Chavacano For Everyone

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Chabacano..- for Everyone A Guide to the Chabacano Language Enrique R. Escalante, Ed.D. the Author Dr. Enrique R. Escalante, a native speaker of Chabacano, was bom in Cavite City and was connected with the educational sector from 1964 up to his retirement im 2004 The author finished his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees at De La Salle University and his doctor of education degree at the MLQuezon University Dr. Escalante taught English and Spanish subjects and held various positions in the education field starting as a classroom teacher then being promoted as head of the English department ite National High School. Afterwards, he was | Supervisor | for English at the division of at the C promoted as Genera Cavite City Having passed the superintendent's examination, he was igned as assistant division superintendent in the Divisions of Aurora and Cavite. He assumed the superintendency in the Division of Cavite City and was assigned to the Division of Palawan, where he retired after serving the government for over forty years as CESO V. Dr. Escalante also taught collegiate English at the San Sebastian Collége-Recoletos in Cavite City and graduate studies at the Philippine Christian University and De La Salle University, both in Damarifias, Cavite, all on a part -time basis. He was also a guest lecturer/trainer at the National Educators Academy of the Philippines in Baguio City. lo Mel and Nena my beloved parents who taught me the language Copyright 2005 by All right reserved. Printed by: Baby Dragon Printing Press "Hip 7p>*S |yMalate, Manila é a) No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means, electronic and mechanical, including photocopying or by any information storage or retriev al system. without the permission in writing from the author. Table of Contents Introduction Features of the Chabacano language __ El Primer Parte Mga Palabra ta usa na Chabacano El letra a hasta el letra z El Segunda Parte Mga Seleccion na Chabacano Conversa niso Versos para todo Un rezo para la Virgen Un Semana por la Mafana Himno del Ciudad de Cavite Mga Fiesta na Ciudad El Tercer Parte Lista del mga Cosa na Chabacano 218 El Pronombre Dia del Semana y Mes del Afio El numero Miembro del familia El Cuerpo El Cara Na Casa Na Cuarto Na Cocina Na Comida Na Escuela Introduction Welcome to the Chabacano language as spoken in the City of Cavite. The city once hosted a Spanish fort thus provided a constant interaction with the Spaniards who lived there. The inhabitants of the place had to learn the foreign tongue and eventually mixed and blended it with their own language and the result was the delightful mixture of Spanish and Tagalog — Chabacano. The language has been the lingua franca in the city until the onset of the Liberation when Americans and Filipinos from all over the country who came to work in the bases formed part of the population thus diminishing the use of Chabacano. This deterioration continued with the migration of a significant number of native speakers of Chabacano to other countries, especially in the United States of America. Chabacano is slowly becoming a ‘dead’ language with the fast diminishing number of speakers; thus, this book offers an initial presentation of the language to provide a basis for its preservation and hopefully for its use in daily conversation, writing activities and school study. The linguistic features in the book are descriptive analyses of the language and do not reflect any prescriptive viewpoint in as much as there is still no formal syntax being followed in the use of the language. These, however, could be used as a guide in the learning/study of the language. More common words were picked out for presentation in this book and a conversational approach of the sentences was widely used. Features of the Chabacano language in Cavite City. The Chabacano Alphabet The Chabacano language has all letters found in the Spanish and Tagalog languages, thus it has a total of thirty one (31) letters. The letters in the Chabacano language are: abcchdefghijkliiimn ngfopqrmstuvwxyzZ Similarly, it has all the letters found in the English alphabet in addition to the following letters found either in Spanish or Tagalog. ch: Chabacano I: cuello ng: nga fi: fora tr: perro Phonemic structures 1. The Chabacano language, being an_ interesting blend of Spanish and Tagalog, uses all the letters of the alphabet of the two languages whenever the word in either language is used. A good number of words are of Spanish origin although their pronunciation and meaning may have been altered through the years. 2 2 a in both languages, the five vowels have only ive corresponding sounds retaining the original sounds found in Tagalog and Spanish. Throughout the text, a has the sound of flat a as in but; e as in bet; i as in bit; 0 as in both; and u as in boot. These letters when placed within / / signs indicate their phonemic use but does not necessarily follow the IPA scheduling of sounds. All the consonants, however, follow the IPA signs. 3. Allophones are found in both vowels and consonants as in /f/ and /p/, /b/ and /v/, /\/ and /r/. /e/ and /i/ may be interchangeable but only /i/ substituting /e/ but not the other way around. Also, the exchange may occur in the initial and final /e/ sound but not in medial position. Whenever the /i/ substitutes the /e/, the resulting sound will be somewhere between the two but veering towards the /i/ sound. Similarly with the /o/ and /u/. The /u/ may substitute the /o/ sound but only in the finial position and at times at the initial position if it ends the syllable but not in the medial. The substituting sound is somewhere between Jo/ and /u/ sounds. However the /u/ sound is not substituted by /o/. 4. Diphthongs occur when combination of vowels are found and treated as one distinct sound. iii 5. Blends occur especially with the following common word combines: no hay — 0 in no becomes u and the h disappears; the result is [ nu-AY ] ta followed by a word starting with a, often, the succeeding a disappears like ta alla becomes talla [ tal-YA ], ta aqui becomes taqui [ ta-KI ]. 6. Shifting of stress occurs in some instances thus changing the meaning and the use of words. 7. The verb is usually stressed on the last syllable. Syntactic structures Nouns 1. Like in the Spanish language, there are masculine and feminine forms of nouns. The masculine noun ending in o is changed to the feminine form by changing © to a like hijo and hija, maestro and maestro or simply by adding a as in doctor and doctora. Other nouns make no distinction like estudiante. 2. El is the article used to modify both masculine and feminine nouns whether singular or plural in number. Notable exceptions are la Virgen, la tarde, la noche. 3. The plural form of nouns is made by adding the word mga before the noun: el mga libro, el mga mesa. A variant word used is mana. 4 Verbs Nouns ending in s, which in Spanish usually denotes plurality, may be used to mean both singular or plural depending on the use — ojos could mean one eye or more; putting a number before the noun specifies it — un ojos, dos ojos etc. Many verbs in Chabacano are similar in spelling and Meaning with their Spanish counterparts with the notable difference of the final r in the infinitive form being dropped thus comer becomes come, buscar becomes busca, etc. Basically, there are only three tenses in Chabacano: simple present, simple past and simple future. Ordinarily, these simple tenses may also be used for the progressive and perfect tenses. The three simple tenses are indicated by adding pertinent suffixes: ta for the present tense, ya for the past tense and di for the future tense. Ta may also be used when expressing habitual past action: Ya come yo esi cuando chiquito pa yo. (simple past) I ate that when I was still small. Ta come yo esi cuando chiquito pa yo. (habitual past) I used to eat that when I was still small. In some instances, progressive tense forms of the verb are used but only when a group action is implied: Ya copia ilo el leccion ayer. They copied the lesson yesterday Ya mang copiahan ilo el leccion ayer. They have been copying the lesson yesterday. In the progressive form, the word mang was placed before the verb and the affix han was added to the verb. The form of the progressive tense is: [tense + form] +[mang + verb + han]. Distinction should be made with ya as a helping verb and ya as an adverb meaning already. Likewise, de which is also pronounced as di means of/from while di is the additive term to denote futurity. De is followed by a noun while di is followed by a verb. The past participle of the verb in Spanish is formed by dropping the ar, er and ir and substituting them with ado and ido. In Chabacano, when the ar ending is changed, it is not to ado as in Spanish but to ao or the d between a and 0 is dropped. e.g. llamar - Sp. - llamado Ch. — llamao callar_ - Sp. - callado Ch. — callao Similarly, nouns ending in ado like mercado becomes mercao. 4. The verb to be 1; language as it doe: and estar. ‘arely appears in the Chabacano 'S iN Spanish in its two forms, ser With ser in its verb form of es is the one used but only impliedly in Chabacano and practically disappears when used in conversations. &.9. He is a Filipino. (English) El es un Filipino, (Spanish) Eli Filipino or Filipino eli. (Chabacano) With estar, the Chabacano version is presented in two forms: The first form is esta and is used without the r ending In estar and in questions like ‘Donde esta el escuela?’, ‘Como esta tu mama?’ In both cases, esta is blended with the interrogative Pronoun; thus, donde esta is pronounced as dondesta and como esta as comosta. The other form is ta usually followed by an adverb/noun of location like ta alla eli na cuarto (he is inside the room). This is not to be confused with the helping verb ta. 5. The subject —verb pattern of the English language is rarely followed; instead, the Tagalog verb- subject pattern is often used 6. The word ba is used to ask a question. Thus, the insertion of ba changes the declarative form of responding to the interrogative. Sabe tu el contestacion. You know the answer. Sabe ba tu el contestacion? Do you know the answer? 7. Questions are formed by using interrogative words like donde, cuando, etc. or by raising the intonation at the end of the sentence. Ta aqui tu mama. If said with a falling intonation at the final word, the sentence means ‘Your mother is here.” If said with a rising intonation, it means ‘Is your mother here? 8. Ma is often used as a prefix with Tagalog or English root words to express ideas easier like mabangga or macollide. Adjectives Adjectives may be placed before of after the noun; however, if placed before the noun, the qualifying description is more inherent. Degrees of comparison of adjctives is done in the following manner: guapa - beautiful mas guapa - more beautiful pinakaguapa or el mas guapa de todo - most beautiful vill Doubling Double negatives, like in Spanish, are allowed No sabe nada el trabajador nuevo. The new worker does not know anything. Doubling of words is done to emphasize/enhance the quality or the quantity of the object or objects being described, at times to the point of exaggeration: Guapang-guapa el mga mujer aqui. The women here are very beautiful. Also, doubling may be found in enumeration: Uno-uno no mas. One by one only. Manner of presentation in the book The commonly used words picked out for the book and were arranged alphabetically and individually presented in the following format; e.g. Cuando [ KWAN-du] adv.; also: pag when spelling pronunciation use — synonym meaning Cuando di llega el mga trabajador? Chabacano statement When will the workers arrive? Engish translation de vez en cuando - at times, sometimes related words, phrases or idioms The stress of the words is indicated by the capitalized letter/s in the pronunciation box. Abbreviations used The following abbreviations were used throughout the book to indicate the grammatical use of the word: adv. adverb adj. adjective past part. past participle conj. conjunction interj. interjection art. article int. intensifier masc. masculine fem. feminine expr. expression uttr. utterance det. determiner Spelling There are. no guiding rules in spelling in Chabacano While other writers used the phonetic side to spell the word, the author preferred to follow the Spanish spelling closely. However, as shown in the book, the Chabacano pronunciation has been indicated with variations provided whenever they may occur. E] Primer Parte Mga Palabra ta usa na Chabacano El letra a hasta el letra z el letra a ae it a [a] preposition a Ya llega eli a las cinco. He arrived at five o'clock. aba [ a-BA] interj; also: aba naku wow, shucks Aba! Ta aqui ya pala ustedes. Wow! You are already here. abanico [ a-ba-NI-ku ] noun ual) Ta usa elj e/ abanico cuando caliente. She uses the fan when it is hot. CD Seen eee eee eee eee eee ee abierto [ a-BYER-tu ] adj. Abierto el puerta. The door is open. open abilidad [ a-bi-li-DAD ] noun ability, talent also: que sabe hace Mucho el abilidad del mga gente aqui. The people here are very talented. abogao [ a-bu-GAW ] noun lawyer Abogao mi tio. My uncle is a lawyer. Abril [ a-BRIL | noun April 7a queda caliente na Abril. It becomes hot in April. abri [ @-BRE] verb to open Ye abri yo el regalo. I opened the gift. abrilata [ a-bri-LA-ta ] noun can-opener Ta perde e/ abrilata. The can Opener is missing. eS aceite [a-CEY-ti] noun cu Ta necesita un poco aceite el coche. The car needs a little oil. adios [ ad-YOS ] interjection/noun goodbye Ya habla ya adios Remy. Remy already said goodbye afuera [ a-FUE-ra | adv. also: fuera outside Ta na afuera el jardin The garden is outside agad [ a-GAD ] adv. right away Ya veni eli aqui agad cuando ya llama yo con eli. He came here right away when I called him. ugust Agosto [ a-GOS-tu ] noun aug Na Agosto su cumpleatio. Her birthday is in August. water agua [A-gua] noun Quiere yo toma agua. T want to drink some water. ————~—— rain aguacero [ a-gwa-SE-ru ] noun Ayer recio el aguacero aqui. It rained hard here yesterday. Perec aguela [ a-GWE-la ] noun grandmother also: lola, abuela Vieja ya mi aguela. My grandmother is already old. a aguelo [ a-BWE-lu ] noun; grandfather also lolo, abuelo Recio pa ba tu aguelo? Is your grandfather still strong? aguja [ a-GU-ha ] noun needle Ta usa el aguja para sulsi. The needle is used in sewing. ahora [ O-ra ] adv now, today Anda niso ahora na iglesia. Let's go to church now. ahora mismo - right away, at this moment aire [ EY-ri] noun air Limpio el aire na mga provincia. The air is clean in the provinces. eS alajas [ a-LA-has ] noun jewelry Tiene mucho alajas aquel mujer. That lady has lots of jewelry. ee ee alas [ A-las ] noun wings Tiene alas el mga Pajaro. Birds have wings. alas [ a-LAS ] noun ace Tiene cuatro alas el baraha. The deck of cards has four aces. alcancia [ al-kan-SI-ya ] noun piggy bank Lleno el alcancia del muchacho. The boy’s piggy bank is full alegre [ a-LE-gri] adj happy Alegre el mga criatura pag Pascua. The children are happy during Christmas. alfombra [ al-FOM-bra ] noun carpet Grande el alfombra na sala. The carpet in the living room is big. i ee lo te algo [ AL-go ] pron. something Mas bueno que tiene tu algo que no hay nada. It is better that you have something than nothing. algodon [ al-gu-DON ] noun Seen Tiene Mama un algodon mas /argo. Mother has a longer piece of thread. almohada [ al-mu-WA-da ] noun Tiene yo un almohada chiquito. T have a small pillow. alla [al-YA] adv. there (far) Ta alla na dentro del escuela e/ maestro. The teacher is there inside the school. illow alli [ al-YI] adv. there (nearby) Ta alli na dentro del sobre el carta. The letter is there inside the envelope. almuerzo [ al-MWER-su ] noun breakfast Temprano eli ta come su almuerzo. He eats his breakfast early. ama [a-MA] verb Debe niso ama con niso mga vecino. We should love our neighbors. to love amigo [ a-MI-gu ] noun Mucho yo mga amigo. T have many friends. friend ancho [ AN-chu } adj. Ancho el mga calle aqui. The streets are wide here. wide anda [ an-DA] verb Donde tu di anda? Where are you going? to go anda [an-DA] verb Ta anda el ventilador The electric fan is on. hace anda _ to start driving a vehicle/to rev to be operational (as in machines) andenantes [ an-di-NAN-ti/s | adv a while ago Ya llega ya e/ padre andenantes pa. The priest arrived already a while ago anoche [ a-no-CHI } adv last night Recio ya Iluve anoche. It rained hard last night. antes [ an-TIS ] prep.; also: bago before Ta reza nisos antes de come. We pray before eating. ee antipatico [ an-ti-PA-ti-ko ] noun an awful person Antipatico el tio de eli. His uncle is an awful person. ee. we, ting nN anillo [ a-NIL-yu ] noun . Bonito esi tu anillo Your ring is beautiful. ee aniversario [ a-ni-ver-SAR-yu ] noun _ anniversary Di celebra mi mayores el aniversario del casamiento ae ilos. . My parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary. a antes [ AN-tes] prep.; also: bago before Laba tu el mga mano antes di come. Wash your hands before eating. —— afio [ an-YO ] noun year Di gradua yo este afio. I will graduate this year. cabinet aparador [ a-pa-ra-DOR ] noun Ta na dentro del aparador e/ mga ropa. The clothes are inside the cabinet. apellido [ a-pil-Yi-du } noun Cosa tu apellido? What is your surname? surname aplaya [ a-PLA-ya] noun; also: playa sea, seashore Sabroso baria na aplaya. Tt is nice to swim in the sea. i apritao [ a-pri-TAW ] adj. Apritao el camiseta. The shirt is tight, aprita [ a-pri-TA] verb - to tighten tight apurao [ a-pu-RAW } adj. Firme eli apurao. He is always in a hurry. —_—_—o SSS in a hurry aqui [ a-KI] adv. here Veni tu aqui. Come here. arena [ a-RE-na] noun sand Limpio el arena na aplaya. The sand on the beach is clean. arina [ a-RI-na] noun flour Pone tu mucho arina para queda mas grueso el Masa. Put more flour to make the dough thicker. aregla [ a-ri-GLA] verb; also regla Aregla tu bueno el mga sila. Arrange the chairs well. arreglao - past part. - arranged ee ee areglo [ a-RE-glo ] noun arragement, Quiere ilo el areglo que ya Pasa. settlement They like the arrangement that was made. ee oan arranca [ a-rang-ka ] verb; also: ranca to pull out Ya arranca eli el mga porn muerto na solar. i He pulled out all the dead plants in the yard. eeepc eae on arriba [ ar-RI-ba ] adv. upstairs Ta na arriba el sala. The living room is upstairs. backwards atras [a-TRAS] adv. Ya hace eli atras el coche. He backed up the car. atrasao - adj. - past due atraso - noun - slight, debt Oe aumenta [ aw-min-TA ] verb; also: uminta_ to increase Ya aumenta su sue/do e/ mes pasado. His salary was increased last month. avante [ a-BAN-te ] adv, Despues, ya hace eli avante el coche. Then, he moved the car forward. forward ayer [ a-YER] adv. Ya entra eli na escuela ayer. He went to school yesterday. yesterday azucal [ a-SU-cal ] noun Dulce e/ azucal. Sugar is sweet. sugar