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Assignment 1

Organizational Behavior

June 22, 2023

Dr. Christopher Michael D. Parilla


Jubelle Ann Lariz C. Fernandez, RN



My vision is to be recognized as a Health Educator by 2025. By promoting health

awareness, wellness and addressing community needs. It is supplemented with my will to

take care any individual regardless of what family and community they belong. Also,

those who belong of any ethnicity so they can attain and maintain an optimal health and

quality of life.


My mission is to bring health to people, I’ am passionate about transforming

patient’s lives and courageous in both decision and action. I believe that good care means

a better health. Also, I tend to observe the new phenomenon that is happening in our

time; I am eager to discover new ways to improve and extend people lives by finding

ways to new treatments and deliver them to people, especially to those who live in remote

community. I aspire to improve health and wellness of people and to expand access to

medicines and vaccines so that it can be available to all.

I aim to promote health as well as the overall quality of life through quality of

health care services and promoting awareness program. The patient is my priority. My

values are my expression of my will to always give my very best.

I am committed to optimal readiness, attending customers’ service and world

class healthcare delivery for my patient. I believe that every individual should be treated

with respect by taking into consideration the patient’s specific need and preferences. Our

overall respect is my learned n mutual trust and understanding.


My core values are the expression of my will to always give my very best in

everything that I will do. It is supported with my commitment to provide quality of care

to everyone. My abilities are to be competent in delivering right care and treatment for

every patient by exhibiting effective communication to my coworker and promoting

participation of patients in decision making about their health. Also, I believe that

teamwork helps to build trust and make the work lighter so that we can exemplify the

right strategy in any challenging situation. My experiences overseas improved my

emotional culture and commitment to every individual regardless of their race, gender,

sexual orientation, class and ethnicity.


By 2030, the institution envisions itself as a Level -3 Medical Center committed

to innovative, excellent and state of the art highly specialized therapeutic and diagnostic

center in Cavite for the benefit of the community it serves and to become a training

institution for doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals.


To provide a safe and integrated medical care attuned to the highest clinical and

ethical standards by a team of dedicated and dynamic care specialist.


First is the commitment to excellence then passion for service and lastly teamwork.

Inevitably, they are aligned. The institutional and my personal objectives are largely

congruent in terms of providing quality service to the stakeholders such as patients and

healthcare workers. Both were reiterating the value of excellence in service and exhibiting

teamwork. For every work of service that we do, it can leads to a satisfaction, patient loyalty,

better clinical outcomes, patient compliance and most especially, trust. According to Nursing

Standard entitled “Developing clinical reasoning and effective communication skills in advanced

practice” Clinical reasoning and effective communication are fundamental skills for nurses working

at an advanced level of practice. Clinical reasoning processes are designed to enable the nurse to

establish the nature of a patient’s presenting condition before focusing on problem-solving

techniques that can guide the appropriate course of treatment. This article explores the concept of

clinical reasoning in advanced practice and outlines the various approaches that nurses can take. It

also details the role of effective communication in advanced practice. A case study is used to

demonstrate the specific stages involved in clinical reasoning. (J., 2019)

In addition to this, the Harvard Business Review mentioned in Leadership and Managing

People preview entitled “Manage Your Emotional Culture” mentioned that most leaders focus on

how employees think and behave—but feelings matter just as much. Most companies don’t realize

how central emotions are to building the right culture. They tend to focus on cognitive culture:

the shared intellectual values, norms, artifacts, and assumptions that set the overall tone for how

employees think and behave at work. Though that’s incredibly important, the authors’ research

shows that it’s only part of the story. The other critical part is emotional culture, which governs

which feelings people have and express at work. Barsade and O’Neill have found that emotional
culture influences employee satisfaction, burnout, teamwork, and even “hard” measures such as

financial performance and absenteeism. So when managers ignore or fail to understand it, they’re

glossing over a vital component of what makes organizations tick, and their companies suffer as

a result. (Barsade, 2016)

In the beginning, the emotions were filled with excitement and curiosity. The excitement

to work and finally landed my feet again to the profession I left fourteen years ago created an

impact in my system, then suddenly changed a few days after I got hired. It superseded with the

feeling of shock and emotional trauma. A week after my training, I contracted the virus of

Covid-19. It turned me to be in an emotional distress and frightful of what possibly will happen

to me because I lost my sense of smell and the satiety for food. Aside from that, I was terribly in

despair, I was unwell but have to work even though there are other part of the committee who are

able to perform the task. The dilemma of being unwell cannot be an excuse to perform your

responsibility. To which I considered inhumane and egoistic. I sought assistance from Human

Resource Management and did not act accordingly. Because of my experience from sickness, I

perceived that the employees have gone astray in the organization. By the way, the institution is

a Level 2 category embodied by more than 500 employees. In my opinion, the organization has

insufficiency with strategic planning on how to promote a good environment to the healthcare

workers. My desire is to lead them to rethink how they can support new nurses through their

orientation at our facility. My goal is to create a program that would help new nurses during

orientation and increase their career satisfaction at our hospital. They have to create the

Professional Development and Career Planning Program based on findings from a search of the

literature on best practices for the orientation of new nurses, as well as input from unit leaders

and practicing nurses. I believe that it is important that our program collect data and track a
nurse's professional work history, progress toward practice expectations, and long- and short-

term professional goals. With this in mind, they have to include this in the program career

planning, such as mandatory and elective practice expectations, and a list of classes that were

required or available to nurses in the facility for professional development. I want to introduce

the program to all new hires during orientation. Also to work collaboratively with new nurses to

identify opportunities for development and a timeline for the completion of a career plan, this

will share with the unit manager and leadership. I believe that from this, they will be able to

identify their places in the organization.

Communication can be considered as the basis of the nurse-patient relationship and is

an essential element in building trust and comfort in nursing care. Effective

communication is a fundamental but complex concept in nursing practice. This concept

analysis aims to clarify effective communication and its impact on patient care using

Rodgers's (1989) evolutionary framework of concept analysis. Effective communication

between nurses and patients is presented along with surrogate terms, attributes,

antecedents, consequences, related concepts and a model case. Effective communication

was identified to be a multifactorial concept and defines as a mutual agreement between

nurses and patients. This influences the nursing process, clinical reasoning and decision-

making. Consequently, promotes high-quality nursing care, positive patient outcome and

patient's and nurse's satisfaction of care.

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