Catch A Hummingbird FINAL PROYECT

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National Industrial Work Training Service

National Industrial Work Training Service

MEMBERS: Yadhira Sadid Calderon Bautista

Miguel Angel Quicaño Corahua
CAREER: Administración Industrial
ISSUE: Catch a Hummingbird

Hummingbirds visit our gardens, but they are very tiny and easily spooked, so humans feel
lucky when we spot them.However, if a hummingbird gets trapped in your house, you
probably would like to capture and release it outside.

The two main ways to catch a hummingbird without hurting it are by the use of a net and cage

1. Method 1: Mist Net

This method is best done when installed in a bird’s natural habitat. Mist nets are basically
invisible to the eyes of the hummingbirds, so they are easily caught in these items.

What to prepare

 Two nets (one 6m-long and made of 24mm mesh, the other 3m-long; go for 70/2
 Poles (5-7ft)
 Hooks (made of wire)
 Feeders
 Holding bag

 Step 1: Gather all your supplies

Mist nets primarily come in three varieties: Avinet, Japanese, and Ecotone. Note that you are
required to send a copy of your permit before you can even purchase one.

The 24mm mesh is perfect for small birds like hummingbirds. For the feeders, you can make
nectar using sugar and water
 Step 2: Set up the poles

Place the poles upright in a box pattern. Add another two bars in the center for the feeders,
both lower than the previous poles, with one slightly in front.Make sure to anchor all the poles
on the ground firmly to secure the area.

 Step 3: Spread out the nets

After installing the poles, you can now set up the 6m mist net on their three sides, leaving one
opening for the bird’s access to the feeders.

The nest doesn’t need to extend towards the bottom of the poles, as hummingbirds tend to
rush upward when attempting to escape.

Moreover, do not forget to cover the top with a net (the 3m one) to prevent the bird from
getting away.

 Step 4: Arrange the feeders

The two poles you added to the center should be hooked on the feeders.

Clean the feeders and fill them up with food; you can add flowers like giant hyssop to attract
the avians better.

 Step 5: Catch with your hands

Before you see any trapped bird, wash your hands, keep them warm, and ready your holding
bag to transport the bird.Using the fingertip technique, hold the bird on its sides and back,
freeing the abdomen from pressure.The holding bag is an ideal container, since you can
restrain the bird safely while allowing you to check the bird’s condition.

2. Method 2: Cage Traps

Cage traps come in different styles and sizes. The most popular one is the drop-door. Other
designs are the Round Sliding-door and the Collapsible Cage-wire.This method is more
manageable, portable, and cost-effective than the mist net.To make a hummingbird trap, you
will only need the cage trap, feeders, and a holding bag. Then, follow these steps:
 Step 1: Place the cage trap near plants where it is visible to the birds.
 Step 2: Next, place the feeders inside the cage and wait patiently until a hummingbird
makes its way inside.
 Step 3: Make sure that the bird is inside, preferably feeding, before pulling down the
door to avoid the bird being injured.
 Step 4: Follow step 5 above to transport the bird, and you are done!

Whichever of the two methods above you choose, the hummingbird’s safety should always be
prioritized. Signs of birds in distress are blinking, gagging, and fluffing of feathers.

Method 1: Mist Net/What to prepare QUICAÑO CORAHUA.MIGUEL

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