azul [ a-SUL ] noun/adj. blue Azul el cielo. The sky is blue. el letra b eee ba [ba] question word e.g. Este tu lapis. - This is your pencl. Este ba ie lapiz? - Is this your ee ion - ju! also: used to express exasperation J e.g. Cosa tu que quiere? - What do you want? Cosa ba tu que quiere? ~ Just. whe you want? If used with nga, shows in' falling intonation] or asking final rising intonation] cee e.g. Cosa banga tu que quiere: So i [with a final tensity b jon [with a for repetiti bago [ BA-gu ] prep. see: antes before baha [ ba-HA ] noun flood Ta mabaha alla con ilos pag ta Muve. hen it rains. Their place becomes flooded wl ee bahala ya - expression come what may _ baila [ bay-LA] verb to dance Ta baila eli bueno. She dances well. Oe baile [ BEY-li ] noun dance Ya anda niso na baile anoche. We went to a dance last night. bajo [ BA-ho ] adj, Bajo su grado na Ingles. His grade in English is low. oo eeeeeeeeeeseseses“‘(CU baja [ ba-HA] verb low to go down Ya baja elf na escalera. She went downstairs. balat [ ba-LAT] noun skin Sabroso el balat del lechon. The skin of the roasted pig is delicious. eee ee a OR RIEL balbas [ BAL-bas ] noun Largo ya su balbas. His beard is already long ee balbon [ bal-BON | adj Masyao balbon su abuelo. His grandfather is very hairy beard hairy baka [ ba-ka ] adv perhaps, maybe Baka queda yo tarde na programa. Perhaps, I will be late for the program. bafia [ ban-YA ] verb to bathe Ta bafia eli todo el dia. He takes a bath every day. bafio [ BAN-yo] noun bathroom Ta na batio el jabon. The soap is in the bathroom. ip, boat bapor [ ba-POR] noun; also: barco ship, Temprano ya Wega el bapor The ship arrived early. cheap barato [ ba-RA-tu ] adj. Barato el mga pescao na palengke. Fish is cheap at the market. a to kiss besa [ bi-SA] verb Ta besa mano niso con imi abuela. We kiss our grandma’s hand. ce kiss beso [ BE-so ] noun Ta dale beso din niso con mi mama. We kiss our mother too. ee white blanco [ BLANG-ku ] adj. Saca tu e/ manta blanco. Get the white blanket. oe bo [ bo] pron. you Used slangily, in a derogatory manner or when angry. boca [ BO-ka ] noun mouth Chiquito e! boca del muchacha. The girl’s mouth is small. bola [ BO-la] noun ball Ta huga eli con el bola. He is playing with the ball. bolsa [ BOL-sa ] noun pocket Ta na tu bolsa el mga lave. The keys are inside your pocket. bombero [ bum-BE-ru ] noun fireman Ta mata inciendio e/ bombero. The fireman puts out fires. bonito [ bu-NI-tu ] adj. pretty Bonito el jardin de ilos. Their garden is pretty. borra [ bur-RA ] verb erase Pronto borra el mga marca del tiza. It is easy to erase chalk marks. botella [ bu-TEL-ya ] noun bottle Ta na mesa e/ botella. The bottle is on the table. botica [ bu-TI-ka ] noun drugstore Cerca ba aqui e/ botica? Is the drugstore nearby? ee botas [ BO-tas ] noun boots Vest/ tu botas tuyo pag grande e/ agua. Wear boots when it is flooded. — brazo [ BRA-su ] noun arm Tiene eli tattoo na su brazo. He has a tattoo in his arm. Soa brinca [ bring-KA] verb jump Para ya tu de brinca\ Stop jumping! cs buenas [ BWE-nas ] adj. lucky Buenas eli na mga juego. He is lucky in games. also: buenas — noun — good luck buenas — greeting — good day —.W bueno [ BWE-nu ] adj. good Bueno ya e/ camino para Manila. The road to Manila is already good. el que bueno — the good thing is busca [ bus-KA ] verb look for Busca tu si donde tu ya pone el cen. Look for where you put the money. bunso [ bun-SU ] noun youngest child Bunso eli na familia de ilo. He is the youngest child in his family. buso [ bu-SO ] pron. you (plural) Like bo, used slangily or in a derogatory manner or when angry. buta [ bu-TA ] verb throw away No tu buta el mga pellejo del mansanas. Do not throw away the apple peels. butas [ BU-tas ] noun hole Ya tapa ya yo el butas na pader. 1 already covered the hole in the wall. butones [ bu-TO-nis ] noun button/s Ta perde dos butones na su camiseta. Two buttons are missing from his shirt. el letra c oe to fini: caba [ ka-Ba ] verb a Ya caba elj lee e/ libro. ' He finished reading the book. _ cabao ~ part part. — finished/over el cabando — adv. - them ae ut tiene caba - to have an inkling feeling pare head cabeza [ ka-BE-sa ] noun Duele mi cabeza. My head aches. Sane eENGE ETE EE eee eens cada [ KA-da] adj. aan Ya dale yo un libro con cada uno. I gave each one a book. a cae [ KAY] verb to fall Cerca ya eli cae na su silla. He almost fell from his seat. EEE café [ ka-PE ] noun coffee Ta toma yo café na almuerzo. I drink coffee at breakfast. caja [ KA-ha | noun drawer Ta na Caja el cen, The money is in the drawer cajero/a [ ka-HE-ru/a | noun -_ male/female cashier cajon [ ka-HON } noun oo Abierto ya el cajon. The box is already open. calabasa [ ka-la-BA-sa } noun squash Sabroso e/ calabasa. Squash is delicious. calcetin [ kal/r-si-TIN ] noun; also: medias — socks Sucio ya mi calcetin. My socks are already dirty. caldo [ KAL-du ] noun soup, broth Caliente pa el caldo. The soup is still hot. calendario [ ka-lin-DA-ryo ] noun calendar Colgao na pader el calendario. The calendar is hanging on the wall. caliente | ka-LYEN-ti | adj. hot, warm Ta queda caliente ya el mga dia. The days are becoming warm. eee calintura [ ka-lin-TU-ra ] noun; also: fiebre fever Alto su calintura. His fever is high. ee ee calle [ KAL-yi ] noun street Ancho el mga calle na ciudad. The city streets are wide. calmao [ kal-MAW ] adj. calm Calmao el mar este dia. The sea is calm today. cama [ KA-ma] noun; also: catre bed Viejo el cama na cuarto. The bed inside the bedroom is old. cambia [ kam-BYA ] verb to change Trabajo cambia el mga tradicion. Traditions are difficult to change. cambio [ KAM-byu ] noun change No tu olvida di saca el cambio. Don't forget to get the change. 20 a Ik camina | ka-mi-NA ] verb ee Ta pasa trabajo camina aque! vieja. That old woman has difficulty in walking camino [ ka-MI-no ] noun way, road Cerca no mas el camino para na iglesia. The way to the church is nearby. camisa [ ka-MI-sa ] noun om dress Ya vesti eli su camisa nuevo. Get She wore her new dress. camison [ ka-mi-SON ] noun slip Ta busca eli su camison. She is looking for her slip. campo [ KAM-pu ] noun camp Ta na campo el mga soldao. The soldiers are in the camp. cancion [ kan-SYON } noun; also canto song Bonito el mga cancion de antes. Songs of yore are beautiful. cansao [ kan-SAW ] adj. tired Cansao ya Juan na trabajo. John is already tired from working. canta [ kan-TA } verb to sing Sueno canta el muchacho- The boy sings well. ee corne, canto [ KAN-tu] noun ‘ Ta na canto niso casa. Our house is at the corner. ae cafia [ KAN-ya ] noun stick, bamboo Ta na Jardin el catia que ta pedi tu. den The stick you are asking for is in the garden. cafia dulce - sugar cane ce eee capaz [ ka-PAS ] adv. likely Capaz di continua eli su historia. He will most likely continue his story. capital [ ka-pi-TAL ] noun capital Manila e/ capital de Filipinas. Manila is the capital of the Philippines. cara [ KA-ra] noun face Sucio el cara del pulubi. The beggar’s face is dirty. carne [KAR-ni] noun meat Coci tu bueno el carne. Cook the meat well. carne de puerco - pork carne de vaca - beef caro [ KA-ru] adj. costly Caro ya ahora el carne de puerco. Pork is expensive nowadays. carta [ KAR-ta] noun letter Ya escribi yo un carta con mi amigo. I wrote a letter to my friend. cartero [ kar-TE-ru } noun mailman Ta veni el cartero cada lunes. The mailman comes every Monday. casa [ KA-sa] noun house Grande ilo casa. Their house is big. casa [ ka-SA] verb to get married Di casa ilo na Domingo. They will get married on Sunday. casa [ ka-SA] verb to cock Ya casa eli e/ revolver. He cocked the gun. Tr CO —aa>eme casi [ KA-si ] adverb ; almost Casi igual esi lapis como de mio. That pencil is almost the same as that of mine. nash emerioeone Or casi [ ka-SI] verb to blame Tu casi! It’s your fault! casi [ ka-SI] conj.; also: kasi because Ya puede yo entra casi abierto e/ puerta. Iwas able to come in because the door was open. — caso [ KA-su ] noun case Cabao ya e/ caso de eli na corte. His case in court is already resolved. Por se caso — just in case eS castiga [ kas-ti-GA ] verb to punish Debe castiga con aquel ta hace malo. Those who do bad things should be punished. ss castigo [ kas-TI-gu ] noun punishment Liviano el castigo que ya dale el juez. The judge meted out a light punishment. 