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Computer Project

Submitted to Sir Naveed

Submitted by Bushra Batool
Roll no. PSYC51F20S042
BS psychology 5th self support

Chpter 4
The present study aimed to examine the effect of multiple capital on accumulative stress among
academic teachers data analysis was carried out using SPSS .Initially, the demographic
characteristics were identified through frequency and percentage .Descriptive statistic and
reliability coefficient were computed .Pearson correlation was computed to examine the
relationship between variable. Regression analysis was applied to examine the effect of
creativity on social participants or workers .One sample T-test was applied to examine the
factors of variables

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage of participants

Demographic Variables n %
Male 97 32.3
Female 203 67.7

Family System
Nuclear 181 60.3
Extended 119 39.7

Marital status
Married 145 48.3
unmarried 154 51.3

BSC 123 41.0
MS 71 23.7
MPhil 77 25.7
PHD 29 9.7

Table 1 shows frequency and percentage of Teachers with respect to gender, family,
residence and age. Female participants (n = 203, 67%) were greater in number as compared to
male participants (n = 97, 32%) participants belonging to extended to family system (n =119,
39.0%) are greater in number as compared to nuclear family system (n =181, 60%). Participants
belonging to unmarried status (n = 154, 51%) are greater as compared to married status (n = 145,
48.0%). Education of participants in BSC (n = 123, 41%) are greater than Education group of
MSC, MPhil, PHD (n = 71, 23 %).(n =77,25%).(n =29,9%)

Table 2
Psychometric properties of study variables
Variables M SD Range α
Creativity 38.5 7.058 19-69 .720

Leadership 53.1 10.97 24-72 .860

Competency 39.87 7.926 15-5 .763

Critical 46.66 11.55 16-72 .741


Table 2 shows psychometric properties of study variables. The reliability analysis

indicate that the reliability coefficient of Creativity, Leadership, Competency scale and Critical
thinking is .720, .860 , 763 and .741 respectively which indicates somehow consistency.
Table 3
Descriptive Statistic and Pearson correlation among study variables
Variables n M SD 1 2 4 3

1. Creativity 300 38.52 7.05 - 0.97 .0.46 .-081

2. Leadership 300 53.16 10.95 - .562 .-048

3. Competency 300 39.86 7.91 - .009

4. Critical 300 46.66 11.55 -


Table 3 shows Pearson correlation among study variables. The findings indicate that
Creativity has non-significant positive correlation with Leadership (r = .0.97, p > .05) and
Competency(r = .0.46, p > .05) and critical thinking(r =.-081, p >0.5). Leadership has non-
significant negative correlation with Competency (r = -.562, p > .05).and Critical thinking(r =.-
048, p > .05) .Competency has non-significant positive correlation with Critical thinking (r
=.009, p >.05)

Table 4
Mean Comparison, Standard Deviation and t-Test for Participants , Creativity ,Leadership,
Competency, Critical thinking

Currently responce
Variables M SD t(98) p Cohen’s
Creativity 38.5 7.05 .-025 .980 0.67
Leadership 53.16 10.9 .23.1 .00 .576
5 3
Table 4 shows mean, standard deviation and t-test for teachers on Creativity, and
Leadership . Results indicate non-significant mean difference on creativity with t (98) = .-025, p
> .05. The finding show that participants exhibit mean score on creativity (M = 38.5, SD = 7.05)
and on leadership (M = 53.16, SD = 10.95).The value of Cohen’s d was .23(> .20) which
indicate small effect size.

Table 5
Mean Comparison, Standard Deviation and F-values for Participant Belonging to Three Level
on Self Efficacy, Work Life Balance, Job Satisfaction
Male Female
participant Participant
Variables M SD M SD F(3,97 ⴄ2 Post-
) Hoe
Self 1.114 1.305 3.984 3.624 1.105 0-02 1>2>3

Work life -6.25 1.321 1.571 3.670 -233 0.005 -

Job -.519 -552 -0.59 1.53 -458 0.009 1<2<3
Table 5 shows mean, standard deviation and F-values for Participant belonging to two
gender group on Self efficacy, Work life balance and job satisfaction the finding indicate non-
significant mean differences on Self efficacy among students with F(2,97) = 1.105, p > .05. The
findings indicate that belonging to Male participant (M = 1.114, SD = 1.305) non- significantly
score higher on Self efficacy as compared to belonging to Female participant (M = -3.98, SD =
3.62). The value of n2 was 0.08 (<. 20) which indicate no effect size. Post-hoc test revealed
significant mean difference in pair wise comparisons. The finding indicate non-significant mean
difference on job satisfaction among Participant with F(2,97) = .233, p > .05. The value of n2 was
0.005 (< .20) which indicated no effect size.

Table 6
Regression coefficient on the Effect of Creativity on Leadership
Variables B ` β SE
Constant 47.35*** 3.50

Creativity .151 . 097 .089

R2 .009

Note N=300 p >.05

Table 6 shows simple linear regression analysis with Creativity variable and Leadership
as outcome variable. The R2 value of .009 indicate that less than.09% variance in the explained
by the predictor with F(1,298) = .2.839, p >.05. The finding indicate the creativity has non-
significant effect on Leadership (β = .097, p>.05).

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