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Book conversation

Leonardo: Welcome to Paris. Have you been here before beautiful?

Daniela: Yes, I've been here before. I really like the food, the places, and the people.

Leonardo: Magnificent, have you been to the Eiffel Tower?

Daniela: Yes, I have been to the top of the Eiffel Tower and the view is very beautiful, I
have also taken many photos.

Leonardo: Yes, it's really beautiful. Is it okay if we go out later to take a walk around the

Daniela: Yes, I would love to go and see the beautiful cheeses that exist here in Paris.

Leonardo: Yes of course, come on, I think you would love the Orsay museum, its
architecture is wonderful as well as its sculptures and paintings.

Daniela: I think it's excellent, do you think if you pick me up at 7:00 at my hotel?

Leonardo: Yes, at 7:00 I'll pick you up so we can meet.

Daniela: Okay, see you later, I'll get ready quick before it's 7:00.

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