24 catorce [ ka-Tor-si | num. fourteen Catorce ajjos ya mi hermano menor. My younger brother is already fourteen years old cebollas [{ si-BOL-yas ] noun onion No tu pone mucho cebollas na caldo. Don’t put too much onion in the soup. (\ cen [SEN ] noun; also: dinero, cuarta money No hay mas yo cen. I don't have any more money. cepilla [ si-pil-yA } verb to brush Debi tu cepilla el dientes despues de come. You should brush your teeth after eating. SSS cepillo [ si-Pll-yu] noun brush Usa tu el cepillo para limpia el zapatos. Use the brush to clean the shoes. cerca [ SER-ka] adv. near, shortly Cerca ya ilo llega. They will be arriving shortly. [ ser-KA ] - verb - to draw/come closer eee cerra [ sar-RA] verb to close Ya cerra Papa el! puerta. Father closed the door. cerrao [ sar-RAW ] adj. closeq Cerrao ya el tienda de comida. The food store is already closed. ee chicharo [ CHI-cha-ru ] noun SNOW Peas Na Baguio ya Nega esi mga chicharo. Those snow peas came from Baguio. SS chicharon [ chi-cha-RON ] noun _ Pork rinds Malutong el chicharon que ta vende Nor Juan. The pork rinds that Nor Juan is selling are crispy. a ne a eS chiquito [ chi-KI-tu ] adj. small, tiny Chiquito pa el perro. The dog is still small. chiquiting - much smaller ciego [ SHE-gu ] noun,adj.; also: bulag blind Debe tu ayuda con el ciego cruza el calle. You should help the blind cross the street. —_—-—X— cielo [ SHE-lu ] noun heaven, sky Dios ta na cielo. God is in heaven. a chocolate [ cho-ku-LA-ti ] noun chocolate Sabroso el chocolate que ta prepata mi tia. The chocolate that my aunt prepares is delicious. chops chuletas [ chu-LE-tas | noun Pp Sabe eli coce chuletas de puerco. He knows how to cook pork chops. ‘igarette cigarillo [ si-ga-RIL-yu ] noun et Malo fuma cigarillo para na tu salud. tr 9 Smoking cigarettes are bad for your hea cinco [ SING-ku J num. five Ya dale con migo mi padrino cinco peso. My godfather gave me five pesos. cincuenta [ sing-KWEN-ta ] num. fifty Cincuenta aro mi primo. My cousin is fifty years old. circulo [ SIR-ku-lu } noun circle No sabe Pedro hace un circulo. Pedro does not know how to make (draw) a circle. ciudad [ shu-DAD ] noun city Ta queda mi familia na ciudad. My family lives in the city. clara [ kla-RA] verb to clarify Debe tu clara el mga detalle del plano. You should clarify about the details of the plan. claro [ KLA-ru ] adj., adv. clear, clearly Claro explica niso maestro. Our teacher explains clearly. clase [ KLA-si ] noun class, classroom No hay niso clase pag Sabado y Domingo. We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday. clavo [ KLA-bu } noun nan Un poco clavo no mas ta necesita ef carpintero. The carpenter needs a few nails only. coce [ ku-SI] verb to cook Pronto eli coce. He cooks fast. coce ropa - to sew coche [ KO-chi ] noun ~ Ta na garaje el coche ae ilos. Their car is in the garage. ee cochino [ cu-CHI-nu ] adj., adv. sloppy, sloppily Cochino eli si ta come. He eats sloppily. cocina [ ku-SI-na ] noun kitchen Ta na cocina Mama. Mother is in the kitchen. ok, chef cocinero [ ku-si-NE-ru ] noun-masc co Bueno coce el cocinero de nso. Our chef cooks well. cocinera - noun-fem. - female cook cocinilla [ ku-si-NIL-ya ] noun; also: kalan stove Caliente ya el cocinilla. oO The stove is already hot. os colorao [ ku-lu-RAW ] adj. Gee Colorao el favorito color de niso maestra. Our teacher's favorite color is red. come [ ku-MI] verb to eat Ta come niso na cantina todo el dia. We eat at the canteen every day. comedor [ ko-me-DOR ] noun dining room Ta na comedor el mantel. The table cloth is in the dining room. comida [ ku-MI-da ] noun food Caliente el comida que ta prepara ustedes. The food that you prepare is hot. compara [ kum-pa-RA ] verb __ compare No tu compara elj con otro mga estudiante. Do not compare him with other students. SS compafiero [ kum-pa-NYE-ru ] noun companion No hay eli compariero junto ya Wlega. He arrived without any companion. eee compone [ kum-pu-NI] verb to repair Ya manda compone mi papa niso coche. My father had our car repaired. a ee compra [ kum-PRA ] verb to buy Ta compra yo gulay na palengke. I buy vegetables at the market. ee compra [ KOM-pra ] noun things one bought Di trae eli su compra. He will bring the things he bought. con [kun] prep. with Ya Mega eli junto con su hermana. He arrived together with his sister. conductor [ kun-duk-TOR ] noun conductor Paga tu doce peso con el conductor. Pay the conductor twelve pesos. conoce [ ku-nu-SI ] verb to recognize Ya conoce el pulis con el /adron. The policeman recognized the thief. conta [ kun-TA] verb to count £/ muchachito sabe ya conta. The little boy already knows how to count. Contento [ kun-TEN-tu ] adj. satisfied, contented Contento eli_con su vida. He is satisfied with his life. contestacion [ con-tes-ta-SYON ] noun answer Justo el contestacion del muchacha. The girl's answer is correct. contesta [ kon-tes-TA ] verb — to answer i continua [ kun-tin-WA } verb; to continue also: hace tuloy Di continua elj su estudio na afio que di llega. He will continue his studies next year. contra [ KON-tra ] prep. against Contra yo con el proposicion del consejo. I am against the council's proposal contra partido - noun - opposition contrario - noun - rival contravida [ kon-tra-Bl-da ] noun ; Villain Ta sale eli de contravida na mga pelicula. He appears as a villain in the movies. -.)— copia [ KO-pya ] noun 7 COpy Dale tu con migo un copia de ese libro. Give me a copy of that book. SSS copia [ ku-PYA] verb to copy, to cheat Ta copia el mga estudiante el leccion. The students are copying the lesson. aT corazon [ ko-ra-SON ] noun heart Bueno su corazon. He has a good heart. ee ie anennSts NS oe OORT ane OC ene corre [ kur-RI] verb to run Recio corre e/ mga atleta de niso escuela. Our school athletes run fast. correo [ kor-RE-yu ] noun mail Di recibi tu el pago na correo. You will receive the payment through the mail cortina [ kur-TI-na ] noun curtain Viejo ya el mga cortina na sala. The curtains in the living room are already old cosa [ KO-sa ] noun thing Mucho cosa debi niso considera. We should consider many things. Se cosa [ KO-sa ] pron. what Cosa tu nombre? What is your name? Y cosa ahora? - uttr. - and so what! ee ee esa gn nee ee Or crece [ kri-SI] verb to grow Pronto crece el mga ponu na jardin. The plants in the garden grow fast. eae ee ee nner ene nn fone nnn doe eee ee cree [ KRE] verb to believe Ta cree yo con Dios. I believe in God. $$ A SSF criada [ kri-YA-da ] noun female servant No hay mas niso mga criada. We do not have female servants anymore. criao [kri-YAW] - male servant cruza [ kru-SA ] verb to cross No pa ilo ta cruza el rio. They have not yet crossed the river. cuaderno [ kwa-DER-nu ] noun noteboo, Ta compra yo mga cuaderno todo e/ afio. T buy notebooks every year. ep? Cuadrao [ kwa-DRAW ] adj. square Cuadrao el cuarto. The room is square-shaped. cuadro [ ku-wa-DRU ] noun picture frame Pone tu el retrato na cuadro. Put the picture in the frame. NE cuando [ KWAN-du ] adv.; also pag ; when Cuando di llega ilos, di lama yo con tigo. I will call you when they arrive. de vez en cuando - at times, sometimes cuanto [ ku-WAN-tu ] interrogative pron. how many, how much Cuanto pedazo de carne tu ta coce? 5 How many pieces of meat are you cooking cuarenta [ kwa-REN-ta ] num. - forty Cuarenta ajios ya elj ta trabaja na govierno. He has worked in the government for forty years. as yh cuarto [ ku-WAR-tu ] noun room, bedroom Ta na cuarto Papa Father is in the room. cubiertos [ ku-BYER-tus ] noun flatware Ta na comedor el mga cubiertos. The flatware are in the dining room. I cubri [ ku-BRI] verb; also: tapa [ ta-PA ] to cover No tu olvida di cubri el comida na mesa. Don't forget to cover the food on the table. —— a cubricama [ ku-bri-KA-ma ] noun bed sheet Saca tu el cubricama na aparador. Get the bed sheet from the cabinet. EE Eee cuchara [ ku-CHA-ra ] noun spoon Usa tu el cuchara grande para mezcla. Use the big spoon for mixing. CC cuchillo [ cu-CHIL-yu } noun knife Mapurol ya el cuchillo. The knife is already blunt. cucharita [ ku-cha-RI-ta ] noun teaspoon Donde tu ya pone el cucharita? Where did you put the teaspoon? cuello [ ku-WEL-yu ] noun collar Tiene sucio na tu cuello. There is dirt on your collar. sss cuenta [ KWEN-ta ] noun value, use No hay cuenta esi! It’s of no value! hace cuenta - verb - to compute SSS cuento [ KWEN-tu ] noun story Bonito el cuento de/ sobrina tuyo. The story of your niece is beautiful. ad cuero [ KWE-ru ] noun leather Ta vesti eli su zapatos de cueru. She is wearing her leather shoes. —— cuida [ kwi-DA ] verb to take care Ta cuida eli con su hermana menor. She takes care of her younger sister. culda [ kul-DA } verb to remember No yo ta culda si cosa tu ya habla. I don’t remember what you said. dale culda - to remind cuidao [ kwi-DAW ] adj. careful Cuidao tu cuando tu ta maneja. Be careful when you drive, eee eeeee eee cumpleaiio [ kum-pli-AN-yu } noun birthday Manana el cumpleatio de mi amigo. Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. ———“E culebra [ ku-LE-bra ] noun : snake Fuerte el veneno del culebra. \\ Snake poison is strong. curioso [ ku-RYO-su ] adj., adv. strange, strangely Curioso eli platica, He speaks strangely. eee el letra d SSS dale [ DA-li] verb to give Ya dale elj con migo un libro. She gave me a book. dale come ~to feed; dale sabe ~ to infor, dale cuida ~ to take care of; dale muda to dress up someone; dale toma ~ to make someone drink; dale conoci ~ to introduce someone; dale vende ~ to sell; dale f-ende — to teach dale hervi - to boil (something liquid) oe de [di] prep. of, from De Manila niso maestro. Our teacher is from Manila SS debe [ DE-bi } helping verb should, must Debe niso ama con Dios. We should love God debe [ DE-bi ] noun debt Tiene eli mucho debe. He has many debts. debe [ di-BI ] verb to owe Grande eli ya debe na banco. He owed the bank a lot. decora [ di-ko-RA ] verb decorate Sabe decora el casa mi hermana. My sister knows how to decorate the house. dedo [ DE-du } noun finger Largo su mga dedo. . Her fingers are tapering (long). as dedo de pies [ DE-du di pi-YES ] noun toes Sucio el mga dedo de su pies. His toes are dirty. deja [ di-JA] verb leave Ya deja aqui mi amigo su cuaderno.. My friend left his notebook here. derecha [ di-RE-cha | adj. right Ta na derecha de tuyo e! comedor. The dining room is at your right. ee derecha [ di-re-CHA ] verb to go straight to the point Derecha ya tu si cosa tu quiere habla. Please go straight to the point with what you want to say. derecho [ de-RE-chu ] adj. straight Anda tu derecho hasta na canto. Go straight ahead up to the corner. despacio [ dis-PA-CIO } adv. slowly Despacio e/j camina. He walks slowly, SS despues [ dis-PUES ] adv. after, afterwards