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Sachdeva Public School


SESSION: 2023-2024

“Summer Vacations provide us with a welcome creative relief that breaks the monotony of a
tedious routine.”

Truly quoted. It is undoubtedly the time when we alter our regular routine to indulge in something
that spices up our interests and changes the standardized course of life. The commencement of
summer holidays from 15 May, 2023 to 30 June, 2023 is a rejuvenating time period for the
students to relax and renew themselves. It is a phase when we are in a reset mode, enjoy Me
Time, work upon ourselves, connect to our families and friends, and pamper ourselves with the
goodness of both food and memorable moments. These memorial deposits recharge every
individual and we can return to the regular course with fresh energy, pristine vigour and futuristic
planning to make ourselves better and more productive in days to come.

In view of this ideology, a series of questions have been framed so that the students can easily
balance between fun and academics at the same time. Apart from enjoying the desirable period,
the students can decipher assignments and be connected to the academics, honing their skills in
the areas of thinking, speaking, listening and writing. These exercises aim at increasing their
confidence in the area of academics as well as boost up their performance spirit.

The school will reopen for students on Monday, 3 July, 2023 and they will submit Holiday
Homework to their respective subject teachers by Friday, 7 July 2023.

With an expectation of everyone enjoying themselves and brushing themselves to their

responsibilities of building good health, culturing strong connecting values with near and dear
ones and rejuvenating themselves, let these times be moments of joy, laughter and connectivity.


Note: Attempt Q1 to Q12 in English Practice Register.

1. You will be representing your state in the National Skating Championship to be held in
July this year. Write a letter to your friend in about 120 words, sharing your joy at the
selection. Also write how you plan to prepare yourself for the event.

2. You recently took part in a marathon and had a wonderful experience. Write a letter to
your cousin who lives in Mumbai about your exhilarating experience in about 120 words.
You are Sankalp/ Samridhi.

3. You are the Secretary of Resident Welfare Association, Meera Bagh, Delhi. A ‘Cultural
Mela’ is being organized by your society. Write a notice in about 50 words informing the
residents about the same and urging them to participate in the event whole- heartedly. Give
all the necessary details.

4. You are Rita Yadav/ Nikhil Yadav, Head Girl/ Head Boy of Blue Bells Public School,
Ajmer. Your school is organizing a trip to Agra in the summer vacations. Write a notice in
about 50 words for your School Notice Board informing the students about the same. Give
all the necessary details.

5. You recently made a new friend in your neighbourhood. Write a descriptive paragraph in
about 150 words, describing the physical appearance as well as demeanour of your new

6. You recently went to a hill station with your family. Write a descriptive paragraph about
the place. Include necessary details such as location, climate, mode of travel, sightseeing,

7. Safety Week was observed by your locality recently. Write a descriptive paragraph on the
event. Include all the necessary details, such as day, date, activities conducted etc.

8. Create a dialogue between you and your friend discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of technological advancement in modern times.

9. Create a dialogue between a city dweller and a village dweller on the importance of
afforestation and maintaining green cover to prevent pollution and global warming.

10. Based on your reading of the lesson ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’, draft a
speech to be delivered in the Morning Assembly on the topic ‘Importance of Adult
Education’. Write the speech in about 150 words.

11. Imagine you are the brook. Describe your journey from your place of origin to
culmination in the form of a diary entry in about 150 words.

Preparing a Newsletter (to be done on A4 size sheets)

Prepare a bright and colorful newsletter on Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep
Islands. Give a suitable title to your newsletter. Include the following details about the places
in your project:
• Weather
• Places of Tourist Interest
• Flora and Fauna
• Art and Culture
• Cuisine
ह द
िं ी ‘ब’

