Naruto Shiraga No Tensai by DerArdian-lg37hxmn

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Naruto: Shiraga no Tensai

By: DerArdian

Naruto loved books, and he loved training. Yet without instruction, one was
limited to the amount of progress they would be able to make. So, when the
Hokage assigned a teacher to young Naruto, he was sure that the boy would
improve greatly, yet the boy had surpassed all his expectations. *on hiatus
(not happy with how it played out)*

Status: ongoing

Published: 2021-03-15

Updated: 2022-09-04

Words: 91563

Chapters: 27

Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Characters: Naruto U. - Reviews:

107 - Favs: 517 - Follows: 628

Original source:


Exported with the assistance of

Naruto: Shiraga no Tensai
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 1
Yo! If anyone is wondering about my previous fanfic, I
discontinued it. In other words, I'm not going to update it in the
future. It was poorly written and pretty rushed.

He will have white hair but it won't have any connection to

Outsutsuki or anything really I just did it because I'm a crazy fan
of Gojo Satoru.

This is all I'm going to say for now I guess so please enjoy and
review the chapter!

The hidden leaf village. One of the 5 great hidden villages and the
strongest out of them. The hidden leaf has a Hokage as its head and
there have been 4 Hokage in its history. The fourth Hokage tragically
died on the night of the Kyuubi attack which led to the third Hokage
coming back in power.

Naruto. A six-year-old boy who lives in the hidden leaf. He has had a
rough life until now and even he, himself doesn't know why. The
villagers yelled at him at his sight and some even chased him away.
He has learned to avoid the villagers just so he avoids getting beat
up by them. Everyone called him a demon, a fox but he didn't know
why and questions himself why would they do that? Was he really a
demon? Evil incarnate?

One night he was kicked out of the only place he could call home.
He lived in an orphanage but even there he was still hated. His
favorite place to go was in the library the orphanage has where he
could have a quiet time. Reading books was his favorite thing to do.
No one yelling at him. No one calling him a demon. Books were just
awesome and in return, he learned a lot from them.
But now that he was kicked out of the only thing he could call home,
he didn't know what to do and where to go. He has avoided the
villagers for a year now but now that he has no home he didn't know
what to do.

The villagers had also gotten curious now. They hadn't seen the
demon boy for over a year now and thought that someone had taken
him down. Which they had no problem with. That demon killed the
fourth Hokage so he deserves to die anyway.

Word reached the current Hokage of how he hasn't been seen from
the villagers for a while now but he knew that he avoided them and
he still is in the orphanage. But he couldn't help but be concerned.
He was entrusted with him and he still doesn't know if he did the
right choice by sending him to that orphanage. Even he noticed the
villagers' hate but didn't know what to do. "Tenzo. Bring the Anbu
following Naruto here and have them report to me immediately."
Hiruzen ordered with getting a nod from him and disappearing.

Naruto was in an alley trying to find a good spot to sleep for now.
The Anbu following him just watch. It's sad but they were ordered to
only watch and only intervene if someone from outside the village
tried to kidnap or harm him. As they watch him with sad looks on
their faces they see Tenzo just arriving. With a nod, they all
disappear and go to the Hokages office.

Hiruzen just looks at them waiting for their report.

"Naruto has been unfortunately been kicked out of the orphanage. At

the moment he's looking for a place to sleep" reported the Anbu with
a sad voice.

The third Hokage was furious. Although his facial expressions didn't
change the aura he was releasing was insane. If anyone with a
chuunin level or lower had been there, they would've just fallen
unconscious. "Those monkeys…" said a furious Hiruzen but then he
calmed down. "Show me where he is" he ordered.
The third Hokage arrived at the sight of Naruto lying on the ground
and trying to sleep. Rough ground and surrounded by trash. It stank
and it was pretty cold. Hiruzen holding back his tears goes to Naruto.
"What happened…?" Hiruzen asks.

Naruto was surprised to see the third Hokage but happy at the same
time. He was the only person who didn't look at Naruto with hate. "I-I
was kicked out… And I don't even know why" Naruto said with a frail
voice but then continues. "Why would they do that? I never did
anything to them."

Hiruzen was really mad but immediately calmed down. "Come

Naruto. I'll bring you to a place where you can sleep." With that
Hiruzen picks Naruto up and flickers away.

They arrived at Hiruzen's house. "You can stay here for tonight," said
Hiruzen. Naruto was really tired so he just fell down on the bed and
fell asleep.

Hiruzen then returns to the Hokage's office. He had to think of

consequences for the people working at the orphanage. Who would
just kick a six-year-old!? The best he came up with at the moment
was firing them and having someone else take over the orphanage,
and so he did. Now he had to find a place for Naruto to stay in. This
is quite troublesome. Having Naruto stay alone in an apartment
wouldn't be wise as he's too young. He could stay at my place but
would be there alone as well. Hiruzen then cursed at them. He
decided to talk to Naruto and then decide what he does with him.

Naruto wakes up. Confused as to where he was but then he

remembered what happened. Hiruzen comes in seeing Naruto had
just woken up. He brought him breakfast to eat.

As Naruto finished eating Hiruzen tried talking to Naruto. "So Na-" he

was interrupted by Naruto who had a sad look on his face.

"Why does everyone hate me?" Naruto asked looking Hiruzen in the
eyes. "They call me a demon. A fox. Every time they see me they
yell and some even chase me away."

Hiruzen was sad and mad at hearing this. No six-year-old should go

through this. And those damned villagers. But now he was puzzled.
What should he tell him? He can't just tell him that he has a demon
fox sealed inside him. "Listen Naruto… You shouldn't listen to what
they say. You're a young boy who is kind. You want to become a
Shinobi right? I'm sure you'll become a great one if not the greatest"

Naruto's eyes lit up. His dream was to become a Shinobi just like the
previous Hokage. He read about them and knew just how awesome
they were. His favorite Hokage was the fourth one. He alone was
feared by other nations and defeated 1000 Shinobi singlehandedly.
He even died protecting the village. Even though the villagers were
being mean to Naruto, Naruto still loved the hidden leaf and the
history behind it. How it was created and about the will of fire.

"Will you train me then, Jiji?" Naruto asked with an excited face.

Hiruzen surely wanted to but he was really busy with Hokage duty.
"I'm sorry Naruto but you know since I'm a Hokage, I don't have that
much time. Although…"

Naruto frowned at this but he saw that his Jiji had an idea.
"Although?" Naruto asked.

"I could have someone else train you. Someone awesome" Hiruzen
said as he saw Naruto's eyes lit up again. But now there is another
small problem at hand. Narutos home. "Naruto. Since you don't have
a place to stay… You could stay here or have your own apartment"
Naruto then started thinking. Even if he stayed at his Jiji's place he
probably wouldn't see him that often since he's so busy. Plus it would
be nice to get used to living on his own. So he decided.

"I think it would be better to live on my own Jiji. I can get used to
living on my own and not relying on other people" Naruto said.
Hiruzen smiles. "Alright then. I already have your apartment ready.
I'll take you there" Hiruzen picks Naruto up and go to his new
apartment. 'I have to learn that' Naruto thought to himself.

The apartment was new and clean. It was already furnished. It had a
kitchen, bedroom, living room, and a bathroom. All Naruto could've
asked for. The kitchen already had food in its fridge and a book
about learning for beginners which made Naruto smile at that. The
bedroom only had a bed and a nightstand by its side. The living
room had a couch and a coffee table in it. It also had a bookshelf
with books on it.

"This is perfect, Jiji" Naruto was smiling like a bastard holding tears
back. This also made Hiruzen happy seeing him this happy.

"Glad you like it. I'll bring you money by the end of every month but
be careful what you spend it on. Also, tomorrow at 7 AM at the
training ground 7. That's when you'll meet your sensei." With that, he
left Naruto.

"Alright! I'm going to be the strongest ninja there is" Naruto declared.
He had a day now to get used to this new apartment and prepare for
tomorrow. He had never done any ninja training before although
avoiding the villagers was training in itself.

Since Naruto had no idea how he's going to train tomorrow, he

prepared mentally.

It's 6 in the morning. Naruto just woke up excited for the first day of
training. His Jiji said that his Sensei is going to be awesome so that's
even more reason to be excited. He got up and made breakfast. He
had instant ramen he bought yesterday. He doesn't know how to
make proper breakfast yet so instant ramen is the best he could do.
He ate and got out. I better do quick exercises before I go. With that
thought, he leaves and goes out.
He is waiting at the training ground 7 and at exactly 7 AM someone
arrives in a flash. At first sight, Naruto saw that he is an Anbu and
that he is pretty strong. It was only something he unconsciously

"Good Morning! I'm your Sensei" the Anbu said.

Naruto was analyzing him. He said good morning back and

introduced himself. His mask was fox-like and had brown spiky hair
and normal Anbu clothes. That's all Naruto could make of him. The
Anbu's name is Tenzo but Naruto calls him Sensei.

The training was mostly chakra control training. Tenzo didn't want
him to do much physical training so it doesn't stop his growth spurt.
One thing Tenzo noticed by Naruto was that even though he had
way too much chakra for a 6-year-old, he still had not bad chakra
control. Almost every ninja who had a large amount of chakra their
control wouldn't be as good as someone who has less chakra. But
that didn't apply for Naruto.

Tenzo first taught Naruto the three basic jutsu you learn in the
academy. Those were: Clone Technique, Substitution Jutsu, and
Transformation Jutsu. It took Naruto a while to get the hand of those
Jutsus but after a week he got the hang of it. Since Naruto knew the
basic Clone Technique, Tenzo thought that it's a good idea to teach
him the Shadow Clone Jutsu. A better, solid version of the Clone
Technique. and with the amount of chakra Naruto has he had no
doubt Naruto could pull it out.

4 years time skip

Naruto is now 10 years old. During that time he had improved a lot in
training. He had also joined the academy. Naruto was more of a
quiet guy although sometimes a bit cheerful. He didn't see the point
of the academy. He knew everything they were teaching him. The
only thing he liked in the academy was the Taijutsu training. Since he
didn't do that much taijutsu training with his Sensei.
Even though the academy was boring, it still wasn't that bad. The
teachers were actually fair towards him and didn't really show any
hostile reaction towards him. His classmates weren't that bad either
except Sasuke and his fangirls. He hated how he effortlessly had
girls around him. He just sat in the class and ignored everyone.
What's so good about him anyway. thought Naruto.

Although even he had some fangirls of his own but he was oblivious
enough not to notice them.

Naruto has white hair and sky-blue eyes. He wears a full black
tracksuit with the Uzumaki symbol on his back.

He was quiet in class too and didn't talk much except when he was
with Shikamaru and Choji. The teachers seemed to like him too
since he was a good student with good grades and didn't really
cause problems. Naruto never used his full power in the class tho
since he wanted to surprise them at one point. he only used just
enough to get an average grade.

Training with an Anbu sure has its perks. His training had gone pretty
well for the past years and today was the day he was going to learn
his chakra affinity. He was pretty excited. During the four years, he
had also learned the Body Flicker jutsu but he still wasn't that good
at using it.

He arrived at the usual training ground. Naruto always got there

earlier so he could do exercises before he began. Thirty minutes of
exercises before his Sensei arrives seemed to do good on him.

Tenzo arrived and had a Chakra Induction Paper on him. A special

type of paper that is made only with a special type of tree. Naruto
knew what it was the moment he saw it and his eyes lit up with even
more excitement. They greeted each other. Tenzo gave Naruto the
special paper and explaining. "Alright, Naruto. This is a special type
of paper as I'm sure you already know. You push your chakra into
the paper and it will show you what your chakra affinity is. If it ignites
and turns to ash then it's fire. If it gets cleanly cut in two then it's
wind. If it wrinkles then it's lightning. If it turns to dirt and crumbles
away then it's earth and if it turns wet then it's water." Naruto nods as
he already knows this.

Naruto then grabs the paper and starts pouring his chakra into it.
The paper is cleanly cut in two, one side crumbles away, and the
second side wrinkles. Tenzo is pretty shocked seeing as he's got
three affinities. Only a few Jounin have three affinities which made
Tenzo even more proud of his student.

Tenzo smiles and then says "Good job, Naruto! Since you've found
your chakra nature today, you'll get the rest of the day free since the
next few years aren't going to be easy" and with that Tenzo
disappears in a swirl of leaves.

Naruto also being proud goes out to finally treat himself to ramen
seeing as he hasn't eaten there for a while.

"Yo Teuchi! A Miso Chachu Pork Ramen for me please"

The shop owner turns around as he sees Naruto. He remembers him

from when he was younger. He used to come there quite often. "Hey,
Naruto," Teuchi said with a surprised voice and then continues.
"Haven't seen you for a while. How've you been?"

"Hehe. I've been training." Naruto said in a proud voice rubbing his

"Oooh, I see. Here's a Ramen on the house" Teuchi said also proud
of Naruto.

"Thank you!" Naruto replied back in a cheerful voice.

Naruto is home. Reading a book while also being bored. Other than
training he didn't really have that much to do except play with his
friends. But they were training today so he was way too bored.
Training was the only thing he could think of right now so he trained.
He had only done minimal physical training until now so he thought
he'd kick it up a notch and maybe increase his speed and power.

He had a plan for his training. He had only gotten hints of it from
Tenzo but he also finally figured it out. The secret of shadow clones.
With his amount of chakra he had no doubt, he could use the jutsu to
its full advantage. So now he could train on a few stuff at the same
time. He put that idea on the back of his mind. He's definitely using
any shortcuts he has to get stronger.

And this concludes the first chapter. I still feel like it misses a
few details, but I'm not sure myself. I feel like this is way better
written than the last fanfic. So yea please review this and tell
your thoughts.

Chapter 2
Yo! Wow this was unexpected. Thank you all so much for the
positive reviews. This really has motivated me.

Alright first. I haven't decided on a ship yet and won't for a

while. Naruto is still 10 years old so I won't decide on a ship for
him at least until after the time skip. And second. I really haven't
thought much for the genetic reason about Narutos hair yet at
least. I know it's kinda dumb but I was thinking of having the
Uzumaki having white hair or maybe his father but probably the
earlier since Minato also having white hair Naruto might
connect the dots about his father or at least guess. But an
"official" genetic reason for his hair probably won't be revealed
until the later parts.

Again thank you for the positive reviews and hope you enjoy
this chapter.

Naruto just came home exhausted from his training. That was the
first serious physical training he had done and it was pretty draining.
But all that tiredness seemed to have washed away when he
remembered that tomorrow he's finally going to learn battle jutsus.
Until now he had mostly worked on his chakra control and the four
basic jutsus.

His chakra control was really good. Way better than one would think
for someone with such high chakra levels. He had also learned the
shadow clone jutsu, transformation jutsu, and the substitution jutsu
and perfected them. But he was having trouble with the body flicker
jutsu. Although D-rank, it still was a bit more complicated than the
previous jutsus. But he was hoping he would perfect it in the next
two years.
Naruto was resting as he made his clones prepare dinner. Even the
clones were as lazy as the original but they had to do what they had
to do. They had prepared a nice hot and healthy meal for him to eat.
As quickly as Naruto ate, he jumped on his bed and immediately

As always he wakes up at 6 AM and does his morning routine. He

brushes his teeth and washes his face. Puts on new and clean
clothes and then eats breakfast. At 6:30 AM he left the house and
went to the training ground. Always the same routine. First, it was
boring but after a while, he got used to it.

At 7 AM sharp his sensei arrives ready to train the young boy.

"Good morning, Naruto. Hope you're ready for today's training" said

"Good morning, Sensei. Yes of course I'm ready" replied a way too
excited Naruto.

As soon as Tenzo was about to start his training, Naruto interrupts.

"Sensei. I have an idea I would like to use for my training"

"Oh?" replied Tenzo already guessing what it might be.

"I'd like to use my shadow clones to train. I could have large groups
of clones learning multiple jutsus while I train on Taijutsu. What do
you think Sensei?" asked Naruto.

Tenzo smiles "Good that you figured it out. For the past few years,
we barely focused on your taijutsu training. Having two years just
focused on it seems like a good idea" but then Tenzo stopped
thinking. While yes, when dispelling a shadow clone returned its
memories to the original, no one ever used it to train so who knows
how useful it will be. Tenzo then asks Naruto "Have you already tried
seeing how good it works?"
"Yes, I have. I used them to learn a few things while I was training.
For example cooking. I'm still not the best at it but I'm decent."
Naruto pauses a bit and then continues. "But shadow clones have a
bit of a harder time learning something new that I previously didn't."

Tenzo was thinking if it's really a good idea to let the shadow clones
train. But Naruto wouldn't suggest it if it wasn't so he asks him. "So?
Why would you suggest it then?"

"Well, while they aren't as good at mastering a jutsu as I would be,

they still help a lot at multi-tasking. So while I, the original, focus on
taijutsu for the next two years, the clones will probably master the
jutsus in the next two years as well" answered Naruto.

Tenzo then smiles at this. "Very good, Naruto" Tenzo then forms
hand seals as another Tenzo comes out of him. It was the shadow
clone but not like the one you Naruto has. It was a wood-style clone.
Just at first sight, it seemed more durable than a normal one. "Alright
then, I will aid you in your taijutsu training while my clone with help
your clones in the ninjutsu training," said Tenzo.

Naruto then nods and creates 60 clones. Evenly divide the 60 clones
into three groups. Each group having 20 clones. Each group also
dividing into 2 groups of 10. Six groups of clones, each learning
another jutsu. This was also a bit harder for Tenzo's clone but he
managed. He only showed the clones the basics and they would
work alone after.

Tenzo was planning on adding chakra weights on his body and then
spar with him for a few hours. They started small. First adding 5kg.
His whole body was heavier and it was hard to move. But he got
used to it. Tenzo ordered him to keep them on for the next two years.
Adding weight every few days or a week. The first day of sparring
wasn't all that bad. 5Kgs wasn't that bad since he got used to it. But
the next it was worse. 2.5kgs didn't really seem much but adding the
2.5kgs to the 5kgs was pretty draining.
Thankfully the exercises he did since a few years ago seemed to pay
off. Naruto and Tenzo would spar for hours. Tenzo didn't even faze
that much while Naruto was exhausted. He still gave it his all and
kept trying. After a few more hours his body started to ache. His
muscles were sore and his limbs seemed heavier. He was panting.
"Look like we went overboard a little, Naruto. Take a break" said

Naruto without saying a word goes near a tree, drinks a bit of water,
and lays down to rest. The wind was calm, somewhat warm. The
birds chirping, the tree leaves rustling. Everything seemed so calm
that he had fallen asleep.

An hour passes. Naruto was still sleeping but was woken up by

Tenzo. He didn't want to ruin his sleep but he could catch a cold if he
stayed longer. He taps on Naruto shoulder and says "Naruto. Naruto,
wake up."

Naruto slowly opens his eyes. Looks around as he comes to his

senses. "For how long was I asleep?" he asked.

"For an hour" Tenzo replied.

"An hour?! Do you know how much I could've training during that
one hour" Naruto hurriedly stands up yelling.

"Naruto, calm down. You couldn't have trained anyways since your
body is in th-" Tenzo was shocked seeing as he's in a really good
shape. The Kyuubi? I knew he had good regeneration abilities but
this is quite something. Tenzo thought.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing. Come on now stop slacking off let's get to training" said
Tenzo laughing seeing Naruto irritated face.

After a few minutes of sparring

So an hour of sleep really healed him from the soreness? The
fatigue? This will probably help him improve his body faster. Tenzo

Every day Tenzo and Naruto sparred, Narutos fighting style

improved. He became more skilled overall. He could do logical
thinking. Predict his opponent's movements and act upon that and
he was doing a really good job on that. His speed was also the most
impressive. Such an impressive speed at such a young age. He will
surely become a great ninja.

At the end of the week, he increased the chakra weights on his body
to 10. Every day increasing them little by little at the end of the week
he got to ten. Moving alone was pretty hard and he had to keep them
on every time. After the first week, he kept the weights at the same
level until the end of the week. That was when he'd either increase it
by a half, one, one and a half, or two kilograms.

His healing abilities made things a lot easier. Even after being
completely exhausted, the next day would mostly be the same as the
last day. Depending on how much strain he put on his body.
Sometimes he would go overboard and wouldn't be able to train for a

There also was a problem to which he found a simple solution.

Shopping. Naruto going shopping was near impossible. The villagers
yelling at him. If he even stared at an item in a store he would be
pushed out of the store by the owner. The simple solution to this was
the transformation jutsu. Transform to an ordinary civilian so when
he went shopping he wouldn't catch any attention. He had already
asked his Jiji if he was allowed to do that, and he had allowed him to
as long as he didn't do anything out of the ordinary and cause

During the years of training, he had found out about his sensing
abilities. He had it since he was younger but it was an unconscious
ability so he never noticed. Looking back, the first time he met his
sensei, he noticed that he was really strong. He still can't control it to
activate it at will. He has tried to, many times but never succeeded.

Naruto also decided to take a look at sealing jutsus. His favorite

Hokage, the fourth Hokage was a sealing master. So he decided to
take a look into it. It was really complicated and noticed that it could
be pretty versatile. But he thought that although it would be cool to
master it, it didn't really fit his style. He was kinda upset but got over
it later. Not all the fourth Hokage could do, he'll be able to do. Plus
he's already decided to become even more awesome than all the
previous Hokage. But before that, he had to become a full-fledged
shinobi. Someone who carries his duties. Even Naruto knew that
before he could become and succeed as a Hokage, he had to
succeed as a Shinobi.

Naruto shakes his head and heads home. A few weeks passed since
the real training started. At the end of the day, he dispelled the
shadow clones and learned what they learned. The ninjutsu training
was going pretty well. Better than he expected really. He also noticed
something during his elemental training. Although his main three
affinities were wind, earth, and lightning, wind was still superior to
the other two. His wind chakra was stronger than the earth and
lightning one although not by a lot.

If it goes on like this, I'll most definitely master these jutsus at the
end of the second year. Naruto thought. He was pretty excited. He
was getting better day by day. Even his day-offs were pretty
straining. He was told to low the weights by half and he did so but it
was pretty tiring to move with weights. This is his life now though so
he had to get used to it.

After weeks of training, he had an idea about the lightning release.

He wasn't really sure it could work but even Tenzo said that there is
a slight chance it might. So now he makes forty clones for wind and
earth and thirty for lightning alone and one jutsu also. The jutsu he
was working on was a branch technique of an already existing one. It
works very similarly the same as the ones he read about but since it
was a branch technique, it was weaker. Weaker but still really useful
is what Naruto thought.

A few months pass. Narutos taijutsu and body shape is way better
than it was when he began. The progress he made was really good
and he was really happy and proud of it.

Wind release was what he made the most progress on. It was easier
to learn and master than the other two affinities. Earth wasn't that
bad either. Lightning was what he had the most trouble on.
Whenever he hit a dead-end he couldn't ask anyone for a piece of
advice since anyone he and his sensei knows that is in the village,
can't or doesn't know the jutsu. While the previous two he could
since his sensei was a great earth user himself and he was close
with someone who used wind release as well so he could point his
mistakes here and there.

He was also really happy that he decided to focus more on the

lightning jutsu since it was the hardest to master.

His taijutsu had also progressed really far. He could now better
predict his opponent's movements and could react to them faster
due to how his body had progressed. It's been two months since he
started training. He only had one day a week off but today happened
something he didn't really expect.

Naruto and Tenzo finish sparring.

"Alright, Naruto. Good job on reacting to my attacks this well again"

said Tenzo smiling. He was also proud of the progress Naruto was

"Thank you, Sensei. We'll continue again after a small break?" asked
Naruto panting.

An unexpected answer came out of Tenzos's mouth. "No, Naruto.

You should take a longer break this time. I was thinking of a one
week break"
As soon as Naruto heard those words, a shocked expression
appeared on his face. Sure, he took one-day breaks every one or
two weeks. But a whole week?

"But why?" Naruto asked.

"When is the last time you met your friends outside of school?"
Tenzo replied with another question.

Naruto then realized. He hadn't met his friends in a long time. He did
talk with them while in school, but they rarely went out since he
started training. Naruto didn't answer.

"You're too focused on training. Yes, it's important, but don't forget
your friends. We'll meet again in five days and continue training.
Have fun Naruto" Tenzo said and with that he disappears.

"Aw, man. Well, I do see his point. Haven't played with them for a
while too." Naruto says so he goes to meet up with his friends.

First, he went to Kiba and see if he was busy. But he was also
training so he, unfortunately, couldn't come. Kiba is an obnoxious
guy but a good friend. He's one of the people who didn't hate him.
Naruto also admired him for how hard he trains to become stronger.

Naruto was thinking of also meeting up with Shino. Shino was also a
quiet guy and they barely talked to one another. He's a pretty cool
guy but Naruto couldn't really figure out what he was thinking as he
does with others. Sometimes he got the feeling like Shino doesn't
really like Naruto or that he bothers him but he really didn't know.
Naruto couldn't find him anyways.

Well, that's what I get for trying to meet in such a short time Naruto
thought. Naruto was walking towards Choji's house. Choji was a
wholesome guy. He would sometimes offer Naruto chips which he
appreciated. While walking he saw Choji and his father going to a
barbeque. Naruto knew what was going to happen in the restaurant
so he best not bother them and their lunchtime.
Guess that leaves Shikamaru. Naruto thought. Choji and Shikamaru
are his first friends. Through them, he also met other awesome
people. Although not a large friend group, he still appreciated them
and was happy that they also didn't judge him. Shikamaru was
different. He was a lazy person who said Troublesome quite often.
He was a nice guy nonetheless. As Naruto neared his house, he saw
him and his father playing Shogi. He got kinda upset. Everyone was
busy. But he couldn't blame them since he wanted to meet them in
such a short time.

As he turned around to go home, Shikamaru had noticed him. "Hey,

Naruto," Shikamaru said in a somewhat loud voice calling him.

Naruto turned around again seeing that he was noticed. He walks

towards them and says "Yo, Shikamaru. I have some time off so I
thought we could hang out," Naruto said with a somewhat low voice.

"Well, I'm playing Shogi right now. Want to join in?" Shikamaru

"I don't know… I never played it before." Naruto replied back.

As they were having a conversion, Shikaku was observing. He did

meet Naruto a few times before. He knew he was training with an
Anbu so he had to be strong too. His black tracksuit with blue eyes
and white hair gave different vibes each time. Sometimes he was
giving off like a slacking-off and uninterested vibe but then also a
strong and confident vibe. It was quite strange. He saw that the
relationship between his son and Naruto seemed well so he stands
up and heads towards the door to go inside. "Well, you guys have
fun," he said and leaves.

"So, you never played Shogi before right? Want me to teach you?"
asked Shikamaru though he didn't really want to teach someone
since he was lazy.

"I don't know seems like a confusing game. How about we go out for
a walk and maybe play something. It's been a while" Naruto replied

Shikamaru smiled as although going out was troublesome, teaching

him a new game from scratch was even more so, so he thanks
Naruto in his mind for not agreeing on learning the game. "Fine, let's
go." He replied.

"In about two years we are finally going to be real shinobi. I'm really
excited!" said Naruto.

"Yea. You have been training a lot huh" replied Shikamaru.

"Of course. I'm going to be the strongest shinobi" Naruto said with a

"Troublesome. Seriously, where do you get all that motivation from?"

Shikamaru asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Hehe, you should try harder to be honest. I'm sure you could get
even stronger." Naruto replied back.

"I'm trying hard enough," Shikamaru said.

As they were walking towards the park and see a lonely Uchiha
sitting by himself. Naruto tried to talk to him a few times before but
he would ignore him. Naruto also felt bad about what happened to
him. He felt somewhat of a connection between them, but he would
also get pissed off by him because of his attitude.

Naruto and Sasuke made eye contact, but then Sasuke just turned
his head saying piss off.

Naruto got really annoyed by that and he himself didn't know why.
Normally he wouldn't get easily annoyed. So he just ignores Sasuke
and walks with Shikamaru to the park.

Shikamaru just looks either down or up avoiding any eye contact

with anyone.
"What do you think of him, Shikamaru?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know… It's sad what happened to him so I guess his attitude
is excused. I would probably ignore him though" Shikamaru replied

"Yea you probably would," Naruto said with a laugh.

Naruto knew really well how it is being alone. He wanted to help

Sasuke but he just ignored Naruto. In the academy, Naruto was
usually quiet. Didn't talk when unnecessary. He usually sat next to
Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, or sometimes even Shino. He would
however try to sit next to Sasuke and get him to talk. But sometimes
that would also be impossible due to the annoying fangirls. Sasuke
was at the top of the class while Naruto only tried hard enough to get
average grades since he really didn't want the attention Sasuke was

Shikamaru however noticed a few fangirls of Naruto but he always

wondered how Naruto could be so oblivious to never notice them.

A few hours pass and it was getting kinda late. Shikamaru had to run
off home or else his mother would scold him. So Naruto had to walk
home alone.

He saw the Uchiha again staring at a river. Naruto wondered what he

was thinking since he barely talked. He walked up to him and
greeted him. Getting no reply.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked again getting no response.
He was starting to get kinda mad.

"I asked you something," Naruto said but this time he actually said
something back.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked.

"Nothing. Just wanted to see how you're doing. You know, talking is
always better than staying silent" Naruto answered in a lower voice.

Sasuke looked at him and then looked down. "Don't want to talk.
Just go away." Sasuke said in a higher voice trying to intimidate

"Why not? I know how it feels to be alone… And talking with friends
always made it better." Naruto said.

"You don't know anything," Sasuke replied back.

"Huh? I don't know anything? Seriously, get a grip. Staying alone will
bring you nothing. I mean it. But yea I guess don't know anything."
Naruto shakes his head and starts walking off. Seriously, why did I
even try? I'll just go home and eat dinner for now. Naruto thought.

Sasuke was thinking about what Naruto said but quickly shook it off.
No one understands how I feel. I will get stronger alone and get
revenge. Revenge. All Sasuke could think of. Killing his brother, the
one who killed his own clan.

Naruto then arrives home and prepares dinner. He made two

shadow clones prepare dinner for him while he went to his room and
laid down. He didn't want to let Sasuke suffer alone. But he couldn't
bring him to talk to him. So he didn't know what to do now. When
Naruto was alone, all he wanted was someone to talk to with. So
maybe he really doesn't know anything…

A somewhat longer chapter than I'm used to. But I enjoyed

writing it nonetheless. This chapter was also tricky to write so
please review this and tell me what you think. I really appreciate
any review and it helps me get better at writing.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and have a fine day/night!

Chapter 3
It's been 6 years since he started training with his Sensei. He
learned a lot from him. How to be a Shinobi and everything he
needed to know. And today was his last that he's going to train with
his Sensei. Finally, tomorrow he's graduating and he's going to
become a real Shinobi. The academy was pretty easy for Naruto.
The stuff they taught there, he already knew. They only taught him
the low-level Jutsus that he also already knew. Taijutsu was also
pretty easy after a few months of training only on taijutsu. Even
though boring he still loved the academy. He had friends there and
the teachers were nice too.

Two years of only Taijutsu training had done him good. He did use
shadow clones to master the three elemental jutsus. He mastered
two of the earth release jutsus and two of wind release ones.
Lightning release was a bit tricky. He did train long enough to make it
useful in battle but he still didn't master it completely. It was a "copy"
of the original jutsu after all.

Tenzo and Naruto were getting ready for their final spar.

"Naruto, take off your chakra weights. You need to get used to your
body without them" Tenzo said.

Naruto was surprised by this. He was told to never take them off.
Even if he wasn't training. He even forgot how his body felt without
the weights. But he realized why he told him to take them off so he
did just that. Naruto then as soon as he takes off his weights
immediately notices the difference. He felt so much lighter. He
jumped higher. He was faster. He felt as though he was the fastest.
He got a bit too cocky forgetting how strong his Sensei is.

"Very well. Start!" Tenzo declares.

Naruto immediately rushed at him. Taking his weights off seemed to
have made him cockier. But then he saw the difference between
himself and his Sensei. He threw punches left and right but none
seemed to hit him. His Sensei dodged every one of his punches
seemingly easily. The moment Naruto noticed that he jumped back.
"Heh, I guess it won't be that easy."

Naruto then starts thinking about what to do while he dodges Tenzo.

He was trying to come up with a strategy but couldn't focus too much
because of Tenzo rushing him. 'Thinking won't do much then huh?'
Naruto thought as he then fully focused on the fight. He realized he
couldn't strategize unconsciously and trying to come up with a
strategy to fight his Sensei right now would only slow him down.

Naruto throws in kicks, punches, everything he had available but

they all either got dodged or blocked. He realized just how much he
had to train to overcome this level. He knew how weak he is and
how much more he has to train to get stronger. To become the

Naruto then rushes at Tenzo even harder trying to land in a punch. A

kick. Anything. But everything seemed futile. This frustrated Naruto
more than he thought. He got even more aggressive. His style was
still really good for an academy student. It barely had any openings
Tenzo could exploit even after he got so aggressive. It seemed
immature of Naruto to get so frustrated and that doing so in battle
could prove fatal, but this was different. Even though more
aggressive it still didn't leave any openings. It seemed reckless and
dumb to an opponent which confused them.

Tenzo thought he saw an opening. 'You've got ways to go Naruto.

Leaving an opening like tha-' as soon as Tenzo was about to exploit
that opening he realized. He got tricked by an academy student.
Naruto quickly dodged Tenzo and was about to land a kick. Tenzo
smiled. Proud of his student. To think Naruto, an academy student
would trick him. He just laughed a little and then quickly grabbed his
leg and pushed him to the ground.
Naruto then stood up exhausted. As soon as he stood up he fell
again. The spar had gone on for a few hours and it drained him.

Tenzo then laughed a bit more loudly. "Good job, Naruto. Yet again
you impress me"

"Really?!" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Yes. Well done. For that, I will treat you to ramen" Tenzo replied.

"Let's go!" Naruto shouted.

For the past few years, Tenzo hadn't gone on any missions as an
Anbu and hadn't done any Anbu work. He was only focused on
training Naruto as ordered by the Third Hokage. Since Naruto is
finally going to become a genin he thought that he won't need his
Sensei anymore. He'll be busy on missions and also have another
sensei. He was worried about Naruto. He was also sad that he won't
get to see Naruto as often. They grew closer and have a really good
Teacher-Student relationship. But he knew that he has nothing to
worry about. With Naruto finally becoming a genin he plans on
continuing his Anbu work.

After finishing their meal they went on top of the Hokage rock.
Naruto knew that this is the last time his seeing his Sensei in a long
time. He knows his Sensei will continue his Anbu work so he will be
really busy. It upset him but there wasn't really anything he could do
at the moment. "So I guess this is a goodbye?" Naruto said in a low

"For now, Naruto. I trust you to become an awesome Shinobi. I know

you can do it. And don't worry, whenever I have time, I will come and
meet you" Tenzo replied. Tenzo then smiled and then said in a
sarcastic voice. "Alright then Naruto, better get ready for tomorrow. It
is a big day, after all, you better not fail." Tenzo knew without a doubt
he would pass the academy test.
Naruto then chuckled. "Hai! I will become strong too. Stronger than
you" Naruto declared.

Tenzo then laughed. "Yes, I know you will"

They then nodded at each other and both leave.

Naruto heads home. It had gotten dark so he wanted to get a good

night's sleep for tomorrow. Tomorrow he's finally going to become a
real ninja.

Naruto woke up earlier this time. He quickly ate breakfast and went
out. He went out for a run. He ran at full speed around the village to
see how fast he could go. Since he's finally not using the weights he
wanted to test how much faster he got. And it was by a lot. But he
still had ways to go. He knew that because of the spar with his
Sensei. He knew he still had to train, a lot more and way harder than
he did before if he wanted to become the strongest.

After taking a small break he went to the academy. It was earlier

than usual so not everyone was in class. Since his friends weren't
there either he sat alone. As per usual, the fangirls were fangirling
over Sasuke. He still thought about what Sasuke said. About him not
understanding anything. Naruto thought he understood how Sasuke
felt but that wasn't the case.

A few minutes pass and his friends all came. Naruto sat next to
Shikamaru and Choji. Kiba and Shino also sat together behind them.
It was pretty loud until Iruka came in. The students were nervous
about the exams. Some were also not worried about it, confident that
they would easily pass.

As soon as Iruka came in the class was silent. Iruka greeted the
students and they greeted him back. Iruka haves them prepare for
the first exam. The written exam. Mizuki, Irukas assistant handed out
the papers.
Naruto had always gone for the average score. But since it was the
last day, he wanted to get the perfect score. Yesterday Iruka
reviewed the transformation jutsu in which Naruto also got a perfect
score. He answered all the questions asked on the paper. After the
time was up Mizuki picked the papers up. Some were upset, some
were not. The test was hard for a few but easy for others.

"For your final exam, you must each generate a clone," Iruka said
and then continues after a moment of silence. "Wait here until your
name is called, and then come next door."

After a few got their name called, it was finally Narutos turn. His
friends wished him luck to which Naruto thanked them. He goes next

Iruka and Mizuki were sitting in front of a table full of leaf headbands.
Naruto was excited. Iruka told Naruto to show his shadow clone. But
what happened after wasn't what he expected. Since Naruto was an
overall average student he expected one shadow clone but what
actually happened was surprising. First Naruto didn't even use hand
signs and second, there were multiple and solid clones. Iruka
immediately passed him.

As the exams were over, Iruka congratulated everyone. Everyone in

his class had passed. After the students congratulated each other
and celebrated, they all went home.

Naruto was about to walk home but he thought he'd stay outside for
a bit. Home alone was boring after all. He lied down on the Hokages
Rock looking at the dark sky. The sky was clear, with no clouds. You
could clearly see the beautiful stars. Naruto loved to just stay and
look at the sky. But for a moment he was interrupted. He saw
someone jump right above his head going into the forest. He didn't
see who it was but he did notice he was in quite a hurry.

Naruto decided to follow him and see what's up. It didn't take a lot for
Naruto to catch up to him but when he did he saw someone familiar.
Mizuki. Mizuki was actually quite nice to Naruto so he thought that
Mizuki was actually a kind person. "Mizuki, what's going on?" Naruto
asked. Naruto also noticed the scroll on his hand and thought of a
theory about what's actually happening. The theory was that Mizuki
stole the scroll and is now on the run. But he still didn't want to
believe that as he genuinely believed Mizuki was a kind person.

Mizuki decided to stop. "Ah, so it's you Naruto. The devil himself"
Mizuki said.

Naruto hated that word. He always wondered why he was always

called a devil. But hearing those words towards him, Naruto knew he
wasn't a kind person, at least no one who uses those words towards
a child is. "What are you doing Mizuki?" Naruto asked again.

Mizuki then started laughing. "Don't you see, Naruto? I'm stealing
this scroll and in exchange, I will be granted power."

Naruto then knew for sure what that scroll is and realized what's
happening. "Aren't you a leaf ninja? No, if you're willing to betray
your village then you aren't a ninja. You're just a failure." Naruto said
preparing to fight Mizuki.

"Oh? The devil is getting ready to fight?" Mizuki then started

laughing but then continues. "Naruto, do you know why everyone
calls you a devil? Why everyone hates you?" Mizuki asks.

Naruto then stopped for a moment but then told him to continue.

"Because… you Naruto, you're the devil fox who attacked the village
twelve years ago." Mizuki then started laughing again.

Naruto was shocked. He always wondered why everyone called him

a devil. He even came up with theories as to why. He did come up
with the theory that the fox was inside him but he didn't want to
believe it. This theory seemed the most believable but he just didn't
want to accept it's true. After a few moments of Mizuki laughing and
Naruto getting his head straight, Mizuki decided to attack Naruto.
Narutos thoughts were all over the place but then he tossed them all
aside. He was already kinda prepared for it although he didn't want
to believe it. Although he didn't have any proof, the idea was still

Mizuki was rushing Naruto but Naruto easily dodged him. That
speed was nothing compared to his Senseis. Both of them on the
ground staring at each other until suddenly another Naruto came out
of the ground about to catch Mizuki. Mizuki was really shocked at
this but his instincts allowed him to move away. He really didn't
expect Naruto to know any jutsus, he was the most average after all.

"Heh, I guess it won't be that easy" Naruto said.

"You… you devil! Why don't you care?! You're the demon fox, the
one who killed countless people" Mizuki yelled

Naruto said nothing. He was thinking nothing other than bringing the
scroll back and defeating Mizuki. He didn't let it bother him what
Mizuki was saying.

Mizuki got pissed at this and carelessly started attacking Naruto.

Naruto dodged and countered his punches. Mizuki managed to get a
few punches in and started rushing more aggressively. Naruto then
used it to his advantage and disappeared in a poof of smoke. Mizuki
got even more furious and turned around to see Naruto preparing a
jutsu. With one hand sign Naruto takes a deep breath, compresses
that breath, and releases it in a large crushing sphere of wind
chakra. Mizuki barely dodged it but it got his leg.

He managed to hide but when Naruto was about to pursue him but
he stopped when he was attacked from below. It looked like a
combination of an earth jutsu and Soft Physique Modification. But
then suddenly Naruto was put into a genjutsu. Naruto fell under his
trap. As soon as he released the genjutsu he was being attacked by
a puppet holding a sword. He was already about to get hit and he
couldn't dodge it. 'Shit, I have to use this then. Although not perfect it
will help me get out of this.' Naruto thought.
No hand signs necessary. In one moment Naruto was surrounded by
dark red lightning to which enhanced his speed and reflexes greatly.
He got the idea of this jutsu when he read the encounter of the fourth
Hokage and the Raikage. He read that he used something like this
so Naruto created something similar. It was far off from the original
but he knew he could train to improve on it. As soon as he activated
the lightning jutsu he dodged the puppet and was about to find
Mizuki. He could finally use sensing abilities although they were only
for a few meters.

Naruto found Mizuki again and was about to attack him again. Mizuki
was furious. Naruto countered everything Mizuki had. All his plans
were ruined because of Naruto. He was so infuriated that he blindly
attacked Naruto. Naruto then encased his arm in rock and taking
advantage of Mizuki's recklessness, Naruto did a direct hit which put
Mizuki down.

"This took longer than it should have," Naruto said tiredly. Naruto
then notices the scroll near the unconscious Mizuki. 'Hmm, let's see
why Mizuki risked his life for' Naruto thought and opens the scroll.
The first jutsu in that scroll was the one he already knew. "Boring"
Naruto said. After looking at a few more jutsus he noticed something.
The one jutsu that his idol is famous for. His eyes lit up but he then
senses someone coming. He quickly copies what is said on the
scroll about that jutsu and drops it.

The one who arrived was Iruka. "Naruto? What are you doing here?"
Iruka asked in a confused face.

"I saw Mizuki running with the scroll so I followed him and defeated
him," Naruto said in a cheery voice. His clothes were in a worse
shape than he was though.

Iruka then takes a second to let that information sink in and then
asks. "You defeated Mizuki? Wait you didn't look in the scroll did
"It was hard but yea, I did." Naruto then laughs ignoring the second
question Iruka asked.

Credit was given to Naruto for returning the scroll safely. After Iruka
and Naruto gave their report to the Third Hokage, he thanked them
and told them they can leave. Iruka was about to leave but noticed
Naruto staying.

"Naruto, come I'll treat you to some Ramen too," Iruka said.

"Go on without me. I want to talk with Jiji a bit" Naruto said with a low

Iruka noticed that there was something different about Naruto so he

decided to leave them.

Hiruzen already knew what he wanted to talk about. He saw

everything on the crystal ball. But he didn't know what to tell him. He
can't lie to him anymore.

"Jiji, am I really a devil? Is the nine-tailed fox actually sealed inside

me?" Naruto asked in a saddened voice.

"No, no of course not. You're just the same Naruto. Yes, you have a
fox sealed inside you but you're still the same Naruto. A normal
human which I love" Hiruzen replied back.

Naruto was in deep thoughts. He was really happy to hear those

words but was still upset. "Jiji, why was it sealed inside me?" Naruto
asked again. He knew why already but just wanted to hear his Jiji
say it.

"It was to save the village, Naruto. It was sealed by the fourth
Hokage. If he didn't seal it inside you then it would've gone in a
rampage killing hundreds of people." Hiruzen replied back again. He
noticed that that made Naruto feel better. If it was for the village
Naruto felt as he could do anything. Even if it meant containing a
demon fox.

"Hmm. Jiji, are there books about the nine-tailed fox or books related
to it?" Naruto then asks again. He wanted to research everything
about the beast inside of him.

Hiruzen then stands up and goes to a shelf of books and scrolls. "Of
course there are. You can take them but be sure to return them"
Hiruzen said pointing at the books.

Naruto then smiled. "By the way Jiji, I took a look into the forbidden
scroll," Naruto said in embarrassment rubbing the back of his head.

The forbidden scroll was a scroll that had jutsus that were forbidden
to use. The first Hokage himself was the one who wrote the
forbidden jutsu in the scroll. They were forbidden due to how much
chakra the jutsus cost and if anyone with not enough chakra tried to
use those jutsus dies. But Naruto is someone who has an abnormal
amount of chakra due to his genes.

"Oh? Well did you find anything interesting?" asked a curious


Naruto then smiles a little at that question and says "Well, I did find
this one." showing the paper on which he wrote the jutsu in.

Hiruzen was shocked but then again thought it was to be expected.

"Naruto, just be careful. It is a forbidden jutsu for a reason." Hiruzen
said. He didn't have any doubts that he wouldn't learn it though. He
was his son after all.

Naruto then smiles again. "Hai, Jiji" Naruto says while taking the
books and scrolls about the nine-tailed fox and stuff related to him.
"Thank you again," Naruto said while leaving.

"No problem. I trust you after all." Hiruzen said in a somewhat lower
voice. He then sat on his chair again and continue his paperwork.
That's a chapter done. I'm sorry about the one-week delay. I was
really busy with school stuff. It shouldn't happen again but no
one knows.

So, what do you guys think about this chapter? The fight
scenes? I'm not so sure myself to be honest but I hope I get
feedback from you guys on where I can improve myself.

Well, that's all I have to say at the moment. Hope you enjoyed the
chapter and please leave a review.

Chapter 4
Yo! Thank you for the positive reviews. I've gotten a lot about
pairings and a lot about Naruto X Ino. I haven't chosen on who
to pair Naruto with yet although I have an idea on who to pair
him with. But first I'd like the story to progress further. But I
don't plan on pairing him with anyone out of the village and
anyone older or younger.

Thank you for your kind reviews and hope you enjoy this

Naruto had just gotten up fully refreshed from the exhaustion. It was
midday so Naruto slept longer than he wanted to. Yesterday had
been a tiresome night and he had found out a terrible secret about
himself, well, about the demon that's sealed inside of him. He was
really upset but he did get over it after talking to his Jiji. Since it was
for his village he really didn't care about a demon. He felt like he
could do anything about his village even if it meant containing a

As he stood up yawning he noticed the books and scroll he got

yesterday. 'Alright, since I don't have anything to do today besides
preparing the Ninja Registration Form, I'll learn everything there is to
know about you. And then there is you…' Naruto thought looking at
another scroll kinda excited. He quickly ate lunch and made a few
shadow clones.

First, he sent one clone to prepare the Ninja Registration Form and
made the other clones learn the basics of the working of the jutsu he
had written down yesterday, and he, the original, would read about
the demon inside him.

He made 25 clones learn about the jutsu. Since the shadow clones
had a harder time learning new stuff. Yesterday he was in such a
hurry copying the scroll that he really had no idea what he wrote. He
wrote it unconsciously due to not wanting to be seen by Iruka and it
was faster this way.

The jutsu was called the Hiraishin. There were a few stuff written
about it. First, he noticed that jutsu was edited and improved by the
fourth Hokage. The jutsu was created by the second Hokage but
improved by the fourth Hokage. Naruto noticed the use of the special
kunai. The special kunai differ from a standard shinobi kunai in that
they have three blades instead of one and the handle serves as the
marker for the fourth Hokage's teleportation ability.

To use the Hiraishin jutsu one had to mark a target with the
technique formula. The formula is applied with a single touch which
can't be removed even after the target dies. By entering a
dimensional void, the user can instantly teleport to a technique
formula's location whenever they please, regardless of distance.
Anything that the user is holding, contacting, or that is linked with
their chakra will teleport with them. It is said that anyone marked with
the technique formula is essentially sentenced to death.

Naruto thought that with the use of his lightning jutsu, he could you
the Hiraishin even better and faster. He was still upset his lightning
jutsus didn't increase his physical parameters as much as he wanted
to. The Raikage's lightning mode did so on a much greater scale.
But he was still proud he was able to replicate it even though at a
much lower level than the originals.

The Hiraishin jutsu could be used without hand signs if Naruto

trained long enough to master it.

Naruto sent one more clone to order a few special kunai. He got
them right away since the fourth Hokage used to order them there.

After getting back home with the special kunai Naruto poofed. When
the original got the memories of the clone he made another 25
clones to get used to using these special kunai. They weighed more
than the normal ones and getting used to fighting with them did no

It was getting late and Naruto had finally finished reading all about
the demon inside of him. It was quite a lot he had learned about him
and his "kind". He read that there were 8 other demons, or beasts as
it was written, like the one inside him. There were 9 tailed beasts in
total and all had unique appearances and different numbers of tails.
The one inside him had nine tails and was also the most terrifying
but also the one with the most chakra of them all. He also read that
there were other people like him who had a tailed beast sealed
inside of them. They were called a Jinchuriki. The tailed beasts were
seen as monsters, demons, mindless beasts and were really hated.
That hatred went on to their Jinchuriki which he finally understood
why he was hated and called a demon by everyone in the village.

The first Hokage had gathered all the tailed beasts and suppressed
them with his wood style. He had also given them away to other
villages to avoid war. As Naruto read this he was amazed. 'He really
gave such powerful being away like pets' thought Naruto. The first
Hokage had although kept the nine tails and sealed him inside of his
wife. Naruto then noticed something. The last name of the first
Hokage's wife. Uzumaki. He also read that the first Hokage's wife
whose name was Mito was the first nine tails Jinchuriki. After Mito,
the second nine tails Jinchuriki was Kushina Uzumaki. And after
Kushina, it was Naruto. Naruto noticed that so far only the Uzumaki
were his Jinchuriki.

Naruto knew that the Uzumaki was a famous clan but was later
killed. He never knew why they were killed and why he was the only
survivor so far he knew. He barely knew anything about the

Naruto then read about the different kinds of tailed beasts, their
special abilities, and where they are located. He failed to understand
why the nine-tailed attacked the village. 'Was it really necessary to
kill countless people and destroy countless buildings just to avoid
being sealed inside a human? Was it really that bad? If that's the
case then I'll do my best for him to be comfortable as much as
possible. But would it really help? Was being sealed really the
reason he killed? The reason he's evil? Is he really evil?' Naruto
began to question everything. He was puzzled by this situation. He
didn't want to think someone is evil just because someone said he is.
He at least wanted to talk to this "demon" before he came to the
conclusion that he's just pure evil.

He read about how the Jinchuriki can talk to the tailed beast. He
wanted to try that as well. He made all the other shadow clones poof.
He felt all their memories come back to him. Naruto shook his head
and sat down. He closed his eyes. He sat down for a few minutes
but nothing happened. When Naruto started concentrating even
harder he felt something different. He opened his eyes and saw
himself in a corridor. It looked like he was in a sewer. As he was
looking around he heard a growl. Naruto immediately knew who and
where he was. He walked straight and turned left. After a moment of
walking, he finally arrived. Before him, he saw a big cage.

"Come closer," said the nine tails growling.

As Naruto went one step closer, the nine tails tried to stab him with
his nails. "I want to eat you… but this damn seal… won't let me,"
he said growling even harder.

Naruto understood that he was trying to scare him and it was

working. It certainly was creepy. "So. You're the nine tails huh?"
Naruto said.

"You came here yourself. You know where you are and you
certainly know who I am, Kid." responded the nine tails.

Naruto then laughed a bit. "You really are scary, nine tails." Naruto
noticed he flinched a little hearing that. "Hmm, it feels weird calling
you that and it doesn't seem you like it either. So what do you prefer
I call you?" Naruto asked.
The nine tails was shocked at hearing this. He has hated humans for
only seeing him as a power source. A demon. Evil incarnate. No one
had ever asked him for his name. "What do you care, kid?" he
then asked.

"Well, you're inside me and you do already know my name so it

makes sense for me to know yours," Naruto replied.

The nine tails started laughing. "You're the first human to ever ask
me that. Fine, since you asked, it's Kurama" he said. His hate for
humans was still the same but he still had a little amount of respect
for the human child. Kurama knew what Naruto thinks, what his
intentions are, and what he feels. In his point of view, Naruto wasn't
that bad but he was still a human. The child of the one who sealed
him nonetheless.

"Kurama huh? I like it. So, Kurama. I'd like to ask you something if
I'm allowed" Naruto said.

Kurama was again surprised by this child. He wasn't as bad as the

previous Jinchuriki he had, plus he gave off a familiar feeling. "Sure,
kid. It's not like I have anything else to do," he replied.

"Thank you. Straight to the case then, why did you attack the hidden
leaf village 12 years ago?" Naruto asked. He wanted to know what
his intentions were at the time.

Kurama sighed. He first didn't want to admit that he was controlled

but he didn't want to lie either. " A damn Uchiha controlled me with
their damn visual prowess. No matter what everyone else may
think, I don't like pointless destruction."

Naruto was glad but he didn't show it. He was in deep thought on
who it was that controlled him. "But who did it? The only Uchiha who
was capable of controlling you was the legendary Uchiha. But he is
dead after all." Naruto said and then continues. "Is the one who
controlled you still alive? All the Uchiha were killed except two after
"I don't know but I don't think he was a leaf ninja. So, he's
probably still alive." Kurama replied. He hasn't had a real
conversation in a long time so this did him good.

"He might be a threat. Someone powerful enough to control

someone like you and use you to cause such destruction. I wonder
who that could be." Naruto said talking to himself. "Anyways, thank
you. It was nice talking to you. You got anything you want to say?"
Naruto asked.