also: el cabando Di veni mi tia aqui despues del misa. My aunt will come here after the mass. SS detras [ di-TRAS ] adv. behing 7a na detras de tuyo el batio. The bathroom is at your back. oo eeeeeeSSSssFa di [di ] helping verb to denote futurity Di anda niso na misa na Domingo. We will go to mass on Sunday. OO dia [ DI-ya] noun 5 day Ta anda Mama na plaza todo el dia. Mother goes to market every day. ee diancina [ di-an-Sl-na } adv. this/that way Di ancina tu hace esi. Do it this way. diecinueve [ di-si-NWE-bi ] num. nineteen Diecinueve afios ya mi primo. My cousin is already nineteen years old. dieciocho [ di-si-O-cho | num. eighteen Ya recibi eli dieciocho rosas. She received eighteen roses. dieciseis { di-si-seys | num. sixteen Dieciseis arios no mas eli. He is only sixteen years old. diecisiete [ di-si-sye-t) ] num. seventeen Diecisiete mi favorito numero. My favorite number is seventeen. dientes [ di-VEN-tis | noun tooth, teeth Mucho ya su dientes bulok. xp Many of his teeth are decayed. diez [ di-YES } num a Diez pesos esi mamon. That cake costs ten pesos. diferente [ di-fe-REN-ti | adj.; also: otro different Diferente sistema tu usa Use a different way. dinero [ di-NE-ru } noun; also: cen, cuarta money Mucho dinero tiene eli na su bolsa He has lots of money in his pocket. | direccion [ di-tek-SYON ] noun directio, No sabe eli segui na mga direccion. n He does not know how to follow directions. disgustao [ dis-gus-TAW ] adj. disappointey Disgustao yo na resu/a del eleccion. am disappointed with the results of the election, es diversion [ di-ber-SYON ] noun diversio, No bueno diversion e/ juego. Gambling is not a good diversion. oo dobla [ du-BLA ] verb to fold Dobla tu bueno esi manta. Fold the blanket well. —- ~~. doble [ DO-ble ] adj. double Doble el interes que ta paga eli na su debe. He pays double interest for his debt. —— doce [ DO-si ] num. twelve Sabe conta el muchacho hasta doce no mas. The boy knows how to count up to twelve only. — docena [ do-SE-na ] noun dozen Ya trae Remy un docena de flores. Remy brought a dozen flowers. r doctor | dok-TOR } noun masc docto Poco ya lang el mga doctor na barr There are only a few doctors in the barrio. ‘or doctora - noun fem. - female doct dolor [ do-LoR } noun pain, ache 7@ suffi eli bueno de dolor. He is suffering much from pain dolor de cabeza - headache dolor de estomago - stomach ache dolor de espaldas - back ache dolor de pecho - chest pain a Domingo [ du-ming-gu ] noun Sunday Ta pasea niso todo el Domingo. We go out every Sunday. donde [ DON-di] adv. where Donde ta alla ef mga /lave? Where are the keys? dormi [ dur-MI ] verb to sleep Ta dormi eli na suelo. He sleeps on the floor. duele [ DWE-li } adj. painful Duele e/ herida que tiene eli. The wound he has is painful. duele [ du-LI] verb to hurt, to ache Ta duele mi dientes. My tooth aches. a dulce [ DUL-si ] adj. sweet Dulce e/ platanos que ya compra Marco The bananas Maricor bought are sweet. ee duro [ DU-ru ] adj. ' hard Duro el cabeza de/ muchacha. The girl is hard-headed (stubborn). a el letra e eee nee ene e eee eee eee echa [i-cha] verb to throw, to put Ya echa eli el libro na ventana. He threw the book outside the window echa fuera - to drive someone away ere ere edad [i-DAD ] noun age Ya olvida ya mi lola su edad. My grandmother has already forgotten her age. oe eee eee tt 200d e aun eneeeeee el [el] art. the Ta alli ef hombre flaco. The thin man is there. ————C—C“‘#EE empeza [im-pi-SA ] verb; also umpisa to begin Ya empeza ya i/os trabaja. They already started to work. eee mee eee eee ee empresta [im-pris-TA } verb; also: presta to borrow Ta empresta tu primo el libro. Your cousin is borrowing the book ee empuja [ im-pu-HA ] verb; also: rempuja to push Para ya tu di empuja! Stop pushing! encima de [ in-SI-ma di/e] prep. on top of Ta na encima del mesa el cuchillo. The knife is on top of the table. i encontra [ in-kun-TRA ] verb to fing Sino tu di busca, no tu di encontra. If you do not search, you will not find any. TT Enero [ e-NE-ru] noun January Cumpleano de eli na Enero. His birthday is on January. i —_ enfermo [ in/im-PER-mu ] adj. sick Enfermo yo ayer. I was sick yesterday. eee eee eee enfrente de [ in/m-PREN-ti ] adv. in front of Tiene tienda ilo enfrente de/ escuela. They have a store in front of the school. enjagua [ ing-ha-GWA] verb to rinse Enjagua tu muna el ropa bago tu hace sampay. Rinse the clothes first before you hang them. ensalada [ in-sa-LA-da ] noun salad Usa tu gulay fresco na ensalada. Use fresh vegetables in the salad. 46 en seguida [ jn si-Gl-da | adv right omer Ya veni eli en seguida cuando ya Naina tu con eli He came right away when you called him. ensefia [ in-si-NYA | verb to teach Bueno ensefia e/ maestra de Carmen. Carmen's teacher teaches well ensuga [ in-su-GA | verb; to hang clothes also: hace sampay Ya ensuga ya Naty el mga ropa para seca. Naty has already hanged the clothes for drying. entende [ in-tin-DI | verb to understand Ta entende nisos si cosa eli quiere habla. We understand what he wants to say. entero [ in-TE-ru | adj whole Entero dia niso ya espera con eli. We have waited the whole day for him. entra [ in-TRA ] verb to enter Ya entra ya su mama na casa andenantes pa. His mother already entered the house a while ago. entrada [ in-TRA-da ] noun entrance Ta alli na delante el entrada del escuela. The entrance of the school is there in front. escalera [ is-ka-LE-ra ] noun staircase Tiene dos escalera el casa de mi amigo. My friend’s house has two staircases. escoba [ is-KO-ba ] noun broom Usa tu el escoba nuevo para barre. Use the new broom for sweeping. x s ee eee eee escoge [ is-ku-HI ] verb to choose Fscoge tu bueno el pescao tu ta compra. Choose carefully the fish you are buying. esconde [ is-kun-DI ] verb to hide Ta esconde e/ criminal con el mga pulis. The criminal is hiding from the police. escribi [ is-kri-BI ] verb to write Bonito eli escribi mga carta. She writes letters beautifully. escucha [ is-ku-CHA ] verb to peep Ya escucha muna eli na puerta bago eli ya entra. He peeped first at the door before he entered escuela [ is-KWE-la ] noun school Chiquito no mas niso escuela. Our school is indeed small. kaescuela - classmate ese [ E-si] pron. Dale tu con migo ese libro. Give me that book, that (nearby) espaldas [ is-Paldas ] noun back fa duele mj espaldas. Y back aches, espejo Cis-PE-hu Quebrao Thi aan mirror ¥a el espejo na bario. © mirror in the bathroom is already broken. espera Lis-pi-Ra ] verb Espera tu su contestacion. Wait for his answer. to wait espinas [is-Pl-nas ] noun Mucho espinas e/ rosas. The rose has many thorns. thorns, fish bones esta [ is-TA] verb to be Como esta tu mama? How is your mother? estacion [ is-ta-SYON } noun station Donde esta e/ estacion del bus? Where is the bus station? este [ ES-ti] pron. this Di anda niso na aplaya este semana. We are going to the beach this week. ee estira [ is-ti-RA ] verb to pull, to stretch No tu estira el mikati.. Do not pull the rope. estrella [ is-TREL-ya ] noun star Mucho mga estrella ta na cielo ahora la noche. ;_, There are many stars in the sky tonight. N - a 7 estudia [ is-tu-DYA] verb to study Estudia tu bueno para pasa. You should study well to pass. estudiante [ is-tu-DYAN-ti ] noun students Temprano ta entra e/ mga estudiante na escuela. The students go to school early. ee estupido [ is-TU-pi-du } adj.; stupid also: bobo, tanga, gago No estupido su hermano mayor. His older brother is not stupid. —_ esse examen [ ek-SA-min ] noun test Ya saca Pedro el examen ayer. Pedro took the test yesterday. explica [ is-pli-KA ] verb to explain Pronto eli ya explica el resulta del experimento He easily explained the results of the experiment. extrafia [ is-tra-NYA | verb to wonder Ta extrafia e/ tata na costumbre de su hijo. The father is wondering about his son’s behavior. el letra f ee fabrica [ PA-bri-ka ] noun . factory Mucho el mga trabajador na fabrica. There are many workers in the factory. fabrica [ pa-bri-KA ] verb to make up Pronto eli fabrica mga cuento. He easily makes up stories. falda [ p/fal-da] noun _ skirt Largo el falda que ta vest! eli. The skirt she is wearing is long- falso [ F/PAL-su ] adj. false Ya trae elf inoticia falso. He brought false news. familia [ f/pa-MIL-ya ] noun family Grande el familia de mi lolo. My grandfather's family is large. farmacia [ par-MA-sya ] noun drug store Ta na en frente del plaza e/ farmacia. The drug store is in front of the market. ite favorito [ pa-bu-RI-tu] adj. ene Jose e/ favorito de/ maestro. Jose is the teacher's favorite. Febrero [ pe-BRE-ru ] noun February Na Febrero el Dia del Corazon. Valentine Day is on February. ee feo [ PE-yu ] adj. masc. ugly Feo e/ hombre pero bueno su costumbre. His friend is ugly but he has good manners. fea - adj. fem. feria [ PE-rya ] noun fair Mucho gente ta anda na mga feria. Many people go to fairs. ee fiebre [pi-YE-bri] noun; see calintura fever fiesta [ p/fi-YES-ta | noun feast day, holiday Alegre aqui con niso pag fiesta. It is happy here during holidays fija [ pi-HA] verb to sort out, to imagine No puede eli fija si quilaya ya pasa. He could not fathom what happened. fila [ Pla] noun line Te hace ilo fila bago entra. They line before entering. ee firme [ F/PIR-mi ] adv. always Firme eli ta reclama. He always complains. ee fogon [ pu-GON ] noun; also cocinilla stove Paga ya tu el fogon. Please turn off the stove. SSS frei [ f/pri ] verb; also: hace frito to fry Frei tu el juevos para na almuerzo. Fry the eggs for breakfast. fresh, airy fresco [ PRES-ku ] adj. Fresco e/ mga gulay que na mesa. The vegetables on the table are fresh. ————— ea frigider [ pri-gi-DER ] noun refrigertor Tiene agua frio na frigider. There is cold water in the refrigerator. — frio [ P/FRI-yu ] adj. cold Ta senti yo frio. I feel cold. frito | F/pri-tu | noun fried fish $aca nga tu el frito na cocina. Please get the fried fish from the kitchen. carne frito - fried meat fuego [ pu-WE-go | noun > ule Grande ya el fuego t i The fire is already big. - fuerte [ pu-WER-ti ] adj. suo Fuerte ya ba el paciente para pode camina? Is the patient already strong enough to walk. fuma [ pu-MA ] verb to smoke No ta fuma mi papa. My father does not smoke. futuro [ fu-TU-ru ] noun future No hay quien que sabe si cosa niso di queda na futuro. Nobody knows what will become of us in the future. el letra 9 See re OU EE gago [ GA-gu } adj. dumb, stupi, also: estupido, tanga, bobo Gago talaga su kaescuela.. His classmate is really stupid. gallina [ gal-YI-na ] noun; also: manok hen Mucho gallina ta cuida mi lola. My grandmother takes care of many hens. g gallo { GAL-yu |] noun; also: tandang Muerto ya el viejo gallo. The old rooster is already dead. oe rooste; gana [ ga-NA] verb win, gain Ya gana eli na bingo. He won in the bingo game. gana [ GA-na ] noun appetite No hay eli gana de come. He has no appetite to eat. garganta [ gar-GAN-ta ] noun throat Ta duele su garganta. His throat hurts. gasolina [ ga-su-L-na ] noun gasoline Masyao caro el gasoline ahora. Gasoline is very expensive nowadays. gatito [ ga-TI-tu } noun kitten Ya encontra nisos un gatito na calle. We found a kitten on the street. gato [ GA-tu] noun Sy at Tiene un gato grande mi vecino. Yagh6% My neighbor has a big cat. ay” gente [ HEN-ti ] noun people Mucho gente na parque anoche. There were many people at the park last night. gisa [ gi-SA] verb to sauté Gisa tu muna el cebollas bago el tomates. Sauté the onions first before the tomatoes. gigante [ hi-GAN-ti ] noun giant Como gigante eli de grande. He is big like a giant. golpea [ gul-PYA ] verb to whip Ya golpea e! mama con e/ muchacho pillo ayer. The mother whipped the naughty boy yesterday. gracias [ gra-SYAs }] noun thank, Debe dale tu gracias con tu mayores. You should give thanks to your parents. ee graciosa [ gra-SyO-sa ] adj. fem. gracefy Graciosang-graciosa e/ bunso de ilos. Their youngest daughter is very graceful. gracioso - adj. masc. $s grande [ GRAN-di ] adj. big, great Grande e/ casa de ilosi. Their house is bid. grandor - noun - bigness, largeness, size engrandece - verb - to boast, to be proug of tin at are ety tempers ora Gratis [ GRA-tis ] adj. see libre; free also: no hay pago rr en pli tn eee grita [ gri-TA] verb to shout Recio grita el criatura. The child shouts heartily. res chit tinggi grueso [ gru-WE-su ] adj. thick Grueso el bigote de! hombre. The man has a thick moustache. 58 apo [ GWA-pu/z e handsome, guapo [ GWA-pu/a | adj. masc goodlooking Guapo e/ tata de Pedro. Pedro's father is handsome. . guapa - adj. fem. - beautiful guarda [ guar-DA] verb to keep Ya manda yo guarda mi cen con ell. T asked him to keep my money. a guardia [ GWAR-dya ] noun guard Nuevo el guardia de niso escuela. The guard of our school is new. guardia [ gwar-DYA | verb to guard Ta guardia ilo bueno el mga cosa na museo. They guard the things in the museum very well. guerra [ GER-ra ] noun war Tiene guerra na Iraq ahora. There is a war in Iraq now. gulay [ gu-LAY ] noun vegetables Bueno el gulay para na cuerpo. Vegetables are good for the body. > oO @y - guna vez [ gu-na VES] adv. sometim ; es, attimes ” Guna vez ta visita niso con m/ lola. Sometimes, we visit my grandmother, ee gusano [ gu-SA-nu ] noun worm Mucho gusano ta na ponu de guyabas. There are many worms on the guava tree. ey gusta [ gus-TA ] verb . to like Ta gusta tu bueno e/ cafe. You like coffee very much. rr gusto [ GUS-tu ] noun liking, pleasure Con mucho gusto! With much pleasure! ee el letra h ee haber [ a-BER ] expletive Haber, mira niso si cosa di pasa. Well, let’s see what will happen. well eS habichuelas [ a-bi-CHUWE-las ] noun beans Barato el mga habichuelas ahora. Beans are cheap nowadays. eS habla [ a-BLA] verb to say, to tell Habla nga tu con tu amigo para ya eli. Please tell your friend to stop. a ke eee ee ne ee teeta hace [ a-SI] verb to make Di hace yo el cuenta luego. I will do the computation later. Idioms with hace: hace caso to pay attention hace pronto to hurry hace miedo to scare hace hukay to dig a hole hace vale-wala to ignore, to make null and void hace laga to boil (something solid) hace habol to run after hace loco to deceive hace ulit to repeat hace bantay to guard hace baja to lower hace pukpok — to hammer hace gaya to imitate hace tawad to haggle hace dagdag__to add Note: hace is used in combination with many Spanish and Tagalog words to form idiornatic expressions or to facilitate meaning. ——___ Bred now f VU ee halta [ hal-TA ] verb; to get one’s filj also: masawa [ ma-SA-wa } Di halta ustedes na comida pag fiesta aqui. You will get your fili during feast days here. haltao — past part. ~ filled, full Pee ee see ged et vine hambre [ AM-bri ] noun hungry Con hambre ya e/ muchacho. The boy is already hungry. hambre [ HAM-bri ] adj. selfish No hambre su papa. His father is not selfish. hasta [ AS-ta ] prep. until Di reza yo con Dios hasta que yo muere. IT will pray to God until I die. hecha [i-CHA] verb to put Hecha tu el mga plato na dentro del aparador Put the plates inside the cabinet. hechura [ i-CHU-ra | noun form, looks Mira tu con el hechura de aquel mujer. Look at the form of that woman. hecho [ e-CHU ] past part. of hace done, made Hecho ya el nuevo iglesia del parroquia. The new parrish church is already made hecho derecho - -eady made pasadya .- made to order helechos [ i-le-CHO/US ] noun ferns Tiene mga helechos na jardin. There are many ferns in the garden. a hermana [ er-MA-na} noun sister No hay aqui mi mga hermana. My sisters are not here. hermano — brother hermana mayor — elder sister/sponsor in a festival hervi [ ir/I-BI ] verb to boil Dale hervi bueno el! agua antes di toma. Boil the water well before drinking it herida [ i-RI-da ] noun woung Chiquito el herida na su brazo. The wound on his arm is small. Sn hielo [ YE-lu } noun ice Tiene mucho hielo na frigider. There is plenty of ice in the refrigerator. Eee ee hierro [ YER-ru ] noun iron Tiene kalawang el puerta de hierro. The iron door is rusty. ee, hijada [ i-HA-da ] noun fem. goddaughter Eli hijada mio She is my goddaughter. hijao [ i-HAW ] noun masc. — godson hijo [ I-hu ] noun masc son No ilo ya tiene hijo ni hija. They did not have any son nor daughter hija [ I-ha ] noun fem.— daughter. SSS hilera [ i-LE-ra ] noun; also linea row Ta senta na segunda hilera niso mga kaescuela. Our classmates are sitting in the second row. hilo | Hl-lu] noun Tope Quiere yo un hilo largo. T need a long piece of rope. mahilo - verb - to faint hinca [ hing-KA ] verb to kneel Ta hinca ilo na dentro del iglesia. They kneel inside the church. Fe historia [ is-TO-rya ] noun story, history Bonito el historia del vida de Rizal. The story of Rizal's life is colorful. hocico [ u-SI-ku ] noun snout Largo el hocico de! puerco. The snout of the pig is long. hojas [ O-has ] noun leaf, leaves Grande e/ mga hojas del aquel ponu. The leaves of that tree are big. hombre [ OM-bri ] noun man Alto-alto el mga hombre na familia de ilos. The men in their family are very tall. hombro [ OM-bru ] noun shoulder Ancho el hombro de/ mga Americano. Americans have broad shoulders. hondo t HON-du ] adj. deep pone e/ poso que ta na solar. © well in the yard is deep. Ee hora [ O-ra } noun time Cosa hora tu ya llega? What time did you arrive. hormigas [ ul-MI-gas ] noun ant/s Tiene mucho hormigas na pon de manga. There are many ants on the mango tree. hormiguia [ ul-mi-GYA ] verb — to be infested with ants a hoyo [ HO-yu ] noun hole Ya hace hukay ilo un heyo grande. They dug a big hole. rn huerfano [ hu-WER-fa/pa-nu ] noun orphan Huerfano aque! kaescuela mio. That classmate of mine is an orphan. hueso [ hu-WE-su ] noun bone Ta come hueso el mga perro. Dogs eat bones. 