Protestors Application For Dismissal

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In the District Court of New Zealand

Wellington Registry
I te Kōti Matua o Aotearoa
Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Under the:

District Court Rules 2014

Rule 15.1 Dismissing or staying all or part

In the matter of NZ POLICE VS






Filed pursuant to s24

Epidemic Preparedness Act 2006

Next event date:

Filed by:

Next event date:

Judicial officer
May It Please The Court

I Make this application on the following


 Attached and Annexed “A” is a copy of the letter sent to the

speaker of the house dated 9 February 2022
 This letter clearly states “ that occupation is sanctioned under
authority of Ngati Tama te Kaeaea Trust
 This letter is signed by the principal claimant Tuffy Churton
 Attached and Annexed “B” is documentation held by Wellington
City Libraries clearly showing Taringa Kuri named in the land
claim hearings
 NZ POLICE do not have the jurisdiction on the Former Ngati Tama
Pa Site that Parliament is built on.

Therefore the Court has no Jurisdiction to deal with the matter put before

15.1Dismissing or staying all or part of proceeding

The court may strike out all or part of a pleading if it—

discloses no reasonably arguable cause of action, defence, or

case appropriate to the nature of the pleading; or

is likely to cause prejudice or delay; or


is frivolous or vexatious; or

is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court.

If the court strikes out a statement of claim or a counterclaim
under subclause (1), it may by the same or a subsequent
order dismiss the proceeding or the counterclaim.
Instead of striking out all or part of a pleading under
subclause (1), the court may stay all or part of the proceeding
on such conditions as it considers just.


It is sought that the proceeding brought before the court by NZ POLICE be

struck out due to it being frivolous or vexatious and otherwise an abuse
of process

Signature of ……………………………………….…………………… [full name]

2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

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Home > Māori > Te Whanganui-a-Tara Index > ngauranga

Kaiwharawhara &
Maori Sites of Te Whanganui a Tara

Ngauranga 1/15
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Kaiwharawhara Kainga

Orangi Kaupapa

Pakuao Kainga

Raurimu Kainga

Tiakiwai Kainga

Location: Mouth of the Waitohi (or Ngauranga) Stream

Type of site: Kainga & tauranga waka

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Te Atiawa

Condition : Built over

The name may be Ngati Ira's. As it signifies, this was a canoe-landing site.

When they left for the Chathams in November 1835, Ngāti Mutunga
rangatira gave their lands from Ngauranga to Pito-one to Matangi and his
son Te Manihera te Toru (Te Ati Awa) and confirmed the Taranaki people in
their possession of the lands from Waitangi Stream (at Te Aro) to
Ngauranga. Thus Ngauranga is, broadly, an important traditional boundary
between Wellington and the Hutt.

Te Atiawa chief Te Wharepouri's securing of lands at Wairarapa was

unsatisfactory. So, in November 1835, learning his cousin Manihera te Toru
had received lands at Te Whanganui a Tara from their mutual Mutunga
relations, he brought some 300 people here, settling himself at Ngauranga.
(2) In 1842 other rangatira included Toru, Waitara, and Matangi. (3)

Te Wharepouri and his cousin Te Puni, at Pito-one, led the Maori

participation in the 'sale' of Te Whanganui a Tara to the New Zealand
Company. Unlike Te Puni, though, Wharepouri retained "much of the savage 2/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

about him" after Pakeha settlement, evidently threatening in early 1842 "to
fall upon the people of Wellington." (4) But Wharepouri was already dying
from a brain tumour, and Ngauranga housed only 48 people. (5) Ngauranga
people cultivated lands along the western harbour where, at Wharepouri's
special request, the Company made sections 5 & 6 Native Reserves. (6) Like
Kaiwharawhara, the river mouth and gorge at Ngauranga formed a natural
crossroads, making it an early selection (#9) in the New Zealand Company
allotments. (7) In 1847 Ngauranga people insisted on retaining section 6
(about 115 acres) and 110 acres of land they had in cultivation around the
kainga (on sections 7, 8 and 9). In the summer of 1850, there were 34
people living in 18 huts at Ngauranga. (8)

