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The Wood Element


The Wood Element

The Wood element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with the Liver and its partner organ, Gallbladder. When
Wood is unbalanced, you may experience symptoms such as:

Feeling irritable or angry

Headache, migraine, or high blood pressure. These are sign of Liver Yang rising upwards.
Rib pain: Liver meridian runs along the rib area. Any stagnation of Liver Qi will be reflected in a distending
discomfort around the ribs. Commonly seen in stressed people.
Itchy, dry eyes: TCM believes that liver blood can travel upwards to nourish the eye. Hence, a deficiency in Liver
blood may lead to eye issues like floaters or myopia. On the other hand, excess Liver heat can cause red, bloodshot
eyes or painful eyes.
Spasm: Liver blood nourishes the sinews to allow free movement. Lack of Liver blood, sinew will become dry and
we experience contraction, spasm, or numbness.
Brittle nails: Nails are considered to be a by-product of the sinews. If Liver blood is deficient, you may have dry
brittle bail, ridges, or spots on the nails.

Acupuncture Tips
For Wood element, two commonly used points LI 4 He Gu and LR 3 Tai Chong which are also known as the “4 Gates”
are used to ensure the smooth flow of Liver Qi.

When pressing the points, remember to:

Apply firm and deep pressure 

Take long and deep breaths while pressing
Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

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Do note to avoid pressing some points if you are pregnant.
Lifestyle Tips
1. The liver is associate with SOUR. Adding food such as sour plum, lemon, apple cider vinegar can support your Liver.
Don’t take on an empty stomach if you have gastritis.
2. It is best not to always rely on bread or biscuits for a quick energy boost.

Focus on complex carbs like legumes, brown rice, quinoa, and high protein snack (nuts, yogurt, cheese) for a slow
sustained energy release.
3. When Qi stagnates, over time it generates heat. Hence adding small amounts of raw food or cooling property food
(green bean, chrysanthemum tea) can help to clear the heat and prevent heat build-up.
4. Stretching and softening the muscles and tendons can prevent spasms and cramps. At the same time, the
movement will cool your head and encourage blood circulation.
5. Wood elements love a fast-paced life. Try to take some time to slow down and balance your work so that you do
not need to go all-out all the time.

Keen to apply TCM principles to improve your health and wellbeing? Contact our TCM clinic in Singapore today to find
out more.


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wood element






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The Fire Element


The Fire Element

The Fire element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with the Heart and its partner organ, Small Intestine. When it
is unbalanced, you may experience:

Anxiety, agitation, or disturbed sleep: This is because Heart governs blood circulation and houses the Spirit
(mind). Excess heat in the Heart can disturb the mind.
Excessive sweating: In TCM, perspiration is the “fluid” of the Heart.

Sweat comes from body fluid and the Heart controls body fluids to some extent. If you experience constant
excessive sweating without much exertion, it may be a sign of Heart Qi deficiency.
Flushed face: Blood vessels are considered the tissues of the Heart. The skin has many blood vessels, therefore
rashes and flushed red face may indicate excessive heat.

Acupuncture Tips
For Fire element, PC 6 Nei Guan and HT 7 Shen Men are commonly used acupoints. “PC” stands for pericardium, which
refers to the sac that surrounds the heart and it is closely related to the Heart functions.

When pressing the points, remember to:

Apply firm and deep pressure

Take long and deep breaths while pressing
Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

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Lifestyle Tips
1. Fire is related to BITTER: Bitter gourd, celery, green vegetables are good options. You’ll benefit from juicy fruits
(watermelon) and vegetable (cucumber) to extinguish the fire. Make sure you take adequate liquid.
2. Fire types can overheat easily. Hence, it’s important to replenish the Yin (water) and check Yang (fire) in check.
Avoid spicy hot food and stimulants such as energy drinks and caffeine as they will deplete the Yin. Add Yin
nourishing herbs such as Mai Dong, Yu Zhu, Lily bulbs, and Goji in your diet.
3. Fire types become too scattered sometimes, making you feel anxious, nervous, or experience that “FOMO (Fear of
Missing Out)” syndrome. Be mindful of that.
4. Try to plan ahead and prioritize just a few important things every day. Set regular schedules and regular meals too.

Looking to improve your lifestyle with help from TCM? Contact our TCM clinic in Singapore today to find out more.


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The Earth Element


The Earth Element

The Earth element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with Spleen and its partner organ, Stomach which are in
charge of digestion. Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS is all related to the Earth element.

Earth is also responsible for Dampness. This is a concept in TCM where the spleen is incapable of transporting and
transforming body fluids, leading to an accumulation of excess moisture within the body. Water retention, hard to lose
weight due to water, sluggishness, brain fog is all due to damp.

Acupuncture Tips
For the Earth element, ST 36 Zu San Li and SP 6 San Yin Jiao are two commonly used acupoints.