66 huevos [ hu-WE-bus ] noun aad Ya compra Mama un docena de huevos. Mother bought a dozen eggs. huevos duro — hard boiled eggs huevos malasao - soft boiled eggs huevos salao — salted eggs : huevos frito — fried eggs By humido [ U-mi-du ] adj. wet, damp Humido aqui con _nisos. It is humid here in our place. humo [ U-mu ] noun smoke Ya llega e! humo na kalan. The smoke came from the stove. eee el letra i iglesia [i-GLE-sya] noun church Ta anda ilos na iglesia todo el Domingo. D They go to church every Sunday. igual [ i-GWAL } adj.; also: pareho the same, equa) Igual ta trata su madre con todo su mga hijo. Their mother treats all her children equally. imagen [ i-MA-gen ] noun image Bonito el imagen de la Virgen na iglesia. The image of the Virgin in the church is beautiful imita [i-mi-TA ] verb to imitate Trabajo imita el voz de aquel cantor. It is difficult to imitate the voice of that singer importancia [ im-por-TAN-sya ] noun importance Ta dale masyao importancia e/ maestro na gramatica. The teacher gives much importance to grammar. importante [ m-por-TAN-ti ] adj. important Importante sabe el historia de niso nacion. It is important to know the history of our country. imposible [ im-po-SI-ble ] adj impossible Imposible venj eli aqui na este Nora. 5 hour It is impossible for him to come here at this hour. imprenta [ im-PREN-ta ] noun printing press Mucho mga libro ta hace na imprenta de 10s. Many books are made in their printing press. impresta [ im-pris-TA ] verb; to borrow, to lend also: presta Impresta naman tu libro. Please lend me your book. ene ee ness nes OO ane tee incendi [ in-sin-DI ] verb to light up Pedi incendi el luz na cuarto. Please turn on the lights in the room. ee reser eee eae eee eee incendio [ n-SEN-dyu } noun fire, conflagration Ya tiene un incendio grande aqui e/ afio pasao. There was a big fire here last year. inclui [ ing-klu-WI ] verb to include Ya inclui yo tu nombre na programa. T included your name in the program. indica [in-di-kA } verb to indicate Indica tu bueno e/ precio del mga materiales que, usa. Indicate well the prices of the materials to be used eee eee indigestion [ n-di-hes-TYON ] noun indigestion Indigestion el resulta del masyao mucho comida Indigestion is the result of too much eating. a infeccion [ in/m-pek-SYON ] noun infection Mas grave ta queda el infeccion de su herida The infection of his wound is getting worse. eS ee infierno [ im-PYER-nu ] noun hell Na infierno di anda todo e/ gente malo. The bad people will go to hell. influencia [ im-plu-WEN-sya ] noun influence Tiene buen el influencia del padre con su hijo. The father has a good influence over his son. ee ingeniero [ in-hi-NYE-ru ] noun engineer Ingeniero e/ amigo mio. My friend is an engineer. insecto [ in-SEK-tu ] noun insect Ya mata mucho insecto e/ jardinero na solar. The gardener killed many insects in the yard. 70 insulto [ in-SUL-tu } noun insult Insulto para niso el que ya hace eli. What he did was an insult for us. inteligente [ in-te-li-HEN-ti | adj. intelligent Inteligente talaga niso profesor. Our professor is really intelligent. ee intencion [I n-ten-SYON ] noun intention Bueno su intencion cuando ya platica eli con e! alcalde. His intention was good when he spoke with the mayor. SSS interes [ in-te-RES ] noun interest No hay yo interes na mga coche. I do not have any interest in cars. interesa - [ in-te-re-SA ] - verb - to be interested interesao ~ [ in-te-re-SAW ] - adj. - interested intimo [ IN-ti-mu } adj. intimate, close Jose e/ amigo intimo mio Jose is my close friend inventa [ im-ben-TA ] verb to invent Trabajo inventa mga cosa que no verdad. It is difficult to invent things that are not true. invita [ im-bi-TA ] verb to invite Invita tu con tu mga amigo na tu cumpleario. You invite your friends on your birthday. ee iodo [ yo-DU ] noun iodine Pone tu iodo na tu herida kaagad. Put iodine on your wound immediately. EE ee izquierda [ is-KYER-da ] adj. left Ta na izquierda del calle niso casa. Our house is on the left side of the street. —_erineiote if new peed com dS ~ 8 el letra j jabon [ ha-BON | noun soap Tiene Jabon na bajfio. There is soap in the bathroom. jalea [ ha-LE-ya ] noun jelly Sabroso el jalea de pifia que ya hace tu mama. The pineapple jelly that your mother made is delicious. jamon [ ha-MON ] noun ham Ya coce niso Jamon para el celebracion de! Aro Nuevo. We cooked ham for New Year's celebration jardin [ har-DIN ] noun garden Tiene mucho flores na mi jardin. There are many flowers in my garden jardinero [ har-di-NE-ru ] noun garden Bueno cuida ponu el jardinero ae ilos. Their gardener takes good care of plants. jaula [ HAW-la ] noun cage Ta na jaula el mynah de sana Benjie. Benjie’s mynah bird is inside a cage Jazmin [ has-MIN ] noun jasmine Oloroso e/ flores del jazmin. The jasmine flower is fragrant. ee Jefe [ HE-fi] noun chief, heag Ta llega temprano firme el jefe del oficina. The head of the office always arrives early. eee Joven [ HO-ben } adj. young Joven pa mi tio cuando eli ya muere. My uncle was still young when he died. —. A Juego [ hu-WE-gu ] noun game Mucho clase de juego tiene na el computer. There are many games in the computer. a ee eee Jueves [ hu-WE-bes } noun Thursday Di llega Mario aqui na Jueves a /a tarde. Mario will arrive here on Thursday afternoon. juez [ hu-WES ] noun judge Buen hombre e/ Juez que ta conoce yo. The judge whom I know is a good man. juga [hu-GA] verb to play Ta juga Purita mahjong todo el dia. Purita plays mahjong every day. jugador [ hu-ga-DOR | noun player, gambler Trabajo queda un jugador. It is hard to be a gambler. juguete [ hu-GE-ti ] noun ad Ta guarda el muchacho mga juguete na cajon The boy keeps his toys in the box. ‘P= juicio [ hu-WI-syu ] noun reason, maturity Hasta ahora no hay pa rin eli juicio. Up to now, he has not yet matured. Junio [ HU-nyu ] noun June Ta abri el mga clase na Junio. Classes start on June. eee ee eee eee junta [ hun-TA] verb to save Ta Junta ilo cen para planta un casa. They are saving money to build a house. junto [ HUN-tu } adv together Junto niso casa na estacion del bus. Our house is near the bus station. jura [ hu-RA] verb to swear Ta Jura Maria que verdad e/ que ta habla eli. Maria swears that she is telling the truth. justa [ hus-TA] verb to fit Justa tu el gastos na sueldo tuyo. Fit your expenses with your salary. ce justicia [ hus-T1S-sya ] noun justice Debe tiene justicia na todo lugar. There should be justice everywhere. a ene justo [ HUS-tu ] adj. enough, correct Justo e/ cuenta del cajera. The cashier’s computation is correct. —— juzga [ hus-GA ] verb to judge, to rate Dj juzga Dios con todo na fin del mundo. God will judge everyone at the end of the world. Ee 76 el letra k kabali [ ka-BA-li ] verb; also: kasali__ to join, to belong Kabali ba tu na niso grupo? Do you belong to our group? eee NS GN eNO kaescuela [ ka-is-KWE-la ] noun classmate Sabi platica Chabacano el mga kaescuela 1/0. My classmates know how to speak Chabacano. es kalawang [ ka-LA-wang ] noun rust Mucho kalawang el techo de ilo casa. The roof of their house is very rusty. a kaliwete [ ka-li-WE-+ti ] adj. left-handed Kaliwete ya hace pare con mi sobrina. My niece was born left-handed. ie kasi [ ka-SI] conj. see casi re ee en aR Ra En ES EEO katakata [ka-ta-KA-ta] verb; to bother, to meddle used with hace No tu hace katakata de platica con eli. Don't bother to talk to him katakatero - noun - meddler Kilo [ KI-lu } noun kilo Ta necesita yo un kilo de azucal. T need a kilo of sugar. ee kilometro [ ki-lo-ME-tru ] noun kilometer Mga dos kilometro pa iso di viaja. We will travel around two kilometers more- a 78 el letra ' lado/lao [ LA-do/LAW ] adv. side Ta na otro lao de! calle el hospital. The hospital is on the other side of the street. bark ladra [ la-DRA ] verb Recio ladra el perro de mi vecino. My neighbor's dog barks loudly. SS ladron [ la-DRON ] noun thief Ya coge el mga pulis con el ladron. The policemen caught the thief. ee laga [ LA-ga] noun boiled meat dish Ya coce eli laga para niso cena. She cooked a boiled meat dish for our supper. hace laga — to boil something solid lagrimas [ LA-gri-mas | noun tears Mucho lagrimas ya cae con el viuda. The widow shed many tears. la mita [la mi-TA ] adj half La mita no mas del comida ya caba. Only half of the food was consumed. lai mpara [ LAM-pa-ra ] noun lamp Usa tu el lampara cuando no hay corriente. Use the lamp during current failures. aE lanceta [ lan-SE-ta ] noun; also: laceta pen knife Tiene ya kalawang su lanceta. His pen knife is already rusty- a lang [lang] adv.; also: no mas only Poco azucal lang tu pone na café. Put only a little sugar in the coffee. lapida [ LA-pi-da ] noun tombstone Ya manda ilo hace un lapida para su /olo. They had a tombstone made for their grandfather, lapis [ LA-pis ] noun pencil Nuevo tasao el mga lapis mio. My pencils are newly sharpened. larga [ lar-GA] verb to let go Ya larga ya eli su pelo. She unbraided her hair. largo [ LAR-go | adj. eee Largo ya su urias pero no quiere pa ell corta aa His nails are already long but he still does not wa to cut them. largor - noun - length lastima [ LAS-ti-ma ] noun pity No mas tu ya tiene lastima con el pobre pulubi. You did not even pity the poor beggar. lastimadura [ las-ti-ma-DU-ra ] noun; wound also: herida Ya tarda bago queda bueno su lastimadura. It took a long time for his wound to heal. lata [ LA-ta ] noun tin can Ya buta ya yo el lata de sardines. T already threw out the can of sardines. also; lata [ la-TA | verb — to feel lousy malata [ ma-la-TA ] adj. — mushy latigo [ LA-ti-gu ] noun whip Viejo ya el latigo del cochero. The horseman’s whip is already old. ee ee eee eee ee eee lati [ la-TI] verb to ache Ta lati mi pies. My foot aches. lava [la-BA] verb to wash Lava nga tu el mga ropa sucio. Please wash the dirty clothes. hace babad - verb - to soak kula - verb - to blanch enjagua - verb ~ to rinse ensuga - verb - to hang eli ag a aeons Se SE lavabo [ la-BA-bu ] noun wash stand Tiene jabon alli na ta’ vabo. There is soap in the sink. _badest oe ona bones 5 lavandera [ la-ban-DE-ra ] noun laundrywoman Bueno lava niso ropa e/ lavandera. The laundrywoman washes our clothes well. leccion [ lek-SYON ] noun lesson Ta pasa niso trabajo con e! We are having a difficult tim nuevo leccion. e with the new lesson. leche [ LE-chi ] noun milk Ta toma leche el muchacho todo el dia. The boy drinks milk every day. also: [ le-CHE ] - curse word - darn it, damn you lechera [ le-CHE-ra ] curse word a bad woman vaca lechera — milking cow, sugar daddy/mommy 82 techon [ li-CHON ] noun roasted pig Grande el lechon que ya compra ustedes. The roasted pig you bought is big. sper lechugas [ li-CHU-gas ] noun let Fresco el lechugas na palengke. The lettuce in the market is fresh. gompoeerree ie ee 8 lee [LE] verb to read No sabe pa lee el mga estudiante na primer grado. The pupils in the first grade do not know how to read yet. lejos [ le-HUS ] adj. far Lejos ba ustedes casa? Is your house far? lengua [ leng-GWA } noun tongue Ta hace niso estofao el lengua de vaca. We make a stew out of the cow’s tongue. lenguaje [ eng-gwa-HI ] noun language Cosa-cosa lenguaje tu sabe habla? What languages do you speak? lente [ LEN-ti ] noun lens Sucio el lente de tu gafas. The lens of your eye glasses is dirty. len t ena [ LEN-ya ] noun firewoog No mas niso ta usa lefia pag ta coce. We do not use firewood anymore when we coor ee letra [ LE-tra ] noun letter Hace tu grande el primer letra de tu nombre. Capitalize the first letter of your name. a levanta [ |i-ban-TA ] verb to get up Tarde ya levanta su pape este temprano. His father got up late this morning. eer law ley [ LEY] noun Tiene mucho ley el ciudad para controla el trafic. The city has many laws on traffic control. a libertad [ li-ber-TAD } noun freedom No hay niso libertad del tiempo de Japon. We did not have any freedom during the Japa: time. a libra [ LI-bra ] noun pound Compra tu un libra de mantequilla na tienda. Please buy a pound of butter at the store. ee libre [ LI-bri] adj. also: gratis,no hay pago free No hay mas ta dale libre ahora. Nothing is given free nowadays. libreta [ li-BRE-ta] noun passbook No tu hace perde esi libreta tuyo. Do not lose that passbook of yours. libro [ L-bru} noun book Mucho yo libro puede tu empresta. \\ I have many books you can borrow. Oo licencia [ li-SEN-sya ] noun license Debe tu tiene licencia para maneja el coche. You must have a license to drive a car. lider [ U-der ] noun leader Quien el lider de ustede grupo? Who is the leader of your group? lila [ LI-la] noun/adj. violet Tiene mga orquidea lila ta vende na plaza. Thera are violet orchids for sale in the market... limita [ li-mi-TA } verb to limit Limita tu el comida de/ gordura de puerco. You should limit your eating of the fat portion of pork. limitao - past part. - limited fimon [ li-MON ] noun lemon Agrio el limon pero mas e/ calamanst. Lemon is acidic but lime is more so. eee limpia [ lim-PYA ] verb to clean Limpia bueno tu zapatos bago tu entra na Casa. Clean your shoes well before you go inside the house. . limpia bota — shoe shine boy a limpio [ LIM-pyu j adj. clean Limpio firme su cuarto. His room is always clean. rs linea [ LIN-ya] noun line Derecho el linea ya hace eli. He drew a straight line. liquid liquido [ LI-ki-du ] noun Liquido el medicina que ta toma e/ muchacha. The medicine the girl drinks is in liquid form. lirio [ LIR-yu ] noun lily Trabajo crece mga lirio aqui na mi jardin. It is difficult to grow lilies here in my garden 86 LiI-su ] adj. smooth Liso e/ mga muebles que ya hace e/ carpintero. The pieces of furniture that the carpenter did are iso | smooth. jista [ LIS-ta] noun list Guarda tu el lista del mga tiene debe cen con tigo. Keep the list of those who owe you money. also: [lis-TA] verb - to list czevns jisto [ LIS-tu ] adj., masc. smart male Masyao listo el bunso de Maricor. Maricor’s youngest child is very smart. lista [ LIS-ta ] adj., fem. - smart female OS fitro [ LI-tru ] noun liter Caro ahora un litro de gasolina. A liter of gasoline costs much nowadays. ee lobo [ LO-bu ] noun balloon Mucho lobo ta dale vende pag fiesta. Many balloons are sold during holidays. Se loco [ LO-ku | adj./noun insane Como loco eli si ta platica. He speaks like an insane person. hace loco - to joke, to tease loco-loco - an insane person locura - jest, insanity, inanity 'odo [ LO-du] noun mud Ta queda todo el calle el cabando Muve. The road becomes muddy after it rains. a logra [lu-GRA] verb to enjoy Ta logra eli su suerte. He enjoys his luck. a lona [ LO-na ] noun canvas Lona ta usa el mga boy scouts para Na tent de ilos The boy scouts use canvas for their tents. os longaniza [ lung-ga-NI-sa ] noun sausage Sabroso el mga longaniza que ta hace tu tia. The sausages that your aunt makes are delicious. ee loro [ LO-ru] noun Parrot Sabe platica el loro de mi vecino. My neighbor's parrot knows how to talk. a lote [ LO-ti ] noun lot Grande el lote que ya puede eli compra. He was able to buy a big lot. loteria [ lo-te-RI-ya ] noun raffle, lottery Ralo el que ta gana na loteria. Winners in the lottery are rare. 88 lucha [ LU-cha ] noun shower Sabroso baria na lucha. It is nice to bathe under the shower. lucha [ lu-CHA | el cabeza - to worry deeply Iluego [ lu-WE-gu ] adv. later Anda niso luego na oficina del capitan de barangay. Let's go to the office of the barangay captain later. lugar [ lu-GAR ] noun place No sabe yo el lugar donde tu ta queda. T do not know the place where you live. lugaw [ LU-gaw ] noun gruel, mush Como lugaw el morisqueta que ya coce eli. The boiled rice she cooked is like mush. lujuria [ lu-HUR-ya ] noun lust No tiene eli lujuria na su pensamiento. He does not have lust in his mind. {lu-hur-YA] — verb - to lust after lujurioso - adj. - lusty luna [ LU-na] noun moon Luna llefia luego. It will be full moon tonight. lumbra [lum-bra | verb to join the processic, Ta lumbra el mga madre pag Viernes Santo, The nuns join the procession during Good Friday, Fea Oe Lunes [ LU-nis ] noun Monday Lunes e/ primer dia del semana. Monday is the first day of the week. es luto [ LU-tu] noun in mourning Ya vesti eli de Juto cuando ya muere su mama. She dressed in ‘nourning when her mother died. gas)” 5 luz [ lus/z ] noun light Mas claro el luz del sol que del luna. The light of the sun is much brighter than that of the moon. 90 el letra " Mama [ lya-MA] verb to call Ya Hama na telefono tu mama andenante. Your mother called by telephone a while ago. llamao - adj. - well-known, famous Ilanto/s [ LYAN-tu/s] noun cries, crying No mas ya para su Nantos modo mmri se gato. Her crying never stopped because of her cat's death. Ilave [ LYA-bi ] noun key Donde esta el Have del aparador na cuarto? Where is the key of the cabinet in the room? Mega [ lyi-GA] verb to arrive Ya llega ya el mga visita tuyo. Your guests have arrived. ena [lyi-NA] verb to fill up Llena tu e/ baso de agua. Fill the glass with water. ee eno [LYE-nu ] adj. full Lleno ya el teatro de gente. The theater is already full of people. 91 Heva | lyi-Ba J verb to carry, to bring 7a Heva yo mi mga libro na escuela todo el dia. I bring my books to school every day. a Hora [ lyu-RA ] verb to cry No tu Hora basta-basta si no hay razon. You just don’t burst crying without any reason. ee Hove [ lyu-BI] verb to rain Ta Hove recio aqui pag tiempo de aguacero. It rains hard here during the rainy season. 92 el letra m seco SES Eh ls Mee ee ma [ma ] prefix to become Ta mainis ya yo. Iam becoming irritated. used with Tagalog/Spanish nouns to convert them into verbs,e.g. gulat (surprise) to magulat ( to become surprised ), nervios (nerves ) to manervios ( to become nervous ), duda ( doubt ) to maduda ( to become doubtful ). epost mabait [ ma-ba-IT ] adj. Mabait todo el mga maestro de niso. All our teachers are kind. kind, gentle mabilis [ ma-bi-LIS ] adj. fast Mabilis eli talaga trabaja. He really works fast. macetas [ ma-SE-tas ] noun flowerpot Ya quebra el macetas na balconaje. The flowerpot in the balcony broke. machaca [ ma-cha-KA } verb to grind, to crumple Ya machaca Juan su papel del examen. Juan crumpled his test paper. machacao - past part. - crumpled Madera [ ma-De-ra ] noun wood, lumbe, Poco ya lang el mga madera que ta dale vende ahora. Only very few lumber are being sold nowadays —— eee madre [ MA-dre ] noun; mother, nun also: mama, nana Ta alla na convento todo e/ mga madre. The nuns are all in the convent. madrasta - stepmother eee madrina [ ma-DRI-na ] noun godmother Mi tia el madrina mio de mi bautiso. My aunt is my baptismal godmother. a madrugada [ ma-dru-GA-da ] noun dawn Despierto ya mi aguela pag madrugada. My grandmother is already awake at dawn. maestro [ mays-tro ] noun masc. male teacher Tarda ya ta ensena niso maestro. Our teacher has been teaching for a long time now. maestra - noun fem - female teacher mag [mag ] qualifier two related persons Ya casa ya el magnovio. The sweethearts already got married. 94 Hee E77 reer enerennaneneeareataenaanneneae maiz [ ma-IS } noun corm Mas sabroso el maiz cuando nuevo rancao. 8 Corn tastes better when newly harvested. S2 malabo [ ma-LA-bu ] adj. not clear Malabo si di pasa el estudiante que no firme ta entra. Tt is uncertain if a truant student will pass. malagradecido [ ma-la-gra-de-SI-du ] adj. ungrateful No debe queda malagradecido el mga hijo con su mga mayores. Children should not be ungrateful to their parents. SSF eee malbaratao [ mal-ba-ra-TAW ] adj. sold cheaply Malbaratao el mga cosa que ya compra eli na palengke. The things she bought from the market were sold cheaply. maldito [ mal-DI-tu ] noun masc. naughty boy, brat Maldito el sobrino chiquito de mio. My small nephew is a brat. maldita - noun fem. - naughty girl maleta [ ma-Le-ta ] noun travel bag Roto ya e/ maleta que ya lleva eli na su viaje. The travel bag that he brought in his journey is already torn. Same enn Cee een ene n eee eoe ees malhabla [ mal-a-BLA] verb to back bite No tu debe malhabla mas que con quien. Do not back bite anybody. malabo [ ma-LA-bu ] adj. not clear, blurred Matlabo el copia que tiene tu The copy you have is blurred. malicia [ ma-LI-sya ] noun malice No hay eli malicia modo habla e/ que talaga ya pasa. He had no malice in telling what really happened. malimit [ ma-LI-mit ] adj. often Malimit anda Jose sa sabungan. Jose goes to the cockpit often. malo [ MA-lu ] adj. bad Malo e/ mentiroso. It is bad to be a liar. 96

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