The cart road up the gorge first opened in 1858, about half of its length
passing through Maori land. (9) From the late 1840's, James Futter and his
family operated the White Horse Inn on sections 8 and 9. Futter's dealings
with Ngati Tawhirikura moved from the Inn to informal leasing of the land for
a few decades, and converted to more formal arrangements on 1 January
1885, shortly before the lands passed through the Native Land Court, 28
August 1886. Taare Waitara became clearly the single largest owner: being
in half of section 6 with Mohi Puketapu and Matene Tauwhare, all of section
7, and one-third of the Māori part of sections 8 & 9 with Ruakere Moehau,
Hohepine Love and Hone Taramena. (10)

Since 1886 the Ngauranga lands have undergone alienation by leases,

successions, sales and takings for public purposes. Soon after 1886, James
Futter entered into a number of sub-leases of sections 8 & 9. Probably the
most important of these was a 13-year lease from 1891 on to the
Wellington Meat and Export Company. This Company continued leasing and
eventually purchasing land in the area over the next sixty years.

Around the same time, the Government took several parts of these lands for
public purposes: first 3 roods 10 perches for defence purposes in 7 February
1886, and in 1889, lands for future railway and road purposes. 3/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

Between 1904 and 1906 the whole of sections 6 and 7 were sold for 5750
and 1371 pound, respectively. In 1901, 1908 and 1912 Hone Taramene,
Ruakere Moehau, and Hohepine Love's interests all passed to their
successors, Wiri Makoare, Te Pare Ruakere, and Ms Love's children. In 1914,
these sections were partitioned, and sales followed, eg Te Pare Ruakere's
interests sold to Walter Futter for 1,000 pound. Today, no part of Ngauranga
(including section 6) remains in Māori ownership.


1. Adkin, Leslie, The great harbour of Tara, (1959), p 48

2. Ballara, pp 26-29

3. Archives, OLC Case 229, Robert Todd, p 73

4 Both from Halswell/Wakefield 10/2/1842 in Waitangi Tribunal Wai 145

Doc A29 p 490-91

5. Halswell census, 1/7/1842, in Waitangi Tribunal Wal 145 Doc: CO 208

extracts p 55

6. NZ Gaz & Wgtn Spectator, 4/10/43

7. Archives LS-W 65/12

8 Report of H. T. Hemp 15/6/1850 in GBPP 1851 (1420) pp 232 242

[Waitangi Tribunal Wai 145 Doc A33 pp 130 & 140]

9. Julie Bremner, "Ngauranga - The Maoris and the Road," The Onslow
Historian, Vol 10 No 4, 1980, pp 3-6.

10. General Land File Vol 1 Wgtn 60 MLC Wanganui Registry CT/267 &

Kaiwharawhara Kainga
Location: Mouth of Kaiwharawhara Stream

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Ngati Tama

Condition : Built over

Kaiwharawhara took its name from the wealth of wharawhara (Astelia

Banksii) that grew on the slopes above the stream bed. According to
Crawford, the stream was formerly much bigger, and was heavily forested 4/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

with kainga and cultivation areas along its length (1).

Kaiwharawhara was one of the first kainga established in 1824-25 by Ngati

Tama and Ngati Mutunga Nihoputa migrants from Taranaki. (2) The rangatira
of Kaiwharawhara named in the Land Claims hearings of 1842 were Taringa
Kuri, Wakakeko, Rawi, and Wakatauranga. (3)

Being so close to the heart of the town, with a good road already reaching it
by late 1841, Harbour District Section 3 which contained Kaiwharawhara
kainga was the plum of the Country Sections. Hence it was the first Country
Section selected - by George Hunter for a prominent shipping concern,
Duncan Dunbar & Son Ltd. London. (4)

Ngati Tama remained in the kainga, though, as they had not understood the
1839 sale at Petone to include their kainga. Taringa Kuri objected that the
New Zealand Company had "disposed of his land at Kaiwharawhara, ... had
not reserved every alternate section for the natives and, ... his planting
grounds had been overrun by the horses, pigs and cattle of the white men."
(5) As a result, in mid-1842, many Māori from Kaiwharawhara moved to the
Hutt to cultivate, eventually leading to the Hutt wars of 1845-46.

