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Dariana: Hi! Good morning, what´s your name?

Nick: Hey! Good morning parner, my name is ………, is yours?

Dariana: ooh! nice to meet you Nick, I am Dariana

Nick: You too. How is it going, what´s up

Dariana: I´m pretty good, and you

Nick: I am fine, thanks

Dariana: Are you from Huánuco Nick?

Nick: No, I´m not. I am from …….. . Where, in Perú?

Dariana: From, Huánuco . And What is your nickname?

Nick: wowow!, my nickname is …….

Dariana: How beautifull!!

Nick: How old are you, Dariana?

Dariana: I am twenty years old, partner, and you?

Nick: I´m 16 years old, and what´s your phone number?

Dariana: My phone number is 968571670, what about you?

Nick: Is 9………. , Dariana, which page is the homework?

Dariana: ohohoh, the homework is page ten

Nick: ok Dariana thanks. Have a great day!!.

Dariana: See you later Nick.


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