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A study to assess knowledge and attitude towards Organ Donation among

Undergraduate students from selected departments in North campus of
JIET Group of Institutions at Jodhpur

Umer Farooq1, Bhavika Parwani1, Dinesh Dewasi1, Divya Seervi1, Gaurav Khatri1, Shahrukh
Khan1, Varsha Parangi1, Vijesh Kumar1, Prof. K. Punithalakshmi2, Prof. Dr. A. Latha
1. IV th Year B.Sc. Nursing Students, JIET College of Nursing, Jodhpur
2. Professor cum Principal, JIET College of Nursing, Jodhpur
3. JIET College of Nursing, Jodhpur

Corresponding Author Email:

A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding
organ donation among undergraduate students from selected departments in North campus of
JIET group of institutions at Jodhpur. Convenient sampling technique was used, total of 60
under graduate students were participated from three different departments. By using
structured questionnaire the data was collected through Google forms. Data was analyzed by
using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that 45% (27) of participants
had inadequate knowledge, 46.66% (28) of participants had moderately adequate knowledge
and 8.3% (5) of participants had adequate knowledge regarding organ donation. And 21.66%
(13) of participants had unfavorable attitude, 53.33% (32) of participants had moderately
favorable attitude and 25% (15) of participants had favorable attitude towards organ
donation. The study found that the under graduate students are having less awareness
regarding organ donation.
Organ Donation, Knowledge, Attitude, Awareness, Undergraduate Students, Organ

Organ donation is the practice of recovering an organ from a live or deceased person
and transplants it into the recipient who needs that organ. The person who wants to donate the
organ called donor and transplanting into the body of recipient called as recipient body.
Organ transplantation is one of the advance way in modern medical science and the most
preferred treatment modality for end-stage organ disease and for organ failures.
Unfortunately, the need for organ donors is more than the number of people who donate.1
There is a type of death called brain stem death. In which brain stop working
irrevocably but heart keep on working and flowing blood to the organ. These organs like
heart, spleen, pancreas, kidney, liver, and other organ they can be donated in the brain stem
death case. In natural death other organs like skin, bone, eye, eardrum, certain cartilages and
some tissue can be donated.2 The first skin transplant was performed in 1869 followed by
many failed attempts over the years, but since the middle of the 20th century, surgeons
performing successful organ transplants. A severe shortage of deceased organ donation is one
of the most challenging issues in Indian deceased organ donation development.3
Data from 2015 show that as against the demand for 1.75 lakhs of kidney transplants,
there were only 5000 transplants done. Similarly, of 50,000 people dying of end-stage liver
disease, only 1000 got their liver transplanted. Statistics are distressingly poor in case of
transplantation of heart or lung.4
Transplant rates for cornea are 1 in 25,000 when compared with 1 in 199 and 1 in
14,000 for the United States and Brazil, respectively. Only 0.08% of Indians donate their
organs when compared with 70%–80% of Spaniards and Belgians. About 0.5 million people
in India die every year due to non-availability of organs. 5 Limited research has been carried
out in the developing world, where the burden of end-stage organ failure is on the rise and
health systems are inadequately equipped.
Need for the Study:
A study has shown that in Sri Lanka corneal blindness has been eradicated from their
country, because of the awareness and everyone is donated their eyes and they are able to
support other countries now. In India approximately 8 million people requires cornea and
everyday 0.8 million people are dying. It is possible if all of us decide to donate eyes after
death, we can eradicate corneal blindness in India in just 10 days. 1 According to World
Health Organization (WHO) and only about 0.01 percent in India donates their organs after
death. There is a major lack of awareness about organ donation, and recent polls and surveys