Kurama lied down and started sleeping giving no answer.

Naruto smiled and went out. As he came out he realized how late it
had become and the mess he made with all the books and scrolls.
He made a few shadow clones and went into his room tired. He
rubbed his stomach and smiled. A moment later the shadow clones
were done cleaning up and so he started sleeping.

Naruto wakes up stretching and yawning. He eats breakfast and

heads out. He did some exercises first and then trained with his new
kunai's. After a few hours of training, Naruto heads back home to
take a shower and get ready to hand in the Ninja Registration Form.

He gave it to the third Hokage and sat on a chair in front of him.

Naruto then sensed someone coming. He looked at the door and
saw it was opening slowly. Naruto then saw a young boy charging at
the third Hokage with a shuriken in his hand and yelling "Fight me!
Old Geezer."

Naruto was about to stop him but then saw him fall down. He
laughed a little at that dumb assassination attempt. He knew or
rather guessed who he was. The young boy however noticed that
laugh and grabbed his shirt. "I know you are the one who set a trap!"
He yelled.

"Huuuh? You fell on your own feet you fool." Naruto said grabbing
the young boy's hand and removing it. The young boy was still trying
to grab his shirt but Naruto didn't let him as he grabbed his hand a
little harder.

"Let his hand go. He's the grandson of the third Hokage" said a quite
tall man who seemed to be a join.

Naruto noticed the smirk the young boy was giving. This annoyed
him a little. Naruto then grabbed his shirt. "Like I give a damn. You
better not touch me again." Naruto said and pushed him on the floor.

The young boy looked up shocked. Anyone else treated him with
kindness the minute they found out he's the third Hokage's grandson
but Naruto didn't.

After that Naruto headed out. He was finished with his work so he
wanted to go home for now. He did however notice someone
following him. "What do you want?" Naruto asked getting no
response. "You aren't fooling anyone with that, you know?"

"Hehe, impressive. You saw through my disguise. I heard about you.

I'll make you my boss! Please train me!" said the young boy.

"Huh? Why would I make you my student?" Naruto asked.

"Come on, please boss. Please." the young boy continues begging.

"Hmm, why do you want to train in the first place?" Naruto asked.

"Because I want to become a Hokage. Then finally people will see

me for who I am and not some grandson of a Hokage."

Naruto looked at him with a confused face. "What do you mean?"

"Grandpa named me after the village. My name is Konohamaru.

Even though everyone knows my name… no one calls me that. All
they see is the Hokage's grandson." Konohamaru said looking down.
"I'm sick of that, so that's why I want the Hokage's title."
"Idiot. If you want to be acknowledged then become a strong and
respectable shinobi first. There is no way you're becoming a
Hokage. Not before you beat me!" Naruto said look at
Konohamarus's face. His eyes widened.

"I finally found you, young lord." The shinobi from before said look at
Naruto with disgusted eyes. 'That demon brat' he thought.

'Those eyes again' Naruto thought annoyed.

The shinobi was grabbing Konohamaru. "Young master, let's go

home. I'm your easiest shortcut to becoming Hokage" the Shinobi
said while struggling to pull Konohamaru.

"Let me go!" Konohamaru yelled back.

"Please young master. If you hang out with trash like him, you'll
become stupid" the Shinobi said still struggling.

"What did you just call me?" Naruto asked pissed off at that man's

"This has nothing to do with you, d- I mean young man" As soon as

the shinobi finished that sentence he was kicked in the face and fell
down a couple of meters away. As he stood up as if nothing had
happened they were gone. "Damn it. Didn't know he was this
experienced but I guess it's expected when you train with an Anbu"

Naruto had picked up Konohamaru and ran away. Konohamaru was

looking at Naruto shocked and his eyes wide opened. He didn't even
see Naruto use the shadow clone that appeared behind his tutor.
Plus that speed and that awesome lighting surrounding him. 'So
awesome' was everything Konohamaru could think of.

"I'm sorry, Konohamaru. I acted in the heat of the moment" Naruto

said as he let Konohamaru down and rubbed his head laughing a
"Don't worry, Nii-chan. He shouldn't have called you that anyway."
Konohamaru said.

Naruto looked at him surprised by how he called him. He was also

really happy.

"But wow, I got ways to go if I want to surpass you and beat you,"
Konohamaru said.

"Hehe, you sure do. You better train hard, harder than you ever had."
Naruto said.

"Yea yea, stop lecturing me… because from now on… you're my
rival!" Konohamaru declares.

Naruto smiles. "Sorry, but starting tomorrow I'm taking my first step
as being a shinobi, but one day I'll fight you for the Hokage title. I'll
be looking for it, Konohamaru" Naruto said giving a thumbs up with a
big smile on his face.

It's the next day. As usual, Naruto was sitting next to Shikamaru and
Choji in class. This was the day they were announcing teams and
their Sensei. Naruto pretty much knew who he was going to team up
with but he still preferred Shikamaru or Choji. Sadly though, they
were going to be in a team with Ino. The famous Ino-Shika-Cho
formation. He pretty much guessed who he was teaming with but he
still hated it. Holding back seemed to be a really bad idea now. 'My
"brilliant" idea just backfired' thought Naruto as he sighed.

Iruka started announcing the teams. After a few teams were

announced he said "Team 7! Haruno Sakura…"

"Oh boy, here it comes," Naruto said.

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke" Iruka finished.

"Great. I really do not like these two especially her" Naruto sighed.
Naruto knew how important was teamwork and all that but he just
couldn't handle Sakura. The most annoying fangirl out of them all.
Sasuke wasn't that bad. He's quiet and doesn't seem to cause any

After Iruka finished announcing their teams they had a lunch break
and after that, they would meet their sensei. It would make sense to
get to know your teammates better during this lunch break but
Naruto just didn't see that happening. If he tried to approach them,
they would just tell him to scram.

After lunch break was over and every team had already met their
Sensei, team 7 was the only one in the class. 'He's late' was what all
three were thinking. After waiting patiently, their new Sensei had
finally arrived. Naruto immediately recognized him. He remembered
reading about him. Naruto was happy getting a Sensei as good as

This Sensei had spiky silver hair often oriented to his left-side and
dark gray eyes. Well, eye since his left eye was covered by the
forehead protector. He also wore standard Jonin clothes.

"Hmm, my first impression of you guys… well, you don't seem so

bad." the Jonin said. "Meet me at the rooftop" he then said and left.

After that Naruto also immediately left which Sasuke and Sakura
didn't seem to have noticed. Naruto arrived right after his new

'Nice speed' the Jonin thought. He knew Naruto was trained by

Tenzo but he still didn't know Naruto's capabilities. Tenzo wouldn't
tell him. Tenzo told him that he would find out for himself eventually.

The others had also arrived. Sasuke was shocked to see Naruto be
there before him. He didn't even see him run past them.

"Well, let's begin with introducing yourselves," the Jonin said.

"What do you want to know?" Sakura asked.

"Well, how about your likes and dislikes… your dreams for the future
and things like that" the Jonin replied.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to us first," Sakura said.

'That might be the smartest thing you have said, Sakura.' Naruto

"Me? Alright. I'm Hatake Kakashi. I have no intention of telling you

my likes and dislikes. As for my dream… hmm I have a few
hobbies." Kakashi said.

'Really didn't reveal much about himself' Naruto thought.

"Now it's your turn," Kakashi said.

"Alright! My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like to train a lot and I like to

eat ramen. What I dislike or is people who hate on someone else
without knowing anything about them. My dream is to become the
strongest Shinobi and then become the greatest Hokage there was.
As for my hobbies… training I guess." Naruto said.

'Interesting' Kakashi thought.

"Well, you're next," Kakashi said looking at the Uchiha.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I dislike a lot of stuff and don't really
like anything. I can't really call it a dream.. but I have an ambition.
The resurrection of my clan and.. to kill a certain man." Sasuke said.

'Like I thought' Kakashi thought

'Revenge huh?' Naruto thought.

All Sakura could think of was how cool he was.

"Ok, and lastly the girl," Kakashi said looking at Sakura.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. The thing I like is… well the person I
like is… and uhm… my dream for the future.. uhm..?" Sakura said
screeching while looking at Sasuke.

'Girls of this age are more interested in love than ninjutsu' Kakashi
thought while shaking his head.

'And this is why I don't like her.' Naruto thought.

"So far for the introductions. Tomorrow we'll start our duties as
Shinobi. We are going to do something with just the four of us."
Kakashi said.

"What is it," Naruto asked.

"Survival training," Kakashi replied.

The three genin looked at Kakashi with confusion.

"We are going to train. But not normal training. I'm going to be your
opponent." said Kakashi as he started laughing a little.

"What kind of training… why are you laughing?" asked Sakura.

Naruto looked confused as to why he was laughing so he also


"Oh, nothing, It's just that if I told you, you'd chicken out." continued

"Chicken out? Why?" asked Sakura again.

"Of the 27 members of your graduating class, only nine will actually
be accepted as Genin Shinobi. The test we are about to perform has
a 66% rate of failure," answered Kakashi.

Naruto was now beginning to worry. "A 66% rate of failure? I cant… I
won't fail this. I will become the greatest Hokage," declared Naruto
as he was holding his fist. Naruto then looked up and realized he
said it out loud and just looked away.

Kakashi looked at Naruto for a moment but then continued. "In any
event, we'll meet tomorrow morning on the practice field so I can
evaluate each of your skills and weaknesses. Make sure to go all
out. Oh, and, I wouldn't eat breakfast if I were you. Unless you enjoy
throwing up that is." Kakashi then gives a handout with details to the
assignment to the three students and Shunshined away.

'Breakfast? Hmm' thought Naruto as he was confused about that

comment. Without paying attention Naruto picks the handout up and
also Shunshined away with confused looks by Sasuke and Sakura
seeing Narutos speed.

Thank you for reading. So, how was this chapter? Please tell me
your thoughts on the reviews. I sure hope I didn't ruin the
Konohamaru/Naruto moment. That's the scene I'm most worried
about so please tell me if it was good or not.

Again please leave a review and thank you for reading.

Chapter 5
Training field the next day

Kakashi had just arrived in the training field. A few hours too late…

"Good morning!" said Kakashi.

"You're late!" yelled Sakura.

Kakashi just ignored her and put down a clock. "I've set this alarm to
go off at noon. Your challenge is to steal these two bells from me
before it sets off. If you fail to get a bell then you'll be tied to that tree
stump and are not allowed to eat lunch." explained Kakashi.

'So that's why no we were implied to eat no breakfast… Heh' thought


After Kakashi saw the funny faces the students made he continued.
"All you need is one single bell. Since there is three of you and only
two bells, one of you is definitely getting tied to that tree stump and
also head back to the academy,"

Naruto was pretty confused at this point but decided not to ask any
questions for now.

"Come at me with intent to kill or else you don't stand a chance," said

"B-but that's too dangerous," said Sakura with a worried face.

"No, he's a Jonin. A high-rank ninja. Shouldn't be much of a problem

to handle three students." explained Naruto while shaking his head.

"Exactly. Now START!" declared Kakashi.

Sakura and Sasuke went into hiding while Naruto stayed in one
place facing Kakashi.

"Well, I had high hopes for you," said Kakashi as he pulled a book

Naruto put his hands behind his head and laughed a little. "You
know, I've been thinking since yesterday,"

"Have you now?" said Kakashi completely uninterested.

"Yes. I fail to understand how they expect three students to defeat

the legendary copy ninja…" continued Naruto.

Kakashi then looked at Naruto wondering if he had figured it out. He

didn't respond back.

"I think I might've figured it out but I'm not sure. If I did then it's pretty
dumb for you to expect us to get along so soon. Especially with an
arrogant guy like Sasuke." said Naruto as he saw Kakashi change
his facial expression. Then a poof was heard from a little far away
from the direction Sasuke was hiding. As soon as the poof was
heard Naruto shook his head.

Kakashi was confused as to what that poof was. Seeing how Naruto
reacted to the poof and that it came from where Sasuke was hiding
he got an idea as to what that was. "So, what now?" asked Kakashi.

"Well, I'll do my best to show my skills." As soon as Naruto said that,

something grabbed Kakashi's feet from underneath the ground.
Immediately after that, another clone of Naruto was rushing with his
arm encased in rock aiming at a stunned Kakashi's stomach.

'Impressive' thought Kakashi as he substituted with a Log.

'That's not all' thought Naruto as another clone this time with dark
red lightning surrounding him headed for the bells.
'He expected the substitution? And what is that lightning?' thought
Kakashi. Naruto was really close to getting the bell as he was about
to touch them but then Kakashi just poofed.

'Of course' thought Naruto. Kakashi then just came out of the forest.

This all had happened while Naruto, the original, stayed in one place
with his hands behind his head. As if he wasn't trying.

'Was hoping that would work' thought Naruto. Naruto then pulled out
a Kunai. It was the Special Kunai he bought before. He had pretty
much gotten used to fighting with them.

"Naruto?! T-that's… Don't tell me you can use it…" said Kakashi
totally surprised with what Kuani Naruto was using. The same Kunai,
the man he respected used.

"Well, we are about to find out aren't we," said Naruto as he started
rushing at Kakashi.

Naruto was trying to stab him but Kakashi was easily able to predict
and dodge him. Naruto went in for a punch on the face as Kakashi
blocked. A clone appeared before Naruto kicking Kakashi and
pushing him a couple of meters away. Another four shadow clones
immediately rush Kakashi. After a few moments, Kakashi had
dispelled all the clones of Naruto.

Naruto pulled out several of the Special Kunai and threw them all
around Kakashi.

"So, you can use it…" said Kakashi shocked at the young boy's skill.

Naruto then again started rushing Kakashi. After throwing in a few

punches, Kakashi was about to counter. Naruto then without Kakashi
noticing activated the dark red lightning mode and Shunshined to the
nearest Special Kunai and then deactivated it. Leaving a red flash
behind making it seem as if he had teleported.
Kakashi was beyond shocked at this point as he was looking at
Naruto. Then suddenly a clone of Naruto came from the
underground again but this time surrounded by that lightning.
Kakashi couldn't react in time due to the shock that a student was
using his Sensei's main Jutsu. The clone barely managed to get a

The clone threw the bell at the original and poofed. Naruto then
smiled as he saw the shocked face of the legendary copy ninja.

"How did you learn the Hiraishin, Naruto?" asked Kakashi shocked.

"I didn't," said Naruto while he rubbed the back of his head.

"What?" asked Kakashi again, now confused.

"I only used the Kunais to confuse you. When I "teleported" I actually
used the lightning mode to Shunshin to the nearest Kunai. It worked
though huh," said Naruto as he then laughed a little.

Kakashi was really shocked at his skills. A student managed to trick

him and steal his bell. "And what is that lightning mode you used? Is
it really what I think it is?" asked Kakashi.

"Yep. Although on a much lower scale," replied Naruto.

"And that poof earlier?" asked Kakashi again.

Flashback to a few minutes ago*

Naruto's clone went to where Sasuke was hiding. He wanted to

convince Sasuke to work together.

"Listen, you can't defeat him alone," said Naruto while he hid near

"Shut up. I alone will get those bells," replied Sasuke.

"Look, I know you're a proud Uchiha and all that but if you want to
become a Shinobi then we have to work together," continued Naruto.

"You're a clone right?" asked Sasuke to which Naruto nodded.

"Good," said Sasuke as he stabbed Naruto with a Kunai. "Great, now
I have to find a new hiding place."

Flashback end*

"I see… Well, you can wait here I guess. And don't you dare eat the
lunch" ordered Kakashi.

"Oh, don't worry I don't need to," replied Naruto.

"So, you've also already eaten lunch?" asked Kakashi.

"Of course. Important meal of the day, so much so I was going to risk
throwing up," answered Naruto.

Kakashi smiled as he headed out to test out the other two students.

Sasuke and Sakura were really shocked at the skill Naruto

displayed. He actually managed to steal a bell from an elite Jonin.
They were stuck in one place waiting for Kakashi to drop his guard.

'What is that? How did he move so fast? And that power… How is he
so strong?' thought Sasuke jealous of the power Naruto had just

Sakura was amazed and shocked at the same time. She thought
Naruto was just an average student. She never got to talk to him so
she had no idea who he was.

'Maybe I should've gone with him' thought Sasuke. Sasuke then

heard Sakura scream. 'He got her?!'

Sasuke then looked back as he noticed Kakashi behind him.

Without saying a word Sasuke decided to attack. He threw Shuriken
at Kakashi to which he managed to dodged to his right. The
Shuriken Sasuke threw though hat set off the trap Sasuke prepared
before. The trap shot a few Kunais in Kakashi's direction. Kakashi
realizing the trap also managed to dodge them. Sasuke went behind
Kakashi as he did a spinning side kick to which Kakashi managed to
block with his left arm. Kakashi then grabbed Sasuke's leg with his
right hand. Sasuke tried to punch with his right hand but Kakashi
also managed to grab his hand. Kakashi had now grabbed both his
right hand and his left leg. Sasuke then used his right leg trying to
kick Kakashi in the head but Kakashi had also blocked that. At that
moment, Sasuke was so close to getting the remaining bell. He just
barely touched it as Kakashi then let go of Sasuke and jumped away.

After a few hand signs, Sasuke said "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu" as a
hot ball of fire came out of Sasuke's mouth seemingly hitting
Kakashi. Sasuke was now confused as to where Kakashi was.

'Behind me…? Above?' thought Sasuke

"Below you," said Kakashi as he grabbed Sasuke's foot and pulled

him underground only leaving his head out. Kakashi then left Sasuke

Sakura had just woken up from the Genjutsu Kakashi had put her in.
As she walked around, she finally arrived at where Sasuke was. "Oh
NO! Sasuke's head has been severed" scream Sakura to the top of
her lungs and fainted.

Sasuke was confused as to what just happened and got out. A

moment later Sakura got up to see Sasuke up and alive again. She
screamed "Sasuke, you're alive" and hugged him tightly.

"Yes, I'm fine. You can let me go now," said Sasuke. Sasuke then
stood up and went in Kakashi's direction as he said, "Time's almost
up. I already almost got the bell but I will get it next time"
Sakura was worried. Naruto had already gotten a bell somehow and
Sasuke was close to getting it too. At this rate, she was going to be
the one left out. She was about to say something but noticed that
Sasuke was already gone. A moment later, the alarm rang.

'Damn it. I was close too' cursed Sasuke.

A few minutes later as everyone gathered*

The three students sat down and before them was Kakashi.

Kakashi sighed. A student was able to get his bell and trick. He was
pretty upset about that. "You all fail" declared Kakashi.

Shocked faces came from Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto had managed
to get a bell so at least he should pass. But he's failing too?

"But Naruto managed to get a bell," said Sakura.

Naruto knew why he was failing but didn't bother explaining because
Kakashi was about to.

"This test… did you ever stop and wonder what the point of this test
was? If not that then, why the teams were divided," asked Kakashi.
He saw Sakura's confused face and then continued. "Obviously not.
Because you never stopped to think why there were teams, you
missed the point of this test from the beginning which is also why
you failed. The point of this test was… teamwork," said Kakashi.

'What?! So, if I had accepted Naruto's offer I would've passed?'

thought Sasuke pissed off at this.

"But, because Naruto brought off a good point I will give Naruto and
Sasuke a chance. Because they were the ones who showed the
most skill," said Kakashi as he tied Sakura up on the tree stump. "If
you two can follow simple orders and eat launch without giving any
to Sakura, then you two pass," declared Kakashi. With that Kakashi
leaves the training field.
Sakura was pretty upset. She had guessed this was coming. 'At
least I'm helping Sasuke pass, no matter how little help that is'
thought Sakura as her stomach growled.

After countless growls from Sakura's stomach, Naruto decided to

step in and feed her. "What are you doing? Stop, didn't you hear?"
said Sakura.

"Just eat. I already ate so I'm not hungry anyway," replied Naruto.

"Wait, what do you mean you already ate?" asked Sasuke.

"By that, I mean that I ate breakfast," answered Naruto

"But didn't-" Sakura was about to continue but was interrupted by


"I know what he said but he only implied to not eat. He didn't order
us. And why would anyone order you to skip an important meal of
the day," said Naruto shaking his head but then feeding her.

After that Sasuke also offered his lunch. Sakura was screaming
about how happy she was that she was about to be fed by her crush
but that all came to a drain because of one guy… Naruto. "No need.
As I said I already ate while you haven't eaten since yesterday," said
Naruto, and then Sasuke continued eating his lunch.

Sakura was furious at what Naruto had just done and yelled but
stopped as she then thought a little. 'Sasuke hadn't eaten so he
needs all the food he can get right now.'

After one bite of Naruto's lunch a big puff of smoke appeared and out
of it came Kakashi saying, "You all… pass!"

Naruto had although guessed this was what would've happened. He

wouldn't just pass us for not giving lunch to someone.

"We all pass? But why?" asked Sakura shocked.

"You three have just take a giant step forward. Up until now, all any
of you have done is listen unquestioningly to everything I say… like
mindless, little drones," said Kakashi. He looked at the three
students for a moment and then continued. "A true Shinobi seeks for
the hidden meaning within meanings… In a ninja's world, those who
violated the rules and fail to follow orders are lower than scum…
however, those who do not care for and support their comrades are
even lower than that."

The three students, now Genin looked at their Sensei and how cool
he was.

"That's all. Team 7, your first mission will commence tomorrow" said
Kakashi with a thumbs up. "Now let's go home…"

Almost two months passed since Naruto had become a real ninja.
Team 7 had gone in countless D-rank missions. And they had grown
tired of it. During the two months, Naruto wore the chakra weights
and adding more weight every now and then. He trained every time
he had the chance to. He had also managed to pull off the Hiraishin
with the help of Shadow Clones. But it was still really useless in
battle. He couldn't use it efficiently and it took way too long to pull off.
But it was still progress in his eyes.

Team 7 was coming back after finishing another D-rank mission and
ready to take on another mission.

"Now the next missions for Team 7 will be hmm… babysitting… run
errands to the neighboring village…" said Hiruzen.

The three Genin were getting tired of this but didn't want to say
anything, except one. "Jij- Lord third, I think we are all ready for at
least a C-rank missions. We have finished countless D-rank without
fail and I'm sure we qualify for a C-rank. Ask Kakashi-sensei too,"
said Naruto.
"Hmm… Kakashi, do you think that your team is ready for a C-rank?"
asked Hiruzen.

Kakashi then looked at the three young Genin and said, "Yes, Lord

After a moment of silence, Hiruzen finally decided that he would give

them a C-rank mission. "It's decided then," said Hiruzen.

Iruka didn't even know what to say. Hiruzen already made a decision
so he just stood quiet. Also proud of his students.

"I will permit you to a C-rank mission. The protection of a certain

individual. Please invite him in," ordered Hiruzen.

An old man came in through the door. He was grey-haired, with a

large beard and dark eyes. Hee wore a sleeveless v-neck shirt with
an obi, pants, and a pair of sandals. He also carried a towel around
his neck and wore a pointed hat on his head. He was drunk and had
a bottle of liquor with him."What's going on here? It's a joke right?
Those wet-nosed brats aren't really ninjas, right?"

Naruto then looked at him. Observing the old man and then deciding
not to say anything. He was still really excited for the first C-rank

Tazuna then getting no reaction says, "I am Tazuna, a bridge builder.

Until I am safely back in my own country where I'll be completing my
next bridge you'll all be expected to protect me even if it costs you
your lives!"

"Alright! My name is Naruto Uzumaki. Let's go on our first C-rank

mission" said Naruto excitedly.

Team 7 and Tazuna were leaving the village. For a moment Naruto
stopped and suddenly looked at the left side up on the trees. Naruto
didn't see anything unusual but he definitely knew he sensed
something for a moment. Seeing as there was nothing there Naruto
caught up with the rest of the team.

Sakura, Tazuna, and Kakashi were chatting about the Land of


After a few more moments of walking and after passing a small

puddle of water, something happened. naruto realized too late. two
shinobi came out of the puddle and attacked Kakashi with a chain.
they wrapped Kakashi with the chain and sliced him up. "first one,"
they said. The Genin were terrified. they just saw their sensei get
sliced up.

Naruto lost focus for a moment and the two Shinobi appeared behind
him. Reacting fast Naruto used the substitution Jutsu and appeared
behind them. Naruto quickly made a Shadow Clone and threw it at
them. The two Shinobi slashed it with their metal claws they had in
one of their hand. Naruto giving them no room to react and move,
rushed through the smoke the Shadow Clone made and with his arm
encased in rock tried to punch them. The enemy blocked with the
metal claw he had but it was crushed due to the forced of Naruto's
punch. He wasn't holding back… Immediately after crushing the
metal claw, Naruto did a spinning hook kick that land on the other
Shonobi's face. The two Shinobi were both on the ground and after
one look at each other, they rushed at Tazuna completely ignoring
Naruto. Naruto was about to jump in and help him but then stopped
when he noticed someone else jump in. Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei?!" said Naruto shocked. He then looked at where

Kakashi was sliced and saw small pieces of wood. 'Of course,
should have known that. I was too shocked and that clouded my
mind completely' thought Naruto cursing himself. 'So this is a real

Kakashi then grabbed the two Shinobi by their necks in a flash

rendering them unconscious. "Good job, Naruto," said Kakashi.
Sasuke was pretty pissed now. He wanted to jump in and fight but
Naruto didn't let him. 'He was faster than me…' thought Sasuke as
he clenched his fist.

"Sasuke, don't worry. Mr. Tazuna," said Kakashi.

"Wha… What is it?" asked Tazuna.

"Our attackers Appeared to be chuunin level ninja of the Kirigakure

clan mist ninjas. They are shinobi Renowned for their willingness to
fight on until their goal is achieved even at the cost of their own
lives… Obviously, They were watching and waitings for us," said

"If you knew all that, why did you even let those creeps attack you?"
asked Tazuna.

"I could Have killed them at any time… but… I wanted To find out
who their real target was…" said Kakashi.

"what do you mean by that?" asked Tazuna again.

"Were you really the one they were after? Or was it one of us Ninja?
There has been no word of any shinobi seeking to take your life. The
request That was relayed to Lord Hokage was that you have an
escort to protect you against any roving bands of thieves and
brigands. In any case, it's clear this is more than a B-rank mission.
To protect you from ordinary danger until you complete the bridge
you're currently constructing… would be a simple thing…" said
Kakashi. Tazuna stayed silent. Kakashi looked at him and then
continued. "But If you expected to be the target of a Ninja assault.
then it is beyond question that this would have been classified- and
priced as a mission for Chuunin or Jonin Ninja." Tazuna stayed silent

"Should we turn back? I mean we are still Genin, we aren't strong

enough for this mission yet…" said Sakura.
"No! We are completing this mission no matter what. This is our first
high-rank mission and we are completing it without fail. Old man, I
promise you, I will protect you with all I have." said Naruto.

Kakashi looked at Naruto smiling at the fine Shinobi he has become.

"Sakura?" asked Kakashi seeing if her mind changed.

Sakura thought for a little and then said, "If we are all doing it then
I'm not going to be the only one staying back" said Sakura.

"It's decided then," said Kakashi.

"Mr. Sensei sir… I have something you need to know," said Tazuna
catching everyone's attention.

Tazuna started explaining about the dangerous man who is after his
life. Gato. It is said that he's the richest man alive. Tazuna then
continued to explain why Gato wants his head. Gato didn't want
Tazuna to complete the bridge. That was the reason why Tazuna had
sent Ninjas after them and will probably send more. Tazuna then
also explained why he didn't tell them this first hand. It was because
their Land was poor, to begin with, and Tazuna didn't have enough
money to pay for a B-rank mission. After Tazuna finished all this he
said, "I get it if you want to return now… I'll be as good as dead if
you leave though…"

"Old man, we have already decided to help you. Don't worry about
it," said Naruto with a thumbs up. Kakashi also nodding.

Tazuna then cheered up. "Thank you…" he said.

Team 7 had to ride a boat to get to the other side. After arriving on
land they thanked the man who took them there and took off. Naruto
kept his senses up, even more than before. Another attack is
probably happening and he wanted to be prepared for it.

Naruto then sensed something and quickly threw a Kunai in that

direction. Kakashi had also sensed that but when they looked at
what that was… it was a snow rabbit.

"Did you just…" said Sakura as she tried to punch Naruto for doing
something like that to a poor rabbit.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at what she was trying to do and dodged

her. "What?" asked Naruto confused.

Sakura then got pissed off and tried to punch him again but Naruto
dodged again.

"You should stop," said Naruto.

Sakura seeing as she wasn't able to punch him, stopped.

Kakashi was looking at the rabbit. 'That's a snow hare. It's

springtime. So why is it still wearing its winter pelt?' thought Kakashi.

Kakashi then sensed something about to attack but before he could

want the others, Naruto did it first. "Take cover everyone!" yelled

A big sword came in swinging but it stopped after it hit a tree.

Standing on the sword's hilt was a tall and noticeably muscular man
with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and
small eyebrows. He was shirtless, with his chest only covered by a
belt. He wore baggy pants with the striped pattern and mimetic wrist-
warmers extending up to his elbows, with matching leg-warmers.

"Well, well… If it isn't Momochi Zabuza, the kid who ran off and left
Land of the Mists," said Kakashi. Naruto was getting ready to fight
but was stopped by Kakashi. "Do not interfere. I'll take him alone, he
is far too strong for any of you," said Kakashi as he was pulling his
headband up.

'He's going to use it? I should better stand back…' thought Naruto.

"This may get a little rough," said Kakashi.

Holy smokes. The longest chapter yet. But sadly not much of a
difference from canon which also the reason why it's so long.
The next chapter is of course going to be different from canon.
Anyways hope you liked it. I tried to cut the dialogue as much
as I could because it would probably bore anyone. The next
chapter should be an interesting one though. It was annoying to
write this though because of this barely having any changes
from canon but as I said next chapter should be different.
Something interesting will also happen in it…

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it. Please leave a

Chapter 6
The situation had escalated. Way worse than Naruto had thought.
The man who attacked them was one of the legendary Seven
Swordsmen of the Mist. The man named Zabuza was also known as
the Demon of the Hidden Mist. Kakashi even used his Sharingan
against him but he was tricked and now trapped. Trapped in the
Jutsu called Water Style: Water Prison. Zabuza's right hand was
stuck keeping the water prison up. Kakashi couldn't do anything to
get out of it. With the left hand, Zabuza made hand signs and
created a Water Clone.

'Crap! I need to get Kakashi out of there.' thought Naruto. He looked

at Sasuke but he was still influenced by the Killer Intent Zabuza was
letting out.

Zabuza was insulting the Genin. Telling them that they weren't
Ninja's, not until they were on his Bingo Book. Naruto took that
personally. Zabuza's Clone used the Mist Jutsu while hiding himself.
It was useless. During this time Naruto's sensing abilities had
improved by a great amount. Naruto knew which direction Zabuza
was coming. Zabuza was about to kick Naruto to the stomach but
Naruto ducked down as he quickly went through hand signs. Naruto
took a deep breath and then spun while exhaling, compressing the
air into a solitary blade of wind, slashing Zabuza's Clone multiple

"Damn brat" cursed Zabuza as he prepared another Water Clone.

"Sasuke! Take this Kunai and throw it at the Original when I tell you
to," ordered Naruto. Sasuke didn't like taking orders but it seemed
like Naruto a plan. Naruto made 10 Shadow Clones to help Sasuke
while he himself stood still concentrating.

After a few moments, Zabuza's clone had already dispelled all of

Naruto's clones and was attacking Sasuke head-on. "Anytime now,
Naruto" yelled Sasuke.

"wait…" said Naruto quietly while still concentrating. After a few more
moments Naruto yelled, "Now!"

Sasuke smirked. "Took you long enough," said Sasuke as he threw

the Kunai at the direction of Zabuza. Sasuke was still confused as to
what that was going to accomplish.

Zabuza started laughing. "What are you trying to do…? A Kunai?"

said Zabuza after simply dodging it letting the Kunai go past his

Naruto also smirks as he teleported to the Kunai Zabuza just

dodged. "This Kunai will be your downfall." said Naruto as he quickly
went through hand signs at a great speed and said, "Wind Style:
Vacuum Great Sphere"

A large sphere of compressed wind chakra came out of Naruto's

mouth going in Zabuza's direction. Zabuza was beyond shocked and
was barely able to dodge it. He dodged it at the cost of letting the
Jutsu that was holding Kakashi go. A small price to pay for not
getting hit by that. Who knows what would've happened if he was
directly hit by that Jutsu

"Naruto… Great job. You've all done a great job. Now leave this to
me" said Kakashi praising Naruto.

'How did he get behind me?!' thought Zabuza.

Kakashi went against Zabuza in an intense battle of Ninjutsu. A great

number of hand signs and that at a greater speed than Naruto had
ever seen. Kakashi was able to copy every Jutsu Zabuza was
unleashing and using it against him at the same time. But in the end,
the inevitable happened. Kakashi used a Jutsu Zabuza was about to
use. It seemed like he could see the future. 'That damn Sharaingan'
thought Zabuza as he was hit by the same Jutsu he was about to
"Bastard… Can you see the future?" asked Zabuza as he was hit by
a few Kunai by Kakashi.

"Yes… And I see your death," said Kakashi. As soon as he said that
Zabuza was hit by Senbon needles on the neck seemingly killing

Team 7 and Tazuna then looked at the direction the Senbon came
from. It looked like a Mist Anbu."Thank you very much. I have been
looking for a chance to kill Zabuza and you gave me that chance,"
the female-looking Mist Anbu said.

Both Naruto and Kakashi went to where Zabuza's body was and
checked for a pulse. Nothing. Zabuza was dead but Naruto just was
feeling something off about this. 'He looks the same age as me
too…' thought Naruto.

Naruto couldn't help but feel useless. Even though he had sensing
abilities, they were proven useless three times now. The demon
brothers shouldn't even have had the chance to attack. Same with
Zabuza. 'If only I was stronger' was the only thought that went
through Naruto's mind. He was frustrated. All that training but it all
seemed for nothing. Naruto clenched his fist in desperation.

Kakashi noticed that. He knew what was going through Naruto's

mind and knew that he shouldn't feel that way. He was plenty of help.
"Naruto, don't worry about it… You still did a very good job" said

The Mist Anbu grabbed Zabuza and thanked Team 7 before

disappearing with a Shunshin.

Team 7 was quiet until Tazuna broke the silence. "Alright, you guys
can rest at my home," he said.

"Alright… Our mission isn't over yet so let's go you guys," said
As they started heading their way, Kakashi finally felt it. The after-
effect of using the Sharingan. As soon as he felt it, he fell down
unconscious. All but Naruto looked at Kakashi shocked and worried.
Naruto knew what it was so he grabbed Kakashi with the help of a
Shadow Clone and headed for Tazuna's house.

A week passed since Kakashi fell unconscious. And after one full
week, he had finally woken up. During this week Naruto had gone
through acceptable growth. Seeing as Sasuke and Sakura trained
together, Naruto made 50 Clones of himself. Dividing the Clones in
half and having one group train on the Hiraishin and the other on
Chakra Control and Sensing Technique. Naruto already had really
good Chakra Control but he still wanted to train and take it to even
higher levels and that would help with his next goal. The Hiraishin
and be able to Sense unconsciously. While the Clones did that, the
original used, more than he could handle, Chakra Weights and
helped Tsunami around the house. She was Tazuna's daughter. He
did learn quite a lot about cooking during the time with her and he
was quite fond of her. Unlike his son, Inari. Naruto didn't have the
chance to talk with him but it was obvious he didn't like them too.

The moment Kakashi woke up he started thinking about what

happened the last time he was conscious. Connecting the dots
Kakashi realized that Zabuza is probably still alive. And after he
explained that to the rest of Team 7, they were all shocked. Naruto
too, since he personally checked his pulse. Naruto cursed himself
yet again for not realizing himself. Being on his first missions, the
stress, the murderous intent he got from Zabuza, those all just
watered down his thinking.

"Anyways… to prepare for what's probably to come, I'll have you all
go through some training," said Kakashi while laughing a little.

Naruto was excited. He's going to get trained by a legendary Ninja.

But oh the disappointment when he showed them what he was going
to train them on. "Tree walking? Seriously? We all know that
already," said Naruto looking disappointed at his Sensei.
Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto confused. "We? You mean to
tell us that you can walk up to a tree as Kakashi-sensei did?" asked

A moment of silence came from Naruto as he realized that these two

cant even do simple tree walking. Naruto then walked up to a tree
and went to a branch standing upside down.

Sasuke and Sakura were shocked. Even Kakashi but then he

remembered that he walked on water too.

'How is he doing that? That bastard, one time he's just an average
dude and the other he's just able to teleport and walk on trees,"
thought Sasuke.

"Impressive," said Kakashi as he went on to explain how they can do

that and telling them that he expects them to do the same. Kakashi
then was wondering what to do with Naruto and how to train him but
then Naruto called him. 'why is he…' "Why do you walk so strange
like that?" asked Kakashi.

"Oh, so you noticed… It's because of the Chakra Weights. It's a bit
too much but I have to do my best to improve as much as I can.
Anyways, I need you to overlook my training for a little, please," said

Kakashi was shocked but also impressed. 'He's pushing his body to
his limits… If he didn't have the regeneration of the Kyuubi his body
would've broken down,' thought Kakashi giving Naruto a nod and
following him.

Before Kakashi were fifty Clones of Naruto. All training hard. He

noticed that some were training on the Hiraishin, some on Chakra
Control, and the others on Sensing Abilities. "How long have you
been training like this?" asked Kakashi.

"Well, for the whole week," answered Naruto chuckling a little.

'He just continues to impress me' thought Kakashi. "I imagine you
know quite a lot about me since you asked me to help you in that
particular Jutsu," said Kakashi.

Naruto nodded.

"Well, there is not much I could help you really. I can't use it if that's
what you're wondering. But I can still give you some tips since I've
witnessed it with my own eyes countless of times" continued
Kakashi. Naruto was sparkling with joy. He might finally make better

After, Kakashi gave Naruto some tips he went off to do his own thing.

While the Shadow Clones' trained, Naruto kept doing laps and doing
physical training while increasing the weight as much as he could.
After doing countless lapses Naruto ended up to where Sasuke was
but he couldn't move anymore. He fell down breathing heavily. He
looked at Sasuke as he started laughing.

Sasuke was pissed, "What are you laughing at?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. It's just that the fact that Sakura finished
before the legendary Uchiha is hilarious to me. The Uchiha don't
seem that great to me now…" said Naruto trying to taunt him. And it
was working.

"What was that, you asshole?" replied Sasuke furious at the

comments Naruto made.

Naruto couldn't move an inch so having an Uchiha attack him wasn't

something he was looking for. "Chill, dumbass. I can help you with
your training if you want," offered Naruto.

"Hmph, like I'd need help from someone like you," replied Sasuke.

"Wow, you really are a dumbass. I'm seriously offering you help over
here. Listen, I know you are all about revenge and stuff but I'm telling
you, you need to forget about that stuff for now. If you want revenge
then you need to have 100% of your attention on training. Don't think
about anything else but that. Just get off your high horse and fully
focus on your training," said Naruto.

Sasuke then looked at him and said, "Thank you," in a low and
embarrassing voice and then quickly looked away.

Naruto noticed that his stamina is back so he went away to run. Still
increasing the weights and having Kurama heal him. "Thank you,
Kurama," said Naruto getting no response. He had tried to contact
him but Kurama seemed to ignore him for some reason so Naruto
left him alone for now.

Six days have passed. Six days of hard and torturous training. He
had trained so hard and non-stop. He went out earlier than everyone
and came later than everyone else. He ate alone every time but
Naruto had gotten used to it so he didn't mind.

He had greatly increased his sensing abilities and his body had also
improved way more than he had first imagined because of Kurama.
He was still stuck on the Hiraishin. He just couldn't use it fast enough
as the fourth did. 'Guess, I've still got ways to go' thought Naruto as
he laid down from exhaustion. His stamina was completely gone so
he could barely move but his sensing was still up. "Don't move," said
Naruto in a commanding voice while holding his Kunai.

It was a girl, or that's what he looked like but Naruto knew damn well
that wasn't a girl and that this was the Mist Anbu that took Zabuza
away. 'I can't move' thought Naruto as he cursed himself. He
could've taken him out and then only have Zabuza to deal with.

"W-what?" the guy said in a worried voice.

'It would be bad if I told him that I knew who he was since I can't
defend myself. I'll play along' thought Naruto. He put down his Kunai
and said, "Ah, sorry sorry. I thought you were going to attack me or
something,' said Naruto while giggling.
"Oh. You do look like a ninja too. It must be tiresome to live in
constant danger," said the boy while smiling.

"Not really. I'm used to it," replied Naruto. 'Just a little longer and I'll
take you down' thought Naruto as he gripped the Kunai tighter.

The boy noticed that and was worried if Naruto had noticed. 'I should
probably go now. He might've noticed me' he thought.

"How nice. I've picked up the herbs I needed so I'll go now. Good
luck on your training," he said.

'Crap, he noticed. Come one body, come one!' thought Naruto but it
was too late. At the time Naruto regained his stamina, he was
already gone. He rushed in the direction he had gone but there were
no signs of him. 'This damn… nothing is going my way and I hate
this," thought Naruto.

Naruto then released all the Clones and the Chakra Weights. He
made 100 Clones to only focus on the Hiraishin training while he
himself got used to his new body. The next evening Naruto thought
that it's a good idea for him to rest since He's probably going to fight
in the next few days. He didn't want to be useless like he did in the
past fights. He went to Tazuna's home earlier than in the past few
days and he was all beat up. He practiced Taijutsu against his
Clones and was all dirty and tired.

"Oh, Naruto. Earlier than usual huh?" said Kakashi.

"Yea," said a tired Naruto as he sat on the diner table. Sasuke came
a little later. He had been able to walk to the top of the tree a few
days ago but he came all beat up because he was doing his own
Taijutsu training.

Before Naruto sat Inari. Tazuna's grandson. Naruto had noticed

before Inari looking at him train but didn't say anything.
Inari suddenly started crying. "Why? Why do you keep trying? No
matter how much you train, you will never beat Gato," he said while
tears flowing out of his eyes and then continued, "No matter how
hard try, the weak will always lose to the strong,"

Naruto didn't say anything at first as he stared at Inari. "I'm not weak
and I will definitely defeat Gato," said Naruto full of confidence

"Gato is too strong. All this pointless hope will lead you nowhere.
Always being an optimist, always full of confidence, and always
believing that you'll do it but you won't! You don't know real pain…"
yelled Inari while tears still pouring down his face.

Naruto was infuriated. 'This brat…' thought Naruto. "You just keep
crying and crying like a damn crybaby. Unlike you I won't sit still, I will
keep trying until I can't anymore,"

"Naruto, that's too much," said Sakura.

Naruto looked at her and then stood up and got out. He was pissed
off and at this time only training could help him clear his mind. He
wanted to train his Taijutsu so he made a few Shadow Clones to fight
against until his body can't take it anymore. He later realized that
Kakashi had talked to Inari and as soon as he noticed that his body
gave up and fell down unable to stand anymore. He made the
Shadow Clones pick him up and take him to the bedroom and sleep.

The next morning Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and Tazuna went to the
bridge. Naruto had taken his body to its utmost limit and Kakashi let
him sleep for today. When they arrived at the bridge they saw the
bodies of the coworkers down. When they saw that, mist covered the
bridge and they had finally realized what was happening.

Naruto had been woken up because he had sensed something in his

sleep. He had trained long enough to keep the sensing up even in
his sleep but it wasn't as good as it would be when he was woken
up. When we woke up, a second later he heard a loud noise
downstairs. Naruto realized it was someone with a sword and that
he'd slashed the door open. He quickly rushed downstairs and saw
Inari looking at the two men trying to kidnap his mother, Tsunami.
Inari was about to rush the two to stop them but Naruto stopped him.
Naruto rushed the two in blinding speed and rendered them both
unconscious in a matter of seconds.

"Wow, so cool," said Inari.

"Hehe," said Naruto as he fist-bumped with Inari. "You too, Inari. You
were about to attack them weren't you," said Naruto smiling.

Inari nodded. He was happy with the little improvement he just


Naruto then made sure everyone is alright and then made 10

Shadow Clones just in case. Naruto noticed that Inari was crying.

Inari kept trying to stop his tears from coming out and kept trying to
wipe them but he couldn't. "I'm sorry even though… I chose not to
cry… you'll call me a crybaby again," said Inari while still trying to
wipe them.

"Idiot. It's okay to cry when you're happy," said Naruto while smiling.
Naruto then realized something and said, "Inari, I'm sorry what I said
yesterday. I take it back,"

"No, thank you," said Inari as he let the tears pour out.

Naruto smiled and then said, "Alright then, I have to go help my

teammate," while he stood still concentrating on the Kunai Sasuke
got from Naruto when they fought Zabuza before. Sasuke had kept it
to try and find how Naruto had teleported before. It was still a
mystery to him.

Sasuke was fighting the masked guy that had posed as a Mist Anbu.
Naruto had already told them of his encounter with him so they
already knew. Sasuke clashed with him but Sasuke was obviously
faster. All he did, Sasuke easily dodged.

Sasuke sped up and went behind him, seemingly teleporting and

kicked him away.

"Haku, if you continue like this you will lose," said Zabuza.

"Hai," said Haku as he did a hand sign. Suddenly ice started to form
around Sasuke. The ice was turned into mirrors as it surrounded
Sasuke like a dome. Sasuke was trapped inside. Haku went inside of
one of the mirrors and started attacking Sasuke with Senbon.
Sasuke covered his head with this hands protecting himself from the

Kakashi wanted to go and help Sasuke but he was stopped by


Sasuke waited for the Senbon to hit him but it never did. He only
heard a sound of a Kunai deflecting them. He raised his head to see
what happened only to see his teammate, Naruto.

"Naruto?!" said Sasuke shocked. He wanted to ask him, how he

came so fast but then remembered the Kunai he had from Naruto.

Naruto was holding two of the Special Kunai in his hands and on the
ground surrounding them were Senbon that Naruto had stopped.

Another chapter is done! Thank you everyone for reading and

please review and tell me your thoughts. I always love to read
them and they motivate me to write and improve myself more.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a fun rest of your time!

Chapter 7
Naruto looked around and saw that he was surrounded by ice
mirrors and the enemy was attacking with Senbons by moving
between mirrors with insane speed. Naruto could follow him. Kakashi
was with Zabuza so all Naruto had to do was defeat this one enemy.

"If it's frozen water then I will deal with this," said Sasuke as he went
through a few hand signs and used the Fire Ball Jutsu. When the
Fire Ball hit, Sasuke noticed that his fire was still too weak against
his ice. Water dripped down from the mirrors but it still didn't do
enough damage.

Haku kept attacking with Senbons but even this was too much for
Naruto. He had to protect Sasuke and himself. For some reason
Naruto felt that he couldn't move freely. His body way being held
back by something but he didn't know what.

Attacks coming from every direction and it was hard to protect both
himself and Sasuke. Naruto created a few Shadow Clones to protect
Sasuke and distract Haku. He had to come up with a plan to counter
him while he also tried to figure out what was holding his body back.

Haku destroyed all the Clones, as well as the one that was
protecting Sasuke. The area was covered in the mist because of
Zabuza, and Naruto cursed as this was inconvenient for him. He
tried destroying the mirrors with his fist encased in rock but after
destroying it, it regenerated again. Naruto created more Clones
attacking Haku and Sasuke had started to also attack him with his
Fire Ball Jutsu. Haku was starting to get overwhelmed with the two of
them and Naruto stayed in one place trying to find Haku's weakness.

While Haku was busy attacking Naruto's clones, Sasuke had gotten
his leg with the Fire Ball Jutsu.
Naruto thought he could try something. He dispelled all his Clone
and started rushing Haku. Following him mirror to mirror. Naruto
could follow him. Sasuke was looking at how fast Naruto was
moving. Sasuke was shocked because even he himself couldn't
move at that speed. Naruto was even more shocked because he
knew he could move fast than this yet he couldn't. 'My body feels
heavier and it's getting heavier every time. Just what is happening to
my body,' thought Naruto.

Naruto kept following, waiting for him to run out of stamina or chakra.
But then the unexpected happened. Haku decided to attack, ignoring
Naruto he went for Sasuke throwing countless Senbon at him.
Naruto completely forgot about him. Using as much chakra as he
could, he ran to Sasuke to protect him. But he was too slow. He
should've been faster but he still wondered why couldn't he move.
He finally realized why he probably couldn't move. He unconsciously
imagined himself wearing the weights that he used to train himself
with and that slowed him down. Two weeks of torturous training,
even though it granted him speed, he still hadn't gotten used to it as
much as he liked to. His body was still remembering that strain and
because of that, he was slower.

Due to the stress of not wanting to be useless and wanting to save

Sasuke, his body remembered the strain and wouldn't go any faster.
It was strange. 'The aftereffect of using way more weights than the
body could handle and abusing Kurama's healing,' thought Naruto as
he cursed himself. He looked at Sasuke getting stabbed with
countless Senbon as Sasuke fell down on the ground. He saw
Sasuke get killed, right before his eyes. He cursed his body and
himself. He looked at Sasuke'sseemingly lifeless body as Naruto
was overflowing with rage.

Naruto was covered with smoke and was boiling with rage. "You will
pay… with your life," said Naruto. Red demonic chakra was circling
around him as it cracked the ground. The color of his eyes changed
to that of Kurama's. The iris changed to red and the pupils slit. His
nails and canine teeth grew longer and sharper. His hair also grew
longer and spikier, and the whisker-like marks on his cheeks
widened and thickened.

"Good, Naruto. Give in to hatred. I will kill him for you. I will take
revenge for you," said Kurama laughing at him.

Naruto was enraged. He looked at Sasuke's body one more time

and his rage increased even more. He looked at Kurama trying to
influence him to give him his body. That was when Naruto came
back to his senses. He was a Shinobi, he shouldn't give in to hatred
so easily. He will kill his enemy, not because he killed Sasuke, but
because he is a threat to Konoha and his mission. He regained
control over his body and as soon as he came to, he saw Senbon
flying towards him. But before they could hit him, something strange
happened. The Senbon stopped as though they had hit an invisible
wall right before they came near Naruto, and then fell to the ground.
Naruto didn't know what that was but paid it no mind. Naruto
punched every single mirror down to the last one. His speed was
way more impressive than before and before the ice could
regenerate, Naruto destroyed another mirror. When it came down to
the last one, Haku couldn't escape. Naruto focused Kurama's chakra
into his fist and with all his strength punched him in his guts. Naruto's
punch went through him and as he pulled his hand out, Naruto could
see the other side through Haku's wound.

Haku dropped down lifeless. Naruto's red chakra went away and he
finally calmed down. Naruto looked down on Haku's lifeless body as
he noticed the mist clear away. He looked to his right, happy to see
his Sensei had also finished the job. He sat down in relief that it was
finally over. 'Stupid, I will never fall in hatred. And I swear, I will never
be so down like I was just now,' said Naruto as he saw Kurama hide
in the shadows of his cage.

Naruto looked at Sasuke still upset that he just lost a comrade. He

hated this, every time some inconvenience showed up and Naruto
couldn't do anything. He couldn't use his powers as much as he
wanted to. He was always held back by something. He noticed that
he was fully healed and that his body wasn't suffering anymore and
he could use it at its full capabilities. 'What's the point. It's too late,
the enemy is dead and Sasuke is too. Weak.
Weakweakweakweakweak I'm too weak.' thought Naruto. He was
beginning to hate himself. He clenched his fist as he was punching
the ground again and again. His fist was immediately healed after
punching the ground but Naruto just kept hitting as he couldn't stop.

He had finally noticed someone coming. Gato and his men…

Kakashi was getting ready to fight them alone but Naruto stopped
him. "Leave this to me," yelled Naruto. Kakashi looked at Naruto and
saw the determination. He stood ready to jump in, at any moment.
"You better run if you don't want to die," yelled Naruto again as he
pulled two Kunai in each of his hands.

The men laughed at the kid. "What's a kid like you going to do?"
asked one of them.

Naruto finally wanted to contribute to his mission and since he wasn't

getting held back by anything right now, he was going to kill every
one of them. "I'm going to slash your throats, each and every one of
you is dead now," declared Naruto as he rushed at them.

He went through them with his Kunai slashing their throats open. No
mercy. He didn't care anymore. He was too far gone after killing
Haku and as a Shinobi, he will kill anyone who interferes with his
mission. They couldn't react to him. He was too fast for them to even
see him. All they saw before their life ended was a dark red flash.
After mere seconds, Naruto slashed everyone. Everyone was on the
ground soaked in their own blood. The whole ground was painted
red and Naruto was stained by their filthy blood.

Show no regret. Naruto went back to the team as if he hadn't just

mercilessly killed Gato and his men. Physically, his body was in top
shape but mentally he was about to fall unconscious but he just
acted as if everything was fine. He saw Sakura laying on Sasuke's
body, crying. "With this, the mission is about over," said Naruto
quietly as he stood next to Kakashi.
"Yea," said Kakashi silent. He was worried about Naruto. The first kill
wasn't easy, and it didn't make it any easier after you kill multiple
people. 'Naruto…' thought Kakashi.

"It'd be better if we don't tell Sakura that I just killed them…" said
Naruto silently as he looked on the ground.

Kakashi put his hand on Naruto's shoulder and nodded.

Suddenly Naruto felt someone move behind him. He quickly looked

behind him and saw his comrade stand up. "Sasuke?!" yelled Naruto
with a surprised voice but still happy. Although they hadn't been
close, they still were friends and Naruto was happy he didn't die
because he was weak. He was so happy that he could cry buckets.
Bu t he couldn't .

