Grade 9 Civics Note

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Auxilium Catholic School

2012 E.C/2020/ Short Note
Subject:- Civics & Ethical Education Grade :- 9

Unit - Seven
Introduction :
7.1. Work hard and be on Time.
 Industriousness is the habit of working hard
 Labor exerted on work is measured by time this implies everything that you do requires a certain
amount of time and labor. Work never exist independent of time. But time existed independent of
work. Time is a resource like money and knowledge.
7.2. Importance of work
 Work can be defined as any important (constructive) activity that we do. We can do our work with or
without payment.
 Work has both material and non material gains. Work is the blood and flesh of life without work we are
nothing .
7.3. Economic system
 An economic system is a system which we use to decide how we produce and distribute goods and
 There are three different types economic system
a) Under a commend planned economy system the government decides what is going to be produced
and how is going to be distributed.
b) In a free market economic system individuals decide what is going to be produced and how it is
c) A mixed economic system is a mixture of this two types economic systems where the government
has an economic poly and give some guidance
7.4. Work Ethics.
 Punctuality: means arriving at work on time you are paid for your time.
 Honesty: in work place refers to use the resources of organization to work.
 Willingness to learn: understanding the way thing are done at your work place and trying to do it
 Incentive: means being prepared to see what needs doing and to work without always being asked or
told to do it.
 Loyalty: it is important always to support your employer and do what is best for growth of the

UNIT – 8
Self reliance
8.1. what is self reliance ?
 Is ability to support and take care of yourself. But self reliance does not mean complete independence.
We can help each other without developing dependency.
 Self knowledge and self respect are important to develop self reliance.
 Self knowledge means knowing your quality, capacity, limitation and interest.
 Self respect is accepting you self as you are.
8.2. dependency
 Dependency is a bad habit that weakness your ability to stand on your two feet. It is relying on
external support permanently.
 Self esteem is the value which you give to yourself.
 Self esteem important to fight against dependency.
 You know your own weakness so that you can work to overcome them.
8.3. Decision Making
 Decision making means thinking about alternatives and choosing the best option.
 A decision a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.
 You have to make decisions at the right time. It is not good to make decision too late or too quickly.
 Making a good decision at the right time helps you to be more successful.

9.1. Saving and extravagance
 Saving refers to the wise use of resource when we say resources we mean money, time and other
 Extravagance is the habit of spending or using resources in an uncontrolled way. Extravagance is
harmful and its affect our saving culture.
9.2. Planning and saving
 Planning is thinking and identifying what we need and to do in order to achieve a goal.
 Having goal and planning is important. It is important to use all our resources properly.
 It is important to plan a personal or family budget.
9.3. Money as a source of wealth
 Wealth is the total amount of money and property,
 You need to work hard to make money.
 Be suspicion of easy ways to make money.
 There are traditional (informal) and modern (formal) financial institution to save our money. The
traditional saving institution in Ethiopia ‘Ekub’ and ‘Edir’. The modern financial saving institution
including among other Banks. Insurance companies and credit and saving association.

Active community participation.
10.1. The meaning of community participation.
 Active community participation is the way whereby citizens contribute their skills, money, and
knowledge for the promotion of the common good.
 There are two major types of community participation, these are political and social participation.
 Political participation means being prepared to vote, lobby, persuade or protest.
 Social participation means acting to help social development.
10.2. The role of civic society in community participation.
 Civic societies / voluntary organizations are association which work together based on shared
interests , a purpose or values.
 Voluntary organizations are organized by volunteers who have a common interest.
 Some of the voluntary organization include NGOs, charities community groups, youth associations ,
professional associations, trade unions, self help groups, social movements, environmental and
business association.
 Civic societies in democratic countries are vital to the political independence of the society. People
better voting choices , participate in politics and hold the government more accountable as a result
 Civic society are very important for the democracy, because they built trust and shared values, they
help to hold society together.

The pursuit of wisdom
11.1. the basic of knowledge and wisdom
 Knowledge can be defined as understanding or learning that which is known.
 The basis of knowledge and wisdom is man’s effort to explore and change his surroundings.
 Exploring man’s surrounding leads to knowledge, and the effort to change it requires wisdom.
 Wisdom mean to be wise in handling acquired knowledge for good use.
 Formal learning is acquired in institution of learning like schools.
 Knowledge obtained through inquiry and research is vital for social development.
 Informal learning strengthens knowledge obtained through formal learning.
11.2. information and data
 Knowledge consists of information and data. Information and data are important to develop wisdom.
 Information refers to facts or figures obtained from reliable sources. Information helps as to develop
our knowledge.
 Data refers to facts or figures obtained from experiments or services used as a basis for making
calculation or drawing conclusion. Data is important (necessary) for decision making.
 Data is information gathered thorough surveys about specific cases. The quality and quantity of data
gathered is important to make valid judgment.
11.3. Reading and studding.
 Reading involves the reader and the material to be read
 The habit of reading is linked to the pursuit of wisdom reading expands the of knowledge one
who reads is an informed citizen who can make informed judgment. You have to read with a purpose
or without a purpose, reading is meaningless.
 Spending more time reading helps develop the habit of reading.
 Those who read a lot are those have great knowledge.
11.4. the pursuit of truth
 Truthfulness refers to being honest in what one says and does. Truthfulness is one of the
characteristics of a good citizen.
 Truth can be defined as the meaning of the fact.
 You have uphold the truth
 The law punishes people who tell lies.
 Our social norms uphold truthfulness.
 Knowledge can enable one to identify liars from truthful person.
 There are three fundamental forms of learning these are
a) Formal learning – schools
b) Informal learning – practice , social interaction
c) Learning through free inquiry ( research)

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