reveal that people would come forth with their wish to donate if they had received more
information. In review of literature some studies showed that people are having inadequate
knowledge and people are not aware about organ donation. So in order to know the student's
knowledge on organ donation and to motivate them this study is undertaken.
Statement of the Problem:
A study to assess the knowledge and attitude towards organ donation among
undergraduate students from selected departments in North campus of JIET group of
institutions at Jodhpur.
1. To assess the knowledge towards organ donation among undergraduate students.
2. To assess the attitude towards organ donation among undergraduate students.
 The students may have inadequate knowledge about organ donation.
 The students may have inappropriate attitude towards organ donation.
 The study is limited to only online mode.
 The language used for our study is only English.
 The time duration for data collection was only one week.
Review of literature:
A Community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 257 randomly
selected participants, in selected wards of urban Puducherry have shown that less than one-
third of the study population had adequate knowledge regarding organ donation.2 A
descriptive research study was conducted to assess the knowledge of undergraduate students
regarding organ donation in selected colleges at Abu road. With regard to the knowledge
assessment, 43 (43%) had moderate level of knowledge, 57 (57%) had low level of
knowledge and none of them had high level of knowledge, the mean score was 7.12. and also
result shows that there is significant association between the knowledge of graduate students
regarding organ donation with their selected demographic variables.(7) A study was done
among four-hundred and fifty-five undergraduate students, 26 MBA students, and 465 people
from the surrounding community responded to 21 true/false questions regarding factual
knowledge about organ donation. The mean number of correct answers was 74.6%.(4) An
educational interventional study was done in which a total of 70 students consented to
participate and all the 70 attended the pre-test and post-test after the classroom teaching.

Among the 70 participants, 35(50%) were males and 35(50%) were females. A majority of
the subjects were Hindus 64(91.4%) and only 3(4.30%) were Muslims. Sixty seven (95.7%)
of the students had heard of the term, ‘organ donation’. Most common reason given by the
participants for organ donation was that it was done to save someone’s life [61 (87.11%)].
Among the 70 study subjects, only 19(27.10%) knew about the organs that could be donated,
whose number increased to 56(80%) after providing the educational intervention.(6) A cross
sectional study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practices about organ
donation among college students in Chennai, Tamil Nadu -2012. 440 students aged 18 years
and above were interviewed with a pre tested questionnaire in Hindustan Arts & Science
College. Result shows that 86.1% were not aware of legislation. 75% of respondents were in
favor of organ donation, but only about 2% were registered for organ donation.(8)
Quantitative research design was proposed to determine knowledge and attitudes
regarding organ donation. By using descriptive design. The target population for the study
was undergraduate students from selected departments in North campus of JIET group of
institutions at Jodhpur. The sampling technique used in this study was convenient sampling
technique. The sample set for this study was 60 participants. Data collection instrument was
Google forms to collect the data from participants. The instrument has 4 sections. Which are
as follows -Section A : Includes the participant’s consent to participate in the study, Section:
B Includes the demographic data of participants. Section C : Includes the questions on
Knowledge about organ donation. Content validity of instrument is checked by the expert
from the JIET College of Nursing Jodhpur. To conduct the research study permission was
obtained from Management and Principal of JIET College of Nursing, Management and
HODs of concerned department. To collect the data, consent was obtained from the
participants. Confidentiality of the participants was maintained.
Table-1: Demographic Details of the Participants (No= 60)
Demographic variable No .of Students Percentage
18-20 45 75%
21-22 11 18.30%
23-25 4 6.70%

2 Male 35 58.30%
Female 25 41.70%
JIHM 20 33.30%
DESIGN 20 33.30%
TECHNOLOGY 20 33.30%
Year of Study:
I Years 1 1.70%
4 II Years 36 60%
III Years 23 38.30%
IV Years 0 0%
Residence :
Urban 39 65%
Semi-urban 9 15%
Rural 12 20%
Religion :
Hindu 52 86.70%
6 Muslim 1 1.70%
Christian 3 5%
Others 4 6.70%
Marital status :
7 Married 0 0%
Unmarried 60 100%

Table-2: Level of knowledge on organ donation among the participants

(N= 60)