Naruto then saw all the villagers that had come to help them and
saw little Inari with a crossbow. Naruto smiled. Although he had just
killed so many people he could still smile. He protected these people
and didn't let anyone die from his side. 'I will continue like this and
won't let anyone ever go against the Leaf. I will train to become
stronger, strong enough to protect my village and my comrades from
any threats,' thought Naruto as he chuckled and clenched his fist. He
held the fist high telling Inari that he won while smiling. Inari also
smiled at his idol.

The mission was almost done. Team 7 just had to wait until Tazuna
finished the bridge. Naruto had created 50 Shadow Clone to solely
focus on the Hiraishin but hadn't done any Taijutsu training. He
wanted to be ready if anything were to happen.

A week passes and the Tazuna finished building the bridge with the
help of the other villager. Naruto could almost flawlessly use the
Hiraishin but it still had a 2-second delay which he didn't like. It still
made traveling easier though. All the villagers had gathered to say
goodbye to Team 7. "Goodbye, everyone," said Naruto as he waved
them goodbye.
Inari looked at him holding his tears back. "You can cry you know,"
said Naruto while laughing.

"I'm not going to cry. You can cry too, Naruto," said Inari still holding
his tears back.

Naruto looked at him and smiled. 'I would if I could…' thought Naruto
as he kept his smile up. With a wave of his hand, Naruto used the
Hirashin to teleport Team 7 to Leaf.

"T-they are gone," they said all in unison.

"O-oh, yea. We should think of a name for the bridge," said one of
the villagers.

"Yea… The Great Naruto Bridge. That sounds good, doesn't it?"
replied Tazuna.

"Yea" yelled everyone in unison.

Team 7 teleported to Naruto's room.

'Wow,' thought all three.

"Impressive, Naruto. You have improved a lot in your Jutsu,' praised


Naruto looked up to see him and smiled proudly. He only needed a

few more weeks and he would be flawless at using it.

'How is he so strong?! How can he just teleport us instantly when it

would've taken hours and hours of running,' thought Sasuke. He had
one goal in his mind and he would do anything to fulfill that goal. But
first, he had to overcome a wall if he wanted to achieve that goal.
And that wall was Naruto.

"Anyways you guys should go and rest while I go report to Hokage-

sama. Especially you, Naruto…" said Kakashi getting an "ok" from all
the students as they head out.
Naruto stayed in his room and laid on his bed. He was thinking about
all those people he had killed. For the past seven days, he could
barely sleep. The moment he fell asleep, the people he killed came
and haunted him. He would wake up swimming in sweat. He had to
find a way to deal with it. 'I will kill anyone and everyone who stands
in my village's way. I am a Shinobi, a tool to be used by the Leaf and
I will become the most fearsome and strongest Shinobi there is,'
thought Naruto. This had somewhat helped him as he just thought
he did for his village. 'I did it for the village, I did it for the village, I did
it for the village' that's all Naruto thought.

Two months pass as Naruto trained as much as he could. They went

on a few C-rank missions and they were really easy as they only had
to fight bandits. He had become closer friends with Sasuke as he
realized that he really related to him. Both without parents and both
looked down on. Sasuke, as the last surviving Uchiha and Naruto as
the Kyuubi. They did some casual conversations and sometimes
even trained together. That was when Sasuke realized he had to
train even harder because Naruto was on another level.

During the two months, Naruto had mostly focused on the Hiraishin
and increasing his own speed and strength. After the first month,
Naruto learned how to flawlessly use the Hiraishin but he wanted to
go further. He wanted to use his Red Lightning Mode to increase his
speed even more. He improved the Lighting Mode also but it was still
nothing compared to what the Raikage used.

While training with the Lightning Mode and with the Hiraishin Naruto
had come up with a great idea. Infusing the Technique Formula with
lightning chakra and when he teleported to that mark then the enemy
would get hit by lightning chakra. This would help Naruto react even
faster and do more damage. On his free days, he did extreme
Taijutsu training while increasing the weights to insane amounts.
Naruto had focused on his training so much that he had forgotten
about his rival, Konohamaru.

He was walking in the village with Team 7 after finishing another

mission. Sasuke had walked off and Kakashi was gone to report to
the Hokage. Naruto was about to go away when he sensed
Konohamaru behind him. "Oh, Konohamaru," said Naruto excitedly.
Naruto looked down to see a square rock confused.

Konohamaru lifts the cardboard which was made to look like a rock,
up and says, "As expected from my rival,". Behind him were a body
and a girl the same age as him. Konohamaru wore grey shorts and a
yellow shirt with a red Konoha symbol printed on it.

Udon which was on Konohamaru's right side had short brown hair
and dark eyes. Naruto noticed that the drip of snot always hung from
his nose but Udon never bothered wiping. He also wore circular
glasses. He wore a simple blue shirt which zipped up the middle, a
pair of brown pants, sandals.

On Konohamaru's left side was Moegi. She had her orange hair tied
up, with red elastics, into two very large pigtails. She also had a
perpetual blush. She wore a red tank-top over a pink t-shirt layered
at the bottom; her pants were grey and she wore the traditional ninja

Naruto had met them a few times before and had played ninja with
them sometimes. Although he really didn't like the game he saw that
they liked it so he went on with it. "Hey, you guys," said Naruto.

"You really are the best, leader. You noticed us so quickly," said
Konohamaru while the other two nodded.

Naruto smiled a little. He didn't mind getting called leader. "Thank

you," he replied.

Konohamaru was about to say something but then noticed a girl

behind him. "Nene, leader. Is she your…" said Konohamaru while

Naruto looked behind him and noticed what he meant. "Sakura? Not
really, she is just my f- well teammate I guess," replied Naruto again.
Konohamaru looked at him and then looked at her and said, "Well,
she does have an abnormally huge forehead, I can see why you
wouldn't date her," he laughed a little when he said that.

"Uhm, you should run," said Naruto as he laughed a little.

Konohamaru looked at him confused as to what he meant but then

he looked behind and saw the furious pink-haired girl about to punch
the hell out of him. He ran away, as fast as he could. Running for his
life. As he looked behind to see if she was catching up, he bumped
into someone.

The next update is in seven days. I'll try not to delay but I have
exams to learn for so I'm busy. But I'll try to update at least
every week. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave a
review on what your thoughts are about this one.

Chapter 8
"That hurt," said the guy Konohamaru bumped into. He wore a black,
baggy, full bodysuit with a red and yellow circle on the front. He also
wore a black hood that covered his head completely and had cat-like
ears and his forehead protector on his forehead and the symbol on it
was that of the Sand village. He also wore purple face paint.

He then continued to pick Konohamaru up. Naruto sensed that

something was wrong with Konohamaru so he Shunshined to the
place and the moment he arrived he heard the guy yell to
Konohamaru, "That hurt you little piece of shit,"

'Sand Genin? Is it that time already? From the looks of it,

Konohamaru bumped into him,' thought Naruto.

"Don't, we'll get yelled at later," said a blonde girl behind him. She
had teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which was gathered into four
consecutive pigtails. She wore a single light purple-colored, off-the-
shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, with a
scarlet sash tied around her waist. In addition to incorporating fishnet
worn over her shoulders and legs, specifically on her right calf and
her left thigh, she also wore her black forehead protector around her

'W-who are these guys?' thought Sakura as she was right behind

"You should let him go," said Naruto in a somewhat annoyed face.

'A Leaf Genin?' thought the guy still holding Konohamaru in the air.
"Or what?" he taunted.

"That kid is Konohamaru and he is my rival. Let him go or else…"

said Naruto as he performed a quick Shunshin behind the guy and
holding the three-bladed Kunai to his neck, "You'll regret it,"
'So cool,' thought Konohamaru with his eyes wide open seeing his
rival's amazing speed.

The female Sand Genin behind him was shocked so she quickly
went to grab her gigantic fan behind her back but suddenly she felt
her hands being grabbed together behind her back. "Don't rush,"
said Naruto in a quieter voice.

'What is this speed?! Shadow Clones too…' she thought as she


The male Sand Genin stood still as he still felt the cold Kunai on his
neck. He was surprised and shocked to see a Leaf Genin to be able
to perform this level of speed. "Now, let him go slowly," ordered
Naruto. He did as Naruto said. He couldn't do anything else as he
knew if he did anything wrong, he would face the consequences.
"Good," said Naruto as he grabbed Konohamaru and went a few
steps away.

"Tch," said the Sand Genin quietly obviously annoyed at what just

'Looking at him again, he is really cute, especially that snow-white

hair and those blue eyes reflecting the sky,' thought Temari as she
blushed a little.

Kankuro completely forgot why he was here and all he was thinking
now was to get Naruto back. He grabbed from what Naruto had
guessed a puppet covered in bandages. "Are you going to use
Karasu?!" asked the female Sand Genin shocked.

Before he could answer, however, a voice came from the side.

"Kankuro stop it. You're an embarrassment to our village," said a
red-haired boy. He had green eyes and short and spiky auburn hair.
He lacked distinctive pupils or eyebrows which Naruto found funny.
He had tanuki-like black rings around his eyes which Naruto found
really strange. He had also carved the kanji for "love" on the left side
of his forehead which was noticeable because his hair was parted for
it to be kept visible. He wore a black bodysuit with an open neck, t-
shirt like sleeves, and almost full-length leggings. With this, he wore
a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips. He
had a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip with
which he carried his sand gourd and around which he wrapped his
forehead protector.

'So he finally shows himself,' thought Naruto.

"Naruto. That is the one-tailed Jinchuriki. You better not

embarrass me," said Kurama in a deep voice.

'I figured. Such high Chakra levels from Sand, it had to be him. You
sure are proud of yourself yet you try to pull a 12-year-old kid into
hatred,' replied Naruto.

"I had to try. You don't know how it's like to be sealed for so
many years," said Kurama now louder than before.

'You're right…' replied Naruto in a quieter voice. "You sure like to talk
now when you ignored me when I tried to talk to you," said Naruto.

"You better not lose to that bastard…" said Kurama as he hid in

the shadows again.

'Heh, I don't plan on losing,' said Naruto.

"G-Gaara, they are the one who started it," said Kankuro who
seemed terrified just hearing Gaara's voice. Naruto also noticed that.

"Shut up or I'll kill you," replied Gaara.

"S-sorry. I'm really, really sorry," said Kankuro while his voice was

'What is up with that?' thought Naruto curiously.

Gaara then disappeared in a swirl of sand and appeared again near

Kankuro. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play" order Gaara.
Hearing that both of them headed on their way.

"Wait!" yelled Sakura but then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She
looked behind to see that it was Naruto.

"I know what you are going to say just stop. I'll tell you in a little bit,"
whispered Naruto.

"What?" asked Gaara.

"What is your name?" asked Naruto as a sign of friendship.

"Huh? You mean me?" asked the female Sand Genin excitedly.

"Oh? Yea sure you seem interesting too," replied Naruto as he felt
something else about her which he didn't on anyone else.

Temari looked at him as she felt her heart beating faster. "T-Temari,"
she replied blushing more than she did before.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. What about you,

redhead?" asked Naruto again.

Gaara was a little annoyed at what he called him but stopped

himself. "Gaara of the Desert," he answered.

'H-he just…' thought Temari as she was a little scared at what might

"What about me?" asked Kankuro.

"Anyways let's go guys," said Naruto looked at Sakura and


'Why you,' thought Kankuro now furious.

The next day they met with their Sensei, Kakashi who was late as
usual. Naruto was more excited than usual since he guessed why he
was summoned and he couldn't wait.
"Gosh, why does he summon us and then make us wait," said
Sakura obviously annoyed.

"Yo," said Kakashi as he just arrived.

"Why are you so late," asked Sakura.

"You should've gotten used to it by now," replied Naruto getting a

stare by Sakura.

"Anyway, this may be sudden but I nominated you guys for the
Chunin exams," said Kakashi. "Here are your applications. If you
wish to take part in the exams you should sign them and hand them
in at room 301 by 4 pm tomorrow," continued Kakashi as he handed
them the application letters. "That is all," said Kakashi as he
disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

'Yosh! I'm going to pass this exam no matter what,' thought Naruto
excitedly. "Oi Sasuke. You better not lose," said Naruto.

"Right back at you," replied Sasuke.

Sakura, however, wasn't sure if she wanted to take part in this exam.
During the past missions, she had seen the gap in skills and thought
that she may just hold them back. Naruto sensed that too and knew
these exams needed the whole team so he had to boost her
confidence. "Don't worry, Sakura, you're plenty strong," said Naruto
as he gave her a thumbs up. There was some truth in there. Her
Chakra Control was really good which allowed her to greatly
increase her speed and strength.

Sakura smiled at hearing that and knew that she shouldn't let her
teammates down. 'I will do this and take the win, Shanarou,' thought

The next day they went to hand in the paper, they noticed something
weird. Two Leaf Shinobi were blocking the way and had also put on
a Genjutsu on the door to trick the exam participants. There was also
a big group of Genins trying to go in.

'This is their plan to lessen the numbers huh. Probably best to leave
them be, less competition for us-' thought Naruto but he saw that
Sasuke wasn't thinking alike.

"Such petty tricks. I can't believe that so many fell for a simple
Genjutsu," said Sasuke as he neared the two Leaf Ninja.

"So you noticed," said one of them.

"Sakura, you probably noticed it as well," said Sasuke looking at her.

"H-hai," replied Sakura blushing a little and also happy that her crush
recognized her.

"Not bad but all you did was see through it," said one of the Ninja's
as he rushed in to kick Sasuke.

Before Sasuke could react back Naruto jumped in to stop him. "Let's
not get too excited over here," said Naruto as he grabbed him from

'This speed,' he thought impressed by the Genin's speed. He held

his hands up indicating that he gave up.

"You, what is your name?" asked a Genin with long black hair and
featureless white eyes. He wore a beige-colored shirt, a dull blue
shirt beneath that, and mesh armor beneath that. He wore dark
brown shorts, blue shinobi sandals, and wrapped bandages around
his right arm, chest, and right leg. He tied his hair back in a loose
ponytail tied a few inches above the end.

"Me? Naruto Uzumaki" replied Naruto.

He then looked away having got his answer. "This is normally the
part where you reply with your name," said Naruto looked at the
"Neji Hyuuga," replied Neji as he then walked away with his team.

'Hyuuga huh? First the Jinchuriki and now a Hyuuga, I will surely
have fun in this exam,' thought Naruto.

"Naruto, Sasuke-kun, let's go!" said Sakura as they headed out.

"I had him you idiot," said Sasuke looking at Naruto.

Naruto laughed a little and they headed out.

"Hey you with the white hair," said a guy with shiny black hair, round
eyes with prominent lower eyelashes, and very thick eyebrows. His
hair was a bowl-cut style, he wore a green jumpsuit, orange leg
warmers, and a red forehead protector worn as a belt. He had
bandages around his forearms up to his fingers.

"Yea?" replied Naruto looking back at the weird guy. 'He's the one
who just got rejected by Sakura…' thought Naruto.

"Will you fight me right here?" he asked.

"Right now?" asked Naruto.

"Yes," he answered. "My name is Rock Lee. I'm in the same team
with Neji," continued Lee.

"Sure, I've been meaning to test my moves against someone the

same rank," replied Naruto.

"Alright then," said Lee as he prepared his fighting stance.

'Why is it always Naruto damn it,' thought Sasuke.

Naruto rushed and tried to throw a jab but was surprised to see him
dodge that. Naruto then jumped back surprised to see him keep up
with this speed. "I see now. You are probably the same as the Leaf
noble Green Beast. Same outfit and probably technique. I'll try
harder then," said Naruto as he increased his speed even more.
"Impressive, Naruto," said Lee preparing for Naruto was surprised to
see how fast Naruto moved.

Naruto now as he went near Lee, increased his speed even more as
he landed a left hook to his jaw. Lee flew a couple of meters back
due to the force behind Naruto's punch. Lee was even more shocked
to see Naruto move so fast. He thought he was the second strongest
Genin but he was now realizing that that may not be so true. 'He's
probably fast than me right now…' thought Lee.

Lee rushed Naruto with a flurry of kicks and punches but Naruto
could easily dodge and block them. Naruto then seeing an opening
quickly did a crescent kick to his face making Lee fly away.

'How is he so fast?! I couldn't even follow him,' thought Sasuke.

"Oh? You couldn't even react to that?" said Naruto surprised.

"Hehe," said Lee as he recovered a little and stood up. "Really

impressive Naruto but this is far as you go," said Lee as he reached
down to his legs. Lee didn't want to remove his weights so soon but
if he didn't then he would lose right now.

'Weights huh? I should probably remove my own if I want to win this,'

thought Naruto but was surprised to hear another unfamiliar voice.

"That's enough Lee," the voice came from a talking turtle. "Lee, I told
you not to remove them so soon. Revealing your secrets so soon,"
he said as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry but I got so overwhelmed that I had to do it," said Lee
holding his head down.

'They sure are some weirdos,' thought Naruto.

"You won't get away with an excuse like that. Are you ready to pay?"
asked the turtle.
Lee nodded. "Then here comes your Sensei," the turtle said as
smoke appeared on the turtle's back and as the smoke cleared, an
older copy of Lee came out.

'Wow his older clone appeared with even thicker eyebrows,' thought

Lee's Sensei whose name is Gai unexpectedly punches Lee in the

face while saying, "You fool,"

Lee stood back up tears pouring down. "Sensei… I… I," stuttered


"That's enough Lee," said Gai forgiving Lee.

"Sensei!" said Lee as he jumped in to hug his Sensei.

"This is what youth is all about. It's alright Lee. Youth and Mistake go
together," said Gai while patting Lee's shoulder.

"You're too nice Sensei," said Lee as even more tears poured down
his eyes.

"You did however break my rules and as punishment, you'll do 500

laps around the practice range," said Gai giving Lee a thumbs up.

"Hai Sensei," yelled Lee totally ready.

'500 laps huh?' thought Naruto knowing all about torturous training.

'Those are Kakashi's students and one of them pushed Lee so hard
that he had to remove his weights,' thought Gai surprised. "You guys
are Kakashi's student, right? How is he doing?" asked Gai.

"You know Kakashi Sensei?" asked Sakura.

"Of course he does. He is said to be an equal and rival to Kakashi,"

said Naruto already having known him.
"So you have heard of me?" asked Gai looking at Naruto.

"Hai. The strongest at Taijutsu, Might Guy. I do admire your

techniques and use of Taijutsu," said Naruto. Naruto however didn't
mention the dislike of his weird outfit.

Gai laughed hearing him. "With the power of youth, you'll get as
strong as I am," yelled Gai giving them a thumbs up. "You guys
should head out now," continued Gai.

"Sasuke, Sakura. You better not hold me back," said Naruto taunting
them both although he didn't mean that.

"Heh, YOU better not hold me back," said Sasuke smiling. He knew
he wasn't as strong as Naruto yet but he was still excited for this
exam. 'So many strong people…' thought Sasuke.

"Oh, so you all came. Now we can finally start the exam. Good luck
and you better win," said Kakashi smiling proudly at his students.

Naruto opens the door behind Kakashi as blinding light came out of
it. As he went inside, several Genin from multiple villages were
standing there waiting for the proctor.

'Hehe, this is going to be fun. All kinds of strong people…' thought

Naruto excited to fight all of them.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. The next chapter should be

longer than this one as this served as an introduction. Please
leave a review of your thoughts on this chapter.

Chapter 9
Ok so first I'm quite mad since I couldn't update this fanfiction
for a while. Some stuff happened so I couldn't write…

I got a review about the Hiraishin and it being a sealing jutsu. I

mean I can see how people might think that but it really isn't.
The only connection it has with Sealing Techniques is the mark
that Minato for example has in his Kunai. Tobirama the Creator
of the Hiraishin wasn't even a Sealing Jutsu user. It was stated
that the Hiraishin is based on the Summoning Jutsu so
basically, you get "summoned" to the mark.

Another review I got is about this fanfiction being a rewrite of

the actual plot. Well, the beginning is quite similar to how it is in
canon but it will be different from canon. Just bear with it for

Naruto and his team get in the room and see countless Genin from
all kinds of villages in it. Genin from the Hidden Sound, Hidden
Grass, Hidden Rain, Hidden Waterfall, Hidden Leaf, and the Hidden
Sand villages. Naruto was excited. He could test his powers and get
promoted. The idea of getting promoted excited him.

Naruto saw his old classmates and was happy to see they were
doing quite well. "Yo, everyone. Should've known you guys would be
participating in this exam," said Naruto.

"Same to you," said Shikamaru smiling.

Naruto heard his teammates talk to each other so he decided to

focus on his sensing abilities to sense the others Chakra in the
classroom while they talk. They all seemed to have normal Chakra
until it came to one Hidden Grass Genin. The chakra was pure evil
and the sheer amount of it was insane for a Genin. Naruto could
clearly sense how evil and just how strong the Genin was. If he even
was a Genin. Naruto noticed he was trying to mask his Chakra but
Naruto could clearly see just how strong this Genin was. He was so
focused on her that he forgot to breathe. His hands were shaking
and his face clearly showed just how scared and disgusted Naruto
was at the moment. Naruto finally came back to his senses and
looked around hearing his friends calling after him.

"Naruto," yelled Shikamaru.

Naruto quickly shook his head and wiping the tears that came out of
his face. "Oh, sorry sorry. I just got a really nostalgic feeling and I
really don't know what happened just now," said Naruto. He was
lying but he felt like if he even said a word about her he would die.
Get his throat slit and his tongue pulled out.

Shikamaru and Sasuke noticed he was lying. That face clearly

showed how terrified Naruto was but why would Naruto be so scared
right now? They decided to leave it for now.

'Thank god he didn't notice me, ' thought Naruto.

Kurama started laughing out loud. "To think such a terrified kitten
would be my Jinchuriki," said Kurama clearly taunting Naruto.

'Shut up. That Chakra was even eviler than yours,' said Naruto

Kurama infuriated by that comment stood up roaring. Naruto simply

covered his ears due to how loud he was just now. 'Ups, maybe I
went too far. I'm sorry o' mighty Kurama,' said Naruto also laughing.

"Heh, that's more like it. You better not embarrass me again,"
said Kurama as he lied back down trying to sleep again.

'I didn't- ah never mind,' said Naruto as he noticed someone

approaching them.
"You guys should be quieter," said a gray-haired guy with onyx eyes
and black-rimmed circular glasses. He wore a dark purple shirt with
a high collar, a white under-shirt, and dark purple pants with a white
cloth waistband. He also wore dark purple fingerless gloves with
armored plates on the back of the hand and a blue forehead

Naruto looked around noticing that they were actually quite loud and
gained the attention of everyone in the room. "And who are you?"
asked Naruto curiously.

"My name is Kabuto Yakushi. You guys caused quite the scene. Ah,
you remind me so much of how I used to be," answered Kabuto.

"Oh? Not your first time here huh?" asked Naruto again.

"No, it's my seventh time here," answered Kabuto laughing a little

seeing their reactions. "Since you guys are rookies I'll share some
information with these cards," said Kabuto holding a few strange

"What?" asked Sakura confused.

"Yes, these cards have information burned in them with Chakra.

Information worth 4 years," said Kabuto proudly as he picked a card
and pouring a little chakra in it they could see how many participants
there were in this exams.

Naruto wasn't as much interested in Kabuto as much as he was in

the Grass Ninja. Less interested and more scared. 'We are going to
keep our distance from that girl at all costs. As much as I have
confidence in my skills I don't think I'm on that level yet,' thought
Naruto. He was deep in his thought as he saw Kabuto pull cards on
Sasukes requests. Cards about Lee and Gaara. 'So Sasuke is also
interested in those guys huh,'

"Sasuke, Sakura I'm going on ahead and sit," said Naruto, and
before he got a reaction he went on ahead. Naruto noticed a
commotion behind him but he sensed that his team was alright so he
really didn't care right now. All he was thinking was how to win the
exam without going against the Hidden Grass Genin. That Genin
terrified him and he hoped he didn't have to go against her.

Being lost in thought Naruto suddenly hears a loud bang and a poof
of smoke appear in front of the class. This startled Naruto having lost
focus on his surroundings. "Quiet down you bastards" came a voice
from inside the smoke. As the smoke cleared out a group of Leaf
Ninja appeared.

'Damn it! I'm focusing too much on her,' thought Naruto as he

slapped himself clearing his mind.

"I am Morino Ibiki the examiner for the chuunin selection exam's first
test," said Ibiki. Ibiki had a large, imposing figure, which he
complemented with a rugged head and face covered with old
wounds and scars. Ibiki's head was covered by a forehead protector.
He wore a darker version of the standard uniform of the Intelligence
Division, along with a black trench coat and gloves. Ibiki looked at
the Sound Ninja that had started a fight, "You Sound Genin stop
doing as you please before the exam, or do you want to fail
already?" said Ibiki.

Ibiki having heard them apologize continued "There will be no

fighting without permission and if permission for a fight is granted
then killing is not allowed. If any pig even tries to disobey me will be
failed immediately," Ibiki looked around and saw that the message
went through. "Very well, for the first exams, you will pick one of
these tabs and sit on your assigned place. After that is done we will
hand out the exam papers," stated Ibiki.

Naruto wasn't worried about the first part of the exam. He was quite
knowledgeable. He looked around and saw Hinata sitting next to
him. "Oh hi Hinata," said Naruto smiling a little. They were in the
same class in the academy but Naruto never talked to her so he
didn't know what she was like.
"H-hi," replied Hinata startled being suddenly talked to.

Naruto then carefully listened to Ibiki as he explained the Rules.

'Hmm basically, I need to get all my answers right and no cheating. I
also have to hope that Sakura and Sasuke get at least one question
right but I think they got it. Quite a strange system but nothing to
have me worried,' thought Naruto knowing he got the first exam in
the bag.

After having the exam papers handed out to them Ibiki yelled,

Naruto went through the questions to see what he was in for. 'The
questions are harder than I thought but I can manage. I hope Sasuke
and Sakura will manage too somehow,' thought Naruto as he
continued to write down the answers. A good few minutes passed by
and Naruto finished his test and was now waiting for the last
question to be revealed by the proctor Ibiki.

Another 25 minutes pass by as Ibiki finally reveals the tenth and last
question. "Ok and now I will reveal the tenth question," declared Ibiki
catching everyone's attention. "First I'll explain… the rules of
desperation," said Ibiki as everyone looked at him confused. "First,
for the tenth question you must decide whether or not you take it or
not and if you choose not to you fail along with your teammates, and
for the other rule… if you choose to take it and answer incorrectly
then you will lose the right to take place in the Chuunin exams ever
again," explained Ibiki. Most of the Genin were yelling at how unfair
this exam was.

'Quite intense but considering the last 9 questions then this shouldn't
be that hard,' thought Naruto.

After giving the Genin enough time to think Ibiki said, "Alright those
who do not wish to take it may leave now,"

Naruto looked behind to where Sakura and Sasuke were and smiled
while giving them a thumbs up. Both of them smiled back having
confidence they will pass this. 'Good now let's wait for the last
question,' thought Naruto. Naruto watched many Genin take their
leave while he and his team were confident enough for the last
question. 'Bring it on!'

'Alright, 60 Genin left. This Chuunin exam has better Genin than
expected,' thought Ibiki. "Good work to everyone still remaining.
Congratulations on passing the first test!" said Ibiki.

'Should've known. Attacking our minds like that… good thing I didn't
have any doubts since even the slightest doubt would mean failure,'
thought Naruto now excited for the second test.

"But what about the tenth question?" asked another Genin.

"That was the tenth question. It was to test your will and see if you
would be able to take a difficult question. Since you took the tenth
question it showed me your determination and how strong your will
is," explained Ibiki.

"So what was the point of the first nine questions? Were they all for
nothing?" asked Temari of the Sand demanding to know.

"The previous 9 questions already served their purpose. It was to

see your ability to gather information. The questions were too hard
for a mere Genin to answer so we hid two Chuunin who already
knew the answers to help you out," answered Ibiki.

'What? I should've considered that possibility but the questions

weren't that hard anyway,' thought Naruto a little worried if he still
passed or not.

"That concludes the first test of the Chuunin exams. I wish you guys
luck," Ibiki smiled showing that he actually meant that which boosted
some of their confidence.

Ibiki looked to his right as he noticed something. A ball of cloth came

crashing in through the window and two Kunai came out of the cloth
sticking to the ceiling and as the cloth opened up a woman with
violet hair appeared. She had light brown, pupil-less eyes. Her violet
hair was styled in a short, spiky, fanned-out ponytail. She wore a
fitted mesh bodysuit that covers her from neck to thigh. Over this,
she wore a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each
side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin
guards and her forehead protector covered her forehead. On the
cloth wrote Second Exam Proctor, Anko Mitarashi.

"You guys! Not the time to be celebrating. I am the exam proctor for
the second test, Anko Mitarashi. Now let's go! Follow me!" yelled

Ibiki came out from behind the cloth and said, "Bad timing" as Anko
blushed in embarrassment.

"60 Genin passed? The test must've been pretty easy" said Anko as
she laughed a little while looking at Ibiki. "No worries though, I will
cut that number in half," she continued.

'In half huh? Let's hope that Grass Genin is one of them,' thought

"I'll explain everything once we've changed places. Now follow me,"
she ordered.

Once they arrived what stood before them was a forest. "Welcome to
the Forest of Death. Don't worry though, you'll soon find out why it's
called that way," said Anko smiling and licking her lips as chills went
down their spines.

'This is exciting if only that Grass Genin wasn't here,' thought Naruto.
"Hey Sasuke," whispered Naruto secretly.

"What?" asked Sasuke.

"Listen carefully. No matter what and I mean NO matter what we will

avoid the Grass Genin at all cost," said Naruto with a terrified voice.
He couldn't help it, just talking about her gave him the chills.

Sasuke noticed that. "Is that why you look so terrified as we came in
the room?" asked Sasuke again curious.

"Hai. Just know that she is way out of our league so don't even try to
engage with her," said Naruto again.

"Fine, as long as I win then I don't care," said Sasuke now trying to
listen to what Anko is saying.

"First, I will hand you guys these papers. They are agreement
papers which you have to sign," said Anko handing out the paper to
every Genin.

"What?" asked Sakura a little scared.

"Well, there will be death in this one so if you don't sign it, it will be
my responsibility," explained Anko smiling.

Naruto closed his eyes and focused on his senses. He could sense
everyone and everything. He sensed the Shinobi around him and
especially the Grass Genin. He sensed the animals in the forest and
the insects flying around. "Good Naruto. Focus more… hear
everything, smell everything… sense everything. Listen to the
human proctor explaining the rules, listen to the Shinobi behind
you talking. Expand your senses further and further," instructed

Naruto was amazed by how he felt. It felt like he could see

everything around him even though his eyes are closed. Every time
he focused on his sensing abilities they improved every time. It was
as if he had infinite potential when it came to sensing abilities.

"Sasuke, what is wrong with Naruto?" asked Sakura confused. She

noticed Naruto just standing there with his eyes closed.
Sasuke looked at him and guessed what he was doing so he said

"This is a surviving battle. There are 20 teams here so 10 teams get

the Earth scroll and the other 10 teams get the Heaven scroll. The
only rule is you need to have both Earth and Heaven scrolls when
you get to the tower which is in the middle of the forest. The tower is
10km away from the gates. This test lasts exactly 5 days," explained

'I see so the number of participants is definitely getting cut in half if

not lower. This is good… The area is big which means plenty of
space to escape her…' thought Naruto.

"5 days?! What about food?" yelled Choji who only thought about
food and rarely anything else.

"Plenty of food in the forest but just be careful of man-eating beasts,

poisonous insects, and plants…" answered Anko. "Now let's talk
about what will disqualify you. First, those who don't get to the tower
with both scrolls before the time limit. Second, those who lost a
teammate or have a teammate killed. In addition to that rule, there is
no quitting in the middle of the test. And lastly, third, those who look
inside the scroll," explained Anko. "Now sign the agreements and
hand them in in the booth where you will also be given your scroll,"

'There will definitely be death since they are making us sign these
forms but I have a plan which should work quite well,' thought

After everyone got their scrolls and went to their gates the exams
started. As soon as the gates started Naruto immediately made a
few dozen of Shadow Clones and with a nod, they all disappeared.

"What was that for? Are you trying to reveal our locations, you idiot?"
yelled out Sakura with the loudest voice Naruto had ever heard.
"They probably know where we are just from that scream… anyways
if we find any team we attack and kill them. If it's a Grass Ninja you
immediately run to me," said Naruto as he looked at Sakura and
continued with a more serious voice, "Do you understand?"

Sakura got the chills as she instinctively nodded.

"Good. Now we head out," said Naruto as they started jumping on

trees following Naruto.

"Who made you the leader?" said Sasuke.

Naruto looked at him once and then answered, "I was sensing
abilities that far surpass yours. I already made a plan which it doesn't
seem you did but if you do have a better plan then speak up. Don't
take it against yourself but for now, just listen to me,"

Sasuke didn't like the answer but he knew it was true. He made a
pretty good plan while still terrified by the Grass Ninja. While on the
previous missions Sasuke had come to understand Naruto as
someone better than him and as a wall he must overcome. Sasuke
nodded and continued following Naruto.

Naruto sensed the teams with the lowest Chakra so they could easily
defeat and take their scrolls. Naruto stopped in his tracks and looked
at the two. Naruto then opens his hand showing his palm as if he
was holding something and then suddenly something appears on his
hand. An Earth scroll, just the one they needed.

"W-what? How?" asked Sasuke surprised. Sakura was also equally

surprised and curious.

"Heh," said Naruto as he grabbed the bush away allowing both

Sakura and Sasuke to see. It was another Naruto standing on three
Leaf Genin's unconscious bodies.

One of them had short, unkempt dark hair held back by his forehead
protector as well as two green lines running from each end of his
eyes towards his ears. He wore a grey high-collared jacket suit along
with a pair of grey pants. The order one had spiky sandy brown hair
and very thick sideburns. He wore a black jumpsuit with a zipper
running down the middle and a light-colored collar. He also wore a
Leaf forehead protector and his shuriken holster strapped to his right
leg. And the last one had short black hair and wears his forehead
protector around his neck, covering his chin. He also wore a high
collared shirt that was half black and half grey along with a pair of
grey pants.

"This one is Team Shibire. My clone was following them and he

noticed that they had the scroll we needed. He caught them off-
guard and voila!" said Naruto holding both of the scrolls up.

"T-they aren't dead right?" stuttered Sakura.

"I would never kill our own Shinobi. They are unconscious although
leaving their body here would also mean that they would die anyway
by some beast," answered Naruto holding his thinking. Suddenly
Naruto felt a powerful wave of Chakra and then are hit with a
powerful gust of wind. After that Naruto felt something huge coming
their way. "Sasuke, Sakura!" yelled Naruto caching their attention as
they ran to him. The one yelling was Naruto's Clone who had then
teleported Sakura, Sasuke, and the unconscious team far away from

Naruto stayed there holding his guard as he saw the huge monster
coming his way.

'What?! A snake?!'

This Chapter took way longer to write than I thought it would.

Lots of stuff happened but has now calmed down a little. I'll try
to not delay an update like this one but no promises. The delay
won't be as big as this one was thought so don't worry. Anyway,
thank you for reading, and hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a
review and have a good day.
PS. I'm going to stop updating my other fanfiction as often as
this one since writing two Chapters in a week is a bit too much
especially now. Thank you.

Chapter 10
"Naruto, you are a clone, aren't you?" asked Sasuke.

"Hai. Boss stayed to see the enemy's power," said the clone as he
still kept his guard up.

"What?! But you said that she's way out of our league. What if you
get killed?!" replied Sasuke. Even if he didn't admit it, Sasuke still
cared about Naruto. They had a couple of spars and Naruto was
kind enough to point out his weaknesses. Sasuke knew he was
getting stronger because of Naruto and with his help he would be
one step closer to his goal.

"You underestimate boss too much, Sasuke," said the Clone


"Gotta take care of this Snake quickly," said Naruto as he threw a

dozen of his Kunai at the snake. As soon as the Kunai hit, Naruto
teleported to all of them and then back to his original place in just a
matter of seconds. Naruto then turned away from the snake as it
exploded into bits leaving very few traces of it left. Naruto then
looked at the bush to where the enemy was trying to hide.

"My, my. Quite the excellent use of Explosive Tags. Great Sensing
Abilities and mastered the Hiraishin, something even I haven't
managed to do. Very impressive but sadly not the one I'm looking
for," she said as showed her stupidly long tongue.

"Oh, you are looking for someone? You attacked us so it means you
are looking for someone in my team. Since it isn't me then it has to
be either Sakura or Sasuke. I can't see how you would need Sakura
but Sasuke… He is an Uchiha and he has already awakened the
Sharingan but what are you planning to do with him?" guessed
Naruto as he held his chin trying to think of several possibilities she
would need Sasuke for. A few had already come to mind but he
waited for her to answer.

"Impressive. You've got the brains too but unfortunately, I've got no
use for the demon kid," she said as she got ready to fight. She was
more shocked on the inside to see a 12-year-old kid figure out her

Naruto didn't like that comment but he still was ready to fight. He
knew better than to let his guard down around her. Although it didn't
look like it, Naruto was still terrified but he did a good job at hiding it.
As a Shinobi one must show no emotions in battle.

Naruto holding two Kunai readied for her to rush at him. She fought
in a strange way. She fought like a literal snake which he found
disgusting. He hated snakes. They went into a Taijutsu battle.
Trading blow for blow. To an outsider, it would look like they are
equal but Naruto knew better. He knew she was just testing him.
Naruto had trained on his Chakra Control so he could enhance his
fighting power and speed. His punches were faster did more damage
than he ever could but he still couldn't land a direct hit.

Naruto jumped back and made a few Clones to help him. Naruto
threw a few Shuriken in her direction to which she easily dodged.
'Heh as expected' thought Naruto. Naruto then teleported to one of
the Shuriken and shouted, "Wind Style: Vacuum Great Sphere". A
large sphere of compressed wind chakra came out of Naruto's
mouth as it seemingly hit the Grass Genin. 'got her!' thought Naruto.

Her body although turned to mud which Naruto noticed that she
must've substituted. Naruto and two of his Clones using the
Lightning Mode started rushing her and attacking her with a barrage
of fists. She had gotten caught off guard and had gotten hit multiple
times with Chakra Enhanced fists. 'That did more damage than it
should've' she thought.

'That's not it,' thought Naruto as she teleported to her and did a quick
roundhouse kick. She flew a couple of meters away and then

"You and your goddamn Explosive Tags," she yelled as she stood up
from the explosion.

Naruto looked at her as he thought he had done damage but then

noticed something terrifying. Her face had changed and so had the
headband. 'That's the Hidden Sound…' thought Naruto as he came
to the realization.

'He did way more damage than a Genin should do,' she thought.

"Y-you are… you are Orochimaru," said Naruto stuttering. Now

everything came to light. The terrifying power and why he wanted

"You know of me child?" said Orochimaru as he laughed.

"You bastard of a betrayer," yelled Naruto. "I'm sorry Kurama for

using this without permission," said Naruto as he started to change.
The red chakra of Kurama started circling around him. His hair grew
longer and spikier and the whiskers on his cheeks widened and
thickened. His nails and canine teeth grew longer and sharper. His
eyes changed to that of Kuramas as Naruto gave a loud roar.

Kurama looked down at Naruto confused. Why would a human

apologize to him? Why would a human ask a beast's name? Why
would a human even be nice to a beast? All of these confused
Kurama so he decided to say nothing.

"Oh, so you can use the demon's powers?" said Orochimaru


Naruto suddenly sped up to Orochimaru with so much speed that

was unnormal for a Genin. Naruto did a quick barrage of fists
smashing his face in and jumped back. Instantly after, a clone of
Naruto came from under Orochimaru with a deadly uppercut, and
while in the air the clone did a quick double jab. Not living any room
to breathe Naruto jumped him with a crescent kick sending
Orochimaru flying.

As the smoke cleared out Orochimaru stood up a bruise on his face

but it was clearly healing. "You actually managed to bruise me but
this has taken long enough. This was fun but I'm heading out for
now," said Orochimaru as he left without a trace.

'Damn it that bastard. Why is he so strong,' thought Naruto. Naruto

then teleported to where Sakura and Sasuke were and dropped
down exhausted.

"Naruto?!" said both Sakura and Sasuke.

"Hai. The opponent was stronger than I imagined and I still hadn't
managed to take him down," said Naruto looking away in shame.

"What?! Who is she?" asked Sasuke curiously.

"Orochimaru. One of the Sannin. He was Lord Thirds student who

turned rogue and even with full power I couldn't do anything against
him," said Naruto as he clenched his fist. He hated feeling so

"Where is he now?" asked Sasuke again trying to grasp the


"The Exam Proctor is in the forest which means that they know of
Orochimaru which also means that the Anbu are probably involved.
We shouldn't have to worry about him for now. Grab on," ordered
Naruto now which both of them listened to him.

"Alright, we got both scrolls so now we just have to get to the tower.
But there might be Genin waiting there and planning their attack so
we must be careful," analyzed Sakura.

"That would be the case if you didn't have me. Now grab on my
shoulders," said Naruto as he smirked. As soon as their hands
touched his shoulders they teleported inside the tower.

"You marked the inside of the Tower too?" asked Sasuke also

"Of course. My Shadow Clones marked the entire forest so I could

teleport anywhere I need to," explained Naruto as he smiled.

Both Sasuke and Sakura were shocked. If it weren't for Naruto then
they weren't even sure if they would even pass.

Upon entering the tower they saw a riddle. "If you do not possess
heaven, gain knowledge and be prepared. If you do not possess
earth, run through the fields in search of an advantage. Open the
series of Heaven and Earth and the perilous way shall be
redressed… This is namely the secret of the one that guides.."

"Hmm. It's telling us to open the scrolls," said Naruto after a little
moment of thinking.

The other two nodded so they agreed to open the scrolls. Naruto
opened the Heave Scroll while Sakura opened the Earth Scroll.
Sakura was worried if it was a trap or not but Naruto was sure that
they had to open that.

The moment they opened the scroll Naruto instantly recognized the
contents of the scroll. "Sakura, it's a summoning seal! Drop it!" yelled
Naruto as they both dropped the scrolls.

Smoke appeared on the scrolls and as it cleared out, Iruka

appeared. "Long time no see," said Iruka smiling as he waved at
them. Iruka was proud of them. They completed the Test in hours
which was a surprise for fresh Genin to do. 'This Chunin exam is
filled with promising Shinobi' thought Iruka.

In reality, Naruto had done the most fighting but he didn't mind.
Although annoying, Naruto still liked his team. "Yo Iruka-Sensei,"
"You all have come a long way," said Iruka holding his tears back.

"Hehe, thanks. Now I'm guessing We'll have to wait until the second
test is over," said Naruto rubbing his nose.

"Hai. Until the test is over you'll have to rest in your room. You aren't
allowed to meet your Sensei or anyone else for that matter,"
explained Iruka and after getting a nod from the three Iuka shows
them to their room.

In their room, Sakura was curious about something so he decided to

ask Naruto. "Naruto, why didn't you tell Iruka-Sensei about

"Oh? They probably already know about it seeing as a Jounin

already met him. This isn't something a Genin should worry about
anyway so get some rest," said Naruto as he went to his own room.
He wanted to use the next days to train on his Chakra Control.
Improving it, even more, would prove useful.

Meditating had become one of his favorite things to do. Everything

was quiet and he could literally feel everything around him. He could
sense the Chakra of everyone near him but he could also sense
something new. Strange Chakra he had never felt before and he
wasn't even sure if it was Chakra. The moment he opened his eyes
he couldn't feel it anymore. It was strange and he couldn't
understand it at all.

Every time he meditated his Chakra Control improved but right now
his mind was focused on something else. In his fight with one of the
Sannin. He couldn't fight against him even after he used Kurama's

'The Sannin huh? Jiraya, Orochimaru and Tsunade… The title was
given by Hanzo after the three had fought against him even after all
the other Konoha Shinobi and perished. Orochimaru betrayed the
Leaf and Tsunade had run away… Jiraya is the only legendary
Shinobi of the three having stayed loyal to the village until now. I
have to become stronger so that traitors like these can't get away so
easily but how? How can I get as strong as someone like
Orochimaru?' thought Naruto. Naruto now only thought about getting
stronger… power… some would even say he would even kill
someone close to him for power but Naruto would never. He only
wanted power to protect people close to him and the Leaf and he
would sacrifice himself to do that.

He then thought about Hashirama, the first Hokage also named the
God of Shinobi, the Strongest Shinobi of all times. He had Wood
Release, one of the strongest Kekkei Genkai's in the World, and
people would kill just to get a piece of that DNA because of the
power it could give one. Naruto had gotten an idea of how he could
get strong but he didn't know if it would even work. He had almost no
idea about how the Human Body worked. For now, however, he
scratched that idea and continued working on his Chakra Control.

The four days pass pretty quickly. Naruto spent most of his time
improving his Chakra Control so he tried to avoid meeting other
people as it would interrupt his training.

After the second test of the Exam was officially over, all the
participants that had passed were in the arena with all the Jounin
and the Hokage before them. 21 Genin had passed out of the 60
Genin. 'Maybe I should've stayed longer and taken care of the
others…' thought Naruto.

"Congratulations everyone for passing the second test of the Exam.

You have proven yourself to have the determination and will to
become Genin. But that may not be enough no matter how strong it
is. It's time I showed you the purpose of the Chuunin Exams," spoke
the Third Hokage as he looked on the Genin.

"In reality, the Chuunin exams are replacement for war among the
allied countries. In the past, the current allies were enemies who
fought each other. So in order to fight the pointless fighting, the
countries chose a mutual place for battle. That is the origin of the
Chuunin exams. Other Nations, potential clients will be watching the
battles," continued the Third Hokage.

'Hmm, I see. So basically it's to show our strength to the other

Hidden Villages. Makes sense if you want to avoid wars,' thought

After clearing the confusion amongst the Genin, Hiruzen wanted to

continue the Exams but was interrupted by a proctor. "Please allow
me, Hokage-sama. Hayate Gekko, the referee of the matches," said

"Very well," responded Hiruzen.

"Hello everyone, I am Hayate. Since there are too many Genin that
passed the first and second test, there will be a preliminary before
you take the third test," explained Hayate coughing.

A lot of the Genin started complaining.

Hayate sighed. "As the Hokage-sama explained earlier, there will be

many guests at the third test, and with this many Genin, it would take
too long. Now since the preliminary starts immediately, please come
forward if you're not feeling well or are unable to fight," continued
Hayate as he started coughing again.

'With four days to rest I have had enough time to rest,' thought
Naruto smiling. He was ready to win this exam.

"Um, I'm going to quit," said Kabuto as he raised his hand.

'Hm? That's the guy from the first test. He must've gotten quite into a
battle considering how he looks right now,' thought Naruto.

"Yakushi Kabuto from the Leaf right? You may leave now. Umm I
also forgot to mention that from now on it will be individual battling so
you may raise your hand based on your own judgment," explained
Hayate again.
'This guy… He keeps coughing so he must be sick. Leaving such
information out…' thought Naruto as he barely held his laugh back.
He didn't know why but he found it quite funny although not the ideal

'Kabuto huh? He failed the Chuunin exams 6 times straight…'

thought Hiruzen.

"Naruto, I am going to defeat every other Genin here and after I'm
done with them I will defeat you," declared Sasuke as he held out his

"Heh," replied Naruto as they fist-bumped.

"Very well then we will now begin the preliminary exams. This will be
a one on one battle. There are basically no rules. You fight until your
opponent is dead, knocked out, or has given up. The screen above
me will show the match-up for each battle. The first battle is…" said
Hayate as the screen went through the names of the participants
until it stopped. "Uchiha Sasuke vs Yoroi Akado. Everyone but these
two please step out," ordered Hayate and as the other Genin went
out of the way, he continued, "Ready? Go," announced Hayate after
getting a nod from the two.

'Boring! I'll go and meditate on another room until it's my turn,'

thought Naruto. Naruto sneaked away avoiding the other people's
attention. He had an idea what the other people were capable of and
he knew that no one could pose a threat to him right now except
Gaara. With his enhanced hearing he knew who would be fighting
next and with his sensing abilities, it was like he was there.

Naruto knew what Sasuke was capable of already but he was

curious about the opponent. The fight started with Sasuke just
testing the opponent's powers. In seconds everyone realized that
Sasuke had far superior speed and power. After Sasuke figured out
that the opponent's ability was to steal Chakra, he quickly ended the
"Heh, this is nothing," said Sasuke smiling.

'Arrogant bastard,' thought Naruto who was also smiling.

"Next match… Aburame Shino vs Abumi Zaku. Start!" said Hayate.

'So b-boring…' thought Naruto as he was struggling to keep his eyes

open. But no matter how hard he tried, it was all to no avail. He fell
asleep. He was in the room alone so no one could wake him up.

The 6th match had just finished and Hayate had just announced the
7th match. "Uzumaki Naruto vs Izunuka Kiba!"

Kiba was already in the arena but Naruto was nowhere to be seen.
Kiba started laughing, "Hahahaha I should've known you would've
chickened out, NARUTO!"

'That's right where is he? I haven't seen him in a while…' thought


And then suddenly Naruto appears rubbing his eyes. He had just
woken up and thankfully he had already marked the arena before.
"You talk too loud. So you are my opponent huh? Just so you know I
won't go easy on you, Kiba," said Naruto still sleepy. He was
sleeping until he heard Kiba scream his name.

"Heh, you never won against me in the academy, Naruto," said Kiba

'That's cuz I never tried fool,' thought Naruto smiling. He then looked
at Hayate signaling that he is ready.

The fight was over in a flash. No Jutsus were used. Naruto

enhanced his speed with his Chakra not allowing Kiba to move even
an inch. Hayate had announced the match to start and in just that
one second Kiba felt the cold feeling of metal on his neck.

'This speed! I couldn't even follow him with my eyes,' thought Kiba
shocked. There was nothing he could do. "I-I give up," said Kiba
holding his hand up.

The audience was also shocked. Almost no one could even follow
him with his eyes. 'You have grown, Naruto,' thought Kakashi

Even Lee knew he couldn't have reacted to that. That speed was
way faster than at the time they had fought.

Sasuke had his Sharingan activated but even with it on, he barely
followed him. 'Damn it. Why am I so weak?! I must get stronger no
matter what…' thought Sasuke.

Naruto looked up at the audience holding his hand high up. "My
name is Uzumaki Naruto and I will be the one who will defeat every
Genin in this exam," declared Naruto as he heard roars coming from
the audience. No one could believe at the claim the demon boy just
made but they knew that the Hyuuga or the Uchiha could take him

Well damn… I have to say I'm disappointed at how long it takes

for me to finish a chapter. I really don't have much free time but
I'll try to update more often.

What are you thought on this chapter? Hope you liked it! Please
leave a Review!

Chapter 11
Naruto smiled as he walked away from the arena. He heard the
audience booing him at the claim he made and held his laugh back
when heard them yell how he would lose to Sasuke or that Hyuuga.
Naruto however wasn't interested in that at the moment. He won the
preliminaries so now and they would probably get some time until
the last test of the Chuunin exams.

'Hmm, Neji Hyuuga is said to be a prodigy and comes from the

mighty Hyuuga clan. They are excellent at Taijutsu due to their
Dojutsu, the Byakugan. The ability to close your enemy's Chakra
Points would be a problem for other people but not for me. I am
probably far superior when it comes to speed too and I got this too,'
thought Naruto as he held his Kunai and smiled. 'The only problem
would be Gaara. If he is able to control Shukaku then it would be a
problem but with this Technique that I'm working on, then it should
go fine. The Fourth Hokage really was something,' Naruto then
quickly made a Shadow Clone and left the arena to train.

'Well then first I have to take a bath and relax. It's been a while since
I've had the chance to relax,' thought Naruto as he headed out to a
public bath.

With the Clone

The Clone sat down on where his team was and closed his eyes. He
had to be in the Arena which is why he had to make a Clone but he
didn't want to know how his opponent fought since it took the fun off
it. He knew it wasn't smart but he was boiling for a good fight after
what had happened with Orochimaru.

"What's the deal with Naruto?" asked Sakura.

Sasuke looked behind him to see Naruto leaning on the wall

sleeping. "No idea. Hey idiot what are you doing?"
Naruto opened his right eye to see who he was talking to. "Trying to
sleep just wake me up when it's all over," replied Naruto closing his
eyes again. The Clone then turned off all his senses so he couldn't
sense or hear what was happening.

Sasuke ignored him and looked back at the arena. 'Two Hyuugas
huh,' thought Sasuke.

"Naruto. Hey Naruto," yelled Sasuke trying to wake him up but

getting no reacting. Sasuke sighed as he raised his fist about to
punch him. Sasuke's fist was one inch away from Naruto face and
Sasuke felt his fist hit but Naruto had disappeared.

"What?!" said Sasuke to himself. He then looked at Naruto's face

behind him but there wasn't even a scratch there.

"Dumbass, why are you trying to punch me," said the Clone pissed

'I did hit him right?' thought Sasuke confused. "You told me to wake
up, idiot. All the matches are over,"

'Finally,' thought the Clone. It looked at Sasuke and then said,

"Alright let's go,"

Naruto looked down at the arena and noticed that great battles had
happened at this place. Now he didn't know if it was such a good
idea to have missed all that.

All the Genin that had passed stood before the Third Hokage. 'Hmm
Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, Temari, Shino, Shikamaru, the Sand guy, and
the Sound guy huh? Interesting,' thought the Clone.

"Congratulation to everyone who has passed. As I've told you

before, the Finals will be seen by everybody so I would like you to
show all of your powers. No holding back. This is why the Finals will
be held a month from now," explained the Third Hokage.
'Heh, I knew it. No one outside of the Shinobi was spectating which
would mean the main event would be held another time. Since they
want us in our best shape they would have us prepare. Boss
guessed right,' thought the Clone.

"During the month you will prepare to fight with the data you have
collected until now," continued the Third Hokage.

Naruto looked down in silence.

"Heh, idiot," said Sasuke.

