Worksheet 1 Tesl Methodology Sakthi

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WORKSHEET 1: Learning Theories


1. Tick in the box next to the statement that reflects your belief of language learning
I believe we all learn a new language in the same way, irrespective of our first
I believe there are differences in the way we learn a new language depending on 
our first language

Answer : Different languages reflect unique cultural perspectives, norms, and ways of
communication. Understanding and adapting to these cultural nuances is an essential part of
language learning. Individuals from different language backgrounds may have different
cultural frameworks and communication styles, which can impact their language learning

2. Move the relevant keywords under each approach.

Habit scaffold modeling modify
gradual Comprehensible input reinforcement imitation

The Natural Approach The Audiolingual Approach

 Comprehensible input  Imitation

 Gradual  Modeling
 Scaffold  Reinforcement
 Modify  Habit

3. List a minimum of 4 keywords for each theory below.

The Cognitive Learning Theory The Humanistic Learning Theory

1. Information processing - Learning 1. Self-Actualization: Refers to the

involves processing information in innate drive of individuals to fulfill
the mind, acquiring, organizing, their highest potential and become
storing, retrieving, and the best version of themselves.
understanding new knowledge.
2. Student-Centered - Student-centered
2. Schema - Refers to mental approaches aim to empower learners
frameworks or structures that and recognize their unique
individuals develop to organize perspectives, needs, and aspirations.
and interpret information.
3. Holistic Development - Refers to the
belief that education should address
3. Metacognition - Refers to the the intellectual, emotional, social, and
awareness and understanding of physical aspects of learners.
one's own cognitive processes.
4. Positive Learning Environment - . It
4. Cognitive lead - Refers to the involves fostering a climate of trust,
amount of mental effort or respect, and acceptance where
resources required to process learners feel valued, supported, and
information free to explore their interests and

4. List a minimum of 3 ESL teaching/activity examples for each theory below

The Cognitive Learning Theory The Humanistic Learning Theory

1. Graphic Organizers – (maps, Venn 1. Personalized Goal Setting – (having

diagrams, or mind maps) individual or group discussions where
students reflect on their language
2. Problem-Solving Tasks – (present a needs, interests, and aspirations)
real-life scenario, such as planning a
trip or solving a social issue, and have 2. Project-Based Learning – (have
students work in groups to students collaborate on creating a
brainstorm solutions, discuss pros and digital presentation or video on a
cons, and make decisions) chosen topic, conducting interviews,
or producing a written report)
3. Reflective Journals – (ask students to
write about a time when they faced a 3. Role-Playing and Drama – (Assign
language barrier and how they students different roles or characters,
overcame it or to reflect on their and have them engage in role-play
progress in a specific language skill) scenarios or act out dialogues that
simulate real-life situations)

5. List 2 criticism towards the social constructivist approach and offer a solution to the
counter the problems.


 Insufficient Focus on Individual Knowledge Construction

 Potential for Knowledge Relativism


 Differentiated instruction allows educators to provide individualized support and

challenges based on students' abilities, interests, and learning preferences.
 Emphasize the importance of both social interaction and individual reflection. Provide
opportunities for collaborative learning and discussion to promote diverse
perspectives and the construction of shared meaning

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