Duncan Dunbar's agent complained in 1843 of the "long and truly

distressing delay" in taking possession of his "plum". In 1846-47 Governor
Grey defused conflict in the Hutt largely by moving Ngati Tama back into
Kaiwharawhara (both from the Hutt and from Tiakiwai to use Tiakiwai for
military barracks). Duncan Dunbar were deprived again of their plum. By
1849 their complaints escalated into costly lawsuits for the New Zealand
Company. (6)

Grey's 1846-47 settlement also gave Kaiwharawhara people lands at

Harbour District section 4 (to the north of the kainga) 147 acres of Otari
(now Wilton Scenic Reserve) and a former Government Domain up the
Kaiwharawhara stream (relabelled section 4A, and named Ngatoto), linking
Kaiwharawhara to these lands for decades after. 5/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

In 1850, 44 people lived in 13 huts at Kaiwharawhara, "frequently employed

by Europeans at daily wages," and cultivating lands they leased in the Hutt.

In 1868 the application of Hon Paengahuru and Wikitoa Taringa Kuri and
others for title investigation of Kaiwharawhara came before the Native Land
Court sitting of T.H. Smith. The first hearing was adjourned because Taringa
Kuri, being quite old and somewhat senile, could not give dependable
testimony. A second hearing was adjourned for lack of survey. On the fourth
hearing, Hon Paengahuru and a Native Department officer, Thomas E.
Young, gave evidence on the pa lands.

Paengahuru distinguished this claim from other Kaiwhara lands, and

produced G. F. Swainson's survey plan, SO-W 213. The claim of Paengahuru
and his four co-applicants arose from Ngati Tama's pre-Chathams migration
residence at Kaiwharawhara. He stressed that those who remained retained
possession, and the applicants represented all the people. At the time of the
hearing he and Aperahama Tuhaua were receiving the rent from the Pakeha
occupants of the pa land.

Thomas Young produced McCleverty's 1847 deed and the plan attached,
and noted that there was only 1 rood 19 perches - not 2 roods 19 perches,
as shown in the Swainson plan produced by the applicants. It appears that
the increase of 1 rood to high water mark accrued after the 1848 and 1855
earthquakes. The Court awarded the accretion to the Crown, and only the 1
rood 19 perches to Hon Paengahuru, Aperahama Tuhana, Matlu te Ire, Matiu
te Wakakeko and Komene Paipa. (8)

Other Kaiwharawhara lands (Harbour sections 4 and 4A) came before Judge
Alexander MacKay on 6 March 1888. Section 4 (103a 4r 36p) was granted
to twelve Ngāti Tama people. Section 4A (72a 1 r 23p), known as Ngatoto,
was granted to four people. (9) On 13 October 1893 a Crown Grant of the
pa issued to the Maori owners. About six months later, 2 May 1894, by an
application to the Native Land Court by Atanui te Peni, the restrictions on 6/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

alienation were removed. (10) At some point, a John Newton must have
purchased the pa land, as a certificate of title was issued to him in November
1894. (11)

None of the Kaiwharawhara pa, section 4 or 4A (Ngatoto) is in Māori

ownership today.


1. Adkin, Leslie, The great harbour of Tara, (1959), pp 25-26, Maps 1-2, IV-2
& Vl-2

2. Ballara, in The Making of Wellington, p18

3. Ev. of Wi Tako Ngatata, 19/5/1842, in Archves IA I /1843/1929, p 110

4. Norah Parr, "Kaiwarra or the Village that Was," The Onslow Historian, Vol
10 No 2, 1980, pp 4-9.

5. Report of George Clarke, jun., 14/6/1843, in Waitangi Tribunal Wai I 45

Doc A31 p 394

6. Archives LS-W 64-29: Corr to NZCo principal agent taken over by Bell -
1850. Charles Sharp, Agent of Duncan Dunbar & Sons/Wm. Wakefield,
22/8/1849: encl. J. Salmon, Agent for Duncan Dunbar Son/Wakefield,

7. Kemp Report, 15/6/1850, in GBPP 1851 (1420) pp 232 & 242 (Waitangi
Tribunal Wai 145 Doc A33 pp 130 & 140)

8. 1 C Wgtn 2, 25-26, 146, 159-161 ; MLC Wanganui Registry

9. WD 947, Wellington District DOSLI; 2 Wgtn 331-37, 6/3/1 888, MLC

Wanganui Registry

10. Wgtn 47 Kaiwharawhara Old Pa, Order File, MLC Wanganui Registry

11. CT 75/274

Orangi Kaupapa Cultivation

Location: Upper part of Orangi Kaupapa Road

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Te Matehou

Type of site: Cultivation

Condition : Part built upon, part reserve. 7/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

The name was perhaps originally Oranga-kaupapa, food-supply terrace. (1)

Heaphy's 1841 watercolour of Wellington (2) clearly shows this 80 acre

strip of land on Tinakore Hill, labelled "Native Potato Gardens" on his sketch
accompanying the painting.

