM we can compute new features depending on the proximity to

landmarks, e. g. using the Gaussian kernel function:

||𝑥−𝑙(1) ||2

f1= ⅇ 2𝜎2

In this case what is the influence of σ2?

Explain this by sketching three plots with a small, medium, and large σ2. You can
consider a 1-D example with one feature x1.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 3 (3 Points):

Explain the model of a supervised learning algorithm.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 4 (4 Points):

Given is the linear regression model hθ(x) = 3x.

Consider the following set of training examples:

x y

1 3

2 6

4 12

0 0

𝑚 2
Consider the cost function J(θ) = ∑ (ℎ𝜃 (𝑥 𝑖 ) − 𝑦 𝑖 ) . What is the value of J(θ)?
2𝑚 𝑖=1
What does that mean for our model?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 5 (4 Points):

Consider the following set of training examples:

x y

1 2

2 3

0 1

Consider the linear regression model h θ(x) = θ0 + θ1 x

What are the values of θ0 and θ1 that you would expect to obtain upon
running gradient descent on this model? Explain your answer by sketching

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 6 (3 Points):

Consider the following contour plot:

What happens if we start from point D using gradient descent? Explain this
by also explaining what values the cost function J(θ0,θ1) has at Point A, B,
C, and D.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 7 (3 Points):

Consider the following update rule for gradient descent:

θ1 := 𝜃1 − 𝛼 𝐽(𝜃1 )

In this context, what is the main purpose of the derivative term 𝐽(𝜃1 )?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 8 (5 Points):

Suppose you ran gradient descent three times, with α=0.001, α=0.1, α=3, and
got the three plots (labeled A, B, and C).

Which plots corresponds to which values of α? Explain why the plots correspond to
the values.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 9 (3 Points):

Suppose you have m=10 training examples with n=4 features (excluding
the additional all-ones feature for the intercept term, which you should
add). The normal equation is θ = (XTX)-1XT y.

For the given values of m and n, what are the dimensions of θ, X, and y in
this equation?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 10 (5 Points):

Consider logistic regression with two features x 1 and x2.

Suppose θ0 = 10, θ1 = -2, θ2 = 0. Calculate the equation for the decision

boundary and draw a sketch that illustrates the boundary.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 11 (2 Points):

This is the cost function for using the Support Vector Machine:
𝑚 1
min𝜃 𝐶 ∑𝑖=1[𝑦 (𝑖) cost1(𝜃 𝑇 𝑥) +(1-𝑦 (𝑖) )cost0(𝜃 𝑇 𝑥) ] + ∑𝑛j=1 θj2

𝐶 can be chosen very large or very small. Explain what happens in these two

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 12 (4 Points):

Explain the One-vs-All approach if you have to classify 5 classes.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 13 (4 Points):

Suppose you have the following data set:

X1 X2 Y

89 267 37

72 216 22

94 282 31

You plan to use both feature scaling (dividing by the "max-min", or range,
of a feature) and mean normalization.

What is the normalized feature x 2(3)?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 14 (5 Points):

Draw a sketch that illustrates how a hypothesis may underfit the training set
and explain your sketch. Why is underfitting a problem? What can you do to
avoid underfitting?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 15 (5 Points):

Given it the following neuron:

x1,x2 ∈ {1,0}

Which logical function does the neuron represent (e.g. and/or/xor/etc.)?

Justify your answer by calculating the possible values of h θ(x).

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 16 (3 Points):

Suppose you have a multi-class classification problem with 3 classes. Your

neural network has 5 layers, and each hidden layer has 10 units. Using the
One-vs-All method, how many elements does Θ(4) have?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 17 (6 Points):

Given is the following neural network:

a) How is a21 calculated? (4 Points)

b) Using backpropagation, how is 𝛿 23 calculated? (2 Points)

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 18 (3 Points):

Let J(θ)=θ3. Furthermore, let θ=4 and ϵ=0.5. You use the formula:

𝐽(𝛩 + 𝜖) − 𝐽(𝛩 − 𝜖)

to approximate the derivative. What value do you get using this approximation?
When and why is it useful to approximate the derivate?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 19 (3 Points):

You train a learning algorithm and find that it has unacceptably high error
on the test set. You plot the learning curve and obtain the figure below. What
kind of problem is the algorithm suffering from? Explain your answer. What
could you do to improve the performance of the algorithm?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 20 (5 Points):

Explain why it is useful to break down a given dataset into the three sets “Training
set”, “Cross validation set”, and “Test set”.

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 21 (4 Points):

Suppose you run k-means and after the algorithm converges, you have (m = 10):
c(1)=1, c(2)=1, c(3)=1, c(4)=2. What do you know about the data and the clusters
given this result?

Matriculation Number:

Course: Advanced Machine Learning Semester: WS 2021/2022

Examiner Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer

Question 22 (3 Points):

Suppose we have two cluster centroids μ1=[1;2], μ2=[-29;-24]. Furthermore, we

have a training example x(i)=[-50;-24]. After a cluster assignment step, what will
c(i) be?


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