"Now then, there is one last thing you need to do before you head
out," said the Third Hokage as he looked at Anko. "Take one piece of
paper out of the box that Anko is holding,"

Everyone formed a line and took a piece of paper. "Good now please
tell us the number that you got,"

Everyone saying their number in order. Ibiki had a paper on his hand
and was writing on it. After he was done writing, he showed the
paper to everyone else.

'So a tournament huh,' thought the Clone. 'The Hyuuga prodigy huh?
Defeating him would definitely show everyone how strong I am,'
thought the Clone smiling.

"Hehe, Sasuke. Good luck on the monster," said the Clone laughing.
"Hokage-sama, are we allowed to go?"

"Hai. You are all dismissed," he answered.

"You got the Hyuuga too. You better win so I can defeat you," said
Sasuke full of pride.

The Clone smiled and as he raised his hand a little. He did the peace
sign and said, "Adios," and poofed.
"He was a Clone all along? That bastard," said Sasuke as he rushed
off. He had to find Kakashi and get him to train him.

Naruto was just getting out of the bath. He had stayed there longer
than he wanted. As he got out he regained the memories of the
Clone. 'Neji huh? Time to get to work then. I wonder if I can find
Tenzo-Sensei? I haven't seen him since then. Probably not though…'
thought Naruto. Naruto then looked to his left as he saw an old man
peeping at the women's side of the bath. 'An old pervert huh? Guess
I should stop him,' thought Naruto.

"Hey, you! You sho-" yelled Naruto until he saw the old man turn
around. "Toad Sage Jiraya?!" said Naruto as he barely held his
scream back. Naruto fell on his butt at the sight of Jiraya.

"Hehe so you have heard of me," said Jiraya. Jiraya had waist-
length, spiky white hair which was tied back into a ponytail, with two
shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under
his eyes going all the way to the bottom of his face. He wore a green
short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh
armor that was visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore red
Haori with two yellow circles on each side. He had a large scroll on
his back, and he wore a horned Forehead Protector with the kanji for

No doubt about it. That was Jiraya before Naruto right now. Jiraya
also seemed to have like the fact that Naruto already knew him and
how Naruto reacted before him.

"Of course I've heard of you. I can't believe I got to meet you," said
Naruto now holding his tears back in excitement but the excitement
disappeared when he remembered something. "Oh, right I forgot. I
have to train-" said Naruto as he got a brilliant idea. "Jiraya-sama
would you please train me, Uzumaki Naruto,"

"Oh, you want me to train you huh,"

"Hai, please,"
"I'd like to test your abilities first then. After that, I'll decide if I'll train
you," said Jiraya as he started walking away. "Follow me,"

'I can't believe I get to spar with one of the Legendary Sannin,'
thought Naruto.

"Heh foolish brat," said Kurama. Naruto ignored his comment.

"Alright then this seems good enough," said Jiraya as he stopped on

flat land. "Ready when you are,"

"Yosh!" said Naruto again as he removed his weights.

'Kurama, may I use your Chakra, please? I want to impress him,'

said Naruto.

"Fine," answered Kurama. "Go wild,"

Naruto smiled. "Hehe," said Naruto. A dense shroud of Chakra

formed around Naruto. Naruto features changed to that of Kurama
and a Tail formed out of the red Chakra appeared behind him
swinging. Naruto was now on all fours.

Jiraya knew what Naruto was doing and was impressed to see him
already have access to its Chakra.

"This isn't all," said Naruto.


Suddenly dark red lightning surrounded Naruto and was mixing with
Kuramas Chakra. 'It's quite hard to do but with practice… I've gotten
the hand of this,' thought Naruto.

"Impressive Naruto," said Jiaraya somewhat loud.

Naruto suddenly appeared before Jiraya with his fist encased in rock
and tried to punch him but Jiraya had quick reflexes and quickly
blocked but it still surprisingly hurt him a little. Naruto then grabbed
Jirayas's hand and quickly tried to kick him but he was countered
with a hard punch to the gut which made him fly away a couple of
meters away. Smoke surrounded the area when Naruto landed.
Naruto went through quick hand signs and a huge ball of wind
appeared before him as it went in Jiraya's direction.

Jiraya noticed this and quickly created an earth-style wall. Jiraya

smiled as he thought that was all but was surprised to see Naruto
suddenly appear before him. Naruto focused his Chakra on his fist
and hit Jiraya straight on the face sending him flying. While on the air
Naruto teleported to Jiraya and did a quick spin and kicked Jiraya on
the gut. Jiraya hit the ground creating a huge crater on contact.

As the smoke cleared out Jiraya stood up with a couple of bruised on

him although nothing serious. "Is that all?" asked Jiraya.

This annoyed Naruto as he teleported to Jiraya again but now not

holding back. Jiraya expected Naruto to teleport to him and as he
was about to react he felt a shock coming from his hand where
Naruto had marked him and couldn't move anymore. "Heh," smiled
Naruto as he quickly did a barrage of Chakra-enhanced fists on his
gut and finishing it with a kick to the head. Jiraya was sent flying as
he hit a couple of trees.

"This is my 'all'" said Naruto smiling.

Jiraya stood up and coughed a little bit of blood. He did more

damage than Jiraya thought he would be able to do. He didn't expect
Naruto to mix Lightning Chakra with the Hiraishin's mark. And those
punches hit hard. Not only was he strong enough alone, but he also
had a boost from the Kyuubi, the Lightning mode plus his own
Chakra. Jiraya smiled as he wiped off the blood. "I'm going to make
a monster out of you,"

Naruto looked at him and smiled. He turned off his modes and fell to
his knees catching his breath. Mixing those two modes was more
taxing than he thought but the boost paid off. "Yosh! Training with a
Sannin, how exciting!" said Naruto.
"So what are we training on?" asked Naruto still excited.

"Hehe. Do you know about the Summoning Jutsu?" asked Jiraya.

"Am I going to learn how to summon Toads like you?! Of course, I

know about it," answered Naruto.

"Hai, kid that's a little too much energy," Jiraya then start opening the
scroll that he was carrying on his back. "Alright, this is where you'll
sign a contract with the Toads. You write your name in blood and
under that you press your fingerprint. After that, you should be able
to summon them. I'm guessing you already know the hand signs?"

"Hai. Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, and Ship," said Naruto as he

prepared to use the Jutsu. He went through the hand signs and
pushed in a huge amount of Chakra in it. The next moment Naruto
looked under his feet to see what he had guessed to be the head of
a Toad. "I did it!" yelled Naruto out loud.

"First try?! He summoned Gamabunta too… I can't even control that

one so I'm heading out," said Jiraya to himself as he Shunshined

'Huh, why can't I sense him anymore? Where did Jiraya-Sensei go?'
thought Naruto.

"You lil punk! What are you doing up there? And where is Jiraya why
did he summon in this place?!" screamed the Toad.

"Hm? I summoned you and I really don't know where Jiraya went,"
answered Naruto.

"You? Summon me? Hahahahahaha good joke kid," he laughed.

Naruto stared him down. He already didn't like this toad.

'This kid… He has the same eyes as… ,' Gamabunta thought. He
looked down and saw the contract scroll that Jiraya had on the
ground and it saw Naruto's name there. 'Impressive, so he did
actually summon me. He doesn't even look tired even after
summoning me? You got a good one, Jiraya'

"Hey, brat," called Gamabunta.

"What?" replied Naruto still annoyed by him.

"How about you prove to me that you're my summoner?" asked

Gamabunta catching Naruto's attention.

"Oh? How do I do that?" replied Naruto not a little excited.

"To prove that you are worthy of being my summoner you have to
stay on my head for the day,"

"That's it?" said Naruto confused by the easy challenge.

'Huh? That's it? Who does he think he is?!' thought Gamabunta.

"You brat I won't go easy on you!" he yelled.

Naruto then just sat on his head and focused his Chakra a little as
Gamabunta jumped around the forest. After a few hours, Naruto was
getting hungry so he made a Clone to get him some food. The Clone
disappeared and reappeared which Gamabunta recognized as the
Hiraishin. His previous summoner used it too after all.

"Kid, you can use it too?" asked Gamabunta as he stopped jumping.

"What? The Hiraishin?" asked Naruto. Gamabunta nodded. "Ah, I

learned it recently," he said as he chuckled a little.

"Heh, you have earned my respect," replied Gamabunta impressed.

'Just like the Fourth…' he thought. "Very well. I recognized you as
my summoner,"

"Yosh!" screamed Naruto holding his fist high up.

With that Gamabunta disappeared and as soon as he did Jiraya

reappeared again. "I have to say, I am impressed kid," said Jiraya.
"Thank you, Jiraya-Sensei"

'Hmm. Great Chakra Control and from what I've seen he's got a
good Taijutsu Style as well,' thought Jiraya. "Hey, kid. How do you
feel about learning a Jutsu?"

"Jutsu? No… NO WAY?! YES PLEASE!" yelled Naruto with his eyes
shining brighter than the stars.

Jiraya started laughing. He liked Naruto. "Good, come back in two

days to the same place," said Jiraya as he disappeared in a

Naruto had never felt so happy. A Jutsu from the Legendary Sannin.

'Two days huh? I'll use that to train my body' thought Naruto as he
also disappeared in a Shunshin.

The two days were hell. The weights were heavier than Naruto could
even imagine handling and he could feel his body ripping apart but
he wouldn't give up. He forced his body to move and with the help of
Kurama, his body would heal immediately.

After two days Naruto had removed the weights and met with Jiraya
at the meeting place. He was excited to have the chance to learn a
Jutsu from a Sannin. Third Hokage's student and Fourth Hokage's

"Are you ready, Naruto?" asked Jiraya as he looked at Naruto all

excited. He had seen the training Naruto had done in the two days
and was amazed to see him abuse Kurama's powers.

"Hai," replied Naruto.

"Good. Now first I'll demonstrate the Jutsu to you," said Jiraya. He
then opened his hand showing his palm and a spinning ball of
Chakra appeared on his. "This is called the-"
"Rasengan!" interrupted Naruto. The Jutsu that the Fourth had
created. The Fourth was his hero and he read all about him.

"So you have heard of it, kid," said Jiraya as the Rasengan dissolved
on his hand.

"Of course I have. The Rasengan is a Jutsu that the Fourth created.
It has high destructive power and requires no hand signs. An A rank
Jutsu," replied Naruto in complete awe having seen the Rasengan.

"Correct. You need excellent Chakra Control to use this Jutsu but
you don't have to worry about that since you have a way above
average Chakra Control," explained Jiraya.

Naruto chuckled at this. He just got complimented by Jiraya.

"Catch," said Jiraya as he threw a water balloon at Naruto. Naruto

caught it and looked confused at Jiraya. "This is the first step to
learning the Jutsu. You need to spin your Chakra in the balloon in
multiple directions,"

Naruto looked at the balloon as he held it on his palm and focused. It

took him several times but he got in under 10 minutes. 'I did it!'
thought Naruto.

'Heh, I shouldn't be surprised. That Chakra Control almost rivals

Tsunades…' thought Jiraya. "Impressive but the next step will take a
little longer than that," said Jiraya as he threw a rubber ball.

'There is no water inside and it's definitely thicker than the balloon,'
thought Naruto.

"Now the second step. You must increase the volume and density of
the Chakra," explained Jiraya as he saw try but fail.

For the next two and a half days, Naruto focused on bursting the
rubber ball and it was at that point that he had realized why this
Jutsu was an A rank Jutsu. But in the end, he had finally done it.
'Three days huh…'

'This brat…' thought Jiraya. He was amazed yet again at the speed
Naruto was going at. It took the Fourth three years and here was
Naruto doing it several times faster.

"Again, you impress me," said Jiraya. "Now for the last step… You
will combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. Use this,"
continued Jiraya as he gave Naruto a balloon.

"A balloon again?"

"Yes. Should the balloon pop while you combine the first two steps
then mastery is not achieved," explained Jiraya. 'So how long until
you complete this?' thought Jiraya.

Jiraya didn't expect the outcome thought. Naruto had done it on his
third try. 'You will be definitely surpassing the Fourth,' thought Jiraya
as his eyes and mouth were wide open.

"Hehehe,". Naruto chuckled as he rubbed his nose. He was happy

with the improvement he has made and he still had more than three
weeks of training until the Chuunin exams.

"Really impressive. Well now we still have three weeks to train and
during the three weeks, you will improve your Taijutsu style, Chakra
Control, and train your body. It's going to be a hell of three weeks,"
said Jiraya as he laughed.

'Bring it on!' thought Naruto. He was happy with the way things were
going now. He was improving at higher rates than he had thought.

End of the Chapter. What are your thoughts on it? Hope you
enjoyed reading it!

Chapter 12
It was the next morning and Naruto had a little more than three
weeks to train with Jiraya.

Naruto went through a couple of hand signs and slowly a Clone

appeared beside him. 'Finally. This is something I'd call a perfect
Clone. It took too long to master and I can still only make one. The
Jutsu also requires excellent Chakra Control. Training in secret paid
off' thought Naruto as he smiled. With that, the Clone left to train with
Jiraya while the original had something else in mind. Something he
had planned in secret with someone…

'I'm sorry, Jiji. Thanks to Tenzo-Sensei I can easily sneak in without

anyone noticing me,' thought Naruto with his plan already in motion.
He knew he would be getting stronger with Jiraya but that alone
wasn't enough. He had other plans on how to get stronger faster.

Three Weeks Later

Jiraya and Naruto had just finished their last spar. "Hehe, brat. You
have improved more than I thought you would," said Jiraya.

"Thank you, Jiraya-Sensei," replied the Clone. Naruto also realized

that he was growing fast but that still wasn't enough. He still had a
few stuff to do to grow stronger.

"Alright then use the rest of this day and tomorrow to rest. You have
a big match coming up against the Hyuuga prodigy," said Jiraya
laughing a little.

"Hmm. I can handle him," replied Naruto again as he saw Jiraya


'I know you can kid,' thought Jiraya.

After Jiraya went to do his work the Clone was alone. The Clone
went home where it had hoped the Original was but Naruto wasn't
there. 'I hope he got it down. There are a few steps to this plan and
this is probably the second hardest,' thought the Clone.

Suddenly the real Naruto appears beside the Clone. "Yo. So you
done?" asked the Clone.

"Nope. The Jutsu has way too many flaws. The Creator of the Jutsu
didn't focus on it as it seems. I can use the Jutsu but it's still not as
effective as I would like it to be. But I definitely improved it and I just
need a little more time to perfect it. I can't believe the creator actually
had so much trouble with this Jutsu," explained Naruto as he
laughed a little.

The Clone smiled as it released itself. Naruto sat down as he waited

for three weeks' worth of training to be passed to him. Naruto lied
down as he almost screamed. This Clone Jutsu was specifically
made for training. Anything that had happened to the Clone came
back to the original. That included the pain that he felt due to the
training but also his body getting stronger. It all perfectly came back
to the original as if Naruto was really there.

After ten minutes of pain all over his body, Naruto stood up. He felt
that his body had definitely gotten stronger and his Chakra reserves
seemed to have increased. 'Works even better than I thought,'
thought Naruto. This was indeed a perfect Clone. 'I'll take it easy for
until the exams,'

The day of the Chuunin exams

'One month is finally over,' thought Naruto excited of the events that
were going to take place.

The streets of the Leaf were busier than ever. A lot of important
customers were coming to spectate over the exams.
In the arena, all 8 Genin were standing before the spectators. All but
Dosu. 'That guy Dosu isn't here…' thought Shikamaru.

Everyone had arrived and was now waiting for the beginning of the
exams. After the Kazekage had also arrived the Third Hokage stood
up ready to make an announcement.

"Thank you, everyone, for comings to the Chuunin selection exam!

We will now start the main tournament matches between the eight
participants! Please stay and watch until the end!"

Roars could be heard from the spectators. One could easily tell how
excited everyone was.

"Before we begin there is one slight change on the tournament.

Check again to see who you are fighting," said Genma who was the
proctor of this tournament.

'Did that Dosu guy forfeit?' thought Shikamaru.

"Hehe, Sasuke. I hope you have trained well for a month," said
Naruto as he laughed a little.

"You too, idiot. We are fighting after all so you better win," replied

Naruto smiled and then turned his head to see his opponent, Neji.
Naruto wasn't worried about Neji. Not with what he was capable of
right now.

"Alright, you guys. The arena is different but the rules are exactly the
same as the preliminaries. The first match is between Naruto
Uzumaki and Neji Hyuuga. Those two stay here while the others go
to the waiting room," explained Genma.

Naruto could already hear people doubting that he could win and he
could only hold his laugh back. This match wasn't going to be a
"I heard you had quite the match with Hinata," said Naruto.

"It doesn't matter. Fate wills that I win here" replied Neji with a smirk.

'Fate huh? We'll see,' thought Naruto.

"Both ready?" asked Genma getting a nod from both of them.


'I could end it with one quick Rasengan but that would be tasteless,'
thought Naruto as he used his own Chakra to make himself heavier.
He didn't understand it either. He had instinctively made himself

Neji was rushing at Naruto trying to use his gentle fist as he aimed
for Naruto's chest but Naruto could clearly see it coming. Naruto
even with his added weight could move fast enough to duck down
and hit Neji on the gut which led to Neji flying away.

'I hit harder than I thought? Is it because of the weight?' thought


'He hits hard. He is fast too so. Is he like Lee?' thought Neji as he
cleaned the little spit that came out of his mouth.

"It doesn't matter. I will win this. Fate wills that I win…" declared Neji
again as he started rushing at Naruto now at a faster pace than
before. Neji kept trying to hit him but Naruto could dodge him with
seemingly no difficulty.

'It doesn't seem like it's going anywhere and this is getting boring so
let me speed this up a little. I can even test this new ability,' thought
Naruto. As Neji rushed trying to hit Naruto at least once with his
'Gentle Fist', Naruto quickly used his own Chakra to block any of
Neji's Chakra coming inside him and caught Neji's hands. Naruto
then with his speed quickly pushed Neji's arms aside and focused
the increased weight on his arm and punched Neji on the gut yet
again although now with much more force. 'The increase in power is
insane. Now… I'll show everyone this technique…' thought Naruto
as he quickly teleported to where Neji was flown and yelled,
'Rasengan' and hit Neji yet again creating a crater below. 'Well, I
held back quite a bit,' thought Naruto as he smiled.

"What happened to fate?" asked Naruto. Neji heard those final words
as he fell unconscious. 'Now let's see what people think. I showed
both techniques of the Fourth… hehe' smiled Naruto.

The arena was first quiet but then everyone at the same time started
roaring. So much that the ground started shaking as well. This kid
just defeated a Hyuuga prodigy with seemingly no difficulty.
Everyone had heard of the Fourth and everyone would recognize the
Fourth's signature moves and this kid used both of the Fourth's
Jutsus with seemingly no problem at all.

'No way… Neji lost to an amateur…' thought TenTen. She was Neji's

'Naruto…' thought both Sakura and Sasuke. Sakura was impressed

by Naruto while Sasuke was both jealous and angry.

'The Rasengan?! Who would've thought he would learn it so soon,'

thought Kakashi.

"You have quite capable Shinobi," said the Kazekage as he looked at


Hiruzen laughed a little as he nodded.

'He actually managed to master the Hiraishin and the Rasengan

huh? This is the perfect time to reveal this,' thought the Third
Hokage as he stood up to announce the winner.

"The winner is Naruto… Namikaze!"

Everyone looked up to where the Third was. The Namikaze was the
Fourth's name and they were even doubting themselves if they
heard right but they couldn't have. The Third spoke loud and clear. If
Naruto could use both of the Fourth's signature moves and have the
Fourth's name… then that means that he is his…

Naruto was just as confused as everyone was. Even he didn't guess

that he was the Fourth's son. If the Third actually announced that
then that means that he thought that Naruto is ready… for whatever
is to come. Suddenly being announced as the Fourth's son surely
brought not-so-good stuff with it. 'Dad's enemies…' thought Naruto.
Although strong, Naruto still wasn't as strong as he'd like to be.
That's why he's already a few steps in his plan to become stronger.

His classmates were the most surprised. They would've never had
guessed that someone like Naruto would even have a drop of royal

Naruto heard cheers from the audience as he went to the

participants' area where he saw Shikamaru.

Shikamaru was also shocked to have heard that. He was also

worried about what Naruto was thinking right now. "Naruto… how
are you-"

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? Knowing my father doesn't change

anything," interrupted Naruto. While feeling better that he knew
about his father now, it still didn't change anything about him. His
plan remained the same. He had one goal and one goal only.

Shikamaru remained quiet as he looked at Naruto. He was looking

for any sign of discomfort but realized that Naruto was just fine.

"Now the next fight… Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara. Please come
down!" said the Proctor as both of them appeared on a Shunshin.
The arena was still as loud as before. They were also waiting for the
fight between an Uchiha and the Sand Genius. He had shown great
fighting ability after all. "Begin!"
Gaara's sand started coming out of his gourd. To Sasuke, it looked
like Gaara was talking to himself. "Come one," taunted Gaara.

Sasuke threw two Shuriken at Gaara but Gaara had an automatic

defense mechanism. It was also known as Absolute Defense. Even if
Gaara wanted to stop it he wouldn't be able to. The sand protected
him, always. The sand formed a shield around Gaara and caught the
Shuriken. The shield then turned to a Clone and threw the Shuriken
back but Sasuke easily dodged them with superior speed than that
of Gaara's he appeared before the Clone and with one kick the
Clone completely disappeared.

Before Gaara could even react Sasuke tried to punch Gaara but the
Sand stopped him too. Sasuke chuckled. Suddenly Sasuke
appeared behind Gaara and before the Sand could even react,
Sasuke had managed to hit him on the face sending him a couple of
meters away but before Gaara could hit the ground, the sand had
protected him.

Gaara stood up again with his face full of cracks.

"That speed is even superior to that of Lee's…" commented Gai.

Kakashi smiled proudly. A full month of training had done well.

"I'll tear off that armor," said Sasuke again as he started rushing at
Gaara. Gaara tried to attack Sasuke but you can't attack something
you can't see. Gaara wasn't even able to follow Sasuke.

Sasuke again appeared behind Gaara and kicked him on the back of
his head. Gaara got flown again but managed to stop with the help of
his sand. Sasuke now reappeared before Gaara quickly punching
him two times but before Gaara could even move, Sasuke grabbed
him by the white cloth and kicked him in the head resulting in Gaara
kissing the ground.

Gaara was getting pissed now as Sasuke was the second opponent
he couldn't see. Gaara then held his hand together forming a hand
sign as sand was forming a shield slowly covering Gaara whole.

'What's his plan,' thought Sasuke.

The audience was as shocked as anyone would be seeing that

speed. Two exciting matches in a row…

'Not bad, Sasuke. Not close enough if you are aiming to beat me
though…' thought Naruto as he smiled. 'What's Gaara's plan

Sasuke tried punching through the sand but to no avail. 'I guessed
so' thought Sasuke. Sasuke jumped backward and then jumped up
to land on a wall. As he stood there he closed and then opened his
eyes to show his Sharingan. It had fully evolved during the training
with Kakashi. The same Sharingan that Kakashi had but Sasuke's
were the real deal. He was a full-blooded Uchiha and he would be
able to use the Sharingan's true power.

He then quickly went through a few hand signs and then focused his
Chakra on his hand. Lightning had formed on Sasuke's hand and
due to the high concentration of electricity, it produced a sound
reminiscent of many birds chirping which Guy recognized as the
Chidori. The Jutsu that his rival had created. He was shocked that
Sasuke was able to learn this Jutsu. 'That potential…'

'Of course, Kakashi-sensei taught you that…' thought Naruto.

Sasuke with his hand out ran towards Gaara with the ground
cracking due to the sheer power of the Jutsu. He rushed towards
Gaara and with no-fail Sasuke's Chidori went right through the sand
just like a hot knife on butter would.

Gaara had realized too late. He noticed his blood dripping now and
he could only scream. "My blood! It's my blood!" It had been the first
time Gaara saw his own blood.
Sasuke felt proud of himself as he was sure he had just won. But it
was just the opposite. It was just like how his siblings had feared.
Sasuke felt his arm being grabbed from inside the shield so he tried
to let go but he couldn't. He forced through with lightning Chakra…

Sasuke had seen what was inside. Those terrifying eyes…

'Is he using his Chakra?' thought Naruto curious about how this was
going to go.

Gaara's shield went down as it revealed a wounded Gaara. Gaara

was bleeding but then feathers started falling down.

'Genjutsu?' thought Naruto confused. He could easily cancel the

Genjutsu though thanks to his Sensei, Tenzo. Although he never
bothered to learn how to cast one. Concentrating his Chakra, Naruto
canceled the Genjutsu.

The Third Hokage and the Kazekage were inside a barrier that
seemed like it was erected by the four Sound Shinobi that were on
each corner of the barrier. Gaara and his siblings were running away
but with Sasuke following them and their Sensei was about to fight
the exam proctor.

'These bastards… Jiji should be able to take on the Kazekage.

Sasuke didn't take any damage against Gaara so I'll assume that
he'll be alright. With my abilities, I should quickly help the civilians
escape to a safe area so all our Shinobi can focus on the battle,'
thought Naruto as he quickly made a couple of hundred Shadow
Clones and each ran to help the civilians. One Shadow Clone went
to explain his plan so they don't get distracted by the civilians.

When Naruto got out of the arena he saw Sand and Sound Shinobi
invading the village including Snakes to which Naruto assumed they
were Orochimaru's summons. 'Before they cause any more
damage…' thought Naruto as with insane speed he and a few of his
Clones appeared beside the Snakes and with a touch teleported the
Snakes away. Naruto then jumped up high above the Snakes. "Taste
this!" yelled Naruto as a Rasengan appeared on his hand but it kept
growing in size. In a matter of seconds, the Rasengan was bigger
than the three snakes combined.

"ChoChoOdamma Rasengan" yelled Naruto again. With the big

ball of Rasengan falling down and as it made contact a huge
explosion that could be seen kilometers away appeared. The
explosion was so big that almost the whole forest blew away.
Everyone in the Leaf suddenly heard an explosion and could see a
blue light far away from Leaf. Moments after wind came hitting on
the Leaf's walls from the explosion. The Shinobi could still feel the
power of the explosion and were wondering what would happen if
they were to get hit by that.

'Hehe, thanks Jiraya-sensei' thought Naruto.

Naruto then teleported back to the Leaf and a few minutes had
passed by. The civilians were all evacuated and the snakes were
dealt with. Naruto sat down as he tried to catch his breath. The
Chuunin nearby had all seen what Naruto had done. From all the
civilians being evacuated to the snakes getting teleported away and
the explosion that happened moments after the snakes were
teleported so they guessed that was Naruto. They were in awe… It
was shocking to see a Genin do so much but then again it wasn't
that surprising since he is the Fourth Hokage's son.

'Jiji is fighting Orochimaru?! What happened to-' thought Naruto as

he then realized what was happening. 'That bastard planned it all

The battle between the two was intense and Orochimaru had just
summoned something that Naruto recognized very well…
'Orochimaru… I thought you were a genius…' thought Naruto as he
held his laugh back.

"Naruto! You should go and help Sasuke. Who knows what that
Gaara is capable of. I've already sent Sakura and Shikamaru. Join
them now!" ordered Kakashi.
"But I can still-" said Naruto until he was interrupted.

"You have done enough here. Thanks to you our job is now easier.
Now go!" ordered Kakashi again to which Naruto nodded.

"Fine," he said as he teleported away. He had marked Sasuke


Naruto looked around and saw Sasuke down. Alive but unconscious.
From what he saw, he realized that a great battle between Gaara
and Sasuke had ensued here. Sasuke had pushed Gaara far
enough to force him to fully transform into the Tailed Beast. Naruto
looked down at Sasuke and he was proud of him. He didn't think
Sasuke would be strong enough to push Gaara so far. He looked up
to see Gaara on top of Shukaku's, the One Tails' head. Gaara was
also unconscious which Naruto guessed that that was the trigger to
awaken Gaara.

'I'll take care of you now,' thought Naruto as he got ready with a
Kunai in his hand.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Please review!
I'll try to update sooner haha.

Chapter 13
'I've read a lot about the Tailed Beasts. Shukaku… He torments his
Jinchuriki and if the Jinchuriki is to sleep then the Sand Spirit takes
over. Gaara never slept to avoid that but since Sasuke pushed him
so far… he gave in… But there is one simple thing I have to do to
defeat you,' thought Naruto.

"Summoning Jutsu!" yelled Naruto as he bit his thumb to get some of

his blood and after pressing the ground with all five of his fingers and
channeling some Chakra to his hand, a Jutsu Formula appeared on
the ground, and then the great Gamabunta appeared.

"Yo! Please distract Shukaku over there," said Naruto as he looked

under him.

Gamabunta laughed a little but then agreed. He did accept him as

his summoner after all.

Gamabunta used his sword to attack Shukaku but it was obvious

that Shukaku was superior. In speed and power. He was a Tailed
Beast after all.

Naruto focused on his Chakra. He wasn't sure yet what this was but
it was similar to the Technique that he used against Neji. In that fight,
he made himself heavier but he didn't know how. During the Sasuke
fight, he thought. His Earth Release affinity was so great that he
must've unconsciously used its ability. It was something he had once
read but had never paid attention to it. An ability that the Tsuchikage,
the Lord of the Hidden Earth Village had. Naruto thought that it was
an ability special to Ohnoki but it was actually something that
someone with great Earth affinity could use.

'Remove and add weight huh? If I'm not mistaken… he used it like
this…' thought Naruto as he decreased his weight enabling him to
fly. 'This is new to me but it doesn't seem that hard to control'
'Is he flying?!' thought Gamabunta.

Sasuke was beginning to regain consciousness and he was waking

up to see Naruto fly… 'Since when can that bastard do all these
things…' cursed Sasuke.

'Let's see how fast I can go…' thought Naruto as he tried flying as
fast as he could and he was fast… 'Great!'

"You ant!" yelled Shukaku as he tried to attack Naruto with his Sand
Shuriken but Naruto was too fast.

"This is awesome but it has to end," said Naruto as he quickly flew to

where Gaara was. Before Shukaku could even react Naruto increase
the weight on his arm and punched Gaara in the face forcing him to
wake up. Shukaku crumbled away and all that was left was Gaara.

Gaara was badly hurt and was exhausted. He didn't have any
Chakra and he could barely move. Naruto stood before him with a
Kunai on his neck. "You let hatred get the better of you like a fool. I
was also hated by everyone because of what is inside me but I also
had people who were kind to me. Like me, you have power but
unlike me, you use it for yourself. I use my power for my family which
is the Leaf. This is why you lost," said Naruto as he was kinda sad.
He was glad that he himself didn't end up like Gaara but he was
pretty close to. If it wasn't for his Senseis' and for his Jiji then he
would've also ended up like Gaara.

The fight with Orochimaru.

The Third was pushed hard and was forced to use the same
forbidden Jutsu that the Fourth had used before his death.
Orochimaru had summoned the First and Second Hokage from the
dead to help him fight against Hiruzen. After seeing no other way to
win this fight, Hiruzen was forced to summon the Death God to seal
away Orochimaru, the First and the Second away at the cost of his
life. But Hiruzen had failed. Due to old age, he had only managed to
seal away the two previous Hokage. Orochimaru resisted and with
his superior strength, he managed to not let his soul get taken away.
In the end, Hiruzen tried to at least take away Orochimaru's arms but
even then he failed. He was just too old…

"HAHAHAHAHA you old fart. You have failed, finally" said

Orochimaru panting. He was also exhausted after having to fight off
the Death God.

Hiruzen fell down as his last sight was his greatest failure…

After Orochimaru finally saw his old Sensei fall to his death, he
decided to retreat for now. His next step was Sasuke Uchiha but that
was for another time.

The Jounin and Chuunin of the Leaf had managed to defeat the
Sand and Sound Shinobi with minimal casualties thanks to Naruto.

Temari and Kankuro appeared to where Naruto was. Naruto thought

for a little and decided to show mercy. "You can go away only
because we are a little similar and since you are the children of the
Kazekage. If you decide to go against the Leaf again then I won't
forgive you," said Naruto as he let go of Gaara.

All three were shocked. Naruto wasn't that tired so he could've

probably taken out Temari and Kankuro but why show mercy?
Naruto had guessed that Orochimaru had a thing in this invasion and
killing them would get him nothing.

Gaara thought over what Naruto had said as he was being picked up
by Temari and Kankuro.

Two days later…

The Konoha streets were quiet. They had lost their leader in the
invasion. The invasion had barely done any damage to Konoha and
the only casualty was the death of the Third Hokage.
It was the day that the funeral for the Hokage was held. Naruto
decided not to show up. He just couldn't… He loved his Jiji and even
though he didn't always have time for Naruto, Hiruzen still did his
best to take care of Naruto and he acknowledged that.

Naruto sat on the Hokage Mountain as he observed the funeral. "You

died protecting this village just like a Hokage should. Just like
Konoha Shinobi should. I will do my best to continue protecting this
village," said Naruto to himself. 'Orochimaru…'

Naruto continued observing the funeral as he held his tears back. He

had lost an important person after all.

The Sand had surrendered themselves after finding out that

Orochimaru had tricked them. The Leaf accepted this as they had a
common enemy after all. Orochimaru. The reason why the Hokage
had died and the reason why they need to search for a new Hokage

"So you still continue these foolish things huh," came the voice from
an old man who had an old woman by his side.

"Homura-otchan and Koharu-sensei? To what do I owe the

pleasure?" replied Jiraya as he recognized them.

"We have something to tell you," answered Homura.

Jiraya paused a little and then said, "Looks like the talks with the
Sand are going well. Even though your faces don't look like it…"

"Right now the relationship between the Leaf and the Sand is
irrelevant. The most important fact right now is that our village needs
a strong leader to rely on with the Third gone. We already had a
meeting with the Fire Daimyo and we decided that the Fifth Hokage
to be you, Jiraya," explained Koharu.

She wanted to continue but she was suddenly interrupted by Jiraya.

"Unfortunately, I am not the type for that. I do have someone better
qualified though…" said Jiraya as he laughed a little.

"Who is it? I can't think of anyone better than you," asked Homura as
he raised his voice a little.

"One of the Sannin of course. Tsunade Senju" answered Jiraya.

"Tsunade? True, she is qualified for the job but her whereabouts are
unknown," replied Koharu.

"I'll find her and bring her back," said Jiraya as he had an idea.

"However…" said Homura doubting Jiraya. He knew that even if

Jiraya were to bring her back, Tsunade wouldn't want to take the job
of a Hokage.

"I'll bring her back to become a Hokage, don't worry," replied Jiraya
as he turned his back to see the view.

"Fine, but you will be accompanied by several Anbu," added Koharu.

"I don't want to scare her away besides I already got someone to
accompany me," said Jiraya smiling.

Koharu and Homura both looked at Jiraya and finally agreed.

Jiraya then heads out to meet Naruto and tell him the news. He went
to the training ground where Naruto usually trained and found him
there. He was training on his Chakra Control but stopped when he
sensed Jiraya coming.

"Jiraiya-sensei!" yelled Naruto excited to see him.

"Yo kid. You up for a mission with me?" asked Jiraiya smiling as he
knew what Naruto would say.

"Mission with you? Yes, please! What is the mission? Probably

assassinating someone," replied Naruto as he made a clone to get
some of his stuff ready.
"Finding someone. Someone you probably have heard about…
Tsunade" answered Jiraiya.

Naruto got bored real quick. Tsunade wasn't someone Naruto liked
since she had basically left the village but then he got an amazing
idea. 'Tsunade is the best medical Shinobi in the world. She can help
me,' thought Naruto excitedly as his face lit up again. "Yosh! My stuff
is already ready so let's head out," said Naruto with his fist high up in
the air.

Jiraiya smiled as he got the response he had thought he would.

Naruto headed out for the mission thinking that all was well, not
knowing of the encounter that Kakashi had with the S-Class rogue
Shinobi, Itachi Uchiha. Itachi was Sasuke's brother and had entered
the village to look for the One Tail. Itachi had come too late since he
retreated back to the Sand. As Itachi and his partner were going to
change their objective and look for Naruto instead after finding out
that the One Tail was no longer in the Leaf, they were stopped by
Kurenai and Asuma, and later Kakashi.

Itachi's partner was Kisame Hoshikage, another S-Class rogue

Shinobi. A battle had ensued between the rogue Shinobi and them
and if it wasn't for Guy joining in the fight later, they would've died.
Kakashi had suffered severe injuries because of Itachi and was in a
coma. Guy and the others didn't want Sasuke to find out that Itachi
was in the village but because of an accident, Sasuke found out that
Itachi was there and that he was now looking for Naruto.

Naruto and Jiraiya stopped in a town near the village so they could
rest for a night there.

Jiraiya headed out with some woman while Naruto went to his hotel
room. He was starting to find it really annoying how Jiraiya is an
actual pervert but Jiraiya was helping him get stronger too so he
didn't mind. Jiraiya had often tried to steal Naruto's wallet and Naruto
could just laugh at those attempts. He had marked the wallet and no
matter how many times Jiraiya tried to "borrow" it, he always failed.
Naruto sat down thinking about what to do next. He of course had
made a Perfect Clone perfect the Jutsu while he himself is with
Jiraiya but he needed to think steps ahead. He needed to avoid the
side effects of the Jutsu. He was sure that a big part of the problem
would be solved if he convinced Tsunade to help him.

Deep in his thoughts Naruto suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Confused, Naruto senses who is on the other side of the door. He
sensed two people. One with an insane amount of Chakra
comparable to that of a Tailed Beast and the other one although low
Chakra reserves Naruto knew he was strong and not to be messed
with. He wasn't sure if they were hostile though.

Naruto quickly made a Shadow Clone. The Clone went to tell Jiraiya
about this while Naruto opened the door. "Who is it?" asked Naruto
as he opened the door to see two tall men in similar cloaks. The
cloaks were black with red clouds on them.

In front of Naruto right now was someone that Naruto recognized

quite easily. Itachi Uchiha. Those eyes were scarier in person. Itachi
also wore a slashed Konoha headband which after seeing that after
he saw the Sharingan, Naruto knew that he was the real deal. The
one who massacred the clan.

The taller one, behind Itachi, had a shark-like appearance with blue-
gray skin and he had, what Naruto guessed, the Samehada. There
was only one person who had a shark-like appearance and had so
much Chakra so that had to be Kisame Hoshikage. After becoming
Tenzo's student, Naruto had learned the art of sneaking around and
with that he could sneak in libraries that require a certain rank to
enter. Of course, Naruto never took anything out he just took a quick
read which is why Naruto recognized Kisame.

'Why are two S-Class rogue Shinobi here? Similar cloaks probably
means that they are in an organization of some sort… I'm not sure
but they are definitely working together but why are they here?'
thought Naruto as he looked up at them. Naruto wasn't that short for
his age but he wasn't as tall as them.
"Could this really be the Nine-Tails?" questioned Kisame clearly

"Naruto-Kun, we would like for you to come with us," said Itachi as
he looked down on Naruto.

'Nine-Tails? So they are after Kurama huh…' thought Naruto. "I'm

sorry but I'm on a mission," said Naruto as he was ready for an
attack any moment now.

"Oh, we got a brave one here. Itachi, should I cut down his legs so
he doesn't try anything funny," said Kisame as he held on his
Samehada that was on his back.

'I don't think so,' thought Naruto as he Shunshined a little away from
them and said, Wind Style: Vacuum Great Sphere as a large
sphere of compressed Wind Chakra launched at the two of them.
Naruto didn't want to come close to them so he tried long-distance

"Sorry but that won't work on us," said Kisame as he slashed right
through the Jutsu with his Samehada.

'Crap! The Samehada completely slipped my mind,' thought Naruto.

Since Ninjutsu won't work on them Naruto went with Taijutsu. He

made himself lighter using his Chakra and used his special Lightning
Mode and rushed at them. The speed he was moving right now was
faster than he had ever moved before. He couldn't believe how fast
he was.

'Quite fast,' thought Kisame.

Naruto ignored Kisame and went straight for Itachi. As he was near
Itachi, Naruto quickly increased his weight on his right arm while he
also encased his arm on rock and punched Itachi on the gut. It
seemed like it worked at first and Naruto smiled until Itachi poofed.
'Shadow Clone huh?' thought Naruto as he teleported back to his
previous position to avoid any danger.

"Oh? So you really have learned the Hiraishin. Impressive," said

Itachi as he sensed someone arrive. "Sasuke Uchiha,"

Sasuke was behind Itachi with his fully evolved Sharingan activated.
"I will kill you, Itachi!" yelled Sasuke as he quickly went through
some hand signs and activated the Chidori. The sound of a thousand
birds chirping was heard and as Sasuke rushed at Itachi the wall
was cracking. Sasuke was fast but not as fast as Naruto was before
and no way fast enough for Itachi.

"Stop it Sasuke! You aren't strong enough for him. None of us are!"
yelled Naruto but Sasuke wasn't listening.

Itachi grabbed Sasuke's arm causing the Chidori to fail. 'The Chidori
huh?' thought Itachi. "You are still too weak, little brother. Your eyes
are still no way near as strong as mine," said Itachi as he kicked
Sasuke on the gut causing him to hit the wall behind him.

Itachi appeared before Sasuke kicking him again against the wall
causing it to crack due to the sheer force of the kick. Itachi then
grabbed Sasuke by his neck and pulled him up. "I'll show you true
power," said Itachi as he closed and opened his eyes revealing his
Mangekyo Sharingan.

'After all this training and there is still such a gap between us,'
thought Sasuke as he cursed.

Naruto couldn't do anything but watch. Naruto knew that even

Orochimaru was nothing compared to Itachi right now.

A second later Itachi dropped Sasuke down and turned around to

look at Naruto. "Now, please don't try anything foolish," said Itachi as
he stared at Naruto.
Kisame laughed a little as he decided to act first. He swung his
Samehada at Naruto but Naruto was able to dodge it. He slapped
himself back to his senses. He was stronger than he gave himself
credit for. Naruto was about to use Kurama's Chakra until he felt a
tap on his back. Naruto looked back to see his Sensei, Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya-sensei!" said Naruto glad to see that he was finally here.

"Hehe, good job on not dying kid. I'll take it from here," said Jiraiya
as he looked at the two opponents.

"They are after me. Well, after what's inside me," said Naruto but
after he saw Jiraiya's reaction Naruto was kinda surprised. "So you
already knew huh?"

"Hai. Don't worry because I'll protect you. And you two, Kisame and
Itachi… will die here," said Jiraiya as he smiled and went through
some hand signs. Summoning Jutsu: Toad Mouth Bind

The area around them starts to change. It changed in color and

shape. After Naruto heard the Jutsu's name, he guessed that he had
trapped them inside a Toad's mouth or rather lung.

Kisame's sword was stuck on the ground. Itachi yelled, "Kisame,

come!" as Kisame yanked the sword out and started running.

"No one sneaks away. Not when trapped in here," said Jiraiya as
after he pushed some more Chakra into his Jutsu, the walls started
closing in. The Jutsu that Jiraiya had used was unescapable… well
unless you got someone like Itachi who got the Mangekyo Sharingan
and got flames that never burn out. That's how they had managed to

"How did they get out?" said Jiraiya as he went to where he last
sensed them just to see black flames burning the walls.
'Interesting…' thought Jiraiya.
'Black flames?! I can feel the heat and the feeling I get from them…'
thought Naruto surprised.

Jiraiya pulled out a scroll. Sealing Jutsu: Fire Seal yelled out Jiraiya
as the black flamed got sealed into the scroll.

'Wow,' thought Naruto impressed. His Sensei just made two S-Class
Shinobi retreat.

"Alright now. Everyone okay?" asked Jiraiya as he stepped forward

and the Jutsu that caused the surrounding to change was undone.

"Except Sasuke… Heads up, Guy is about to storm in," warned


Jiraiya first looked confused but then heard Guy scream, "Dynamic
Entry!" and thanks to Naruto he was able to dodge him.

Guy apologized to Jiraiya as he had almost kicked him. Naruto was

thinking about what had just happened. What did Itachi do to
Sasuke? He guessed it had something to do with his Mangekyo
Sharingan and since Sasuke seemed physically not bad then it had
to be some mental damage. 'Some kind of Genjutsu huh…' thought

"Anyways, Sasuke needs to go to the hospital. He got caught in

some kind of Genjutsu and is now unconscious," said Jiraiya as he
looked to Guy.

Guy's facial expression changed as he looked more serious now.

"Kakashi also got hit by the same Jutsu. We don't know when he will
wake up,"

'Kakashi-sensei too? Well, now there is another reason to find

Tsunade. Without her, we won't know if they'll even wake up,' thought

They left Sasuke to Jiraiya and went on to continue their mission.

And that's the end of another chapter. I know it may seem like
I'm rushing it but that's only until a few chapters. Since a few
stuff doesn't change from canon I just don't mention them but
after the search of Tsunade the training trip will begin sooner
and that's when about everything will change from canon.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please review!

Chapter 14
"While we are searching for Tsunade I'll train you Naruto. You may
have the Jutsus but improving your Chakra Control, even more, will
make them even deadlier. So from now on, I will give you one of the
hardest Chakra Control exercises that I know of. Even Tsunade had
problems with them," explained Jiraiya. Naruto of course wanted to
improve his Chakra Control even more but right now he had more
important stuff to do.

"Yosh! Bring it on," said Naruto as he wanted to sound excited.

"Alright, first we'll take a break in this town. I'll gather information
while we are here and you can go and explore the town," said Jiraiya
as Naruto agreed.

'Perfect,' thought Naruto as they parted ways. First, he went

somewhere quiet where he could lie down. After he found a quiet
place Naruto lied down and released his Clone. The Clone was
mastering a Jutsu or rather two. After the Clone was released,
Naruto lied down quietly as all the memories came back. It was
painful but Naruto endured it.

'Very well this Jutsu is all but done. I can't believe the Creator and
even Orochimaru had trouble with this. I seem to have a knack for it.
Now I have to find the mask and I'll be one step closer,' thought
Naruto as he again made another Perfect Clone to stay with Jiraiya
while he himself started the search.

About a month passed as Jiraiya started gaining information about

Tsunade while Naruto's clone trained on Chakra Control. The real
Naruto had also found the whereabouts of the mask he had been
looking for and decided to take it when he came back from the
Naruto released the Clone again as the Clone's memories came
back. Naruto smiled. 'So he can be nice too huh hehe,'

Tsunade was last seen in Tanzakugai and Jiraiya and Naruto had
just arrived there. Naruto expanded his Sensing Abilities to sense
the highest Chakra Signatures. He found Tsunade in a restaurant so
he told Jiraiya where she was.

They head inside to see her and another lady with black her beside
her. Naruto didn't recognize her but guessed that she was a good
friend of Tsunade. "Tsunade! Finally, we have found you," said

"Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade surprised to see her old comrade.

'So this is Tsunade in the flesh huh? Let's hope she makes this easy,'
thought Naruto as they went to sit where Tsunade was.

"What do you want Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade.

"The village has issued a request for you to become the 5th
Hokage," explained Jiraiya going straight to the point.

"What? What about Sensei?" asked Tsunade shocked to hear that.

"The Third is… dead. It was Orochimaru," said Jiraiya.

Naruto just stood there quiet and observed. 'She doesn't seem that
shook to hear the news,' thought Naruto.

"I decline," replied Tsunade as both Naruto and Jiraiya were


Naruto couldn't stay quiet anymore. "What?! The Third, your Sensei,
gave up his life to protect the Leaf yet why would you refuse to take
his seat? I was right about you, you are a shitty traitor and a failure
of a Leaf Shinobi," said Naruto gaining their attention.

"Huh? And who is this kid Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade.

"That's Naruto Namikaze. As you probably guessed, he is the son of
Minato, the Fourth," said Jiraiya as he saw the shocked look on
Tsunade's face.

"Anyways to answer your question, brat. I'm not like the fools you
call Hokage. I don't risk my life and anyone who does is a fool. The
First Hokage, my grandfather, died for the village and so did every
other Hokage. They died like the fools they are focusing too much on
peace and all that bullshit," said Tsunade as she was also pissed
about what Naruto called her.

"I hate being so childish but you fucking deserve it," said Naruto as
he punched her straight in her face with speeds that were way above
what a Genin would be capable of.

Tsunade was sent flying away but stood right back up. "You fucking
brat. Let's take this outside… I'll get you back," dared Tsunade as
they both went outside.

"When I win you will come back to the village and become Hokage. If
I were to lose then I'll do anything you wish," said Naruto as Tsunade

'Hehe,' thought Naruto as he smiled. He then was coated in a yellow

Chakra Cloak as the chakra took on the appearance of flickering
flames and his eyes became bright orange with no visible change on
his pupils. The Chakra Cloak seemed to be turning on and off which
Naruto guessed was because the seal wasn't fully opened yet.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune, who was Tsunade's attendant, were

shocked at the changes Naruto just went through.

'Is that the Kyuubi' thought Tsunade.

'Since when can Naruto do that and what even is that?!' thought
Jiraiya although he had kinda guessed what it might be.
"This is the result of me and Kurama becoming partners. I still can't
use Kurama's full power but this is as far as I can go," explained
Naruto as he chuckled.

Flashback to after the second test

Naruto was thinking about how to become stronger after he was got
played by Orochimaru. Naruto was desperate as he just couldn't get
strong enough. He hated the feeling of being weak.

"Naruto… Why do you want to become strong?" asked Kurama

and even though he knew what Naruto's answer would be, he
wanted to hear it himself.

"Because I am a Leaf Shinobi. I must get stronger to protect the

Leaf. I can't let myself get played by the others and let them get it
their way," answered Naruto as he looked up to Kurama.

Kurama smiled and it was then when he decided to help Naruto.

Kurama could feel what Naruto felt and he knew that Naruto had no
ill feelings. He was different from the others. He just wanted to
protect those in the village even after what they had done to him.
Kurama respected that. "Alright, there are several steps to the
plan I formulated. First, master using my Chakra. I can't give
you much Chakra so you must research somehow on how to
loosen the Seal but you should still be able to use a good
amount. And next…"

End of the flashback

"Now then let's get on with this," said Naruto as within an orange
flash Naruto appears before Tsunade kicking her but she had
managed to block on the last second. The power behind it was still
so immense that even though she blocked it, she flew back a couple
of meters away.

Naruto then teleports to Tsunade as she was caught off-guard and

got punched in the face but now with more power than before as she
flew away again. It was a repeated action. Naruto teleported to her,
punched her and she flew away. As soon as she stood up, Naruto
teleported to her again. Naruto held back a little as he didn't want to
kill her but he was still glad that she was drunk so she couldn't use
her full abilities.

Still, both Jiraiya and Shizune were impressed with Naruto to push
Tsunade so far.

A bloodied Tsunade stands up once more. Trembling at the sight of

blood due to her phobia." Why? Why would you want to become a
Hokage? Your father was one and because of that, he had to die
earlier leaving you alone. Yet you still…" said Tsunade as she found
it a little hard to talk.

"You don't get it, do you? They all lived to protect the village. It was
their dream. That too is my dream. Being a Hokage is an opportunity
I would never pass on but still as a Leaf Shinobi, I too will die
protecting the village. Unlike you who decided to just run away," said
Naruto as he stood there observing Tsunade's next move.

Tsunade then finally sat down admitting defeat. "Fine, I'll come to the
village. You brat convinced me," she said as she looked down.
Naruto reminded her of them . Maybe she'll give him one more

Naruto smiled as he turned off the mode and fell down as he gave
Jiraiya a thumbs up. The mode took way more than he thought it
would due to his body being so small. Tsunade stood up and walked
up to him overcoming her fears. 'I'll trust you with this one last time. I
hope you won't fail, Naruto. You might just be the one to become
Hokage,' thought Tsunade as she gave him her necklace. The First
Hokage's necklace.

"Tsunade-sama…" said Shizune with a low voice.

"Very well then. Since you have decided to come back we'll wait on a
hotel until Naruto wakes up and we'll head back home," said Jiraiya
as he turned away. He didn't like Naruto having such a power hidden
but he was still damn proud of his student.

They had finally arrived at the village. Naruto went on to his home to
do his own stuff. He needed to give her some time to heal Kakashi
and the others before he tries to convince her. After Tsunade settles
in, Naruto planned on asking Jiraiya to take him on a training trip and
have Tsunade help him. His plan was going well for now.

The next day he was summoned to her office. He didn't know what
she wanted but guessed that he was about to find out.

On his way, he met Shikamaru. "Yo, Shika. What's up,"

"Naruto? Guessing you also got summoned," said Shikamaru with a

sigh. It seemed like everything was troublesome for this guy.

"Yup. Since we both got summoned together then I'm guessing we

are getting promoted," said Naruto as Shikamaru let out another

They finally arrived and were standing before Tsunade.

"I called you two here, as you might've guessed already, to give you
a promotion. The exams might've been interrupted… but the judges
have decided that you two were good Chuunin material. Especially
you Naruto. Because of you, the Leaf had barely suffered any
casualties during the invasion," explained Tsunade as she noticed
the annoyed looks on both of them. Now she guessed that
Shikamaru wouldn't be that happy but Naruto was a surprise. "Do
you have anything to add, Naruto?"

Naruto just stared at her thinking if it was a good idea to say it but
decided to just do it. "Well, I actually thought that I'd be promoted to
Jounin. Considering the damage I did on the forest and destroying
those gigantic snakes with just one Rasengan plus evacuating every
single civilian alone," said Naruto as he saw that she wasn't
convinced. "Plus the beating I gave you…" mumbled Naruto.
Thankfully only Tsunade and Shikamaru had understood what he
said. Shikamaru was confused and Tsunade was pissed.

She coughed and then said, "Your feats have been proven to be
above than that of a Chuunin but I decided to give you some time
and gain some more experience,"

Naruto sighed and let it go. There was no reason to rush. "Now, here
are two flak jackets. You may choose not to wear them," explained

Shikamaru had decided to take one but Naruto decided against it.