In 1847, Orangikaupapa was reserved in Native Title to Maori of Pipitea,

including Ropiha Moturoa, Wairarapa, Porutu, Parata, Te Wiremu Otaki,
Pakau, and others. (3) By the 1860s, the land was leased to a Mr. O'Neill. In
1863 the Crown tried unsuccessfully to purchase the whole block for public
purposes. (4) In 1873, the 80 acre block was divided into three roughly
equal parts - Tinakore North, Tinakore South, and Orangikaupapa (the latter
being subdivided into Orangikaupapa No's I-l4). (5)

For years, the owners of Tinakore North (28 acres) tried unsuccessfully to
obtain a roadway to their land, evidently intent on improving its value for
sale. In 1894, the Maori owners sold Tinakore South to their neighbour, the
Reids, who had been grazing cattle on it for some time, and who
subsequently granted access from across their land to the southwest. (6)

Tinakore South (28 ac) was taken in 1912 under the Public Works Act 1908,
for a Wireless Telegraph Station. (7)


I . Adkin, p 54 & Maps IV-I

2. Charles Heaphy, "Part of Lambton Harbour, in Port Nicholson New

Zealand, Comprehending about one-third of the Water Frontage of the Town
of Wellington, April 1841." Smith & Elder I842.

3. Wellington District Registry, Deeds Vol 1 fol 305

4. Archives MA 17/1, Mantell/Swainson, 2/2/1863, and following

5. Crown Grants *3331-3345

6. Bell, Gully & Izard/Judge Mackay, 18/9/1894, in Aotea District MLC Closed
Correspondence File, Wgtn 108.

7. MLC Order, 23/10/1912, Gilfedder, J., in Aotea MLC General Land File,
Wgtn 108. 8/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

Pakuao Kainga
Location: Northern end of Tinakori Road, near the intersection with Hutt

Type of site: Kainga

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Ngati Tama

Condition : Built over.

Town Acres 659 and 660, selected as Native Reserves in 1840, were "at
Pakuao." Prior to 1835, both Kaiwharawhara and Pakuao were the rohe of
Ngati Hinetuhi and Ngati Kura (Ngati Mutunga hopu). When Te Atiawa
moved into the harbour at the invitation of Ngati Mutunga Patukawenga was
the Ngati Mutunga rangatira of Pipitea and environs. He invited the Te
Matehou hapu to reside with him at Pipitea and followed this up with an
invitation to Ngati Tama to reside and take up cultivations at Kaiwharawhara.
Ropiha Moturoa, the principal rangatira of Te Matehou, said that
Patukawenga lived at Pipitea and Raurimu Ngati Tama at

Kaiwharawhara Ngati Kura at Pakuao and Ngatata and Pomare lived at

Kumutoto. (1)

The Owhariu-to-Harbour track came out along the stream that emptied from
Wadestown at Pakuao accordingly in the early 1840s Pakuao like Raurimu
and Tiakiwai housed visitors from Owhariu and Whanganui who came to
cultivate lands behind Kaiwharawhara. (2) Similarly, in the early 1840's
William Couper opened his Caledonian Hotel right next door to "Cliff Pa", as
Pakuao was known to Pakeha at the time. (3)

In 1842, Wi Tako Ngatata and Ropiha Moturoa named Tumeke, Kawia, Rawi,
Hakaraia Poroa, lpu and Ananga as land-owning rangatira of Pakuao. (4)
However the February 1842 census of Port Nicholson Maori does not list
any of these individuals as living at Pakuao or Kaiwharawhara or Pipitea. (5)
Only Poroa and another person, Wiremu Omere, signed the 1844 deeds
bringing this kainga into the wider New Zealand Company's 1839 purchase. 9/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

In 1846, Governor Grey moved Whanganui Maori living at Tiakiwai to

Pakuao, as he needed Tiakiwal for barracks for the troops engaged in the
Hutt. In 1847, the Government assigned Pakuao in Native Title to "the
Natives of Tiakiwai" (6). Col. McCleverty, however, later recalled that Town
Acre 659 "on one side of the gully was given to one tribe [and 660] on the
other to the other [tribe]."

