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Academic Session - 2022-23




Sujeet Kumar Dwivedi Devansh
PGT(Physics) Class XII
This is to certify that Devansh Mishra a Student of class
Has successfully completed the Physics Investigatory
Project on the topic:
"Under the guidance of”
In particular fulfilment of the curriculam of CBSE
leading to the award of annual physics practical
examination of the year 2022-23.

Teacher Incharge: External Examiner:

Principal Signature:
I Would Like To Convey My Special Thanks To My
Physics Teacher
Sujeet Kumar Dwivedi
Under whose guidance and supervision I have
accomplished this project successfully
Lastly I wish to thanks our principal mam
Whose blessings are always with me

Name : Devansh Mishra

Class : XII
RollNo :
 Aim
 Introduction
 Requirements
 Theory
 Bohrs Role in
 Limitations
 Use’s of
 Observations
 Conclusion
 Bibliography

Aim “To study the emission and

absorption of Light By

Hydrogen atoms”

he hydrogen spectrum is the pattern of light emitted or absorbed by

hydrogen gas when it undergoes spectral analysis. It consists of

distinct lines corresponding to specific energy transitions within

hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen spectrum has played a crucial role

in the development of quantum mechanics and our understanding

of atomic structure. It has practical applications in fields such as

spectroscopy and atomic physics.

  1. Hydrogen gas: You will need a source of hydrogen gas to generate the spectrum.
Hydrogen gas can be obtained from gas cylinders or generated through electrolysis.

2. : A discharge tube is a sealed glass tube with two metal

electrodes at each end. The hydrogen gas is introduced into this
tube, and when an electric current is passed through it, the gas emits light, producing the

3. Power supply: You will need a power supply to provide the electric current to the
discharge tube. This can be a high-voltage power supply capable of generating a
controlled electrical discharge.

4. : A spectrometer is used to analyze and separate the different wavelengths

of light emitted by the hydrogen gas. It consists of a prism or a diffraction
grating that disperses the light into its constituent colors, allowing for precise measurement and

5. Photographic plate or digital camera: To capture the spectrum, you will need a
photographic plate or a digital camera capable of capturing the dispersed
light. This will enable you to record and analyze the spectrum later.

6. Darkroom or light-tight enclosure: In order to prevent external light interference, it is

important to have a darkroom or a light-tight enclosure where the spectrum can be observed
and recorded without any unwanted light sources.

7. Light source: You will need a stable light source to calibrate the spectrometer and provide a
reference for the spectrum analysis. This can be a light bulb or a laser with a known

8. Safety equipment: It is crucial to have proper safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, and
lab coats when working with hydrogen gas and high-voltage equipment.
Theory of the Hydrogen Spectrum

- The hydrogen spectrum refers to the pattern of light emitted or absorbed

by hydrogen gas.

- When hydrogen gas is excited, its electrons absorb energy and then
release it as light.

- The emitted light consists of specific wavelengths or colors, forming a

series of discrete lines.

- These lines correspond to energy transitions within the hydrogen atoms.

- The hydrogen spectrum played a crucial role in the development of

quantum mechanics and our understanding of atomic structure.

- Scientists like Niels Bohr used observations of the hydrogen spectrum to

propose models of the atom that incorporated discrete energy levels and
electron orbits.

- The hydrogen spectrum has practical applications in spectroscopy and

atomic physics.

Bohrs Role in Hydrogen spectrum

Niels Bohr proposed the Bohr model of the atom, which explained the
hydrogen spectrum. His model introduced the idea
of discrete energy levels and electron orbits. The
observed lines in the hydrogen spectrum
matched the energy differences predicted by
Bohr's model, confirming its validity and
revolutionizing our understanding of atomic structure.

While Niels Bohr's model of the atom successfully explained the hydrogen
spectrum, it also had some limitations. Here are the key limitations of
Bohr's model:
1. Limited applicability: Bohr's model was specifically designed for hydrogen-like atoms,
which have only one electron. It could not fully explain the behavior of more complex
atoms with multiple electrons.

2. Neglects electron-electron interactions: The model assumed that electrons move in

well-defined orbits without considering the repulsion between electrons. In reality,
electrons repel each other due to their negative charges, which affects their behavior and
energy levels.

3. Lack of explanation for fine structure: Bohr's model did not account for the fine
structure of spectral lines, which arise from slight energy differences within energy levels.
Experimental observations revealed that spectral lines were not entirely sharp, and
Bohr's model could not explain this phenomenon.

4. Incomplete description of electron motion: The model treated electrons as particles

moving in fixed circular orbits, disregarding the wave-like properties of electrons
described by quantum mechanics.

5. Uncertainty principle: Bohr's model did not consider the uncertainty principle, a
fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that the position and
momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously known with certainty.

Uses of Rydberg Constan

The Rydberg constant, denoted by the symbol R, is a fundamental constant in
physics that has several important uses. Here are some key applications of the
Rydberg constant:

1. Calculation of energy levels: The Rydberg constant is used to calculate the

energy levels of hydrogen-like atoms. It provides a relationship between the
wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by these atoms and the energy
differences between their electron energy levels.
2. Spectroscopy: The Rydberg constant is utilized in spectroscopy to analyze and
identify atomic and molecular spectra. By comparing observed spectral lines with
the predicted values based on the Rydberg formula, scientists can determine the
energy transitions and electronic structure of atoms and molecules.
3. Hydrogen spectrum: The Rydberg constant plays a crucial role in explaining the
hydrogen spectrum. It allows for the determination of the wavelengths and
frequencies of the spectral lines emitted by hydrogen atoms when electrons
transition between different energy levels.
4. Atomic physics research: The Rydberg constant is employed in various research
areas within atomic physics. It helps in understanding the behavior of electrons
and energy levels in different atomic systems, which contributes to our
understanding of atomic structure, quantum mechanics, and the interaction of light
with matter.
5. Fundamental constants and unit conversions: The Rydberg constant, along with
other fundamental constants, is used to derive and relate different units and
measurements in physics. It provides a link between the atomic scale and other
physical quantities, enabling conversions and comparisons across different
systems of measurement.

When observing the hydrogen spectrum, scientists focus on the light
emitted or absorbed by hydrogen gas. Here are the key observations
made during the study of the hydrogen spectrum:
1. Discrete spectral lines
2. Line positions
3. Line intensities
4. Line patterns and series
5. Line shifts and broadening
6. Calibration and comparison
7. Recording and analysis
By carefully observing and analyzing the hydrogen spectrum, scientists can gain
valuable insights into the energy levels and transitions within hydrogen atoms.
These observations provide empirical evidence that helps validate theoretical
models and contributes to our understanding of atomic structure and quantum

 The observation of the hydrogen spectrum reveals distinct and discrete spectral lines,
indicating the specific wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by hydrogen gas. By
analyzing the positions, intensities, patterns, and series of these spectral lines, scientists can
gain insights into the energy levels and transitions within hydrogen atoms. These observations
provide empirical evidence that supports theoretical models, contributes to our understanding
of atomic structure, and advances our knowledge of quantum mechanics. The hydrogen
spectrum serves as a fundamental tool in spectroscopy and atomic physics, paving the way for
numerous scientific advancements and applications.
 Physics-Textbook for class XIl ; NCERT.
 Modern's abc of PHYSICS.
PHYSICS(universal publication).
 SL Arora Physics class 12


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