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Present Continuous Negative and Interrogative:


Present Continuous
El PRESENTE CONTINUO se utiliza para:
1. Describir actividades o acciones que están sucediendo en Los negativos se forman poniendo "not" (o n't) después del
NOT GETTING el momento presente. verbo "to be".

THROUGH "We're eating breakfast right now." Subject + 'to be' + not + the base form of the verb with -ing
“She isn’t paying attention.”
2. Describir una situación o evento temporal.
“They aren’t driving the right way."
"She is studying Political Science."

3. Comunicar un plan futuro.
Las preguntas se forman colocando la forma correcta del
This activity aims to practice: "I am traveling next week."
verbo "to be" delante del sujeto.
Present Continuous [BE] + subject + the base form of the verb with -ing + complement?
El uso # 3 se introducirá con más detalle al cubrir los tipos “Is this town celebrating Christmas?"
de tiempos Futuros.
“Are they buying the cake for the party?"

The Present Continuous in a sentence:

El presente continuo, verbo con -ing, siempre está
Los verbos de estado, aquellos que no se refieren a una acción
Take / Drive / Drink / Jump / Understand precedido por el verbo TO BE en su forma básica (sin "to").
como tal, sino que están más relacionados con opiniones,
KEY VOCABULARY Subject + verb 'to be' + the base form of the verb with -ing (eat > eating) pensamientos y emociones; normalmente NO toman la forma
“My brother is calling my parents.” presente continuo.
Busy / Multitask / Phone / Call / Excuse
“I am listening, trust me.”
Estos verbos incluyen:
Cuando el verbo termina con una “e” muda, obvia la e y INFINITIVE SPANISH PAST FORM
Get your phone and find the last group picture
agrega -ing (make > making). En el caso de los verbos de hear escuchar heard
you took. See who is there, and list 10 things una sílaba que terminan en [consonante + vocal + believe creer believed
people ARE DOING in the photo. consonante], la última consonante se duplica y luego se know saber knew
want querer wanted
agrega -ing (sit > sitting).
hate odiar hated
Subject + verb 'to be' + the base form of the verb with -ing like gustar liked
“She is busy, she is baking a cake.” love amar loved
seem parecer seemed
“I am getting fresh bread for lunch.”

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