4.2BSA - Acol, Angela F. - 4th Task - Ethics Worksheet - Option # 2

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4th written task

Write the Ethical dilemma, stakeholders and alternatives of your chosen ethics case.
Nurse Who Quit Her Job Due to COVID-19 Fears Says She Regrets Decision

A fed-up nurse has gone viral after she took to Facebook to quit her job after being
placed on a floor with patients being tested for COVID-19.

“I quit! I care about the patients and all but my kids and my life, they matter, they
come first,” Melissa Thomas Scott declared in her video. Thomas Scott, a breast
cancer survivor and mom of four, made the difficult decision after being assigned to a
floor where patients are being tested for coronavirus inside a Georgia hospital.

Basic Facts of the Case "My manager sent me to a floor that's being tested for Corona. She knows my health
history. She knows all of this,” she said in her video. “I told her my kids don't have
anybody to go to while they're here. I can't send my kids away like everybody else.
I'm done, I'm leaving."

She walked out of Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, which has been the
hardest hit in her state as more than 350 patients and counting are battling
COVID-19 inside.

Considering the situation of Melissa: she is a cancer survivor and a single

mother with 4 children, what should she have done? Should she quit because of
the risks involved on being exposed to CoVid19 patients? Should she have quit
the way she did -- should she have quit publicly via Facebook?
Nurse Quit Hospital Job - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUclGBPNQoc
Reference for the case
1 other reference is available on a separate file

Ethical Dilemma
An Ethical dilemma is an experience where a person is confronted with competing values. The choice or solution in an Ethical
dilemma is the strongest or the most important value that the person holds. Remember, values are beliefs or ideas that
motivate someone to act or behave in a particular way; values dictate how we act, why we act or do not act.

Values Principles/Explanation
Write the 1st competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

Value of Respect Melissa respects herself as she quits her job. It is a difficult job, her health is also at
risk because she is a cancer survivor she also needed in their household because she
is a mother of 4 kids.
Write the 2nd competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

Value of Responsibility As a nurse she has a responsibility in the hospital, but in Melissa’s case the
responsibility of being a mother to her kids comes first. The surge of Covid19 that we
didn't know will come to us is very difficult to handle and millions of people died
because of the virus.

Write the 3rd competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

Value of Honesty Melissa is being true to herself, that’s why she quit her job as a nurse in the hospital
where there are 350 and counting of Covid19 patients.

These are the people who have a stake in the issue. These are the people who have the most to gain or most to lose.
These are the people who are directly affected or involved.
Stakeholder Principles/Explanation
Name of the 1st stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

As a cancer survivor, Melissa may have a higher risk of developing severe
complications if exposed to COVID-19. It is understandable for her to be concerned
about her health and the potential risks involved in working with COVID-19 patients.
Name of the 2nd stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Family of Melissa
Melissa’s family will lose some financial stability because Melissa quit her job. As a
single mother with four children, Melissa may have faced financial challenges. Her
decision to quit her job may have been influenced by the need to protect herself and her
children, especially considering her health history. However, financial stability is also
important for supporting her family, so finding alternative sources of income or
considering other job options could be crucial.

Name of the 3rd stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Co-workers/ Manager
As a healthcare professional, Melissa likely had a commitment to her patients and the
responsibility to provide care. It is important to consider the ethical implications of
leaving a job without adequate notice or a proper transition plan, as this may impact
patient care and the healthcare system.Quitting a job via social media, such as
Facebook, may not be the most professional or effective way to address such matters.
Resigning in a public forum can create unnecessary conflict or misunderstandings. It is
generally advisable to have direct, private conversations with employers or supervisors
when discussing employment decisions.

Name of the 4th stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

The alternatives pertain to the possible choices or options.
The choices or options pertain to the decisions or solutions that may be chosen, done or taken by the person (moral
agent) who has the dilemma.