"Very well. If that's all, you are dismissed," said Tsunade.

"Since I'm already here… I'd like to ask you something. This is
personal though so I'd like to ask everyone to leave," said Naruto.

Shikamaru said nothing and decided to just leave. He just wanted to

get some sleep right now. Everyone else in the room also left.

"What is it, Naruto?" asked Tsunade.

"Well… I want you to teach me about the human body or rather

medical Ninjutsu. I've read a lot of books so I do have basic
knowledge but I'd like to learn from you more thoroughly," replied
Naruto hoping for a good answer.

Tsunade thought about it. "I would help you but since I am now a
Hokage I don't really have much time,"

"Don't worry about that. I have created a Jutsu or rather improved

one that only someone like me and you could use it. Due to our
Chakra Control," said Naruto as he saw that he caught her full

"What Jutsu, Naruto?" she asked.

"The Shadow Clone Jutsu. I call it the Perfect Shadow Clone. Now I
created this Jutsu to help me train faster. When a normal Shadow
Clone poofs then the memories go back to the original but you can't
use that for training because the Clones can't actually train. They
can't take in new information as well as the original can. This is
where my Jutsu comes in. When a Perfect Clone poofs then
everything comes back to the original. And I mean everything. It's
literally a perfect clone of the user but since even the pain that it
feels goes back to the original, it can't be used in a fight. Or rather I
wouldn't recommend it," explained Naruto as Tsunade had listened

"I understand… but why do you want to learn about the medical
Ninjutsu?" asked Tsunade.

Naruto had hoped that she wouldn't ask this question as he didn't
like to lie to her but this time he had to. "I want to become a medical
specialist. Possibly become even better than you," said Naruto as he
smiled. Technically he didn't lie. He just didn't say the whole truth…

"Hmm, very well. We'll start tomorrow then," said Tsunade as she
sighed. She also had to study because of Lee.

"Thank you, Tsunade-baachan. Also, I wanted to ask Jiraiya to take

me on a training trip. Right now if possible." asked Naruto.

She sighed again and then agreed. "You are the best, Tsunade-
baachan," said Naruto as he hugged her and teleported away. She
didn't like how he called her but also kinda did. She found it cute.

Naruto teleported to Jiraiya and found him peeping on some poor

girls. Naruto sighed as he grabbed him and teleported himself and
him to a training ground.

"Naruto? What's your problem?! I was about to hit a breakthrough!"

yelled Jiraiya.
"Yea yea. We are going on a training trip. Tsunade-baachan allowed
it," said Naruto.

"Hmm. I was already planning on taking you but seems like you sped
up the process. Alright, pack up, Naruto!" announced Jiraiya. Naruto
excitedly teleported away to quickly pack his things away.

Everything was going to plan. There was one step, however, where
Naruto was relying on luck. If luck wasn't on his side then he was
going to act on his own. Risky but something he had to do.

After only ten minutes Naruto was ready. Jiraiya and Naruto were
already heading. Naruto was upset he didn't get to say goodbye to
everyone but this was more important right now.

"Yosh! The three-year training trip begins now!" announced Naruto.

Sasuke had woken up and he was pissed. He was looking for a fight
with Naruto. He was furious that his brother, Itachi, was going after
Naruto and that Itachi had easily dealt with him. He felt like he wasn't
making any progress and right now he just had to fight Naruto and
prove that he is better.

Kakashi could see the hatred in his eyes. Since Naruto had also
gotten away, Kakashi decided to talk with Sasuke and possibly lead
him on the right path.

Meanwhile with Orochimaru

"Orochimaru-sama. When are we going to retrieve, Sasuke," asked


"In due time… There is no need to rush. Since I've failed to give him
the Curse Mark he will probably decide to stay in the village like a
loyal dog. That doesn't matter though since he'll come to… one way
or another his body WILL be mine,"
Kabuto smiled hearing that. He also knew that his master was going
to succeed.

Finally, another chapter is over. It's taking a lot of time for me to

write and I really don't have a lot…

Anyways, training trip next chapter. I'm not going to skip the
whole training trip thought. A lot of changes next chapter and
Naruto is finally going to execute his plan.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please review!

Chapter 15
"Jiraiya-sensei where are we going," asked Naruto.

"Hehe, in a little bit we are about to be summoned. To the Land of

Toads, Mount Myoboku" explained Jiraiya as he looked at Naruto
and how excited he got.

"But first, could I get the key to the seal? Kurama and I are best
buddies and I don't like him being behind the bars," asked Naruto.
Jiraiya noticed the excitement go away and how upset Naruto got.

Jiraiya thought about it. He had asked Naruto about his relationship
with Kyuubi… or rather Kurama and he had gone as far as to talk
with Kurama and it actually seems like they are friends. "Fine, but
you can't open it yet. You need to wait for your body to mature a little

"Alright, alright… When are we getting summoned-" said Naruto as

he got interrupted by suddenly being summoned. Naruto blinked
once and suddenly saw the beautiful place that was the Land of
Toads. The Summoning Jutsu really was similar to the Hiraishin. The
Hiraishin was just… much more complicated.

"So, Jiraiya. You have finally brought the child of Minato. The Child
of the Prophecy…" said a small toad that appeared before them.

"OHH! Another small toad! This whole place is so full of toads!" said
Naruto a little too loud.

"Honestly, this brat. Hai," said Jiraiya.

The Toad observed Naruto. "Hmm, he is quite small," he said.

Naruto looked confused at him. 'Who's the small one here,' thought
"Ah, forgive me. My name is Fukasaku. I'm an elder toad,"

"Naruto Namikaze. Thank you for allowing me to train here,"

Fukasaku smiled. "Tell me how much do you know about


Before leaving for the training trip, Naruto left a Perfect Clone to train
with Tsunade. Since Tsunade told him to wait until tomorrow the
Clone went to get the mask. It wasn't that far away from the village.

The Clone arrived at an old temple and inside was a lot of masks.
Luckily enough, Naruto had done a ton of research so he already
knew which one was the right one.

He took the mask and sealed it into a scroll so the original could use
it later. 'Now I probably need about a year to master medical
Ninjutsu. At least be good enough for what I'm planning,' thought

After two weeks and a half

Jiraiya and Naruto had just left Mount Myoboku. "Naruto, your
potential is on another level. To think you'd enter Sage Mode in just
five days and actually master it in two weeks. You are probably the
best Senjutsu user alive if not ever. No one outside of Hashirama
has ever mastered Sage Mode so well that they could enter it in less
of a second. It takes time even for me to enter it," said Jiraiya.

"Wow, really?!" smiled Naruto and also laughed a little in

embarrassment at the praise. "Thank you, Jiraiya-sensei,"

"Hehe, no worries. Now there is one more thing that I could train you
on. After, that we could go on a couple of missions. Of course, since
you are with me we'd go on high-rank missions," said Jiraiya.

"Are you gonna teach me a new Jutsu?" asked Naruto in excitement.

Jiraiya nodded. "Improving your Rasengan. Adding a Nature release
on the Rasengan. Something even the Fourth had failed to do,"

Naruto smiled and got an idea. "I have a better idea. How about we
two go out on missions for the rest of the trip so I can gain some
more experience while my Clone does the training,"

"What? But I thought your Clone is training with Tsunade and you
can only make one Perfect Clone right?" asked Jiraiya.

"That is true for now…" said Naruto as he made a regular Clone and
released it immediately after. "You see, Tsunade-baachan trains me
on medical Ninjutsu and while doing that, I keep improving my
Chakra Control. My Clone will be able to make another Perfect
Clone in a few months. That Clone will then train in adding a Nature
Release on the Rasengan and try to improve the Hiraishin,"
explained Naruto.

"Damn, you are scary. Since you want to go on missions for the rest
of the training trip then we will do so. My spy network has found a
few of Orochimaru's bases and we will go and raid them. We might
even find something on him," said Jiraiya as Naruto got excited.
Luck was on his side. This was just what he needed.

"Alright, then our first destination is the Land of Tea. It's about 6000
km away and it shouldn't take long if we hurry a little," said Jiraiya.


It took about two hours for them to arrive there. "Alright, Naruto. We
are two kilometers away so do you sense anyone? The base should
be in that forest," asked Jiraiya as they were still running.

"Nope. I expanded my senses out five kilometers and other than the
animals there is no one alive there," said Naruto as Jiraiya let out a
"He must've somehow known that we are coming. Or he might've
just deserted the place. We'll go and check," said Jiraiya after
speeding up.

They had finally arrived at the entrance. It was an underground base.

The entrance was simple with stairs leading down into the base. It
was very well hidden though. The inside was a hall with many doors
leading to different rooms.

"We'll check every room," said Jiraiya as he opened the door.

"Wait I can sense-" said Naruto but it was too late.

As soon as Jiraiya opened the door a little, it exploded open. Jiraiya

flew back hitting the wall behind. As the smoked cleared someone or
rather something was blocking the way. It seemed human but his
entire right side was that of a beast. Naruto guessed it was due to
Orochimaru's experiments.

"You could've warned me," said Jiraiya. "I thought you only sensed

"I did too. His Chakra is just so similar to that of an animal,"

explained Naruto with his guard up.

"Well, then you deal with him. Try to not rely on Sage Mode a lot
though," said Jiraiya as he stood up.

Naruto nodded and picked his Kunai up. "You can go explore the
other rooms. There is nothing else alive in this base so you should
find something while I deal with him," said Naruto, and although
Jiraiya was reluctant to agree he did so after Naruto kept pushing

'It's not attacking… It attack Jiraiya when he opened the door

though… I see,' thought Naruto as he figured it out. With a Shunshin
Naruto went inside. 'Great, I'm faster' thought Naruto.
It looked behind to see that Naruto was inside and like a robot
decided to attack Naruto. Naruto blocked his punches but they were
heavy. Especially when it hit him with its right arm. 'I don't want to
destroy the room since it probably has valuable information with this
beast protecting it,' thought Naruto as he got another idea. "Let's
take this outside then," yelled Naruto as he blocked another one of
its punched and teleported both the beast and himself outside.

The beast's right side was human but the right side resembled that
of an animal. The whole right side was covered in fur that resembled
that of a bear but on its shoulder, there was a lion's head. Naruto
guessed that Orochimaru must've mixed the DNA of a bear and lion.
Orochimaru was a sick man.

It decided to keep attacking. Naruto quickly ducked and quickly

punched it four times on his stomach with Chakra-enhanced
punches. It got pushed back and coughed blood but it was healing.
'Orochimaru must've done something else… No animal that I know
of has such good regeneration,' thought Naruto.

The Beast didn't have a mind of its own so it fought at a pattern that
Naruto got used to. It rushed to continued punching Naruto but
Naruto went to the side to dodge it and smiled. 'This is where you go
down-' thought Naruto but completely unexpectedly the Beast
jumped up and kicked Naruto to the face causing him to fly 10
meters back after hitting a couple of trees.

Naruto had taken far more damage from that kick than he thought he
did. It hit hard… 'This is getting annoying…' thought Naruto as he
closed and opened his eyes to reveal his Sage Mode. Naruto had
yellow irides and toad-like pupils, with orange pigmentation around
his eyes. This was the mastered form of Sage Mode. 'With this only
one good punch should be enough,' thought Naruto as he was still
bleeding from his head. He thanked Kurama for already starting to
heal him.

The Beast started rushing again but now with Taijutsu techniques
that were above that of a Jounin. 'It changed pattern. It seems to
have recognized me as a greater enemy. Doesn't matter as with
this…' Naruto easily and quickly dodged every single of his punches
and kicked and got a good hit on his face completely blowing it off. 'I
can easily dodge and got good enough firepower,' thought Naruto as
he turned off his Sage Mode.

The bleeding had stopped but it still hurt like a bitch. 'Now let's see
what the snake is hiding,' thought Naruto as he headed inside the
room. There were countless scrolls there. Some had writing in it and
some had something sealed in them. Naruto read the headline and
immediately knew what all those scrolls were about. 'That snake…
Still though, this is exactly what I need but this is a lot so I can't read
everything in here,' thought Naruto as he teleported every scroll in
there away.

"Naruto! Found anything?" asked Jiraiya as he was done looking at

the other rooms.

"Nope. He must've cleared the room before he left," said Naruto as

he looked away. He hated lying especially when it came to lying to
those close to him but he had to do it.

Jiraiya sighed. He has noticed that Naruto had been hiding

something for quite some time now but hadn't said anything about it.
"What about that monster? Where is it?" asked Jiraiya.

Naruto tapped Jiraiya's shoulder and they teleported outside near

the entrance. Naruto showed Jiraiya a headless body of a half
human half animal. "Right there,"

"You used Sage Mode, didn't you?" asked Jiraiya although he

already knew the answer.

Naruto sighed a little embarrassed. "Maybe… but it was really strong

and look," said Naruto showing him his injuries. "I might've gotten a
little careless but doesn't matter. I dealt with it,"
"You shouldn't rely so much on Sage Mode. But then again you
eliminated every weakness that it has so maybe it's okay," said
Jiraiya as Naruto smiled.

A year passes with Naruto going on missions with Jiraiya. It wasn't

always Orochimaru but then again it was mostly him. Every time it
was him though, Naruto gained useful information. The missions
were mostly sneaking in and information gathering. Orochimaru was
always a step ahead and had managed to get away.

With Tsunade and Naruto

"Naruto, this is about all that I can teach you. Honestly, I am amazed
by your talent. You are a quick learner and that's quite an
understatement," praised Tsunade.

"Thank you, Tsunade-baachan. We did train for a year straight…"

said Naruto as he laughed a little while rubbing his head.

"This Jutsu that you made is quite useful. The modifications that you
made are impressive. To think that we would be able to train without
the need to eat or sleep," said Tsunade as she noticed that it was
getting to Naruto's head. "Anyways brat. How do we release the
Jutsu?" asked Tsunade.

"I will teleport you to the original. Have her lay on a bed or something
since a year worth of information is quite a lot. When she's ready
then she can release you like any normal Clone," explained Naruto.
"Are you ready?"

Tsunade nodded. "Thank you," said Naruto again as he smiled and

teleported her to the original.

The Clone also teleported to the original. He and Jiraiya were resting
under a tree. "Yo," said the Clone.

"Oh, are you done with the training?" asked Jiraiya surprised.
The Clone nodded. "Perfect. Now when I release the Clone it will
take a little until I can stand up but not too long. So take care of me,
Jiraiya-sensei" said Naruto.

"Hehe, don't worry, kid" said Jiraiya.

Naruto smiled as he released the Clone. All the memories were

coming back and so was the pain. It wasn't easy to learn under
Tsunade… A year worth of memories and pain. Naruto didn't like the
feeling at all. He held his scream back as the pain was quite
immense and he was shaking all over his body. After 10 minutes
Naruto's shaking stopped and Jiraiya was getting worried.

"Oi, Naruto" said Jiraiya trying to wake him up. He was getting
scared as he checked his pulse but didn't feel anything. He checked
if he was breathing but nothing. Jiraiya was now the one shaking. 'Is
he dead? No no no no' thought Jiraiya worried to death.

Naruto quickly stood up as he yelled, "Gotcha!" as he started


"You bastard! How did you even do that?" asked Jiraiya still pissed.

"Hehe I did learn under Tsunade," said Naruto still laughing.

Jiraiya sighed and shook his head. 'This brat got me good…' thought

"So aside from all the medical stuff have you learned anything else?"
asked Jiraiya.

"Well… She taught me how to hit hard… and I mean hard. I also
managed to add Wind Release to my Rasengan. Still working on
Earth Release and Lightning Release. I'm also working on upgrading
the Hiraishin. Halfway done," said Naruto as he smiled. He had done
good progress.
Jiraiya was shocked to have seen him get this far. "When will you
show me?" asked Jiraiya.

"That's a secret," said Naruto as he started laughing.

"Nauto, I've got another mission on some faraway land," said Jiraiya
guessing Naruto would want to come with.

"I've got something to do too. I completely forgot about it," said

Naruto embarrassingly rubbing the back of his head. "The mission is
probably nothing serious anyway,"

"Nope. I'll get in touch with you when I come back," said Jiraiya. He
knew that Naruto was hiding something and he planned on asking
him when he came back.

Naruto nodded as he shook Jiraiya's hand. 'If anything were to

happen I would know and will teleport there right away,' thought

Jiraiya headed out as Naruto teleported away.

The Land of Whirlpools. Or more specifically Uzushiogakure no

Sato. It's where the Uzumaki used to live and they were so feared
that they were targeted by several nations. Since the village was all
in ruins no one would visit it and it's where Naruto secretly built a lab.
He built it underground so no one would be able to even see it and
with the help of Earth Style, he easily builds a large underground

All of the information he gathered from all of the Orochimaru's bases

were teleported there. Naruto went there to study while he left a
Clone with Jiraiya. Naruto opened a few of the scrolls and unsealed
what was sealed inside them.

Naruto then created three Perfect Clones and they all nodded at
each other. Naruto laid on what looked like a bed made out of Stone.
Really uncomfortable but it had to do.
The Clone took what was unsealed which was Hashirama's cells and
started the operation using the equipment that he mostly bought with
the money he got from the missions he went to with Jiraiya. He
almost cried that all his money was gone.

One Clone took care of the operation while the other two were on

The operation lasted days. They had to be very careful since one
small mistake meant the death of the Original.

"Tsunade-sama, we haven't heard about Sasuke ever since he went

on that mission with Sakura," said Shizune as Tsunade was getting
worried now.

'Sending him on a mission near the Hidden Sound bourders might've

not been such a great idea… It was only B-rank so I wonder what
happened,' thought Tsunade. "Send for backup. They might still be
alive," ordered Tsunade. 'Hopefully'

She guessed that if Orochimaru actually intervened then Sasuke had

to be alive but that wouldn't go the same for Sakura. Orochimaru
needs Sasuke alive so he can take his body.

With Sasuke

Sasuke had just woken up. He was on a mission with Sakura and
they were ambushed. He saw Orochimaru attack him unconscious
and doesn't remember anything after that. 'Where is Sakura…?'
thought Sasuke as he regained consciousness. Sasuke looked up to
see Orochimaru.

Orochimaru smiled to see that Sasuke had just woken up and

decided to show his true form so he can perform his Jutsu. His true
form was a gigantic white snake composed of smaller white snakes
which terrified Sasuke. Sasuke wasn't weak at all. He had trained for
a year with Kakashi and had gotten strong really fast. But
Orochimaru was still a Sannin and he got caught off guard.

The Snake which was Orochimaru opened his big mouth and
swallowed Sasuke. Sasuke seemed to have been drugged so he
couldn't even try to dodge. He closed his eyes and when he opened
them again he was in a completely different place.

"Where am I?" asked Sasuke.

"This is an alternate dimension inside me," said Orochimaru as he


This is where stuff changes from Canon. Quite a lot of big

changes and now I feel more motivated to write.

So Orochimaru trying to take Sasuke's body sooner. Wonder if

he can do it…

Well, a question that will probably be answered next chapter.

Hope you liked it and please review!

Chapter 16
Orochimaru has woken up now in Sasuke's body. Sasuke had tried
to fight him off with his fully evolved Sharingan but Orochimaru was
just much stronger than him.

Kabuto smiled. He knew his master's plan and taking the Sharingan
was just the first step to it.

Orochimaru stood up laughing. "Finally, the Sharingan is mine," said

Orochimaru as he walked away with Kabuto.

With a Sharingan, Orochimaru could now finally read what was

written on the Uchiha Stone Tablet. He and Kabuto had tried to
decipher it but to no avail.

They sneaked into where the Stone Tablet was. It was underground
only accessible by an Uchiha. Orochimaru chuckled.

Finally, he stood before the Stone Tablet. He activated his Sharingan

to try and read what was written in it but even with the Sharingan, he
couldn't fully read what was written in it.

What he could read however were details on the next evolution of

the Sharingan. The Mangekyo Sharingan. It was also written what
the Mangekyo's weaknesses were and how to avoid them.

Orochimaru smiled and then laughed. 'To awaken the Mangekyo I

have to kill that Itachi bastard. A small part of Sasuke's soul still lives
inside me so after killing Itachi the Mangekyo will awaken and that
small part of Sasuke will disappear. Itachi is still really strong,'
thought Orochimaru as he smiled again. "Let's go, Kabuto,"

Naruto had finally woken up with his whole body numb. 'Just as I
thought. My chakra might take some time to return. At least I have
the clones all set,'
With that, Naruto stands from lying on the ground, rolling his back to
get some of the kinks out of it. The three clones remain in a guard-
like stance, surrounding Naruto in a semi-circle as if they are some
kind of golem statues placed there to protect him.

At the end of the day, Naruto grew bored but finally felt his strength
coming back. It was even more than his original strength. He felt his
Chakra Reserves growing at abnormal rates and his strength too. 'It
worked!' thought Naruto excitedly.

With this, he finally could use Wood Style too and he was about to
finish the last step of his plan. The Clones that were observing him
release as Naruto regained their experience. 'Damn, they were even
more bored than I was,'

Naruto went inside another room where he had kept one of

Orochimaru's subordinates alive. He needed a sacrifice after all and
the sacrifice was an evil man who worshipped Orochimaru.

Naruto clapped his hands together. 'Combining the Wood Style with
my Perfect Clone to achieve the Ultimate Clone. This will be
powerful enough to fool even the Shinigami,' thought Naruto as his
cheeks ache from his broad grin. He was happier than he had ever
been. A Wood Clone started coming outside of his body.

They both nod at each other as the Clone took out a scroll and
unsealed what was inside of it. The smoke cleared out as it revealed
the Mask that he had found before.

'Now, you put on the mask and allow the Shinigami to possess you
so he can release the sealed souls in his body. After the Shinigami
slices his belly and releases the sealed souls, he takes the Clones
"soul" and goes away,' thought Naruto as it was happening just how
he anticipated it.

The Shinigami released the souls and was about to take the caster's
soul as payment. He looked at Naruto as he gritted his teeth
obviously annoyed that he had been tricked and couldn't stay any
longer in the mortal realm. Naruto knew he was angry but it's not like
he could do anything.

'Now this is where I come in. It was hard enough but I managed to
find Dad's DNA and with that, I'll be able to use the Reanimation
Jutsu on him,' thought Naruto as he looked at the other three souls
floating there. 'The First, Second and Third huh? Can't reanimate
you so the only place you can go is the… afterlife'. The souls started
to disappear which Naruto thought that he had guessed right.

Minato's soul went inside the sacrifice that Naruto had prepared and
dust and ash encased him and as it blew over it revealed Minato, the
Fourth Hokage.

His breath hitches as he stared into his father's familiar blue eyes. All
these years without ever knowing him… It felt like a dream. He
hadn't planned to get emotional, but there's a lump in his throat, and
when he speaks his voice quavers. "Dad…"

"Naruto? What is this?" asked Minato as he looked at his hands.

"It's the Reanimation Jutsu. I used it to bring you back after I

unsealed you from the Shinigami," said Naruto as he held his tears

"You did that? How?" said Minato as he realized that it wasn't

important how he did that but why. "Why?" he asked.

"Because… of a plan I made. It was so I could get stronger and

protect the Leaf village. People like Orochimaru are threatening its
safety," said Naruto as he clenches his fist.

"So you plan on using me?-" asked Minato but then realized why he
was actually summoned. "You want to take the other half of the
Kyuubi, right?"

Naruto nodded. "Kurama and I devised a plan on which I could grow

"Kurama?" asked Minato confused.

"The Kyuubi's name," said Naruto as he let out a tired sigh.

"I see. So you have become partners huh…" said Minato as he saw
how much Naruto had grown despite his young age.

Naruto nodded. "You know… sometimes I fear that I might've gone

too far. I killed so many and even sacrificed someone to bring you
back. My whole body has consumed Hashirama's cells but I just
keep reminding myself that I'm doing it for the village," said Naruto
as he sat down barely holding his tears back.

Minato's eyes widened as he also sat beside Naruto. Minato also

understood Naruto. He also had taken countless lives but that was
the job of Shinobi. "So, did you make Chuunin?"

Naruto looked at him and nodded. "I got help from a lot of people. I
trained hard too. Kakashi-sensei is the leader of my assigned team
you know and he's amazing. Everyone calls him the Copy Ninja,"
said Naruto.

Minato smiled. "You know even people like me and Kakashi and
even Lord Third have taken countless lives. It's not like we enjoy it
but it's something that has to be done to ensure the safety of the
village that the First worked so hard to build," said Minato. "Naruto…
tell me about your life up until now. I want to know more about what
has happened in my son's life,"

Naruto smiled as he rested his head on Minato's shoulder. He

continued telling his father about his life. Everything that had
happened up until now. He didn't want to show any weakness so he
continued holding his tears back. Who knew that bringing their father
back would become such an emotional scene. Even though Naruto
was showing his weaknesses he still felt so strong beside his father.

Minato listened carefully to what Naruto was saying. He wanted to

know more about his son and what he went through up until now.
Listening to what Naruto went through brought Minato to tears.
Having forced his own son to become a Jinchruiki thereby making
his life several times harder since the beginning. Even after the
villagers had treated Naruto so badly, he had still trained really hard
to protect them.

"Naruto… I'm proud of you," he said as he hugged him tightly.

Naruto couldn't hold his tears back anymore as he hugged his father
even tighter. "Thank you, dad," said Naruto tears still running down.

After a few minutes of hugging, they decided to break it off.

"Naruto, I will give you the other half of Kyuubi, err I mean Kurama.
But I have to warn you of the masked man. He was the one who
controlled Kurama during the attack 13 years ago. I fear that he still
has something planned and he is not someone you should
underestimate," advised Minato.

Naruto smiled. "Don't worry dad. I will not let anything happen to the

Minato also smiled as he put his hands over Naruto's stomach. He

weaved through Hand signs and some red bubbly Chakra came out
of his hands and inside Naruto's body. The half of Kurama that
Minato gave him and the other half that Naruto already had fused
doubling Kurama's Chakra. Naruto could sense his Chakra and he
was amazed to even feel so much Chakra. 'With this, I'll definitely be
able to protect the village,' thought Naruto.

Minato glances at his son, tears slowly falling down the sides of his
face like raindrops as he pulls his son into an embrace.

"Goodbye Naruto. I'll see you soon." Naruto returns the embrace
silently, gripping his father with raw emotion.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon dad." He whispers into his dad's coat.
Since Naruto didn't have any control over his dad, Minato could undo
the reanimation himself whenever he wanted to. Minato was
surrounded by blinding lights as his soul escaped the now dead
body. "Thank you, Naruto. Thanks to you I may go to the afterlife and
see Kushina,"

Naruto's tears started running down again. "Goodbye, dad"

Naruto then wipes his tears off his face and decides to continue his
training. He may be strong now but he still needed to train on using
Wood Release.

Naruto waited until it was nighttime and teleported to the village. He

expanded his Sensing Abilities to see if there was anyone in the
Hokage's office and luckily there wasn't. Naruto suppressed his
Chakra so no one could sense him and sneaked in.

'Now where was that scroll?' thought Naruto as he kept searching.

He looked scroll after scroll and finally found it after a few minutes of
looking. 'Let's go before anyone notices me,' thought Naruto as he
teleported back to his base.

He opened the scroll to reveal its contents. It was a scroll left by

Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage to help those who also
awakened the Wood Release. 'Sensei also probably used this,' he
thought as he read through the list of Jutsus and how to use them.
The list was quite long and in the end, there was something that
Naruto knew very well. Sage Mode. Hashirama had advised to only
start learning Sage Mode after they had gotten used to Wood

Naruto smiled. He was determined to learn every single Jutsu in that

scroll and he had two years to do that. 'Two years? I don't need that
long,' thought Naruto as he weaved through the necessary hand
signs for the Perfect Clone and created six of them. 'Six?!' thought
Naruto as he was surprised to see that amount. He originally was
able to create three and he thought that that would be the maximum
amount without the Hashirama cells. And he guessed that after he
transplanted his cells then the number would increase by one or
maybe two but double? He doubted that it would increase by two but
he was still glad nonetheless. This meant that he would learn all the
Jutsus faster.

They all nodded at each other as the Clones got to work. The
original closed his eyes to sense where Jiraiya's mark was and as he
found it, he teleported there.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" asked Jiraiya surprised to see
Naruto. He was visiting the Land of Hot Water because of their
amazing hot springs.

"I was done with what I had to do so I decided to visit you. Aren't you
on a mission?" asked Naruto. Jiraiya was about to go in a hot spring
and let out a sigh because he was interrupted.

"I finished it. You know it has been five days, right? Where the hell
were you?" asked Jiraiya but when he saw Naruto he noticed that he
looked different. "You look different now. You look happier?"

"I met my father…" said Naruto as he saw the shocked face of

Jiraiya as soon as he heard what he said.

"You opened the seal?" asked Jiraiya after he calmed himself down.

"No, what? What does that-" said Naruto until he realized something.
'So that's what my dad meant when he said I'll see you soon. I
thought something completely different," thought Naruto as he
facepalmed himself.


"Hm? Oh, nothing. I actually used the Reanimation Jutsu to revive

him," said Naruto casually.

"You did what?!" yelled Jiraiya as everyone around them looked at

him. They were still on the streets. "Take us somewhere quieter,"
said Jiraiya as Naruto teleported him to his base.

"Where is this?" asked Jiraiya. Naruto's base looked similar to that of

Orochimaru's except he didn't do experiments on people or torture
them. His base however was full of scrolls filled with information. The
Clones were in a hidden room that could only be accessed by using
an Earth Style Jutsu.

"This is the base that I built. The location I'd rather stay a secret,"
explained Naruto.

"You have a base now? Since when? And since when can you use
the Reanimation Jutsu?" bombarded Jiraiya with questions.

"I built it as soon as we started with the training. It's amazing how
quickly you can build huge underground bases with Earth Style. And
I started training on the Reanimation Jutsu since way before,"
explained Naruto as Jiraiya listened carefully.

"How did you get the idea to even start learning it?" asked Jiraiya

"Well, you see… Kurama and I had devised a plan for me to become

"When and what plan?" asked Jiraiya again.

"During the Chuunin exams before I met you. The plan was for me to
start training on using his Chakra which you had seen during the
fight with Tsunade. Then I had her teach me medical Ninjutsu and
had you take me to Orochimaru's bases to gather information,"
paused Naruto as he closed his eyes expecting for Jiraiya to be

He opened his eyes to see Jiraiya's eyes twitching. "Is something

wrong with your eyes?" asked Naruto sarcastically.
"Continue," said Jiraiya. He didn't like the idea of being used by a

"So I gathered information and trained with Tsunade long enough

until I could have Hashirama's cells transplanted into me," said
Naruto and he didn't want to let Jiraiya say anything else before he
finished explaining his entire plan so he continued, "Then after
gaining Wood Style I combined it with my Perfect Clone to create the
Ultimate Clone. Then I had the Ultimate Clone trick the Shinigami to
unseal my dad, Minato and resulting in me reanimating him. After a
touchy reunion, dad gave me the other half of Kurama and now I'm

"Naruto… you used me to get to Tsunade and then get to

Orochimaru's bases," said an obviously pissed-off Jiraiya as he
clenched his fist.

"Well, I'm sorry but I had to do it somehow," said Naruto with his
voice breaking off. He liked Jiraiya and he didn't want to ruin that
relationship. "I had to get strong,"

"I would've trained you" yelled Jiraiya.

"That wouldn't be enough, ok! Not after Orochimaru defeated me

with literally no difficulty even after I used Kurama's Chakra. I can't
let myself stay so weak. I will do anything to get stronger and protect
the village. Anything!" exclaimed Naruto. "I had to go through so
much, risking my life multiple times,"

"Naruto… It's fine. You should've told me about your plan and I
would've helped you,"

"You would?" asked Naruto to which Jiraiya nodded. Naruto bursts

into tears as he went in to hug Jiraiya.

After, Naruto calmed down Jiraiya asked, "So, you finally met your
father huh… How was he like?"
"Well, he helped me quite a lot in such a short time. He had his
Hokage Coat and looked badass like that," said Naruto to which
Jiraiya laughed.

"He was my student after all," said Jiraiya. "So, you successfully
transplanted his cells? You know very few people had been able to
do that. Even Orochimaru had gone through so many failures,"

Naruto laughed. "Well, I seemed to have been compatible with his

cells since they perfectly merged with my body. I even got Wood
Release and it's extremely strong too," explained Naruto.

"Right, you mentioned Wood Release. So can you use any Wood
Release Jutsu?" asked Jiraiya to which Naruto nodded.

"I can use the Wood Clone Jutsu and can do some other basic ones
that wouldn't be that useful in battle," replied Naruto as he stood up.
He told Jiraiya to follow him and did a Snake hand sign and then
slapped the ground.

Jiraiya observed. A secret door opened to reveal six of Naruto's

Clones. "You can make six of them?!" said a surprised Jiraiya.

"Hai. Four of them are training on Wood Release Jutsus, one of

them is training to add every Nature Release on the Rasengan
simultaneously while the last Clone is focusing on upgrading the
Hiraishin. The Wood Style and the Hiraishin is not really the best
combo though…" said Naruto as he embarrassingly rubbed the back
of his head.

Jiraiya was impressed. Naruto was getting a lot of progress done. "I
just realized that you are now a combination of the First and Fourth
Hokage," said Jiraiya to which Naruto smiled at.

With Orochimaru

Orochimaru was using drugs and Hashirama cells to further enhance

his body. He was pleased with the progress he was making. After a
couple of days of getting used to the body and enhancing it,
Orochimaru headed out to the Ryuuchi Cave with now a stronger
body than previously.

And another Chapter done.

Hope you liked it and please review! Also thank you all for the
very kind reviews!

Chapter 17
A few days later

"Naruto… do you still want to become even stronger?" asked

Kurama as he looked down on Naruto.

Naruto nodded. "Of course. I want or rather have to become stronger

and stronger if I want to protect the Leaf," said Naruto to which
Kurama smiled.

"Good. I'll show you something so let me have control for a

little," said Kurama. Naruto without hesitation gave control over to

"Do you think it's time for me to open the seal?" asked Naruto.

"No, not yet. We'll do that at the end of the training trip. You are
already used to controlling my Chakra so there shouldn't be a
problem controlling my full power. This is something else,"
replied Kurama as he opened the secret door to the room where the
Clones were training. He pointed to one of the Clone training on
Wood Style and said, "You. Follow me,"

The Clone followed Kurama until they were met with a wall. Kurama
weaved through some hand signs and the wall opened to reveal a
staircase down. 'What is this? I never knew anything about this,'
thought Naruto shocked. He built the entire base and it was a few
kilometers underground so no one outside could enter it. This base
was built using Kurama's idea though.

About two years later

Naruto had finally finished with his training and with Jiraiya's help he
had become a lot stronger than when he left. He was now in Konoha
and stood on the highest pole over the village at the sight of the
amazing view.

"I have finally returned," yelled Naruto excited to finally see his home
after so many years. Naruto was now 15 yet his appearance had
only changed so much. He was 175 cm, way taller than before with
his hair whiter than ever. His body was better built because of the
training he had done but the clothes didn't show that. He still wore
the all-black tracksuit with the Uzumaki symbol on his back. He was
still an Uzumaki even though he now used his father's name. "The
village hasn't changed one bit!"

He sensed his old friends nearby so he told Jiraiya to head on as he

went to visit them.

"Yo, everyone!" said Naruto as he got everyone to look at him.

"Naruto?!" said Ino surprised to see Naruto. As was everyone else.

There was Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Hinata, Kiba, Lee, Neji and

Naruto laughed seeing their surprised faces. Naruto guessed they

weren't expecting Naruto to come.

"You look so different now. Well, your appearance is about the same
but you've grown so tall and seem so mature," said Ino again with
everyone else nodding.

'Naruto has grown so much,' thought Neji as he observed him with

his Byakugan.

Everyone looked at him and were surprised at how much he had

grown. They could almost feel it.

"You guys changed a lot too. I mean you guys even made Chuunin,"
said Naruto as he looked at their Flak Jackets. He noticed that
someone was missing. He expanded his senses to see if he can
sense the familiar Chakra but nothing. "Where are Sasuke and
Sakura? Don't tell me they are doing missions together," said Naruto
as he laughed at the idea.

Everyone then looked down and they were surprised that Naruto
didn't know already.

Shikamaru stepped forward with a saddened look. "Naruto, you don't


"Know what?" asked Naruto as he observed their facial expressions.

They all looked like they were about to cry. "What is it, you guys?"

"Sakura is dead and Sasuke is missing presumed dead," said


Naruto, as soon as he heard the unexpected news, let his Chakra go

wild. He looked down as he clenched his fist while the others felt like

'This immense Chakra," they thought.

They felt this pressure weighing down on them as they couldn't

move an inch. "What happened to them?" asked Naruto with now a
darker voice.

"The two went on a mission together near the Land of Sound

borders about two years ago. Back up was sent after them a day
later but all they found was a battleground with Sakura's dead body
laying there. Sasuke was nowhere to be seen but there were also
dead snakes on the ground so we are guessing that Orochimaru
fought and kidnapped Sasuke while killing Sakura," explained
Shikamaru as he found the strength to talk while still under the
pressure of Naruto's Chakra.

"Orochimaru?!" yelled Naruto as the pressure of his Chakra grew

bigger and bigger until his eyes finally opened to see the damage he
was causing. He got his Chakra under control as he said, "I'm sorry. I
just came here and now this,"
They all let out a sigh of relief.

Shikamaru pat his shoulder as he said, "It hit us all by surprise,"

"Yea… I have to go see the Hokage," said Naruto as he teleported


They were all worried but there was nothing they could do.

"Why didn't you tell me? Two years and you never told me!" yelled a
furious Naruto as his eyes turned red with slitted pupils.

Tsunade already knew what he was talking about. She expected this
to happen as soon as he got the news. "We couldn't, Naruto. I'm
sorry but we decided that it would only interrupt your training," said
Tsunade as Jiraiya was also by her side.

"So you knew it too?!" yelled Naruto again as he furiously smashed

Tsunade's desk to pieces.

"Naruto, calm down. They are right. Had they told you then you
wouldn't progress on your training at all," said Kurama as he
flicked his forehead. He was finally out of the cage.

"B-but Sakura… and Sasuke…" said Naruto with his voice breaking
off. "I just keep losing more and more important people,"

"So you are going to attack those important people? Naruto you
have to calm down. Orochimaru was already your target so this
just gives you more reason to do so,"

"I'll kill that bastard of a snake," said Naruto as his eyes turned to

"Naruto… don't act-" said Jiraiya as he was interrupted.

"No no don't get it twisted. Orochimaru was already my target but

that bastard just gave me even more reasons to kill him," said
Tsunade let out a tired sigh. "You just came back and now this…"

"I'm sorry I lost control of myself there for a little. Kurama calmed me
down though," said Naruto as he rubbed the back of his head while
laughing a little.

Tsunade let out yet another tired sigh. "Now even though I got
reports from Jiraiya I would still like to see your progress," said
Tsunade as Kakashi came in.

"Kakashi-sensei!" called Naruto as he rushed in to hug him.

"You've grown a lot haven't you," said Kakashi giving an eye smile.

"Hai. You haven't changed at all though," said Naruto as he laughed.

"Kakashi-sensei… about Sakura and Sasuke-"

"Naruto, you probably already know this but this is the life of a
Shinobi. You lose people close to you but you still have to keep
fighting," said Kakashi as Naruto finally let him go.

Naruto nodded and then looked at Tsunade and said, "So you are
going to test my strength against Kakashi-sensei?"

Tsunade nodded. "You are going to have to get this bell from me,"
said Kakashi while holding a single bell.

Training ground

"I hope you are stronger than when I left, Kakashi-sensei," said
Naruto to which Kakashi laughed.

"Now to make this fair I won't use Sage Mode and the Hiraishin,"
said Naruto as he got in battle position.

Kakashi nodded in relief. He had gotten stronger than he thought.

"Begin," announced Kakashi as he stood there with his Sharingan
"You know I'm a Sensory Ninja too right?" asked Naruto as he
punched the ground with amazing force. The ground 15 meters
around Naruto turned to rubble revealing the real Kakashi under it
while his Shadow Clone that was before Naruto poofed. "And I've
learned under Tsunade-baachan too,"

"So it seems," said Kakashi. "There is no use to hiding then,"

Naruto nodded. Naruto decided to rush Kakashi with such speed that
even Kakashi with his Sharingan would think he had used the
Hiraishin. Naruto was behind him and decided to use the secret
Konoha Jutsu. "One Thousand Years of Death," said Naruto as he
tightly clasped his hands together and extended his middle and
index fingers. He aimed for the behind of Kakashi but Kakashi
managed to thankfully react and move out of the way.

"Aw I thought I'd get you with that," said Naruto disappointed.

Kakashi looked at Naruto scared for life. Kakashi weaved through

Hand signs as a huge ball of fire came out of Kakashi's mouth
rushing at Naruto.

Naruto smiled. Naruto with his hands together made a wall of wood
and as the fireball hit the wall it exploded on impact but with no real
sign of damage on the wood.

"Naruto, you can use Wood Release?" asked Kakashi shocked. The
only person he knew that can use it was the First and his old friend

"Since I've shown you my Wood Style then it would be embarrassing

for me to lose this," said Naruto as Kakashi's feet were grabbed by

Kakashi looked under to see that his feet were grabbed by wood and
were now suppressing his Chakra. A branch of the wood grew and
grabbed the bell as it threw it at Naruto. "Looks like I won,"
Kakashi sighed in pain since he just got bested by his student. The
wood that had grabbed him let him go. "Still though I never would've
guessed for you to be able to use Wood Release,"

"Well during the trip one thing led to another and I was able to use
it," said Naruto deciding not to reveal anything.

"Considering you also have Sage Mode and the Hiraishin and who
knows what other Jutsus you got I'd say you have proven your
strength," said Kakashi as Naruto smiled. "Naruto, what do you say
that we become a two-man team? Not as student and master but as

"Just us two? Hai!" said Naruto excitedly while jumping in the air.

Kakashi laughed. "You can go and look around the village while I fill
in the paperwork for the new team," said Kakashi as Naruto nodded.

A few days later

"Naruto it's our first mission together as partners huh?" said Kakashi
as Naruto nodded excitedly. He guessed that it would be some
boring C or B rank mission but it was alright. It was his first mission
with Kakashi as partners.

They stood before Tsunade as someone rushed in through the door

to give them the unfortunate news of Gaara. He had been kidnapped
by the Akatsuki and the Sand requested back up from the Leaf.

Tsunade chuckled. "There is your mission, Kakashi and Naruto,"

'Gaara has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki? Saving Gaara and

killing some S rank Shinobi in the process huh' thought Naruto while

Before they went they met up with Temari first. She was alone and
was walking around the village while she waited for Tsunade to write
a message back to the Sand village. She was the messenger after
all. Then the three of them headed out to Sand.

"Unfortunately I haven't been to Sand or near there yet so I can't

teleport us there," said Naruto as Temari observed him. They were
still hopping tree to tree.

'His appearance hasn't changed much yet he looks so different than

a few years before,' thought Temari.

"We'll get there in about two days," said Kakashi.

'I'd get there faster but I can't leave these two behind…' thought

After they arrived they got the news of Kankuro being poisoned so
the three of them went to the room where he was being treated. As
soon as they opened the door an old lady attacked at the sight of
Kakashi. Naruto intervened blocking her punch with his arm and her
kick with his leg. She jumped back after having her attacks blocked.

"What's your problem?" said Naruto while Kakashi stood behind him

"That's Konoha's White Fang," she said. 'Still though that brat next to
him is very good too,'

"No, sis. His appearance resembles him closely but that's not the
White Fang," said an old man close to her.

She started laughing. "Gotcha I was only pretending,"

'What is wrong with her?' thought Naruto.

Then Kankuro started screaming in pain as the doctors were looking

after him. "Out of the way," ordered Naruto as he took lead.

He approached Kankuro's body and put his hands over his stomach.
Then green Chakra started glowing around his hands as the Chakra
was as big as Kankuro's body. Naruto then pushed that Chakra
inside Kankuro so that it could find and attack the poison. In mere
moments the Chakra entered and left Kankuro's body but when it left
it had purple particles inside it. Everyone around him was impressed.
He had extracted the poison so effortlessly while the best medical
Shinobi in the sand didn't manage to do so for days.

Naruto then burned the poison with fire style as he knew the
ingredients of the poison. He grabbed an empty bowl that was
beside him and put his hands over it. He closed his eyes and
concentrated for a few moments as yellow water started coming out
of his hands filling the bowl completely.

Everyone was just watching Naruto silently as Naruto worked quietly.

In under five minutes not only did he completely remove the poison
from Kankuro he had also made an antidote to the poison with the
help of Wood Release.

"What is that?" asked the old lady pointing at the water.

"That's the antidote I just made. It's against the poison although I'm
sure you know what an antidote does," said Naruto as he noticed
that everyone looked at him as if they didn't believe him. "What? You
know with Wood Release I can create any plant right? I just made
the antidote using Water Release to skip a few steps,"

"You did that all in just five minutes? And you have Wood Release?
The Kekkei Genkai of the First Hokage?" asked the old lady again.

"Hai. I learned under Tsunade so it makes sense and yes I have it,"
replied Naruto growing tired of the conversation. "The Akatsuki still
have Gaara so we have to hurry up,"

She stood there still shocked that the Leaf would even send such
capable Shinobi.

Kakashi then stepped up. "Could you show me where Kankuro last
fought them? If there is even the slightest scent there I can trace

Kankuro slowly stood up. "I grabbed a piece of his cloth and I'm sure
they both are with Gaara," he said as he could barely stand.

Kakashi picked up the cloth that Kankuro's puppet hat grabbed and
then summoned his dogs. "I need you guys to find where they are
headed to," ordered Kakashi.

"It's already so dark. You should all get a good night's rest," said

'It will probably be a while until they find them,' thought Naruto.

Kakashi went to the room the Sand had prepared for them while
Naruto stood above the Kazekage tower. He couldn't sleep now. He
had to wait and be prepared for anything. He watched the sky as he
sensed Temari coming behind him.

"Naruto, thank you. Thank you for saving my brother," she said as
she went beside him.

"You don't have to worry about it," said Naruto as he continued

watching the stars.

Temari looked at him. She was glad that Leaf had sent someone like
him to aid them. "Please save my brother, Gaara," said Temari as
she was beginning to tear up. "I can't lose him now. Not after he had
begun to change,"

Naruto approached her. "I promise you I will save Gaara," whispered
Naruto to her ear.

Temari didn't know what it was but she felt reassured to hear that. It
felt like Gaara was definitely going to be saved. Before she knew it
Naruto had disappeared and she was alone on the tower. She
looked up and for the first time the stars were shining so bright and
they were more beautiful than ever before.
The next morning Gaara's location was found and Naruto and
Kakashi prepared to leave. They waited outside for Sand Shinobi to
come to help them which Naruto was against.

Temari and four Jounin behind her finally came but were interrupted.
"Temari. You and the others need to stay here and patrol the border,"
said Baki.

Temari was about to argue but Baki told her that it was orders from
above which it was then when she stood still. She still found the
strength and decided to say something until Naruto decided to step

He held her hand and said, "Temari I told you. I will save Gaara just
like I did save Kankuro. Just stay here and wait for me,"

She stared at his eyes and saw how full of confidence he was. She
blushed at having her hand held by him and decided to leave it to

"I'm going," came a voice from above. It was the old lady Chiyo.

Naruto sighed. He wanted to go alone with Kakashi but they just had
to interrupt them. "We can handle it. Just stay here and drink some
tea or something," said Naruto.

"Don't underestimate me just because I'm old," she said jumping off
and landing beside them.

"Fine. Let's go already!" said Naruto as they started rushing off.

"We'll follow behind later, no matter what!" said Temari.

Another chapter done. What do you think about this one?

Naruto ended up being too op in the end but at this point who
cares. Also, Kurama suggested something to make Naruto even
stronger but it won't be revealed what it was until later in the
story. It's something new and as far as I know, never done

This Naruto can't have any competition until later in the story
seeing as he is above Hashirama's level at this point. But it
won't be all that easy for Naruto either.

Hope you liked the chapter and please review!

Chapter 18
Naruto Kakashi and Chiyo were running towards the location that
Kakashi's dogs had found.

"Those bastards targeting us because of what we have inside of us.

We didn't choose this but I'm definitely not letting them take Kurama
or any tailed beast for that matter," said Naruto as his pace kept
getting faster and faster.

"Naruto, hold on. Don't go off alone," said Kakashi.

They were hopping tree after tree until they were interrupted by
someone who Naruto recognized very well. "Uchiha Itachi," said
Naruto. Naruto sensed his Chakra and immediately knew what they
were planning.

Naruto weaved through hand signs making a Wood Clone. "You

guys are too slow so I'll rush to Gaara. My Clone here will help you
with him," said Naruto as he rushed past Itachi. Itachi tried to stop
him but he was too slow.

"Doesn't matter. It's two vs one," said Itachi.

Naruto knew the exact location of where Gaara was kidnapped and
he arrived there after running there without taking any breaks. He
stood before a large boulder with a paper tag on it that wrote:

'A Five-Seal Barrier?' thought Naruto as he thanked Jiraiya for taking

him on missions and having him learn all about barriers and Sealing
Jutsu no matter how hard Naruto protested against that. With a
Snake hand sign, four Wood Clones came out of Naruto and
immediately rushed out. ' I might be able to break this with brute
force alone but I'm not taking any chances,' thought Naruto.
'Every paper tag has Chakra that can be sensed by good Chakra
Sensors. There are five tags that have to be removed simultaneously
for the barrier to break. This is perfect since I am able to
communicate with my Wood Clone,' summarized Naruto as he got
the signal that the Clones had arrived.

Naruto and his Clone take off the paper tags at the same time
breaking the barrier. Naruto then punches the boulder that was
blocking the way turning it into rubble. As the smoke cleared it
revealed two caped men and Gaara.

Naruto recognized the coats that were fairly similar to that of Itachi
and Kisame. They were sealing Gaara's Tailed Beast away but
weren't done as Naruto guessed they weren't done.

"Tch, we have to stall him and let them finish," said smaller one of
the two.

Naruto was pissed off as his eyes turned bright red and his pupils
slit. He threw a Kunai between the two Akatsuki and teleported there
the second it arrived. While on air Naruto kicked the blonde one
away and formed a bright red Rasengan and hit the one that Naruto
guessed was Sasori. Before his "body" was destroyed Naruto saw
someone jump out of it. 'So that's a puppet huh,' thought Naruto as
he grabbed Gaara's body.

'Thankfully I arrived on time. One minute later and I would've been

too late,' thought Naruto as he made a Perfect Clone and had Gaara
teleported away.

Naruto then teleported to his original position.

"Deidara, it seems that the Kyuubi is stronger than we thought," said

Sasori as he revealed his true form. He had wide greyish brown eyes
and short, mousy red hair. He was quite short and wore the Akatsuki
"Hm, doesn't matter," said Deidara as he hopped on his Clay
Dragon. Deidara had a slanted blue eye and long golden blond hair
which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down
freely. The bang hanging over his left eye was what concealed his
left eye. Deidara was about the same height as Sasori and also wore
an Akatsuki coat.

Deidara flew above Naruto but Naruto wasn't in the mood to play.
With his hand above his head, he activated his Jutsu. It was a Jutsu
that Naruto had managed to make after adding both Wind and Fire
Release on his Rasengan. It looked like a red Shuriken with a red
Rasengan in the middle.

"Rasenkashuriken," yelled out Naruto as he threw his Jutsu above in

the direction of Deidara. It was too fast for him to dodge even while
on-air as it cut the Clay Dragon in half and went straight to Deidara's
body pushing his body above until it hit the ceiling. It detonated on
impact creating a huge vortex. In that vortex, countless Wind Blades
cut every cell in Deidara's body while his body was being burned. 'A
painful way to die,' thought Naruto as he smiled while looking at the
results of his Jutsu.

Sasori watched his partner die to that ridiculous Jutsu as he

summoned his puppet. 'I can't allow him to hit me with that Jutsu but
I can't let him get close either considering that his punches
destroyed that boulder,' thought Sasori in annoyance.

"Oh, that Puppet has Chakra inside. I'd recommend that you use
your strongest move because I'm taking down that Puppet in one
punch," taunted Naruto.

Sasori knew that he should take him seriously and so he did. Iron
sand started coming out of the Puppet's mouth. The Iron Sand then
created a gigantic sphere of branching spikes. It spread in spikes
that branched off irregularly. Sasori kept pushing more Chakra to
make it bigger and bigger.

'Multiple ways for me to avoid this,' thought Naruto.

The spikes then all rushed at him as Sasori knew that with only a
scratch Naruto would be dealt with due to the poison. Before they
reached him Naruto did a Snake hand sign as he was quickly
surrounded by wood. 'Wood Style: Hobi Technique,' said Naruto to
himself. It was a dome-like structure in the form of a dragon face with
Naruto inside to protect him.

All the spikes had hit the dome that was protecting Naruto and the
dome had successfully done so without a single scratch.

'Is that Wood Release?!' thought Sasori as he sent his puppet to

attack it.

Before it arrived there, a Wood Clone was coming out of the side of
the dome and quickly punched the puppet completely destroying it.
Then the dome opened revealing the real Naruto. "I told you,"

"You brat," said Sasori as he was getting nervous. 'I'll use my last
technique then,' thought Sasori as he took a scroll from his back. He
opened the scroll and a hundred puppets came out of it. 'This brat
has Wood Release and that Jutsu he used on Deidara is on another
level. I must go all out if I want a chance to escape alive,' thought

'That many puppets? I could just make a hundred Clones but that's
tasteless,' thought Naruto.

At that moment Kakashi and Chiyo had arrived at the sight of Naruto
and one hundred puppets. After Kakashi and Chiyo, Guy and his
team along with a huge group of Sand Shinobi came to help too.
They were about to jump in to help Naruto but were stopped by his

"Don't interfere. Boss will take care of this alone," said the Clone.
They all looked at him as if he was crazy but they could only watch.