• निदे श – सभी प्रश्ि अनिरिक्ि उत्ति पुस्तिका में किें ।

परियोजिा कायय का निमायण ििं गीि पष्ृ ठों पि किें ।
प्रश्ि 1 आपको प ली बाि हदल्ली मेट्रो में यात्रा कििे का अवसि ममला । इस िोचक अिुभव को
अपिे गुवा ाटी में ि िे वाले ममत्र को 100 शब्दों में पत्र के माध्यम से मलखिए।
प्रश्ि 2 पमु लस इिंतपेक्टि को अपिा बैग चोिी ोिे की मशकायि कििे ु ए इिंतपेक्टि औि आपके
बीच ु ए सिंवाद को लगभग 100 शब्दों में मलखिए।
प्रश्ि 3 साक्षििा अमभयाि में अपिे योगदाि का वणयि कििे ु ए अपिे बड़े भाई को 100 शब्दों
में पत्र मलखिए।
प्रश्ि 4 शब्द औि पद में उदा िण द्वािा अिंिि तपष्ट कीस्जए।
प्रश्ि 5 निम्िमलखिि शब्दों में से मल
ू शब्द औि प्रत्यय अलग किके मलखिए:-
म ाििा, चमकीला, नििंदिीय, ऐनि ामसक
प्रश्ि 6 निम्िमलखिि शब्दों में से उपसगय औि मूल शब्द अलग किके मलखिए:-
ु टय िा, सुयश, प्रत्येक, अत्यधिक
प्रश्ि 7 निम्िमलखिि शब्दों में से अिुतवाि औि अिुिामसक प्रयोग वाले शब्द अलग कीस्जए:-
सिंचय, कमलयों, चिंचल, सिंवविाि, आँि, ि ीिं
प्रश्ि 8 हदए गए सिंकेि बबिंदओ
ु िं के आिाि पि लगभग 100 शब्दों में एक अिुच्छे द मलखिए:-
आदशय ववद्यार्थी
• ववद्यार्थी के गुण
• सादा जीवि उच्च ववचाि
• अिश
ु ासि वप्रय
• उच्च लक्ष्य
प्रश्ि 9 ‘तपशय’ पुतिक में सिंकमलि प्रर्थम सत्रीय कवविाओिं में से अिुप्रास , उपमा , रुपक
एविं पुिरुस्क्ि प्रकाश अलिंकाि के दो – दो उदा िण छाँटकि मलखिए।
प्रश्ि 10 निम्िमलखिि कववयों द्वािा अपिी साह स्त्यक िचिाओिं में प्रयक्
ु ि भाषाओिं के
िाम मलखिए:-
(i) िै दास
(ii) िामिािी मसिं हदिकि
(iii) ि ीमदास
(iv) रिविंशिाय बच्चि
(v) अरुण कमल
प्रश्ि 11 लक्षद्वीप, अिंदमाि व निकोबाि द्वीप समू की सिंतकृनि, िीनि-रिवाज़ व त्यो ािों से
सिंबिंधिि जािकािी एकत्र कीस्जए औि उससे सिंबिंधिि धचत्र धचपकाइए । उपयक्
ुय ि द्वीप
समू का शैल मशल्प आहदवामसयों के िचिात्मक प लू को प्रदमशयि कििा ै । छात्र
समुद्री शिंिों से निममयि आभूषण का निमायण किें औि परियोजिा कायय के अिंिगयि
प्रदमशयि किें ।

Note: Attempt the given questions in French Fair note book.

Q1. Retrouvez les phrases:

a. est/L’/un/incroyable/pays/Inde.
b.Marie/ avec/ ses/ habite/ grands-parents.
c. bien/ ne/ L’/pas/ ordinateur/ marche.
d. boit/ lait/ du/ Il/ café/ du/ ou
e. de/ Il/ potage/ dans/ n’/ pas/ y/ a/ bol/ le.

Q2. Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs:

a. Ils sortent du bureau avec _______ patron.

b. _______ professeurs sont amiables et gentils.
c. Vous devez faire ______ devoirs dans ______ cahiers.
d. Je fais ______ devoirs avant de prendre ______ dner.
e. Nous mettons _______ livres dans le placard.

Q3. Mettez les adjectifs démonstratifs:

a. _______ marché vend des choses variés.

b. Il a écrit _________ pièce et ________ roman.
c. _________ hôtel de luxe est grand.
d. ______ peinture es grande.
e. Aimes-tu _______ fromages?

Q4. Mettez au négatif:

a. Cet appartement a un grand salon.

b. Elle s’habille à la mode.
c. Il y a du fromage dans le buffet.
d. Il mange de la pizza pour son déjeuner.
e. Pierre entre dans la pièce.

Q5. Conjuguez les verbes au présent:

a. On _________ du travail à faire. (avoir)

b. L’actrice _______ à toutes les questions? (répondre)
c. Vous ________ votre travail. (finir)
d. Elles ________ vite. (s’habiller)
e. Il ______ le couvert. (mettre)

Q6. Mettez le dialogue en ordre:

Manuel : Au revoir, bientôt!