Alternatives, Options or Solutions Principles/Explanation

What is the explanation?
Write the 1st solution here

Melissa's health and safety, as well as that of her children, should be her top priority. If
Prioritize personal safety she determines that the risks outweigh the benefits of her current job, it may be
reasonable for her to consider quitting. However, it's important to carefully weigh the
financial implications and have a backup plan to ensure her family's well-being.

Seek support and guidance, Melissa could reach out to support networks, such as
cancer survivor groups or social service organizations, to seek guidance and advice on
managing her situation. These groups may provide valuable insights and resources
tailored to her specific needs.

What is the explanation?

Write the 2nd solution here

Melissa should consult with healthcare professionals to understand the risks involved in
Assess the risks her specific situation. Cancer survivors may have compromised immune systems,
making them more vulnerable to infections, including COVID-19. Understanding her
own health condition is crucial in evaluating the risks of continuing to work in a
high-exposure environment.

Evaluate alternatives, Melissa could explore alternative work options that minimize
exposure to COVID-19 patients while still meeting her financial needs. This could
include seeking remote work opportunities, working in a different healthcare setting with
lower infection risks, or pursuing a temporary career change until the situation

What is the explanation?

Write the 3rd solution here

Quitting a job is a personal decision, and the method of resignation should be chosen
Consider the method of resignation with care. While announcing her decision publicly via Facebook might help raise
awareness about her situation, Melissa should consider the potential implications of
such an announcement, including privacy concerns and its impact on her professional
reputation. It may be more appropriate to have a private conversation with her employer
to discuss her concerns and explore possible solutions before making a public

Ultimately, Melissa should carefully evaluate her circumstances, consult with

professionals, and make decisions that prioritize her health, the well-being of her
children, and her financial stability

Grade Comments of the professor

AOS (Areas Of Strength)

AFI (Areas For Improvement)


Refer to the SAMPLE CASE AND OUPUT below:

Anna (the moral agent) and several co-workers are under a two-month leave (no-
work, no-pay) status. Her company is under the non-essential sector of the Philippine
economy and so, their operations had to be cut down to manage the cost.

Anna is grateful that, despite the challenges, she still has a job compared to some
people she knows who already suffered retrenchment/termination. However, being on
leave for two months is not easy for Anna and her family. She is the breadwinner with
two young siblings and senior citizen parents to take care of.
They survive only through the social amelioration program of the local government plus
her 20k savings.

When Anna learned that she will be a part of the skeletal workforce of their company,
she felt excited. Reporting back to work means she will have money for her family
and will no longer need to rely on the government support. The HR officer of their
company reached out to her and informed her that she needs to report for work in 1
week and will need to submit a PCR result confirming that she is negative of the

Basic Facts of the Case

Anna has a problem:
- She does not have the money for the PCR test and knows no one who
has the financial capacity to lend her money.
- Their city is prioritising people who are infected of the virus as well as
the PUI (persons under investigation) and PUM (persons under monitoring).
- She knows that she is not infected; no one in her family is infected.

Anna learned that there is a shop that produces fake PCR test result. It is affordable
and quick. She can get it within the day and only costs Php700. However, she does
not want to get a fake test and lie at work. Being honest is important to Anna. She has
always believed that lies are all the same; big or small - they are still a lie and lies to
lead to problems.

Anna needs to work because they have no more money left. But, in order for her
to work, she will need to get a PCR test. She does not have the money for it. She
also needs the PCR test result to be available right away because her work starts
in one week. What should Anna do?

Ethical Dilemma
An Ethical dilemma is an experience where a person is confronted with competing values. The choice or solution in an Ethical
dilemma is the strongest or the most important value that the person holds. Remember, values are beliefs or ideas that
motivate someone to act or behave in a particular way; values dictate how we act, why we act or do not act.

Values Principles/Explanation
What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 1st competing value here
Anna loves her family. She is the bread winner and will do everything she can to
provide for her family. Her family cannot rely on her if she cannot work. She needs to
go back to work to earn money for their daily needs.