So, was Pakuao assigned to one group or to two? The Tiakiwai people
apparently chose not to move to Kaiwharawhara instead of Pakuao, and
leased 659 to Hugh McKenzie. (7) In 1852 another rangatira, Te Kepa
Napapa arranged a lease of 659 to William Couper, apparently to expand
his Caledonian Hotel. (8)

The resulting dispute helped focus early doubts over the Government's role
in managing Native Reserves ('Tenths') as opposed to lands which it had
assigned to Maori in Native Title. (9) Twenty years later Ngati Tama and

Maori apparently took this title dispute to the Native Land Court
(applications presented May and June 1866 and April 1867, case heard
August/September 1867). Ngati Tama were adjudged owners of both
sections which became known as Pakuao No 1 and 2 (Sec 660 and 659
respectively). The Native Land Court issued certificates of title, and Crown
grants followed in 1872 for both sections. By June 1873 Section 659 was
sold to Charles Cottle, a local blacksmith who subsequently subdivided the
1 acre 3 rood area into seven sections of which he sold six, retaining one for
his own use. Section 660 (Pakuao No 1) was also subsequently sold to
Leonard Stowe, the clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Today these sections
are subsumed in the land bounded by Grant Rd. Cottleville Tce and Tinakore


I . Ev. of Ropiha Moturoa, 29/8/1842, in Archives OLC case 635, Thomas

Barker; also Ev. of Ropiha Moturoa, 31/5/1842, in OLC case 229, Robert Tod,
pp 63-64.

2. Wakefield(?) in letter to NZ Gazette and Wellington Spectator, 4 October, 10/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga


3. Cliff pa: Adkin, p 60 & Maps iV-2 & V.

4. Wi Tako, 19/5/1842, in National Achives Al/1843/1929. Ev. of Ropiha

Moturoa, 1/6/1842, in National Archives, OLC case 229, Robert Tod, p 74

5. Waitangi Tribunal Wai 145 Doc: CO 208 extracts, pp 57-58.

6. Wellington District Registry, Deeds Vol 1 Fol 317

7. Dommett memo ca. 9/1852, in Archives New Munster 1852/1069.

(Waitangi Tribunal Wai 145 Doc A40 p438)

8. Corr. of Napapa, Couper, Kemp, Domett & Grey, ca. January 52, in
Archives, New Munster 8/1852/42 (Waitangi Tribunal Wai 145 Doc A40 p

9. See Archives New Munster 8/1852/1 069 passim

Raurimu Kainga
Location: Intersection of Hobson Street and Fitzherbert Terrace

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Ngati Tama & Te Ati Awa

Type of site: Kainga

Condition : Built over.

Ngati Tama lived here at the time of colonisation, with cultivation grounds
adjacent to Tiakiwai Stream. Te Ati Awa living here had their cultivation
grounds on the lower slopes of Ahu-mairangi (Tinakore Hills). (1)

Tiakiwai, Raurimu, Paekaka and Kopae-parawai are located closely to one

another around the Tiakiwai and Whakahukawai Streams. At the time of the
Ngati Tama traverse of the Owhariu-Pakuao track around 1824 the area was
largely uninhabited. In the years prior to Ngati Mutunga residence and
raupatu, this area, abutting Pipitea, remained a staging area for food
foraging and longer excursions by Ngati Tama.

In 1827 when Te Pehi-Kupe returned to Waikanae after his voyage to

England Ngāti Mutunga, then resident at Waikanae, moved to Te
Whanganui a Tara, urged by Te Pehi-Kupe and Te Rangihiroa (both
important rangatira of the Ngāti Hinetuhi hapu, a part of Ngāti Mutunga and 11/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

Ngāti Tama (Ohariu) as well as Ngāti Toa rangatira). Principal men were
Patukawenga, Pomare, Te Pehi, Raumoa, Takaka, and Ngatata-i-te-rangi.
The mutual focus of residence was the inner harbour around Pipitea and
Kumutoto. The heke was not a small one, and the population rose to some
900 by 1835, the year Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama migrated to the

The pa, kainga and cultivations extant in 1839/40 at the arrival of settlers
developed out of this Taranaki settlement pattern into a diverse community
under the control of Ngāti Mutunga. The principal rangatira were of Ngāti
Hinetuhi based around Pipitea and Kumutoto. Kaitangata and Ngāti Tama
residences abutted Pipitea around Tiakiwai and Raurimu. Until 1833-34 it
appears that Ngāti Tama involvement in the area was limited - constrained
to the status of visits or limited by the invitation and interest of Ngāti
Hinetuhi and Kaitangata. The web of community was a dynamic one from
which the residents maintained communal interest around Moana Raukawa.
There is evidence that Ngāti Mutunga participated extensively in these years
in the Toa-Atiawa raupatu into the South Island and movement to and from
other Te Atiawa occupation was continuous.