Inadequate Adequate
Level of knowledge adequate
knowledge knowledge

Interpretation of the
No. % No. % No. %

JIHM 8 40% 10 50% 2 10%

DESIGN 9 45% 9 45% 2 10%

TECHNOLOGY 10 50% 9 45% 1 5%

Total 27 45% 28 46.66% 5 8.30%

Table -3: Level of attitude on organ donation among the participants (N=60)

Unfavorable Favorable
Level of attitude Favorable
attitude attitude

Interpretation of the
No. % No. % No. %

JIHM 3 15% 13 65% 4 20%

DESIGN 4 20% 12 60% 4 20%

TECHNOLOGY 5 25% 8 40% 7 35%

Total 12 20% 33 55% 15 25%


In the present study Table-1 shows, most of the participants were between the age of
18 to 20, majority of the students were males, large number of participants were from urban
area, majority of the samples were Hindu’s, And all participants were unmarried. Similarly in
a study most of the participants were between the age of 18 to 20, majority of the students
were females, large number of participants were from rural area, majority of the samples
were Hindu and marital status of participants was not included.(7) A an another study result
shows that participants were between the ages of 18 to 27, majority of the students were
males, large number of participant's marital status was single, majority of the samples were
Muslims, And residential area of the participants was not included.(9)

Table-2 represents out of 60 participants, 45% (27) of participants had inadequate

knowledge, 46.66% (28) of participants had moderately adequate knowledge and 8.3% (5) of
participants had adequate knowledge on organ donation. A similar study was conducted in
which out of the 100 participants 57% were having low level of knowledge, 43% had
moderate level of knowledge and none of them had high level of knowledge.(7) While in an
another similar study they found that there was low knowledge found among the participants
395 (25.8%).(9)

Table- 3 shows, out of 60 participants, 21.66% (13)of participants had unfavorable

attitude, 53.33% (32)of participants had moderately favorable attitude and 25% (15) of
participants had favorable attitude towards organ donation. Similarly a study shown that 58%
(95%) had positive attitude toward organ donation. (2)


A descriptive research study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude
towards the organ donation among undergraduate students from selected departments in
North campus of JIET group of Institutions at Jodhpur. An unstructured questionnaire was
prepared and used to assess the knowledge and attitude towards the organ donation. The
study was carried out in North campus of JIET group of Institutions at Jodhpur. 60 under
graduate students of North campus of JIET group of Institutions at Jodhpur were selected
from three departments of the institution like Department of Technology, Design and Hotel
Management Questionnaire was administered to collect the needed data. Data was analyzed
by using descriptive and inferential statistics. With regard to the knowledge assessment,
45% (27) of participants had inadequate knowledge, 46.66% (28) of participants had
moderately adequate knowledge and 8.3% (5) of participants had adequate knowledge on
organ donation. With regard to the attitude assessment, 21.66% (13) of participants had
unfavorable attitude, 53.33% (32) of participants had moderately favorable attitude and 25%
(15) of participants had favorable attitude towards organ donation.


Donated organs transplanted into patients suffering from end stage organ failure have
changed the course of many illnesses today. However the crucial factor is availability of a
donor for which there has to be awareness. This study found that the under graduate students
are having less awareness regarding organ donation. In countries like India, there is a
significant demand for organ donation in spite of availability of organs. The implications of
this study are to emphasize the need to educate students about organ donation and registration
for organ donation. This can be accomplished through the continuous mass media campaign
in the form of short films, advertisement, celebrity endorsement, etc.; panel discussion
utilizing experts in that field and inculcating in their curriculum regarding its importance.
It is necessary for every teacher to include concept of organ donation in his/her
lecture, The study emphasizes the need of an intervention which incorporates knowledge,
motivational messages, facts and figures, to bring necessary changes in the perceptions and
intentions of the students regarding organ donations. This study is conducted with small
sample the similar study can be done among more population and can be done among general
1. Alok kumar (2018) Dadhichi deh dan samiti E-journal vol. 20 March-April 2018

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2. Gokul S. et al. (2018). Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding organ donation
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