Nicolas : Bonjour Manuel, Pourquoi tu n’es pas venu à l’école hier?
Manuel : Bonjour, je ne me sens pas bien. J’ai de la fièvre. Je tousse beaucoup.
Nicolas : Est-ce que tu es allé au médecin?
Nicolas : Prends soin! Au revoir.
Manuel :Oui, il me donne les médicaments et conseille de me reposer.

Q7. Présentez votre famille. (60-80 mots)

Q8. Décrivez votre journée. (60-80 mots)

Q9. Décrivez l’image avec les mots donnés:

(jeune, souriante, fille, cheveux blonds, yeux petits, mignonne, petit nez)

Q10. Faites une affiche montrant la beauté et la spécialité de l’île d’Andaman et Nicobar. ( la
cuisine, les fêtes, les endroits populaires etc)

Note: Do the following questions on sheets.

1 1
Q1. Find three rational numbers between 4 and 2 .

Q2. Represent √5 on the number line.

Q3. Find the value of m so that 2x - 1 is a factor of 8x4 + 4x3 - 16x2 + 10x + m.

Q4. Factorise:
a) 25a2 – 4b2 +28bc – 49c2
b) x2 – 10x + 21
Q5. Evaluate (x+2y) (x2-2xy +4y2) by using suitable identity.
Q6. Without actual division, prove that x4 + 2x3 – 2x2 + 2x – 3 is exactly divisible by x2 + 2x -3
Q7. If both a and b are rational numbers, find the value of a and b.

5 + 2√3 = a + b√3
7 + 4√3

Q8. If 25x-1 = 52x-1 – 100, find the value of x.

Q9. If x + y + z = 5 and xy + yz + zx = 10, find the value of x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz.
Q10. Show that 0.23̅5 can be expressed in the form 𝑞, where p and q are integers and q≠0.

Q11. Express in the decimal form.

Q12. Andaman & Nicobar Islands has a diverse population of many religions & communities.
Refer to Population census 2011, represent the data using Bar Graph / Pie Chart using clay.

Physics & Chemistry

Note- Attempt the following questions on ruled sheets.

Q1. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantities:

Mass, weight, time, temperature, volumes, velocity, speed, forces, acceleration
Q2. Derive the following:
(a) Second equation of motion
(b) Third equation of motion

Q3. A train named Vande Bharat started from rest and attained a velocity of 144 km/h in 5
minutes. Assuming the acceleration is uniform, find:
(i) the acceleration
(ii) the distance travelled by the train for attaining this velocity

Q4. It is estimated that the radio signal takes 1.27 seconds to reach the Earth from the surface of
the Moon. Calculate the distance of the Moon from the Earth. Speed of radio signal = 3 ×
108 ms–1 (speed of light in air)
Q5. In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct
answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false
(i) Assertion: An object may acquire acceleration even if it is moving at a constant speed.
Reason: With change in the direction of motion, an object can acquire acceleration.

(ii) Assertion: The graph between two physical quantities P and Q is straight line, when P /Q
is constant.
Reason: The straight line graph means that P is proportional to Q or P is equal to
constant multiplied by Q.

Q6. A particle is moving in a circle of diameter 80 cm. What is its distance and displacement as
per the table given below?

Rounds 1 2 1.5 2.5 3.5



Q7. Give reasons.

(a) Gases compressible but not liquids.
(b) Solids have a regular geometrical shape.
(c) The doctors advise to put strips of wet cloth on the forehead of a person having
high fever.
(d) We feel comfortable under a fan when we are perspiring.
(e) Wet clothes dry more quickly in the sun than in the shade.

Q8. Define the following. Also give an example for the process.
(a) Sublimation
(b) Diffusion
(c) Latent heat of Fusion

Q9. Complete the flowchart given below.

Q10. Observe the temperature versus time graph of water, given below.

(a) Which region contains all liquids?

(b) Which region will have water in both solid and liquid state?
(c) Why is region B and D parallel to the time axis?

Note- Attempt the following questions on ruled sheets.

Q1. Name the following.

(a) a cell organelle whose inner membranous folds create large surface area for ATP-generation.
(b) a cell organelle that serves as a channel between nucleus and cytoplasm for transport of
(c) a solution that can be used to stain the plant cells apart from iodine.
(d) a cellular structure that controls the structure and function of cells.

Q2. What is the difference in chromatin, chromosome and a gene?

