BMG318 Assignment 1 ODL May 2023

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Academic Session 2023

Second Term
May 2023

1. Assignment 1 contains: Research Proposal part 1
2. Answer all questions.
3. The total marks for Assignment 1 are 100, which is equivalent to 35% of your
final total marks.
4. It is COMPULSORY for you to run this assignment through Turnitin. Your
similarity index should not exceed 30%. The Turnitin username and password will
be provided separately to the tutors.
5. All students must submit as the front cover information related to:
a) Student Name
b) Student ID
c) Title of Proposal
d) Semester / Year
6. The deadline for the submission of Assignment 1 is 11.59pm, 10 June 2023.
Write a proposal for a research project that you intend to do. Your proposal should be
between 5 (minimum) and 8 (maximum) pages long on an A4-size paper. Your proposal
MUST contain the following items.

1. Proposed Title [5 marks]

2. Background / Introduction of the Study [15 marks]

3. Problem Statement / Research Problem(s) [20 marks]

4. Research Objective(s) [15 marks]

5. Research Questions [15 marks]

6. Significance of the Study [20 marks]

7. Organisation of the Dissertation / Final Project [5 marks]

8. Summary [5 marks]

NOTE: It is best that you select a topic and area that you intend to do for your
Final Project so that you do not waste too much time when you enroll in your Project course.
Put enough thought into the topic of your choice to ensure that it is doable.

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