The impact of the Haowhenua battle near Otaki in 1834 led most of Ngāti
Mutunga and Ngāti Tama to migrate to the Chathams. The exodus of so
many people at one time created the opportunity for the Te Atiawa hapu Te
Matehou, Ngāti Tawhirikura, Ngāti Te Whiti, Ngāti Haumia and Ngāti Tupaea
people to fill this void with Ngāti Mutunga's sanction.

Some Kaitangata maintained residence at Tiakiwai and Raurimu for the rest
of their lives. These included Tamatau, Te Ipu at Wi Omere, Kapapu, Ramu
and Pirihira Te Tia. Ramu Ngatitu of Whanganui and Kaitangata was one
who continued his residence at Tiakiwai, Kapapu of Ngatitupata and
Pukaitangata spent time also at Paekaka gathering food. They only ceased
gathering at Paekaka at the time of the Hutt war, when George Grey took
the Tiakiwai land for the Thorndon Barracks. The migration allowed Ngāti
Tama to move into Tiakiwai and take over the kainga. Taringa Kuri was one
of a number of Ngāti Tama rangatira who took lengthy residence at Tiakiwai. 12/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

Their change to residence was encouraged by Ngāti Mutunga when about

1833-1834 Patukawariga invited Ngāti Tama to cultivate at Kaiwarawara -
supplying seed potato as an inducement.

When the New Zealand Company and settlers arrived after 1839 this
pattern of Maori life succumbed to the pervasive pressure of settlement. All
traces of Tiakiwai, Raurimu and Paekaka disappeared. In the early 1870s
Kaitangata made a late bid to resurrect their claim to the land but were
dismissed as unentitled.


1. Adkin, Leslie, The great harbour of Tara, (1959), pp 75-76 & Maps IV-2 &

Tiakiwai Kainga
Location: Just northeast of Fitzherbert Terrace and Hobson Street

Known iwi/Hapu connections: Te Atiawa

Type of site: Kainga

Condition : Built over.


Ballara speculates that Tiakiwai was established in 1824 as an extension of

the Ngati Tama Nihoputa migrants' settlement at Ohariu.

Tiakiwai was probably more closely associated with Ngāti Mutunga than
Ngāti Tama. In 1833, three Ngāti Mutunga rangatira - Raumoa,
Patukawenga and Takiaka - sold about 3/4 acre of land at Tiakiwai to a flax
trader George Young. In Young's 1843 land claims hearng Pomare Kapawiti
(Takiaka's younger brother) and Wi Tako Ngatata all supported this Ngāti
Mutunga sale, and denied Ngāti Tama's interests in Tiakiwai. (2) Wi Tako
and Ropiha Moturoa listed the rangatira of Tiakiwai as Ngapapa, Te Kapu,
Rauru, Te Korangi, Ngake, and Kapaku - all Ngāti Mutunga folk. (3) 13/15
2/12/22, 2:29 PM ngauranga

At the time of Pakeha settlement, Tiakiwal was apparently inhabited mostly

by visitors from Ohariu and Wanganui. By mid 1842 Tiakiwai was nearly
empty; various observers say it had been "deserted" or that "all [had] been
taken from

them." (4)


1 General: Adkin pp 76 86 & Maps IV 2 & V

2 Testimony given 14/6/1843 in Archives OLC 1/1042 George Young (Repro


3 Wi Tako 19/5/42 in National Archives IA1/43/1929 about 109 Moturoa

1/6/1842 in OLC case 229, p 74

4 Visitors' kainga Wakefield (?) in The NZ Gazette and Wgtn Spectator 4

Oct, 1843 [p27] Deserted: Commissioner of Native Reserves E. Halswell to
Wm. Wakefield, 4/7/1842, in App to NZCo 12th Report p 100-G Taken:
Crown Prosecutor in the Land Claims Court R D Hanson to the Secretary of
the Aboriginal Protection Society 24/5/42 published in The NZ Gazette and
Wgtn Spectator. Oct. 1843 [p27]

Korero o te Wa I Raraunga I Rauemi I Te Whanganui a Tara I Whakapapa

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