When pressing the points, remember to:

Apply firm and deep pressure

Take long and deep breaths while pressing
Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

Do note to avoid pressing some points if you are pregnant

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 Lifestyle Tips
1. Earth is related to SWEET. These refer to naturally sweet food such as sweet potato, yam, grains, dates, or dried
2. Avoid cold and raw food as this will put out the digestive fire and make digestion sluggish.
3. Avoid greasy food, high fat, very starchy food as these are hard to digest and may add to dampness. Add in some
warm and drying herbs like ginger, pepper, cinnamon, and other spices to eliminate gas and excess moisture.
4. Do some lightweight exercises to improve fluid circulation.
5. Earth types tend to overperform as a caretaker and spread themselves too thinly. Hence, it is important to develop
good boundaries, be able to say “no” and not to over worry about the things you cannot control.


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P M di lC t 

The Metal Element


The Metal Element

Metal element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with Lung and its partner organ, Large Intestine.

Those who belong to the Metal element can be flexible and malleable. But when it’s unbalanced, one can become
“solid” and appear to be indifferent, very formal, and seem distant.
The organs related to Metal are Lung. Hence, you may experience respiratory problems such as shortness of breath,
cough, or sore throat if Metal is deficient.
Metal is related to the skin and pores. Therefore, you may become sensitive to temperature change and have dry
skin or hair.
Lung’s partner organ is Large Intestine. Hence, constipation or colon issues are common symptoms.

Acupuncture Tips
For Metal element, LU 9 Tai Yuan and CV6 Qi Hai are two commonly used acupoints.

When pressing the points, remember to:

Apply firm and deep pressure

Take long and deep breaths while pressing
Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
Press on regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

Do note to avoid pressing some points if you are pregnant. 

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Lifestyle Tips
1.  The taste associated with Metal is PUNGENT. It is similar to spicy but pungent food is more aromatic and has a
dispersing action that goes up and outwards. Try wasabi, mustard, Sichuan pepper, mint, and tangerine peel.
2. Take moderate fluid intake to retain skin moisture.
3. Take high fiber food to help eliminate waste and prevent constipation as Metal is related to the Large Intestine.
4. Aerobic exercise and deep breathing exercises can benefit the Lung.
5. Metal is related to sadness. Take time to let go of old habits or old ways of thinking and try to be spontaneous at
times. Metal tend to strive for perfection which can be a source of disappointment including yourself.


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metal element






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The Water Element


The Water Element

The Water element, one of the TCM 5 elements, is associated with the Kidney and its partner organ, Urinary Bladder.
When it is unbalanced, you may experience symptoms such as:

Isolation, absentmindedness, detachment, or fear.

Rigid joints, weak knees, lower back. This is because the Kidney is related to the bones, joints, and marrow.
Tinnitus, ringing in the ears as Kidney opens out to the ear.
Coldness due to lack of Kidney Yang.
Hot flushes, hot palms, and feet due to lack Kidney Yin.
Pre-mature aging due to lack of Kidney essence (Jing). This is the prenatal energy that you receive from your
parents. After birth, this material will be used for development and reproduction. If there is little, to begin with or
not nourished by the postnatal energy (from food), then it may lead to faster aging such as grey hair, wrinkles, and

Acupuncture Tips
For Water element, KI 3 Tai Xi and KI 1 Yong Quan are two commonly used acupoints.

When pressing the points, remember to:

Apply firm and deep pressure

Take long and deep breaths while pressing
Set the intention and focus your energy on the point that you are pressing
Press firmly for 15 seconds followed by 5 seconds release, and continue for about 5 minutes for each point
Press on a regular basis as acupuncture works cumulatively

KI 3 Tai Xi (Great Stream)


Located in the inner ankles.

Point is in the depression between the tip of the inner

ankle and archilles tendon.


Yuan (source) point of the Kidney

For most Kidney deficiency issues
Strengthens the lower back 

KI 1 Yong Quan (Gushing Spring)

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Located under the soles of the feet.

Point is one-third from the top.


Lowest accupoint of the body

Descending action
Returns the unrooted back to its source
Calms the mind

Lifestyle Tips
1. Water is associated with SALTY. Add in seafood, seaweeds, and kelp in your diet. Be aware that too much will
cause water retention.
2. Kidney and Urinary bladder belong to the Water element and both play an important role in fluid regulation so
think of adding hydrating and nourishing food such as soups and stews in your diet.
3. Flowing exercise such as Yoga and Tai Chi can help to preserve muscles and distribute warmth and fluid.
4. Moxibustion: A deep heat therapy using mugwort herb is beneficial especially for Kidney Yang deficiency causing
5. Ginger foot soaks:  Activates the Kidney meridian on the foot to build the Kidney’s energetic function.


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