The Sand Village

Temari sat on a chair beside Kankuro pissed off. She had convinced
them to send an army to help rescue the Kazekage but had done so
under the condition that they both stayed in the village. Now all she
could do was hope that Naruto would save his brother.

Naruto's Clone just teleported by Temari.

"Naruto? And Gaara? Is he…" stuttered Temari as she was caught

by surprise. She was still hoping the enemy didn't succeed.

"Alive? Yes. And I'm just a Clone who retreated with his body.
Thankfully I was just in time. One minute later and Shukaku would've
gotten entirely sealed away," explained Naruto as Temari's eyes
widen as Kankuro was still asleep. "He won't die. Not with me here.
Although Shukaku is now gone…" reassured Naruto.

"How is Gaara still alive if Shukaku is gone?" asked Temari confused

although glad that Gaara was now free.

"A Jinchuriki can still survive if a small portion of the Tailed Beast
remains in the body," said Naruto as he started healing Gaara.

Temari teared up as she instinctively hugged Naruto. "Thank you.

You saved both of my brothers. How could I ever repay you," she
said with her voice breaking off.

Naruto smiled. "The hug is enough of a payment," said Naruto as he

now decided to follow a bit of advice from Jiraiya. "Temari, a smile
suits your beautiful face better," said Naruto as he regretted saying
that a second after. He blushed as he looked away.

"What?" she asked confused but also flustered.

"Ah, nothing… nothing. I thought I should say what my Sensei

would've wanted me to say but obviously not the best time," said
Naruto as he kept looking down.
"You said that just because of your Sensei?" asked Temari again a
little annoyed.

"What? No…" said Naruto as he couldn't find the right words to say
at the moment. "Gaara should wake up in a little so don't worry.
Also…" said Naruto as he grabbed her hand and a mark appeared.
"If you ever need help just push a little Chakra in this mark and I'll be
here in a flash," said Naruto as he realized he said something
cheezy again.

Temari laughed as she nodded.

"Alrighty then. Boss is still fighting, I think, so I'll release myself just
in case," said the Clone as he did so without letting her say anything.

Back on the battlefield

"Naruto, Itachi said it's two vs one so where is the other one? And
where is Gaara?" asked Kakashi to which Naruto smiled.

Naruto pointed at a huge crater on the ceiling that Kakashi guessed

had already been there before Naruto came. "Wait you did that?"
asked Kakashi to which Naruto nodded. 'How strong have you
become, Naruto' thought Kakashi.

"Also Gaara is safe. I came at the last second and saved him. He's
at Sand being healed by another Clone," said Naruto.

Naruto grabbed three of his Kunai on each hand and threw them at
the puppets as he yelled, "Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu,"

Dozens of Naruto's Kunais' rushed in the direction of the puppets. As

soon as a Kunai neared one puppet Naruto teleported to it
destroying the puppet by either punching, kicking, or shoving a
Rasengan on their faces. It was all done in mere moments as they
all watched in awe as Naruto worked his way destroying every single
puppet. It seemed as if it was done in a flash. The puppets got
destroyed and for everyone there, it was as if it was raining pieces of

Naruto teleported back to his original position. "That's how you do it.
Now I'll make it quick and painless for you," said Naruto as he closed
and reopened his eyes. He now had yellow irides and toad-like
pupils, with red pigmentation around his eyes that extended to his
ears, as well as an additional round marking on his forehead with a
dot in its center. It was Sage Mode. He combined the mode that he
learned with the toads and the one that he learned from the First
Hokage's scroll. The boost was three times more than when using it

In a fraction of a second Sasori saw Naruto's appearance change

and then disappear just to see him reappear before him and Naruto
punching him directly in his heart. He couldn't react. Naruto's speed
was far beyond what he had expected and he didn't even think that it
was possible to reach such heights.

Kakashi even with his Sharingan couldn't see Naruto move.

Everyone on the battlefield saw Naruto easily defeat the strongest
Kazekage as a puppet, 100 puppets, and an S-Rank Rogue Ninja all
by himself. This would become the day where Naruto became widely
known as the White Streak.

Naruto then teleported everyone back to the Sand as they saw

Gaara coming out of a building. The Sand Shinobi all cheered loudly
seeing their Kazekage alive and well. Gaara approached Naruto with
his hand out.

"Naruto, you have saved me and for that I thank you," said Gaara.

Naruto gave Gaara his hand. "We Jinchurki are like brothers and we
should look after another so don't worry about it," said Naruto as he

"Right, Shukaku is now gone," said Gaara as he was a little

saddened by the event.
"I'll try my best to bring him back. The Akatsuki have gone too far,"
said Naruto as Gaara agreed.

"Yosh Naruto! The Power of Youth burns brightly in you!" said Guy
with a big thumbs up.

"Yosh Guy-sensei! Let's race back to the village to see who's faster,"
challenged Naruto which Guy gladly accepted.

"Lee, you join us too," said Guy.

"Hai, Guy-sensei!" said Lee as all three prepared.

Naruto first made a Clone so that he could teleport Kakashi. 'I'm sure
Kakashi wouldn't want to run plus with him going before us, he'll
have to deal with all the paper work' thought Naruto as he laughed

"Bye, everyone! I'll come by to visit sometime soon," said Naruto as

they began their race.

"Seriously…" said Kakashi to himself as he let out a sigh of relief to

see that Naruto still thought of him.

It took Guy and Naruto a day to get to Konoha with Naruto always
being in the lead while for Lee it took a little longer. Naruto loved how
frustrated Guy looked because he couldn't get closer to Naruto no
matter how hard he tried. They wanted to take breaks in between
since nothing was rushing them.

"Naruto, I acknowledge you as my rival!" said Gai as he was

catching his breath while giving Naruto a thumbs up.

"Rival? Yosh, I gotta train harder than before now," said Naruto as he
jumped up with his fist in the air. "I'll go meet with the Fifth now. You
should probably wait for Lee," said Naruto as after he got Guy
agreed, he Shunshined away.

"Tsu- Lord Fifth I'm back from the mission," said Naruto saluting her.
"I've heard quite the things about you, o' mighty White Streak," said
Tsunade teasing him.

"White Streak? That's how they are calling me," said Naruto holding
his chin. He was hoping more of something like White Flash or the
second coming of the Yellow Flash but one could only dream. "White
Streak of Konoha huh? It got a nice ring to it. I'm guessing there are
people unhappy and already put a bounty on me. So how much is it?
80 million Ryo? 90? Ohhh don't tell me, it's 100 million isn't it?" said
Naruto daydreaming.

"Brat you sure got full of yourself quick there," said Tsunade as she
let out a sigh. "It's 150 million Ryo," said Tsunade as she handed him
an opened book.

Naruto went silent. The bounty was higher than he thought. Way
higher than he thought. He slowly picked up the book as he looked
at the page that caught his interest. It had the following:

Name: Naruto Namikaze (White Streak)

Affiliation: Hidden Leaf

Bounty: 150,000,000 Ryo

Rank: S

Known abilities: Wood Style, Hiraishin, and Sage Mode.

Feats: Defeated two S rank rogue Ninja with seemingly no difficulty.

Naruto eyes widened as they shined brighter than anything in the

room. 'Damn it, now he's seriously full of himself,' thought Tsunade.
She was thinking if she should really do what she was about to do.

"This is really me! I'm still surprised they got this out so quickly," said
"Yea brat and don't let it get to your head. We still don't know how
strong the Akatsuki are," said Tsunade to which Naruto agreed.

"I won't get careless. Those bastards will pay," said Naruto as
Tsunade smiled.

"Good. With this, I promote you to Jounin," said Tsunade as Naruto

looked at her confused. "Well considering that you have gained quite
the reputation and have gone into countless B and A and a few S
rank missions I see you worthy of the title,"

'This day keeps getting better and better,' thought Naruto. "Tsunade-
baachan, I have something to ask you…"

The next day

Naruto teleported to the Sand village. He teleported to Temari's

marker and she was in the living room. She was startled by the
sudden appearance of Naruto.

"Naruto? How did you get here?" asked Temari.

"I teleported here by the marker on your hand," replied Naruto

laughing a little as he found her reaction amusing.

"You… never teleport to this marker unless I allow it. What if I was in
the shower, you idiot?!" said Temari as she stood up.

"Well, that would be a sight to kill for," said Naruto teasing her.

"What are you doing here anyway?" asked Temari as she decided to
ignore him.

"Oh well, I asked the Hokage about you and found out that you are
the Exam Proctor for the upcoming Chuunin exams. So I asked her
to allow me to also become a Proctor," replied Naruto as looked
around the room.
"Shouldn't you be Jounin to be an Exam Proctor? And why would
you even volunteer for that?" asked Temari again curious.

"Oh didn't you hear? I'm known as White Streak now and
considering my reputation the Fifth decided to promote me," said
Naruto smiling. He was proud of himself after all. "I volunteered after
I found out that you were also an Exam Proctor. Thought I could use
the time to get to know you,"

Temari looked at his eyes then looked away embarrassed.

Naruto noticed that and his eyes saddened. "Ah right. If you don't
want me to then I can ask her to not partake in the Exams,"

"What? No, of course not. It should be nice," said Temari as Naruto's

smiled grew bigger and his eyes shone brighter.

"Well, this is what I came up with for the exams. I hear that you were
still planning on how the exam was going to go," said Naruto as he
continued explaining his plan.

So, I'm guessing you already know who I'm pairing Naruto with.
I know I said that I'm not pairing him with anyone outside the
village but I changed my mind. Also, Hinata isn't crushing on
Naruto since they never met outside the academy with Naruto
focusing a lot on training outside the academy.

Next chapter will be the new Chuunin exams although not going
to focus a lot on that rather more on their relationship. They
aren't going to get together until later though since I don't this
to be focused a lot on romance.

Anyways hope you like the chapter and please review!

Chapter 19
"90 participants huh?" said Naruto as Temari nodded. They had
agreed that they will both proctor the first second stages together.

They were in the same room Naruto and Temari were in their last
Chuunin exams. All the participants sat with their two teammates by
their sides.

"I will now explain the rules and how this stage works. In the first
stage, each team will be separately locked up in a room and will
have to fight together against something. You'll have 20 minutes to
take it down and take out a scroll that is inside it. If you don't manage
to take it out then you fail. Any questions?" explained Temari as she
looked over all the participants.

'The exams were never testing out someone's firepower but this time
it's different,' thought Naruto.

All the participants looked at both Temari and Naruto and after no
one rose their hands Naruto ordered them to go outside.

After everyone was outside, Temari looked at Naruto and nodded

signaling to start the Jutsu. Naruto did the Snake Handsign as 30
huge cubes made out of wood started forming with one door-like

Everyone looked at Naruto surprised seeing how fast he created the

huge structures. "Now every team must head inside one of the
rooms that I created and once inside a Wood Golem will appear and
you will have to defeat it," ordered Naruto as everyone now looked
worried but slowly went inside. As soon as they made it inside
Naruto completely closed them so no one could run outside.

"You sure that they can make it?" asked Temari as she came closer
to Naruto.
"They should. The Golems are pretty weak and if they work together
they should make it," said Naruto as he laughed.

"The Golems will not kill them if they are too weak, right?" asked
Temari again now worried a little.

Naruto looked at her as she laughed a little again. "Their attack

power is about that of a high Genin's punch and the speed is also
the same. The Durability however is a little higher but they should be
able to destroy only if they work together,"

Temari let out a sigh of relief. "Wait, wouldn't it be too dark inside?"

"Nah the roof from the inside is on fire which should be pretty bright.
This also prevents them from hiding that high up,"

"Wow so you really thought this through huh," said Temari as she sat
down near Naruto.

Naruto also sat down as he smiled. "Well of course. I wouldn't want

to disappoint you," said Naruto. Hearing that Temari blushed as
Naruto started laughing.

She realized that she was only being teased as she looked away

After 20 minutes Naruto released the Wooden structures as it

revealed the exam takers. From the 30 Teams, only 16 Teams had
made it. Naruto looked at Temari embarrassed as he expected a lot
more to come out.

"You idiot," she whispered to Naruto.

Naruto while sulking went to the teams that didn't make it and quickly
healed them. He wished them luck for their next exam and then
continued healing the others.

"Congratulations on those who passed the first stage. The second

stage will be in an hour so please rest until then," announced Temari
as Naruto returned to her.

"What? How should I know that they are that weak? At this rate no
one will pass the third stage," said Naruto as Temari listened.

"You better make them easier then," said Temari as Naruto nodded.


During the break, Naruto offered his lunch to Temari which she
gladly accepted.

"Well, I didn't know you can cook. Especially this well" said Temari
while she enjoyed eating the food.

"I am well on multiple things. Cooking is just one of them," said

Naruto with a wink as he was proudly smiling. Temari regretted
saying that.

After the break

"Now I hope you have rested well since this will be even harder than
the first stage," said Naruto as he looked at the horrified faces of the
other participants. Temari only sighed as she listened.

Naruto then again with a Snake Handsign created a huge Wood

Mountain. It was 5000 meters tall and 300 meters wide. Everyone
looked at the impressive feat Naruto was just performing. Even
Temari was surprised.

"Very well now I will explain the rules. Each team will get a scroll.
Every team either has the Heaven or the Earth scroll. You will have
to fight other teams to get the other scrolls and then reach the top in
two days. You have to be careful of the branches that unexpectedly
come out of the wall and will push you off and if you touch the
ground you will fail. There are multiple platforms that you can use to
rest but the platforms will randomly change places every 15
minutes," explained Naruto as one of the participants raised their

"So to pass we first need to have the two scrolls and then reach that
high up? How high even is that?"

"Well it's about 5000 meters," said Naruto as he looked behind and
saw Temari pissed. "Fine, I'll bring it down to 4000 meters. Chuunin
shouldn't be easy to get anyways,"

The Genin cried internally but they still wanted to pass. The
platforms were big enough for only three people but they would have
to be careful as to not be ambushed.

"Just so you know that if only one touched the ground the whole
team will fail. Now if there aren't any more questions go get a scroll
there and then start climbing," said Naruto as he pointed at a small
room. Naruto then created two chairs out of wood for both Temari
and him to sit.

"What do you think?" asked Naruto.

"There will probably be at least 5 teams that will pass. Or should I

say you should hope there is," replied Temari but then calmed down.

Naruto laughed. "I mean they have two days and if they can't pass
this then they definitely don't deserve the title of Chuunin," said
Naruto and Temari could only agree.

They sat down now watching how the Genin were fighting each
other. Jutsu's flashing around while some others were already tired.

Temari looked at Naruto and asked, "What is your dream, Naruto?"

Naruto was surprised by the sudden question as she looked at her.

"Well, to get so strong that even the Sage of Six Paths would look
like a joke. Then I would definitely be able to protect everyone,"
answered Naruto as Temari started laughing.
"Shouldn't you be training all the time to achieve that goal then?"
said Temari while she was still laughing. It was the first time she
heard someone say that.

"I am training. In fact, I train every day you just don't see me doing
it," replied Naruto as he turned his head again to see the Genin

Temari was confused by what he meant. "What do you mean?"

Naruto looked at her again and decided to just show her. He stood
up and made two Wood Clones and one of them transformed into
Temari. The Original then stretched out his hand to Temari to help
her stand up. Temari didn't know what he was going to do but she
was just rolling with it.

As soon as she grabbed his hand they were in another location that
was unknown to Temari. She had just gotten used to teleportation
but still, this was so sudden that it shocked her. While Naruto was by
her side there were four others slowly but brutally beating each

"Shadow Clones? But I thought they disappear after slightly

damaging them. They are clearly bleeding and I'm surprised they
can even stand seeing how badly beaten they are," said Temari as
she didn't expect this.

Naruto smiled. "These aren't your normal Shadow Clones. These are
more improved Clones that require the most excellent Chakra
Control. Even Tsunade-baachan can only make one while I can
make six-" said Naruto as he let out a little cough and then
continued, "four of them. The Jutsu is purely focused on training
though since when I release them everything they felt and done will
come back to me and that includes the pain. But that means that
even my muscles would improve so there is no downside to this
Jutsu except the insane amount of pain you get after releasing
them," Naruto said as he let out a sigh and shivered remembering
every time he released a Clone and the pain that came with it.
Temari had listened carefully. She was surprised at how far Naruto
would go to get stronger. "So you only focus on training your body?"

"Mostly, yes. My Chakra Control is already at its peak so it takes a lot

of time to barely improve the Chakra Control. When the Clones
aren't training on the body then they are working on further
strengthening the Jutsus," said Naruto while the Clones were still
beating each other. When the Clones take too much damage to
continue, they take a break to heal and then continue till the end of
the day and then release.

Temari was impressed. "There is one thing I find strange though.

The Clones' punches are about as fast as that of a civilian's and I'd
imagine you're much faster than that,"

"Nice observation," said Naruto and then continued, "I use a Jutsu to
make the Clones heavier. It's the same Jutsu of the Tsuchikage. One
of my primary affinities is Earth Style and the weight control seems
to come from that so I can make about anything and anyone heavier
or lighter. I can use this to even make people fly,"

Temari was shocked to hear that with her eyes wide open and so
was her mouth too. His arsenal was way too big for just one person
and the training he did was insane as well. "What are your other

"Well my primary ones are Wind, Earth, and Lightning but I've
trained on using the other two as well so I'd say I have a decent
amount of Jutsu on every Nature Release," said Naruto proud of his
progress until now but he knew this wasn't enough.

Temari stood still for a moment shocked and then said, "We should
probably return," remembering the Chuunin Exams.

"Right," said Naruto letting out a small laugh.

"You forgot about it, didn't you?" said Temari also letting a small
laugh and sticking her hand out so Naruto can teleport them.
"Of course I didn't," replied Naruto as he teleported both of them

The Clones released and they both sat back on the chairs Naruto
made. "Where was that anyway?" asked Temari not having
recognized the place.

"Oh, that is my very secret base. Not even Jiraiya-sensei knows

where it is. You and Jiraiya-sensei are the only people who know
and have seen it,"

"So you won't tell me where it is," asked Temari again although she
wasn't really upset about it.

Naruto nodded. "It's not that I don't trust you but it's just that there is
something there and I'm not allowed to share its location to anyone,"

Temari raised an eyebrow at that but decided to leave it at that.

Two days pass and only three teams had managed to arrive at the
top on time.

"Congratulations on passing the second test of the exam. You will

have a day to rest and then you'll take the third and final test the next
day: Your Jonin Sensei will give you the info later. For now, I'll heal
and get you back to top shape and then you can head out,"
announced Naruto as they formed a line to get to Naruto.

After Naruto healed everyone, he and Temari headed out into the
Leaf town. They had already eaten enough and Temari was satisfied
with his cooking so they decided to go and take a walk.

They were walking through the quiet streets of Konoha. It was

unusually quiet but they paid it no mind.

"So what is your dream?" Asked Naruto as Temari was surprised by

the sudden question. 'Well, now you know how I feel' thought Naruto
smiling internally.
"Not sure. I guess it would be to make a name for myself," answered
Temaru honestly. After giving it a little more thought she continued,
"Then again living in a more peaceful world wouldn't be so bad." as
she laughed a little at that.

Naruto was a little surprised. "I'll do my best to make this world as

peaceful as possible. Although true peace could never be achieved,
sadly" said Naruto with a now quieter voice. He had give it quite
some thought but true peace is truly unachieveable. There was
always someone suffering.

Temari nodded as she stared at him. Naruto turned to see her

staring and as if automatically they both stopped walking. They
stared at each other's eyes as they were pulled by an imaginative
force together.

They were pulling closer and closer as Naruto bent down a little until
his face was at the same level as hers. He stood 10 centimeters
taller after all.

They were now just a few inches apart as their lips were about to
touch. They could feel their breath and hear their heartbeats. It was
louder and faster than usual.

Both excited as hell that they had turned off their senses. They didn't
care what happened around them right now. Only now. This very

Their lips had almost touched but a certain young boy had to
interrupt. This young boy was none other than Konohamaru. "Ah!
Niichan!" He said as he pointed at them. He had almost caught

Naruto and Temari immediately looked away in embarrassment.

They had almost kissed after all.

"Hehe Niichan. You were about to-" said Konohamaru making a

weird kissing face expression until he felt a fist hit his head. It was
Naruto while Temari just ignored them.

"What do you want, Konohamaru," asked Naruto deciding to ignore

his previous comment.

"Right! Please train me, Niichan!" said Konohamaru almost begging.

Naruto almost forgot about him. He had been ignoring him the whole
day before the Chuunin exams because he didn't really want to train
him. He didn't have that much time after all and all of his Perfect
Clones were training. But he couldn't just kept ignoring him so he did
the next best thing… With a Snake Handsign, a Wood Clone
appeared beside him.

"Fine. This Clone has more than enough Chakra. He has instructions
to train you as hard as possible so don't come crying to me," said
Naruto with Konohamaru smiling.

"Heh. I'll get even stronger than you!" announced Konohamaru as he

and the Clone left, leaving Naruto and Temari alone again.

After a moment of silence, Naruto decided to act. "Right, I'll bring you

Temari nodded as they went on home.

Ah it's been quite a while. I haven't had the time or the

motivation to write for a while. I did want to write but I couldn't
haha it's quite weird. It might have something to do with it being
the TemariNaruto scene so yea.

Not completely happy with how this Chapter turned out but to
be fair I think it's not that bad.

No more romance scene for a while. This isn't a romance fic and
won't ever be. Not suited for that kind of writing. I just wrote this
so them coming together at the end won't be so sudden.
Anyways, next chapter will be the KakuzuHidan arc which will
be quite short. After that it will change quite a bit from canon.
Chapter 20
Naruto had just come back from the Sand Village and he was ready
to take on a mission but he couldn't sense Kakashi in the Village. He
hadn't seen him in a while and since he was his partner he didn't
want to go on a mission alone.

'Weird… I should still be able to take on a mission by myself though,'

thought Naruto as he started walking towards the Hokage's office.
He looked up to see the Hokage Mountain and he remembered the
last time he was there with his Sensei. He hadn't seen or heard from
him since then. He asked Tsunade about him but she couldn't say
anything other than 'he's on a mission.' It upset him but at least he
knew that he was doing well. He told her to notify him should
anything happen to him.

He finally arrived and after knocking on the door and getting

permission to go in, he opened the door and walked inside.
"Hokage-sama," greeted Naruto.

Tsunade looked at him strangely. Naruto noticed that she must be

thinking about something quite serious so he waited for her to

She let out a sigh and said, "Naruto, perfect timing. I have a mission
for you. A backup mission,"

Naruto smiled. "What about Kakashi?"

"He is the one you will be backing up. He and Team 10 minus
Asuma," said Tsunade with a saddened look on her face. Naruto
noticed that too.

"Kakashi went on a mission without me? What about Asuma? He is

that team's Captain," asked Naruto curiously.
"Asuma has died in battle against the Akatsuki. Kakashi is now
helping Team 10 on defeating the two Akatsuki that had attacked,"

Tsunade waited for a reaction but nothing. Naruto just stood there
looked at the ground. "I see," are the only words that came out of his
words. He didn't know him for a long time but he still liked him since
Shikamaru and the others seemed happy with him. 'They must be
going through a lot right now too,' he thought.

"I'm sure you have Kakashi marked so teleport there and help them
in battle. We only have information on one of the Akatsuki. He was
able to survive even after having his head cut off," explained
Tsunade and this seemed to have caught his attention.

'Immortal? Oh I'd like to test that out,' thought Naruto. "Anything else
I should know before I leave?" Naruto was pissed but he didn't show
it. He had told her that anything with Akatsuki he should be notified
and even though he was with Temari in the Sand Village, Tsunade
had a few ways to notify him with the main one being pushing
Chakra through the Hiraishin marker.

Tsunade shook her head and with that Naruto teleported out.

The second Naruto arrived, he immediately analyzed the situation.

Kakashi, Ino, and Choji were trapped by something weird that looked
like the enemy's hair while the enemy was firing a Fire and Wind
Style Jutsu at them. A moment later and they would be done. With a
Snake Handsign, Naruto created a Wooden dome around them
protecting them from the attack.

'Naruto?!' thought all three at the same time. They were surprised
after all since they for sure thought they would die. No way out of
that situation.

Choji and Ino knew he could use Wood Style but they were still quite
surprised to see him use it. Who didn't know though? After he got a
bounty, everyone talked about him. It was still something else to see
it with their own eyes.
Naruto created a Shadow Clone while he undid the Wooden dome
and stepped forward.

The Clone teleported all three away so he could freely fight without

'He protected them with Wood Style huh? So that is the Jinchuriki
brat,' thought the enemy whose name was Kakuzu. "Wood Style
huh? I haven't fought a Wood Style user since I last fought the First
Hokage. This brings back memories," said Kakuzu taunting Naruto.

Naruto chuckled. "Oh, so you fought the First huh? This makes it
even better. I want to compare my Wood Style with the First's so do
me a favor and tell me whose is stronger," said Naruto as he created
a huge Wood Golem with him standing on top.

It was a humanoid creature with a full body and an oni-like face and
with a Wooden Dragon wrapped around its torso. Naruto stood on
top of it with his arms crossed looking down on Kakuzu with a smirk.

'What is this?! The First Hokage alone was a monster but this? He's
on a whole other league!' thought Kakuzu as he took a step back. He
was trembling and sweating in fear. 'The brat has gotten too strong.
How is his Wood Style so strong?! It's as strong as his… no the
feeling I'm getting from this… it's even stronger!'

"My my, I didn't know the difference would be so huge. There are
multiple ways I could take you out but taking you out so quickly
would be quite boring," said Naruto as he undid the Wood Golem
Jutsu. 'Plus I've been wanting to test out this Jutsu,' thought Naruto
as he chuckled.

'This brat is underestimating me. Fool' thought Kakuzu as he calmly

observed Naruto and tried to come up with a strategy against him.
The two 'mask monsters' moved before Kakuzu both launching a
combination Jutsu of Fire and Wind. "Strange Mask Exploding
Naruto smirked as he weaved through a handsign. "Water Release:
Water Formation Wall" he quietly said as water started forming
around out of thin air. It formed as the shape of a wall around him.

'Heh, does the brat think that a single Water Release Jutsu will
protect him from this combination Jutsu?' thought Kaukuzu smiling at
his sure victory. Or, well, so he thought.

Kakuzu's Jutsu hit Naruto's resulting in a clash. It didn't take long for
the whole area to be covered in mist and Kakuzu Jutsu to get
dominated. With a single Wind Jutsu, Naruto pushed the whole mist
away. He wanted to see his face of desperation as he created two
Shadow Clones.

"You bastard," said Kakuzu obviously pissed. Now he wasn't thinking

about capturing the Jinchuriki, rather how to escape him. He had
now realized that just like against Hashirama, he now had to run with
a tail between his legs.

Before he could even make a move the Two Clones started moving.
The one Clone only needed one handsign while the other needed
three. 'Still need to get better at Water Release' Naruto sighed.

At the same time, both released a Jutsu aiming at the masks. One
Clone fired a Fire Style Jutsu aimed at the mask that fired a Wind
Style Jutsu before and the other Clone released a Water Style Jutsu
aimed at the mask that released a Fire Style Jutsu before.

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Flame Jutsu/Water Release: Water

Dragon Jutsu"

A dragon head-shaped Fire Jutsu and a Dragon shaped Water Jutsu

launched at the masks respectively. They tried to launch a Jutsu
back but Fire against Water and Wind against Fire wasn't exactly a
fair fight. The masks easily broke no matter how hard Kakuzu
"Looks like you are all alone now," taunted Naruto smiling. His
opponent was all but done for.

"You bastard! This isn't over yet!" announced Kakuzu with an

obvious desperate voice. He knew that Naruto had the Hiraishin so
escape was just about impossible.

"I sure hope so! I haven't had anyone to test this on yet!" yelled
Naruto smirking as he created another 2 Shadow Clones with one of
them immediately disappearing and then held his hand out as if he
were to form a Rasengan but what was formed there was something
completely different. Positive Blue Chakra and Negative Red Chakra
gathered on his palm with an 8:2 ratio to form a dark purple ball with
shades of an even darker purple. The density of the Chakra on
Naruto's palm cracked around him and Kakuzu could clearly feel that
density. Naruto himself had gotten heavier as he sank lower to the
ground a few inches.

"That's- That's the Tailed Beast Bomb! How?! You aren't even using
the Nine-Tails Chakra!" said a shocked Kakuzu. This was
unexpected and completely unheard of. For a Jinchuriki to use a
Tailed Beast Bomb they must use the Tailed Beasts Chakra.

'Tailed Beasts are able to divide their Chakra into Positive and
Negative Chakra and then gather that in an 8:2 ratio. Jinchuriki gain
that ability to do with their own Chakra too although it takes a long
long time to train to do that and a whole lot of Chakra Control which
Jinchuriki mostly don't have due to their large Chakra Reserves.
Thankfully my Chakra Control is second to none and Kurama is
really smart and has managed to help me quite a lot but this isn't all,'
thought Naruto smirking.

One Shadow Clone was guarding them and now the other two held
their hands around the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Kakuzu was confused as he looked at what Naruto was doing. He

carefully observed the Clones.
Around the Tailed Beast Bomb formed a series of orange rings
orbiting around the Tailed Beast Bomb kind of similar to the

"This isn't simply adding one or two Elements to it. It's much more
complicated. In this, I add all five Elements together but even I can't
do all that alone which is why I need the help of these two," said
Naruto holding back his laugh. This was his best creation.
Something he had worked with Kurama for a really long time.

Naruto yelled, "Go-Yōso Bakudan!" and threw it at Kakuzu with

immense speed. He knew Kakuzu wouldn't be able to do anything
other than get hit.

Naruto teleported to where Kakashi and the others were.

"Naruto? Is he dead?" asked Kakashi curiously.

"Wait…" said Naruto as a huge explosion was heard in the distance

and all they could see was a blinding light coming from Kakuzu's
direction. They were hit with a strong shockwave as they struggled to
stay on their own feet. As the shockwave died out they finally
stopped clinging to the ground as they could finally stand. "Now he is
dead," continued Naruto smiling.

"That was you?!" asked Ino but Kakashi, Shikamaru, and Choji also
wanted to know. The Clone that had disappeared during Naruto's
fight had gone to help out Shikamaru but all the Clone really had to
do was watch how Shikamaru perfectly executed his plan. After the
fight was over the Clone teleported Shikamaru to the others.

Naruto giggled while rubbing his nose. "Well, that is two Akatsuki
down. Let's head back home," said Naruto as 4 solid bright yellow
Chakra Arms shot out of Naruto's back with immense speed to tap
the four on their shoulder and teleport them back to the village.

They had seen what had happened but even if they wanted to, they
couldn't have reacted. 'There is so much that you can do and so little
we know about how much you can do, Naruto' thought Kakashi. He
was quite shocked to see Naruto use those but decided not to ask

"Well, that certainly beats running. You three should go and rest
while Naruto and I report to the Hokage," said Kakashi as he and
Naruto teleported away.

'Troublesome' is all that Shikamaru could think about all that had

"I see. Good thing I sent Naruto your way then," said Tsunade as
Naruto scoffed. "You have anything to add, Naruto?"

Naruto sighed. "Yes, I actually do. The next time to send your
Shinobi on an impossible mission against two immortal S-Rank
Missing-Nin then please be sure that I'm the one that I'm one of
those Shinobi next. A lot could've gone way better had you just
contacted me. With my Sensory Abilities I could've found them way
faster with fewer casualties," said Naruto calmly although one could
see that he was pissed.

"Considering that a whole group of S-Rank Shinobi are on the hunt

for Jinchuriki like you, I couldn't have risked that. It's enough that you
are even allowed to go to the Sand," replied Tsunade.

"Hokage-sama, while I don't like to be cocky, this situation requires it.

I'd like to see the whole Akatsuki come at me and actually do some
damage. If it ever comes to that and I actually struggle then I could
always use Sage Mode or get help from Kurama. I could also run
using the Hiraishin but that is out of the question." said Naruto
without any doubt in his voice.

Tsunade just shook her head. "We don't even know what the
Akatsuki are capable of. Don't tell me that you are stupid enough to
believe that power alone is enough,"
"What are they going to do? Seal me? Already have a way to avoid
that. Kill me? Highly doubt that. Send me in another dimension?
Please, I'm a better Hiraishin User than the Fourth but I guess I have
yet to show that. Trap me in a Genjutsu? Impossible, Kurama can
get me out of there even out of the one Itachi uses. Poison me?
Even Orochimaru could try and create any poison that there is to try
and do that but my body is immune to all and any poison. They can
set up any trap for me and they can try their best but they will fail.
Hell, let them revive Madara fucking Uchiha. I'll kill that son of a
bastard," said Naruto now raising his voice a little.

"For someone that doesn't like being cocky, you sure are really
cocky. This might end up being your downfall," said Kurama

'Come on, Kurama. You know that no matter how weak an enemy is,
I never let my guard down. You said it yourself, right now if I were to
go all out even Hashirama and Madara together would struggle
against me,' replied Naruto. It was true. No matter how weak his
opponent was, he always had his guard up and was ready for any

Kurama just looked at him curiously. "So, you think that you are
the strongest now?"

Naruto nodded.

"Idiot," said Kurama turning his head and lying back down. "Don't
say I didn't warn you,"

Naruto looked at him and looked back at Tsunade. "Alright, sorry.

Might've gone a little too far. But I can't let anyone else die because
there is a group looking for people like me. Which is why I have a
request to make, Hokage-sama,"

Tsunade stared at Naruto raising a brow.

Chapter 21
"… which is why I have a request to make, Hokage-sama,"

Tsunade stared at Naruto raising a brow. "What is it?"

"I would like to have permission to leave the village for a period of
time until the Akatsuki is taken care of. I'll have them come to me
while I'm not in this village and thus the village will not be in danger,"
said Naruto calmly as he stared at Tsunade.

"Hmm, that might actually not be a bad idea. Having Jiraiya,

Kakashi, and Guy with you too then victory should be assured
without the village being in danger," said Tsunade.

Naruto didn't expect this reaction. He thought that she would be

ticked off. "Actually, this will be something that I'll be doing alone.
While I'm away I'd like you to make it clear that I'm outside of the
village to the others too,"

"What?! You really think I'll let you go alone while a group of S-rank
Shinobi are out for you?!" said Tsunade now raising her voice a

"Hai. They would honestly just slow me down. Being alone would
allow me to act quicker and the enemy would underestimate me,"
replied Naruto with the same calm voice. "Even Kurama thinks that it
is a good idea and you know that he would want the best in this
situation. Kurama is smarter than I'd like to admit and he knows of
my limits," he added.

Kakashi was silent. He didn't know what to make of the situation. But
he knew for sure that he didn't want anything to happen to Naruto.
Being told that he would slow him down though upset him a little.

"Get out. I'll have to think about this so give me time. I'll call you
when the decision is made," ordered Tsunade.
"I… just hope you'll make the right decision. For the better of this
village and its people," said Naruto disappearing in a flash with
Kakashi leaving through the door soon after.

Naruto sat on top of the Hokage Mountain watching over the village
with his arm resting on his knee.

"So, you finally decided to make an appearance," said Naruto

without moving an inch.

Behind him, a man slowly walked outside a bush seemingly with the
help of a cane. "You managed to sense me even though I was trying
my best to hide my presence huh? You're better than I thought,
Namikaze Naruto," said the man.

"Why thank you. Although, I'd like to know what a man like you
wants from me…" said Naruto as he turned his head to look at the
man. "Shimura Danzo"

"So you've heard of me,"

"Of course. Nothing good though. Been told to stay away from you,"
said Naruto as he sensed Chakra trying to enter his system. 'Is he
trying to put me in a Genjutsu?'

Danzo showed no reaction. "I see. I would like to show you

something. Have you heard of Uchiha Shisui?"

Naruto nodded.

Danzo started removing the bandages around his right eye. "I'd like
to introduce you to his eye,"

Naruto was confused about what he was saying. He didn't know

much of Shisui but he knew that he was fast. But what did his eye
have to do anything with this? Is he trying to put him inside another
Genjutsu? Naruto looked at his eye which looked similar to the
"Fool. Now you will do anything that I say," said Danzo as he waited
for Naruto to respond.

"And why exactly would I do that? That Genjutsu was quite strong.
The strongest I should say. Thankfully I'm a perfect Jinchuriki of the
strongest Bijuu," said Naruto standing up while cracking his neck. He
was ready to battle.

This was the first time Danzo showed a reaction before Naruto. He
gritted his teeth. He didn't imagine for Shisui's Kotoamatsukami to
fail. Suddenly about 20 Anbu showed before Danzo as if to protect
him in their battle stances. Another four surrounded the 20 Anbu and
Naruto erecting a barrier.

"Sadly you have become too strong. You may be strong but if we act
fast and overwhelm you with numbers even you will die," said
Danzo. He wanted Naruto under his control. Then the village would
be safe. He didn't think letting Naruto leave was a great idea.

Naruto smirked. "Thanks for doing my job for me and creating this
barrier. Fire Style can get really messy when trees are nearby," said
Naruto as they were about to rush him. "Why Fire exactly? Well,
considering you have an Uchiha's eye and the Clan's main affinity
was fire, I'd say that it fits" he continued making a single horse

"Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation," whispered Naruto as soon after

a giant sea of flames launched at the Anbu.

The Anbu reacted fast. They weren't Anbu in name only. All 20 used
a combined their Water Jutsu to block Naruto's Jutsu and as they
were crashing they seemed equal.

'Oh? They aren't bad. Nothing a little Senjutsu won't fix' thought
Naruto as he quickly gathered Senjutsu around him and pushed it
into the Jutsu. It always amazed Naruto at how easily he could
control Senjutsu. With it being a huge boost, the Anbus Jutsu easily
got overpowered and burned the Anbu leaving no trace of them.
Danzo seemed pissed. Naruto was stronger than he had originally
anticipated. "You bastard. How-"

"How do I have this Jutsu? I have a lot of Jutsus. What do you think I
did during my 3 years of training? It's not only this. I have many
Jutsu from almost every single village out there. I infiltrated the
villages and stole their Jutsu. As for this Jutsu. Well, the great First
Hokage had notes on his Jutsus that someone I know had and gave
them to me," said Naruto as walked forward. He was now face to
face with Danzo with the only thing in between being the barrier.

"You seriously think this barrier will hold me?" said Naruto as with a
touch he completely destroyed the whole barrier. "Water Style:
Multiple Gunshots," whispered Naruto aiming his finger in a gun
formation aimed at the four Anbu that were holding the barrier. With
four quick gunshots, all the Anbu died.

"What will you do now without your little Anbu?" taunted Naruto as
Danzo jumped back.

He said nothing. He revealed his right arm which was covered in

bandages and by golden metallic rings. Naruto observed him
removing the bolts from the rings which allowed them to fall off.
Naruto assumed that it was a seal for whatever was in his arm. After
he removed his bandages it all made sense.

"You sick bastard," said Naruto as he looked at his arm. There were
multiple Sharingan implanted on his which looked around all creepy.
After careful observation, Naruto came to the conclusion that he had
to have 10 Sharingan eyes on his arm.

Danzo after weaving through handsigns rushed at Naruto to punch

him on his stomach but Naruto was so much faster, that he easily
dodged him and with a handsign he whispered, "Fire Style: Great
Dragon Flame Jutsu," as a huge Dragon Head-shaped fire launched
at Danzo with a speed that Naruto thought he should be able to
dodge. But he didn't. He got hit and turned to ashes.
'Did I overestimate him? I wasn't planning on killing him but he isn't
as fast as I-' thought Naruto as he got kicked in the stomach. He got
sent flying a couple of meters away until he stopped with the help of
Wood Style.

"Tricky bastard," said Naruto. He sensed that his Chakra had

decreased by an amount around his arm. When he carefully looked
at his arm he noticed that on Sharingan eye had closed and the
Chakra on that eye was gone. 'What does that mean? I was sure he
died yet he managed to come back somehow,' thought Naruto.

Danzo was awfully silent. With one handsign Danzo breathed in and
then out as a large sphere compressed Wind Chakra launched at

Naruto's eyes widened. 'That is the same Jutsu Tenzo-Sensei taught

me!' thought Naruto as he was cloaked in Red Lightning. Faster than
light Naruto seemingly teleport behind Danzo with a flaming
Rasengan shoving it in his back. Danzo flew back a few meters
away until the Rasengan expanded into flames burning Danzo.
'Sorry Mr. Raikage but this mode surpasses even yours,' thought
Naruto smirking.

Danzo's Chakra Signature died out as one would expect from a dead
man until it reappeared again behind Naruto trying to stab him with a
Kunai but Naruto sidestepped away. "Sorry Danzo-kun but you won't
be able to hit me ever again," said Naruto. Danzo clicked his tongue
in annoyance.

Naruto again sensed his Chakra on Danzo's arm is less than before
and another eye had closed. "I see now. I don't know why but those
Sharingan are the number of lives you have. I never knew that the
Sharingan could bring one back to life at the cost of an eye though.
Seems my research hasn't proved all that useful. Now that I know
this, means that all I have to do is take you out another 9 times,"
smirked Naruto.
Danzo was pissed as he summoned a giant Elephant-like creature.
Naruto sighed as he created a Shadow Clone with it also being in
the Lightning Mode. Naruto rushed at Danzo and the Clone at the
Summoning Creature. With a single touch, all four of them teleported
to a clear area in a field.

Danzo looked around in silence. "Don't worry it's not all that far away
from the Leaf. I just want for us to freely fight without damaging the
precious village," said Naruto as the Clone poofed.

Danzo was again silent. He hadn't said a word for a while now.

Clapping his hands together in a Snake handsign Naruto created a

large wooden Dragon that rushed at the creature strangling its neck
until it disappeared.

"Sorry Danzo-kun but relying on someone won't work for you," said
Naruto as with another handsign he whispered, "Fire Style: Great
Blaze Ball," as a Ball of fire the size of a meteor crashed down on
Danzo easily turning him to ash. "8 more to go. Or rather 7, I'd like to
return Shisui's eye back to the village," said Naruto smiling all too

"Lightning Style: Senbon," whispered Naruto as out of his hand

came out multiple Senbon out of Red Lightning launching at blinding
speed hitting every vital area in his body as he disappeared like a
fog. Danzo then reappeared in another area but before he could
even move an inch he got hit by a Red Lightning Dragon burning
every cell in his body causing him to disappear like a fog yet again.

"Your odds are looking rather bad. You have 5 lives left yet you have
managed to only land one rather weak kick," said Naruto as he yet
again still in his Lightning Mode rushed at Danzo with his arm
encased in rock punching Danzo in the head as it completely
obliterated his head.

'It's been a while since I used this. Since I trained with Tsunade-
baachan I haven't needed it but I just thought I'd make it a little
flashier. 4 more to go,' thought Naruto as he smirked. This battle had
lasted way too long against someone as weak as Danzo.

Danzo was too slow and his durability wasn't good too. Three more
of his lives were gone Rasengan after Rasengan. "Down to your last
two Sharingan then. Now I have to think of a way to get that eye
without you activating that annoying Jutsu," said Naruto as Danzo
rushed him.

Naruto kept dodging him as he was trying to think of a plan. Best he

came up with to kill him once more and then use Wood Style to
suppress his Chakra. He wasn't sure how well that would work
though. That Jutsu was something he had never seen or heard of
before but the plan would have to do.

After ducking a punch Naruto sped behind him as he tightly clasped

his hands together and extended his middle and index fingers as a
small Rasengan appeared on the tips. He aimed for the behind of
Danzo as he yelled, "Rasen: One Thousand Years of Death,"

Danzo flew high up as the Rasengan expanded and exploded. "Heh

may have been a small Rasengan but size doesn't matter as some
say. That was a compressed Rasengan," said Naruto letting out a
small laugh. That was one embarrassing way to die.

Without taking a rest Naruto created another Wooden Dragon as it

rushed at Danzo biting him on his shoulder without doing much
damage. All Naruto needed was to suppress his Chakra and
movement and it worked.

Danzo gritted his teeth. This was everything but his plan. As if God
was punishing him. The Dragon then, as if it was melting, bound his
hands and feet together so Naruto could teleport him to the Leaf
without the huge Dragon. "You're going to have fun with the
Yamanaka and the IT department, Danzo-kun" said Naruto as he
didn't even need to touch him to teleport away.
"Hokage-sama, sorry for appearing so suddenly but I have someone
for you," said Naruto as Danzo appeared after Naruto.

They were now in the Hokage's office. Tsunade was startled but after
she saw Danzo she became very serious again. "Naruto, what is the
meaning of this?"

"Oh, you know. The usual. We got some smart-ass that thought it
would be a good idea to attack me," explained Naruto. "I'm sure the
Yamanaka will have a great time exploring his mind,"

"He attacked you?" asked Tsunade confused. This didn't seem like
something Danzo would do. It was too risky.

"Yea. First, he tried to catch me in a Genjutsu and then in another

Genjutsu which was surprisingly strong. Even Kurama had trouble
with that. It came from Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan on his right
eye. Seems like before Shisui died, Danzo had a little chat with him,"
said Naruto while Tsunade was shocked.

She signaled an Anbu to come and take Danzo away. Naruto

suddenly tapped the Anbu on his shoulder. "Have fun with him. Just
so you know those Wood Bindings won't come off no matter what.
Not only are they extremely durable, but they are also suppressing
his Chakra and movement so no need to worry about that,"

The Anbu nodded and without saying anything he took Danzo away
with a Shunshin.

"So Tsunade-baachan since we are alone. Have you come to a


Tsunade stared at Naruto's eyes carefully. He was as always pretty

carefree. "Are you completely sure you want to do this?"

"Hai. After I go away you make it pretty obvious to the others that I'm
not in the village. I'll also do that in my way so the Akatsuki knows of
my location. This is something I must do on my own. Also, you have
my Hiraishin marker so in any emergency you must contact me,"
said Naruto back to his serious expression.

"Fine, I'll agree to this mission only if you agree that you will require
backup in an emergency," replied Tsunade to which Naruto nodded.
"Very well, Namikaze Naruto, good luck on your mission against
Akatsuki," announced Tsunade as Naruto smirked and disappeared
in a flash. If he could take out Danzo and come out with no sign of
exhaustion then he should be able to take care of himself.

Outside of the village

Naruto had just teleported in a forest and with a handsign about 200
Clones started coming out of the ground obviously made out of
Wood until they finally fully transformed as a Clone.

'Mixing the properties of the normal Shadow Clone with the Wood
Clones results in this. Wood Clones that are able to function on their
own. They also have great durability, unlike the normal ones. With
the help of Senjutsu, they won't poof unless they are dealt a great
amount of damage or I want them gone,' thought Naruto as all
Clones started disappearing.

'The Second Tsuchikage's Jutsu that made him famous. Dustless

Bewildering Cover. Using Water Release to reflect the light around to
make not only your body but also your Chakra Signature invisible.
Thankfully I'm well trained on all five Elements and the Tsuchikage
had left quite a detailed note on how this Jutsu works with the Third.
Although it seems like the Third wasn't able to master this Jutsu. I
also caught a peek over the Dust Release but that was better hidden
and I can't use two Elements at the same time outside the Rasengan
anyway and Dust Release uses three. Two elements at the same
time seems more like a genetic thing so while I'm invisible I won't be
able to use any Jutsu except the normal Rasengan and Water
Release Jutsus,' thought Naruto as he sighed.

'Anyways, with this, I'll gather all the information I'll need,' Naruto
Chapter 22
'Ah, Mount Shumisen. Quite a dark place to say the least,' thought
Naruto as he kept walking. Everywhere you looked there were rocks
and spikes coming out diagonally. It had been a month since he left
the village and no sign of Akatsuki.

Naruto kept walking until he finally saw four figures revealing

themselves. "Namikaze Naruto. Not the one I wanted but you're
even better," said the one who stood at the higher spike. He had
white hair and red eyes and his whole body was covered in
bandages except the upper half of his face.

"Hiruko, so you finally showed yourself. I suppose you don't need

your lackies over here," replied Naruto as pointed at them with his
hand in a gun formation. "Water Style: Multiple Gunshots,"
whispered Naruto as three small water balls shot out of the tip of
Naruto's finger one after another with great speed. Aimed at the
three that stood at the lower spikes, the water balls went straight
through their heads without them even knowing what had happened.

"Faster than I thought you were, but are you faster than this," said
Haruko as he suddenly disappeared and quickly reappeared in front
of Naruto kicking him in the gut. His bandages around his arms
loosened revealing a darker color which surprised Naruto. His face
was a lighter color after all but he hit hard so he suspected it was the
Steel Release.

Two more quick punches to the gut and one more to the face sent
Naruto flying away. A couple of meters away Naruto had finally
stopped as he stood up dusting himself off.

"Well you are fast but I expected faster. I heard that you also absorb
Ninjutsu," said Naruto as with a handsign a Dragon Head-shaped
fire came out of his mouth launching at Hiruko.
Hiruko stood there as he held his hand out waiting for the Jutsu.
Naruto just knew that the man was smiling. The Jutsu hadn't hit,
except it had been absorbed into his hand.

"You heard right. You can have this back," said Hiruko as out his
hand the exact same Jutsu came back launching at Naruto. Naruto
didn't expect that he could return the Jutsu but wanted to test if the
Jutsu still had the same power.

As the smoke cleared, it revealed Naruto with burned marks on

some areas of his body which were healed in little time. 'Well, it
didn't get weakened that's for sure,' thought Naruto as he smiled.
"I'm curious though. How much can you absorb?" asked Naruto
curiously as he held his hand up high. A flaming Rasenshuriken
started forming as it kept growing in size. It didn't stop until it
reached the size of a mountain and when it did it finally started
shrinking again.

Hiruko was sweating until he smiled again. "What's wrong? Was that
too much for you?"

"Ho? There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding here. The

Jutsus isn't decreasing in power or Chakra. It's just compressing "
said Naruto as he smirked. The Jutsu had compressed to the size of
about bigger than Naruto's head.

"Compressed? You bastard how are you so powerful?!" said a

desperate Hiruko as he was preparing for the Jutsu.

"Oh please no need for flattery. Just try your best and absorb this
one," said Naruto smiling as he shot it towards Hiruko.

The path was in which the Jutsu followed cracked and sank deeper
due to its density as it reached Hiruko. He hadn't even managed to
slow it down as it hit him but before it exploded a bright red barrier
had been erected around Hiruko and in each of the four corners of
the barrier was a Shadow Clone of Naruto. 'The collateral damage
would be a little too big and the Stone wouldn't be happy,' thought
Naruto as the Jutsu finally expanded.

Naruto was surprised the barrier even held. The Jutsu had more
explosive power than he had thought but it still wasn't close to the
one he used on Kakuzu. It took a while until the explosion died out
and all that was left was a flat land with no trace of anything. 'Well he
wasn't even Jiraiya-Sensei's level so couldn't really expect anything,'
thought Naruto as he sighed.

Suddenly he got a message from a Clone of his. The Clones had

done a great job with information gathering lately and actually did
some of the work on the low-level stuff themselves. This time it was
about an invasion on the Leaf.

Naruto sighed again. 'I told her to notify me but maybe she thinks
she can handle it on her own…' thought Naruto yet he shrugged.

Shinobi from the Land of Sky had attacked the Leaf with some kind
of machinery that allowed them to fly. When they ran out of Chakra
they had flown away to retreat. Neji and Shikamaru had figured out
where the enemy had retreated to and were going to counterattack.
A four-man team of Shikamaru, Shino, some Anbu Naruto didn't
recognize and… Tenzo.

As soon as Naruto got the message from his Clone, Naruto headed
out. The four-man team had just arrived and were about to execute
their plan. Before them was the sea with the enemy's main base
floating on water. As soon as they were about to start, they were
blinded by a bright light which soon was followed by a loud
explosion. They were hit with wind strong enough that made them fly
a couple of meters behind but were stopped by a Wooden Dome and
as the light was gone again there was no trace of the base anymore.

"What was that?" asked the Anbu with a slightly surprised tone in his
voice. He had pale skin and black hair and eyes. He wore a short
black-and-grey jacket with red straps. He also carried a tantō on his
back. The rest of his outfit consisted of a high-collared midriff shirt,
black pants, shinobi sandals and gloves with his index and thumb
fingers exposed.

"No idea. Thanks to Tenzo we managed to stop though," said

Shikamaru as he analyzed the surroundings.

"No… that wasn't me," said Tenzo slightly sweating.

"It wasn't? Then-" said Shinamaru until he was interrupted by a new


"It was me," said Naruto as he revealed himself walking outside of a


"Naruto?!" called Tenzo as Naruto came closer. "You have grown,"

he continued smiling proud of his student. Even though he didn't
have time to visit, he still tried to know as much as possible about

What no one had expected was Naruto punching Tenzo in the

stomach. "Where the hell have you been?! Couldn't you have come
and visited me at least once?" said Naruto as Tenzo was about to try
and reason himself until Naruto held his fist out again for a fist bump.
"You must've been quite busy," he continued now smiling.

"Not as busy as you have been. I've heard a lot about you,
Namikaze Naruto, or is it White Streak now?" said Tenzo as he
crashed his fist with Naruto's.

Naruto let out a little laugh. "All thanks to you. After we are done with
this you need to come with me. I need to fix what someone else

Tenzo didn't know what he meant but he was glad to see his student.
"We are done here though, right? Weren't you the one with the
"Hai, but Kakashi-Sensei has gone and gotten himself in trouble. You
guys can go ahead and tell Tsu-" Naruto let out a little cough
"Hokage-sama that your mission was a success," said Naruto. He
never could get the hang of it. As a Shinobi he had to call her
Hokage-sama but as Naruto, you can't be that formal. "Tell her you
met me," continued Naruto with a wink and disappeared.

Tenzo smiled once more as he told his team to move out.