What does the second value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 2nd competing value here

Anna is honest. She believes in telling the truth. She wants to get the PCR result
VALUE OF HONESTY the right way - the legitimate way.
What does the third value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 3rd competing value here
Anna is greateful to her company for not terminating her or removing her from the
company. She understands the 2-month leave no-work, no-pay status. She wants to
return to work as soon as possible, so she could also help the company.

These are the people who have a stake in the issue. These are the people who have the most to gain or most to lose.
These are the people who are directly affected or involved.
Stakeholder Principles/Explanation
Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

1st stakeholder Anna needs to work for her family. She has limited options. She does not have the
money for the PCR and needs the PCR result quickly. If she does not report to work
as scheduled with the negative PCR result, she might lose her chance to earn and
ANNA essentially, get her job back.

Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

2nd stakeholder If Anna does not get a negative PCR report, she will not be able to go back work.
Her family will go hungry. The government support and Anna's 20k savings are both
ANNA'S FAMILY depleted.

Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Anna's company needs to have their skeletal workforce employees to free of the
virus. If one person is infected (with or without symptoms), it will put the company
3rd stakeholder operations at risk. If one person gets the virus, it can easily spread to the whole
team. If one person gets sick, operations will need to stop. If operations stop, the
company will not earn and it will put not just the operations at risk but the livelihood
ANNA'S COMPANY or employment of the workers as well. People might lose their employment if the
company does not create/sell products/services.

Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Anna's co-workers will be affected if ever she decides to report to work without the
PCR negative test result. And if ever:

1) she reports to work without the PCR test, they will be afraid to go near her.
4th stakeholder
Even with social distancing, discrimination and paranoia lives. The PCR negative test
is an assurance of safety and security.
2) ever she reports to work with the PCR test but fake, Anna's co-workers can
still be affected. The co-workers might feel safe and secured because of the PCR
test that she would show. However, what if Anna is asymptomatic? She might be
exposing her co-workers to the virus without knowing it.
The alternatives pertain to the possible choices or options.
The choices or options pertain to the decisions or solutions that may be chosen, done or taken by the person (moral
agent) who has the dilemma.

Alternatives, Options or Solutions Principles/Explanation

What is the explanation?

Anna values her family and by telling the truth, Anna can find another way to get the
PCR test and secure her job - for her family. If Anna tells the truth, the HR of their
company will learn that:
- She does not have the money for PCR test
- She will not be able to get the PCR test result in time for the start of
skeletal operations
Write the 1st solution here
Without the report or feedback from Anna, the HR will not know that there is a problem
ANNA to tell the HR the truth and or challenge. Knowing the problem of Anna, therefore, will allow the HR to provide
ask for help. support. Maybe the company can shoulder the PCR test? Maybe the company can
extend the return-to-work order for Anna and allow her to get the PCR and the result
first before allowing her to go back to work.

Also, if Anna is caught by the company lying about her PCR result -- if they find out
that it is fake, she might be terminated from work. Losing her job by lying is not
aligned to her values.
What is the explanation?

Anna values her family and it is important that she return to work right away. The
sooner she could return the work and earn money, the better. Anna is the bread
winner of her family. Both of her parents are Senior Citizens already. They are not
employed; same goes for her siblings. No one in the family works except for her.
Since she was not able to work for about 2 months because of the pandemic and
Write the 2nd solution here the condition of their company, she did not have any income.

ANN to get a fake PCR negative It is not just Anna who is under leave or no work, no pay status. She has co- workers
test. who are under the same status. If does not provide a negative PCR result or report
right away, her slot under the skeletal workforce might be given to other employees.
If she does not get that slot, she will not be able to provide money for her family. They
do not have money anymore. She cannot risk not having money to put food on the
Write the 3rd solution here What is the explanation?

Anna need to ask a friend or Anna needs to ask a friend or co-worker for help because she has no money to cover
co-worker for help up the expenses of PCR test.

If Anna will work again she will be able to pay the debt to her friend or co-worker. And
continuously provide for her family.

RUBRIC for 4th Written Output: Basic Case Analysis

Percentage Description
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have all been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
3 stakeholders
3 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
3 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
2 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
2 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
2 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
1 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

1 values
1 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions

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