Java Model Paper-2

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July -2022
II B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supply Examinations
Java Programming

Subject Code: 18CSCST4050

Time: 3hrs Max. Marks: 70


1. Answer one full question from each unit in Part-A. Each full question carries 14 marks

1 a) Write any six significant differences between Procedure Oriented [7M]

Programming and Object Oriented Programming.

b) With a neat diagram, explain the Java Virtual Machine architecture. [7M]


2 a) Write a java program to illustrate the increment & decrement operators, [7M]
shift operators and ternary operator.
b) [7M]

3 a) Why do we need Nested classes in JAVA programming? Explain the [7M]

types of non-static nested classes with a JAVA program.
b) Explain how run-time polymorphism is achieved in java. [7M]


4 a) What is meant by Inheritance and why it is important in Object Oriented [10M]

Programming? Explain different types of inheritance supported in JAVA
with example programs.

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b) List the differences between overloading and overriding. [4M]

5 a) With sample program explain the creation of packages. Accessing a [7M]

package and hiding classes with packages.
b) What is an Interface? Give the general form of an Interface and discuss [7M]
the implementation details of Interfaces

6 a) What is the importance of Exception Handling in Java? Define and [7M]

distinguish between checked and unchecked exceptions.

b) How to handle multiple catch blocks for a nested try block? Explain with [7M]
an example.

7 What is the difference between a thread and a process? Write a program [14M]
to explain thread priorities usage.


8 What is the Collection framework in Java? What are the main differences [14M]
between array and collection? Explain various interfaces used in
Collection framework.

9 List and explain events in JavaFX. Write a java program to handle [14M]
keyboard events.


10 Explain the following JavaFX controls with an example program [14M]

a) Label b) Button c) TextField

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