Q3. Distinguish between:
(a) Cell membrane and Cell wall
(b) Cambium and Intercalary meristem
(c) Parenchyma and sclerenchyma
(d) Chromoplast and Chloroplast

Q4. Redraw the diagram of a cell given below and answer the questions.

a) Identify the type of cell. Give reason for your answer.

b) Which cell organelle is found in abundance in this cell?
c) How is this cell different from an animal cell? (Two points)

Q5. Art Integration Activity. (To be done on separate A4 size sheet)

There are about 2000 species of flowering plants, of which nearly 215 are endemic to
these Islands. Of these flowering plants, nearly 110 orchid species are naturalized here.
Despite the rich natural base of floriculture, organized cultivation of flowers and
ornamentals towards commercialization is yet to begin in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Make a brochure on the topic given below:

“Potential of Floriculture in Andaman and Nicobar Islands”
Note: Attempt the given questions in their respective registers.
History and Political Science

Q1. Mention the arguments against democracy.

Q2. Write a short note on representative democracy.
Q3. How did France become a Constitutional Monarchy?
Q4. State any five rights mentioned under ‘The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen’.
Q5. Who were conservatives?
Q6. Watch the given video link. Identify any four values and state two ways each that reflect they
are guaranteed to every citizen of the country by the constitution of India.


Q1. Name the two neighbouring countries of India in the north.

Q2. What is the latitudinal extent of India?
Q3. ‘Himalayas are called the young fold mountains.’ Give reason?
Q4 ‘The Tropical Paradise of Arabian sea- Lakshadweep.’ Make a collage in your Geography
register depicting the scenic beauty of this island.
Q5. Where does river Ganga originate?


Q1. What is the main occupation of the people of Palampur village?

Q2. Give two examples each of fixed capital and working capital.
Q3. Define multiple cropping.
Q4. Why is there a tough competition for work among the farm labourers in village Palampur?
Q5. Name the most important non-farming activity of Palampur village.

Note: All activities to be done in AI Activity File.

1. A home is a dream of every human. The home contains roofs, walls, surfaces, windows,
doors etc. You can add whatever facility you need like a swimming pool, gym, drawing room,
bedroom, kitchen, study room, hobby room, indoor-outdoor garden etc. Imagine and prepare a
creative layout of your dream smart home.

2. Games are very important part of our life. Games are useful for our mental development
physical development and as well as for entertainment. Every game has its own rules. Play
and experience the following games online.

1. Rock, Paper, Scissors

2. Mystery Animal
3. Emoji Scavenger (requires camera)

Answer the following questions after playing the above games.

1. In game 1, how the machine reacts when:

a) you make move in a specific pattern.
b) you make moves randomly.

2. In game 2, find out the basic characteristics of animals in game 2, by asking questions like
can a fish swim like you? Can you live outside water? etc. What did you understand from
this game?

3. In game 3, draw your own emoji on the paper and show it to the machine. What problems
did you face while playing this game? Can you resolve them? How?

3. Create the mind map/flow chart using colorful pictures and drawings of Applications of AI in
various sectors. Refer the sample given below.
4. Match the SGD’s with its explanation.
5. Letter to Future Self

6. Here, the names of some important AI-enabled systems are given. Write at least two
advantages and two ethical concerns related to these systems.
S. No AI Systems Advantages Ethical Concerns

1 Biometric System 1. 1.

2. 2.

2 Smart Thermostat 1. 1.

2. 2.

3 Smart Security System 1. 1.

2. 2.

4 Smart Parking System 1. 1.

2. 2.

5 Clinal Trial Matching 1. 1.

2. 2.

Note: Write the answers in the class register.

Q1. Identify the type of computer network.

(a) _______________ (b) ________________

c) _______________ (d) ________________

Q2. Make a chart in MS-Excel to depict the population of Andaman and Nicobar from 2015-

Q3. Label the components of MS-Word window.


A. Draw and colour the following topics on ½ size super white cartridge sheet.
1. Still Life
2. Landscape
3. Alpana
4. Rangoli
5. Mandala
B. Introduction:
The Andaman Islands are an Indian archipelago in the Bay of Bengal. These roughly 300 islands are
known for their palm-lined, white-sand beaches, mangroves and tropical rainforests. Coral reefs supporting
marine life such as sharks and rays make for popular diving and snorkeling sites. Indigenous Andaman
Islanders inhabit the more remote islands, many of which are off limits to visitors.

Draw and colour any one of the given references on an ½ size super white cartridge sheet.

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