Kakashi was in a predicament. His mission was to accompany

Amaru and an old man Shinnou but it all had gone wrong. Shinnou
had died and Amaru was possessed by some strange Chakra. After
finding out it fed on negative feelings Kakashi managed to pull
Amaru out of it and decided to continue to search for the villagers
that had been lost. He wanted to live up to his name, Kakashi of the
Sharingan, after all.

One thing lead to another and Kakashi was fighting Shinnou, on a

flying ship, who got stronger every time he got damaged and healed.
Shinnou had tricked Amaru for 14 years because he was looking for
the Zero Tails, the strange Chakra that was possessing Amaru
before. He was proving to be too strong even for Kakashi though.

"This is where you die," said Shinnou who was now looking like
someone in their thirties. He rushed at Kakashi and was about to
punch him until it was blocked. Kakashi was expecting his brains to
be blown by now as he closed his eyes. Even if his Sharingan could
see him he couldn't react against him.

He opened his eyes to see a certain teen with white hair blocking the
punch he was supposed to block. "Sorry but the one dying today will
be you," said Naruto holding his fist with his hand.

Shinnou gasped at the sudden appearance of Naruto. "W-Who are


"Your death," said Naruto as with a flaming Rasengan he burned his

whole body leaving nothing of him. "Yo Kakashi-Sensei," greeted
Naruto as he turned around.

Kakashi smiled. "My cute little student came to my rescue?" said as

he let out a tear.

"Sate sate sate. That is nothing new now is it," said Naruto as he let
out a little laugh. "Anyways, the villagers that were captured here are
already safe so we should also go. I'll blow this place up in a little,"

"You saved the villagers? Thank you!" said the red-haired girl while
still trembling.

Naruto just nodded as he teleported them away. He had heard the

talk Kakashi had with Shinnou however so the Zero Tails had caught
his attention. 'So Kurama. Zero Tails huh? Never heard of it so is it
like a secret sibling?' asked Naruto trying to make sense of the

"Idiot. Even if it may be called a Zero Tailed Beast, it still isn't

one of us. It's something that feeds off negative emotions," said
Kurama seemingly a little insulted.

'I see, interesting. Surprised you know about it,'

"I don't know what you think of me but I wasn't some rampaging
beast. I did a lot of information gathering during my time. Well, I
had other animals do it for me but that's beside the point,"

'Don't think that low of me. I'm sure you also went to school and
probably were the teacher's pet or something like that considering
your intellect,' said Naruto as he started laughing. He left the
mindscape with Kurama roaring his lungs out.

He then ran towards the strange Chakra he had sensed which was
on the lower levels. He had finally reached a huge room with blue
walls with symbols on them and at the bottom was a yellow cocoon
with the same symbols and what he guessed was the Zero Tails
inside. He tried forming a Rasengan but it got immediately sucked
into the cocoon.

'Again with the Chakra absorption? Let's see how much you can
take…' thought Naruto as he started releasing his enormous Chakra.
The insane amount and density of the Chakra made the place
around heavier. The whole place had started to sink lower due to
how heavy his Chakra was.

Naruto created two Shadow Clones to create a Go-Yōso Bakudan.

The Zero Tails was busy absorbing the Chakra around so the Jutsu
and the Clones were left uninterrupted.

Naruto threw it at the Zero Tails as he saw it try to defend against it.
But it was all futile as it exploded. Naruto teleported away to let the
whole place turn to dust.

Kakashi and the others were just outside to witness the display of
power Naruto has just shown. Even though no one was a Sensory
Type Ninja or some weren't even a Ninja, they had still felt Naruto's
Chakra and had been spooked by it.

"Sate sate sate. With this, the Sky Village Land Country or whatever
they were, are done. Tell Tsunade-baachan I said hi," said Naruto as
with a wave he disappeared again.

"You could've at least teleported us back home," said Kakashi letting

out a tear of disappointment.

Tenzo 's Team

"Shikamaru, you can be the team leader temporarily. I need Tenzo-

Sensei here," said Naruto who had suddenly appeared and then
disappeared again but now with Tenzo.

Shikamaru sighed. "Troublesome," he said as they continued

hopping tree to tree.
"Naruto? Where are we?" asked Tenzo curiously. They were in a
room with stone walls and no doors to be seen. In the middle of the
room was a stone table or a bed. Could actually be both.

"This would be my hideout. You can't sense this place even with your
Wood Style thanks to Kurama. I'd like to keep this place a secret so,"
said Naruto to which Tenzo nodded.

"You really have grown Naruto," repeated Tenzo.

"Hai hai. Lay on the table now," said Naruto as Tenzo did so.

"What do you plan on doing?" asked Tenzo as Naruto stuck a

Needle in his arm as some liquid poured inside that he got from a
scroll that came out of the ground.

Before Naruto could answer, he fell unconscious.

It had taken a day until Tenzo woke up. As he woke up, he

remembered the last thing he had seen. To his side was Naruto.
"Naruto? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. I just finished what Orochimaru started," answered

Naruto smiling.

"What do you mean?" asked Tento now more worried.

"Don't you feel the difference? Your Chakra reserves should be

much larger and your Lifeforce should be stronger as well as your
Wood Style. Well as strong as it could get… it still isn't close to mine
or even the First's," said Naruto a little disappointed.

Tenzo looked at his arms as he confirmed what Naruto had said. He

felt overall stronger and his Chakra reserves were truly larger. "This
is still better and somehow I don't feel any strain anymore," said
Tenzo thanking Naruto.

"Well, Orochimaru had done quite a sloppy job at best. Your body
had also gotten the hang of his cells but this is the best you can take.
Any more and it would destroy your body," explained Naruto as
Tenzo smiled.

"You have done quite a lot. I'm aware of your mission, maybe now I
can help y-" said Tenzo until he was interrupted.

"No offense but no. You may be stronger by quite an amount but I
still don't need any help. This is something I want and have to do
alone," replied Naruto to which Tenzo sighed.

"The best I can do is wish you luck then,"

"Hai. I should probably send you back to the Leaf. It has been a day
after all. You can also tell Tsunade-baachan what has happened
here but only in private," said Naruto as Tenzo let out a small laugh.

Unknown Place

It was a dark place. Very dimly lit. A small staircase of very few steps
lead to a king-like chair out of stone with someone sitting on it.

It was a man wearing an Akatsuki robe. Around the place could be

seen the Uchiha Clan symbol. Behind the chair were 7 red tomoe
around a Japanese Kanji. The person sitting had Jet-black hair tied
to a ponytail while his Sharingan was active. He also wore a slashed
Leaf Headband.

His cloak was unbuttoned to his mid-chest while his left arm rested
there. He was waiting for someone.

"So you've finally come," he said with hints of anger in his voice.

"Kukuku, this won't be the same as last time," said Orochimaru while
still in Sasuke's body. Suddenly Orochimaru was covered in a cyan
aura as his eyes turned purple with a vertical slit. Then Orochimaru
activated the Sharingan as the purple color traveled to his sclera
while the pupil in the Sharingan stayed in a vertical slit.
"Sage Mode…" he said now slightly doubtful of the events that were
about to occur. 'I should've taken Kisame with me… No… this is
something I have to do myself!'

Sate sate sate means well well well. Might come from Meliodas
from the Seven Deadly Sins hehe.

This was a somewhat filler Chapter you could say. Part 2 is

actually nearing its end surprisingly. I generally dislike extra
detailed fics with over 200k words to be honest so that probably
plays the biggest part of why this fics word count is so low.
That and the side characters being well… just side Characters.
Focused too little on them which can be seen as a mistake.

(Of course no hate for those who do like extremely long fics. I'm
the end, it all comes to taste. I also understand why people like
long fics but not really my cup of tea.)

As you probably have guessed, the next Chapter will be Itachi

vs Orochimaru and who knows what other battles will ensue…
Chapter 23
"As I said, this will go completely different than the last time," said
Orochimaru with his aura shining brighter.

Itachi stayed silent. He… wasn't happy to hear that his little brother
had fallen to the likes of Orochimaru. He decided that it was his fault
that Sasuke fell on Orochimaru's hands and that he had to deal with

Silently and quickly Orochimaru made his aura take the shape of
snakes as they were sent at Itachi's direction. Shockingly Itachi
couldn't react. The attack had been with no hand signs and the
attack itself was fast. Sure he could see it but reacting to it was a
different thing.

The snakes reached his guts electrocuting him as Orochimaru

rushed at him. Orochimaru alone was insanely fast and the Sage
Mode gave an insane amount of speed boost. He reached Itachi in a
flash as Itachi was able to react at the last second.

It was a fight of Taijutsu with Orochimaru being the obvious superior.

Sage Mode also boosted his strength by quite an amount.

"Enough," said Itachi as he jumped back. He evolved his Sharingan

to the Mangekyo Sharingan as Black flames spawned where
Orochimaru should've been but Orochimaru had been able to dodge
last second.

"Amaterasu huh? So you've finally decided to use your Mangekyo.

I'm sorry but I'm not stupid enough to go against your Totsuka Blade
and Yata Mirror. That's why they will fight for me," said Orochimaru
while Itachi was shocked. He didn't expect him to know about his
"Summoning: Edo Tensei," said Orochimaru as he put both of his
hands on the ground. Then four coffins started coming out of the
ground. When they opened, they revealed four legendary Shinobi.

"Second Tsuchikage, Second Hokage, Third Raikage, and the

Fourth Kazekage huh?" said Itachi as he sighed. This battle was a
losing battle.

It wouldn't take long for Itachi to fall. Then again he had done a well
enough job falling down while taking the Fourth Kazekage with him
but the Second Hokage had managed to slice his head off.

The Kage didn't have a mind of their own or could they think.
Orochimaru controlled them all. Orochimaru picked up the head as
suddenly an orange masked man appeared out of nowhere.

"Orochimaru. You have gotten quite far on your quest to obtain the
Uchiha power," he said as he stared Orochimaru down.

Instead of the old Sharingan, his eyes now had a completely

different pattern. It now had the shape of 3 ovals in a shape of an
atom. It was the Mangekyo Sharingan. With Itachi now gone so was
Sasuke's soul. All that was left were two different strange Chakra
that were trying to mix in his body which confused him since he
didn't recognize the Chakra although they were awfully familiar.

It was something Orochimaru had noticed before too but at the time
the Chakra was still growing. Orochimaru already had theories as to
what those Chakra were in his body which is why he let them alone
to grow in amount.

"Why thank you. But I don't have time to chat. See ya," said
Orochimaru as the Second Hokage teleported Orochimaru out of
there leaving one pissed masked man.

"Finally, with Itachi's eyes and Hashirama's Chakra I'll be able to

awaken the Rinnegan," said Orochimaru as he immediately started
transplanting the eyes.
As the eyes were healing Orochimaru kept feeling the two Chakras
trying to mix. He thought that maybe it was Hashirama's and
Sasuke's Chakra trying to mix. He figured that it was finally time so
he pushed his own Chakra with Senjutsu to help on the mixing and it
worked. The Chakra had mixed resulting in a massive amount of
powerful Chakra taking over his body as his eyes burned.

It didn't take long until his own Chakra mixed with this new Chakra
and his eyes stopped burning. His body felt much, much stronger
and his Chakra reserves were much larger than his already large
reserves. He opened his eyes as he looked at the mirror.

He started laughing. Laughing so loud the whole hideout heard him.

His eyes were now purple as a whole with a ripple pattern coming
from his pupil. As the legend had said, this was the Rinnegan. Just
like the one Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki, had.

He had observed Pain and how he fought during the obtaining of the
Jinchuriki so he knew what the abilities were. Now, he only needed
to train using them. And try and discover new abilities.

With Naruto

Naruto was slowly walking in a green area waiting for one of his
Clones to message him. It had been a few months since he left the
village and apart from the small missions he had done, nothing
exciting had occurred.

Suddenly he felt something he shouldn't have. The Hiraishin Mark on

Jiraiya. It alarmed him of the low Chakra Jiraiya had right now. It was
dangerously low. He sensed where it was and it was between the
Land of Fire and Wind. If it was the Akatsuki then Tsunade would
have told him.

'That isn't important for now,' thought Naruto as he teleported to

where Jiraiya was. He looked around analyzing the situation. Jiraiya
was pinned down by multiple black rods piercing his back. He was
barely breathing.
On a building above Jiraiya, six people were watching him. They all
had strange purple eyes and orange hair but also wore the Akatsuki
cloak. Naruto noticed that the piercings they all had on their faces
looked oddly familiar to the rods piercing Jiraiya right now. The
buildings around looked like the pictures he had seen of the Land of

With one handsign hundreds of Clones appeared on their Red

Lightning Mode and all disappeared in a second. The Six Akatsuki
only watched curiously.

Naruto's appearance then changed. He had yellow irides and toad-

like pupils, with red pigmentation around his eyes that extended to
his ears, as well as an additional round marking on his forehead with
a dot in its center. Then he was coated in yellow Chakra. His pupils
now also had a vertical slit resulting in a cross symbol on his eyes.
He had six magatama markings around his neck and had a bright
yellow Chakra Cloak similar to that of the Akatsuki's. The Seal on his
stomach was visible and several other dark lines extended all over
his body.

This was him using Sage Mode and Kurama's Chakra Mode. He
grabbed Jiraiya as he started ascending higher until a giant golden
Chakra Fox formed out of nowhere with Naruto and Jiraiya in its
head. Naruto left Jiraiya floating in the head as the Chakra started
healing him.

"You bastards. The Akatsuki has gone too far. You were going to
huge Tailed Beast Ball fueled with Kurama's Chakra and Senjutsu
formed from the Golden Fox's mouth. It grew in size until it was the
size of the fox himself.

Naruto got a signal from the Clones he had sent out before and fired
out the Jutsu. The explosion was huge as he had to work harder to
keep the explosion within the Land of Rain. The explosion lasted
about 10 minutes until it died out. By then Jiraiya had started gaining
conscious as his body was about healed by now.
"Jiraiya-Sensei!" called Naruto as he disabled all the modes.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" called Jiraiya out weakly.

"Well to save you of course,"

"Did Tsunade send you?"

Naruto growled. She should have been the one to send her. "No, I
sensed your Chakra through the Hiraishin mark. It alarms me when
your Chakra gets low,"

Jiraiya laughed. "Thank you, Naruto but this isn't over yet,"

"What do you mean? I killed all six Akatsuki. There can't be that
many more,"

"That was only one Akatsuki. Those six were dead bodies being
controlled by Nagato Uzumaki," said Jiraiya as he sat up.

"Uzumaki huh? You think he survived?" asked Naruto to which

Jiraiya nodded. "I see," continued Naruto as with a handsign another
500 Clones started forming from the ground. It took a little until they
were completely formed and then slowly disappeared.

"What are you doing?" asked Jiraiya curiously.

"I'm using an invisible Jutsu. With that, the Clones should have an
easier job to gather more information faster. They should be able to
use a lower level of Lightning Mode. Still not that good at using two
elements at the same time," said Naruto as he let out a small
disappointed laugh.

"You're one crazy student I must say," said Jiraiya laughing. "I'll go to
Tsunade now so you continue with the hunting the Akatsuki,"

"Jiraiya-Sensei I'm warning you. If you ever even dare to go after the
Akatsuki without me again… you don't want to know what I'll do.
Send the same threat to Tsunade-baachan too," said Naruto as with
a wave he disappeared.

'Jeez, that brat' thought Jiraiya as he looked at the area around. It

was all but a flat land covered in dust. He actually shivered at the
thought of going against Naruto. He had become another kind of

Jiraiya's thoughts interrupted as Naruto appeared before him.

"Naruto? What is it?"

"I'm just a Clone. Just here to inform you that all people of the Land
of Rain are safe in all of these locations," said Naruto handing him a
map with marked locations. "They should be safe as I built multiple
structures for them to safely stay in. Just thought I'd let you know.
Also, prepare a note on all the Akatsuki's abilities you know and then
I'll come and get it," continued the Clone as he disappeared again.
Jiraiya just let out a sigh.

He was glad that even at that moment his student wasn't blinded by

Unknown location

A masked man and a red-haired old man came out of a vortex. The
red hair seemed troubled but also tired.

"Where is Konan?" asked the red hair.

"She didn't make it. She is the least of your worries now," said the
masked man in a dark voice as a strange black substance suddenly
took over half of the red hair's body.

"What is this? What are you doing?" he asked now worried.

"That is none of your problems," came a voice from the darker

half of the red hair. It forced the red hair's body to move to clasp his
hands together. "Gedō - Rinne Tensei no Jutsu," it said as the red
hair's body glowed a bright light.

A body started forming out of nowhere as the red hair looked tense.
Then a green light shot into the body seemingly giving it life

The body was that of a man. His eyes were closed and had spiky,
black hair that had a slight blue tint to it. His hair was waist-length
with shoulder-length bangs framing the sides of his face. He also
had a face on the left side of the chest which was oddly similar to
that of Hashirama.

He 'looked' at his hands as he formed them into a fist. "Obito, you

revived me earlier than planned," he said looking at the orange
masked man.

"Not everything goes as planned. The Gedō Mazō has been

somehow stolen by what I assume was Orochimaru and the Kyuubi
brat had gotten stronger than what we thought,"

"T-that's… Uchiha Madara! The real one! You used me you bastard!"
said the red hair while trembling in fear.

He couldn't say anything else as Madara suddenly appeared before

him grabbing his eyes and placing them in his empty eye sockets as
he stabbed Nagato in the heart. It didn't take long for his eyes to heal
as Madara opened them. "So, another one awakened the Rinnegan

"Hai, he took over an Uchiha's body and implanted Hashirama cells

on himself. After awakening his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan it
seemed to have skipped directly to the Rinnegan," explained Obito
removing his mask. It was now unnecessary.

"Interesting. What about the Kyuubi brat?" asked Madara smiling.

"He is an Uzumaki that implanted Hashirama cells in him and was

more compatible with them than any other. His Wood Style seems to
surpass even that of Hashirama's. He also has Sage Mode and the
Hiraishin along with all five elemental Ninjutsu. To top it all he
managed to befriend the Nine-Tails and are now working together,"

"That is impressive. How many Bijuu are sealed in the Gedō Mazō?"

"Seven. The eight is probably being sealed about now,"

"Then we'll take the Nine-Tails. This Orochimaru will have no other
choice but come to us,"

"Are you sure you can take the Kyuubi brat?" asked Obito as he got
a stare back from Madara obviously insulted.

"I'll make preparations before taking him on but should be all but
impossible," said Madara letting out a little laugh.

With Naruto

A few months had passed since Jiraiya's near death. Naruto had
heard rumors from his Clones that Madara had been revived but he
believed it to be the masked man.

Another thing that he had heard was about Orochimaru. That snake
had killed every Kage minus the Hokage and had stolen the Eight-
Tails. Kurama had told him about the Ten-Tails so Naruto guessed
that he was next. Orochimaru needed all Tailed Beasts to awaken
the Ten-Tails after all. He was still glad that he left the Leaf
untouched however it still made the other villages suspicious of the

The villages had quickly named a Kage and had summoned a

summit of all the Kage. Naruto was also in it although they didn't
know it.

Thankfully, after a lot of discussions, Tsunade had managed to

convince them that the Leaf had no part in it and that they were
actually next with Naruto being the target along with the whole
village. They knew that Orochimaru would most likely kill everyone in
the Leaf after taking the Nine-Tails. So they agreed.

The villages formed an alliance to deal with Orochimaru due to him

now being the world's worst enemy. The armies had gotten together
and were ready to take on Orochimaru the moment he had shown
himself. Even Naruto didn't know where he was hiding but his
Clones were searching.

'Anyways, the Hiraishin works by entering a dimensional void to

instantly teleport. But what if I can stay in that void?' thought Naruto
as that was what he had been working on for the past few months.
That and using two elements at a time which seemed possible but
proved hard to achieve.

Staying in that void wasn't easy and the Chakra required to do that
was higher than just teleporting but it wouldn't be a problem for

The Hiraishin worked automatically and it put you in and out of the
void immediately so Naruto had to work with it a little more. He knew
that it wouldn't take long before he gets that down. Entering that void
might prove useful. The best place to escape after all.

He was in a room out of wood he had temporarily made to rest.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him. In an instant, he activated
his Lightning Mode and crushed the things head. It was some weird
white being. Definitely not human.

Another one came out as he destroyed it again.

"Namikaze Naruto, we aren't here to fight," said another one from a

little further away.

"What are you? Your Chakra feels oddly familiar to-" said Naruto as
he was interrupted.
"Hashirama Senju, hai. My name would be Zetsu and I'm created by
his cells. Anyway, you have been invited," it said. It had a white body
with no actual clothes. Green spiky hair and yellow eyes. It had spiky
protrusions on his shoulders and on his back it had zig-zag patterns
running down his midsections and legs.

"Invited? By who? For what?" asked Naruto curiously but still not
letting his guard down. He got a sick feeling from this Zetsu thing.

"By Madara Uchiha of course. The rematch of Madara and

Hashirama you could say. Just mark me and you can teleport to me
there," said Zetsu which got a laugh from Naruto.

"This just stinks like a trap but I'll play. I'll send a Clone first just to
make sure," said Naruto as Zetsu nodded.

Naruto had teleported in a flat area. He assumed this was the area
where he had used his Tailed Beast Ball. The Land of Rain.

He stood face to face to a legend. "Uchiha Madara. Well I'll be

damned I thought this would be a trap but it's actually you," said
Naruto as he stared at him. Just like in the legends he wore the
same clothes and the same armor. What was different though, were
his eyes. The same as the ones from the Akatsuki Jiraiya had
fought. Naruto had gotten a little information on what they could do.
The Rinnegan.

Summoning, Ninjutsu absorption, and some sort of reviving Jutsu. 'Is

that how Madara came back to life? Is the Nagato guy dead?
Reviving someone surely had to come at the cost of his life,' thought
Naruto. He suspected there were at least six different kinds of
abilities, Six Paths. Those were the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths
after all. One of them might be the rod creation that when stabbed
disturbed your Chakra. Also used to control dead bodies. There was
also the linked vision but all of these were shared with six bodies so
who knows if Madara alone could use all of those abilities..
Madara laughed. "Well you aren't as smart as I thought you'd be,"
said Madara as a barrier started forming around the two.

Naruto was about to laugh until he didn't… Now, he was actually

worried. This barrier blocked his senses. In other words, he couldn't
sense anything outside of the barrier which included the Hiraishin
marks and this barrier was no barrier to laugh at. He could just feel
the strength of this barrier. Because of this barrier, Naruto couldn't
even feel the marks on his Kunai.

"Sate sate sate. You did so much to prepare for me, I'm flattered.
Should've just said that you're scared of my Hiraishin. I won't use it in
this battle then I guess," said Naruto as he laughed a little.

Madara also laughed. "You're a brave one I like you. Sadly you aren't
one to change ideals and join me. A world of only peace,"

"That is impossible. There can't be a world where no one suffers.

There is always someone-"

"But not this time. With the power of all the Tailed Beasts and the
Rinnegan, I'll place everyone under a powerful Genjutsu and then
everyone shall live in their perfect worlds," lectured Madara at which
Naruto scoffed at.

"That's your solution? Illusions? Let's just get this over with. I
assume after I take you out and then those three outside the barrier
the Akatsuki will be no more," said Naruto as he looked at the three.
It was Obito, Kisame, and Black Zetsu.

"You sure are sure of yourself," said Madara as they both got ready
for battle.

They rushed at each other with Madara being the obvious faster one.
It seems like awakening the Rinnegan gave one quite the boost.
They clashed with almost equal force. Naruto had to increase his
use of Chakra to match with Madara as the area around started
shaking and getting heavier.
Blow after blow they kept testing one another. They were both
smiling. For Naruto, it had been a long time since he had had a right
battle same for Madara.

After every blow both got faster and stronger. Hitting harder as the
three spectators could barely see them until they couldn't anymore.
Well, except Obito, he had the Sharingan after all.

"You are quite fast Kyuubi brat," said Madara as he jumped


"Couldn't say the same for you," said Naruto doing the same.

Madara laughed. "Then let's kick this up a notch," said Madara as he

gathered Senjutsu with Naruto doing the same.

"Now that was a mistake on your part," said Naruto as he sensed

that his Sage Mode was as good as maybe Hashirama's but his was
three times greater.

"Oh really?" asked Madara as Naruto felt a kick on his stomach until
he got flown away.

'What the hell?!' thought Naruto confused.

"Be careful. He is using some kind of an invisible Jutsu to hit

you," said Kurama.

'But what? My Sensory Abilities are no joke, especially in Sage

Mode. Could it be a Rinnegan ability?' asked Naruto but Kurama
also didn't have the answer.

Again Naruto kept getting punched but he couldn't sense anything

no matter how hard he tried. 'This is bad. If it goes on like this I might
actually lose,' thought Naruto as Madara smirked. 'Maybe I don't
have to sense it,' thought Naruto again as he closed his eyes. He
relaxed his body not focusing on anything. He had to let his body act
on its own.
And that it did as his body automatically jumped out of the way. He
just let his instincts take over. After his body jumped out of the way a
couple more times he finally let out a smile.

"I don't know what you're doing but it won't work anymore," said

'What's this? He shouldn't be able to react to my Limbo. It exists in

another dimension!' thought Madara surprised. "Let's see how you
deal with this! Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!" he yelled as
with a hand sign a forest started growing and rushing at Naruto.

"Sate sate sate. Multiple ways to deal with this but I'll crush his ego
now," said Naruto smiling as with a hand sign a forest started
growing from his side too rushing at Madara`s Jutsu. As they
crashed, Naruto's Jutsu proved to be more superior and it seemed
as if it absorbed Madara`s Jutsu. It kept rushing to meet Madara.

'Damn brat he is actually quite strong,' thought Madara as he

decided to end this. He summoned his full body Susanooto guard
against the Jutsu.

"Well finally. Let's see what you can do oh legendary Madara

Uchiha," said Naruto as he waited for his move.

Madara smirked as both he and the Susanoo did a handsign.

"Tengai Shinsei," said Madara as a huge meteor started coming

"Seriously? Rocks?" said Naruto as he held his arm up high as a

flaming Rasenshuriken appeared growing in size. The size grew to
that of the meteor as it started compressing.

"You sure have a lot of Chakra," said Madara sweating.

Naruto smirked and threw his Jutsu high up as it went straight

through it and then expanded. It seems like Madara had not only
summoned one but three meteors but they had all been destroyed
by the flaming Rasenshuriken.

"You gotta try harder than that," taunted Naruto as Madara's

Susanoo grew in size again.

"This is the perfect Susanoo brat. Not many people get to see this so
enjoy this last sight," said Madara.

"My my this is where you'll face yet another loss. Must be getting
annoying to keep losing to the Senju," said Naruto as he had already
prepared his Jutsu. He held his hand to form a pure black orb with
black rings forming around it with the help of the three Shadow
Clones. "This is… Go-Yōso Bakudan! An improved one. Take this!"
roared Naruto as he sent the Jutsu in Madara's direction.

Madara tried to defend against it with the Susanoo's sword but it

easily broke as did his defense. As it exploded one the shockwaves
alone destroyed the barrier. The Susanoo together with Madara had
now been completely disintegrated. He then looked at the other
three while still in his Sage Mode.

Black Zetsu had already retreated and Obito was trying to escape in
his Kamui. "Not so fast. Water Style: Multiple Lightning Gunshots,"
said Naruto as out of the fingertips two balls of water covered in red
lightning formed at the tip of his fingertips with the help of the small
Chakra arms launched at both Obito and Kisame. It wouldn't be an
exaggeration to say that the Jutsu was faster than light. They didn't
even see it coming as their heads got blown off.

"Well, with this the Akatsuki is done for. Now-" said Naruto as he got
hit with a terrifying kick to the stomach. He went unconscious and
then conscious again in a few seconds. He didn't even sense or see
anyone hit him.

For the first time in a long time, someone had done actual damage to
him. He stood up with his head still dizzy and ringing. He looked up
to see a flying figure. He recognized him immediately.
Chapter 24
I'd like to start this chapter by replying to a few reviews.

The reason I killed Itachi is that Orochimaru needed his

Mangekyo Sharingan to gain the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.
That and Itachi would keep hunting Orochimaru because of
Sasuke. Then the Madara 'nerfing'. He wasn't nerfed, Naruto is
just that much stronger. Hashirama matched Madara as an
equal while Madara had the Rinnegan and the Hashirama cells.
When Naruto gained the cells of Hashirama you could think of it
as a fusion of Hashirama and Naruto. So, Naruto was just too
strong for Madara. He also had the full Chakra of Kurama.

Other than that thank you for all the support. The updating kept
getting slower and slower sadly but the story is also nearing its

Now I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Kukuku, Naruto you managed to defeat even the mighty Uchiha

Madara," said Orochimaru floating. After the fight with Itachi, he had
transformed back to his normal body although now he was still

His hair was now white in color and his skin was now gray. He also
gained a forehead protector-like appendage that emerged from the
left side of his forehead and had an upward curve on its right side
and a single horn on its left side. He was cloaked with a complete
outfit composed of chakra, with a pattern of six magatama below his
neck, and on the back of his cloak was a larger, black Rinnegan
marking with a pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of
three beneath it. Behind him were nine black orbs floating and on his
hand, he had a Shakujo in which in one end possessed a crescent-
shaped curve.
Naruto finally got rid of his headache. Orochimaru had really hit him
hard but now he could finally sense him now that he knew he was
there. He didn't know if it was a good idea to try and sense his
Chakra. It was enormous. 'How did he become the Ten-Tails
Jinchuriki? He doesn't have you?' asked Naruto confused.

"I don't know. He probably used pieces of my Chakra from one

of the monks in the Fire Temple or from Ginkaku and Kinkaku
so this isn't quite his full power," answered Kurama. "You must
go all out for this one Naruto" .

"So he brought them back huh? I should've taken care of the Sora
problem sooner then so that one is on me but you're right. He is
pretty strong now" said Naruto nodding. He activated him Kurama
Mode on top of his Sage Mode but now it also had a shade of a dark
red color. 'Also adding the Lightning Mode in this adds quite the
strain but I'm positive I can hold this for a long time,' thought Naruto.

"Going all out now are you?" said Orochimaru laughing a little.
Orochimaru then threw six rods around the two as a red firey barrier
started forming.

'This barrier… it has completely disabled my use of the Hiraishin,'

thought Naruto as he got ready to fight Orochimaru. He rushed
Orochimaru while Orochimaru just waited for him. Naruto threw a
punch just for Orochimaru to block his punch with his Shakujo.
Naruto widened his eyes as to realized something as he crumbled to
dust which flew away with the wind.

Another Naruto came out of the ground indicating that that Naruto
was a clone. "That Shakujo… contains all five elements? No, it
contains Yin and Yang too… You have really achieved power beyond
imagination, Orochimaru" said Naruto gritting his teeth.

Orochimaru started laughing. "I wonder what your next move will be,
Naruto. You can try anything you want but all will be futile before
absolute power!" said Orochimaru hauntingly.
'Absolute power huh?' thought Naruto. 'I'll have to assume those
orbs behind him are the same as his Shakujo. So, avoid them and
land a good hit it is,' thought Naruto. Suddenly Orochimaru had
appeared before him but Naruto anticipated that as he quickly
formed a flaming Rasenshuriken on his hand trying to hit him but the
orbs moved before Orochimaru forming into a shield to protect him.
Naruto jumped away as his Jutsu exploded.

'The orbs protected him? So, he can use them like that too huh?'
thought Naruto as the smoke cleared revealing a smirking

Orochimaru aimed his arm at Naruto as rockets formed around it

shooting at him. Naruto was able to react with the help of his Danger
Sense as he had formed a Wooden Dome around him. The rockets
hit the dome resulting in a great explosion completely destroying the
dome. 'Such explosive power!'

"Useless!" said Orochimaru. "You are no match against the power of

the Rinnegan!" he announced.

Unknown Building

There was a huge round table with five Kage sitting around it.

"There still haven't been any signs of Orochimaru…" said Baki, the

"There have been huge Chakra spikes at the Land of Rain. We still
don't know anything about that?" asked Kitsuchi, the Tsuchikage.

Tsunade shook her head. "No one has ever been on that land ever
since its destruction," said Tsunade.

"Which was done by your Shinobi," said Darui, the Raikage.

"It was Naruto and by doing that, he took out the leader of the
Akatsuki who is everyone's enemy here. He did that with no human
casualties too," spoke Jiraiya who stood behind Tsunade.

"Truly a fearsome Shinobi. Anyhow, we should send Shinobi to

observe the Chakra spikes from far away," said Ao, the Mizukage.

"There is no need for that," spoked a voice from seemingly


"Who's that?" came the voice from the Kages.

"Yours truly," answered the voice. Slowly the voice started revealing
itself. It was Naruto.

The Kage, except Tsunade, rose their guards. "That Jutsu… is the
late second Tsuchikage's Jutsu," said the Tsuchikage.

"You could say that but that is not important right now. I know where
Orochimaru is," said Naruto.

"What?!" asked Baki raising his voice a little. "Hokage, you are
allowing your Shinobi to just sneak in such a meeting?"

Tsunade couldn't speak since Naruto spoke first. "She didn't allow
anything and that is the least of your worries. Orochimaru has the
Ten Tails and the Rinnegan," said Naruto as everyone had obvious
shocked expressions on their faces. "Allow me to explain. While I
don't know how he came to obtain the Rinnegan, he obtained the
Ten Tails by combining the Chakra of every Tailed Beast and
became its Jinchuriki. He still isn't at full power though since he
doesn't have the Nine Tails,"

"You said every Tailed Beasts but that somehow doesn't include the
Nine Tails? How can we believe you?" asked the Mizukage.

"He only used a small amount of the Nine Tail's Chakra which
allowed him to revive the Ten Tails. Those Chakra Spikes you felt are
mine and Orochimaru's fighting right now," said Naruto.
"You're fighting right now? So you are a Clone?" asked Tsunade
which resulted in the Kage being shocked once again. A Clone had
managed to sneak in past their senses.

"Hai. Honestly, Orochimaru is quite strong right now even for me but
with the might of every Shinobi we should be able to defeat him and
believe me, you want him gone," said Naruto.

"We do. Everyone here does after all that he did. But it will take a
while to get to the Land of Rain," said the Raikage.

Naruto smiled. "Good. I assume everyone is ready to take on quite

the beating then?"

Back with Orochimaru

Naruto had prepared a Go-Yōso Bakudan and threw it at him.

Orochimaru smiled as his eyes glowed a shade of purple and
suddenly they switched places. Naruto had his eyes widened as he
found himself facing his own Jutsu. He tried blocking it but his Jutsu
was strong. The Jutsu exploded and Naruto poofed.

"How many more Clones do you have hiding, Naruto?" asked

Orochimaru grinning.

"Enough to take care of you. That switching places thing did surprise
me though. Another Rinnegan Jutsu?" asked Naruto.

"A special one" answered Orochimaru smiling.

Suddenly a huge army of Shinobi had just appeared outside of the

barrier. "Naruto what is this? Why didn't you teleport us inside the
barrier?" asked Tsunade who alongside the other four Kage stood
before the army.

"I can't. That barrier blocks my use of the Hiraishin. Don't worry you'll
get the chance!" answered Naruto while the Kage didn't like the
answer. They couldn't do anything but watch.
The original Naruto who was fighting Orochimaru now smiled. "I see.
But this has taken quite long so how about you taste my strongest
Jutsu you bastard," yelled Naruto as he clapped his hands together.
'Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Bomb,"

A wooden statue of titanic proportions started forming with the size

to easily dwarf even the Kyuubi or Madara's Perfect Susanoo.
Thousands of hands originate from the statue's back in countless
concentric rows, while its two main hands are clasped, as if in
prayer. The Wood had a shade of gold to show that it was also being
fueled by Kurama's Chakra while Naruto sat on its head. "This will
drain me quite a bit," said Naruto.

"You think this will take me down? Those Shinobi outside are also
just as useless. Bring it on!" said Orochimaru as he was excited too.

All thousands of hands launched at Orochimaru with insane speeds

but in front of the fists, Go-Yōso Bakudan were formed ready to
explode in contact. Naruto formed a wall of wood to not allow
Orochimaru to use his switching ability. Thousands of the bombs
exploded in contact creating a huge explosion.

Orochimaru focused as hard as he could to shield himself using

every orb to protect him but the force was too great. There were
countless Nukes and Wooden Fists that did great damage.

The explosion had lasted for so long and everyone had watched in
amazement. They knew of Naruto and how strong he was but they
never imagined someone could be this strong. The chances of
Orochimaru surviving this were slim. The barrier had shown cracks
until in the end it finally broke down.

The dust cleared out to reveal a heavily wounded Orochimaru. His

right side had been completely shredded and his left side was
covered in blood. The fact that he was still breathing was impressive.

He started laughing. "Naruto, you bastard. You truly are strong. This
has gone long enough," said Orochimaru with a serious tone as he
flew higher and disabled his barrier.

The army had just about given up. Even those who weren't sensors
could just feel the power they never imagined radiating from
Orochimaru. He achieved god-like powers. No, he was truly a god.

"Just fucking die already," yelled Naruto as he stood on top of the

wooden statue. He was in his base breathing heavily. All of his
Chakra was almost all gone. It was a really taxing Jutsu.

"You are the one dying tonight, Naruto," said Orochimaru who was
floating high above. The Shinobi all watched speechless at what they
had just seen. Not only had they just experienced the strongest
Jutsu they had ever imagined of, they saw someone survive the full
force of it. Orochimaru faced the moon which was blood red. Naruto
was confused as he watched what Orochimaru was doing. He broke
the forehead protector-like appendage revealing a third eye.
Somehow similar to the Rinnegan however it was red in color with
nine tomoe. "Infinite Tsukuyomi!" said Orochimaru with a handsign
as a bright light shined upon the world.

"Shit! Naruto, teleport in the void fast!" ordered Kurama in a

stressed voice.

Naruto didn't question it seeing how stressed Kurama was as he and

all the Clones teleported away instinctively. He couldn't even grab

"So this is the void?" asked Naruto. The place was completely white.
No floor no sky no nothing. He even questioned what he was
standing on. 'Could you refill my Chakra back to maximum?' asked
Naruto politely.

"It will take a little so wait here for a while," said Kurama as
Naruto nodded and thanked Kurama.

"Every five minutes I'll send a Clone to check on the situation," said
Naruto as he sent a Clone. It didn't take long for Naruto to get
memory feedback as Naruto's face cringed.

'That bastard, Orochimaru. Everyone is caught in cocoons. I think we

are the only two alive,' thought Naruto clenching his fist.

After the light had died out Naruto teleported back.

"I should've known you would survive. It doesn't matter though since
now I got all the Chakra I need to defeat you," said Orochimaru as
Chakra was flown into him while he was fully healed by now. Thee
Chakra was greater than even the Juubi's.

"He is stealing the Chakra of the people caught on the Jutsu,"

said Kurama as Naruto gritted his teeth.

Suddenly however behind Orochimaru a strange creature showed

up. It was Black Zetsu. It tried to stab Orochimaru in the heart but
Orochimaru stopped it by activating the Preta Path. "What were you
trying to do? You didn't actually think I'd let my guard down
especially against Naruto?" said Orochimaru as he fully absorbed
Black Zetsu and then had his eyes widen in surprise.

Naruto was confused by what had transpired just now but it didn't
matter. Now he just had to take down Orochimaru although he still
didn't know how he was going to do that.

Naruto using his full power started rushing at Orochimaru. Trying to

land just a punch in but failing to do that reminded him of the times
he trained with Tenzo. He tried as hard as he could but his opponent
was just that much better.

Orochimaru smirked. "After I defeat you I will release the Genjutsu

and then I can finally learn every single Jutsu there is. That includes
the Kekkei Genkai too. And then I will rule this world," as he punched
Naruto in the face making him fly a kilometer away.

Naruto was bloodied but was already healing quickly. He could finally
activate his Kurama cloak again and as he did that, he quickly
created a Go-Yōso Bakudan as it disappeared from his hand.
Suddenly an explosion appeared at Orochimaru's location.

Orochimaru had but a few bruises which quickly healed. "You

marked me when I punched you huh?" said Orochimaru
unimpressed. "I'll have some fun with you," as Orochimaru rushed at
him and kept hitting Naruto with his Shakujo just enough to hurt him
but not kill him.

Naruto however was used to the pain. While Orochimaru was busy
toying with Naruto suddenly a black orb surrounded by black rings
appeared in between the two as it exploded resulting in yet another
huge crater. It had caught Orochimaru off guard since he thought
that that Naruto was the original Naruto.

His right arm was the only part partially bruised but it had healed
instantly. "Honestly your Hiraishin sure is annoying but you don't
have enough firepower to kill me," said Orochimaru as Naruto

'He is too strong. That was a compressed one yet it did too little
damage. It takes too long to form just one of those too,' thought
Naruto panting as with a handsign he whispered, "Wood Style: Deep
Forest Bloom," as Naruto kept pushing Chakra while a dense forest
of flowering trees started growing until the surroundings had

He felt immense heat as underneath him was hot lava. Thankfully,

he could fly. "What is this? Genjutsu? No, Kurama would've broken
me out already and this heat feels too real. How did you teleport us
all to this place?" asked Naruto furiously. Obviously, it was a Space-
Time Ninjutsu greater than the Hiraishin.

"After absorbing that Black Zetsu, I came across the most useful
information,' said Orochimaru smirking. A black rift opened by the
side of Orochimaru and then also by Naruto as Orochimaru threw a
punch in said rift landing on Naruto's face. He had been too slow to
'The only way to kill that bastard is to use twenty or more
compressed Ultimate Go-Yōso Bakudan but that's impossible even
for me,' thought Naruto in stress. 'I am too slow and physically
multiple times weaker than him even after all these modes and all
my training. So many torturous training with weights and even after I
make myself lighter, I am still too slow,'

Orochimaru started laughing seeing a despaired Naruto. Orochimaru

sped at Naruto as he cut down both his legs with his Shakujo. There
wasn't even bleeding. Just an insane amount of pain. He tried
focusing his Chakra to heal but he couldn't. He used YinYang with
with Shakujo to disable his healing abilities. "What will you do now,
Naruto-kun?" asked Orochimaru taunting him.

Naruto poofed again as another Naruto appeared. "How many of

your 'Perfect Clones' do you have left, Naruto" asked Orochimaru

'Kurama, since he's using a Bijuu, you think sealing it would weaken
him?' asked Naruto.

"Fool, the Juubi is too strong for any seal. Unless you have an
idea for a really powerful seal?" asked Kurama curiously. He knew
that Naruto wasn't dumb to make a suggestion like that without
having an idea.

'Hai, use my and your Chakra with Senjutsu and Wood Release to
create a strong enough seal to cut away his connection with the Ten
Tails. It's worth a try,' suggested Naruto to which Kurama nodded.
Even he didn't know what would happen.

He held out his hand as a ball of red Chakra formed in his hand. The
last two Clones Clones rushed at Orochimaru as he easily took care
of them but that moment of distraction is all that Naruto needed as
he teleported in front of Orochimaru and shoved the ball of Chakra in
his stomach. Orochimaru's eyes widened as he figured out what
Naruto was doing.
Orochimaru focused on the Preta Path's ability to absorb Chakra as
in little moments Naruto's attack was fully absorbed.

"Fucking snake. Nothing works against him," yelled Naruto in


Orochimaru started laughing. "I admire you for your efforts," said
Orochimaru as he teleported himself and Naruto back to the original
world. "Which is why I'll end you in your world quickly. All Killing
Bone Ash," he continued as he aimed his palm at Naruto and a gray
bone shot out of it. With unimaginable speed, it launched at Naruto
and he wasn't able to react. With a single touch, it turned him to ash.
All the Clones were already gone and this was the last one.

"Finally! Naruto is dead!" celebrated Orochimaru holding his Shakujo

Chapter 25

"Naruto… do you still want to become even stronger?" asked

Kurama as he looked down on Naruto.

Naruto nodded. "Of course, I want to. No. I have to become stronger
if I want to protect the Leaf," said Naruto to which Kurama smiled.

"Good. I'll show you something so let me have control for a

little," said Kurama. Naruto without hesitation gave control over to

"Do you think it's time for me to open the seal?" asked Naruto.

"No, not yet. We'll do that at the end of the training trip. I believe
you are more than able to control my current Chakra. Same
should go for my full power. This "training" will be something
entirely different," replied Kurama as he opened the secret door to
the room where the Clones were training. He pointed to one of the
Clone training on Wood Style, "You. Follow me,"

The Clone followed Kurama until they were met with a wall. Kurama
weaved through some hand signs and the wall opened to reveal a
staircase down. 'What is this? I never knew anything about this,'
thought Naruto shocked. He built the entire base and it was a few
kilometers underground so no one outside could enter it. This base's
location was built using Kurama's idea though.

As they walked down the stairs Kurama opened yet another door to
reveal a dark room. All Naruto could make out was the table in the
middle. Using Fire Release, Kurama lit the candles around the room
revealing what was on that table.

'That's-' said Naruto too shocked to finish his sentence.

Kurama nodded. "That is the body of my father. The Sage of Six
Paths. After he died, Ashura and I brought his body here and we
are the only ones who know of this too. This place could only
be accessed by Ashura or those who possess his soul. That
would be you, Naruto" explained Kurama as Naruto was still
shocked by the new information he got.

'What do you mean Ashura's soul?' asked Naruto confused.

"It will all be revealed soon. For now, you will be implanting his
cells into you," said Kurama as Naruto listened carefully. The Sage
of Six Paths was no joke. He could die.

'Wouldn't his cells be too powerful? Maybe I should just implant the
eyes?' said Naruto slowly.

Kurama flickered him on his head. "You're the only one who can
do this. Not even Ashura would be able to take them. Ashura's
descendants are the Uzumaki and the Senju. But in the
Uzumaki, there are certain people who strongly inherit
Hagoromo Otsutsuki's, the Sage Of Six Path, power rather than
Ashura's. The only ones to do that were Mito Uzumaki, Kushina
Uzumaki and you, Naruto hence the white hair. But you were
special. You were born with that power while the previous two
had to train hard for those. You never found strange how good
your Chakra control is, despite how much you have of it?

Anyways, you didn't only inherit Hagoromo's powers but are

also Ashura's reincarnate which is probably why you were born
with those powers instead of having to train for them. Those
powers include extreme high Chakra reserves and control. You
also took Hashirama's cells into you who was the previous
reincarnate of Ashura so your body is definitely ready for this.
You are the only person who is compatible enough to do this.
You don't need his eyes as you will awaken your own,"
explained Kurama while Naruto absorbed all the information.
'Are the Uzumaki the only to be able to inherit his power? Why not
the Senju too? And why are Mito and my mother the only ones to
awaken them?' asked Naruto curiously.

"Yes, the Uzumaki are the only ones to show that ability to
awaken these powers. It could be hitting the Genetic jackpot but
I am truly not sure. Just have the Clone start the transplant and
it will all make sense soon," ordered Kurama as the Clone did just

As soon as the transplant started Naruto awakened in another

mindscape. He looked up to see a true legend. The Sage of Six

"I thought I would meet you since Kurama said it would all make
sense after the transplant started. Just wish he told me from the
beginning," said Naruto in annoyance.

"Namikaze Naruto. Thou have managed to befriend Kurama," came

a divine but impressed voice from the man floating before Naruto. He
was actually sitting in a meditating position while floating and under
him were nine dark black orbs while on his back was a Shakujo
where one end had a ringed hoop, while the other end possessed a
crescent-shaped curve.

He was a pale-skinned man, who had deep wrinkles and a strong

jawline. He had spiky, shoulder-length, pale brown hair, with a chin-
length, braided lock hanging in front of his left ear. He had had a pair
of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead
and his eyes just like in the legends were the Rinnegan while in the
middle of his forehead was a red Rinnegan like marking similar to
Orochimaru's third eye.

He wore a white, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black

magatama around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace
which was also made up of six black magatama. On the back of his
kimono was a larger, black Rinnegan marking with a pattern of nine
magatama arranged in three rows of three beneath it.
"Thou huh? Yes, Kurama is a good partner," said Naruto honestly
while smiling.

"Thou wishes power? Why is that?," asked Hagoromo curiously.

"Because in this world power is everything. Without power you get

bullied around and are too weak to protect your loved ones,"
explained Naruto.

"I see… While we wait for the transplant to be over, I'll have you
listen to what I have to say," said Hagoromo while Naruto nodded.
"My mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki, came from a faraway world to
consume the fruit of the Divine Tree. The Tree that you will
undoubtedly come to see. After consuming the fruit, she gained
powers beyond her imagination. Power that she used to subdue this

She used her powers to control the world so people both worshipped
and feared her. Later she gave birth to her two sons. Me, Hagoromo
Otsutsuki and my brother, Hamura Otsutsuki. We both fought mother
and sealed her in what you call now the moon.

Later the Divine tree, mad of the Chakra that we inherited from our
mother, transformed to its original form, the Ten Tails. My brother and
I fought it and then sealed it inside of me. Later I too had two
Childen. Indra being the older one and Ashura the younger one.

There was a big difference between these two. Indra, the one who
inherited my powerful Chakra, and Ashura who didn't. Indra did
everything alone and believed that with power could be done
everything while Ashura relied on everyone. It was then that I split
the Juubi into nine other entities. You who are Ashura's reincarnation
are nothing like him. While thou values friendship, thou also seeks
power. Thou are an abnormality I should say," explained Hagoromo
while Naruto listened carefully.

"I think power is necessary but so is friendship. Without power,

friends die and you can't protect them; that is where hatred is born. I
need power so that I can protect the village and possibly bring peace
to the world," said Naruto.

Hagoromo smiled. "Thou ways are different than mine or Ashura's.

Anyhow, I trusted Ashura with my power and named him the leader
of the Ninja Creed. Indra did not accept my decision and thus from
that day on, the two brothers fought. Even after death, their souls are
reincarnated into others. Indra to the Uchiha and Ashura to the Senju
and Uzumaki.

Indra was supposed to be Sasuke but he too started to change and

act differently than Indra. The cycle had been almost broken until
Orochimaru stole Sasuke's Body. This is why I plan on entrusting
you once more. You who are such an abnormality," said Hagoromo
as Naruto's eyes widened. Hagoromo placed both of his hands over
Naruto's head and as he closed and opened his eyes he was finally
back in the real world.

The Clone had been implanting cells into his body and stabilizing it.
It took years to reach this point until the original's body exploded into
nothingness. The Clone was worried that he had done something
wrong until a new body started forming out of nowhere. It was the
original yet he had changed so much.

His skin now more paled while his hair remained the same. He now
had a pair of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his
forehead as the headband loosened up and now rested on his neck.
His eyes were now different too. Purple with ripples coming from the
pupil. It was the Rinnegan.

He still wore the all-black tracksuit except now he had six bright red
magatama around his collar and red magatama markings around his
sleeve cuffs. On the back was a larger, red Rinnegan marking with a
pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of three beneath it.
There were also several golden lines on his coat.

Behind him, nine Truth-Seeking Orbs were floating while he was also
holding the same Shakujo as Hagoromo.
"Finally! Orochimaru-" said the Clone until he was interrupted.

"I know you idiot. I also got the memories. I'll go ahead and deal with
him now so you can release yourself," said Naruto.

"Right," said the Clone embarrassingly letting out a laugh as he


With Orochimaru

"Finally that bastard is dead!" said Orochimaru until he got hit and
flown away. "What the?"

"What? You couldn't even see me? Please did you really think you
would take care of me that easily?" asked Naruto as he appeared on
the battlefield. Orochimaru, confused, observed Naruto.

"You've changed. What is this? Your Chakra… I can't sense it…"

said Orochimaru confused. With all the buffs he had gotten he
should have been able to sense Naruto.

"Oh, you want to sense my Chakra? Here you go," said Naruto as he
stopped masking his Chakra. Orochimaru started trembling.

"This- how is this possible?! How do you have this much Chakra?!
Even I- no it doesn't matter," said Orochimaru as he shot another
one of his All Killing Bone Ash.

Naruto saw it coming as his eyes widened. He got hit in the stomach
and he started turning to ash while Orochimaru was laughing.

"Naruto, you idiot. You should've been able to dodge that. And
why are you acting all surprised for," asked Kurama.

'I know I'm just showing him that it's futile. Then again I was
surprised by how slow it was. I know I'm faster now but something is
strange with how I'm seeing things. It's all in slow motion,' said
Naruto while Kurama scoffed.
"Because your eyes possess the powers of the Rinnegan and
the Sharingan. Just like father's, your eyes are a Kekkei Mōra
not a Kekkei Genkai like Orochimaru's and Madara's. Its purity
is greater than even that of the Rinnesharigans" explained

'I see,' said Naruto as his body fully turned to ash.

"Hahahahahaha! You idiot-," laughed Orochimaru until Naruto

showed up out of nowhere. "What is this trickery?!"

"There is no trickery. Now I have a question for you. Did you really
think that turning me to ash would be enough to make me die?"
asked Naruto seriously as with the Seal of Confrontation pure black
Chakra chains came out of the ground and pierced Orochimaru's
legs and arms. Those were chains he could now create with the help
of the Rinnegan. "Now that I'm connected with all Nine Tailed Beats,
I'll undo this Jutsu," he said as with one handsign everyone started
coming out of the cocoons.

Orochimaru was furious but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't use

his Chakra because of these Chains. They stripped him away of his
ability to use Chakra.

Naruto flew to Orochimaru as he shoved his fist inside of him.

Everyone started regaining consciousness and saw what Naruto was
doing. Naruto released the Chains on Orochimaru's arms as he
commanded him to revive all the Kage and Jinchuriki he had killed
as he did so. He didn't have a will. He couldn't refuse anymore when
he stared at Naruto's eyes.

