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SESSION: 2015-16
Name of the Student: Max. Marks: 30
Day & Date: Duration: 2 hours

General Instructions
i) Attempt all questions.
ii) All questions carry one mark each and answer to these questions should not exceed more
than 20 words.
1. In which countries Al-Qaeda attacked on U S embassies.

2. What is ‘New World Order’?

3. Define ‘Hegemony’.
4. Which Scandinavian countries were part of peace negations in Srilanka?
5. Who took over the administration of Pakistan after Pakistan framed its first constitution?

6. Name the countries that comprise South Asia.

7. Write down the full form of SAFTA.

8. Whose mediation resolved the Indus river water dispute between India and Pakistan?

9. What is the name of the spy agency of Pakistan?

10. Name the military alliance formed by the two Super powers.

11. When and where was the First Summit of NAM held? How many members attended it?

12. Name the major countries, which were a part of Allied and Axis powers.
Allied Powers 
13. What do you mean by `the largest garage sale in history'?

14. What do you mean by multipolar World?

15. Define ‘shock therapy’.

16. Name the Agreement that was signed between India and Russia in 2001.
17. Which region was taken over by China in 1950?
18. Which organization was established under the Marshall plan?
19. Who proposed ‘Four Modernizations’ in 1973 in china?

20. When did ASEAN come into existence?

21. Define SEZ’s.

22. What is the expanded form of IMF?

23. When did India join the United Nations?

24. What is the function of trusteeship council?

25. Who is the Secretary General of United Nations? How is the Secretary General of UN
26. What does UNHRC stand for?
27. When was the first constitution of Pakistan adopted?
28. Name the party formed by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman.

29. Why did the United States provide financial assistance to the Central Asian countries in

30. Why Gulf War I is called ‘Computer War’?

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