Then Naruto as if he grabbed something in his stomach he pulled it

out as all Eight Bijuu came out of him. Naruto then held his hand out
as it started glowing bright red. It was red bubbly Chakra as it started
getting bigger and bigger until Kurama was formed. He finally
released his friend.
"It shall now be your choice what to do. I have marked every single
one of you so should any one of you need help you can contact me
through that. You now have the choice," said Naruto as he looked
down on them and then at Kurama. "Kurama, my best friend. You
have been sealed for too long. You should also enjoy your freedom

Kurama nodded smiling. Everyone wanted to go back to their

previous places except for the Gyuuki. He had somehow preferred to
stay with his Jinchuriki. "Very well, now I shall teleport you to where
you wish," said Naruto as he did just that. Bee then fist bumped with
Gyuuki as it got absorbed.

Naruto then turned around looking at Orochimaru. "You still have the
Gedo Mazo in your body," said Naruto with a sigh as he summoned
the Gedo Mazo, and then it poofed. Naruto then used the Shakujo in
his hand to decapitate Orochimaru leaving his body on the ground
while he grabbed his head and burned it into ashes. He then turned
to everyone who was just watching, too stunned to speak. That
included the Jinchurki and the Kage.

"Since everyone is here I advise you to not go after the Bijuu.

Orochimaru over here is dead and you Kage are living thanks to me
as well as everyone here. I wish for the allegiance to stay as is and
stop the wars," said Naruto.

"The Raikage has a Bijuu but what about us?" asked Onoki. The

"Of course the Raikage can't use the Gyuuki as a weapon," replied

"So what? We just take your word upon it?"

Naruto sighed. "Why is it that you want to fight over everything. As a

Leaf Shinobi I promise to do everything to protect this allegiance.
That includes not letting the Raikage use Gyuuki as a weapon. But
I'm sure the Raikage would also want to protect it and not use his
brother, am I right?" said Naruto as he looked over at Raikage.

The Raikage nodded. The Cloud only had possession over a Tailed
Beast because he wished to stay with Bee. Anyhow, the Kage and
all the Shinobi World were thankful to Naruto. If it wasn't for him they
would've all been stuck in the cocoons.

Naruto turned over to Orochimaru's dead body and teleported it to

an unknown place.

"What becomes of his body?" asked Tsunade curiously.

"It gets burned to ashes. Should anyone come to awaken the

Rinnegan he won't be able to summon the Gedo Mazō that is
needed for the revival of the Ten Tails since I've sealed that with a
powerful seal in another dimension," said Naruto as he looked at the
palms of his hands. On his right was the sun seal and on his left the

Everyone nodded. Now with no threats to the world, everyone was

teleported back to their home villages by Naruto except the Kage.

Gaara approached Naruto. "Naruto, yet again you saved me. Thank
you for all you've done,"

"He's saved all of us. Son of Minato Namikaze, truly different from
your father but also kind. You had no reason to bring the Kage back
to life yet you did so anyway," said Onoki showing appreciation.

Naruto let out a little laugh. "With all the praise it gets a little
embarrassing. I honestly hope that it stays like this," said Naruto as
everyone else agreed.

Naruto turned around to Temari.

"So, this is how you will look like," said Temari.

"Well, I could always transform back to my normal self," said Naruto.

"Well, this is how you actually look like so you don't need to change,"
said Temari with a laugh.

"Thought you wouldn't like the horns," said Naruto. He shrank the
Truth-Seeking Orbs so he would only use them when needed.

"Oh nah. I know some use those horns could have," said Temari with
a wink blushing a little.

"You… what…?" asked Naruto confused. From the corner of his eye,
he noticed someone quite far away observing them. He only noticed
the man smirk and then disappear into a portal. He didn't recognize
him or his Chakra. That man seemed way stronger than he currently
was. Naruto sighed again as he knew that he would have to train
even more. There is always someone stronger.

Gaara patted him on his shoulder while the other Kage laughed.
"Let's go, Naruto,"

Naruto nodded as he teleported them back too.

This is basically the end of Shippuden. The fic is quite short

haha. I plan on continuing until Boruto and then going off with
my plot. Also, for those wondering how strong this Naruto is
then he would be equal to Adult Naruto against Jigen.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 26
After the war

Everyone was back in their own village. Naruto flew over the village
looking for Kakashi until he finally found him. He then flew to him as
he still had a job with him.

"The Lone Hero of the War," said Kakashi smiling.

Naruto sighed. He had by now been called many names. Savior of

the World. The Lone Hero of the War. etc and etc. While he did like
that he was now finally recognized and that he had managed to save
everyone, he still preferred being called by his name.

"I'm planning to fix your eye problem," said Naruto as Kakashi raised
a brow.

"What do you mean?" asked Kakashi confused by what Naruto


"Just close your eye," said Naruto as Kakashi did so. He placed his
hand on his forehead as he focused on his Chakra. "I'll be replacing
the DNA on your whole body and copying the DNA in your left eye to
make you its rightful owner. Technically you are now an Uchiha with
both Mangekyo Sharingan," explained Naruto as he let go. "Push
Chakra to both of your eyes,"

Kakashi's eyes widened at hearing what Naruto said. He raised his

headband as both of his eyes had the Sharingan and then the
Mangekyo Sharingan until they reverted back to the usual black

"The Chakra drain should also be dramatically lower and there

should also be a decent increase in your Chakra reserves. You
should be a lot stronger now especially your eye prowess due to my
special Chakra. Also because of that special Chakra, you don't have
to worry about going blind," explained Naruto.

"Special Chakra? DNA changing? You are truly the definition of

growing Naruto. I'll treat you to Ramen. Come on," said Kakashi as
they started walking both grinning.

Two years later

Kakashi was named the Sixth Hokage after Naruto refused the seat.
He had the brains for it and all but he wanted to stay as a Shinobi
first. In all honesty, the Hokage rank didn't interest him all that much
anymore. He had plenty of money by going on countless S-Rank
missions and completing them pretty quickly.

He increased the number of Clones that did the intelligence-

gathering greatly. The clones were used by all Five Great villages.
Having a shared vision with all Clones was annoying as hell but he
was able to cut that link.

During the two years, he had trained even harder. He had the ability
to create portals with the Rinnegan and had teleported himself to the
dimension Orochimaru had teleported him the last time. He had
found out that that dimension was linked with five other dimensions,
with one dimension having a massive gravity force. That is where 20
of Narutos Perfect Clones had trained. Raising the limit of Perfect
Clones every time and now he could do as much as 30.

He knew that those dimensions couldn't be Orochimaru's as he

probably couldn't create one. Not that fast. He guessed that those
dimensions were either Kaguya's or Hagoromo's.

He also followed some leads on everyone who had Orochimaru's

Curse Mark and either killed them or removed the Mark using the
Rinnegan. That led to having an Anko who was thankful to Naruto.

Naruto was in the village walking near a park enjoying the peace.
But he was bothered with Temari's behavior. At first, she seemed
pretty distant, and then suddenly she wanted to have a break. He
couldn't guess why so all he could do now was walk and enjoy the
fresh air.

It was dark and barely anyone was around. Then there was also a
new threat. That being the approaching of the moon to earth. He
wasn't sure why so that's why he hadn't acted. He could always
destroy the moon or just grab it and push it further away and stop it
from approaching but he didn't know the cause so he decided to
wait. Then there are also those puppets attacking the Hyuuga clan
but they were all dealt with.

His thoughts were interrupted by multiple unusual Chakra signatures

that weren't human around a Chakra signature that Naruto
recognized. He raised his head and looked surprised.

"Hinata? And who are you?" asked Naruto as he looked at the

unusual person that was grabbing Hinata's hand.

"It doesn't concern you. Hinata is coming with me," said the person.
He had white hair and pale skin similar to Naruto. He wore white,
high-collared kimono with a black obi, over which he wore a pale
green sash tied at the right shoulder. On the back of his kimono was
a yellow crest depicting a sun enclosed in a crescent moon. Beneath
his robes, he wore black fingerless gloves, long black pants, and
black shinobi sandals.

'His Chakra is different and those puppets hiding are the same as
those who attacked the head of the Hyuuga clan. Hmm,' thought
Naruto as he saw Hinata trying to fight back. Naruto seemingly
teleported before this strange man trying to punch him he went
straight through his body. Confused, Naruto grabbed Hinata and
jumped back.

"Naruto Namikaze, no, you are more Otsutsuki than you are human
now," said the mysterious person as Naruto gave him a confused
'Is this the same as Kamui? In that case, this should work perfectly,'
thought Naruto as he chuckled. He gathered YinYang Chakra to his
body as he rushed at him and kicked him. This time his attack didn't
go through him. The pale-skinned man had flown away a couple of
meters away. Naruto then opened his palm as a Shakujo appeared.

"I will return," he said as he disappeared. Then, multiple puppets

appeared in the air trying to attack Naruto but he was quick as from
his Shakujo, countless red Chakra orbs appeared and launched at
the puppets, erasing them in a moment.

"Are you okay?" asked Naruto looking at Hinata. Naruto then looked
at his side as Kiba was rushing at Hinata. "Kiba, good. I have to go
do something real quick so take care of her," said Naruto as he went
into a black rift that had appeared at his side.

"Y-you managed to follow me?" said the paled man surprised.

"Of course. My sensing abilities are nothing to joke at. That's why I
know you took that Hyuuga during that action at the park. Although
I'm surprised that someone actually lived in the moon," said Naruto
looking around a little bit surprised. "I guess I never tried to sense or
see if anyone did but that doesn't matter. Who are you and what did
you mean with your statement earlier?" asked Naruto with an
intimidating look. He could always just Genjutsu him and read his
mind but he decided to wait.

He sighed. "I am Toneri Otsutsuki and what I meant was just that,
you're more Otsutsuki than human,"

'Hmm… if the Otsutsuki aren't human then Kaguya was really an

alien of some sort which made Hagoromo half-human. Seems like I
took more of his Otsutsuki DNA than the human,' thought Naruto as
it made more sense now. "Since you live in the moon then, are you
the one making it move? Also, what do you want with Hinata and her
sister? Just so you know I plan on getting her out of here," said
"I'm taking Hanabi's eyes to awaken the Tenseigan and plan to marry
Hinata," said Toneri as Naruto sighed.

"This is all too confusing but you are putting the earth at risk. I don't
care why you are doing it but you'll stay here isolated and forget
about the earth. I don't plan on asking twice," threatened Naruto.

"You are strong no doubt about that. Truly surpassed both Hagoromo
and Hamura. But the humans have gone against-" said Toneri as
Naruto appeared before him.

"I said I don't care why you're doing this. Is it because you have no
eyes?" said Naruto as he placed his hand over his forehead. "Here
take your original eyes. Don't mess with the earth,"

Toneri jumped back as his eyes opened. "What is this? This is the
Tenseigan but how?" asked Toneri demanding to know.

Naruto shrugged. "Might be because of my Chakra. Honestly, I don't

care. What is your next move?"

"Destroy ea-" said Toneri as without being able to react Naruto

appeared before him and grabbed him by his face. He then picked
him up and threw him to the ground causing the whole moon to
shake. Toneri's body was forced in the ground as jet-black chains
came from the ground and pinned him down.

Naruto then stepped on his chest as he crouched holding his

Shakujo over his neck. "Think your next words really carefully. I'm
not one who takes a threat like this lightly. Do you want me to
destroy the whole moon with you in it?" said Naruto in a calm voice
while his face was serious.

Toneri was sweating. He didn't expect him to be this fast or strong.

Naruto had fooled him. He only let a certain amount of Chakra leak
out making everyone think that he isn't as strong as he is. And now
his Chakra was disturbed by the chains and they also halted his
movement. He was at Naruto's complete mercy. "Hagormo's
descendant. Fine I will leave it to you. I didn't want to let the revival
of the Ten-Tails happen once more,"

Naruto smiled as the chains dissipated into the air and let him stand
up. "Don't have to worry about that. The Gedo Mazō is sealed and
can't be summoned by anyone except me,"

"Very well I shall trust you. I won't let the moon come near the earth
and I too will never make a move on the earth," said Toneri as
Naruto once again smiled.

They shook their hands. "Good. Maybe you can even visit earth
once as long as you don't cause a scene. Anyways, I'll take Hanabi
and will let you do your thing," said Naruto as he went into his portal.

Back at the Hokage's office, Kakashi was startled by the sudden

appearance of Naruto with Hanabi. She was still unconscious.

"Take her back to the compound," said Naruto looking at an Anbu

that was hidden. He had done just that. "The moon should have also
stopped approaching now," said Naruto looking at Kakashi.

"Surprised you knew that but it's you after all," said Kakashi also he
let out a small laugh.

"Hai hai. How's the Hokage life treating you?" asked Naruto letting
out a laugh seeing an almost dead Kakashi.

"Very well as you can see. But I am still training so I'm definitely not
getting rusty," said Kakashi as Naruto opened his eyes a bit wider.

"Ho? I definitely will want to test you but not now. I've got something
to do right now," said Naruto as Kakashi also let out a sigh.

"Temari?" asked Kakashi and Naruto nodded.

"I heard what happened. You need anything?" asked Kakashi again.
"No but thank you," said Naruto as a rift opened on his head and
then swallowed him whole.

Temari was on the balcony as Naruto suddenly appeared. By now

she had gotten used to the whole suddenly appearing so she wasn't
startled. Although it was unexpected.

"Naruto," said Temari as Naruto crouched on the fence.

"Temari," said Naruto as they stared at each other. Naruto waited for
Temari to say anything but nothing came. "I'll get straight to the
point," Temari sighed. "Why do you want a break? I think I deserve
an explanation here,"

"Because…" Temari was struggling to get her words out. "Because

you don't seem to love me anymore. Ever since that war, you've
changed a lot and it wasn't just your body. You've become more
emotionally distant," explained Temari as Naruto's eyes widened. He
then sat on the fence of the balcony letting his feet hang.

Staring at the moon he started wondering. 'Have I really become

more emotionally distant? The feelings I have for Temari… they are
certainly different from what I felt before…' thought Naruto.

"Do you love me Naruto?" asked Temari as Naruto still kept staring
at the moon.

Naruto wasn't sure himself. He really didn't know.

Temari's tears started flowing. She had guessed it but didn't want it
to be true.

Naruto now stood on the fence ready to jump off. "I'm sorry," he said
as he did jump away. Jumping from roof to roof. "Is this the price to
pay for power?" said Naruto to himself as he looked at his hand
forming a fist. He knew it was over with Temari yet he couldn't even
cry. He knew he liked her but he wasn't sure he was actually capable
to love.
Naruto stood on top of the Hokage Mountain. Then he started
flowing above and above until the earth could be seen as a big round
ball. "I've made up my mind. If I can't have love then I'll have even
more power," said Naruto again to himself as he started flying
swaying at quick speeds. He didn't know if he should do what he
was about to do because of Temari but if he can't have her then he
didn't care.

After an hour he had already flown through multiple solar systems

until he found the right planet. Before him, was a big green planet.
Naruto flew close and close until he stood on this green planet. All
you could see were plants and trees. A planet full of Nature. He
made sure that no being with a conscience lived here until he stuck
his whole hand in the ground. The whole planet started shaking until
it started shrinking. It shrank until the whole planet had turned into a
dark red fruit to the size of his hand.

"Two more fruits full of Nature Energy and I'll be one step closer,"
said Naruto as he ate the fruit. As soon as he started eating it, he got
filled with so much Chakra it had tripled his own.

Naruto flew to two other planets similar to this and had eaten them.
"Now with this amount of Chakra I'll be able to finally reach the time
and place I need," said Naruto as a rift opened by his side. This was
a modified version of his normal Yomotsu Hirasaka. This did not only
teleport you to another place but it also teleported you to even
another time. This being about 14 billion years into the past. He
needed the Chakra of three planets to travel that far back. But this
was also outside of the universe.

Naruto right now was about to witness the creation of the universe.
All the surroundings were black. He was excitedly waiting for the
universe to be created. Believed it to be nothing but natural but he
was wrong. He was very wrong. Suddenly a being that resembled a
man appeared. He was pure of light. Only bright light. This being
didn't seem to notice him. Or rather didn't care for Naruto being
there. This being reached out his hands as on his right hand
appeared a blue flame and his left a red flame. He fused these
flames together and Naruto knew what was about to happen.

This was a much, much higher level of Creation of All Things. That
man was creating the universe, no, the multiverse with that Jutsu.
Naruto started sweating as the amount of energy he was sensing
was basically infinite or near it. He quickly opened a rift and went

'Was that god? That was god, wasn't it? Holy shit. Oh, I better get
this started,' thought Naruto as nine Truth-Seeking Orbs appeared
on his back. Then they moved and joined themselves to create
another bigger Truth Seeking Orb that started getting bigger and
bigger. It went through Naruto as he was now basically inside it. It
was a huge field with grass with a lake near him. The Truth Seeking
Orb could still be seen from the inside but it started going farther and
farther away until all that could be seen was a sky with the sun in it
and other stars and planets further away.

Then thirty Perfect Clone appeared before him.

"Listen up everybody. This new dimension I created has a massive

gravity force that makes it hard even for us to move in. Use Chakra
to the minimum and every time it gets easy to move you increase the
gravity. Train as hard as you can and create as many new
techniques as you can. Master all techniques you create. Don't
forget that what we got from Hagoromo was not power but potential.
Unlimited potential. I'll travel back to my time and will release you.
Also, keep in mind that time in here moves much slower than in the
real world so it will surely take a long time," explained Naruto as all
the clones nodded. Naruto smiled as he went into his rift again and
he was finally back on the Hokage Mountain.

Now he had to think about this god-like being that he had seen. Who
knows if he was evil or not. If he was a threat then Naruto was sure
he couldn't do anything to him. Even with trillions of years of training.
So many changes in this chapter. People are going to be angry
about Temari and Naruto breaking up but I needed that to
happen with the direction that this fanfic will take. Naruto will
now surpass the likes of Isshiki easily but the likes of Isshiki
aren't the main goal or main enemies here. I'm planning to write
a few more chapters until Naruto plans to move on and travel to
other universes. Now, this is where you guys come in. If there is
a crossover that you really like that you can recommend it to
me in the reviews. I would prefer something like DBS, Marvel,
DC universe, or even the Misfits of the Demon Academy. Maybe
even Bleach actually. Still recommend any crossover you think
would be cool and at what point I should start at (which arc in
the crossover universe).

Keep in mind that this will now be the fanfic that I work on the
sidelines. The main fanfic I'll be working on will be a Naruto
Uchiha fic that will come out sometime soon. I'd like to write a
few chapters first and then start uploading. Look forward to it!
(Although it might take two months or three haha).

Also for the people disappointed with me going in this direction

you could also take the Naruto from the last chapter as the
ending of this fic. He would still train and become Hokage by
the Boruto era. At that point, even Isshiki won't stand a chance.
I thought it'd be boring with Naruto always having it easy so I'll
be adding custom characters to make Naruto struggle more
until he decided to cross over.

Thank you all for reading!

Chapter 27
Naruto was sitting on the Fourth Hokage's head in the Hokage
Mountain. He was thinking about what he was about to do while
looking up at the starry sky. He was worried. Worried that he would
come to trillions, probably even more years of information.
Processing that information wasn't a problem for him, the Rinnegan
helped him with that. What worried him was the possibility of the
information actually changing his whole personality.

The possibility was slim as all the Clones did was training and all but
it was still there. Who knows how all that time could affect someone?
He stood up with the hope that everything went as planned. He gave
the sky one last look as a rift opened behind him with him going

As soon as he went inside he fell flat face down. The Clones had
raised the gravity force too much for him to stand even with Chakra.
If it wasn't for the Clones reducing it, he would've most likely been

He stood up dusting his clothes off as he looked around while his

body was quickly healing. He looked surprised as he didn't see his
expected 30 Clones. No, what he saw was way more than that. He
expected progress but he didn't expect the number of Clones to rise.
The Clones were all into groups of ten with countless groups all
around the dimension. So far away that he couldn't even see them.
He didn't even want to wonder how many Clones there were.

What was even stranger was that he could sense the Chakra these
Clones had. His Sensing ability surpasses everyone's by far yet
these Clones could mask their Chakra so well that not only could he
not sense it, he couldn't see it with his Rinnegan.

"Good work you guys," said Naruto as he proudly smiled looking at

them. With the seal of confrontation, he released all Clones. At this
point, his body would change and information would pour into his
brain. A light would shine on his body brighter than the sun.

He could now sense the Chakra he had, as he was unable to sense

the Clones before. The amount of Chakra he now had… he couldn't
sense its limit. He quickly processed all the new information as he
was glad no physical change would undergo his body. He looked at
his hand as he stopped holding his wild Chakra back. He now had
mastery over things he had no idea he would. The Chakra while still
holding it back would go wild in the dimension as cracks would start
appearing all around the vast dimension.

Naruto looked around as the cracks quickly started to enlarge as he

finally figured out what was happening. His Chakra was too dense
and too much for this dimension. The Clones had forcibly
suppressed their Chakra the whole time as they had no need to
release it in its entirety. Naruto finally started holding it back and
started releasing it only in small amounts to heal the dimension.

'So my Chakra can do that now huh?' Naruto sat down in thought.
Soon after he raised his head and finger as a new idea popped into
his head. 'I'll seal most of my power for a while until I need it.
Running around as a universal nuke wouldn't be a great idea,'
thought Naruto as he did just that. Naruto looked at his palms as he
still had the usual moon and sun seals. The hands were shrouded in
red Chakra as he held them over his stomach. Soon his whole body
started shining in a red Chakra until it died down.

'Great,' thought Naruto as he smiled. He was still much stronger than

he was before yet he had sealed nine-tenths of his power. He
created a rift again and went back in.

"Yo Kakashi-Sensei," said Naruto as he suddenly came out of a

portal. Kakashi casually looked up to see Naruto. He wasn't
surprised to see him.

"Ah, Naruto. Just the person I was looking for," said Kakashi as
Naruto raised a brow.
"Some kind of special mission now?" asked Naruto as Kakashi

"Your Clones have noticed children being sold," announced Kakashi

while Naruto looked a bit surprised.

"Kakashi-Sensei, I don't see how that is a S-rank mission. It's terrible

but I'm sure other Jonin can handle that," said Naruto as Kakashi

"Ma ma, don't rush now. Your clones believe that a secret
organization has bought them. Even though they tried as hard as
they could, they couldn't find the people who bought those children.
This screams of the organization that you gave up on," explained
Kakashi jokingly at the end although there was some truth to that.

"I didn't give up. An organization like that was just impossible to find.
All I found was their name, Kara. I know they'll make their
appearance and I'll be there when they do," explained now Naruto
having raised his voice a little. He didn't like being accused of giving

Kakashi looked at Naruto and just gave it up. "Anyways, the Clones
think it's highly likely that there is a connection to the Kara. The
mission is A-rank with a high possibility to become S-rank," said
Kakashi while Naruto's eyes widened.

"You are sending ME to an A-rank mission?" said Naruto but he

looked at Kakashi's convinced Look and sighed. "Fine," he said
looking away defeated.

"Also, I've noticed that you are somewhat alone in the village so I
was thinking about giving you a partner," said Kakashi as Naruto's
head snapped back. Kakashi already had his answer.

"Me? A loner? Please… also you know I'm not doing a mission with
a partner no matter what you try," argued Naruto as Kakashi let out a
sigh of defeat. He had already tried multiple times to get Naruto a
partner but he always refused.

Kakashi handed out a scroll. "Here are all the details. I expect you to
get out early morning. Also, Naruto," said Kakashi as Naruto looked
now with more concentration. "We don't want anyone knowing you
are on this mission, please wear a disguise,"

"Hai Hai, although this is a first, I'll do it," said Naruto showing that it
wasn't a problem for him. "Good night, Kakashi-Sensei," said Naruto
as he got out.

"Well then, I guess I'll start this mission right away," said Naruto to
himself as something then got his attention.

Naruto started walking in the direction he had sensed a group of

people. As he slowly arrived there he made himself known.

"Hello," said Naruto waving at the group. They were in a park in the
leaf. They seemed to be good friends as they were talking and
laughing together. There were nine of them.

"Naruto?!" said the blonde woman shocked with the others similarly

"Yep, that's me. Ino, everyone" said Naruto greeting again as the
others also said hello. The group was Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata,
Kiba, Shino, Neji, Lee and Ten Ten.

He had, with some, few more experiences than with the others.

"So you've finally shown yourself. Become too famous for us eh,"
said Shikamaru after a few seconds to break the silence.

"What? No… I… just have my reasons," said Naruto looking down.

He didn't have any good reason to have basically avoided them.

"Shikamaru!" yelled Ino as she punched him from above his head.
"I'm sure Naruto just didn't have time. He did the most S-rank
missions in the Shinobi history after all. And that all alone too," said
Naruto as the others nodded. Many have heard of Naruto's
achievements. Hard to miss. Although his greatest achievement was
the Shinobi War.

"Ha ha ha," Naruto let out an embarrassed laugh. "So you've heard,"
Naruto continued

"Why don't you treat us to BBQ," came a voice from Choji. Ino was
annoyed at Choji. They hadn't seen Naruto in a while so Ino was
scared they would scare him away. The others were surprised at
how Choji really just said that. They expected an excuse from Naruto
but surprisingly Naruto accepted.

"Sure," said Naruto while they widened their eyes but quickly smiled.

"Yosh! Naruto your flames of Youth shine brightly at this time of

night. I will gladly accept your offer," said Lee with his eye basically
on fire.

"We shall gladly accept it too" came a voice from Neji with Ten Ten
on his side. Soon everyone agreed to go and Choji knew the perfect

They had all found their place to sit and soon ordered their food.

"So, Naruto. How are you doing?" asked Neji while others were also
talking to each other. It was noisy, to say the least.

"Good. As you know, I've completed quite an amount of missions so

I'm financially great," explained Naruto as Neji nodded and smiled.
He was glad to see Naruto be good but everyone knew about his
situation with Temari but they also knew not to mention her.

The hours went on and they all talked to each other. Naruto was
certainly pleased with how this night had gone and was elated that
he didn't go on that mission too soon. But all good times have to
Naruto stood up as everyone suddenly looked at him. "I'll have to go
now if you excuse me. I have an early mission tomorrow and it's
quite important," said Naruto as they all understood.

"I see. Don't be a stranger Naruto," Ten Ten said as everyone

nodded agreeing with her.

Naruto laughed a little. "Hai hai. Eat all you want everyone.
Everything is on the house," said Naruto as they looked confused.

"What do you mean, 'on the house?" asked Choji. He came here
quite often and knew the owner and he knew that wasn't Naruto.

"Oh, I bought the place as we came in before. You don't have to

worry about buying anything," said Naruto as everyone looks
dumbfounded. Naruto turned away and walked away.

Naruto woke up and quickly looked into a mirror. This was the first
time he had to disguise himself. He was wondering how a normal
Jounin would look. His white spiky hair would now turn into a brown
color as it got a bit longer. He now had jaw-length bangs framing
either side of his face. His skin started gaining more color as it now
looked more like a normal human being. His horns started slowly
retracting back into his head. Slightly painful but this level of pain
was nothing for Naruto.

He couldn't deactivate his eyes so he just put a strong illusion over

his eyes. The kind of illusion even the Byakugan or the Sharingan
wouldn't be able to notice. His eyes now were now black. His
Clothes were made of Chakra so they quickly changed form to look
more like a Jounin.

Naruto smiled as he looked in the mirror. He now looked like a

completely normal Jounin. The Hidden Leaf Headband that laid on
his neck he now pulled up and used it as one should use a
Headband. He covered his forehead with it.
He then headed out for his mission. It was in one of the towns he
had created with his Wood Style after destroying the Hidden Rain.
Naruto created a huge forest in the village yet rarely anyone visited
it. The civilians now all had houses they could live in. Solid houses
that they couldn't destroy or burn even if they wanted to. Even those
previously homeless had a house now. The Hidden Rain now was
just multiple towns some near another the other further away.

The town he was visiting was in a forest further away from the forest
of the Hidden Rain. It was moderately big. Some houses were
further away from the town but still counted as part of the town. The
house which had sold a child was one of the houses which were a bit
on the outside. Surrounded by trees. He first went to the town which
had some shops.

The town wasn't lively in the least. It had one shop and another
liquor shop. There was barely anyone talking around in the streets.
The Jounin tried to go into the shop but sighed to see it was closed.
Then he went to the liquor shop that was quite near the normal shop.
He stood in front of the shop to see a bald man in his thirties.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Shinobi," said the bald man who seemed
to relax just outside his shop.

"Oh, you recognized this huh?" asked Naruto although it was a

rhetorical question. "What can you tell me about the house in that
direction? The house is basically the only house that stands alone
surrounded by trees," said Naruto to surprise the old man.

"You mean Kokatsu's house?" he said and Naruto nodded guessing

that was his name. The Leaf didn't have any information on the
people living here. "He was a Shinobi of the Hidden Rain. After it
was destroyed by that damn Namikaze, he fell into depression and
became a drunk. He used to send his son to buy alcohol here but
now he just pays someone to bring it to him," he explained as Naruto
was in thought.
Naruto ignored the comment against him. He could've guessed they
didn't like him. He wouldn't like it if someone destroyed his village but
then again it was better than killing them or leaving them on their
own. At least they have a house to live in. But now wasn't the time
for that.

"He is a drunk yet he can pay someone to bring alcohol to him?

What about his son?" asked Naruto.

"I don't know that much. I don't like talking behind peoples' backs but
I think he sold his own son. I wouldn't leave it past him," he
explained as he gritted his teeth. He had a daughter of his own and
he couldn't imagine selling his own daughter. For no amount of

"I see. Thank you," said Naruto as the man nodded.

Naruto had enough information for now. His plan was now to just go
and question him himself and get any information on the buyer. He
knocked on the door and soon after someone opened the door.
Before Naruto had knocked, he put an illusion on himself. He
changed his clothes to look more civilian-like and masked his
headband. He knew that he was a Shinobi and he wouldn't like a
Shinobi from the same village that had destroyed his village.

"What do you want?" said the man who looked like he was in his
thirties or forties. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was a bit
fat or at least fat for a Shinobi. Normally a Shinobi would stay fit but
this man didn't look like he cared.

He was drunk, Naruto could sense that but he could hold his liquor
quite well. Naruto said no word and quickly pushed him with his open
palm inside. Naruto then took a step forward and went inside and
closed the door behind him.

"Now you've done it, bastard," said Kokatsu who was about to rush
him but he couldn't move. He could barely move his head down to
see that his and Naruto's shadow were connected. "Y-you are from
the Nara clan?" he asked shocked.

Naruto quickly released his illusion. The illusion he put before he

knocked on the door. "Not exactly. We are just from the same village.
I had the privilege to learn under them," explained Naruto as
Kokatsu clicked his tongue. He lied of course. He was just able to
copy it during his training.

"So, tell me… who did you sell your son to?" asked Naruto as his
voice got darker and shadow covering his blue eyes.

"This is about Kawaki? Should've said so man," said Kokatsu as he

was a bit more relaxed. As relaxed as he could be under Naruto's
gaze. "Listen man, I can't tell you about him. He made sure to let me
know what would happen if I told anyone about him," he said
shivering a little at the thought.

Naruto sighed. His senses were heightened so he could sense that

the fear this man felt was quite immense. He could just inflict greater
fear but that would require too much work. He released his illusion
over his eyes to reveal the Rinnegan. The man looked shocked to
look at his eyes but before he could even exclaim, the eyes had
claimed his mind.

Naruto looked at his memories like he would read a book. He saw

Kawaki and the abuse this man put him through. He saw the man
who bought Kawaki. He wore a robe and only revealed his chin
which had a diamond-shaped seal on it. He could now only wonder if
this was a skilled enough seal user to be able to hide from Naruto.
He quickly edited his memories, deleting anything abnormal he had
seen which was his Rinnegan. He quickly edited them to make him
think that he was here for Kawaki's disappearance and that Naruto
had quickly regarded it as unimportant and that the Leaf couldn't
bother with it.

After he was done editing the memories he looked at the path that
they had taken. The path that Kokatsu saw them take. He followed
the path as he could smell the slight scent they had left. The man
and his followers. He followed it until the scent suddenly disappeared
in the middle of the forest. 'Teleportation Jutsu? No, this is where he
started hiding his scent really well. He succeeded with it but one of
his followers failed to do so,' thought Naruto with a smirk.

Naruto slowly followed the scent. He could sense where the scent
was leading to and sighed that no living being was near the area. It
didn't take long to find the place. The place had three hangars which
all stood next to one another. All surrounded by trees.

Naruto stood before the huge door. He slowly opened it and the
lights automatically went on. He could now see the whole room. It
was empty however at the end of the hangar stood two pillars which
Naruto found odd. They were out of place. He approached the
pillars. They were three meters tall and stood parallel to each other.
Naruto touched one of them as he slowly stroked it.

'This was used to open a hole in space and time. I can't find the
coordinates,' cursed Naruto as he stuck his fingers in the pillar and
then formed into a fist quickly destroying the pillar. He looked at the
other pillar and stomped his foot on the ground. The ground would
start cracking until it reached the pillar and it started crumbling.

Naruto went into the other hangars and quickly realized those
hangars were used for storage. Mostly medical stuff to draw and
analyze blood. He couldn't find any blood sample so he gave up on
finding anything worthy. His head quickly snapped to observe
outside having sensed something.

Naruto silently moved to the door hiding behind it yet still observing
what was happening outside. He saw a pale man coming out of a
black hole with a robe he wore he never thought would see again.
He lacked any teeth and had numerous Sharingan all over his body.
Three Sharingan were on top of his head and he had two others on
his eye sockets. Naruto could also sense other Sharingans'
implanted all over his body. One on each shoulder, one on each
pectoral, one on each tricep, five along the back of his left forearm,
and one on the back of his left hand. His right eye His right eyelids
were held open by eight stitches, and the Sharingan housed within
was noticeably bloodshot with the darkened sclera.

Beside him stood a basically younger version of the man except he

had light blue hair and only had two Sharingan. He wore light blue
kimono shirts, grey obi, white pants, and black arm guards and
boots. Behind his back, an Uchiha clan crest emblem was

'Uchiha and Akatsuki?' thought Naruto as he heard the man say


"Where is Naruto? I know Jigen said he was here," he said as he

looked around.

"Jigen? Who is he and what do you want with me?" asked Naruto as
he slowly walked out of the hangar and stood before them.

"Who are you? You don't look like the legendary Naruto Namikaze,"
said the man, and Naruto looked confused until he realized what he

"Right, you don't recognize me like this," said Naruto as his

appearance started reverting back to what he originally looked. His
Rinnegan was back shining brighter than ever. His hair returned to
its original length and white color. His skin was now pale again and
his clothes returned to the black tracksuit and the red markings of
Six Paths.

The man grinned. "I'm here to take your Rinnegan," he said flatly
which surprised Naruto. He didn't expect him to actually tell him that
and there is the fact that no one had even dared to target his eyes.

"I see. Who is Jigen?" asked Naruto which caused the opponent's
arm to twitch a bit.

"You don't need to know that," he said preparing for battle.

"Before you start a futile battle and seal your fate, tell me your
name," asked Naruto as his pale-skinned opponent grinned.

"My name is Shin Uchiha and this is my biological Clone, my son,

Shin Uchiha," answered the older Shin which caused Naruto's eyes
to widen a little.

"I know you Shin and you are no Uchiha. You are just someone who
could absorb DNA with no fail. I hunted you after Orochimaru's death
just like I did with everyone he knew but you are the only one I
couldn't find. I assumed you died," said Naruto who didn't have a
slight expression of anger. He only seemed impressed and happy
that he could crush yet another of Orochimaru's subjects.

Shin's eyebrows lowered and pulled closer together and his jaw
tensed. His son would quickly rush at Naruto with a huge Kunai in
his hand. It didn't take long for him to reach Naruto's location and
tried to stab him with his Kunai. He aimed for his stomach and
grinned at seeing Naruto not react.

The Kunai was millimeters away from Naruto's stomach and his grin
grew wider as he knew his victory was sure. He reached his stomach
and he pushed faster and harder only for the Kunai to snap into
pieces. His eyes widened and so did his mouth in shock. Naruto had
an evil smile on his face as he grabbed Shin's face and formed a fist
completely crushing it. Blood splurted everywhere as anything else
could not be identified.

Older Shin looked in shock. No one should be able to tank a sharp

Kunai like that. Not like he did, as relaxed as he was. One must use
Chakra to reinforce your body to shatter something like that. 'I'm a
fool. I should've never opposed someone like that' thought Shin with
great distress shown on his face. Suddenly on his right eye, a vortex
started forming and sucking him in.

"Like Kakashi's Kamui huh? I wonder if he has intangibility," said

Naruto to himself as Shin had completely disappeared. Not wasting
any time, Naruto went into a rift of his own.
He looked around as he was surrounded by a countless amount of
younger Shin. He sensed the surroundings and now knew where he
was. This was the Land of Snow. It would explain all the icy
mountains and the icy hideout. The original Shin stood on top of an
ice pillar observing Naruto.

"I didn't expect you to follow me here but I guessed there was a
chance. It was a mistake," said Shin grinning.

"Was it now?" asked Naruto thinking of a way to crush them all. "You
love the Uchiha, don't you? So much so that you decided to take
their name as your own. I'll crush you all with the Uchiha's power,"
continued Naruto as Shin looked confused by what he meant.

Suddenly, Naruto was shrouded by red Chakra as it started taking

form. It looked humanoid and it was growing in size. It grew in size
until it towered over everyone in there. It possessed a sharp tengu-
like nose and a jagged mouth, giving it a demonic appearance. This
humanoid's hair resembled Naruto's spiky hair and its eyes shined
purple due to his Rinnegan. It had gigantic wings and two
unsheathed swords on its waist. It was the perfect Susanoo.

A giant perfect Susanoo that shined with a dark red color through the
battlefield terrified everyone. Naruto who was in the crystal on
Susanoo's forehead looked down at them. He slowly unsheathed his
sword yet even though they had time to prepare, they didn't. What
could they do to prepare for this?

"You.. are too strong. This is truly an unwinnable battle," said Shin
gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. Suddenly a vortex appeared
on Shin's right eye which started sucking him in.

Naruto glared at him with his Rinnegan shining a bright purple. "You
aren't going anywhere," said Naruto as the vortex quickly stopped
and dispersed.

"What did you?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Shin yelled in desperation.
He couldn't run. He couldn't do anything but wait for Naruto to act.
He now stood before absolute power unable to do anything but await
his death.

"Goodbye, Orochimaru's last experiment," whispered Naruto as with

a swing of his Susanoo sword everything was cut in half without fail.
Naruto escaped into his rift not needing to even see the result of his
slash to know if anyone survived. He knew no one survived.

"Naruto? That was quicker than I thought. Report," said Kakashi as

Naruto sighed.

"… and that's about it," said Naruto having explained every step of
his mission.

"I see nothing on Kara yet then?" asked Kakashi as Naruto shook his

"Other than their leader most likely being this Jigen, no," said Naruto
as Kakashi was the one who sighed.

"Well, with that done we have to talk, Naruto," said Kakashi which
made Naruto raise a brow. "It's about the missions that you are
completing at an alarming rate," said Kakashi laughing it off a little.

"I see. Let's go out then. I also want to see how strong you have
gotten since you've been training," said Naruto as Kakashi agreed.

Naruto teleported Kakashi and himself to an unknown forest.

"Oh? Where is this?" asked Kakashi curiously. He had never seen

this place before and Kakashi has been pretty much everywhere on

"Oh this is another planet close to our solar system," said Naruto
nonchalantly while Kakashi was speechless but by now he had
gotten used to Naruto. Naruto had recreated the planets he had
absorbed before with his Creation of All Things. He felt bad for
removing a whole planet from this galaxy so he just created them
again. "You can let loose," said Naruto as Kakashi now got a more
serious look on his face.

"Very well then," said Kakashi as his eyes morphed to that of the
Mangekyo Sharingan but instead of the usual red, it was now gold.
10 Truth Seeking Orbs appeared floating on his back.

"Ho? You have mastered Six Paths Senjutsu huh?" asked Naruto as
the answer clearly stood before him. He was surprised. Didn't think
Kakashi would come this far.

"Your Chakra helped a lot. It gave me enough Chakra Control to

create a Perfect Clone. Although it gives me excellent Sensory skills
I'm surprised I still can't sense your Chakra," said Kakashi as Naruto

"Well, I have to constantly suppress my Chakra or else terrible things

would happen," said Naruto as he laughed seeing Kakashi's
reaction. "Let's start this then"

Kakashi got in his fighting position as soon as he heard Naruto say

that. Naruto just stood there as usual with his hands in his pockets.
"What? No modes?" asked Kakashi insulted by Naruto.

"I'm always in the Senjutsu state and I've gotten so used to it I don't
think I can even turn it off. As for Lightning Mode and all that… well I
don't need them," said Naruto as Kakashi prepared to take off.

"We'll see," said Kakashi rushing at Naruto with blinding speed. He

went for a punch straight to the face but Naruto grabbed his fist and
with his other arm flickered him on his forehead as he flew what felt
kilometers away. Naruto teleported behind him to stop him.

Kakashi quickly shook his head and jumped away. 'What the hell?
This strength… and why didn't my Kamui work?' thought Kakashi.
He kept thinking of anything Naruto could've done to ignore his
"Wondering why Kamui didn't work?" asked Naruto as Kakashi's
eyes widened. Naruto knew exactly what he was thinking. "YinYang
Release does wonders. Those Truth Seeking Orbs of yours could
also bypass your Kamui just like how I just did. I just didn't need
those orbs," explained Naruto as Kakashi now understood it.

Kakashi only had very limited control over YinYang Release and that
was only via the orbs. "The Kamui surely is annoying though," said
Naruto with an evil grin on his face.

'What is he planning? No matter, I just have to not rely on Kamui,'

thought Kakashi as he rushed at Naruto with a dark-colored Chidori
aimed at his stomach. He held eye contact with Naruto as it seemed
like Naruto wasn't going to move from his place. 'Does he plan to
take it head on? Sorry Naruto but I hope you can heal from this,'
thought Kakashi as he pushed his Chidori through his stomach.

It went through. Easily. Too easily. Kakashi felt no resistance

whatsoever. He continued to push as he went through even further
until his whole body went through him too. 'That's… ! Then this
should work,' thought Kakashi as he sent his orbs to attack Naruto
but to his surprise, they also went through Naruto. Due to shock, he
couldn't regain his footing as he fell on his back.

"Are you now wondering what that was?" asked Naruto as he looked
down at Kakashi. Seeing a nod from Kakashi he continued, "During
my years of training I developed many abilities. One of them was a
replica of the Kamui. The Truth Seeking Orbs or YinYang Release
can attack things in other dimensions too. Your Truth Seeking Orbs
however cannot hit me because the dimension where I send my
body is too far away for anyone to reach. Outside of this universe
and multiverse,"

Kakashi's eyes now widened. There is never a time when you can
get used to a guy like this. Every time you think you got used to
Naruto, he pulls something else out of nowhere. "Multiverse? Do you
mean there are other universes out there? How many? How do you
even know this?" asked Kakashi.
Naruto sighed. "I'll explain so listen carefully," Kakashi nodded.
"Good. So, after I broke up with Temari I decided to get even
stronger. What did I do to achieve that? I drained multiple planets to
have enough Chakra to travel to the past by modifying my Yomotsu
Hirasaka. I traveled to the beginning of the universe or rather the
whole creation. I saw this bright light shaped like a human who
started the Creation . I got a little scared so I teleported away and
created a dimension where I had 30 Clones train. In a dimension
where time flowed slower. Until I traveled back to my time and
released those Clones. Now I can basically sense an infinite amount
of universes out there. That's basically it," explained Naruto as
Kakashi had a more serious look.

"You are saying there is a God out there? A GOD?!" asked Kakashi
raising his voice a little as Naruto nodded. "You think this God would
go against us?"

"I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like he interferes with mortal matters.
Although he does like to watch and listen," said Naruto yelling the
last sentence out loud.

"He's watching us?"

"He's watching everyone and everything. I don't like his watchful

eye," said Naruto while Kakashi just laid there and accepted it. A few
minutes ago everything

was normal…

"You don't have to worry about him. There is a threat like the
Otsutsuki that we still have to deal with and I don't know where to
start yet," said Naruto as Kakashi agreed.

"There are the Kaguya's or Hagoromo's dimensions," suggested

Kakashi while Naruto thought about it.

"Hmm. I did visit all dimensions but I never really looked for anything
suspicious. Do you want to come with me? Another mission?" asked

"Sure. My Clone is working in the Leaf," with Kakashi agreeing

Naruto teleported himself and Kakashi away.

They visited dimension after dimension until they arrived at the

Snowy Dimension. It was a dimension that had a castle in it. Naruto
and Kakashi both went inside.

A strange castle indeed but both of them had excellent sensing

skills. Both knew no one was here. It took them a while of searching
until they found a scroll.

Kakashi grabbed and opened it. His Mangekyo Sharingan was still
activated but he still couldn't even start to decipher it. Naruto took a
look at it until Kakashi hid it away.

"What are you doing? I can easily decipher it," said Naruto but
Kakashi had something else in mind.

"Naruto I wouldn't be surprised if you already got all of its contents,"

said Kakashi while Naruto looked away snickering. 'This guy…'
"Anyways, this is the reason I wanted to talk to you. The Shinobi
world is relying too much on you. The village is even running out of
S-Rank missions because of you. All Five Great Villages mostly rely
on you when it comes to information gathering. Jiraiya even retired
and only does research for his novels. All the Kage have discussed
this and we have decided it's better if you lay off a little. Let us
struggle. Let us do the work,"

Naruto looked down, saddened. He liked having people rely on him.

If they took that from him that what else did he have?

"Now now don't worry. There is always the Otsutsuki which you can
take care of," said Kakashi but suddenly Naruto's senses started
screaming as his eyes widened and he looked up.
"What's wrong Naruto?" asked Kakashi worried. It's been a while
since he had seen Naruto this worried.

"I have something to do. I'll explain later but I have to go. I'm sure
you can get out of this alone with your Kamui," said Naruto as he
quickly went into his rift.

Unknown Place

"To think we would be forced to come to this planet so soon… I didn't

think anyone with so much Chakra existed in this work although it
seems like he isn't here at this moment, Kinshiki" said a pale-looking
guy floating up next to a similar paled guy who was bulkier. He had
pale-blue hair which he kept in a long ponytail. His hair was parted
down the middle in a zig-zag pattern, and his head was adorned with
a pair of flat, curved horns which resembled bull's horns. He had
delicate facial features and his eyebrows were cut very short

"Hai, Momoshiki-sama," said the bulkier man. He had short spiky

blue-greyish hair, a full beard, and a longhorn above his left eye. He
had big hands and a burly physique accompanied by a towering
height that reached over two meters.

Both were floating above what they called a beast. A Nine-Tailed

Fox. This fox was done charging a Tailed Beast Bomb as he threw it
at them. Momoshiki stood before it as he stretched out his arm to
absorb the Bomb. "Right back at you, vile beast," he said as he
stretched his other arm up and a similar Bomb started forming. It
reached its original size but it didn't stop there. It continued growing
until it doubled in size. Then Momoshiki threw it at him.

" Bastard," said Kurama as his own Jutsu now stood against him.
He expected it to hit him as he closed his eyes but it didn't hit.
Confused, he opened his eyes to see a man he knew very well. "
Heh, Naruto. Took you long enough, "

Naruto was smiling as he saw his old friend again. He absorbed the
Jutsu as he then looked up at the two strangers. Naruto was
levitating beside Kuramas head. "Long time no see friend,"

" Truly. Sadly not the time to talk. Be careful of these two. I am
sure you have gotten stronger but I am unsure how much
stronger. Knowing you, you are on whole another level, " said
Kurama smirking.

"I'll make us time to talk," said Naruto as he looked at them. " Don't
move, " he said now in a more demonic voice as his Rinnegan
shined brighter. The two Otsutuski struggled to move even an inch.

" Heh. So how have you been doing? " asked Kurama now
ignoring the two strangers.

"Pretty good actually," he lied. "And you? Are you enjoying his
freedom?" asked Naruto.

" That bad huh? And I am truly enjoying the freedom. It feels
good, " said Kurama having known that Naruto was lying.

"Leave it to you to see right through me. It's not bad though so you
don't worry friend," said Naruto as Kurama smiled knowing that there
isn't anything that Naruto can't go through. "I'll take care of these
fools now," said Naruto as he held out his fist.

Kurama did the same as their fists clashed. Both smiling now, Naruto
flew higher as he kicked both strangers making flying away until a rift
started opening and taking both Otsutsuki inside. Naruto waved
Kurama goodbye and went inside the rift too.

This was another dimension Naruto had created. It was a copy of the
real world except it didn't have any living beings. Naruto then
released the Jutsu allowing them to move.

"I didn't know an Otsutsuki was on earth except for Kaguya and
Isshiki," said Momoshiki as he spat out blood.
"Isshiki? I know Kaguya and she is long gone and I'm a human, not
an Otsutsuki. Who are you?" asked Naruto. He saw that Momoshiki
didn't expect this answer.

'A human this strong? He rendered both of us powerless with simple

Genjutsu. He is not someone to take lightly,' thought Momoshiki as
he gritted his teeth. "Well then, I'll show you the Otsutsuki way!
Kinshiki!" Momoshiki called holding his palm out. Kinshiki only
nodded as he started flying towards his hand. Flying at such speed
one would think he would crash but he didn't. Instead, he stopped at
Momoshiki's palm and was turned into a fruit.

'Does he plan to-' thought Naruto but his thoughts were quickly
interrupted as Momoshiki did just that. He ate Kinshiki which had
turned into a fruit.

A huge amount of steam erupts from Momoshiki as he begins his

transformation. His Chakra flexed as Naruto could feel its density.
The steam quickly cleared as it revealed a new and improved
Momoshiki. His body became lithe and covered with radiating black
markings that resembled sunburst patterns, his horns greatly
enlarged and curved back, he grew short claws on his fingers and
toes, and his canines extended and resembled fangs. His eyes
which were the Byakugan turned golden as did the Rinnegan on
both of his palms. He also awakened another eye on his forehead
which was a golden Rinnegan also.

"Incredible transformation. Still, it sickens me to see something like

this. I mean seriously, eating your partner?" said Naruto almost
throwing up.

"I wonder what you did to achieve your strength human," said
Momoshiki as he rushed at Naruto.

"I never ate a living being but there is a first to everything. I'll show
you how it feels to get eaten," said Naruto as he floated backward
easily dodging Momoshiki's attacks. Naruto then jumped back as he
held his palm out. Less than a second later a pure black orb formed
with spiraling rings around it. It was the Go-Yōso Bakudan. Now

He threw it at Momoshiki but Momoshiki only smiled. He held his

hand out against the Jutsu and it got absorbed in a matter of
seconds. Momoshiki quickly copied the Jutsu and return it back to
the human. The power in his Jutsu was obviously greater as he
threw it at Naruto.

Naruto grinned. He liked a challenge. He looked at the Jutsu with his

arms crossed as the distance between the Jutsu and him lessened
quickly. He was planning to take it head-on.

"Leave it to inferior creature coming up with stupid ideas," said

Momoshiki thinking that this was over.

The Jutsu hit and it expanded. The size of the explosion was
immense. There was no way Naruto could survive that. At least
that's what Momoshiki thought.

The smoke cleared as it revealed Naruto in mint condition. He had a

demonic smile this time as he rushed at Momoshiki. He grabbed him
by his throat and lifted him up. This all happened in a matter of
seconds and Momoshiki couldn't react in time.

'Such power. I'll make it mine…' thought Momoshiki as his Chakra

flared and started invading Naruto's system.

A strange mark started appearing on his right side as Naruto looked

confused. He observed the mark with his Rinnegan as he now knew
what it was doing. It contained Momoshikis DNA and planned to take
Naruto's body over.

"Clever plan. If that had worked you would've surely become

powerful. But sadly it didn't work," said Naruto as Momoshiki look at
him confused. Surely Naruto was bluffing.
It didn't take long for Momoshikis's face full of confidence to turn into
a face full of horror. Naruto had completely overpowered the mark
and had burned it off.

"How?!" yelled out Momoshiki as he barely had any strength left in

his body.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is my promise to you. I shall now

show you how it feels to become a fruit and get eaten," said Naruto
with his demonic smile as Momoshiki slowly but surely turned into a
fruit that Naruto had quickly eaten. He could feel his body changing.
While his Chakra reserves had barely grown. Like adding a
millimeter to thousands of kilometers but he could feel his body
upgrading. 'Ho?' thought Naruto as he noticed something.
Byakugan. Naruto's Rinnegan stayed the same while the veins on
the side of his eyes now started bulging as he now had a flawless
360 vision.

'Well, this barely helps me. Something is still bothering me… This
Isshiki guy, who is supposed to be on earth with Kaguya. I wonder if
he has connections to this Kaara group. They have managed to
escape my Clones for too long now and not everyone can do that.
An Otsutsuki being their leader would make sense. The mark on that
guy's chin was similar to the mark on my palm but also similar to
Tsunade's seal. Then again the Seal Momoshiki tried to give me
contained his DNA and soul so he tried to take over while Tsunade's
seal only stores Chakra. This Jigen guy either uses Tsunade's seal
or this Otsutsuki mark.

Maybe I shall personally interfere,' thought Naruto as he teleported

back to his earth.

I know the story is moving quite fast. I have to work on my

pacing which I hope will be better in my next story. I still have a
story prepared for Naruto until he can cross over. Personally,
Demon Slayer is not something I enjoy watching or reading
(while I still completed it) so I was thinking of some other
crossover, maybe One Punch Man. Haven't decided on that yet
as I'm still working on completing this story first.

Now I know this story isn't one of the best stories out there but I
think it's the experience that matters. I'm writing a Naruto
Uchiha fic that I think has better writing. I still don't know when I
will start uploading though. I will update this story here and
there but honestly this Naruto is just too strong but I will try and
make it entertaining for the arc to come and then eventually the
crossovers. Some recommendations to which anime/manga I
crossover still needed!

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